Who is Maxim Galkin? “She died in the Holy Land”: Maxim Galkin remembered his mother and showed archival photos

Maxim Galkin - who doesn’t know him? Undoubtedly, he is a very bright and talented comedian, parodist, TV presenter, showman, actor and even singer - many professions that the still quite youthful artist has mastered. In addition to the fact that Maxim took part in many famous musicals, he also constantly performed on the Blue Lights of the main federal television channel.

It is a rare concert of this artist that goes without a sold-out crowd and a full hall, which every now and then explodes with applause, laughter and delight from the audience. Those who have attended his concert at least once become his fans forever.

All his fans want to know not only the details and subtleties of the comedian’s private life, but also try to understand how he achieved such extensive success in such a short time. long time.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maxim Galkin?

On the Internet you can often find queries about what the basic parameters of this person are - height, weight, age. How old is this famous, rich and attractive man, mainly interests the female half of his fans.

Well, calculating the artist’s age will not be difficult at all, knowing his date of birth. So, Maxim will be born in 1976, which means that he is already 42 years old - he celebrated his birthday at the beginning of summer this year. If you add up all the details of his current life, you can get further confirmation that at forty, life really just begins.

If we talk about height, Maxim is a fairly tall man - 180 centimeters. And the approximate weight is kept at 75 kilograms, which suggests that it is very well built.

Biography of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin was born near Moscow in the summer of 1976. The parents of the future celebrity were models of intelligence - father Alexander Grigorievich held the high rank of colonel general, headed the Main Armored Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and was also a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Mother, Natalya Grigorievna, was a prominent scientist, had a PhD in physical and mathematical sciences, and was also involved in earthquake forecasting at the RAS Institute of the same name.

When the boy was three years old, his family moved to Germany - this was due to his father’s military career. However, they did not spend in a European state more than a year, and soon moved to Odessa, where Natalya was born and spent her entire childhood. Already in this Ukrainian city by the sea, Maxim went to school and found his first friends. Due to the fact that the future artist had an expressive character and a cheerful disposition, Maxim was extremely popular not only with his classmates, but also with his teachers. In addition to regular school, little Galkin also attended art school, as a result of which he acquired good drawing skills.

Over time, his family had to move again. This time to a military town in the Transbaikalia region. There wasn’t much for the children to do there, so little Maksimka began to express himself with great pleasure on the stage of the amateur theater.

The boy was very interested in zoology, until one day he happened to see a gutted pigeon. Maxim’s next hobby was carving animal sculptures from wood. Then he laid them out on the world map, according to their habitats. Among other things, he loved to design and, like all boys, adored the toy railroad.

Already from childhood, Maxim began to stand out among his peers with his special charm, ability to please others and a brilliant smile that captivated more than one girl. By the way, the girls adored him, but he was unable to enter the boys’ circle. It is worth saying that Maxim did not try to appear more mature and increase his authority by smoking, as a result of which he was very different from the other “cool” guys of those times. Galkin generally adhered to healthy image life, was an easygoing and non-aggressive child and tried not to upset his prosperous family with dubious antics. Also, the guy really loved and respected his class teacher.

Maxim Galkin’s biography as an artist began as soon as the baby turned four years old, when in kindergarten at one of the matinees he played the role of a chicken, earning his first applause that time. As for school plays, in them he chose rather complex roles - there was Ostap Bender, and King Solomon, and even an old alcoholic. Often school friends they egged him on to imitate the director, some teacher or classmate. He showed the first such show on puppet show, independently voicing all the dolls.

When he was thirteen, Maxim saw the performance of Gennady Khazanov and tried to parody him. And he did it simply brilliantly. He was also very successful in skits with parodies of Gorbachev.

In addition to his already large set of hobbies, Maxim briefly became addicted to writing in the fantasy style - the humorist was creating a fantasy novel, “The Power of Darkness,” which told the story of the population of a fictional country. He even put together a map of the area and depicted some of the characters. Unfortunately, he did not finish his book, but it was this passion that influenced Maxim’s choice of a higher educational institution.

All his friends were sure that after graduation Maxim would go to drama school. But the guy surprised them by submitting documents to the most ordinary Humanities University. There he learned Spanish, German and Czech languages. Among other things, his talent for linguistics has repeatedly helped the artist out at performances, concerts and benefit performances, making his performances even more vivid and impressive.

In 1998, he became a graduate student and did his PhD work on comparative analysis original and translated texts from Doctor Faustus. However, Galkin never completed his graduate studies, leaving the university and leaving work on his degree in 2009.

Creative activity and career of Maxim Galkin

As a parodist, he presented himself on the university stage back in 1994. The future artist was noticed and invited to perform in the main troupe of the pop theater in the then famous program “Debuts, Debuts, Debuts” with parodies of the most famous politicians of that time.

