Detailed love horoscope for the year. Love horoscope for Pisces

The new year 2018 has arrived, and each of us is looking forward to all the achievements that he has carefully prepared for us. So maybe stop guessing? We will lift the veil of secrecy and tell you what to expect and what to prepare for for each zodiac sign.

"So simple!" prepared for you full horoscope for 2018! Look at the love adventures career highs and fateful changes have prepared the planets for your zodiac sign.

Accurate horoscope for 2018

  1. Aries
    For Aries, this year will be important in all areas of life. The chance to change your entire life doesn't come around very often, so get ready! Dropping everything and taking on something completely new is a piece of cake for Aries, who have always boasted of an enviable ability for rebirth. However, 2018 will not be so easy to get up to - you will be torn between the life you would like to live and what you are leaving behind.

    The complexity of the choice will force you to stand still for the next six months, thinking about the correctness of your decision. Are you ready sacrifice everything for something new affairs? Are you ready to invest all your ambitions and time there? I am sure that you want to say goodbye to the present forever and enter into new life? Don’t worry, the answers to your questions will be found closer to summer, but the emotional torment you’ve experienced will make you think about your approach to life and your own ambitions.

    You're probably being too hard on yourself and not fully appreciating your skills. But achieving your cherished goal will convince you of this. In January-February (and then again in July and August) there will be drastic changes on the personal front. And although it seems that you are moving forward, there will be no final break with the past.

    The situation in your career will also torment your soul. The stars promise you to strengthen your position and agree to a long-term contract, although you think that in this way you will tie your hands. May and June will be successful financially, August will fray your nerves, but by the end of the year everything will be fine.

  2. Taurus
    Home driving force Your year of 2018 will be Uranus, the planet of change, which will enter your sign in May. If you have previously been unable to find opportunities to realize your own ambitions, then this year Uranus will provide a cherished chance to change your life in every imaginable aspect. You will feel a hint of a potentially successful future right away: real prospects will emerge, but you don’t have to rush to realize them right away.

    Personal life will make you think about the future. Relations that began to slow down at the end of last year will begin to gain momentum with new strength, reaching a stage where serious decisions need to be made. But don't rush! Taking a break in October is absolutely necessary to clear your thoughts.

    The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is a turning point in career aspirations - lunar and solar eclipses in the upper sector of the horoscope drawing you higher and higher to the stars! The decisive moment will fall in August. If something goes wrong, try to look at the situation from a different angle. Once you succeed, you will be happy to continue moving in the intended direction.

    May will be the most successful month from a financial point of view, but be very careful in July and December. 2018 is a year of change, so Taurus should be very careful!

  3. Twins
    Your ambitions and ability to generate all sorts of ideas are admired by everyone around you, but this year your thoughts may be so large-scale that it will not be possible to turn them into reality. Neptune now rules your life, being an endless source of inspiration. But, promising wealth and fame, Neptune never tells how to achieve them.

    In recent years, Saturn has been trying to curb Neptune, which has playfully settled in the upper sector of your horoscope: friends unanimously ask you to stop chasing dreams and take a realistic look at the future. Sound advice, it would seem, but you still won't give up. The powerful influence of Jupiter will allow you to strengthen your current position and move closer to Neptune.

    What you dreamed about will finally become possible, but you will have to work hard on the way to your goals. Matters on the personal front will likely be relegated to the background: by the end of the year, you will not be able to commit yourself to the obligations that you would have recently agreed to without thinking. It seems that now the relationship appears before you in a completely different light.

    Serious events in the career field will occur in January and December. In addition, July will allow you to seriously improve your financial situation - you will probably aim for a higher level.

  4. Cancer
    IN Lately You’re so used to putting work first that you can’t live any other way. However, this year will surprise and delight you, because now you will have ability to prioritize, separating what is important from things that can definitely wait. Main role Uranus will play a role in this, which by the end of summer will leave that part of your horoscope that is responsible for self-realization.

    Things will return to a normal rhythm, and you will certainly be surprised how you managed to do it all! At the end of the year you will have last time plunge into chaos, but don’t worry about it. In the love sphere, 2018 will present you with a choice. Saturn, which is in the love sphere of your horoscope, encourages you to settle down and make your existing relationships permanent, but Jupiter hints that you need to enjoy life.

    Which planet will prevail in your personal life is up to you to decide! This year also brings financial changes. What previously seemed like a necessity will become a luxury, and vice versa. You have to build a completely new budget, but keep in mind that this will take several months.

  5. a lion
    If you always knew that you were on the right path, you should be disappointed: the path ahead is not so straight, and behind an unexpected turn there is a crossroads that you had no idea about. There is a high probability that you will decide to take a completely new path, dividing your life into two halves - what happened before 2018 and the present. By the way, 2018 is what you've been waiting for!

    This year there will be four solar and lunar eclipses, which will force you to take a good look at yourself and make the necessary adjustments. You will see, by the end of the year you won't recognize yourself. The last few years of difficulties of various nature prevented the relationship from developing in the direction that you and your other half were striving for.

    Now you have room to maneuver and time to accept the right decision. If you still give your existing relationship a chance, then everything will be fine. And at the end of the year, a real happy ending awaits you - you can safely grab your beloved hand and step into a happy future together.

    At work, expect additional workload that can push you into tight limits. If you feel trapped, quickly look for a new field for self-realization. The most favorable months financially will be February, July and September. In mid-June you should be careful, but otherwise everything will be magical!

  6. Virgo
    At the beginning of the year you will look back, considering the possibility of returning to old job or your previous place of residence, where you felt good and comfortable. However, the doors leading to the past have long been locked. So, friend, just go ahead! Step boldly into the unknown future. Believe me, it has many surprises in store for you.

    Whatever happens, it's always for the better. On the personal front, a new figure awaits you. An acquaintance of an acquaintance, a new colleague at work or an old neighbor... It doesn’t matter at all! And even if the spark does not ignite right away, you will be bound by strong friendship and mutual trust from the very beginning.

    There is a possibility that New Year will bring you a promotion up the career ladder or even new job, but in the same area. It will be much more pleasant to think about new achievements! From a financial point of view, the year will be successful, apart from a few troubled weeks in the fall.

  7. Scales
    For anyone born under the sign of Libra, romantic relationships are the foundation on which all areas of life rest. So changes in love affairs will entail a change in ambitions, lifestyle and even work. Well, a remarkable outburst of passion can even lead to moving abroad. That's how they are, Libra...

