The script for the play for elementary school is a fairy tale in a new way "Teremok".

Cautionary tales new way.

Scenario of an instructive fairy tale in a new way "The Fox with a rolling pin"

Wooden chicken
Wooden kid

A beautiful fox was walking
Walked through the forest alone
Oh, what is this?
Yes, this is a rolling pin.

A beautiful fox was walking
Walked through the forest alone
A fox walked along the path
I found a rolling pin.
Whose is this house? I'll come in.
Maybe you'll get something tasty

Hello Wolf. Perhaps I'll spend the night with you. Just where should I lie down?
And lie down on the stove.
No Wolf. I have a rolling pin. No matter what happens to her. I’ll lie down on the bench, tail under the bench, and rolling pin under the stove.

Fell asleep. I'll throw the rolling pin in the stove and tell the wolf that he stole it.

I slept well. Well, I'll go. Where's my rolling pin?
Maybe it rolled somewhere? Let's look. No, I don’t see a rolling pin anywhere. Don’t be angry with me, Fox, and don’t tell anyone that I stole it.
Then who?
Take the chicken by the rolling pin, Fox.
Goodbye wolf.

A beautiful fox was walking
Walked through the forest alone
A fox walked along the path
I found a rolling pin.
Little Fox took the goat for the chicken.
Whose is this house?
It seems like a man.
I'll go and come in.
Hello little fox-sister. Come in, be a guest.
Hello Man. Perhaps I'll spend the night with you. Just where should I lie down?
And lie down on the stove.
No Man. I have a goat. No matter what happens to him. I’ll lie down on the bench, the tail under the bench, and the goat under the stove.
The daughter appears and spies on Lisa.

Fell asleep. I’ll eat the goat, and I’ll tell the Man that he ate it.
Dad, the fox ate the kid and wants to say everything about you.
Oh, she's mean! Well, it’s okay, she’ll get it from me. Go to bed, daughter. Everything will be fine.
The daughter leaves.
I’ll put an angry dog ​​in her bag. Get it, Fox!
Morning has come.
Good morning, Fox. How did you sleep?
I slept well. Well, I'll go. But where is my goat?
Maybe he ran away somewhere? Let's look. No, I don’t see a goat anywhere. Don’t be angry with me, Fox, and don’t tell anyone that I stole it.
Then who? Give me the girl for the goat
Take the girl for the goat, Fox.
Goodbye, Man.

A beautiful fox was walking
Walked through the forest alone
A fox walked along the path
I found a rolling pin.
The little fox took the chicken by the rolling pin.
Little Fox took the goat for the chicken,
Fox took the girl for the goat.
Well, girl, sing the songs.
Woof woof woof
Now I'll sing to you Woof-Woof-Woof
You will know how to deceive kind people and animals
Woof woof woof.

Guys, do you feel sorry for Lisa?
Good is paid for with good.

Scenario new fairy tale for children "Parsley hunt the lion"

Characters: Parsley, grandmother, policeman, tiger, queen.
Props: lasso cord, alarm clock.

Three bells ring.

Hello! Is everyone here? Those who have not yet arrived, let them shout “Hurray!” three times.
The children are screaming.

Oh, what jokers you are! But I don’t have time: I have to go help my grandmother. Grandmother! Grandmother!

Well, what do you want, Petrushka? I'm in such a hurry!

Do we have guests today?

Yes, your aunt and uncle will come to us.

Oh no, sitting with guests all day is too tiring. Can I go for a walk?

Wonderful! If you go for a walk, I can take care of business in peace. But be careful not to get into any trouble. (Parsley and grandmother go in different directions.)

Policeman (comes out and rings a large alarm clock, stops in the middle of the scene).
I announce to the entire population of our short tiger that a ferocious tiger has escaped from the circus and is walking free. Anyone who manages to catch this monster alive will receive one hundred coins from the queen as a reward. Whoever delivers the tiger dead will receive ten coins. (He goes to the corner of the stage, repeats his announcement again and leaves, ringing his alarm clock.)

Hello again! What happened here?

What? A hundred coins? Really? My grandmother will be happy. Just think what a wonderful feast she will then arrange for her aunt and uncle! One hundred coins! I have to get them. Hm. I have a lanyard. It would be nice to get a stick too. I'll go look. (He walks around the stage twice. A tiger appears in front of him and sniffs loudly.)
Parsley (almost bumping into a tiger, at the last moment jumps to the side and runs to the opposite end of the stage). Hello monster! You came too early. Wait, please, I need to find some kind of stick.

The tiger continues to walk towards Petrushka, opening its mouth wide, and growls quietly.

Eh, my little head is gone! But I dreamed of a luxurious treat for the guests. No, it looks like I myself will become a treat for someone today.