In 1999, Maxim Galkin had already formed his own circle of fans who were looking forward to his next public appearances with great impatience. In the same year, he went on his first tour with veteran comedian Mikhail Zadornov. It is this satirist that the man now calls his godfather and a mentor in the field of humor, satire and comedy.

Galkin's debut solo concert took place in Vitebsk in 2001. At the same time, he received many different awards and prizes, among them “Triumph”. Since then, Maxim begins to give concerts on a regular basis, and not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries.

Very soon the young comedian began his career as a TV presenter. His first attempt at writing was the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, popular in the early 2000s. The program, previously called “Oh, Lucky!”, changed its name, focusing on a new face in the frame. He was its permanent leader for seven whole years.

From 2004 to 2007, Galkin, together with the famous singer Valeria, also hosted a music festival called “New Songs about the Main Thing,” which was also very popular among television viewers. At the same time, the comedian increasingly appeared in such popular programs as “Funny Panorama” and “Full House”. Interesting fact- a very successful showman at that time never acquired a producer or anyone’s patronage and never paid for his airtime. Despite this, Maxim quickly caught up with such luminaries of humor as Vladimir Vinokur, Yuri Galtsev, etc.

In 2008, Maxim broke his contract with Channel 1 and began working on Rossiya-1, which was less popular. The reason for this change was that the channel’s management refused to accept the artist’s romantic relationship with Alla Pugacheva, believing that the presenter began to devote more time in his schedule to his personal life than to his profession. The showman’s last work on Channel One was the show “Two Stars”.

At his new place of work, Maxim immediately distinguished himself with two significant projects - “Starry Ice” and “Dancing with the Stars”. The showman was even able to organize an alternative to the ubiquitous and boring Blue Light - “Parade of Stars”, where his co-hosts year after year were the most famous figures on television.

His hosting career was truly brilliant, thanks to numerous and varied shows and programs, such as “Ten Million,” “Hipster Show” and others.

Seven years after breaking his contract with the country’s central channel, he returned there again, becoming the host of the “Exactly” program. Later there were projects such as “The Best of All,” which showcased talented children in Russia, and “MaximMaxim,” which was filmed directly at Galkin’s home - in his medieval castle in the village of Gryazi.

In 2017, Maxim Galkin appeared with a new humorous show, which was dedicated to his 25th anniversary on stage.

We should also not forget about Maxim’s roles in films and musicals. In addition to the fact that he also starred in several episodes of Jumble, famous in the nineties, and in numerous New Year's musicals, in 2003 he made his mark with a film role in tandem with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Inna Churikova. In 2015, he was able to amaze television viewers by simultaneously playing two completely different roles in the film series “Kings Can Do Anything.”

In addition to the role of presenter, parodist and actor, the hero of the publication did not fail to try out the role of a singer, making a duet with the Prima Donna in the song “Be or Don’t Be.” Despite the abundance of subtle attempts in the singing craft, this song and its video remain the most famous and well-remembered example of Galkin’s success in this field.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin

A very large number was attributed to this artist romantic relationships. Fans also ran after him in droves. Thus, we can say that the private life of the famous artist was very eventful and dynamic.

The artist’s personal life was and remains open to the media. Galkin is not at all against discussing this topic directly from the stage or in an interview. Maxim considers his mother and wife to be the most important and beloved women in his life, whom he values ​​very much.

But the artist calls his very first love a girl named Oksana Zakhovaiko. He's with her for a long time sat at the same desk at school. The guy accompanied her home, carried a briefcase and constantly amused her. When the Galkins moved to the capital, the children had to separate, but Maxim often sent romantic letters with confessions to his beloved. Soon the girl also moved, but she forgot to tell the guy her new address. Letters were sent to the old address for another two years.

Currently, Galkin is married to Alla Pugacheva, with whom he began his relationship back in 2001. The beginning of a relationship was reminiscent of old friends communicating - they could go to a restaurant, a club together, and appear at events. Despite the harmless communication, rumors were not long in coming - Maxim was considered a favorite, a page famous singer. The diva at that time was still married to Philip Kirkorov, and was in no hurry to officially break up with him - the couple announced their breakup only in 2005. Purely friendly relations Alla and Maxim could be called until the death of the artist’s parents, and here the artists really became close. Pugacheva even became the godmother of Galkin’s niece. And after the natural termination of relations with Kirkorov, she moved in with Maxim that same year, staying in his status common-law wife until winter 2011. When the singer increasingly began to invest her funds in the repair and decoration of Galkin’s Gothic castle, he could not stand it and offered to formalize the relationship. Total - in the winter of 2011, Galkin and Pugacheva officially separated family union. By the way, this was already the fifth wedding for the Prima Donna.

