Masimov biography. Smart guy Masimov

Karim Masimov- large political figure modern Kazakhstan, which was even called one of the most likely successors to the long-lived leader of the country. Karim Masimov has been the Head of the Administration of the President of Kazakhstan since September 2012.
Before Karim Masimov served as Prime Minister (from January 2007 to September 2012), Deputy Prime Minister (from January 2006 to January 2007) and Minister of Economy and Budget Planning (from April to September 2006), Assistant to the President for Foreign Policy Affairs (from June 2003 to January 2006), Deputy Prime Minister (from November 2001 to June 2003), Minister of Transport and Communications (from August 2000 to November 2001). In the 90s, he was the chairman of the board of a number of large banks, including the Almaty Trade and Finance Bank, Turanbank and the People's Savings Bank of Kazakhstan. Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Karim Kazhimkanovich Masimov born in 1965 in the city of Tselinograd, Kazakh SSR. His father, Kazhimkan Kasymovich Masimov, was the director of a brick factory (Burunday Wall Materials Production Association); later he was also mentioned in the press as the deputy head of Glavtopsnab under the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR.
The media has repeatedly discussed the topic of Masimov’s nationality, which, as noted in the press, in Kazakhstan for a politician, “is certainly one of the most important factors coming to power" Information was repeatedly published according to which Karim Masimov Uighur by nationality, however, the politician himself refuted such allegations, declaring his Kazakh roots.

In 1982 Karim Masimov Graduated from the Republican Physics and Mathematics Boarding School in Almaty. According to media publications, based on documents published by the Ruleaks portal in 2011, presumably from the archival funds of the KGB of the USSR and the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan, immediately after graduating from school, Masimov entered the technical faculty High school KGB of the USSR. According to the same information, in 1984, having become disillusioned with his chosen specialty, Karim Masimov tried to transfer to the counterintelligence faculty, but was unsuccessful, after which he left the KGB Higher School and passed army service in one of the GRU units of the Moscow district. However, according to other sources, Masimov’s expulsion was imaginary (the cadet, according to a source on the investigative journalism website, “began to be prepared for the future”), and he continued to study at the KGB Higher School.
In 1985, Masimov entered the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba (since 1992 - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, RUDN), where he specialized in studying English and Arabic languages.

Information was published according to which Masimov received a diploma from the KGB Higher School in 1987. In 1988, he graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University and in the same year went on an interuniversity exchange to the PRC, where he studied Chinese at the Beijing Institute of Culture and Languages ​​(1988-1989) and international law at the Law School of Wuhan University (1989-1991). In 1991 Karim Masimov worked as a legal adviser to the USSR Trade Representation in China.

Returning to Kazakhstan, Masimov in 1991-1992 worked as the head of the external relations department of the Ministry of Labor of the republic. Subsequently, the official worked in government and commercial structures of Kazakhstan involved in trade with China and Hong Kong: in 1992 he was deputy director of the Kazakhprigrantorg company, in 1992-1993 - senior economist of the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and deputy director of the Kazakhintorg company. in the city of Urumqi (PRC), in 1993-1994 - deputy director for foreign economic activity of Accept LLP, which was engaged in the supply of Chinese consumer goods to Kazakhstan. In 1994-1995, Masimov was the managing director of the Kazakh trading house in Hong Kong (according to some sources, his immediate superior was then the future assistant to the president and Secretary of the Security Council of Kazakhstan Bulat Utemuratov).

At the same time, since 1992, Masimov received another higher education, this time with a degree in finance and credit. He studied at the Kazakh State Academy of Management (KSAU), from which he graduated in 1995. Meanwhile in official biography Masimov speaks only about three of his higher education- two Chinese and one Kazakh).
Since 1995 Karim Masimov started working in the banking sector. From July 1995 to August 1997 (according to other sources, in 1995-1996) he was the chairman of the board of Almaty Trade and Financial Bank (ATF-Bank), founded by the owner of Accept Nurlan Kapparov, son-in-law of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev Timur Kulibayev and Bulat Utemuratov, who then held the post of Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Kazakhstan. The bank held accounts news agency"Khabar" and various oil companies. In 1996 (according to other sources, in 1996-1997) Masimov acted as chairman of the board of Turanbank, from September 1997 to August 2000 he was chairman of the board of the People's Savings Bank of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan Halyk Zhinak Banki). The media wrote that thanks to Masimov’s “intricate repurchase scheme through numerous affiliated companies,” the People’s Savings Bank became the property of Kulibayev and his wife Dinara Nazarbayeva (as of 2006, they owned 73.5 percent of the bank’s shares). In December 1999, Masimov became chairman of CJSC National Investment Financial Joint Stock Company NSBK-Group (he held the post until March 2000).

