Adjacency, control, coordination - types of subordination. Management standards in Russian

Topic 9. Syntactic norms of the Russian language.


I Consideration of theoretical issues.

1. general characteristics syntactic norms.

2. Features of management in the Russian language.

II Practical tasks for independent work.

General characteristics of syntactic norms.

Syntactic norms prescribe the correct construction of phrases and sentences. When constructing sentences, it is necessary to remember that in the Russian language, with free word order, direct word order is preferable rather than reverse

(inversion). At in direct order the subject precedes the predicate, the initial information is new information. If this order is not followed, the sentence may be ambiguous. For example, how to understand the phrase “The master of the house was sleeping”? Is it either about the owner of the house being mottled, or about where the owner slept? In a sentence In ancient documents

a term of this kind is absent; a combination of this kind may refer to a combination of ancient documents or to the word term.

When constructing a phrase, you need to remember about management. For example, director of something, in charge of something, pay for something, pay for something, talk about something, point out something, worry about someone, worry about someone, superiority over something -, advantage over someone, etc.

The prepositions thanks to, according to, in spite of require the use of the dative case - according to the schedule.

To express cause-and-effect relationships, prepositions are used in view of, as a result of,

in connection, by virtue, etc.

It is a mistake to use two subjects: The room was not small at all.

It is often unjustified to include the following word: Automation conditions, they are like this...

When the subject is expressed by a collective noun (row, majority, minority, part) in combination with the genitive plural, the predicate is usually placed in the plural if we are talking about animate objects, and in the singular if we are talking about inanimate ones (most students passed the exams) .

With the words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, how much, the predicate is put in the singular: How many schemes have been developed?

When constructing a participial phrase, we must remember that the main action expressed by the verb, and the additional, expressed by a gerund, are committed by one person: While reading a book, the student usually took notes.

When using homogeneous members of a sentence, you must remember:

It is impossible to combine heterogeneous concepts as homogeneous members - to study mathematics and varieties of tea; and also it is impossible to include specific and generic concepts - I love mathematics, physics, educational subjects;

double unions should be connected by homogeneous members: he not only received the technical task, but also completed it;

with two homogeneous members, a common controlled word is placed if the control words require the same case and preposition: read and take notes of lectures; wrong, to love and think about the country.

There are often errors associated with the use of prepositions. How to say: I miss you or I miss you?

A more ancient norm was the use of the preposition po and the pronoun in the prepositional case: by whom, by what, by him, by us, by you. The nouns in this construction had a formative case: by father, by mother, by friend. Since nouns with a preposition took the form of the dative case, pronouns began to take on the same form: by whom, by him, by what, by them. Prepositional forms by whom, by him, by what are currently outdated and are rare.

They retain the old form of the prepositional case after the preposition by the pronoun we, you: by us, by you. The use of the dative case for these pronouns (for us, for you) is considered a violation of the literary norm.

Special attention require the prepositions na and v. They indicate staying in some place or moving to some place. The preposition in shows that the movement is directed inside something (into the garden, into the house, into the city) or denotes being inside (in the garden, in the house, in the city). The preposition on indicates that the movement is directed towards the surface of something (on a mountain, on a tree, on a roof), or means being on some surface (on the roof, on the deck). But more often the choice of preposition is determined by tradition.

With the names of states, regions, territories, regions, cities, villages, stanitsa, the preposition in is used: in Russia, in England, in Krasnodar region, in the village of Veshenskaya, in the village of Molitovka.

With the names of islands and peninsulas the preposition na is used: on Kamchatka, on Dikson, on Capri.

The preposition na is used with the names of avenues, boulevards, squares, streets; preposition in - with the names of lanes, passages: on Vernadsky Boulevard, on Victory Square, on Suvorov Street, in Banny Lane, in Serov Passage.

If the names of mountain areas are in the singular form, then the preposition na is used, if the form plural– preposition c. Wed: in the Caucasus, on Elbrus, in the Pamirs and in the Alps, in the Himalayas.

The prepositions in and on in some constructions are antonymous to the prepositions from and with: went to Stavropol - returned from Stavropol, went to the Caucasus - came from the Caucasus.

It is necessary to avoid clutter subordinate clauses, for example: Design engineers gathered for a meeting, which took place in assembly hall, which was recently renovated by builders who tried to correct the deficiencies within the time frame that was established by the plan, which was approved a month ago in the same room.

In M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Heart of a Dog” there is an example of incorrect construction of a sentence: “We, the management of the house,” Shvonder spoke with hatred, “came to you after a general meeting of the residents of our building, at which the question of densifying the apartments of the house was raised... - Who stood on whom?” ? - shouted Philip Philipovich.”

Features of management in the Russian language.

Management is a subordinating relationship in which the main word in a phrase requires the placement of a dependent name in a certain case. Not all governance norms are created equal. Some of them are easily distorted.

1. A large number of errors in the construction of constructions with the connection control is associated with the influence of words that are similar in meaning and their control.

For example, in a television program, a journalist, addressing his interlocutor, said: “Let me remind you that a year ago you argued the opposite.” The verb remember can have only one dependent word - in the accusative case (to remember something), while the single-root verb recall can have two dependent forms: the accusative case and the dative case (with the meaning of the addressee of speech) - to remind someone of something. Under the influence of this verb, the construction “remember you” arises, which is unacceptable from the point of view of the norms of literary language.

A similar influence of control over words that are close in meaning can be observed, for example, in the group of verbs with the meaning of speech, thought, feeling, transmission of information (to prove, explain, report, etc.). Under the influence of combinations like: think about something, talk about something - in speech there is often an erroneous use of an addition in the prepositional case with the preposition about (about something) in such verbs, for example:

With verbs of visual perception, the object is usually expressed in the accusative case with the preposition na (look at the picture). Under the influence of this construction, errors like: admiring the sea, instead of the normative - admiring the sea, are common in speech.

Pay attention to the control of the following verbs: to watch someone; take a closer look at someone or something.

A similar phenomenon can be observed when using the word frontal (facing the speaker). Under the influence of the design to photograph in profile, a common mistake is the use of the preposition in and with the word full face in similar combinations. The normative design will be as follows: take a full-face photograph.