    The events of January will once again prove that you are pretty bored with your current situation, and you will find a way to end it. In February you twist it new novel , and the first half of the year will pass like a fairy tale. With the arrival of summer, the new romance will either move into a stable direction or burn to the ground. A spring romance may be replaced by a summer one, which will take you in a completely different direction. By autumn you will feel tired and take a short break.

    In July, a new position awaits you, in which you will probably want to stay longer. Perhaps this is exactly what you dreamed of? This could be one heck of a year. However, this is the price of long-awaited changes. By the way, if you don’t throw money away uncontrollably, then there won’t be any problems!

  8. Scorpion
    2018 - almost best year for Scorpios over the past ten years! The influence of Jupiter will bring an endless stream of opportunities that will allow you to expand your horizons and improve your life in all its aspects. The pressure of Jupiter will cause you some discomfort, because you need to take advantage of the patron’s gifts either now or never.

    Jupiter will also have its influence on the personal front. The romantic connection you were hesitant to pursue because you were afraid to reveal it. true feelings, will go to new level, if you are dare to open your heart. In the career field, a series of solar eclipses promise serious achievements.

    Thanks to the support of Jupiter, success is guaranteed! The beginning of the year is the most favorable time in the financial sphere. In November, you will have to try hard to get what you want by the end of the year.

  9. Sagittarius
    You are ready for critical situations from birth. Moreover, you are ready to do whatever is required to resolve this situation. What if the crisis has passed, and circumstances do not put pressure on you? So, you are free! What do you prefer to do? You can work out plans for the future, do things that you have been passionate about, or go on a long-awaited trip.

    While Saturn was in Sagittarius, you did not have a moment of peace. Now it's time to catch up. There is uncertainty in the love sphere. During the first half of 2018, you will doubt whether you really need your current romance. By the end of November, a key moment will come - everything that has been bothering you will come out, giving you a chance to correct the situation.

    Everything will get better in the professional sphere. If the chance to take on additional responsibilities arises in the summer, you should never miss it. In the financial sector, everything is simple: patience and work will grind everything down! You will be rewarded for the work you do, but don't forget to set aside enough time for rest.

  10. Capricorn
    You have always believed that goals achieved are the result of efforts expended. Thanks to the support of Saturn in Capricorn, the work you have done throughout the year will be more than paid for, and happiness knows no bounds. The other side of the coin is that we had to wait a very long time for well-deserved success. However, the efforts were not wasted, all goals were achieved, and projects were implemented.

    In a few years, you will completely complete the planned program, and you will have to start creating new goals. But put these worries aside for later and enjoy the stunning success that will fall on your head in the next few months. Serious achievements are also expected in the love field. If you were single until this moment, wait for the long-awaited second half. If you are already in a relationship, you will feel how quickly it is growing stronger.

    Considering how close you have flown to the Sun, professionally you are not in danger of radical changes. However, there will be an opportunity to return to promising and previously unrealized projects. This is not a step back, no. The Universe is giving you another chance to follow the previously explored path and improve your results.

    In truth, it hardly matters in the scale of the goal you are rapidly moving towards. Due to eclipses, the year will be changeable in financial terms. But February will pleasantly surprise you!

  11. Aquarius
    Like the rest of the zodiac signs, 2018 will be a year of change for Aquarius. Don’t let the reigning chaos, confusion and confusion scare you, because you can cope with the changes in no time. No matter what aspect of life we ​​are talking about, the unrest of 2018 will move all areas, giving the chance to change something. Lunar and solar eclipses open up new opportunities and give a push in the right direction.

    Along with your change of views, your personal life will also change. You've probably already outgrown your current romance and a breakup is overdue, after which you can confidently move on. And in the career field there will be changes. With Jupiter at the top of your horoscope, you will have the opportunity to express yourself to the fullest.

    The support of Jupiter means a lot, so you shouldn’t waste your time on trifles when choosing a goal. Financially, 2018 will be seriously wasteful. Perhaps such losses are necessary to rethink yourself and your goals? In any case, you only live once!

  12. Fish
    2018 and the next year are closely connected: this year you will have to generate fresh ideas and open new horizons, and the next year will be devoted to the implementation of all your plans. The beneficial placement of Jupiter and Neptune will provide an endless flow of ideas, the implementation of which will cause fear of failure, because over the past few years you have been hitting the ceiling every now and then.

    But this year Saturn is leaving and no longer dares to interfere with your plans. Raise your eyes - the path to the top is clear! You can rejoice, because there is a significant recovery on the personal front. The flame of secret passions will flare up more strongly if you carefully hide what is happening. Otherwise, they will fade away forever. If you feel that you have not completely put an end to your old attachment, you should not be deceived - you are simply trying with all your might to delay the inevitable.

    2018 will bring you good luck in your career, because at the very beginning there will be an opportunity to step forward, and at the end - a chance to climb another step. The main thing is that you are in control of the situation, and don’t try to blindly ride luck. March is the most attractive time from a financial point of view. Although a cash bonus awaits you in the summer, keep in mind that you will have to fight for it.

Here he is, ! We believe that everything will come true, because for many this year could be the best in many decades. If you have been haunted by difficulties so far, then this year you will cope with them once or twice. And may the stars guide you along the right path!

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2018 will be the time for Aries when they will cast aside all doubts. The time has come to act and not doubt. Your heart will begin to push you to take decisive steps leading to the heart of the person you are interested in. You will clearly feel that you are able to conquer even the most fastidious heart. But these qualities of yours will not manifest themselves all year, and already in July you will become much more timid in romantic matters. Most likely, until the end of summer, issues of love in your life will be raised only on the initiative of other people who care about you. However, in the fall you will be back in Cupid’s ranks and will be able to make up for lost opportunities. The end of the year promises to be very happy and serene.


For Taurus, the Earthy Yellow Dog has prepared many surprises in romantic matters. She just wants to do something to knock you out of the familiar and comfortable framework of the usual. The Dog’s ally will be Uranus, a planet that is very fond of unusual twists of fate, because it is not for nothing that it itself, unlike other planets, rotates on a horizontal axis. In general, expect changes in the love sphere. There is a high probability that the people with whom fate will bring you will be different from those whom you have always considered as acceptable partners. You will be lucky to have extravagant and extraordinary personalities. But the Dog knows what he is doing and why. Believe me, these meetings will interest and greatly delight you.



Gemini will have a real obstacle race, where in the final they will have a heart-friendly outcome. The Earthy Yellow Dog has saved an ideal partner for you, but in order to achieve the desired union, you will have to make a lot of effort. The year promises to be eventful, full of unexpected turns, serious decisions and real adventures in the best traditions of the romantic genre. It is possible that you will need to travel often and for a long time, especially in the second half of the year. You shouldn’t exclude the possibility that your significant other will be from another country and the question of moving abroad will arise.