At the same time, Masimov continued to receive his education. Having completed his postgraduate studies at KSAU in 1998, and his doctoral studies at the Moscow State Technological Academy in 1999, in the same year he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Problems of the formation of industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan and ways to solve them (theory and practice).” In addition, in 1999, Masimov studied in the top management program at Columbia University in New York.
In August 2000, Masimov was appointed Minister of Transport and Communications of Kazakhstan, and in November 2001, he became Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic Kasymzhomart Tokayev. Noting Masimov’s belonging to “Kulibayev’s team,” the media stated that at the same time other people from “Timurov’s team” received high-ranking appointments, including Chairman of the Antimonopoly Agency Erbolat Dosayev and Minister of Transport Ablai Myrzakhmetov.

Masimov retained the position of Deputy Prime Minister under the new head of the government of Kazakhstan, Imangali Tasmagambetov, who was appointed to this post in January 2002. In June 2003, after the resignation of the Tasmagambetov government, Masimov took the position of assistant to the President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev on foreign policy issues. In January 2006, Masimov was again appointed Deputy Prime Minister (after the resignation of Tasmagambetov in 2003, the government of Kazakhstan was headed by Danial Akhmetov). At the same time, from April to October 2006, Masimov was also the Minister of Economy and Budget Planning. At that time, Kulibayev, appointed in April 2006 as deputy chairman of the board of the Samruk holding company for managing state assets, became, according to press estimates, “the most influential figure in the Kazakh economy.”

In January 2007, President Nazarbayev appointed Masimov as Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. The media interpreted this appointment as another strengthening of Kulibayev’s position. Some analysts, recalling Masimov's long-standing ties with China, assumed that as prime minister he would lobby for Chinese interests; in this regard, the media mentioned Masimov’s nickname “Chinese”. Also, starting from this time, analysts periodically discussed the prospects of Masimov as a possible successor to Nazarbayev as president: it was noted that one of the main obstacles to this could be his non-Kazakh origin.
On September 24, 2012, Nazarbayev dismissed Masimov from the post of prime minister and appointed him head of the presidential administration of Kazakhstan. Masimov's successor as head of government was Deputy Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov.

The media noted the “political longevity” of Masimov, who was reappointed three times as head of government (in September 2007 and January 2012 - after the next elections to the lower house of parliament, and in April 2011 - after the start of Nazarbayev’s new presidential term) and served in this position the longest their predecessors. One of the main reasons for Masimov’s “longevity” was his personal devotion to Nazarbayev.
Nazarbayev’s former son-in-law Rakhat Aliyev, in his book “The Godfather-in-Law,” published in 2008, called Masimov the “treasurer” of the President of Kazakhstan, allegedly responsible for laundering and transferring Nazarbayev’s personal funds to offshore accounts. The media have also repeatedly written about Masimov’s alleged role in the settlement of the so-called “Kazakhgate” - which flared up in 1999 corruption scandal, in which the top leadership of Kazakhstan, including Nazarbayev, was involved. In May 2007, Masimov, on behalf of the Kazakh government, signed a waiver of money that, according to American investigators, were bribes paid to Kazakh officials by American oil companies, and were in frozen accounts in Swiss banks.

