The most famous love stories in history. The most famous love stories of all time

Narcotic Russian-French love

Vysotsky had a rare skill - he could conquer any woman. The answer to this phenomenon lay in his unrestrained character; he was like a splash of champagne, showering his chosen one with a wave of charm and leading her away with him. Marina Vladi turned out to be a tough nut to crack and at first she resisted and was surprised at his self-confidence, with which he said that he would definitely win her hand.

Having seen a lot in her 30 years, the actress for the first time did not know what to do, how to react to this to a strange person. She went back to Paris and felt a nagging feeling of melancholy. Where is it from? The answer came with a phone call from Russia. Hearing the familiar velvety voice, Marina realized that she was missing. She was in love.

When bright brutality meets expressive femininity, there can only be one result - love. Although their love was more like a battlefield. For Vladi and Vysotsky, every day they lived together was a holiday; they saw each other so rarely. Endless visa requests and huge distances tormented both of them, but also saved their marriage. Two bright personalities it would be difficult to get along together.

And Marina and Vladimir also fought with... Vysotsky himself, his addictions, that side of his personality that drew him to the edge of the abyss. They fought with higher authorities for the right to have the opportunity to see each other as often as possible. However, now that Vladi is left alone, she no longer remembers the difficulties, she remembers only about love.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono

The love of the famous Beatle and the Japanese artist

Her ill-wishers called her a demon in female form, and him a resigned victim. Beatles fans blamed her for the breakup of the famous Fab Four. The Beatles themselves didn’t like her either. Except, of course, Lennon. About meeting Yoko, he said: “It was like I had won a big prize.” And on the evening they met, she wrote in her diary: “It seems that I have found someone I can love.” Yoko always knew exactly what she wanted.

And so Lennon began to receive postcards with the inscriptions “Breathe”, “Dance”, “Look at the fire until dawn”. Yoko called him and talked with him for hours about art. She was lying in wait at the house. She wanted to conquer him. And she succeeded. After some time, John discovered that he was not indifferent to her. After some time, John discovered that he did not want to live without her for a day. “The child of the ocean is calling me,” he sang in one of the songs. (Yoko means “child of the ocean” in Japanese).

By the age of 27, John Lennon had crazy popularity, a million-dollar fortune, a 100-bedroom house, luxury cars, a wife and son. He had everything, and he was bored. Yoko was also bored and looking for something new. They immediately divorced their previous spouses and got married. Their Honeymoon took place in Amsterdam, causing a stir with their “bedside interview”. The reporters gathered outside their hotel room at the Hilton expected that the scandalous couple would want to give interviews while having sex, but Yoko and John, in white pajamas, sat on the bed in a flower-decorated room and talked about peace - it was their protest against the Vietnam War.

The album “Two Virgins” was also shocking. On the cover, Yoko and John were photographed naked, and there was no music in the album at all - only moans, creaks and other sounds. They took part in demonstrations, made films, and John recorded songs. However, critics wrote: “The songs have become weaker.” Former fans said: "Yoko John is no good." John became depressed again. Yoko suggested that they separate for a while. She knew John needed time. He must decide for himself who he is and where he is.

More parties, new friends and girlfriends. And new songs. Lennon's compositions were again at the top of the charts. However, was he happy? John is mad with longing for Yoko. He missed her catastrophically, painfully. A year and a half later they met. And they never parted again.

On October 8, 1975, John's 35th birthday, Yoko gave birth to his son. Lennon found peace: “I’m freer than ever and ready for new creativity.” They lived in unison - until that fatal shot by a crazy fan in December 1980. “Why doesn’t anyone believe that we just love each other?” Lennon laughed. “We just loved each other,” Yoko says the same thing now in rare interviews. “The rest is pop history.”

Henry Ford and Clara Jane Bryant

The story of a great inventor and his great wife

In the late 1990s, a young mechanic worked for an electric company in Detroit for $11 a week. He worked 10 hours a day, and when he came home, he often worked half the night in his barn, trying to invent new type engine. His father thought that the guy was wasting his time, the neighbors called him crazy, no one believed that anything worthwhile would come of these activities. Nobody but his wife. She helped him work at night, holding a kerosene lamp over his head for several hours. Her hands turned blue, her teeth were chattering from the cold, she caught a cold every now and then, but... She believed so much in her husband!

Years later, a noise was heard from the barn. The neighbors saw a madman and his wife riding along the road without a horse, in the same cart. The eccentric's name was Henry Ford. By the age of fifty, Ford had become a multimillionaire, and his car was one of the national symbols America. When, while recording an interview with Henry Ford, a certain journalist asked who Ford would like to be in another life, the genius answered simply: “Anyone.” If only my wife was next to me.”