Pay attention to the difference in the controls of words with similar meanings:

worry about your son - worry about your son;

to be indignant at his words - to be offended by his words;

question about construction - problems with construction;

marvel at patience - admire patience;

get to the village - drive up to the village;

identical to the previous wording - similar to the previous wording;

generate income from renting apartments – receive income from renting apartments;

ignorance of the problem - unfamiliarity with the problem;

to be offended by a cold reception - to be offended by a cold reception;

pay attention to your health - pay attention to your health;

preoccupied/preoccupied with affairs – anxiety about/for affairs;

rely on the results of the study - be based on the results of the study;

condemn to eternal hard labor - sentence to eternal hard labor;

review of a monograph – review of a monograph;

affect the results - influence the results;

show power - testify to power;

superiority over him - advantage over him;

warn against danger - warn about danger;

filled with anxiety - imbued with anxiety;

hinder development - slow down development;

familiar to us - familiar to us;

get accustomed to the team - get used to the team;

priority in discovery – patent for discovery;

sort things out - get out of things;

affect the economy – have an impact on the economy;

typical of him - characteristic of him;

pay attention to the problem - pay attention to the problem - increase attention to the problem;

characteristic of him - inherent in him;

the true price of a person is the price of bread - the cost of bread.

When these words are used in speech, the control of one word is replaced by the control of another, similar in meaning. For the same reason, errors and omissions are common when using a number of words different parts speeches:

afraid of mother (colloquial: afraid of mother);

the crown of art (wrong: the crown of art);

reach seventy centimeters in length (wrong: reach seventy centimeters in length);

what we managed to achieve (wrong: what we managed to achieve);

the key to success (wrong: the key to success);

touch on a question (obsolete: touch on a question);

avoid danger (wrong: avoid danger);

to conjure something (incorrect: to conjure something);

affect the salary (wrong: affect the salary);

take part in the fair (wrong: take part in the fair).

2. Very often the speaker does not take into account that in the Russian language, words with the same root of different parts of speech can have different controls:

to be surprised at his patience - surprised at his patience; get angry at a stupid joke - angry at a stupid joke.

Thus, nouns formed from transitive verbs require not the accusative, as with a verb, but the genitive case:

At the same time, in most cases, words with the same root have the same control. Therefore, the following constructions will be erroneous:

devote your life to serving the people; put the country's wealth at the service of the people ( regulatory governance: serve the people, serve the people, put in the service of the people).

3. In speech, there are frequent errors associated with the substitution of control for words with the same root.

Pay attention to the combination of these words:

believe in victory - confidence in victory;

replace the old part with a new one - replace the old part with a new one;

pay/pay/pay for travel – pay for travel;

telephone call fee - payment telephone conversation;

join the conversation - join the conversation;

distinguish between friends and enemies - distinguish friends from enemies;

check the photo with the original - check the time by phone.

4. Differences in control may be due to the use of the word in different constructions and in different meanings.

For example, the word guarantee in the meaning of “guarantee” appears in the constructions: guarantee of success; guarantee that...; The guarantee is that...; in the meaning of “the document attached to the product” - in the design: a two-year guarantee. An error is the substitution of one design for another (wrong: There is no guarantee that this election promise will be fulfilled; it should be said: There is no guarantee that this election promise will be done).

Similar errors occur when using the noun guide. The construction management is used when the word is used in the sense of “directing the activity of managing someone or something,” that is, when indicating a process (directing the actions of strikers; managing such a large plant requires organizational talent). The construction management of which is typical for those cases when the noun appears in the meaning of “leaders; body that manages an enterprise or organization” (the department’s management decided to reduce the number of employees by half).

The participle interested in the meaning “connected with practical interests, practical benefits with something” controls prepositional case with the preposition in (They are interested in cooperation with our company); in the meaning of “showing interest in someone, something” - instrumental case (He is much more interested in his chemistry than his wife).

The verb to go (and its derivatives) in the meaning of “intended, used, used for some purpose” is used in the constructions: go to something and go to something. The first (Marble is used for finishing buildings) is used when the item used (in in this case– marble) does not undergo qualitative changes. If this item undergoes qualitative changes, is transformed into something, then the second construction is usually used (Wood goes into recycling; Scrap metal will go into smelting), although a construction with the preposition on can also be used. If in this case the substance used is, as it were, placed inside something, then the construction with the preposition in (The oil goes into food) is used.

The verb orientate in the meaning of “to determine/determine one’s position on the ground by landmarks” controls the dative case with the preposition according to (to orient oneself by the sun). In the meaning of “to determine/determine the direction of one’s activities, one’s behavior,” the verb controls the accusative case with the preposition na (orient towards the West in its development). The use of a construction with a preposition in the case when the verb is used in the first meaning (cf.: We walked through the forest, focusing on Ursa Major) is acceptable, but less desirable.

The verb say in the meaning “to appear, to appear” requires the prepositional case with the preposition in (the experience gained affected his work). In this case, work is perceived as a process. In the meaning of “to affect someone, something; to influence someone, something” a construction with the same case is used, but with the preposition na (Lack of experience affects the pace of work). In this case, work is perceived as the result of some action.

The verb satisfy controls the dative case without a preposition in the sense of “to be in accordance with something” (cf.: The new car meets all safety requirements). In the meaning of “to fulfill someone’s desires, requests, tasks,” the verb requires the accusative case without a preposition (cf.: The director satisfied all our demands).

The noun address can be used in three constructions as a controlled form: to the address, to the address, to the address. All three options can be used to mean “to someone, in the name of someone” (the delegation received hundreds of letters; write to me at a new address; write to me at a new address). Please note that the address form is colloquial. In combination with the words: speak, tell, make comments, make a remark, reproach, etc. constructions to and from the address are used, but the first of them is the main one (comments addressed to the plant management). Constructions with the form at the address are colloquial (cf.: Varvara Ivanovna got angry and said a few words at my address). In addition, in the case when we are talking about remarks that are flattering for someone, then only the construction addressed to someone is used (incorrect: I would like to say good words to the director's address; correct: I would like to say kind words to the director).

5. The use of a dependent word in one case or another is influenced by the meaning of this word.

For example, the verb to taste (trying, eating or drinking a little something) controls the genitive case of a noun if it names the type of food being tasted, its indefinite quantity (taste cutlets). The accusative case of a dependent noun is used when a certain amount of something eaten, drunk or part of a whole is emphasized (taste a piece of pie, a cup of broth). Combinations like: taste pancakes, taste kvass - will be erroneous, since they indicate the type of food being tasted, and not the amount of food eaten or drunk. Constructions of this kind are permissible only if we mean certain type pancakes, kvass.

If a word with the same meaning can be used in several constructions, then in speech they are frequently mixed.

For example, the verb to occupy in the meaning “to fill some space” is used in constructions: to occupy a plot for grain; occupy the plot with grain. Sentences like: The area under grain cultivation in the province have been halved will be erroneous.

6. Errors in the use of prepositions in synonymous constructions are quite common in speech. For example, the prepositions with and from are synonymous when indicating the place from which the action is directed. However, there is also a difference between them.

The preposition with is used when the action is directed from the surface of something: go down the mountain, get off the stairs, take it off the table.