Masimov is known for his interest in development in Kazakhstan information technologies. Under him, the country has been actively working on the introduction of “electronic government” since 2005; It was noted that in 2012, Kazakhstan shared second place with Singapore in the world “e-participation index,” which characterizes the possibilities of online communication between citizens and the Cabinet of Ministers. It was noted that Masimov was the first in the government of Kazakhstan to start an Internet blog and insisted on the active use of blogs and electronic gadgets by officials.
The former owner of BTA Bank Mukhtar Ablyazov, mentioned in the media as a Kazakh “fugitive oligarch” and “sworn enemy” of Kulibayev, in 2011 called Masimov the most realistic candidate to succeed Nazarbav. According to him, Masimov, who is characterized by “the ability to find compromises, adjust, flatter,” is “very flexible and cunning,” “knows how to remain silent, never enters into conflict,” etc.

Karim Masimov is an honorary doctor of RUDN University. He was awarded the Kazakhstan Order "Kurmet" (2004), the Order "The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev" (2010), the medal "20 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", as well as the Order of Federation of the United Nations United Arab Emirates (2010).

The media wrote that Karim Masimov masters several types of martial arts, is the president of the Thai Boxing Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and honorary president of the Taekwondo Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, the media mentioned Masimov’s passion for Chinese and Japanese poetry.
Masimov is married, he and his wife Masimova (Mashurova) Dilyara Azatovna have three children. The media wrote that Masimov’s daughter Tamila had been receiving her education in Singapore since 2007. In 2008, according to the Respublika portal, the Masimov family purchased an apartment in this country worth $7.5 million.

Born on June 15, 1965 in the city of Tselinograd, Kazakh SSR (now Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan).

In 1988 he graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba (since 1992 - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia) in Moscow. In 1988-1989 studied modern Chinese at the Beijing Language Institute (PRC). In 1991 he graduated from Wuhan Law University (PRC), in 1995 - Kazakh University state academy management (now Narxoz University).

Doctor of Economic Sciences (in 1999 he defended his dissertation on the topic “Problems of formation of industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan and ways to solve them: theory and practice”).

In 1991, after graduating from law school, he headed the external relations department of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Then he worked in republican and commercial companies involved in trade with China. In 1992-1993 was deputy director of the Kazakhprigrantorg company. In 1992-1993 - senior economist of the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of Kazakhstan and deputy director of the republican foreign trade association "Kazakhintorg" in Urumqi (PRC).
In 1993-1994 - Deputy Director for Foreign Economic Activity of the Acceptance Limited Liability Partnership, which was engaged in supplies Chinese goods to Kazakhstan (owner - Nurlan Kapparov, since 1999 - Vice Minister of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
In 1994-1995 Karim Masimov served as executive director of the Kazakh trading house in Hong Kong.
Then he moved to banking sector. From 1995 to 1996, he was the chairman of the board of Alma-Ata Trade and Finance Bank CJSC, among the founders of which were the son-in-law of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, Timur Kulibayev and Nurlan Kapparov.
In 1996-1997 Acted as Chairman of the Board of Turanbank. In 1997-2000 was the Chairman of the Board of OJSC "People's Savings Bank of Kazakhstan".
From 2000 to 2001 - Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK).
In 2001-2003 served as Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Kasymzhomart Tokayev, then Imangali Tasmagambetov.
From 2003 to 2006, he was an assistant to the President of the Republic Nursultan Nazarbayev (coordinated the work of the Presidential Protocol, the Foreign Policy Center, the Department of Socio-Economic Analysis and the Center for Systemic Research, and supervised foreign policy issues).
In January 2006, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Danial Akhmetov. From April to October 2006 he served as Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy and Budget Planning, and from October 2006 - Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.
On January 10, 2007, by decree of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, he was appointed prime minister of the republic (replacing Danial Akhmetov). On April 8, 2011, he was again appointed head of government (after the presidential elections in Kazakhstan). Headed the Cabinet of Ministers until 2012.
Since September 2012 - Head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Then, from January to April 2014, he temporarily served as Secretary of State of the Republic.
On April 2, 2014, Karim Masimov was appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the second time, replacing Serik Akhmetov in this post. On April 29, 2015, after the presidential elections in the republic, he again headed the government.
On September 8, 2016, by decree of the President of the country, he was relieved of the post of Prime Minister of the country and appointed Chairman of the Committee national security Kazakhstan. On June 12, 2019, he was reappointed to this position.

President of the Kazakhstan Triathlon Federation.