It should be noted that even after the wedding, crowds of non-believers sincere feelings the couple was more than enough - many critics were sure that the wedding was nothing more than a PR stunt undertaken solely to divert attention from political career Alla Borisovna, and at the same time add popularity to the artist. This opinion is also supported by the fact that Honeymoon the couple spent time separately. However, no other evidence of the fictitious marriage was found; the couple happily exists to this day, assuring exclusive interviews that they found each other and are happy together.

Family of Maxim Galkin

The family of the famous figure did not particularly like to come under the radar of the press.

The boy’s mother, Natalya Galkina, worked in the field of mathematical sciences, long time spent her time working as a researcher at a forecasting institute natural Disasters. The woman left this world in 2004 on Israeli soil.

The comedian's father, Alexander Galkin, was a military man, and continued family tradition men of his family, achieved considerable success in his field - became Colonel General of the Armored Forces tank troops. Besides, in mature age he pursued a political career and sat in the State Duma for a long time Russian Federation, died in the capital in 2002.

Maxim Galkin is not the only child in the next generation of Galkins. He has an older brother - Dmitry. He was born 13 years earlier than his star brother. Without changing the ingrained practice of serving his country, he followed in the footsteps of his father and became a military man, but is now retired. After completing his military career, he founded his own production company. Maxim often sees his three nephews - Nikita, the eldest, he is already nineteen years old, twelve-year-old little Alina and the youngest Grisha, who recently turned only seven years old.

Children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva

For an artist, children are the love and stumbling block of his entire life. Maybe partly because Maxim is an eternal child in himself. Therefore, it gives him great pleasure to have fun with his children. He is also the host of the TV show “Best of All,” where he communicates equally with children and teenagers.

Galkin has a very active and extraordinary creative activity. He often manifests himself in cinema and television. But at the same time, he tries to spend as many of his free days as possible with his wonderful family- wife and beloved twins.

The son of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva - Harry

The presenter’s son, Harry Galkin, was born in mid-September 2013 with the help of a surrogate mother. The name of this woman is kept in the strictest confidence, as are her contacts and appearance. It is interesting that the boy acquired his non-standard name for the Slavs in honor of an English prince and the son of that same Princess Diana. This already provides the prerequisites for the fact that in the future the baby will become a prominent person.

The boy, both in appearance and in character, is very similar to his biological father. But at the same time its natural charm he inherited it from his mother. Harry loves to tinker with technology and make all kinds of crafts. In this case, he necessarily accompanies each of his actions with comments.

Daughter of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva - Elizaveta

The showman's daughter, Elizaveta Galkina, is the eldest of the twins, although the difference between them is only a few minutes. Like her little brother, she got her name in honor of another representative of the English royal dynasty- Queen Elizabeth.

The girl and her brother were born not far from Moscow, in the village of Lapino. The baby is growing very active and artistic. She is especially impressed by music and dancing; the child prefers to spend the rest of the time reading. Little Lizochka got hers beautiful appearance from her mother and is capable of charming anyone. By the way, despite young age, the girl already chooses clothes for herself independently and without outside advice - she has long developed her own style.

Maxim Galkin's wife - Alla Pugacheva

Maxim Galkin’s wife, Alla Pugacheva, entered the life of a young and talented, but then not very famous artist back in 2001, on the set of the New Year's musical "Chasing Two Hares", where the couple got one of the key roles - the daughter of a rich man, Tony Korovyak, and the unlucky gigolo Alexei Chizhov. If we take into account the fact that the Diva is almost 30 years older than her husband, it is easy to guess why Galkin’s colleagues, behind their backs, considered him to be the same gigolo.

Four years later they began to live in civil marriage, and only six years later they made this marriage official.

Photo of Maxim Galkin before and after plastic surgery

Photo of Maxim Galkin before resorting to plastic surgery and after this stage - it’s not so rare on the Internet. However, fans are much more willing to believe that the patient of healers of this specialty is his wife, Madame Pugacheva. However, one day Maxim himself admitted that he still turned to these doctors. The comedian underwent a facial skin tightening and several procedures designed to rejuvenate the human appearance. It must be admitted that all these actions were indeed effective.

But at the same time, Maxim Galkin prefers a dynamic and correct lifestyle, as well as playing sports, to abusing the services of clinics of this kind. The incentive for him, oddly enough, is his children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maxim Galkin

A person who is simultaneously a comedian, showman, actor and TV presenter simply must have profiles on social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia of our today's star are two of the most basic and completely official resources that provide fans of the artist with information not only about his professional career, but also about the details privacy artist.