The preposition from is used when the action is directed from the inside to the outside:

leave the room, get out of the hole.

The use of these prepositions in combination with geographical names enshrined in tradition. The preposition s is used mainly with the names of mountainous areas, rivers, islands, but this tendency does not work very consistently.

to come from the Caucasus, from Ukraine, from the Volga, from Sakhalin, from Jamaica - to come from Crimea, from Belarus, from France, from Kazakhstan.

When referring to a foreign country, the preposition from is used. In this regard, at present, along with a construction like: to come from Ukraine, the construction is used: to come from Ukraine.

Similar differences are observed in the use of the prepositions in and on when indicating the place, space within which the action is directed. The preposition in, in contrast to the preposition on, usually indicates limited space.

Wed: live in a village - stay in a specific area is emphasized; Living in the countryside has its advantages - in rural areas in general.

Pay attention to the uncertainty of the geographical point in the stable expression: write to the village to grandfather.

It should be noted that in Lately the preposition us as a noun in the prepositional case is quite widely used in combinations like: raise a question in the Duma/at the rectorate, etc. This kind of construction arises as a result of shortening combinations: raise a question at a meeting of the Duma/administration office, etc.

In combination with words naming vehicles, the preposition in is used mainly when it is necessary to emphasize being inside a vehicle or being directed inside this vehicle:

It was stuffy on the plane, sitting in the boat, being on the tram.

The preposition na is used in cases where it is necessary to emphasize the type of vehicle used:

fly on a plane, sail on a boat, ride a tram.

At the same time, the use of the prepositions na and in (when indicating a place of residence), as well as the prepositions from and with, often depends only on tradition.

Please note the following designs:

to be at the university, in the pharmacy, in the cinema, in the Crimea, in Belarus, in Transcarpathia, in the Alps - to be at the faculty, at the post office, at the station, in the Caucasus, in Ukraine, in the Far East.

When referring to a foreign state, the preposition in is used, so now the construction - to live in Ukraine - is becoming normative.

7. It should be noted that currently (especially in formal business style) there is an expansion of some prepositions (primarily by and o), which are replacing non-prepositional constructions or constructions with other prepositions. The use of prepositional constructions is not always normative. Thus, quite regularly in the following constructions with the connection control, the preposition by is mistakenly used:

conversation about economics (wrong: conversation about economics);

expand research opportunities (wrong: expand research opportunities);

the question of improving working conditions (wrong: the question of improving working conditions);

concern for the development of the deposit (wrong: concern for the development of the deposit);

child welfare law (wrong: child welfare law);

comments on the organization of work (wrong: comments on the organization of work);

repair costs (wrong: repair costs);

initiative in convening a conference (wrong: initiative in convening a conference);

initiative to organize an evening (wrong: initiative to organize an evening);

civil defense training (wrong: civil defense training);

to leave in the spring (construction: to leave in the spring - is characteristic primarily of dialect speech, therefore it is not literary);

milk yield is 10 kilograms per cow (wrong: milk yield is 10 kilograms of milk...);

salary certificate (wrong: salary certificate);

Faculty of Humanities (wrong: Faculty of Humanities).

Pay attention to the following constructions (the preposition o is often used inappropriately in them):

prove it (incorrect: prove about it);

problem of economical use of resources (wrong: problem of economical use of resources);

initiative in convening (incorrect: initiative to convene a conference, to convene a conference);

confirm this (incorrect: confirm about this);

give advice on how to raise a child; give advice on raising a child (wrong: give advice on raising a child);

give examples of bad work of the administration (wrong: give examples about bad work administration);

summarize work/work (incorrect: summarize about work);

touch on the topic of friendship (wrong: touch on the topic of friendship).

8. Quite often in speech there are errors associated with the use of a certain case with one or another preposition.

Thus, the preposition in view requires the genitive case (due to the delay), thanks to, according to, in spite of - the dative case (due to good weather, according to the order, contrary to the order; unacceptable: thanks to the good weather, according to the order, contrary to the order).

9. There may be shortcomings in the use of some prepositions limited to a certain type of expressed relationship.

For example, the preposition thanks, like the preposition because of, indicates the reason for the action, but if the latter is not limited in the choice of situation, then the first - thanks - is used only if the result of the action is favorable.

Thus, the statement is unsuccessful: Thanks to the bad weather, he got his feet wet and fell ill, because the result bad weather there was a deterioration in the subject’s well-being—an illness.

Similar shortcomings are observed when using prepositions together with and along with. The first of them expresses the idea of ​​simultaneous action of two or more persons, indicates the connection of objects and phenomena:

Andrey worked with his mother; The smell of grass penetrated the room along with the sounds of birds.

The preposition along with has the meaning “besides”, that is, it expresses not the idea of ​​compatibility, but the idea of ​​accession:

Residents of the microdistrict use other modes of transport in addition to the tram.

10. When constructing a sentence, it is necessary to take into account the semantic connections of the members of the phrases included in this sentence. In particular, a common mistake is to omit a necessary dependent member of a phrase.

For example, it is erroneous to omit the noun driver in the sentence: I want to become a diesel locomotive assistant. The normative design will be: I want to become an assistant driver of a diesel locomotive.

Pay attention to constructions in which the necessary dependent member of the phrase is quite regularly omitted:

conversation on the topic of morality, on the topic “Man and Nature” (inadmissible: conversation on morality);

more than a hundred students, more than a hundred rubles, more than a hundred students, more than a hundred students (unacceptable: more than a hundred students, more than a hundred rubles, more than a hundred students);

in the light of what has been said, an important place is given to... (unacceptable: in this light, an important place is given to...);

leaves much to be desired (unacceptable: desires the best);

ask the master for failure to fulfill the plan (not recommended: ask for failure; ask the master);

our team is followed by the Dynamo team with a gap of two points (unacceptable: the Dynamo team is followed by a gap).

It has become very common in speech to shorten constructions with verbs to learn, to learn when indicating the acquisition of certain professional skills and abilities:

He wanted to study music; I suggested that he study chess; I need to learn sewing/drawing.

In common parlance, with these verbs, nouns (names of professions) are used in the accusative case with the preposition to: learn, study to become an artilleryman/artist/teacher, etc. IN literary language their use is not recommended.

Regularly in everyday speech there is an abbreviation of phrases such as: results of growing soybeans/on growing soybeans; experiments in lemon breeding/lemon breeding; results of delivery of vegetables/on delivery of vegetables; plan for catching fish and replacing them with combinations undesirable in the literary language: results on soybeans, results on vegetables, experiments on lemons; fish plan

Quite often in real speech one observes the use of an extra dependent component of a combination.