Awarded the orders "Kurmet" (2004), "First President of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev" (2010) and Friendship of Peoples (Belarus; 2015).

Honorary Doctor Russian University Friendship of Peoples (2007).

Speaks English, Chinese and Arabic.

Married. Wife - Dilyaram Azatovna Masimova. Three children.

He is interested in martial arts.

“Exclusive” continues the “Internet Portrait” section. We bring to your attention excerpts from the virtual diversity of characteristics of the domestic establishment. As before, the editors maintain neutrality, using their printed space to describe the images of the heroes we have chosen that already exist on the Internet. This material is special. We were not too lazy to count the word “nationality” in it. Content analysis showed a sad figure. Sad because it's offensive. It is sad that this issue in our country has such important. It worries visitors of all kinds of chats and forums, especially young people, sometimes much more than the actual actions of the person being discussed.

Sofia Balakina

The only government official in Kazakhstan who has his own website does not leave Internet users indifferent. The new head of the cabinet is given nicknames, his nationality is discussed, and bets are made on his intelligence and ambitions. If Karim Masimov was an Indian and lived on the endless expanses of the prairies, the name Many-Faced or, in extreme cases, Mysterious, would probably suit him. This analogy, may the reader forgive us, arose spontaneously in connection with the versatility of descriptions on the Internet. The authors here do not skimp on nicknames, calling the newly-crowned Prime Minister of the country a teaphile, an orderly, and a darling of fortune.