Cancers clearly shouldn’t count on loneliness. Even if for some reason you planned to sit somewhere in silence, know: the Earthy Yellow Dog will still find you and give you a ticket to an interesting romantic story, where you will be one of the two main characters. And maybe not only two. The heavenly bodies do not rule out that 2018 will force you to choose who will become the main person in your heart. So your ship will definitely not sail to a quiet harbor, because its course will be set towards Jupiter, located in Scorpio, which indicates an abundance of passions and colors in your romantic life.

a lion

Leos should remember in 2018 that the Dog is a domestic animal that refrains from long journeys. This principle will be fully reflected in your life, including the sphere of romance. The search for your soulmate should be carried out nearby, among familiar people, colleagues, and friends with similar interests. It is very likely that people from the past will return to your life and become the object of your adoration. It is possible that one of the Leos will find a soul mate with whom they will get along on the basis of common interests - hobbies, sports, etc. Some Leos can take a risk and go on a long journey, but Cupid foresaw such a scenario, so even Far from home, you have every chance of meeting a person who will become your soulmate.


Even the most unsociable of Virgos is unlikely to be able to avoid the attention of the opposite sex. The heavenly bodies indicate that literally behind every door there will be people waiting for you with whom you have every chance of building a strong and lasting alliance. This opportunity will continue throughout 2018, and attempts to win your heart will begin in January. Those Virgos who try to spend the year of the Earthy Yellow Dog in solitude will also not be deprived of attention: there is always a telephone and social networks through which Cupid can reach your heart.


The coming year 2018 allows Libra to relax and completely trust the circumstances. Love itself will come into your life again and again, giving bright and pleasant impressions. It will be difficult for Libra to remain without a partner this year, so those who think that they are not ready for a relationship will have to try to remain unnoticed by representatives of the opposite sex. In the fall of 2018, Venus will enter a retrograde phase. For Libra, this will mean the opportunity to regain lost relationships. Whether to do this or not is your choice, because one way or another you will not be left without attention. Venus in Pluto suggests that Libra, who is very much in love, may experience difficulties in relationships. Nevertheless, these are quite surmountable difficulties. In any case, you will achieve reciprocity from the object of your adoration.


Scorpio in 2018 will be one of the favorites of the Earthy Yellow Dog. Of course, her character is not sugar, but what can she oppose when Jupiter himself sternly guards the well-being of Scorpios? The year will be filled with passion. As summer approaches, you will discover many interesting features in yourself that attract the opposite sex. This new knowledge about yourself will be a serious advantage in romantic matters and will allow you to easily become the master of your love life, and not be led by circumstances. To be fair, it is worth noting that the Earthy Yellow Dog will not pamper Scorpios with love alone, and many of them will be captivated by the opportunity to significantly improve their financial situation. Actually, nothing prevents you from being equally effective in the romantic and financial spheres. You have everything for this.


2018 has prepared a lot of surprises for Sagittarius - in in a good way this word. You will see impressive prospects ahead of you, including in your romantic life. For single Sagittarius, this will mean an opportunity to win the heart of the person they are interested in, and for those whose relationships are already established, it will mean changing something in their union for the better. This is a great time for weddings, romantic confessions and proposals. In addition, this is a good time to finally sort out differences between partners, if any. In the second half of 2018, you will feel a surge of strength that will help you win the battle for someone’s heart, if one happens, but it is much more likely that it will not be you who will have to fight, but other people - for your attention.


Capricorns should become extremely attentive to their romantic life this year. The Earthy Yellow Dog will try in every possible way to provoke you, to arouse passions, to turn you into a real hurricane of emotions, but all these manifestations are alien to your calm disposition, so do not succumb to provocations. Peace of mind is a guarantee of your success in 2018. It is possible that by the second half of the year you will not feel serious enthusiasm to somehow express yourself in a romantic relationship. But here your soulmate will come to the rescue, who can awaken in you a taste for passion and warm feelings. As December approaches, you will have to give a lot of advice about someone's relationships. You will successfully cope with this task.


Aquarians in their romantic life will become the darlings and favorites of the Earthy Yellow Dog. She will seat you on the throne, like some eastern caliph, take a fan and begin to carefully blow the breeze while you get acquainted with beautiful representatives of the opposite sex. And the Dog will listen to your preferences and offer more and more romantic encounters, trying to please you. In fact, communication with the opposite sex will be easy for you. But love issues will not be in the first place for Aquarius. On the contrary, you will be interested in completely different things: your reputation, image, self-development, professional growth. However, this does not mean that love will not bring you pleasure. Against. It would be more correct to say that you do not have to make serious efforts in this direction. Everything will work out by itself, as if by magic.


Pisces should not win other people's attention directly, head-on. 2018 requires a strategic approach to the sensory sphere. Be patient, try not to put pressure on the person you are interested in, and slowly, steadily, in the most natural way, begin to seduce him. This process may take months, but it will give you the main advantage - a reliable foundation for the upcoming union. The best part is that in this way you are able to independently build a scenario for your future life with your other half. Right now, while no one suspects it, you are setting the tone of your future relationship with subtle hints and tricks. Who will become the leader? How will communication be structured? Only you can determine all this. But from the beginning of July it will be time to go on a decisive offensive and take noticeable steps towards a romantic union.

Horoscope by zodiac signs for 2020: personal relationships for men and women.

Devoted and faithful White Rat is a symbol of 2020.
Because she is very friendly, resourceful and smart, no special outbreaks or problems are expected, both on a national scale and in personal relationships. Let's see what the stars promise us for each zodiac sign in terms of love?