For example, the verb to worry does not require a dependent component, but under the influence of the verbs to worry and worry that are similar in meaning, constructions such as those that are undesirable in literary language are recorded in speech: We were very worried about our father.

11. A very common speech defect is the so-called “stringing of cases,” that is, the arrangement of several identical case forms in a chain. Most often there is a string of genitive cases: the house of the nephew of the coachman's wife.

Such designs are typical primarily for the scientific and official business style.

Compare: measurement of fluctuations in the electronic spectrum of human hemoglobin.

It is not always possible to completely eliminate this type of construction in these styles, but one must strive for this, since “stringing cases” makes the text very cumbersome.

At the same time, many believe that it is precisely such constructions that give speech significance, formality or scientific quality.

Wed: announcement on trolleybuses and buses: To avoid falling during emergency braking, please hold on to the handrails.

To avoid a chain of dependent case forms, it is necessary to remove uninformative words and replace the verbal noun with a verb as part of homogeneous predicates, subordinate clauses, etc.

Wed: To avoid falling, hold on to the handrails.

Management in Russian is a subordinating relationship in which the main word in a phrase requires the placement of a dependent name in a certain case.
However, not all governance norms are equally strong.
Some of the governance norms are easily distorted.

1. A large number of errors in the construction of constructions with control are associated with the influence of words that are similar in meaning and their control.

Here's an example:
Let's say that in a television program the presenter, addressing the guest of the program, said:
“Let me remind you that two years ago you said the opposite.”

IN this proposal the verb remember can have only one dependent word - in the accusative case (to remember something), while the single-root verb remind can have two dependent forms: the accusative case and the dative case (with the meaning of the addressee of speech) - to remind someone of something.

Under the influence of this verb, the construction “remember you” arises, which is unacceptable from the point of view of the norms of literary language.

An example of the above-mentioned influence of controlling words that are close in meaning can also be seen, for example, in the group of verbs with the meaning of feeling, speech, thought, transmission of information (explain, prove, report, and others).

Under the influence of combinations like: talk about something, think about something - in speech there is often an erroneous use of an object in the prepositional case with the preposition about (about something), for example, in the following verbs:

With verbs of visual perception, the object is usually expressed in the accusative case with the preposition na (look at the picture).
Under the influence of this construction, errors like: admiring the sea, instead of the normative - admiring the sea, are common in speech.

Be sure to pay attention to the control of the following verbs: take a closer look at someone, watch someone; take a closer look at something.

Also be sure to pay attention to the difference in the controls of words with similar meanings:

To be offended by his words is to be indignant at his words;
worry about your daughter - worry about your daughter;
admire patience - marvel at patience;
problems with construction - a question about construction;
similar to the previous formulation - identical to the previous formulation;
drive up to the city - get to the city;
unfamiliarity with the problem - lack of awareness of the problem;
receive income from renting apartments - generate income from renting apartments;
pay attention to your problem - pay attention to your problem;
to offend with a warm welcome - to be offended by a warm welcome;
be based on the results of the study - rely on the results of the study;
preoccupied/preoccupied with affairs - anxiety about/for affairs;
review of the monograph - review of the monograph;
condemn to eternal hard labor - sentence to eternal hard labor;
report on your work/about your work - be responsible for your work;
influence the results - affect the results;
advantage over him - superiority over him;
testify to power - show power;
imbued with anxiety - filled with anxiety;
warn of danger - warn against danger;
familiar to us - familiar to us;
slow down development - hinder development;
patent for discovery - priority in discovery;
get used to the team - get accustomed to the team;
influence the economy - affect the economy;
unravel affairs - sort things out;
pay attention to the problem - increase attention to the problem - pay attention to the problem;
typical of him - characteristic of him;
the true price of a person is the price of bread - the cost of bread.
characteristic of him - inherent in him;

When these words are used in speech, the control of one word is replaced by the control of another, similar in meaning. For the same reason, errors and omissions are common when using a number of words of different parts of speech:

The crown of art (wrong: the crown of art);
afraid of mother (colloquial: afraid of mother);
what we managed to achieve (wrong: what we managed to achieve);
reach seventy centimeters in length (wrong: reach seventy centimeters in length);
touch on a question (obsolete: touch on a question);
the key to success (wrong: the key to success);
to conjure something (incorrect: to conjure something);
avoid danger (wrong: avoid danger);
take part in the fair (wrong: take part in the fair).
affect the salary (wrong: affect the salary);

It is necessary to take into account that in the Russian language, words with the same root of different parts of speech can have different controls:

Angry at a stupid joke - to be angry at a stupid joke;
surprised by his patience - surprised by his patience.

Thus, nouns formed from transitive verbs require not the accusative, as with a verb, but the genitive case:

At the same time, in most cases, words with the same root have the same control. Therefore, the following constructions will be erroneous:

Devote your life to serving the people;
put the country's wealth at the service of the people (normative management: serve the people, put it at the service of the people, serve the people).

3. In speech, there are frequent errors associated with the substitution of control for words with the same root.

4. Differences in control may be due to the use of the word in different constructions and in different meanings.

5. The use of a dependent word in one case or another is influenced by the meaning of this word.

6. Errors in the use of prepositions in synonymous constructions are quite common in speech. For example, the prepositions with and from are synonymous when indicating the place from which the action is directed. However, there is also a difference between them.

7. It should be noted that at present (especially in the official business style) there is an expansion of some prepositions (primarily by and about), which are replacing non-prepositional constructions or constructions with other prepositions. The use of prepositional constructions is not always normative

8. Quite often in speech there are errors associated with the use of a certain case with one or another preposition.

9. There may be shortcomings in the use of some prepositions limited to a certain type of expressed relationship.

10. When constructing a sentence, it is necessary to take into account the semantic connections of the members of the phrases included in this sentence. In particular, a common mistake is to omit a necessary dependent member of a phrase.

11. A very common speech defect is the so-called “stringing of cases,” that is, the arrangement of several identical case forms in a chain. Most often there is a string of genitive cases: the house of the nephew of the coachman's wife.

1. Management is a form subordinating connection in phrases and sentences in which the main word requires the use of the dependent word in a certain form. Many errors are associated with the incorrect choice of controlled form in constructions with words that are similar in meaning or have the same root, requiring different cases: pay for travel instead of pay the fare.