How about good manager and the financier on the Internet has said a lot of words about K. Masimov. In this context, we recall his work as chairman of the board of both the Almaty Trade and Financial Bank CJSC and the People's Savings Bank of Kazakhstan, as well as his activities as the Minister of Transport and Communications and, of course, the Deputy Prime Minister of the country. His words are quoted about his immense passion for his work, his recognition of himself as a passionate person in relation to work. “This is very interesting to me,” Masimov’s words are repeated when he was deputy head of government. And below, in the chat battles provoked by journalistic articles, there are characteristics: smart guy Masimov, a modern manager, a compromise figure in the intra-clan struggle in Kazakhstan, etc. In principle, the balance of negative and positive is obvious. Despite the fact that the Prime Minister has many ill-wishers among Internet users, a fairly significant part of users favor him. In any case, recognizing him as a promising politician who has a good understanding of economics and has proven himself to be a good manager. The only government official in Kazakhstan who has his own website does not leave Internet users indifferent. The new head of the cabinet is given nicknames, his nationality is discussed, and bets are made on his intelligence and ambitions. If Karim Masimov was an Indian and lived on the endless expanses of the prairies, the name Many-Faced or, in extreme cases, Mysterious, would probably suit him. This analogy, may the reader forgive us, arose spontaneously in connection with the versatility of descriptions on the Internet. The authors here do not skimp on nicknames, calling the newly-crowned Prime Minister of the country a teaphile, an orderly, and a darling of fortune.
But it just so happens that the addressee of all these epithets lives not in America, but in Kazakhstan, and his nationality is a more than debateable issue here. Sore, we would add. Many people are interested in him. Even recognized analysts, such as Arkady Dubnov, who mentions the “fifth column” of the prime minister’s passport in the electronic version of the Vremya Novostei newspaper: “The fact is that Karim Masimov is not a Kazakh by nationality, but a Uighur, and his brilliant command of Chinese and Russian And English languages will not replace the absence of the Kazakh language in this list...” Not to mention Internet gossips, those who like to leave their comments on the Internet.
An example illustrating the opinion of many regulars of virtual forums is demonstrated by the LiveJournal portal, on the pages of which very lively discussions flare up. “I don’t agree with Masimov! not him!!! not Masimov!!! let it be anyone, Kazakh, Russian, Tatar, German, etc. not the Uyghur!” - one of the users posted a message when the candidacy of the current prime minister was still being discussed. And his interlocutor gave the following forecast: “The Nur Otan party will not let him through, after all, for non-Kazakhs in Kazakhstan there is a ceiling in power: this is the position of the deputy prime minister or deputy speaker of parliament... even if the president pushes Masimov, few will obey him, total sabotage will begin "
The website of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper publishes: “Karim Masimov is a man with a very exotic biography. According to Masimov’s official biography, he began his career as an employee of the USSR trade mission in China. But in Kazakh political circles it is believed that in the PRC Masimov actually worked for Soviet intelligence. Since then, the new prime minister has been distinguished by a passion for everything oriental. He masters several types of martial arts and is a keen connoisseur of Chinese and Japanese poetry. In Astana, such interests of Masimov do not cause general delight. Many people blame the new prime minister for excessive pro-Chinese sentiments.”
The electronic version of the domestic publication “Vremya”, represented by the author Viktor Verk, describes: “Masimov can hardly be called both a “strong business executive” and a “high-brow theorist-reformer.” He, like the textbook Gogol hero, “is not fat, but not thin, not tall, but not too short.” That is, it is difficult to convict him of involvement in major scandals, and at the same time, nothing more or less memorable in the field of serving the Fatherland is associated with his name either.”
It is impossible not to mention the conversations of users about Karim Masimov, as the creature of the son-in-law of the head of state Timur Kulibayev. But it probably doesn’t make sense to go into details of the authors’ inventions. Because even those who have a vague idea of ​​the current state of affairs express very bold assumptions on this topic. They are not always competent and of interest to a serious public. But let's return to the portrait.
Website publishes material from the newspaper Respublika. The journalist considers K. Masimov to be the most mysterious figure political establishment, which experienced an incredible rise to the very top of the political Olympus. “From the light hand of the press, Karim Masimov is considered a polyglot, fluent in Chinese, English, Arabic, Russian and Kazakh languages. But, as they say, in reality this is not entirely true. Solid appearance and diplomas have always helped the hardworking and capable Akmola resident. More or less he can express himself in English. But as for the Kazakh and Arabic languages, Masimov does not speak them at all. This does not at all prevent him from being an excellent manager and leader.” However, the website “” notes that the current Prime Minister is the only person in the government of Kazakhstan (except for Kasymzhomart Tokayev) who speaks several languages.
It should be noted positive point, associated with Masimov’s image as a person who ignores political intrigue and, perhaps, therefore, avoided any public scandals. Judging by some statements by foreign authors, Karim Masimov can boast of growing authority.
This is what the Ukrainian portal publishes about this in an article entitled “Oil Steppe Top Manager with Baikonur.” “...Many experts note that in the thoroughly corrupt Kazakh government, Mr. Masimov was not noticed in any scandals; moreover, he tried to be more involved in his work, fulfill the functions assigned to him and stay “equidistant” from his main rivals Kazakh clans. One of the reasons for this is his Uyghur origin. He was not included in the Kazakh tribal (or, as they say in Kazakhstan, zhuz) groups built on the kinship principle. It is not surprising that over time, the unbiased and competent Masimov became one of the politicians closest to Nursultan Nazarbayev: the president appreciated the financier’s ability to act in a modern and civilized manner even on unprepared ground. As for the talk about Mr. Masimov’s “pro-Chinese” orientation, today it is considered by Nursultan Nazarbayev as a kind of “lesser evil” compared to clan dependence.” The author further summarizes: “Masimov, despite close contacts with Western investors, enjoys the support Russian elite. Some of his classmates at the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, from which he graduated in 1988, as well as colleagues at the USSR Trade Mission in Beijing, occupy serious positions in commercial and government agencies RF. However, he was not a representative Soviet elite, therefore, he thinks from the perspective of economic benefit for the country, and not from the “it’s hard to refuse Russian comrades” approach. In this vein, Masimov is a promising negotiator for competent Ukrainian businessmen and officials who can prove the mutual benefit of Ukraine’s oil interest in Kazakhstan.”
