Half-naked Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton. Kate Middleton's naked breasts are valued at one and a half million

0 14 September 2012, 16:06

Scandal: Duchess Catherine topless

And again in the royal family, but this time not, but. Alas, there were paparazzi nearby, who sold the racy pictures (shared by blogger dindilin) ​​to the media.

The incident occurred in France a week before the start of the royal couple, where Catherine and they were relaxing at a chateau in Provence, which belongs to their cousin, Viscount Linley. The couple sunbathed by the pool, swam and enjoyed each other's company, without... Apparently, Katherine was so relaxed that she decided to give in to the temptation of sunbathing topless. However, nosy paparazzi were sitting in the bushes, and pictures of the duchess naked, albeit not very good quality, did not keep us waiting.

The French tabloid Closer published them: British press refused to print compromising photographs, even the most popular and “yellow” publication The Sun, which a month ago did not hesitate to publish photographs of naked Harry.

They refused - and they did the right thing: the prince and Catherine are shocked and furious (“this is some kind of unacceptable farce”), and are going to sue the magazine for gross interference in privacy. Particularly offensive for the royal couple is the fact that troubles again came from France, because it was here that she died (remember, Lady Di and her companion ended up in car accident in Paris, when they tried to break away from the photographers pursuing them).

The Duchess and William learned about the incident at breakfast today, where they are on an official visit. And, as the statement says, they were deeply saddened:

Their Royal Highnesses expected respect for their privacy when on holiday. It is unthinkable and unacceptable to take such pictures, let alone publish them.

This incident is reminiscent of the worst episodes when Princess Diana was stalked by paparazzi, and is making the Prince and Duchess more and more worried.

It seems that the royal court's patience has run out, so a trial is not far off:

This cannot go on any longer. They crossed the line.

Catherine and William have every chance of winning this case, experts say. In the UK, publishing such photographs is generally illegal, since photographing people without their permission and on their own territory is prohibited, but in France they won’t pat you on the head for doing this. So, last week the French won lawsuit to a magazine that published photos of her in a bikini. Besides, this case rate ticklish:

French judges also take into account the behavior of a person who is caught by surprise. Katherine absolutely looks like a victim, as it is clear that she had no idea about the presence of the paparazzi.

By the way, this is not the first time that the paparazzi have shown disrespect for the personal life of the royal couple. So, just recently, William and Catherine were leaked to the press. Those photographs show Catherine in a swimsuit, and there is nothing criminal in them, but even then the court condemned the publication, and the couple expressed their dissatisfaction. Now the situation is out of control.

Well, we will monitor the developments.

Paparazzi have followed Duchess Catherine and Prince William before

Source Washington Post

Photo Closer

The prince first saw Kate in 2002 at a charity fashion show...

Catherine Elizabeth, Duchess of Cambridge, famous general public Kate Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 in Reading, Berkshire, England. In 1987, her parents, Michael Francis and Carole Elizabeth Middleton, created a mail order company called Party Pieces.

Kate Middleton - photo

Their brainchild specialized in selling a variety of supplies for parties and celebrations. It was thanks to this company that the Middletons later became millionaires and managed to give their three children a decent education in prestigious private schools. The Middleton family settled in own home, located in Berkshire, in a village called Bucklebury.

Kate Middleton's fateful first meeting with her future husband, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis came about through their studies at the University of St. Andrews, located in the Scottish county of Fife. The girl got into it educational institution in 2001, at the same time that the 19-year-old prince decided to study art history at the same university.

Kate Middleton in a transparent dress

The prince first saw Kate in 2002 at a charity fashion show. in which she took part. After all, the girl’s parameters fully allowed her to make a career as a model, which is clearly visible when looking at the photo of Kate Middleton. And after some time, the young people, together with their fellow students Olivia Bleasdale and Fergus Boyd, rented an apartment in a house located on one of the main streets of the university town of St. Andrews.

In 2004, Prince Arthur began to increasingly appear on vacation with Kate Middleton, thanks to which it was no longer a secret to anyone that the young people were in love with each other. Arthur and Kate admitted they were a couple when they went skiing in Switzerland.

Kate Middleton - photo

The fact that the relationship between the lovers should soon lead them down the aisle was also indicated by the fact that Queen Elizabeth herself in December 2006 honored Kate Middleton with an invitation to the royal dinner in honor of Christmas. And, even despite the girl’s polite refusal, citing the decision to spend this evening with her family, the queen’s gesture made Kate understand that the royal family recognized the prince’s chosen one.

Already in March 2006, the girl appeared at the Cheltenham racecourse in the royal box. And in October 2010, while on vacation with Kate in Kenya, Prince William proposed marriage to her. The girl agreed and on November 16, 2010, the British Royal Court officially announced the engagement of Prince William to his beloved Kate Middleton. The wedding was planned for April 29, 2011.