A subscription to something a subscription to use a telephone subscriber of something telephone network subscriber
The embodiment of something in something making dreams come true Transforming something into something making dreams come true
Identical to something identical to the previous one Similar to something similar to the previous one
Review of something book review Review of something book review
Superiority over someone superiority over him Advantage over someone advantage over him
Confidence in something confidence in success Belief in something faith in success
Pay for something pay for travel Pay for something pay for travel

2. Errors may be associated with the wrong choice of case and preposition. The most common is to use a prepositional combination instead of a non-prepositional one, and vice versa: prove the need(Right: prove the need); need for means of production(Right: need for means of production):


When using synonymous prepositions in view of,due to,thanks to, by virtue of it should be remembered that they have not completely lost their original lexical meaning, associated with the meaning of their roots. in view of Pretext introduces a circumstance of expected cause into a sentence, so it is not recommended to use it in: following cases grant leave due to illness (a disease that has become a fact must only occur). Pretext due to introduces into the sentence a circumstance of an already occurring cause, therefore the construction is unsuccessful thanks to due to upcoming departure (the departure is yet to come, and one cannot talk about its consequences). Pretext retains a connection with the verb “to thank”, and therefore it should be used in cases where we are talking about the reasons that caused the desired result: thanks to the help of friends (Right), thanks to illness thanks to,(wrong, you can hardly be grateful for illness).,The preposition is universal for all cases of indicating a reason. because of (what?). Prepositions contrary to according to require dative case: thanks to help, contrary to instructions, according to order. In constructions with a preposition By, depending on verbs expressing feelings, internal experiences ( grieve, cry, be bored, grieve, be sad), as well as from verbs shoot, hit, , the norm is the dative case of the noun and pronoun: miss your son, hit him . Pronouns We according to You in these constructions they take the form of the prepositional case: We I miss you, miss us. Pretext in a construction with a temporary meaning requires a prepositional case form:: leave after finishing school, see it when you arrive in the city, read it when the magazine comes out. V in a construction indicating the place where the action is directed (where it occurs), is antonymous with the preposition from enter the house - leave the house; live in Moscow - return from Moscow: .

Pretext on.

in a construction with the same meaning is antonymous to the preposition With work at a factory - quit the factory; go to the Caucasus - return from the Caucasus 3. It is a mistake to use a common object for two words that control different cases: love and enjoy nature (love nature and enjoy it); study and get involved in physics (study physics and get involved in it) 4. Stringing of cases leads to syntactic errors (several words in one case form are arranged in a chain, depending on each other):.

Category B driver training course participants.

In 1993, at the request of the Government of Ukraine, the options should have been recognized as normative to Ukraine(respectively from Ukraine). Thus, in the opinion of the Government of Ukraine, the unsatisfactory etymological connection between the constructions “to Ukraine” and “to the outskirts” was broken. Ukraine seemed to receive linguistic confirmation of its status sovereign state, since the names of states, and not regions, are formalized according to Russian tradition using prepositions in(in) And in a construction with a temporary meaning requires a prepositional case form: (to the USA, to France, to Sweden - from Japan, from Somalia, from China) etc. Therefore in modern language it was recommended to use the preposition I miss you, miss us., but not in a construction indicating the place where the action is directed (where it occurs), is antonymous with the preposition.

“It is not difficult to agree with what is unusual for Russians in Ukraine- so be it, if it seems to someone that in Ukraine humiliatingly reminds us of being on the edge, on the outskirts...

Sometimes you have to put up with the most naive political and national thinking: there are things higher than the inviolable purity of the literary and linguistic canon.”

Recently in official business speech the prepositional-case combination was fixed in Ukraine/from Ukraine along with neutral in/from Ukraine.

139. Make up phrases with the following words.

Worry - worry, scold - reprimand, faith - confidence, believe - trust, be indignant - be offended, question - problem, admire - marvel - be surprised, get - reach - reach, replace - change, pay - pay, identical - similar, derive income - receive income, have - possess, touch - touch, ignorance - unfamiliarity, be offended - offend, pay attention - pay attention, explain - describe, rely - be based, payment - payment, justify - answer, rely - rely, condemn - sentence, review - review, report - answer - summarize, confirm - give an example, show - testify, superiority - advantage, warn - warn, filled - imbued, hinder - slow down, habitual - familiar, take root - get used to, priority - patent, figure out - unravel, tell - report, affect - influence, pay attention - pay attention - increase attention, indicate - prove, price - cost.

140. Choose one of the prepositional case forms. In what cases is it acceptable to use both forms? How are these designs different?

141. Find errors and shortcomings associated with the use of dependent case forms and management. Correct the sentences.

1. If you look at her closely, she is not that young. 2. He paid great attention to the close connection between the quality of work and discipline. 3. I liked the heroes of Borodino for their devotion to their homeland. 4. A frivolous attitude towards energy resources has led to huge costs. 5. According to the statement, he was transferred to another job. 6. Is it possible to take two photographs: one in profile, the other in full face? 7. The serious difficulties that arose as a result coincided with severe natural disasters. 8. Grinev never allowed rudeness towards the old man. 9. Staff psychologists conduct preventive conversations on the harm of smoking and alcohol. 10. Thanks to you, I learned a lot of new things about our city. 11. Many people will probably be outraged by such a comparison. 12. But this does not provide any guarantee that water supply problems will not arise in already renovated houses. 13. Plots occupied by vegetable crops, are expanding noticeably. 14. The regional government approved measures to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the thermal power plant. 15. I was amazed at the chief designer’s ignorance of basic production processes. 16. They walked for a long time, focusing on the Big Dipper, afraid to catch anyone’s eye. 17. Let the minister account for the breakdown of negotiations! 18. Mtsyri never left desire to freedom. 19. Along with criticism, progressive trends in our society should be promoted in every possible way. 20. His comments are not based on anything. 21. The book is the result of many years of observations by a biologist. 22. A response to his application was received immediately. 23. A schedule has been drawn up for repaying debt on child benefits. 24. Is it conceivable that a teacher’s indifference to the fate of his students is conceivable! 25. The matter of accelerating the preparation of measures to increase the production of consumer goods worries everyone. 26. The state of training of young specialists remains unsatisfactory. 27. Upon expiration of the due date, the division will return to Omsk. 28. The book characterizes the development of self-government over the past ten years. 29. The initiator of the press conference was the Swedish delegation. 30. Mother conjured dinner in the kitchen. 31. Due to technical reasons, our channel is not working. 32. Conversations on morality and ethics are regularly held with teenagers. 33. The minimum pension has been increased by more than one hundred rubles. 34. At the meeting of the department, graduate students were heard. 35. The quiz was initiated by high school students. 36. Training of specialists leaves room for improvement. 37. The son is concerned about his mother’s health. 38. I am aware that I am acting at risk. 39. Then the barrel was taken away from the enraged beast. 40. Every week the district administration organizes trade raids. 41. We will also ask all the previous leaders. 42. As a child, I dreamed of studying to be a doctor. 43. Plans for potatoes this year have been fulfilled. 44. We were all worried about our skaters. 45. It’s time to sum up the work of the team. 46. ​​The young composer is characterized by the use of folklore motifs in his work. 47. Gradually, I began to develop an objective historical assessment of the individual. 48. In relation to Bela, Pechorin behaves with his characteristic egoism. 49. Pechorin is the prototype of Bazarov. 50. Revolutionary activities This man is similar to many people of that time. 51. In the image of Natasha Rostova, Tolstoy embodied the best feminine qualities: inner harmony, naturalness and kindness. 52. According to the director’s order, smoking is prohibited at the institute.