The tiger continues to approach Petrushka. This moment should not be delayed so as not to keep the children in suspense for too long. The length of the pause depends on the age and emotionality of the audience. In the end, Parsley jumps onto the lion's back.

That's better! I love to gallop.

The tiger stops and looks around in bewilderment.

Wait a little. Have you never heard of the great hunter named Parsley, who throws a lasso better than anyone else? (He takes out a cord and wraps it around the lion’s mouth. Then he takes the ends of the lace in his hands like reins and drives the tiger.)

How to get to the circus?

Policeman (going on stage).
What is this? Parsley caught the tiger?

Yes Yes. Nothing surprising. Show me how to get to the circus.
Police officer. Forward, then natigro, and then right. There, in the middle of a large square, you will see a circus.

It's clear. Turn around, straight ahead, then along the tiger side to the right, and there you have it, the circus.

Police officer.
No, no, Petrushka.

Well then, sit here and show the way. This yellow sofa has room for two. You show, and I will rule. But-oh-oh! (He makes several circles around the stage and disappears.)
Petrushka and the policeman return to the stage.

Well, what are we going to do now?

Policeman (significantly).
Now you must come with me to the queen. He will give you a reward.

Of course, of course, one hundred thousand billion coins.

Here comes my policeman. Who's with him? I hope not another bandit?

Police officer.
Your Majesty, this is Parsley. He caught a terrible tiger alive. Together we took the beast back to the circus.

Guys, is this true?

Children. Yes!

Well then you a real hero, Mr. Petrushka! Can I ask who you work for?

Parsley (bowing).
I'm working... Uh... I don't really know. Today I was a lion hunter, but I still don’t know what I will be tomorrow.

OK let's see. Anyway, you earned a hundred coins from me as a gift.

Yes, and I will give all the money to my grandmother.

Do with them as you please. (Gives Petrushka money.)

Parsley (bowing).
Thank you, dear queen. Can I run to grandma?

Queen. Certainly!

Everyone leaves.

Parsley (running out again).
Oh, how hungry I am! Well, it’s okay, grandma probably saved a piece of cake for me. See you guys. Tra-la-la, tra-la-la...

Interesting scenario old fairy tale in a new way "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

The curtain opens. The presenters appear: the storyteller and the storyteller.

Today we will show you:

"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats, but in a completely new way"

Storyteller: Like a river on the edge

There lived a goat in a hut.

Both beautiful and sweet.

The mother was a goat.

Storyteller: Her children grew up -

Very cute little goats.

Mom loved the kids

And she taught how to manage:

Clean the house and yard,

Sweep the floor with a broom,

Turn on the light in the kitchen

Light the stove, cook dinner.

Baby goats could do everything

These wonderful guys.

The mother praised the children

Mom told the children:

Mom-goat: You are my little goats,

You are my boys,

I know, I believe that now

Everything will work out for you!

Storyteller: In the morning the goat got up

And raised the kids

She fed and watered them,

And she went to the market.

And the little goats were waiting for her...

But they weren’t bored without their mother:

They sang songs, danced,

We played different games.

Storyteller: He lived in a dense forest

Frowning Gray wolf with a tail.

He lived alone, without his mother.

At night he often howled loudly

And he missed... In the forest he

One was sad:

Wolf: - U-U-U, U-U-U...

Oh, how sad it is to be alone...

U-U-U, U-U-U...

Oh, how sad it is to be alone...


Storyteller: Once a wolf was walking in the forest

And I saw little goats.

The little goats sang a song,

Fast-footed guys:

1st kid: - We are funny guys,

We play hide and seek all day long,

And we dance and we sing,

And the house dances with us!

2nd kid: Mommy will come soon,

He will bring us gifts!

Every day and every hour

We have a lot of fun!

Storyteller: A wolf sat behind a tree

And he looked with all his eyes...

He couldn't contain himself

He started laughing loudly:

Wolf: - I wish I had kids like these,

I would be terribly happy!

Storyteller: The wolf quickly ran into the yard

And tied the little goats

Everyone to the same rope,

And he took him home.

Here he is walking through the forest,

Leads everyone with him

Storyteller: And the little goats are clever

They tangle the rope.

Storyteller: The wolf is tired of pulling kids,

I wanted to take a break.

Storyteller: Suddenly three honey mushrooms come towards you -

Three most beautiful children:

Honey mushrooms: What did you do, villain wolf!?

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

How to steal children!

Storyteller: Cuckoos are calling from the tree

Cuckoos: What have you done, villain wolf?!

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

Storyteller: And from the clearing - two daisies,

And from a bush there are three insects,

Three little gray bunnies

Everybody's screaming, screaming, screaming:

Daisies, Bugs, Bunnies: What have you done, villain wolf?!

He stole the goat's children!

Here she will return home,

It's going to be hard for you!