For the first time after their engagement was officially announced, the young people appeared in public together only in February 2011. They took part in a lifeboat launch on the Welsh coastline in England. Not far from this place was William’s unit, where he served as a rescue helicopter pilot.

Kate Middleton, who served as the prince's official bride for the first time, was quite elegant coat sand color and a miniature hat from Philip Tracy.

Kate Middleton - candid photos

On the pages of one of the French magazines, nee Kate Middleton appeared. A photographer waylaid a young lady while she was sunbathing on the terrace of a house in Provence. Kate and William spent their holidays there. The publication of the photographs in the UK has already been called a return to the 90s, when the paparazzi were chasing Princess Diana. NTV correspondent Anton Volsky reporting from London.

Buckingham Palace is furiously accusing French journalists of overstepping the bounds of professional ethics. The French magazine that published the photographs captioned them “ Future Queen like you've never seen her before."

However, the photo did not turn out to be of very good quality. A woman who looks like Kate Middleton and a man who looks like Prince William can be guessed. These people are not doing anything reprehensible. In one photo, Kate takes off her top part swimsuit, on the other she rubs cream on her husband’s back. This cannot be compared with those scandalous photographs that spread around the world after a drunken party in Las Vegas with the participation of Prince Harry.

Another thing angered Buckingham Palace. The photographs appear to have been taken in early September, when the Prince and Kate were vacationing in the south of France at a villa owned by cousin the father of Prince William, that is, the brother of Prince Charles, on private property. IN Buckingham Palace it was called an invasion of the privacy of members royal family. However Chief Editor magazine, which published the photographs, says: what is a scandal for England is a normal thing for France.

Lauren Pie, Closer Magazine: “Don't dramatize these photos. The reaction to them is a little disproportionate. What can the reader see on the cover of our magazine? A young couple, they are in love, they are beautiful. She is a princess of the 21st century. She goes out onto the balcony of the mansion topless, just as thousands of girls from all over the world appear on the beaches of southern France. It can be seen from the highway passing very nearby, along which hundreds of cars drive. It can be seen even from the street. There's nothing terrible about these photos. I don’t know of a single tabloid in the world that wouldn’t publish them if they got their hands on these materials.”

There is clearly a difference in worldviews, since, according to some sources, the authors of the photographs first tried to publish them in Great Britain. But not a single newspaper or magazine agreed to this. The fact is that for 15 years now, British journalists have had an unspoken rule prohibiting them from interfering in the private lives of members of the royal family. This rule was introduced after the death of Princess Diana, for which the paparazzi who followed the Mercedes with the princess were partly to blame.

The impudence of the paparazzi who are hunting for famous people, goes beyond any limits. Sometimes this even leads to tragedies - take, for example, Lady “Di”, who crashed in her car while trying to hide from annoying eyes and lenses. In our case, there is no room for tragedy, but there is every reason for a scandal.

It was five years ago when a significant storm raged. The case even went to court. The story has again become relevant in today's media because the grandson of the British queen and her wife, bearing the title of Dukes of Cambridge, decided on the amount they wanted to take through the court for photographs in which Kate Middleton is depicted with bare breasts.


The ducal couple is demanding 1,500,000 euros from the defendants.



According to English media reports, the famous couple hopes that the publishers of Closer magazine, on the cover and pages of which provocative photographs were printed, will compensate them for moral damages. And men all over the world still remember Kate’s luxurious breasts, which appeared on the covers of several newspapers and magazines without any censorship.


Paparazzi from France caught a couple relaxing by the pool with a long lens from the highway. Kate was sunbathing without a bra that day.


The pictures were very candid, but Closer representatives are confident that they in no way humiliate the Duchess’s dignity. They say the photo shows a "beautiful, loving and modern" couple.
Yesterday morning, glossy employees appeared in court in the city of Nanterre on charges of violating privacy rights.


Several people who were involved in the dissemination of defamatory images were put on trial: the editor of the French magazine Closer Laurence Pio, the executive director Ernesto Mauri and the main defendants - photographers Cyril Moreau and Dominique Jacovides. These people are accused of invasion of privacy.
Almost simultaneously with the publication of these photos, a trial was held that prohibited the subsequent use of the photographs. However, this prohibition was violated. Keith topless showed on his pages a number of European publications, in particular the Italian magazine Chi, the Irish Daily newspaper Star and glossy magazines about stars in Sweden and Denmark. In addition, an almost naked Middleton appeared in the La Provence newspaper, whose employees will also appear in court.


Gossips testified that Kate was seething with indignation. After all, before this she had never been caught like a chicken in cabbage soup, when her “naked” photos could be seen by the whole world.
It was also said that the published photographs could hurt the duchess’s impeccable reputation.


Others hoped that such pictures would only increase Kate’s popularity ratings and give her “pepper.”
And so it happened.
The British love their duchess very much, and almost the whole world is her fan.
We sympathize with the people who were captured by paparazzi cameras. Just imagine what it would be like to find out that your photos are being disseminated in public space.