Syntactic norms- these are norms that reflect the peculiarities of the construction of phrases and sentences in the Russian language. The greatest difficulties usually arise from choosing a controlled form in a phrase, matching the subject and predicate, using participles and participial phrases, as well as the construction of some types of complex sentences.

Most often, the following syntactic norms are violated (they are included in the content of Unified State Examination tasks):

Impaired control in phrases with a derived preposition: According to the orders of the rector, agreements were made necessary agreements . (Norm: according to the order);
- violation of control in the phrase “noun + dependent word”: My friend asks about my health. (Norm: interested in my health);
- violation of control in the phrases “verb + dependent word”: I urgently need to pay my bills. (Norm: pay the bills);

Management in Russian is a subordinating relationship in which the main word in a phrase requires the placement of a dependent name in a certain case.

However, not all governance norms are equally strong.

Some of the governance norms are easily distorted.

A large number of errors in the construction of constructions with control are associated with the influence of words with similar meanings and their control.

Let's give an example: let's say that in a television program the presenter, addressing the guest of the program, said: “Let me remind you that two years ago you said the opposite”. In this sentence, the verb remember can only have one dependent word - in the accusative case ( remember something), whereas the cognate verb remind can have two dependent forms: accusative case and dative case (with the meaning of the addressee of speech) – remind someone of something.

Under the influence of this verb, the construction “remember you” arises, which is unacceptable from the point of view of the norms of literary language.

An example of the above-mentioned influence of controlling words that are close in meaning can also be seen, for example, in the group of verbs with the meaning of feeling, speech, thought, transmission of information ( explain, prove, report and others).

Under the influence of combinations like: talk about something, think about something– in speech, the often erroneous use of an object in the prepositional case with the preposition o ( about anything) for example, in such verbs:

With verbs of visual perception, the object is usually expressed in the accusative case with a preposition on ( look at the picture).
Under the influence of this construction in speech, errors like: admire the sea instead of normative - admire the sea.

Be sure to pay attention to the control of the following verbs: take a closer look at someone, watch someone; take a closer look at something.

Also be sure to pay attention to the difference in the controls of words with similar meanings:

to be offended by his words - to be indignant at his words;
worry about your daughter - worry about your daughter;
admire patience - marvel at patience;
problems with construction - a question about construction;
similar to the previous formulation - identical to the previous formulation;
drive up to the city - get to the city;
unfamiliarity with the problem - lack of awareness of the problem;
receive income from renting apartments - generate income from renting apartments;
pay attention to your problem - pay attention to your problem;
to offend with a warm welcome - to be offended by a warm welcome;
be based on the results of the study - rely on the results of the study;
preoccupied/preoccupied with affairs - anxiety about/for affairs;
review of the monograph - review of the monograph;
condemn to eternal hard labor - sentence to eternal hard labor;
report on your work/about your work - be responsible for your work;
influence the results - affect the results;
advantage over him - superiority over him;
testify to power - show power;
imbued with anxiety - filled with anxiety;
warn of danger - warn against danger;
familiar to us - familiar to us;
slow down development - hinder development;
patent for discovery - priority in discovery;
get used to the team - get accustomed to the team;
influence the economy - affect the economy;
unravel affairs - sort things out;
pay attention to the problem - increase attention to the problem - pay attention to the problem;
typical of him - characteristic of him;
the true price of a person is the price of bread - the cost of bread.
characteristic of him - inherent in him;

When these words are used in speech, the control of one word is replaced by the control of another, similar in meaning. For the same reason, errors and omissions are common when using a number of words of different parts of speech:

crown of art ( wrong : crown of art);
afraid of mother (
colloquial : to be afraid of mother);
what we managed to achieve (
wrong : what we managed to achieve);
reach seventy centimeters in length(wrong: reach seventy centimeters in length);
touch on the issue (
outdated : touch on a question);
recipe for success (
wrong : the key to success);
to conjure something (
wrong : to conjure something);
avoid danger (
wrong : avoid danger);
take part in the fair (
wrong : take part in the fair).
affect wages (
wrong : affect salary);

It is necessary to take into account that in the Russian language, words with the same root of different parts of speech can have different controls:

angry at a stupid joke - to be angry at a stupid joke;
surprised by his patience - surprised by his patience.

Thus, nouns formed from transitive verbs require not the accusative, as with a verb, but the genitive case:

At the same time, in most cases, words with the same root have the same control. Therefore, the following constructions will be erroneous:

devote your life to serving the people;
put the country's wealth at the service of the people
(regulatory management: serve the people, put at the service of the people, serve the people).

In a sentence Is it possible to pay for travel? the phrase " pay for travel", which can often be heard on trams, buses, and trolleybuses. Let us compare with it the phrase pay for travel in the same meaning “ give money for something“And let’s ask ourselves: are these constructions equally correct, or is one of them preferable from a grammatical point of view? Answer: in literary language a prepositional construction is adopted pay for what (pay for travel, pay workers, pay for business trip expenses) and the prepositional construction pay for what (pay for travel etc.).

In other cases, constructions with and without a preposition have equal rights, for example: go by tram - go by tram, return by train - return by train, ask for help - ask for help, interesting to everyone - interesting to everyone, understandable to everyone - understandable to everyone, useful to children - useful to children, pleasant to friends - pleasant to friends, necessary many - necessary for many.

Another question: if non-prepositional and prepositional constructions are equal, then perhaps constructions with different prepositions are equally valid? Answer: yes, and in these cases we are talking about synonymy of prepositions.

This can be shown with prepositions I miss you, miss us. And in a construction indicating the place where the action is directed (where it occurs), is antonymous with the preposition : despite the obvious difference in their meanings ( I miss you, miss us. - « inside something», in a construction indicating the place where the action is directed (where it occurs), is antonymous with the preposition - « on the surface of something b"), they often act as synonyms. For example: ride on a train - ride a train, work in the field - work in the field, tears in the eyes - tears in the eyes, ships at sea - ships at sea. Compare: I ran to the kitchen...(M. Gorky). - The nanny came to the kitchen...(V. G. Korolenko).

At the same time, it should be noted that in most cases these prepositions differ in accordance with their inherent meanings.