Alexander Pushkin and Natalya Goncharova

Deadly love poet

One of the first beauties of Moscow met Alexander Pushkin at a ball. The poet was so struck by the beauty and spirituality of the sixteen-year-old girl that he literally “fell ill with love” and soon asked for her hand. He was refused, because Pushkin was twice as old as Natalya - he was 30. He tried his luck a year later and this time received consent.

During the six years that the couple lived together, Natalya Nikolaevna gave birth to her husband four children. But the young woman missed social entertainment and the success that she enjoyed as a young and free girl. They say that at every opportunity she flirted with men, considering it a completely innocent activity. Pushkin even received a remark about his wife’s behavior from Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich.

The French officer Dantes courted Natalya deliberately in public, so that everyone (and especially Pushkin) could see his undisguised passion and lust. There was nothing vicious between them and it seemed to her that everything that was happening was completely innocent. The last straw was a libel in which a jealous husband was awarded a “cuckold diploma.” Natalya was indeed naive, believing that the hot descendant of an Ethiopian could survive such humiliation.

Pushkin challenged Dantes to a duel, where he was mortally wounded. And yet he did not blame his wife and before his death he told her: “You are not to blame for anything!” And Natalya Goncharova did everything as the dying Pushkin told her: he asked her to leave the city, mourn for two years, and after... after marry a decent man. The poet loved his wife so much that even on his deathbed, he could not help but think about her happiness.

Cleopatra and Caesar

Bloody love between pharaoh and emperor

Men went crazy about her, for a night spent in her arms, they were ready to give their lives and did it voluntarily. The great Roman commanders, Caesar and Mark Antony, also paid with their lives. Cleopatra was not a beauty, but she had incredible charm and charisma, she was seductive, cunning and very smart. This first female politician in history received an excellent education, studied mathematics, philosophy, literature, skillfully played the musical instruments and knew 8 languages.

She made Caesar fall in love with her by cunning: dressed in the most beautiful outfits, she ordered the servants to wrap her in a carpet and bring her as a gift to Caesar. Knowing the intricacies of all existing at that time love pleasures Ancient world, Cleopatra, amazed the spoiled emperor with her ingenuity and subtle sense of humor. Her movements and voice literally bewitched Caesar. Julius, that same night he became her lover. Thus, Cleopatra paid off the huge national debt, received the Egyptian throne and the love of the great commander. But the Romans could not forgive him love relationship with an Egyptian woman, and as a result of an insidious plot, Caesar was killed.

Cleopatra was able to fall in love with another commander who fought for the “Roman throne” - Mark Antony. It was an insane passion that swept away everything in its path, but even here the lovers faced failure. Rome went to war against Alexandria, Antony and Cleopatra lost. The Roman commander thought that his beloved had died, and, unable to survive it, threw himself on the sword. And Cleopatra, in order to avoid captivity and shame, ordered that a poisonous snake be brought to her.

Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine

The love story of a great commander and a beautiful Creole woman

They met when Napoleon was still poor, homely and unknown to anyone, and Josephine already had the status of a widow, often changed lovers, and besides, she was 6 years older than her future husband. But it was as if an unknown force attracted them to each other. After spending the evening with a beautiful Creole, Bonaparte was fascinated by her for the rest of his life. They became lovers and then spouses, changing their ages on paper.

On his wedding day in March 1796, Bonaparte gave his beloved a sapphire ring. Inside the ring was engraved: “This is destiny.” And soon fate made Josephine an empress and Bonaparte an emperor. The great commander confidently conquered the whole world, winning one victory after another, and from each campaign he sent his beloved wife tender and passionate letters, full of revelations and confessions.

But time passed, Napoleon dreamed of heirs, and Josephine could not get pregnant. In addition, rumors about the infidelity of the temperamental Creole, who remained alone for a long time, were confirmed. And then Bonaparte decides to enter into a new marriage with Princess Marie Louise of Austria in order to preserve the dynasty and extend his family. In 1809, Josephine and Napoleon divorced. Josephine retains the title of empress at Bonaparte's insistence. He also receives the Elysee Palace, Navarre Castle, Malmaison, three million a year, coats of arms, escort, security and all the attributes of a reigning person.

But even after the divorce, the emperor continues to write tender letters to Josephine, full of love and warmth. A new marriage and the appearance of a long-awaited son do not bring happiness to Bonaparte. After the defeat at Waterloo, the emperor goes into exile on the island of St. Helena. Josephine is refused his accompaniment, and a couple of months after Napoleon's abdication of power, she dies. And in 1821, the great commander of all times and peoples, Napoleon Bonaparte, died with the name of his beloved Josephine on his lips.