Shameless one, you will know

How to steal children!

Storyteller: The wolf was terribly scared,

He blushed and became confused:

Wolf: - I didn’t want to offend them,

I wanted to see them more often

I didn't want to scare them

I would like to play with them...

After all, in my empty house

It's very boring to be alone.

You little goats, forgive me!

You go home to yourself,

I'll walk you home.

I'm very ashamed now!

3rd kid: - Okay, gray one, we forgive...

We invite you to visit our house,

Let's introduce our mother,

We'll have a festive dinner!

4th kid: With mommy we can do everything,

With her we will be on time everywhere.

Every day and every hour

We have our mother.

5th kid: How we understand you!

We know very well

That without mom the house is empty,

It's sad without mom in the house

6th kid: If we are friends,

Will you visit us often?

Life will be more fun

Stop howling at night!

Storyteller: And in a cheerful crowd

Everyone headed home.

They see mom at the gate

Waiting for them with great anxiety

7th kid: - Mom! Mother! We came!

They brought a guest into our house!

He is alone in the whole world,

He doesn't have a mother...

Mom-goat: So be it, said mom,

Let him play with you too.

The door is open here for everyone

If you don't scary beast!

Storyteller: The gray wolf smiled!

The gray wolf laughed!

He found some friends

It will be more fun with them!

And also, most importantly

He also has a mother!

The wolf, the mother goat and the kids perform a cheerful dance.


The ghostly clothes of electric light, which gave the city a restless and sleepless beauty, have been cast off. In the middle of the Russian land, stretching over hundreds of square kilometers, lies the great capital. She hid in the blue armor of the June night darkness. Familiar houses have become unrecognizably formidable, neighborhoods have acquired the cohesion and convexity of bastions, Moscow seems like a fortress - it will become a fortress!
We are leaving Moscow.
The humpbacked, old streets of Presnya cannot accommodate the flow of militia regiments, which are constantly arriving. We were stopped. The regiments lined up in one column, the march was getting worse.
The time of summer night darkness is short. The lights are off, the black rows of windows are endless. The walls of white houses are dimly visible, the gaps in the starry sky are deep blue between the roofs.
There is a crush around us - people crowd on the platforms, seeing off their relatives... The relatives are all here... “Do you need anything?” - “Thank you, we have everything.” - “Well, maybe you forgot to grab something from home?”
The woman stands on tiptoe, she looks into our faces, we closely see this caring and meek motherly face, pale, crying - probably her son herself is already there, from where the morning and evening reports rumble.
Red Presnya generously brings jugs of water, jugs of milk, and loaves of bread to its militia.
The same thing happened in 1918 in Nyazepetrovsk, in Ufaley. Having fought off the Whites, we then left the Urals, hot from the rearguard battles and so tired that we fell asleep on the move. We walked along the hilly streets of old floods, over which the explosions of the White Guard artillery thundered heavily. Old women and girls, children and pregnant women ran out with buckets of water and milk pans. They howled and howled: half the plant was leaving with us. But, sobbing and wailing for their departed husbands and sons, they did not forget to thrust into the hands of us strangers hot pies made from salty dough with fresh berries - strawberries, raspberries... “Come back quickly, falcons!”
And we're back! The companies marched in one front, one next to the other. Machine guns on the company flanks, mounted reconnaissance in front, artillery behind... “And the Whites, the Whites retreated...” - the accordions sang victoriously. And when the whites tried to delay, the red companies scattered in chains and rushed forward in brisk dashes, machine guns ensured the offensive, cheerful shells of our artillery flew over the heads of the soldiers and the accordion player, without stopping the dashing music, went on the attack with the company. So the Reds returned to the Urals.
“Come back victorious,” the ardent ones asked women's voices and trusting girlish handshakes commanded us from the darkness...
Red Presnya! The sacred dust of your old streets, heavy and hot, clothes us, dust that has absorbed so much precious blood...
So it was... The uprising on Presnya was burning out. “Go away, hide!” - the workers asked the Bolshevik vigilante Mantulin... “I will never leave you,” answered the op. He was shot in front of the windows of the workers' dormitory. And so he always stayed with us.
The workers of the Mantulin plant formed the main core of our company. There are three generations here - old people, peers, and comrades-in-arms of Mantulin. Walking in the same ranks with us are those who, from childhood, have remembered Mantulin’s feat for the rest of their lives. And here are the youth, brought up on stories about this feat. Mantulin's wife and daughter saw us off. Odip from our fighters - a stocky, round-headed Oriole with mocking brown eyes- was the brother of Mantulin’s wife...
We stood for a long time on this dark, hot street. Tearful sobs love promises, vows not to forget and vows to win...
- And they think they can cope with us Russians! - Kamil Sultanov, a young Kumyk writer, suddenly exclaimed.
We have moved, we are walking through Moscow. We climb the bridges; Under the bridges below, the rails gleam dimly, and on the platforms there are covered tanks and guns. We walk under bridges, trains roar overhead, and it seems like every minute there are a hundred trains to Moscow, a hundred from Moscow... Moscow works in the dark - this is how hearts work in the hot darkness. Suddenly the racetracks, squares, airfields moved apart. Among the dark parks rise the beams of new houses. This is the new Moscow.