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign of Aries

Forecast for the year of the White Rat for Aries men and women
  • Women Aries have a very explosive character. Unreasonable outbursts of irritability and anger can become the reason for a final quarrel with the man you love.
  • For those representatives who are able to restrain their irrepressible character, there is an opportunity to transform long-term, friendly relationships into family ties. But you will have to achieve this through your own efforts. The second half of the fire sign will behave very passively this year.
  • When a new romance arises, you should not talk about it, even to your loved ones. There is a great chance for a serious, long-term relationship and the creation of a happy family, while maintaining secrecy until the very moment of registration.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign of Aries

  • Despite the fact that the Rat is the patron of family ties all year round, for some male representatives Aries, problems are possible in this area. IN first half of the year cooling of relationships and divorces are possible.
  • By the middle of the year - Aries will have new feelings for his soulmate. He will do everything to get his beloved back. For this, the best option is to travel together.
  • By August - feelings will flare up mutually with renewed vigor. The appearance of a long-awaited child is possible.
  • In September - The Aries man will withdraw into himself and love affairs will not bother him at all.
  • With the help of my beloved, by November he will feel confident again.
  • Until the end of the year harmony and love will not leave a love couple with a representative of this sign.
  • For a bachelor - given a chance to meet at the end of the year a worthy companion for life.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign Taurus

Taurus men and women and personal relationships
  • A sea of ​​love and understanding awaits the female half in the year of the Rat.
  • In order to meet your prince, you should change your habit of being a homebody.
  • It is advisable to visit guests more often where there is real opportunity get to know and continue your relationship with your loved one.
  • The stars warn that you should not rush into the arms of the first person you meet. Take a closer look - maybe he is only interested in your money. Taurus' good intuition will help with this.
  • Beware office romances, if there is an existing relationship with another man.
  • The Rat does not like cheating. She will definitely punish you for betrayal. Following the growth of your career, a series of troubles will come.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign Taurus

  • Beginning of the year - does not promise an enthusiastic love relationship. But don't be upset. With the advent first spring thaw A good period for flirting will begin. All the best girls will be happy to have an affair with representatives of this sign. Go for it - this is your chance! But this concerns only bachelors.
  • For married men – you should avoid even a passing hobby. This threatens divorce, from which the provocateur of the discord will suffer the most. Something that will be greatly regretted later.
  • An unstable financial situation can lead to serious conflict in the family.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign Gemini

Love in the Year of the Rat for Gemini men and women
  • This year is for married ladies requires special attention to your soulmate.
  • Any disapproving action towards a partner can lead to a quarrel or serious conflict.
  • The year is favorable for romantic relationships free girls.
  • It is possible to meet the man of your dreams.
  • It is important not to miss it in the series of random relationships that will fill the Year of the Rat for a single lady.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign Gemini

  • For strong half humanity, of this zodiac sign, the year is full of pleasant, romantic adventures and meetings.
  • For single men– this will be a pleasant and interesting entertainment, with a very possible conclusion – official registration.
  • And here family Gemini will suffer from constant provocative, fleeting hobbies, after which they will be torn apart by severe remorse. Possible serious conflicts and the breakdown of family relationships on this basis.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign Cancer

Zodiac sign Cancer and love in 2020
  • This year will be beneficial for women Cancer, in terms of love.
  • Yes mom Those who want to find their soulmate need to leave the walls of their shell and be in public more.
    In this case, the year of the Rat guarantees single Cancers by the end of the year, enjoy calm, family happiness with your beloved man.
  • Only moving will help you get rid of too intrusive and unwanted fans.
  • Married passions A long-awaited trip awaits you with your spouse to your favorite vacation spot.
    This wonderful journey will shake up the couple and give them the opportunity to spend time with the emotions and impressions of passionate love, just like in the first days of dating.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign Cancer

  • In amorous affairs strong half sign in the year of the Rat - an ideal situation.
  • The year will give you a lot of pleasant love adventures. But for this you need to be active. Otherwise, a relationship that starts quickly will also end quickly.
  • For married men– You should avoid office romances.
  • Possible financial difficulties because of the relationship that arose at the end of this whirlwind romance.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign Leo

Leo man and woman and love
  • A busy and promising year is promised women Leos are astrologers.
  • Not only an interesting and promising job, but also your personal life will rise to the highest level of success.
  • Calm and measured events have already to spring will gain the most active momentum.
  • There will be no end to new meetings and fans.
  • Don't miss your chance, but don't waste your time on affairs.
  • It is better to focus all your attention on finding a worthy love object.
  • The White Rat favors the union of all loving hearts. And if you don’t yet have a worthy partner in mind, you will definitely meet one
  • Married women it won't be boring either. Strong emotions not expected. But the one who is next to you will nurture and fulfill your every desire.
  • To summer - wait for your most cherished dream to come true.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign Leo

  • Leo is one of the most amorous signs of the Zodiac. They are not particularly loyal. However, this year they will have to slow down their love fervor. The mistress of the year will not tolerate irresponsible love affairs.
  • For family ladies' men, having affairs on the side, this is fraught with health problems.
  • Try at the beginning of the year relax with your beloved woman in a cozy place. This is a great opportunity to strengthen things on the personal front.
  • There will be a great opportunity to fulfill long-standing plans for the desired child.
  • Because the in the second half of the year serious financial problems are possible, good vacation will help you gain new strength for a breakthrough in your work.
  • For bachelors Those who indiscriminately change partners should think about their behavior. Otherwise, the Rat will try to shake out all your available finances to fulfill the wishes of lovely ladies. Maybe it's time to start a family?
    After all, the mistress of the year with favor gives a huge chance to lonely Leos to find true love. Perhaps she is already very close?

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the Virgo sign

What kind of personal life awaits the Virgo man and woman in 2020?
  • Closed character women Dev does not interfere with them being constantly in the circle of friends and relatives.
  • This will play a very important role in their personal life this year.
  • An intense desire to change your appearance and most of your standard lifestyle will attract the attention of those who have not noticed them for years.
  • This is what will allow you to see the person of your dreams and unite in family ties with someone who has been nearby unnoticed for a long time.
  • For married women, the temptation to suddenly make drastic changes in this way can lead to problems in the personal sphere. Their loved ones simply won’t understand them.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the Virgo sign

  • For men, personal life will be great.
  • Virgo men, regardless marital status, in any romantic situation they will be winners.
  • The year of the Rat more than guarantees passion and love for representatives of this zodiac sign.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign Libra

What can Libra men and women expect in the year of the White Rat?
  • The pragmatic will not be able to weigh everything and act prudently. Libra women in the year of the Rat.
  • Sentimentality and eccentricity, not inherent in this sign, will manifest themselves with extraordinary severity in the most unforeseen situations.
  • Such behavior will lead to misunderstanding on the other side.
  • Quarrels and scandals are possible due to the disagreement that has arisen.
  • By mid-spring, a complete breakdown of relationships is possible, both in long-established married couples and in newly emerged love affairs.
  • In summer Having gained freedom, Libra women will update their image beyond recognition.
  • in autumn, possible meeting with interesting person, who will appreciate the girl’s transformation.
  • By the end of the year, the relationship will move to a more serious level.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign Libra