Edith Piaf and Marcel Cerdan

The Parisian sparrow and the Moroccan bombardier

This love story started in Paris. Edith Piaf was introduced to the “Moroccan scorer”, and Marcel Cerdan was introduced to the “great Edith Piaf”. A few days later, Marcel called the singer and asked for a meeting. The next morning they realized that they were in love. Next to a tall and muscular athlete " Parisian sparrow» Edith Piaf (piaf - sparrow from French), only 147 cm tall, looked like a little girl. At night they often went for walks around New York. Both loved to ride roller coasters. This extraordinary couple was recognized on the streets, watching in amazement as they gobbled up ice cream and screamed on the rides like mere mortals.

The love affair between the French singer and the French boxing champion did not go unnoticed. Journalists wanted to incite huge scandal, but the boxer was the first to hold a press conference: “Do you want to know if I love Piaf? Yes I love! Yes, she is my mistress, only because I am married. And I can’t get a divorce!” he blurted out. In the morning, not a single newspaper wrote a single line about Edith and Marcel, and by lunchtime Edith Piaf was brought a huge basket of flowers from journalists. Included in the flowers was a card: “From gentlemen to the woman they love more than anything in the world.”

On October 28, 1949, Cerdan dropped everything and flew to New York, receiving a telegram from his beloved: “I miss you.” His plane crashed near Azores. In the morning, Edith was awakened not by the long-awaited kiss of Marcel, but by terrible news. That evening, Edith Piaf was carried onto the stage of the Versailles Hall in her arms - she could not walk. Stopping the audience's applause, she said quietly: “You don't have to clap for me today. Today I sing for Marcel Cerdan. Only for him alone."

Editor's note: All stories are partly based on legends and do not claim to be historically accurate.

Nikolai Rubtsov (1936–1971) - an outstanding lyrical Russian poet, during his short life he managed to publish only four collections of poetry. He was born on January 3, 1936 in Arkhangelsk region. When the war began, his family moved to Vologda, and his father was soon taken to the front. However, a few months later, Rubtsov Sr.’s wife unexpectedly died, and the children were left alone. So little Nikolai and his brother Boris were sent to Orphanage to the small northern town of Totma. When the war finally ended, the boys hoped that their father would return and take them home. But he never arrived. He preferred to get married, have new family, and forget about the children from the first wife forever. Vulnerable, touchy and too soft, Nikolai Rubtsov could not forgive such a betrayal to his father. He closed himself off even more and began writing down his first poems in a small notebook. Since then, he has not stopped composing, becoming seriously interested in poetry.

In the summer of 1950, when seven years of school were completed, Nikolai entered the forestry technical school, and two years later he went to Arkhangelsk, where more than a year worked on the ship as an assistant fireman. Then the future poet served in the army and moved to Leningrad. By 1962, he published his first collection of poems, got married, and entered the Moscow Literary Institute. It seemed that certainty had appeared in life, a little daughter was growing up in the family, as the poet Rubtsov became famous among Moscow writers and was considered a rather talented young man. However, due to his addiction to alcohol and drunken brawls, he was expelled from the institute and reinstated several times. Nevertheless, he did not stop drinking.

One of richest people on earth, Greek multimillionaire Aristotle Onassis was born on January 15, 1906. He grew up independent, self-confident and courageous, and with early years Ari, as his relatives called him, developed a great interest in people of the opposite sex. So, when he was barely thirteen years old, he first experienced female caresses. His teacher, who became his first lover and was remembered by Onassis for the rest of his life, volunteered to teach the boy the wisdom of love. However, his most great love was still ahead.

In the meantime, Aristotle was obsessed with a single idea - to achieve success in business and make a huge fortune. After coming of age, in search of better life, he emigrated to Argentina and got a job as a telephone technician, but free time was doing business. Thanks to numerous transactions, by the age of thirty-two, Onassis already had several hundred thousand dollars. He made a fortune trading oil, but did not want to stop there.

Outstanding poet, almost laureate Nobel Prize, which Boris Pasternak was given for his novel “Doctor Zhivago,” was largely due to the woman who entered his life so quickly and suddenly to remain there until last days, and after the death of a loved one, experience painful difficulties and hardships.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak was born in Moscow on January 29 (February 10), 1890 in the family of an artist and pianist. Famous people gathered in their house: artists, musicians, writers, and from childhood Boris was familiar with the most famous people art in Russia. He himself played music well and drew. At the age of eighteen, Pasternak entered the Faculty of Law of the Moscow Imperial University, and a year later he was transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology. The young man wished to become a philosopher. A few years later, with money raised by his caring mother, the young man went to Germany to listen to lectures from the famous German philosopher. But there, completely disillusioned with this science, he went to Italy with the remaining money, and the aspiring poet returned to Moscow with a persistent desire to devote himself to literature and poetry. His search for himself has since been completed.