Speaking about the general perception of K. Masimov by Internet users, one cannot fail to mention another striking nickname for the Prime Minister - “Chinese”. It is believed that the head of government is very closely connected with China, since he graduated from a university in Urumqi, for a long time held responsible positions related to foreign economic relations with the PRC. In other words, this is a person largely focused on Kazakhstan’s eastern neighbor. From the blog of one of the Internet users - “In my opinion, Masimov has been appointed to work with the neighboring country - China. The previous Prime Minister Danial Akhmetov is said to have pursued a pro-Russian policy...”
In this sense, the same “” adds variety to the flaring up discussions, calling the opinion that as Prime Minister Karim Masimov will be a conductor of Chinese influence in Kazakhstan, “completely erroneous.” The author writes: “Uyghur Karim Masimov, with his knowledge of China and the Chinese, on the contrary, will most likely neutralize the excessive activity of Chinese companies and neutralize Chinese influence, especially Huaqiao, in the territory of Kazakhstan, neighboring the XUAR. Introducing Karim Masimov, Nursultan Nazarbayev made a reservation that Masimov is a Kazakh. Whether this was done intentionally or whether the president simply misspoke is difficult to judge. But perhaps N. Nazarbayev wanted to emphasize that Karim Masimov, despite the fact that he is a Uyghur and received a Chinese education, is still “his” citizen and patriot of Kazakhstan.” Obviously, adherents of this opinion are referring to the historical differences that existed between China and Uyghur society.
Further, the author writes: “With all this, Karim Masimov himself experiences reverent attitude To Chinese culture and to Chinese philosophy, in particular. In addition, Masimov is quite good at eastern self-defense techniques and is the president of the Thai Boxing Federation. Unlike many managers, he does not shy away from new technologies and, by his own admission, loves to wander in the ocean of the Internet. IN family life Karim Masimov is as successful as he is professionally. His wife, Dilyaram, is modest and aloof from public fuss, devoting all her attention to her husband and three children. Karim Masimov himself is very secretive and shows a certain suspiciousness when communicating with large crowds of people and with the press. Therefore whenever we're talking about O public speaking, K. Masimov prepares for it very carefully and comprehensively. Not too talkative, Karim Masimov always carefully selects words and expressions. However, behind the somewhat sleepy expression and phlegmatic demeanor lies a strong and decisive personality.”
Another topic of debate on the Internet is the chance of the current head of government to become the next president of the country. Verbal battles flare up after journalistic materials provide fresh information and their own comments on it. An example is the text version proposed by Radio Liberty live broadcast, dedicated to changes in the composition of the Kazakh government. One of the invitees Chief Editor socio-political magazine “Mysl”, Seydakhmet Kuttykadam says: “It is clear that Nazarbayev’s successor will be a Kazakh, that’s for sure. But who will, apparently, will be decided in a couple of years. It seems to me that Masimov will not hold this post for more than two years. Multi-vector, foreign policy, and some internal political vectors are set by Nazarbayev. And I think he is in no way going to give up these positions in the near future. Masimov is a fairly flexible politician, a very obedient politician, unlike some, say, prime ministers. Akhmetov was a purely technical figure; he did not interfere in politics and minded his own affairs. And Masimov will fully comply with Nazarbayev’s instructions.”
In terms of the scale of self-PR and the degree of influence, says one of the authors on the site , Karim Masimov is comparable to the First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. The very fact that the head of government is the only government official who has a personal website speaks of his desire and desire to keep up with the times, to be, or at least appear to be, open to society. Masimov is educated enough for this.
Another difference between Masimov and his colleagues is that the head of government is one of the youngest in the current cabinet of ministers. Here are lines from five years ago, helpfully offered by the Internet even now: “He (Masimov) is not inferior to his senior colleagues in terms of work experience, judging by his track record... Karim Kazhimkanovich is the darling of fortune, which still turns its face to him.” Author Aigul Omarova on the website further continues: “Karim Masimov is recognized by many as a competent leader who skillfully uses the achievements of modern management. It just so happens that wherever Karim Kazhimkanovich works, he knows how to select a team of specialists who are moving in the precisely chosen direction. And this is his strength. It must be said that Karim Masimov is typical representative a new generation of top managers: competent, relying on scientific developments in their work, but relying on people. Time will tell how Masimov’s future activities will turn out.” Time has shown...
As a good manager and financier, a lot of words have been said about K. Masimov on the Internet. In this context, we recall his work as chairman of the board of both the Almaty Trade and Financial Bank CJSC and the People's Savings Bank of Kazakhstan, as well as his activities as the Minister of Transport and Communications and, of course, the Deputy Prime Minister of the country. His words are quoted about his immense passion for his work, his recognition of himself as a passionate person in relation to work. “This is very interesting to me,” Masimov’s words are repeated when he was deputy head of government. And below, in the chat battles provoked by journalistic articles, there are characteristics: smart guy Masimov, a modern manager, a compromise figure in the intra-clan struggle in Kazakhstan, etc. In principle, the balance of negative and positive is obvious. Despite the fact that the Prime Minister has many ill-wishers among Internet users, a fairly significant part of users favor him. In any case, recognizing him as a promising politician who has a good understanding of economics and has proven himself to be a good manager.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Born on June 15, 1965 in Tselinograd. Graduated from Beijing Language Institute Law Institute Wuhan University, Kazakh State Academy of Management. He has the qualifications of an international lawyer and an economist. Doctor of Economic Sciences. Speaks English, Chinese, Arabic.