  • Good period for guys born under this sign.
  • Many pleasant meetings with representatives of the opposite sex await Libra men.
  • This relationship will be quite close.
  • This will be a positive aspect for single couples.
  • But here family men you'll have to be careful.
  • Such relationships can lead to dire consequences.
  • Since Libras do not tend to restrain their emotions, their excessive cheerfulness will arouse suspicion in their other half.
  • Quarrels, scandals and even divorce can result from this situation.
  • Single representatives, when fiery feelings arise, the stars advise not to be afraid to confess your love. There will be no refusal.
  • Unofficial cohabitation does not threaten legal marriage.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign of Scorpio

Love and genetology
  • A difficult, uncompromising disposition will destroy Scorpio's connections even with the most patient partners.
  • Even the best friends cannot brighten up the loneliness of a bachelor in the year of the Rat.
  • Unless you manage to curb your character, the situation can be improved.
  • Radically changing your entire inner world and starting life from scratch is one of the options.
  • The opportunity to create a blessed family or love affairs will appear by November.
  • Scorpios are in control of how long these connections will last. If you manage to measure your character, the relationship will remain for a long time - strong and happy.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign of Scorpio

  • Unfortunately, the horoscope for men, is not fundamentally different for this sign from the female one.
  • Many passionate adventures will end in failure thanks to Scorpio's grumpy emotions.
  • Established positive relationships gifted by the Rat at the end of the year, can turn into a serious relationship next year, if the man does not show causeless impulses of jealousy, provoking scandals and quarrels.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign Sagittarius

What do the stars say about love to Sagittarius men and women for 2020?
  • Let the intense romantic encounters that the year of the Rat will be rich in for Sagittarius women remain a secret for all friends.
    Envy can lead to a trail of unkind talk that will destroy an entire relationship.
  • In family, Sagittarius women should be extremely vigilant. You should not press your husband too hard with your instructions. Give the opportunity to make a decision on your own.
  • Small quarrels of the previous period may develop into a scandal in the coming year if you constantly put pressure on your spouse with your opinion.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign Sagittarius

  • Jealousy is not best quality Streltsov.
  • It can cause divorce of long-established married couples, already in the first days of January.
  • Singles Sagittarius will be at the peak of popularity of the weaker sex. They will conquer many women's hearts.
    But for the abandoned ladies, the fair Rat will make the traitors unhappy and lonely by the beginning of the cold weather.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign Capricorn

Prophecy of the Stargazers
  • The attractiveness of Capricorns will attract the attention of many members of the opposite sex. This will lead to numerous dating and flirting.
  • The rat will even allow you to walk to the left family
  • Unlike other signs, Capricorns are allowed greater indulgence in intimate relationships.
  • The main thing is not to miss your chance. And find your worthy soul mate.
  • Because there will be a lot of choice , December, The female sex of this sign faces a difficult choice.
  • It is necessary to discard the commercialism characteristic of Capricorns and respond to the call of your heart.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign Capricorn

  • A great year for Maines to arrange their intimate life.
  • By paying attention to your beloved and hearing her true desires, you will have the opportunity to create a serious and wonderful relationship for many years.
  • For family unit– stable and calm relationships are guaranteed. Although, it wouldn’t hurt to diversify them so that your wife doesn’t get bored.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the Aquarius sign

  • Lonely hitherto the Aquarius woman, in 2020 she will find herself a man who is ready to perform the most selfless act for her sake.
  • The surprise and fear that there is a person who loves her for simply being her will lead to an attempt to avoid this relationship. But the partner's persistence will lead to the habit of this sublime state.
    The relationship will settle down. Will end with a successful marriage.
  • Family, in which a woman of this sign is present, peace and harmony awaits.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the Aquarius sign

  • The miraculous power of love will push supermen born under this constellation to take effective actions that will lead to triumphant success in finance and personal life.
  • The patroness of pure love, the friendly Rat, will support enthusiastic Aquarius in all areas of activity.
  • A similar arrangement for married men.

Love horoscope for women for 2020 for the sign of Pisces

How will Pisces' personal connections develop?
  • Enthusiastic, enchanting rendezvous will fill the first half a year and Pisces women.
  • By September - the other half will be disappointed by their isolation and authority. This will be a reason for separation.
  • Perhaps long-past feelings will stir up. You shouldn't hold them back. Traveling together can open up new opportunities in old relationships.
  • To married ladies, It’s worth taking a closer look at your partner from a new, more positive perspective.
    The future fate of family relationships in 2020 depends on you.

Love horoscope for men for 2020 for the sign of Pisces

  • To men who have family - Rat very supportive. She gives them a boost career growth. And this will not slow down to affect family relationships. Love relationship, which have long fallen into decay, will flare up again with renewed vigor.
  • Lucky bachelors, this year there will be an opportunity to start a love affair that they have dreamed of for a long time. To do this you will have to travel a lot.

Video: Love Horoscope for women and men for 2020: all signs

"Love horoscope 2018"

Only good intentions!

It should be remembered that a Dog can be not only peace-loving, but also fighting. That is why many will have to fight for family happiness, proving their loyalty and perseverance. However, astrologers strongly advise against achieving goals through dishonest means. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation or lose your love forever.

Those who choose righteous paths to achieve what they want and begin to act with pure thoughts, showing nobility, will be able to find peace of mind. Good intentions will help pave the way to a cloudless future filled exclusively happy events. Noble deeds will not only strengthen your position on the “love front,” but also turn your relationship with your partner into a real fairy tale.

Astrologers predict an increase in the flow of love energy that will flow to Earth in the second half of the year. Therefore, starting from July, try not to let love affairs and problems take their course. On the contrary, it is recommended to work hard to strengthen the relationship with your lover. To do this, show care and tenderness more often, and show your deep affection for your partner in every possible way. And you will definitely reap the rich fruits of these labors at the end of the year.

Finding your chosen one

For people who are in search of their other half, it is very important to consider candidates for this role who have such traits as decency, loyalty, and impartiality. The ideal option would be to meet your future life partner, born in the year of the Dog. With such a person, there is a high chance of creating a strong union, which can subsequently lead to a happy marriage.

In addition to these qualities, the candidate for the role of the chosen one with whom you want to build a relationship must be free at the time of meeting. Moreover, first of all, this concerns spiritual freedom. After all, some people, having separated from their partner, may suffer for a long time and continue to live in the past. You cannot have an affair with someone who has not yet freed himself from the burden of the past. The dog does not favor such connections and condemns them in every possible way.

Having decided on the choice of your lover, you should not rush things. Let everything take its course. You will be able to get to know your partner better, assess the seriousness of his intentions and draw appropriate conclusions. The dog does not like haste; it encourages you to weigh any decision, especially regarding such an important step as choosing your other half. The patron of the year also does not recommend starting to live with your chosen one right away. It's better to wait a couple of months.