The famous Soviet poetess Veronika Mikhailovna Tushnova (1915–1965) was born in Kazan in the family of a professor of medicine, biologist Mikhail Tushnov. Her mother, Alexandra Tushnova, née Postnikova, was much younger than her husband, which is why everything in the house was subject only to his wishes. The strict professor Tushnov, who came home late, worked a lot, rarely saw the children, which is why his daughter was afraid of him and tried to avoid him, hiding in the nursery.

Little Veronica was always thoughtful and serious, she loved to be alone and copy poems into notebooks, of which there were several dozen by the end of school.

Passionately in love with poetry, the girl was forced to submit to the will of her father and enter the medical school in Leningrad, where the Tushnov family had moved shortly before. In 1935, Veronica completed her studies and went to work as a laboratory assistant at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Moscow, and three years later she married Yuri Rozinsky, a psychiatrist. (The details of life with Rozinsky are unknown, since Tushnova’s relatives prefer to remain silent about this, and the poetess’s family archive still remains unpublished.)

Edith Giovanna Gassion was born right on the street. Her mother, an acrobat in a traveling circus, gave birth on the outskirts of Paris before she could reach the hospital. It happened on a cold December morning in 1915. Soon the girl’s father, Louis Gassion, was taken to the front, and the flighty mother, not wanting to take care of her daughter, sent her to the house of her alcoholic parents. They had their own ideas about raising their granddaughter: they kept the girl in the dirt and taught her to drink wine; they sincerely believed that in this way the child would gain strength and be accustomed to all the difficulties of a future wandering life.

When the father came to visit Edith for a few days, the dirty, skinny, ragged girl made such a terrifying impression on him that he immediately took the child and took him to his mother. The owner of the brothel washed the baby, fed her and dressed her in a clean dress. Surrounded by prostitutes who very warmly and carefully received the four-year-old girl, Edith became happy. However, less than a month had passed when others began to notice that the girl could not see. Time passed, she turned seven years old, and she still could not even distinguish a bright light. The girls from the brothel, having decided that they could only help “little Edith” divine powers, went to prayer. With God's help or not, a miracle happened: a week later, on August 25, 1921, the girl regained her sight.

Beautiful, independent, always carrying herself with dignity, actress Tatyana Okunevskaya (1914–2002) won the hearts of Soviet men - from ordinary workers to influential and famous officials. Viewers remembered her as a carefree and cheerful actress. But who knew its heavy, almost tragic life, he understood how difficult it was for her to have cheerfulness and the charming smile that never left her face.

Tatyana Kirillovna Okunevskaya was born on March 3, 1914 in Moscow. In the third grade, the future actress was kicked out of school because of her father, who supported the White Guards during Civil War. The girl was transferred to another school, where she managed to gain respect and remain a constant leader among her classmates for seven years. She defended justice so much that one day, after an argument with the boys, she was thrown out of the second floor of the school, but, fortunately, she escaped with only minor bruises.

Valentina Serova is one of the most bright stars Soviet cinema, an open and sincere beauty, was the muse and the strongest and most reverent love of the no less famous Konstantin Simonov.

Before they met, Simonov was married twice: to Ada Tipot and Evgenia Laskina, who gave him a son. Serova, having lived only a year with her husband, remained a widow with a child who had not yet been born. Her young husband, pilot Anatoly Serov, died while on duty shortly before Serova met with Konstantin Simonov.

The actress could not forget her first husband. Having survived the war, an affair with Simonov, raising a daughter, she invariably every year, on the morning of May 11, came to the Kremlin wall, where the ashes of the Hero rest. Soviet Union Anatoly Serov. And as fate would have it, that fateful day, many years later, would become the happiest day of her life: Serova gave birth to a daughter...

Albert Einstein's beloved woman, with whom few knew about the affair, was a Soviet citizen. For a long time, their relationship was hidden by both the American side and domestic competent authorities. And only at the end of the 20th century, the love story of Margarita Konenkova and the great scientist became known to the general public, not only through some leaked information from former secret agents, but also through the personal archive of the Konenkovs, which was made public and put up for auction at Sotheby’s in the late 1980s years.

Materials about Konenkova’s stay in America have not yet been declassified, and perhaps we will never know much. What she and her husband actually did in the United States remains unclear at this time. Whether Margarita really went there to accompany her husband, a sculptor, or was she carrying out a secret mission from the Soviet side, she was obliged to obtain information on the Americans’ development of an atomic bomb.