He began his career as a chief economist, head of a department of the Ministry of Labor, then worked as a senior specialist at the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the republic in the city of Urumqi (PRC), and as executive director of the trading house of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong. He was the chairman of the board of the Almaty Trade and Financial and People's Savings Banks. He was appointed Minister of Transport and Communications, Deputy Prime Minister, Assistant to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since January 2006 - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since April 2006 - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Minister of Economy and Budget Planning. Since October 2006 – Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On January 10, 2007, at a joint meeting of both chambers of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was confirmed as Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Married, three children.

As a result, the People's Savings Bank of Kazakhstan became the property of the son-in-law of the president of the republic, Kulibayev and his wife Dinara Nazarbayeva. They owned 73.5 percent of the shares. At the end of 1999, Karim Kazhimkanovich served as chairman of NSBK-Group CJSC. And he held this post until the spring of 2000.

Work in the government of the republic

In the summer of 2000, he became the Minister of Communications and Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Then Karim Masimov resigned. And in the fall of the same year he was appointed prime minister, taking the place of K. Tokayev.

The media noted that Karim Kazhimkanovich is part of “Kulibayev’s team.” Many other high positions were occupied by other members of the “Timurov team”. For example, E. Dosayev became the head of the Antimonopoly Agency, and A. Myrzakhmetov became the Minister of Transport.

Masimov retained the position of Deputy Prime Minister under I. Tasmagambetov, the new head of government, appointed to this post in early 2002. In the summer of 2003, there was a change in leadership. And although the result for the former head was resignation, Karim Masimov was hired as President Nazarbayev’s assistant on foreign political issues.

At the beginning of 2006, Masimov again became deputy prime minister. At the same time, he was Minister of Budget Planning and Economy. At this time, Kulibayev strengthened his position, becoming deputy head of the Samruk holding, which managed state assets. He was the most influential economic figure in Kazakhstan.

At the beginning of 2007, Karim Masimov was promoted to such a high position as Prime Minister. The media viewed this fact as strengthening Kulibayev’s position. Analysts assumed that he would lobby for the interests of the PRC, since he had long-standing friendly ties with it. And Masimov received the nickname “Chinese” from journalists.

Analysts also discussed the possibility of him becoming the successor to the Kazakh president. But Karim Masimov’s nationality could become an obstacle. There were many who doubted that he was really Kazakh. And this played a key role for the candidate to succeed the president.

In the fall of 2012, Kazakh President Nazarbayev removed Masimov from the post of prime minister. But he appointed him head of his administration. And Serik Akhmetov became Karim Kazhimkanovich’s successor.

Facilities mass media noted that Karim Masimov’s resignation from the post of head of government was not the first. He was reassigned three times. And it was an amazing political longevity. Masimov served as head of government longer than his predecessors.

One of the reasons was Karim Kazhimkanovich’s personal devotion to Nazarbayev. His former son-in-law called Masimov the president’s “treasurer.” claimed that Karim Kazhimkanovich was “laundering” Nazarbayev’s personal money by transferring funds to offshore accounts. Also, the media more than once attributed Karim Kazhimkanovich main role in resolving the big scandal around Kazakhgate, which began back in 1999.