For those who are married

For married couples, the Dog will provide a brilliant opportunity to take relationships to a new, deeper sensual level. Spouses will be able to better sense each other's needs. The improvements will affect not only the platonic aspect. Intimate relationships will also become more intense and vibrant. Tandem of spirituality and physical intimacy will enrich family life generally.

To preserve the idyll in the family hearth, it is necessary to regularly add “wood” to it. The “fuel” to keep the fire going can be kind words, declarations of love, open demonstration of feelings, support and mutual understanding. But the mistress of the year will not like the manifestation of jealousy, especially hidden jealousy. Jealous people, firstly, are unlikely to achieve a positive result, and secondly, they can easily jeopardize their relationship with their lover.

Romances on the side The Dog is not something that will not approve, she can severely punish the traitor for disrespect for marriage. Family traditions, care, mutual assistance and love - only these factors can become a reliable stronghold for a happy existence in 2018. Those who cannot resist temptations may greatly regret their “criminal passion.” It is most likely impossible to avoid a showdown with your loved one. And the likelihood of divorce is very high.

Birth of children

The birth of a child helps to significantly strengthen marriage and unregistered relationships. 2018 is the perfect year for this. If you have been harboring plans for procreation for a long time, there is no need to doubt it. The main thing is that the process takes place by mutual consent. Then the baby will be born and grow up in affection and love. For couples who decide to have a child in 2018, the Dog will give many happy moments and will help in everything.

Divorce is prohibited!

The divorce process allows us to put an end to the crisis of family relations - this is what many believe. Of course, when living together things don't work out even after the best efforts, this solution is the most favorable for both. But not in 2018! It is important to endure the negative period. It may still be possible to save the relationship. If you are firmly convinced that the decision to separate is correct, wait until 2019, when the Pig, who is more loyal to such things, will ascend the throne.

In the horoscope of representatives of almost all zodiac signs, 2018 is marked as a period of strengthening and maintaining relationships, restoring trust between partners, and finding ways to manifest love feelings. If you go against the Dog, difficulties in your personal life may arise in the coming year. When deciding to break off your relationship with your lover, listen to your own heart. If it approves of your choice, it is better to separate from your partner. But it is recommended to formalize the divorce in 2019.

In matters relating to feelings for the chosen one, the Dog calls for being prudent and patient. Thanks to the manifestation of these qualities in 2018, you will be able to not only restore order in your personal life, but also become truly happy man. You just need to show a little persistence, always follow the “dog laws”, and not allow negativity to control your mind.

The year 2018 will be ruled by the most peaceful, loyal, intelligent and fair animal – the Dog. Due to the fact that the element of the year will be the Earth, the qualities of the ruler of the year will manifest themselves with redoubled force. The main call of the Dog for all humanity is the need to honor traditions, strengthen family ties, be lenient and forgive offenders.

The year will bring incredible luck to Pisces love affairs. If in others life spheres and some difficulties will occur, then in the love sphere everything will be excellent and cloudless. Both married and single representatives of the sign expect a complete idyll in their relationships with their other half. Lonely Pisces in winter may meet a person who attracts them not only physically. This person will be easy for Pisces to communicate with.


In 2018, the stars promise Aquarius a meeting that many people have been waiting for almost their entire lives, but it never happens. This year can become fateful for representatives of the sign, which will entail dramatic changes in the love sphere. For this meeting to truly become their destiny, Aquarius will have to make a lot of effort and overcome some obstacles. But then everything will happen for the best - a strong mutual feeling and a chic, happy wedding.


The year of the fire rooster for Capricorns promises to be calm and stable, both in matters of the heart and in friendly relations. You will be especially pleased with the wonderful atmosphere of intra-family relationships, which proceed smoothly and without aggravation. Pleasant bustle, worries and troubles await only those who have scheduled their wedding for 2018. Wedding celebration It will be great, without any delays and extremely luxurious.


This year will be successful for Sagittarius in all respects. Thanks to their irresistible charm, they will be able to avoid insults from close relatives and friends. The charm of people of this sign will spread to everyone around them, especially to representatives of the opposite sex, who will certainly want to establish closer relationships.


This year, Scorpios will not have any uncertainty regarding their heartfelt affections. This applies not only to people free from marriage, but also to those who are married. Scorpios will have the opportunity to test the sincerity of their chosen one’s feelings. Depending on the results of the test, they will be able to change something in their lives or strengthen existing relationships.


In 2018, representatives of the Libra sign will experience fateful events. Someone can achieve success without putting any effort into it. special effort, and for some, you won’t need to strain at all, happiness and changes for the better will literally fall on your head. It is worth noting that the outcome of any issue will depend solely on Libra themselves, and luck will smile only if desire and opportunities have an equal coefficient.


During this year, people born under the constellation Virgo will have to intensively solve the problems that have arisen. This is especially true for issues related to heartfelt affection. Virgos face a fierce struggle for their feelings with the very object of desire.


The Yellow Earth Dog, which in 2018 will take power from the tenacious paws of the Rooster, is a good-natured animal. She will not purposefully complicate the life of any sign, but Aries, under the auspices of the shaggy mistress of the year, will feel especially comfortable. From the very first months of acquaintance, cute lambs will awaken the shepherd’s instincts in the Dog, and until the very end of the year, she will circle nearby every now and then, keeping a vigilant eye on ensuring that her charges do not fall into some hole and become victims of evil wolves, but continue having fun frolic on the grass. If they are curious to know whether fate will turn out well this year, the love horoscope will lift the veil of secrecy.

Lonely Aries! Comb your curls, polish your horns and polish your hooves. The coming year will provide you with an unprecedented harvest of fans, so that some representatives of the horned sign will have time to be spoiled and turn into complete picky people. The middle of summer promises to be especially hot, when even the most modest sheep will be tempted to recklessly flirt, make eyes and clatter their hooves at discos. However, you won’t be bored even in the fall. Aries who didn't have time to spin passionate romance V summer heat, have every chance to do this to the rustle of fallen leaves and the sound of rain on the window glass.

What about the family lambs? Oh, real passions will boil in their lives! Over the course of the year, some of the horned brethren will have to every now and then settle differences with a suddenly capricious partner, who will either demand increased attention or mope. But Aries, who managed to pass this test with honor, will be able to arrange for themselves a repeat Honeymoon, and not alone. For example, summer is ideal for traveling together somewhere to warm countries - to stir up a former passion in your soul and stock up on romantic impressions. But if the financial situation does not allow you to fork out money for the Maldives or Bali, you should not be upset: representatives of the horned sign will have a wonderful time at the dacha, lying in a hammock next to their significant other or walking hand in hand through fields and forest lawns.