Henri Matisse, an artist of “light and happiness” who looked at the world through the prism of joy and beauty, once wrote: “I strive for art full of balance and purity... I want the tired, torn, exhausted person in front of my painting to taste peace and rest." He admitted that he found joy in everything: in the trees, in the sky, in flowers. This was all Matisse - the famous French artist who knew how to find the extraordinary in the ordinary, look for light in the darkness and notice love in an indifferent, callous world. “He has the sun in his blood,” Pablo Picasso once said about the artist.

Henri Matisse was born on December 31, 1869 into a poor family. His mother was a seamstress and worked at home, so colorful ribbons, scraps of fabric, bows and ladies' hats were scattered throughout the rooms. This colorful environment, filled with the most different colors, was largely reflected in his bright, joyful paintings many years later. Henri grew up as a serious and purposeful boy. However, at the age of twenty, while practicing law and dreaming of becoming a lawyer, he suddenly became interested in painting. Having moved to Paris and entered the School of Fine Arts, Matisse began his studies, completely devoting himself to art.

Fred Astaire (1899–1987) (real name Frederic Austerlitz), one of the most famous dancers of the past century, was born in America, in Nebraska, on May 10, 1899. His father was from Austria, respected the art of dance and sent his children to dance school from an early age. When they grew up, Fred and his sister Adele decided to form a dance couple and have performed together everywhere since then. They were immediately noticed and began to be invited not only to the famous dance floors of America, but also of Europe, and since 1915, brother and sister took part in musical comedies. In total they participated in fifteen dance shows. In 1923, they were to perform on Broadway, where the audience greeted the Astaires with delight. At the same time, they paid more attention to Fred than to the thin, graceful Adele. Temperamental, elegant, with a special sense of rhythm, the young man amazed with his talent.

The success of the Astaire dance couple was enormous. Ahead of them were tours around the world, participation in the most popular shows and colossal fees for those times. Unexpectedly, Adele got married and, having lost her head in love, left the stage. Fred was left alone. After breaking up with his sister, he decided to go for a screen test, which only brought him disappointment. The verdict was terrifying: “He can’t play. She dances a little." The thin, awkward young man seemed ridiculous to the director of the film studio, and his hands with thin, overly long fingers seemed completely unnatural. Fred Astaire left the film studio confused. Ten happy years that flew by working with my beloved sister passed unnoticed. Fred was turning thirty-three years old, and a suitable partner, whom the dancer had been looking for for several months, still had not been found.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870–1953) was born at dawn on October 10 (22), 1870 in the small Russian city of Yelets. Under the morning crow of roosters and in the rays of the dawn sun. It was an unusual autumn morning, like an omen, which opened the door for the poet to a life full of glory, love, despair and loneliness. Life on the edge: happiness and bitterness, love and hatred, loyalty and betrayal, recognition during life and humiliating poverty at the end of the road. His muses were women who gave him delight, troubles, disappointments, and immeasurable love. And it was from them that the creator left into a world that was misunderstood by many, strange and lonely. Bunin once remarked in his diary after reading Maupassant: “He is the only one who dared to endlessly say that human life is entirely under the rule of a woman’s thirst.”

Four women were in the life of the great Russian writer, they left a huge mark on his soul, they tormented his heart, inspired him, awakened his talent and desire to create.

Love is a great feeling that can work miracles: change the world and people, heal heart wounds and inflict new ones, shake society and give peace. Beautiful and unimaginable interesting stories about love can be found not only in film novels and books, but also real life, especially if you pay attention to celebrities. We have selected the most mind-blowing love stories that were talked about on every corner.

This love story is not a scandal, but simply the collapse of all seemingly iron-clad English traditions. The thing is that the chosen one of the representative of the monarchy, Edward, who became the first and only king in the entire long history England, she became an ordinary, not even very attractive, divorced (twice!) American woman. It was because of her that he abdicated the throne.

Their romance began when Mrs. Wallis lived in London with her new husband, successful and wealthy businessman Ernest Simpson. Their first fateful meeting took place in 1930 at a dinner party. At first sight, the woman fell into the heart of the Prince of Wales, and then everyone wondered why, because she was not a beauty. Although it is worth noting her charm and magical charm.

The couple began to have their affair in front of everyone, not even embarrassed by their position (Wallis is behind her husband, and Edward is a representative of the monarchy). They attended social events together, dined in restaurants, and walked the streets. The royal family thought that this was a frivolous, non-long-term hobby for the prince, which would soon fizzle out. But how wrong they were! As soon as Edward took the throne after the death of King George V, the American woman filed for divorce. The couple decided to get married, but then someone intervened The Royal Family, who set a condition for Edward: either the throne or a flighty woman from another country.