It is impossible not to mention that Maxim does not maintain any of his profiles independently, including those already mentioned. A specially hired specialist works in this field, who constantly updates social networks and publishes data previously agreed upon with Maxim.

Also, it is worth noting that Maxim Galkin does not have an official VKontakte profile.

lika petrova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

The holiday program for March 8 with host Galkin is a mockery of this holiday and of the female gender in general! They invited the beautiful actresses Alferova, Golubkina and some kind of vulgar coven began in the person of Galkin and also from the same sandbox Vasiliev, a fashion historian, a vulgar clown.! who came up with all this? ! Some kind of horror, I wanted to listen to such beautiful actresses, but instead, they listened to the primitive jokes of these 2, I don’t even know how to say it.. creatures.. Galkin interrupted everyone and he was so pleased with himself and his humor below the sewer and Vasiliev did not shine with intelligence .. the only guy there was Boyarsky, who at the end was indignant at all this low staging.. Galkin doesn’t even seem to understand with whom and how he can behave.. it looks like he’s joking with his grandmother Alla, he thinks so and everywhere he can.. Ew . how disgusting he is!

Natalya Shamberova

Natalya Shamberova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Both Galkin and Pugacheva got caught (her fake photographs - horrible dream), as if the light had converged like a wedge! When will they “get PR”?! They have saddled the country. You have to think so much about yourself! And even pass it on to children. It's time to pacify your pride, gentlemen Pugachev-Galkin, you are very mistaken about yourself....

Nadezhda Khasanova

Nadezhda Khasanova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I can say one thing! People ENVY SILENTLY. I watched the program “The Best of All” and realized that bad people children will not stretch! And he has a great sense of humor. The fact that his wife is older than him is, in general, none of our business. Better watch your lives! And if you don’t like the artist, then no one forces you to watch programs with his participation!

Valentina Sidor

Valentina Sidor wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Surprisingly, there are too many angry and envious reviews. Gossipers - when will you calm down? Maxim got married for love, I forgot to ask you about this! Has wonderful, smart and developed children, despite his busy schedule. No one could host the “The Best” program with such love and kindness towards other people’s children. And the videos with Harry and Lizochka are simply magnificent, I want to watch these special children again and again! God doesn’t just give happiness and joy, but these two, Maxim and Alla, deserve everything with their work, talent, and decency.

Lyudmila Tarasova

Lyudmila Tarasova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Very briefly: a good parodist and nothing more! He filled the entire airwaves with his mediocre, uniform approach to everyone, regardless of age and status! I stopped watching those projects that he broadcasts without exception as a presenter. It’s a pity - the projects are worthwhile, but Galkin ruins them in the bud! What, they haven’t found any truly gifted presenters who respect the audience?! Come to your senses, Channel 1! Think about your viewers! We have been loyal to Channel 1 for a long time, and you humiliate us so much with this presenter, who does not recognize anyone on air except himself and his family! An outright insult!

sveta svetikova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Thanks to Galkin and his wife, I don’t watch the first channel.. Of course, if it weren’t for the channel’s management, it’s hard to imagine that people would write petitions to change the format, I’m imposing Galkin and Tapkin on us with even greater frenzy.. it was even secretly filmed so that no one would find out.. Galkin is now the face of the channel, congratulations, finally all the dots have been put in place.. in all programs he is the host and participant in all shows.. it seems that Ernst owes him something or they have a warmer relationship.. here's a gay parade at the first..!

Tom Weiss

Toma Weiss wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I really don’t like him either as a person or as a presenter. There's already too much of it on TV. Was it really impossible to find another presenter for the program “Tonight” or assign one to Menshov. This Galkin is only engaged in narcissism and always tries to emphasize that he is Pugacheva’s husband, although everyone knows that his only joy now is the charming children, whom he truly loves

Vasily Fedorov

Vasily Fedorov wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Maxim Galkin does not represent artistry in the understanding of Russian soulfulness, in our family we cannot watch anything from his repertoire, we constantly have glassy eyes, playing the role of soullessness. A person earns sums for a living, the whole essence of Mr. Galkin Max. Eyes are the light of the soul; it is impossible to fake the light of the soul. If we accept the Galkins in the cultural system, culture will end. There is also the American Posner, and hundreds of others like him. Mother Russia darkens in the darkness of soullessness, Reverend Galkins

Elena Lebedeva

Elena Lebedeva wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

It’s a pity for Maxim, as a talented humorist and parodist. Hosting various programs is not his role. He constantly pulls the blanket over himself, instead of tactful behavior. I could borrow the rules for conducting a program, especially with children, from Dasha Zlatopolskaya! What intelligence in everything. In a word, marriage with A.B. squeezed all the juice out of him, as well as from Philip. It's a pity.