Star lambs, ripe for offspring, can easily acquire one or two curly babies this year.

The stubborn lamb will have to go through many adventures on the way to happiness.

Predictions for every month

In which month are you more likely to meet your future soul mate? When should you plan a vacation, in the middle of summer or closer to the velvet season? What to expect from the cold autumn season - a runny nose, a promotion or quarrels in the family? Without detailed horoscope You can't do it by month.


The year will start neither shaky nor rough for Aries. Either the winter cold will muffle emotions, or the heap of worries will leave no room for playful thoughts, but the personal life of representatives of the hoof sign will flow rather sluggishly. However, many single Aries will be able to start new relationships. interesting acquaintances with an eye to a serious relationship, but only on the condition that they are able to restrain their usual peremptory nature. A little advice for girls: don’t rush to take the relationship “onto a horizontal plane.” There is a good chance that a man will take you for a fidgety girl and the romance, which promised to end with a wedding march, will turn into an ordinary short affair. Well, in January the stronger sex will have to make a difficult choice between a booming career and a revitalized personal life. Choose wisely so as not to regret later about missed opportunities.

Horizon family Aries will be overshadowed by jealousy of the partner and... the desire to have fun on the side, which will unexpectedly flare up in the hearts of ardent lambs at the end of the month. Both feelings will not bring you any good, so try to cope with them. Otherwise, you will welcome spring by filing divorce papers.


In February, many lonely sheep girls will take a fresh look at old friends, suddenly realizing that the very prince they dreamed of has been nearby for a long time and is looking at them with loving eyes. It doesn’t hurt to give your loyal fan a little encouragement, but you shouldn’t show all your cards to him right away. Before handing over your heart to an unexpected gentleman candidate, think carefully about whether he will suit you in his new capacity. It will be a shame to lose a friend, but not to gain a reliable life partner.

But Aries men will continue to be distracted from courtship by problems at work, which will smoothly flow from January to February. Fortunately, with the help of true friends, star lambs will cope with all difficulties and will be able to improve their personal lives. Fortunately, there will be plenty of options for choosing the “one and only” around.

Aries are stubborn and love to tell the truth to their face, which is why their relationships with the opposite sex often suffer

Married Aries and simply loving couples will have to roll up their sleeves and work hard on their relationships. This is especially true for lambs born under the sign of the Sun, from April 1 to April 11 - seething fiery energy will push them to do stupid things, so tighten the reins on yourself and do not allow emotions to prevail over reason. Spend more time with your partner, share dreams and experiences, watch funny films together, go to theaters and exhibitions, walk in parks. And of course, don’t miss the opportunity to please each other on February 14th! It would be simply a shame for Aries, who will have to spend the entire year literally under the wing of their yellow, shaggy Cupid, to ignore such a date.

It wouldn’t hurt for married sheep to take a short vacation and relax with their family in order to gain strength for future achievements. But by the end of winter, married Aries men will be full of energy, although it will not hurt them to devote time to communicating with their relatives and arranging their nest - for example, planning renovations in the house. Don’t rush to get down to business immediately: slowly calculate the estimate, coordinate your project with your wife, stock up on materials... Start the main work with the first warm days.

If Aries has long planned to be legally married, February is the best time to realize these plans.


The first month of spring will turn heads and wake up natural charm Aries. They will shine, bloom and literally radiate sexuality, which will certainly attract hordes of fans to the star lambs, both women and men. However, don't lose your head! March is a changeable and fickle month. He will easily give you pleasant love dates, intense passions, vivid impressions, but it is unlikely to lead to a serious relationship.

Aries women, who have already found their soul mate, will have to bite their tongue for a while. The chosen one will plunge headlong into work, often forgetting to pamper you with his attention, but arranging a debriefing about this is strictly not recommended. Better engage in self-improvement and polish minor flaws in your character, and surround your partner with love and care. Afterwards he will definitely thank you for it.

Aries men who are in a relationship will not go wrong if they go with their significant other for the weekend somewhere where they can thoroughly relax. Can't take your friend to Goa? Arrange a SPA session for two at your nearest beauty salon with a joint swim in the jacuzzi, massage and champagne.

Don't forget to pay attention to your partner, both of you will benefit from it.


Generous spring month will give away a pair to all Aries. Even representatives of the horned sign, who did not heed the warnings of the horoscope in January and ran away with their soul mate, will have a chance to lick their wounds and begin to enjoy life again. All that is required of them is to let go of the past and open their hearts to a new feeling. The main thing is not to make the search for a relationship the purpose of your existence. Live, go about your daily affairs and wait, the Earth Dog will arrange everything herself.

If by the end of April your horizon is still empty, consider your loneliness as a hint from fate to slightly lower the raised bar. Maybe you are making unjustified claims high requirements to potential partners, weeding out quite promising acquaintances?

It wouldn't hurt for family Aries to slightly refresh their relationships. It's time to take your second honeymoon! Fly to Europe and wander through the picturesque streets of its cities; rush to Baikal together; get out on ski resort. Just be as careful as possible on your trip: thanks to aggressive Uranus, the slightest marital quarrel this month can quickly escalate into a huge scandal with far-reaching consequences.

Aries women could use a wardrobe update. This simple action will charge you with positive energy and allow you to more fully reveal your natural charm. For men, the period of home improvement continues. If you are single or at the very beginning of a relationship, make repairs. If you feel that you are ready to have an heir, arrange a nursery.


At the end of spring, passions will subside, and the love fever will begin to subside. Single Aries, who have never been able to establish strong relationships, will have a break for their favorite hobby, career and communication with family. The only exception will be lambs born under the sign of warlike Mars, from March 21 to March 31. Impressed by their determination, the shaggy matchmaker, Yellow Dog, will not give up trying to match her pets with a worthy person. The main thing is not to give in to the temptation to have an affair with someone who is already married - this relationship will have a bad effect on the state of your integral nature.

But those who have already acquired a life partner will have a hard time. The other half seems to set out to harass Aries with their nagging, whims and insults! Alas, the categorical lamb will have to take responsibility for preserving the family and show all the tolerance towards his partner that Aries is capable of. Hold on! By the end of the month the situation will stabilize and the last third of May will pass in peace and contentment.

It would not hurt for all representatives of the star sign, without exception, to be seriously involved in sports. This will help girls and women to get their figure in order, and for men it will help strengthen it. cardiovascular system, which without regular training will begin to malfunction by the fall.