The country's top officials, right up to the president, took part in this process. And it was noted that in 2007 Masimov refused Money, lying in Swiss banks on accounts frozen by the investigation. According to American investigators, these were large bribes from oil companies.

Performance results in leadership positions

Karim Kazhimkanovich has a great interest in the development of information technologies in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under Masimov, starting in 2005, big job on the introduction of electronics into government office work. In 2012, Kazakhstan was in second place, together with Singapore, in the world ranking “E-Participation Index”.

This program implied the possibility of citizens communicating with ministers online. It was Karim Masimov (Kazakhstan) who first started a blog on the Internet. And then he insisted that all officials actively use electronic gadgets. They also started and used their own personal blogs.

Advantages and disadvantages of Masimov

Mukhtar Ablyazov, the “white oligarch” who previously owned the BTA bank, was a fierce enemy of Kulibayev. And in 2011, he was sure that the most realistic successor to the president was Masimov. Although he noted his good and negative sides character.

He described Karim Kazhimkanovich as a person who knows how to find compromise solutions, but at the same time uses flattery. According to Ablyazov, Karim Kazhimkanovich has a rather flexible character. Always polite. His remarkable endurance was noted. Ablyazov spoke of Karim Kazhimkanovich as a person who tries to avoid conflicts and rudeness. But at the same time, he has a certain cunning.

As Masimov’s classmate said, Karim Kazhimkanovich was always very sociable and smiling. Makes a good impression on people. He speaks Russian perfectly without the slightest accent.

Personal life

Karim Masimov's wife is Mashurova Dilyaram Azatovna. She is the daughter of a famous Uyghur in the Republic of Kazakhstan public figure. Masimov and Dilyaram have been married for many years. Karim Kazhimkanovich’s wife does not work anywhere. And he spends most of his time traveling abroad.

Karim Masimov, for whom children are very important, is a fairly rich man. In his marriage he had three children. There is only one son - Iskander. And two daughters. One of them, Tamina, is studying at a university in Singapore. In 2008, the family bought an apartment there for $7.5 million.


Masimov Karim, whose biography is described in this article, is an honorary doctor of the RUDN University. In 2004, he became the owner of the Kazakh orders “Kurmet” and “First President - Nazarbayev”. Masimov was awarded the medal “Twenty Years of Independence of Kazakhstan”. Karim Kazhimkanovich received the Order of the Federation from the United Arab Emirates in 2010.

Masimov is fond of martial arts. Moreover, he himself is fluent in several. Karim Kazhimkanovich is the President of the Thai Boxing and Taekwondo Federations of Kazakhstan. Moreover, for the latter he received the prefix “honorary”. In addition, Karim Kazhimkanovich is interested in Japanese and Chinese poetry.

For him, Karim Masimov’s family is one of the main values ​​in life. He is not afraid to spend on his beloved household members large sums money. For example, for Sarah, his youngest daughter, Karim Kazhimkanovich bought an expensive dog. And in 2011, he took the whole family on vacation to Paris. They flew there on a private plane.

Masimov's wife is a regular visitor to spa salons. If necessary, treatment of family members is carried out abroad or in large expensive clinics. Karim Kazhimkanovich also does not forget about himself and carefully monitors his health, regularly undergoing examinations by specialists.

He often buys branded clothing through online stores. But he prefers one of the best Italian companies, one of the world's top five. Clothes are mainly made for Masimov individual orders. He is also interested in old uniforms and service jackets.

Karim Masimov's appointment to high government positions allowed him to buy exhibits for another of his hobbies. Karim Kazhimkanovich is very fond of antiques. And he is constantly adding to his collection. For example, Karim Kazhimkanovich purchased Bonaparte’s letters for one hundred thousand euros, and the manuscript for 97,500 USD.

And here is the wife and eldest daughter Masimova - true connoisseurs jewelry. Moreover, the female half of the family has very good taste. Sarah, youngest daughter, indifferent to jewelry. But he constantly changes prestigious schools. Until the 7th grade she studied in Astana. Then - abroad.

Karim Kazhimkanovich does not forget to take care of his relatives who are abroad. He regularly sends them remittances.