Dauletkulova Gulzhan

Dauletkulova Gulzhan wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I personally like him very much, I respect Pugacheva, they good couple, it’s just that you all need to read more about Maxim’s work and believe me, you will love him and respect him, and you will even understand his marriage with Pugacheva and treat this with respect for their family and children and of course for the work of both of them and even for the work of Arbokaite , this is what work, even to look so cool (I’m the same age, even her birthday is at the end of May), believe me, it’s very hard, and this is a lot of work.

Alexander Mitchenko

Alexander Mitchenko wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I don’t think Galkin is talented. Moreover, all his jokes, like all his behavior, are vulgar and mediocre. They tell us: if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. And, in my opinion, this is simply disrespect for the audience. So you can justify any nonsense on television. But on the other hand, what is there to watch then - after all, now he is everywhere. It feels like someone is purposefully pushing it.

Victor Vladimirovich

Viktor Vladimirovich wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I really liked Galkin before, but now that I’ve gotten in touch with Pugachikha, I can’t watch any program with his participation, I immediately switch over to her and don’t watch him. I just don’t understand Galkin, he may have coveted Pugacheva’s wealth, or her popularity, which can also be popular. But before that he was loved by the people, but there can be no talk of love here. A comedian is a comedian.

Department of Culture and Sports

The Department of Culture and Sports wrote a review to Maksim Galkin

Yes interesting life thing. Today everyone is singing and dancing, but in Ice Age Maxim and Pugacheva haven’t seen you. Who lives with whom and how they have children is a personal matter. But the way you swung about Andrei Malakhov, I think you should be ashamed. God has a covenant: “Do not judge and you will not be judged.” Hahachi out with Pugacheva normal people don't discuss.

Galkin’s artistic debut took place in April 1994: he performed in the performance of the Moscow State University Student Theater “Fountains of Love for Neighbors.” Later he took part in the play “Cabaret 03”. In June 1994, at the Variety Theater, he participated in the program “Debuts, Debuts, Debuts,” where, among parodies, he performed “speeches” of Zhirinovsky and Yeltsin. Since then, her artistic career has taken off. So, at one of the concerts Boris Brunov noticed him and invited him to his Variety Theater. One time [ which?] Galkin performed there, then toured for a year and a half with Mikhail Zadornov, who called Maxim his “successor”.

In January 2001 he received a Triumph Award grant.

In April 2001 he received the Golden Ostap award in St. Petersburg.

In July 2001, Galkin's first solo concert took place at the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk. From this moment on, the artist’s solo performances become regular.

Since October 2001, Maxim tried himself in a new role - he began to sing. His first vocal experience was the song “Be or Don’t Be,” which he performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. Subsequently, Galkin performed and starred with her in the program “New Year's Eve on Channel One” and in “Christmas Meetings”. Galkin actively tours Russia. Many show events on federal television channels are not complete without his participation.

2002 - solo concert “Smile, gentlemen!” in the Rossiya concert hall.

2002 - two concerts “And I’m 26!” at the State Kremlin Palace. This concert was released on December 31, 2002 on Channel One.

2003 - third concert - “Not the Last Hero”. This concert was released on December 31, 2003 on Channel One, and in later years was broadcast several times in replays on the same channel.

2004 - fourth solo concert “Christmas with Maxim Galkin”.

2005 - until 2007 - “New Year's benefit performance with Maxim Galkin” (three benefit performances - 2005, 2006 and 2007).

2007 - the fifth solo television concert “We are together again” took place. The premiere of the television version took place: in Ukraine - on the Inter TV channel in 2008, in Russia - on the Rossiya TV channel in 2009 (released under the title "Spring Aggravation"). In Russia it was shown only in an abbreviated version than on Inter (the number “Political Poem” was cut out, in connection with the Russian presidential elections in 2008, amendments were made to the number “Little Red Riding Hood on a Bicycle”).

November 2016 - seventh solo concert “25 years on stage” (was shown on Channel One on January 20, 2017).

Working on television

On February 19, 2001, Galkin became the second host of the TV game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? "on ORT/Channel One, after renaming the game show "Oh, lucky guy!" on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, the departure of the first presenter Dmitry Dibrov and the move from the NTV channel to Channel One - he hosted this program until September 13, 2008.

On December 24, 2002, he held the New Year's edition of the TV game "Russian Roulette".

On December 30, 2002, he conducted the second round in the New Year’s edition of the capital show “Field of Miracles”.

From October 2004 to December 2007 - permanent presenter of the music festival “New Songs about the Main Thing” (“Channel One”). Until 2006, he led this project together with Honored Artist of Russia, singer Valeria, and later with Ingeborga Dapkunaite.

In 2007-2008, he was a co-host in the second season of the Channel One television project “Two Stars” paired with Alla Pugacheva. He was also the author and presenter of New Year's programs on Channel One.