The result was the king's most famous speech, in which he abdicated the throne because of love. The couple lived for a very long time. They did everything together: wrote memoirs, traveled, gave interviews. True, they did not have children. Happiness ended in 1972, when Edward died of cancer.

In whose relationship passion was seething, it was between Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Their romance of the century lasted a long time, experienced ups and downs.

Their love story can be easily used as the basis of the plot and a beautiful and exciting film can be made. It would have everything: passionate kisses, quarrels and separations, fights and reconciliation, divorce and wedding (even twice). Not only did they star in films together that brought fame and awards, but they also destroyed numbers together while they fought furiously.

Their meeting took place on the set of the film “Cleopatra” in 1962. He was successfully married to actress Wallace Sybil, and she was also not free, she was married to the singer. The passion that flared up on the set overwhelmed Richard and Elizabeth so much that they continued to kiss even after the romantic scene was filmed. They behaved depravedly, without being embarrassed by anyone, they made love wherever they had to. The paparazzi were constantly hunting for them. Even the Vatican officially recognized this relationship as sinful, but the couple continued to meet. They eventually divorced their spouses and got married. Later they separated, but they were constantly drawn to each other.

Yes, the romances of the Golden Age of Hollywood do not compare to modern adultery. But there is a couple whose love has passed many tests and is one of the most beautiful.

To the novel by Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones for a long time They were skeptical, saying “he’ll play and quit.” But it was not there!

The successful actor, who managed to win several Oscars, simply fell in love at first sight with the young aspiring but already famous actress at the premiere of her film “The Mask of Zorro.” Michael, who had been married for 23 years at that time, simply could not allow Katherine to remain in the role of mistress. He sought her as best he could, a little old-fashioned, but selflessly. Five months later, the actress’s fortress fell, and the lovers set off on a trip around the world.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov are one of the brightest examples strong family and a successful creative tandem. Agree, in Russian show business almost every day there is news about betrayals, divorces and scandalous antics of stars. But nothing can be said about this couple - they love each other no matter what!

The artists met long before they started dating. At that moment they were dating other people, but they were able to build warm friendly relations. Alexey and Yulia often invited each other to their concerts, and then arranged friendly parties. No one could have thought that such Good friends one day they will become husband and wife! But the artists fell in love with each other, so it was useless to resist feelings and soon all the fans learned that they were connected not only by friendship, but also romantic relationship!

But despite the whirlwind romance and declarations of tender love, Alexey was in no hurry to propose to his beloved. According to Chumakov, he always appreciated “unpredictability” in love. And we believe him - who could have predicted that one day good friends become a couple? And Yulia very calmly told me that the stamp in the passport does not play any role. Fans of the artists were eagerly awaiting good news and details about the wedding, but the singers simply enjoyed their relationship and built their home. But in the spring of 2014, a miracle happened - Alexey and Yulia tied the knot in Spain. Since then, they have been tirelessly proving: love exists and you definitely have to fight for it!


The Union of Artists became an example to follow: they did not invent unusual stories for themselves, did not try to advertise their love for the sake of a career, but simply enjoyed each other’s company and built their lives. Now Yulia and Alexey are one of the most strong couples Russian show business: both have successful careers, and very soon their joint film “I’ll Get Married Urgently” will be released, where they play the main roles - Zhenya and Stas.

According to the plot, Zhenya (Yulia Kovalchuk) is a magazine editor who really wants to get a promotion. She has everything for this, except for one thing - the family audience needs a family leader. Therefore, she had a new task - to get married urgently! And Stas (Alexei Chumakov), a society photographer, decides to help his friend, because he has so many eligible suitors in his file that could be ideal for the role of a spouse. True, Zhenya understands that she cannot take such a step and marry for convenience, and Stas discovers that he is head over heels in love with the ambitious beauty. The film “I’ll Get Married Urgently” can be seen in cinemas across the country from December 31, 2015.

David and Victoria Beckham

The future spouses met at a time when both were at the peak of their popularity: Victoria was a member of the cult group Spice Girls, and David at that time was playing for the Manchester United football club and was fighting to get into the England national team. According to the Beckhams, a spark ran between them from the first minute of meeting, although David had already seen the “spice” on TV and dreamed of meeting in person.

One of the most wonderful moments in the lives of lovers was the news of Victoria's pregnancy. This news was incredibly happy, but at the same time shocking, because the doctors unanimously stated that Victoria would never be able to have children. As life has shown, the couple were able to give birth to not one, but four children: three boys - Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz - and the youngest girl, Harper Seven.