The preposition is combined with geographical objects I miss you, miss us. :in the city, in the countryside, in the village (but: the first worker in the village), in Belarus, in Ukraine, in Siberia(But: on Mars ).

When naming islands and peninsulas, the preposition is used: in Alaska, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Taimyr, Novaya Zemlya.

The preposition is used with the names of mountains and mountainous areas in a construction indicating the place where the action is directed (where it occurs), is antonymous with the preposition : in Kazbek, on Mount Ararat, in the Caucasus, in the Urals. Using prepositions I miss you, miss us. - in a construction indicating the place where the action is directed (where it occurs), is antonymous with the preposition when names of mountains are in the plural, it is associated with different meanings: relax in the Alps, in the Pyrenees means " in the mountains, among the mountains»; events in the Balkans means " on the Balkan Peninsula»; forests in the Carpathians means " on the surface of the mountains».

We are speaking: in the theatre(in the old days they said: at the theater),at the cinema, at the circus(meaning closed spaces), but: at a concert, at a performance(meaning presentation, performance). Combination serves in the navy wears professional character, that’s what the sailors say, and there’s no mistake about it.

With names Vehicle the preposition is used more often in a construction indicating the place where the action is directed (where it occurs), is antonymous with the preposition : by train, by boat, by plane, by tram, by bus, by metro. The use of the preposition in implies being inside the named object: being on a train, sitting on a tram, having lunch on a plane.

Prepositions I miss you, miss us. And in a construction indicating the place where the action is directed (where it occurs), is antonymous with the preposition have antonyms: in - from, on - from . For example: went to Crimea - returned from Crimea, went to the Caucasus - came from the Caucasus; entered the building - left the building, went to the station - came from the station. However, this opposition is not always maintained: went to the Volga region - returned from the Volga region, send to all parts of the country - receive from all parts of the country.

We continue our observations above prepositions. Or maybe observations behind pretexts? No. Compare: observations behind stars - observations above experimental animals. The first construction refers to the study of an object without our intervention in its “behavior,” and the second construction has the meaning of “studying a phenomenon and regulating it.” Since we not only consider prepositions, but also experiment with them, the correct construction is observations above pretexts.

The preposition po is very peculiar: it controls three cases: dative, accusative and prepositional (in this respect only the preposition c competes with it). How do you say: upon receipt of an answer or upon receipt of an answer? Do we miss you or do we miss you?

We answer the first question like this: preposition according to in the meaning “after” it controls the prepositional case, therefore: upon receipt of an answer, at the end of the performance, after studying the question (book versions; after receiving etc. - neutral options). In the meaning of the reason ( retired due to health reasons) or goals(city ​​landscaping work) preposition according to controls the dative case. By the way, what case is this preposition used in combination with? walk down the street? Give the plural form - through the streets, and you will see that it is the dative case.

The second question is more difficult to answer: we miss you or for you? If in combination with nouns ( misses his son, misses his children) and with 3rd person personal pronouns ( miss him, miss him) preposition according to controls the dative case, then in combination with the personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons, the same preposition is combined with the prepositional case: miss you (not you), miss us (not us). Such are the vagaries of pretext according to .

He also has stylistic feature: when denoting an object that needs to be obtained, obtained, the use of a preposition according to has a colloquial character, for example: go for mushrooms - go for mushrooms. Compare: One morning a young woman went to the lake to fetch water.(M. Prishvin). - In the spring, girls go to the grove for lilies of the valley, in the summer - for berries(V. Panova).

What do you think is a better way to say: I haven't read this book or I haven't read this book? Let’s not be categorical in our answer: both constructions are acceptable, i.e. after transitive verb with negation, the complement can be in either the genitive or accusative case.

However, such variant constructions are not always equally used: in some cases the use of the genitive case predominates, in others the accusative case form is preferable, in others both forms are truly equal.

1. The genitive case strengthens the negation and is used in the following cases:

A) if there is a particle in the sentence neither . or a negative pronoun, or an adverb with a prefix neither- , For example: However, I did not lose either courage or hope(A.S. Pushkin);
b) if the addition has the meaning of some part of the objects, for example: I didn’t buy a bagel for tea(K. Fedin);
c) if the addition is expressed by an abstract noun, for example: does not waste time, does not feel the desire, does not miss an opportunity, does not take part.

2. The accusative case weakens the negation and is usually used in the following cases:

A) when indicating a specific, specific object, for example: I won't take this book; didn't read the story sent to him;
b) when expressing a complement with an animate noun, for example: Don't scold your Tamara(M. Yu. Lermontov);
c) with double negative, which denotes a strengthened statement, for example: A woman can't help but understand music(M. Gorky);
d) in the construction “not + auxiliary verb + indefinite form of transitive verb + object”, for example: couldn't purchase new dictionary, didn’t have time to read this book, doesn’t want to wear an old suit; compare: I don’t want to quarrel for two centuries(A.S. Pushkin).

3. In other cases, both the genitive and accusative cases are used: the construction with the genitive case is bookish in nature, the construction with the accusative case is neutral or colloquial in nature. Wed: Andrey did not take his enchanted gaze off the birch(M. Bubennov). - Don't torment my soul! (M. Gorky).

Tell me who is the owner of the book you are talking about we're talking about in a sentence: Book by my neighbor's son's teacher's husband's niece? To answer this question, you start going through the links of this chain of genitive cases from the end: I have a neighbor, he has a son, the son has a teacher, the teacher has a husband, the husband has a niece... finally, having caught your breath, you find who owns the book. It is not difficult to see the stylistic drawback of such constructions: one genitive case clings to another, forming a ball that has to be unwound. An example of such an unsuccessful proposal in a school textbook on literature was given by K. Chukovsky: “Creative processing of the image of the courtyard follows the line of enhancing the display of the tragedy of his fate”. Try to convey this thought in clear language. It's not that simple, is it? Let's try to accomplish this feat together. Perhaps this option would be suitable: The image of the courtyard is based on his tragic fate.

How do you understand the sentence: Reading Mayakovsky produced strong impression on the listeners? Did V. Mayakovsky himself read or did someone else read the poet’s works? The ambiguity arose from the fact that Mayakovsky's word can be understood as a genitive of a subject (he performed the action expressed by the verb “read”) and as a genitive of an object (the subject of the action was his works).

Sentences in which these two cases appear side by side are unsuccessful, for example: “Evaluation of Belinsky’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. One could say: Belinsky's assessment of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Often there are constructions in which two control words have a common dependent word, for example: read and take notes from a book, meet and talk with friends. Such constructions are constructed correctly because the verbs in them require the same control: read what And take notes on what, meet with whom and talk with whom. But the sentences in which there is a common dependent word with words that require different controls are stylistically incorrectly constructed, for example: “be interested and collect stamps” ( be interested in what, collect what), "love and play sports" (love something, do something). It is not difficult to correct such constructions: with the first control word, a dependent noun is used, and with the second, a pronoun replacing it: be interested in stamps and collect them, love sports and play them.