In September 2008, he moved from Channel One to the Rossiya TV channel (later Rossiya-1).

In 2008, he was the host of the show “Star Ice,” and from 2009 to 2015 he hosted the show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia-1 channel.

Author and presenter of the New Year's Parade of Stars programs on the Rossiya channel: in 2008, together with Nikolai Baskov, in 2009 - with Alla Pugacheva, in 2010 - alone, in 2011 - with Vladimir Zelensky, in 2012 and 2013 - with Philip Kirkorov, and on January 1 and 2, 2014 - with Vladimir Zelensky.

From January to August 2010 - the main participant in the show “Who Wants to Become Maxim Galkin? "on the channel "Russia-1". From September 2010 to June 2014 - host of the Ten Million program. In 2010 and 2011 he hosted the Hipsters Show. In 2011, he hosted the TV show “Good Evening with Maxim.”

From May 6 to July 2012 - member of the jury (with Vladimir Zelensky) of the program “Make the Comedian Laugh” ( Russian version). Since March 2, 2014 - member of the jury of the parody show “One to One! "

In September 2015 he returned to Channel One.

From September 20, 2015 to January 1, 2016 - participant in the new season of the transformation show “Exactly”. Reincarnated as Charles Aznavour, Stas Mikhailov, Anna German, Till Lindemann, Mithun Chakraborty, Maria Callas, Boris Grebenshchikov, Alexander Vertinsky, Garou, Daniel Lavoie and Patrick Fiori, Nikolai Voronov, Alla Pugacheva and Fyodor Chaliapin. According to the results of the competition, he became the winner (together with Evgeny Dyatlov), gaining 273 points. Also received the Audience Award.

On February 18, 2017, he reappeared as the host of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” for one issue, changing places with Dmitry Dibrov every two questions.

Since September 2, 2017 - host of the “Tonight” program instead of Andrei Malakhov (in pairs, then some episodes alternately with Yulia Menshova).

Maxim Galkin Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin. Born on June 18, 1976 in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region. Russian parodist, comedian, TV presenter, film actor and singer. Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in the Moscow region. Has Jewish roots on his mother's side. Father - Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin (1935, Bulanovo - 2002, Moscow) - Colonel General of tank forces. From 1987 to 1997, he headed the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation (1998-1999). Mother - Natalya Grigorievna (1941, Odessa - 2004, Israel) - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior Researcher, worked at the Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. “I was born in Moscow, although we traveled a lot. My mother is from Odessa, my father is from the Urals, from a small village, the village of Bulanovo, Oktyabrsky district Chelyabinsk region“, to be precise,” said the artist. He has an older brother, who, following his father, also became a military man and then a businessman. “Besides love, my parents gave me nothing. Since childhood, I have seen only love, I have never seen discord in the family. Family was the most important thing in life. I saw the relationship between my parents, I saw how my mother devotes herself to her father and how my father devotes himself to my mother, and how my grandfather devotes himself to my grandmother. Grandfather, mother's father, was very wise man. My mother is a purebred Jew.

Grandfather went through the war, ended up as a colonel, he was nominated for the title of Hero Soviet Union and to the rank of general. He didn’t get both,” Maxim said about the atmosphere that reigned in his family. Maxim Galkin in childhood with his mother When Maxim was 3 years old, the family lived in Germany. At the age of seven, the family moved to Odessa, where his father was transferred, received the rank of major general. In Odessa, Maxim completed the first three grades of school and studied in a children's art studio. Then the family moved to Buryatia and until the fifth grade, Maxim studied at school No. 5 in the city of Ulan-Ude. Maxim spent his childhood in a military town Pinery Republic of Buryatia, 30 km from the city of Ulan-Ude and 100 km from Lake Baikal, where he often visited.

Then the family returned to Moscow. Later, Galkin's parents separated. Maxim stayed with his mother, who last years spent her life in Israel. Maxim Galkin as a child Maxim showed artistic talent from childhood. He played in school plays, tried himself in a wide variety of roles: he played the roles of the Dog, the Alcoholic Old Man, Ostap Bender, King Solomon, Count Nulin, Don Carlos. “I’ve been playing monkeys since childhood, imitating my mother talking on the phone, imitating her friends, teachers at school,” he recalled. In middle school, he began to actively practice parody. In companies, he portrayed classmates, teachers, and the director. In the sixth grade, Galkin had his first creative evening: he put on a puppet show where in different voices spoke for the dolls. “I first wanted to become an architect, then a zoologist, then a journalist, then an artist. As a result, I chose an education at the intersection of what I liked - linguistics,” said Maxim.