But not everything was smooth in the life of the spouses: in 2002, over happy marriage The Beckhams are under threat because of David's affair with his assistant Rebecca Loos. Beckham himself swore that this was not true, but only Luss’s imagination. It seemed that the scandal would inevitably lead to divorce, but Victoria’s wisdom and trust helped the family get out of this crisis and start their lives anew. “David swore that he was innocent of anything, I believe him!” - Victoria said, stepping on the throat of not only her pride, but also giving a worthy rebuff to all envious people. After this story, Beckham made a second marriage proposal to the woman he loved, and the couple again took the oath of fidelity and said “Yes” to each other. At the same time, treasured tattoos appeared on the hands of David and Victoria, which translated from Latin mean the phrase “All over again.”

Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde

Stephen Hawking is an English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, founder and director of the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge and the most famous popularizer of science. The love story of Hawking and Jane Wilde is a truly powerful, pure, frank love that proved to the whole world that feelings can overcome everything, even the most terrible disease.

Stephen and Jane's relationship began shortly before the still unknown young man was given a terrible diagnosis - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which led to paralysis. But Jane was not afraid of her lover’s illness, and in 1965 the couple got married. No one knew how much time was allotted for the lovers, because according to doctors’ forecasts, Hawking would not have lived even a few years. But love and life prevailed over the doctor's opinion: Jane and Stephen lived together for 25 years until 1995, when they announced their divorce. During this time, the couple had three children - a daughter and two sons.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

The love of Kate and William is one of the most enviable stories that the whole world watches every day. And not in vain, because from the very beginning the couple attracted attention not only with royal gestures, but also with disagreements, separations and agonizing anticipation.

Kate and William met at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. The prince first saw his future wife in 2002 at a charity fashion show where young Kate participated. After meeting, the couple began to actively travel together, and the press was already talking about a possible marriage, although the lovers themselves called their relationship “friendly.”

Since then, the couple has been plagued by difficulties and separations: reasonable Kate really wanted to create a strong union, but her lover was in no hurry to propose marriage, motivating his actions by the fact that he wanted to maintain his bachelor status until he was 30 years old. Unable to wait any longer, in 2007 the girl decided to break up with the prince, but the separation did not last long: that same year, William returned his beloved and invited her to live at his residence. However, the prince proposed to Kate only three years later, in October 2010, while on vacation in Kenya. The couple already had two children in their marriage: George Alexander Louis and Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

The most talked about and beloved acting couple, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, got married in 2014, but the road to the altar turned out to be long and difficult for the lovers. At the time of their acquaintance, both actors, to put it mildly, disliked each other: Brad considered his partner in the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” arrogant and capricious, and Jolie spoke of him as an arrogant and unpleasant man. But over time, colleagues found mutual language and even more - they fell in love with each other. These feelings became a real sensation for the media and a great joy for Pitt and Jolie, but for one person the news about the actors’ romance was shocking and painful: Brad Pitt’s wife, Jennifer Aniston, turned out to be the third wheel. Without waiting for the official divorce of Pitt and Aniston, the lovers' relationship became open and news of Jolie's first pregnancy appeared.

Long-awaited daughter- Shiloh Nouvel - became the first child in the Jolie-Pitt family. In total, there are six children in the family of actors - three natural and three adopted. During the history of their relationship, the couple experienced a lot - from a tsunami of passion to moments of crisis that almost led to a breakup. Brad Pitt was close to his beloved even when Angelina had a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer.

“My wife is sick. She was constantly nervous about problems at work, her personal life, her failures and problems with her children. She lost 15 kg and weighed about 40 at 35 years old. She became haggard, constantly cried and lashed out at everyone and everything. She slept poorly and fell asleep in the morning. Our relationship was on the brink. Her beauty began to disappear somewhere, bags appeared under her eyes, and she began to take little care of herself. She refused to appear in films. I lost hope and thought that we would soon get divorced... But then I decided to act. After all, I got the most beautiful woman on the ground. She is the ideal of more than half of men, and I am allowed to fall asleep next to her and hug her shoulders. I began to shower her with flowers, kisses and compliments. I enjoyed every minute. I praised her to my and our mutual friends. Believe it or not, she blossomed. She became even better than before. I didn't even know she could love like that. And I understood one thing: a woman is a reflection of a man. If you love her madly, she will become him,” Brad Pitt once said. And, probably, every woman will agree that despite all the difficulties and obstacles, there is nothing in the world that can interfere with real feelings.

Tina Karol and Evgeniy Ogir

The short but sincere love story of singer Tina Karol and her producer Evgeniy Ogir began with the artist’s creative crisis: at that moment she was looking for a new producer, but found her love. Evgeniy himself recalled their first meeting with humor: “I remember that I was doing some current work. You were in a completely crazy suit with a beret.”