Russian syntax is distinguished by its richness and variety of controlled construction options. For example: We drove through the forest- drove through the forest- drove through the forest- drove through the forest etc.; I work in the evenings- I work in the evenings; rested for a week- rested for a week; five minutes earlier- five minutes earlier- five minutes before...- five minutes before and so on.

Many of these constructions differ only in shades of meaning, which we differentiate quite clearly. For example, the combination provide someone with something - means: to supply in sufficient quantity (provide climbers with equipment); provide to someone something - means: to make something undoubted, true, to guarantee something (provide good care for patients).

Difference between designs ask for money- ask for money, look for a place- look for places and so on. is that the first options point to a specific, specific object (a certain amount of money, your place), and the latter have general meaning (some amount, indefinitely, any place). Difference between designs drink water- drink water, buy books- buy books, bring bread- bring some bread and so on. lies in the fact that the genitive case denotes the spread of the action not to the entire object, but only to a certain part or quantity of it, and the accusative case indicates that the action is completely transferred to the object.

Of stylistic interest are those control options that receive stylistic reinforcement (remarks to student- comments to the student<книжн.>; talk about friends - talk about friends<разг.>; be absent due to illness- be absent due to illness<оф.-делов.>).

In Russian, a number of controlled constructions express completely homogeneous relationships: study at the Institute- take courses; was in fifth year- was in second grade; work at the post office- work in a workshop; lives in the village- lives on a farm and so on. These syntactic constructions are characterized by great stability in Russian syntax, and choosing the desired form of control in such cases is not difficult.

Synonymous words often require the use of different cases:

admire courage- bow before courage

despise danger- ignore danger

get involved (interested) in music - love (study) music

be outraged by the outrages- to be angry (angry) at the ugly person

shy away from necessity- fear necessity

be unhappy with the review- be disappointed in the review

reprimand an employee- reproach an employee

understand the need...- be aware of the need

When using them in speech, sometimes associative errors occur, similar phrases are mixed up: Authordescribes events (instead of: tells, narrates events or: describes events); Hethis did not calm me down (I was not satisfied with this, I did not calm down on this); Confidencein your own strength (confidence in what? in one’s own abilities; faith in what? in one’s own strengths).

When using parallel variants of non-prepositional and prepositional controls that coincide in meaning, it can be recommended to give preference to more specific constructions with prepositions, since in them the grammatical meaning is expressed more clearly. Let's compare: letter to mother- letter to mother, letter from mother.

To avoid distortion of the meaning of a statement, you should be especially careful about control options that allow for double interpretation. Thus, ambiguity may arise in phrases: portrait of Repin(a portrait painted by Repin, or a portrait of the artist himself?), the director needs to be advised(will the director himself advise someone or should he listen to the advice of another person?). Similar designs require correction:

To the teacher much more was needed Teacher should have

explain. explain a lot.

Explanation brother's answer Explanation answer suggested

seems unconvincing. brother unconvincing.

Ordered us help with work. They ordered that shoot, hit


However, in speech there are still such “ambiguous” constructions, the meaning of which is clarified by the context (deception of the priests, economic assistance India, criticism of Belinsky, finally, in the song: The shooter's bullet missed...).

An inappropriate pun can also arise when using derivative prepositions that unexpectedly manifest their primary meaning in the text; There was a firethanks to watchman(why should I thank him?); Please give me academic leavein view of illnesses(you cannot foresee illness!).

It is impossible not to take into account the bookish coloring of some prepositional constructions, to ignore the clerical shade introduced into speech by denominative prepositions. For example, under the influence of the official business style, constructions with prepositions are fixed in the modern Russian language o, by: indicate the need, note the importance, dwell on it, discuss about something, express agreement that, keep in mind about it, state about it(non-prepositional constructions will be correct: note the importance of, discuss something, keep it in mind, as well as constructions with other prepositions: indicate a need, express agreement with something and so on.). From paired phrases: response to this work- response to this work; review of this article- review of this article; indicators for these enterprises- performance of these enterprises and so on. - the first ones have a clerical coloring.

It is also undesirable to “string” identical case forms. An example of such a construction was once given by the linguist A.M. Peshkovsky: the house of the doctor's brother's coachman's wife's nephew. Undoubtedly, such management cannot be approved.

In special cases, control options are expressive. Let's compare constructions with different forms of addition for verbs with negation: He does not speakthe truth ; Henever won't telltruth ; Heno one won't telltruth ; Henever won't telltruth ; He doesn't want to saythe truth ; Hedoesn't say something ; He can't help but saythe truth ; The truth he still won't tell. Additions in the form of the genitive case with a verb with negation strengthen and emphasize this negation. And, on the contrary, constructions with an addition in the accusative case “mute” the meaning of negation.

With two or more control words, a common dependent word can only be used if these main words require the same case and preposition, for example: read and take notes from a book, write out and memorize quotes. Incorrectly constructed phrases: organize and lead a group (organize- What? lead- how?); show care and attention to orphans (care- about whom? attention- to whom?). Correcting such sentences usually requires the use of a pronoun: organize and lead a group; but sometimes you have to add another control word: pay attention to orphans and take care of them.

It is interesting to note the peculiarities of the use of some Russian prepositions. Yes, prepositions I miss you, miss us. And in a construction indicating the place where the action is directed (where it occurs), is antonymous with the preposition have their own antonyms: in - from, to- With. For example: went to Crimea- returned from Crimea, went to the Caucasus- came from the Caucasus, entered the building- left the building and went to the station- came from the station. However, this situation is not always maintained: went to the Volga region- returned from the Volga region, send to all parts of the country- receive from all over the country.

How to say: upon receipt of a response or upon receiving a response? We miss you or for you? Pretext according to in the meaning “after” it controls the prepositional case, therefore: upon receipt of an answer, at the end of the performance, after studying the issue- book options, and after receiving etc. - neutral options. In the meaning of the reason (retired due to health reasons) or goals (city landscaping work) pretext according to controls the dative case.

A more difficult question to answer: We miss you or for you? If in combination with nouns (we miss our son, we miss our children) and with 3rd person personal pronouns (miss him, miss them) pretext according to controls the dative case, then in combination with personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person the same preposition is used with the prepositional case: we miss you(Not you), miss us(Not according to us). Such are the vagaries of this pretext.

It also has a stylistic feature: when denoting an object that needs to be obtained, obtained, the use of the preposition according to has a colloquial character, for example: go mushroom picking (mushroom picking).