In 1993 he graduated from the Moscow gymnasium in the South-West No. 1543 and in the same year he entered the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Faculty of Linguistics, from which he graduated in 1998. After this, he entered graduate school, where he worked on a candidate’s dissertation on the topic “The relationship between the stylistic systems of original and translated texts,” in which it was supposed to consider translations into Russian of Goethe’s tragedy “Faust” and analyze their stylistic differences. In 2009, he left graduate school. Speaks French, English and German languages. Galkin’s artistic debut took place in April 1994: he performed in the performance of the Moscow State University Student Theater “Fountains of Love for Neighbors.” Later he took part in the play “Cabaret 03”. In June 1994, at the Variety Theater, he participated in the program “Debuts, Debuts, Debuts,” where, among parodies, he performed “speeches” of Zhirinovsky and Yeltsin. Since then, her artistic career has taken off. So, at one of the concerts Boris Brunov noticed him and invited him to his Variety Theater. At one time Galkin performed there, then for a year and a half he toured with Mikhail Zadornov, who called Maxim his “successor”. Maksim Galkin. 1994 In January 2001, he received a grant from the Triumph Prize. In April 2001 he received the Golden Ostap award in St. Petersburg. In July 2001, Galkin’s first solo concert took place at the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk festival. From this moment on, the artist’s solo performances become regular.

Since October 2001, I tried myself in a new role - I started singing. His first vocal experience was the song “Be or Don’t Be,” which he performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. Subsequently, Galkin performed and starred with her in the program “New Year's Eve on Channel One” and in “Christmas Meetings.” Galkin actively tours Russia. Many show events on federal television channels are not complete without his participation. From February 2001 to September 2008 - host of the TV quiz show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” In 2002, the concert “And I’m 26!” in the State Kremlin Palace came out in New Year's Eve on Channel One between “Results of the Year” in the “Time” program and the New Year’s address of the President of the Russian Federation. From October 2004 to December 2006 - permanent presenter of the music festival “New Songs about the Main Thing” (“Channel One”). In 2007, he was a co-host in the second season of the Channel One television project “Two Stars” together with Alla Pugacheva. He was also the author and presenter of New Year's programs on Channel One. In 2008-2012, after leaving Channel One, he hosted the show “Starry Ice” (2008), and since 2009 he has been the host of the show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia-1 channel. From 2009 to 2015 he hosted the show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia-1 channel. Started in 2010 new project on the Russia TV channel “Who wants to become Maxim Galkin?”, which lasted eight months. In September 2010, the program was replaced by another show - “Ten Million”. In 2010 and 2011 he hosted the Hipsters Show. In 2011, he hosted the TV show “Good Evening with Maxim.” In 2011 - co-host of Alla Pugacheva in the Morning Mail program on the Ukrainian TV channel Inter. From May 6 to July 2012 - member of the jury (with Vladimir Zelensky) of the program “Make the Comedian Laugh” (Russian version). In 2011, he hosted the program “Good Evening with Maxim.” He starred in a video with Alla Pugacheva for the song “Be or Don’t Be” (2001). Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva - To Be or Not To Be Since March 2, 2014 - member of the jury of the parody show “One to One!” From September 20, 2015 to January 1, 2016 - participant in the new season of the transformation show “Just the Same.” He reincarnated as Charles Aznavour, Stas Mikhailov, Anna German, Till Lindemann, Mithun Chakraborty, Maria Callas, Boris Grebenshchikov, Alexander Vertinsky, Garou, Daniel Lavoie and Patrick Fiori, Nikolai Voronov, Alla Pugacheva and Fyodor Chaliapin.

According to the results of the competition, he became the winner (together with Evgeny Dyatlov), gaining 273 points. Also received the Audience Award.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin:

Maxim Galkin's height: 178 centimeters. Married to a famous Russian singer Alla Pugacheva. As Alla Borisovna admitted, they began dating Maxim Galkin back in 2001, when she was married to Philip Kirkorov. “I, of course, was a fan, an unconditional admirer of Alla. For me, as for many, for most people in this country, she was some kind of ... significant figure. And first I met the Pugacheva that everyone knows . I invited her to dance at the birthday party of our friend. Before that, Kirkorov introduced me to her at the Slavic Bazaar, which Filya still periodically regrets. Already as a joke, but still... And two months later we We met at this birthday party at the Metropol. And I invited her to dance. And then I took her phone and called,” Galkin told the story of meeting Pugacheva. Since 2005, when Alla and Philip officially divorced, the parodist and the singer began to live together. A legal spouse Maxim Galkin became Alla Pugacheva on December 23, 2011. They have a 27 year age difference. To the tenth anniversary of the relationship star couple NTV channel has prepared the films “Alla + Maxim. Confession of love" and "Alla and Maxim. Everything continues! Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva In September 2013, the couple became parents of twins. Elizaveta and Harry are the children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva, born on September 18 by a surrogate mother in a branch of Mark Kurtser’s network of medical clinics “Mother and Child”, located in the village of Lapino near Moscow. Maxim Galkin, Alla Pugacheva with Harry and Lisa Now the couple live in a castle in the village of Gryazi near Moscow. The children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva also grow up and are raised there.