The creative tandem of Evgeniy and Tina immediately bore fruit - a new album, an international tour. Happiness in work was followed by happiness in love - in January 2008 the couple registered their relationship, and in June a wedding followed in the Holy Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Despite the fact that the lovers diligently hid their feelings from the eyes of journalists, true love was visible. Many colleagues who happened to see working together spouses, were sincerely admired by the power of emotions that Tina and Evgeniy radiated.

Unfortunately, the couple's happiness was short-lived: Evgeniy was given a terrible diagnosis - stomach cancer. He fought the disease for 1.5 years, outstanding doctors from Israel and Germany took on the treatment, but they failed to emerge victorious in this battle. Ogier did not live to see his marriage anniversary with Karol for several months.

“No matter how crazy it may sound, cancer is the most humane disease, because you have time to say all the words of love and gratitude to the person, give him all your tenderness. And you have time to hear the words and thoughts that he wants to tell you. That,

The site remembered how celebrities suffered for their happiness. They had to sacrifice a lot. In addition, they were under constant attention from the press and ordinary people.

Anatoly Chubais and Avdotya Smirnova


The fact that Anatoly Chubais and Avdotya Smirnova got married became known in January 2012. “Dunya Smirnova and I really got married. We didn’t hold a wedding, but just quietly celebrated the two of us,” Chubais wrote then on his microblog. “Many thanks to everyone who congratulated us. We hope to live in love and harmony,” the politician succinctly told everyone interested.

This was not the first marriage for both. The previous husband of director and TV presenter Dunya Smirnova was the famous St. Petersburg art critic Arkady Ippolitov. From him she gave birth to a son, Danila, who today is widely known as the goalkeeper of the Russian beach soccer team. But after seven years of marriage, the couple broke up.

Chubais got married for the first time while still in college. He is from Belarus, she is from Siberia, together they went through the ordeal of lack of money, living in an ordinary Leningrad communal apartment. Soon their children Alexey and Olga were born. But, what can you do, Chubais, as it turned out, met someone else. And in 1990 he married Maria Vishnevskaya, with whom he worked at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute: he was an associate professor, she was a senior research fellow. But again something didn’t work out, and Chubais, leaving ex-wife, as they said, a huge Moscow apartment, a country house and a car, he left again to seek happiness. And he found it with Dunya.

Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva

Valery Meladze officially divorced his first wife Irina in 2014, having been married for more than twenty years. “Valery said that he has a relationship on the side, even has a child. When asked “who,” he did not answer anything. But it was a matter of 20 minutes to find out who,” Irina Meladze later told reporters. “I understood,” that Albina was too nervous. And she didn’t understand the reasons for this behavior. There were other members of this group, and they behaved calmly. But Dzhanabaeva behaved very nervously. I saw that her eyes were moving, she was blinking a lot, and I didn’t "I completely understood the reason for this behavior. She freezes when I approach. When I began to remember in hindsight, everything became clear to me. I even, in my opinion, congratulated her on the birth of her child."

Later it turns out that Valery and Albina’s secret passion lasted two years, after which it turned out that Albina was pregnant. Moreover, the son Konstantin, according to open sources of information, was born when Meladze was married to his wife Irina. As they said, Valery rented an apartment for new girlfriend life and a newborn son, and his brother Konstantin, allegedly, therefore decided to invite Dzhanabaeva to sing in VIA Gro.

Konstantin Meladze and Vera Berzhneva

Composer and producer Konstantin Meladze has admitted more than once that thanks to his marriage to Vera Brezhneva, he began to travel a lot, eat right and take care of his appearance. But the path to happiness was not easy. Initially, rumors about a romance between the two stars appeared almost from the very moment Vera joined the VIA Gra group in 2002. Konstantin and Vera, however, had to hide their feelings and, obviously, tell lies not only to journalists, but also to close people.

Meladze’s reaction to newspaper publications about their romance, supported by photographs where the composer was photographed near Brezhneva’s Kyiv apartment, is memorable. “All this is just another invention of journalists,” said Konstantin, “they have married and divorced us a hundred times over the past 10 years, and now they have decided that we are lovers. This is base nonsense. Vera and I are long-time friends and colleagues, and the fact is that "We visit each other in our free time, there is nothing reprehensible. We have families and children, we are already established people, and if we decided to be together, then the newspaper headlines would not bother us."

Meladze’s ex-wife, mother of three children Yana, would later tell reporters that she first felt that her husband’s heart belonged to another ten years ago: “I guessed, but didn’t know for sure. In 2005, while pregnant youngest son, I attributed the crisis in our relationship to betrayal, instinct, temporary weakness. I was able to forgive the betrayal."