People under the auspices of Aries will be the living embodiment of charm in 2018


In the summer, the Earth Dog will enlist the support of the powerful ally Venus and, with renewed vigor, will begin to arrange the lives of lonely Aries. Under no circumstances spend this time within four walls! Go on dates, communicate, make new acquaintances. True, you may be in danger from Venus, which will strengthen the already heightened libido of the star lambs and push them to rash actions. Be careful. A casual love affair can provide you with an unnecessary but clingy admirer for a long time, and in a hurry accepted offer hands and hearts - ruin life.

However, if Aries has been in a relationship for a long time, he can safely acquire wedding rings and plan how to seat guests at the wedding. A marriage concluded in June has every chance of being strong and happy for representatives of the hoof sign.

And African passions will continue to simmer for married couples. This time the lambs themselves will muddy the waters: the Aries man will suspect his wife of trying to decorate his head with real horns, and the woman will not like the size of her betrothed’s salary. How far will they go marital quarrels, depends on the willingness of both partners to listen to each other and find compromises.


The intensity of love passions will begin to wane again, but not for everyone. If, despite the efforts of the stars, some of the lambs have to meet this month alone, the Dog will certainly try to reward Aries for his patience, giving him love at first sight. True, this victory will not be given to our artiodactyl so easily. You will have to find ways to attract the attention of your chosen one or chosen one, which will become a real test for Aries, spoiled by the attention of the opposite sex. Well, the hardest thing will be for unmarried young ladies, who in July will acquire a rival who pursues the same goals as the “lamb.” But the sweeter the success will be!

But for family Aries everything is quiet, calm and stable. Their only concern during this period will be to ensure that the temporary calm does not develop into cooling, so try to have intimate conversations with your partner more often or go out on a visit. This applies primarily to men: in mid-July their careers will take off, which is why a busy Aries may begin to neglect his gentle companion.

In pursuit of the next goal, Aries often forget about their companions


Aries singles are still at their best. They are sweet, charming, brilliant and march through life to the sound of broken hearts, falling under their neat hooves. Lambs who go looking for a new partner in August face only two dangers: promiscuity and unequal marriage, hastily concluded with a person who is too unsuitable for the star artiodactyl in terms of age, social status or financial situation.

It’s a pity, but with the current relationship things are worse. The partner sounds the alarm again, and this time for good reason! Yielding to a momentary impulse, at the end of summer many Aries will naively forget that they are no longer alone, and will begin to flirt left and right with attractive representatives of the opposite sex. Some people, getting excited, will even allow themselves to have an affair on the side, for which they will get “on the horns” from their significant other.

In the second half of August, the high spirits of married sheep women will sharply decline, rapidly sliding into depression, and courageous lambs will be in danger of complete burnout at work due to the habit of keeping all their problems to themselves. A vacation spent on the warm sand by the sea and communication with family members will help you escape from both. The stronger sex, by the way, should remember the words “both in sorrow and in joy” and begin to devote a little more courage to their friend in their affairs.


With the beginning of autumn, lonely Aries, who have been in a fever of love until now, will seem to wake up and diligently begin to push their career up the hill. Someone will think about opening their own business, someone will start mastering foreign language, someone will attempt an in-depth study of computer literacy. All this will cause discontent among the suitors hovering around the lamb, and they will gradually drop out. True, it must be admitted that Aries, who bites into the granite of science, will hardly notice this.

It’s a different matter for established couples and legal spouses. If the hot days of August did not harm their relationship, the other halves of the heavenly artiodactyls will understand, support and arrange the life of their loved ones while they are engaged in achievements in the field of business and science. If only Aries remembers to look up from the computer from time to time and say a grateful “ba-e-e.” At first this will be enough.

In September, single sheep women should stay away from diets. Even if your figure is imperfect, provide it with adequate nutrition, and sports and an active lifestyle will do the rest. Fans who have disappeared will be right there again, as soon as you beckon them with your finger!

If Aries has a reliable rear, he is able to remove a star from the sky


Mid-autumn is fraught with serious disappointment for Aries. Some of the lambs, who have just started relationships and achieved the love of their chosen ones, will suddenly realize that they are no longer interested in all this. For some, this discovery will be a serious blow, others will plunge into a kind of hibernation, curtailing all active activities, and others will immerse themselves in work. In any case, one cannot expect much revival on the love front. October is a time of meditative reflection, relaxation and choosing new goals.

However, Aries women left alone will not come to their senses for long. In just a couple of weeks, the perked-up sheep will sign up for a fitness class, get a fashionable hairstyle and set out for a new chance at true love. But the hearts of Aries men will beat evenly and coldly until November.

In contrast to couples that have barely formed, the “old-timers” who have spent more than one year together will be fine. Only the guests who will come to the friendly house of Aries in droves will be a little tired. Perhaps you will have to call a time-out, lock yourself in the apartment together and drink hot tea on the balcony to the sound of rain, wrapped in one blanket for two.


Lonely representatives of the stubborn sign are given another chance to arrange their personal lives - the Dog has not forgotten about them and continues to give the lambs opportunities for new acquaintances. If Aries understands himself, works on his mistakes and understands what prevented his previous romances from achieving perfection, in November he will experience a surge of feelings that is not inferior in strength and intensity of passion to summer affairs.

You will have to work on your character and the “ringed” Aries. Having succumbed to the autumn blues, the steep-horned representatives of this sign will begin to recklessly make comments to their partner, which will quickly cause another family crisis. If the lamb does not wake up in time, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

Aries women and girls will have to endure a difficult conversation with their man in November. Be as correct and careful as possible so as not to say too much!


Along with winter, cold and snowstorms will come into Aries’s personal life. Lonely lambs will suddenly fall in love with absolutely no the right person, they themselves will understand this and will take a long time and painfully to erase the unnecessary feeling from the soul. Those whose relationships were in crisis will decide to break them off. And even strong couples will begin a cooling period, from which they will have to work together.

However, everything is not so bad, because there is a whole series of pre-New Year corporate events and holiday parties ahead, at which the Dog will try to find an interesting partner for each of his horned pets. So, if your love boat suddenly starts to leak, continue to look to the future with hope, do not isolate yourself within four walls and be ready to meet your partner at any moment. new love. She will probably be happy.

In December, Aries, who fled with their other halves last winter, can remember how good they were together, get back together again and even seal their union with official ties.

2018 will open many doors leading to happiness for Aries. And more than once! Spring, summer, autumn and even winter will be full of chances for those who do not give up and continue searching for their soulmate. Rely on luck, the Yellow Dog, your natural charm - and boldly forward, arrange your personal life. You definitely deserve it.