Name: Maxim Galkin

Age: 40 years

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Activity: parodist, comedian, TV presenter, film actor and singer

Marital status: married to

Maxim Galkin - biography

Maxim Galkin is known throughout the country as a wonderful and magnificent humorist, whose talent cannot be surpassed. An interesting and entertaining biography of this showman, who, despite his youth, has long become known throughout the world.

Childhood and youth, family of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Alexandrovich was born in the Moscow region in the Naro-Fominsk district, where his father, Colonel General Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin, then served. The second child appeared in this family on June 18, 1976, and his name was given - Maxim. His father served in armored forces, so he always taught his two sons discipline and order.

Maxim’s mother worked at a geophysical institute and was very far from the world of show business. My father’s service required that the Galkin family move from time to time due to assignments. So, from a small military town in the Moscow region, they were forced to move to Germany, and from there to Odessa, and then to Ulan-Ude and back to the capital.

Young Maxim Galkin played his first role as an actor successfully. This was back in the years of his childhood biography, in kindergarten, when the little artist was barely four years old and had to play a chicken.

In addition to schoolwork, the little comedian continued to try his acting skills. Thus, in school theaters, Galkin played a variety of roles: dogs, drunkards, King Solomon, Ostap Bender and others. His performances not only pleased his classmates, but also his teachers, and even the school principal was delighted. And this only gave me strength and a desire to play more, trying to find my unique image and your way to the stage. Maxim made parodies of all the people who surrounded him, and they were always received with delight.

The first successful performance in his creative biography Showman Maxim Galkin himself dates it back to the age when he was in the sixth grade. He was able to independently voice all the characters in a puppet show that was shown for schoolchildren. But he had a special influence on the young talent, whose introduction Maxim Aleksandrovich accidentally saw on TV.

He was only 13 years old at the time, but he was so impressed by Khazanov’s ability to parody Mikhail Gorbachev that he decided to do it himself. And everything worked out great for him. But, by the way, in his childhood Maxim Galkin did not even try to become a comedian.

It is known that while still a schoolboy, Maxim loved to attend the art studio; his favorite subjects were geography and zoology. The comedian himself recalled that in his childhood he loved to cut out various figures of animals and lay them out on the map, determining their habitat. But soon the desire to devote his whole life to zoology disappeared. Then Galkin decided to become a writer and write his own fantasy novel. He even came up with his own kingdom and the characters that existed in it. But the book was never written.

Without even having time to graduate from school, Maxim submits an application to enter the Russian State Technical University at the Faculty of Linguistics. And after graduating from school, he successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in this educational institution. He graduated from this university in 1998. But Maxim’s studies did not end there, as he is also entering graduate school. Already working on his Ph.D., he simply quits studying.

Career of Maxim Galkin

The creative biography of a cheerful and cheerful comedian begins at a time when Maxim Galkin is studying at the university. At this time he is studying foreign languages, is engaged in translations, but he also did not abandon creative experiments on stage. He even decided to perform his own act - a parody in 1994 on the stage of the Moscow University Theater. After this there was a long break, the future comedian did not appear on stage for four whole years, but already in 1998 Galkin participated in one of the variety programs, where he makes parodies of Yeltsin, Putin and Zhirinovsky.

One of these performances was attended by Boris Brunov, who at that time was the artistic director of the Variety Theater. He noticed a young and talented parodist and invited Maxim to his team. So, the aspiring showman began to have performances one after another. In 1999, he was noticed by and, and offered to go on a concert tour with him. So, young Galkin went on tour for a year and a half. And after his return, his career began to grow sharply.

At first he was awarded several awards, and in the summer of 2001 he was able to perform his first solo concert. In the same year, Maxim Galkin was invited to host the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” He hosted this program for a long time, but at the same time he was able to become the host of the popular festival “New Songs about the Main Thing.” Since 2001, he has been trying his hand at cinema.

Maxim Galkin: Biography of personal life

The first acquaintance of the parodist and showman Galkin with his future wife Alla Pugacheva took place in 2001. Their relationship developed quickly and rapidly, and already in 2005 they began to live in a civil marriage. But an important event in the biography of Maxim Alexandrovich will take place in 2011, when they got married. In 2013, this couple had two children with the help of a surrogate mother: Lisa and Harry. Now they are happy parents.

Author of biography: Tati 8641