Script for a fairy tale in a new way "Teremok" for primary school

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary teacher MBOU classes Secondary school No. 47, Samara city
Purpose: This scenario can be used by elementary school teachers in school theater competitions.
Target Promote disclosure creativity, student talents
Learn to distinguish between good and evil using the example of a fairy tale;
Development positive emotions, acting abilities;
Cultivate an interest in fairy tales and a love of reading;
Foster team cohesion.

Celebration progress:

We folk artists,
Buffoons, masters,
Welcoming you today,
Let's shout in unison: "Hurray!"
Let's start the show
Familiar to everyone, without a doubt,
Fairy tales, but in a new way.
Everyone is happy about this fairy tale.
We will show you "Teremok"
We'll tell you everything without hiding.

In our fairy tale, let's be honest,
There are no similar characters.
Modern children:
And what fairy tale is this in?
They tell me from the audience - "Teremok"
We don't need any hints here -
Known and loved by everyone,
Carefully preserved by everyone,
The old fairy tale "Teremok".
This is not RAP and ROCK,
Children are happy about this fairy tale.
Modern children
Fairy tales for children? Oh, no need.
How will you surprise them now?
Will you intimidate, make you laugh?
They should be given an action movie,
And not the old Teremok.
Children love everything, no wonder
Fights, stunts and nightmares.
Is it possible for kids
See this... gibberish?
Modern children
Well, of course, even very much,
Everyone wants to see a thriller!
Do they want to ruin the fairy tale for us?
2nd buffoon
Come on, be quiet, don't argue!
1st buffoon
If you want to speak,
Better tell us honestly.
There is enough room for all of us in a fairy tale,
We will show you a fairy tale together!
2nd buffoon
Hedgehog, cockerel, frog,
The mouse is a gray little mouse,
Wolf, Bear, and with him the Fox,
A master of intrigue.
Let's start the show
Fairy tales, to everyone's surprise!
Buffoons and children descend from the stage. The Frog's melody sounds. The Frog Appears

Oh, I'm a poor frog
Homeless frog,
My house was taken away from me,
They drove me out of the river.
I can't go back there
The water there is poisoned.

What do I see, a tower!
I'll go up to the threshold.
Maybe they'll unlock the door for me?
Finally I will find shelter.
He looks around and walks around the tower.
Quiet, empty, no one...
Should I borrow it?
Well, the Frog found shelter,
Then the Mouse came to her.
The Mouse's melody sounds, the Mouse appears

How can I, Mouse, not grieve?
How can I live without a mink?
Fat cat - house manager,
He is always and everywhere right,
He took my mink
And rented it out to others.
Poor mouse has a lesson for me.
I saw a teremok
What do I see, a tower!
I feel success awaiting me,
I'll ask you for an overnight stay.
Who lives here, will you open it?
Let me stay overnight!
Frog comes out
Paws, ears, tail sticking out...
Is it a mouse, what is it squeaking?
Well, of course, a little mouse.
Hello, Gossip Frog.
It's hard for me to go further
Let me into the mansion.
Come into the house quickly
We will live together with you!
Night has fallen. Just suddenly
The Rooster came out of the forest...
The melody of the Rooster sounds, crowing

The life of an artist is not easy
The rooster was pecked.
Genius is not recognized
They don't sing praises...
Crow, crow!
Should I throw myself into the river?

Who's yelling here at night?
Doesn't let you sleep peacefully?
He doesn't yell, the artist sings.
Ah, illiterate people!
This is Petya the Cockerel!
Don't rush to the river, my friend!
Come to Terem quickly!
Pour some tea for the cockerel!
I'm so glad I met you
In your difficult, bitter hour!
That's how it happens in life,
A friend saves a friend in trouble!
Mouse, Frog, Cockerel
They live together happily,

They sing sonorous songs.
The Hedgehog's melody sounds

Who's jumping across the clearing there?
Oh, can't make it out in the fog.
But this is a prickly hedgehog!
Looks like Schwarzenegger!
What a handsome guy, really!
Hedgehog practicing karate
Master of Sports, you can see right away!
Who's squeaking out of the bushes?
Oh, my soul is on fire!
Where are you coming to us from, passing through?
We live in the wilderness, ignorant.
And we haven't heard of you.
Haven't you been here before?
No, this is my first time with you.
I was small before,
Everyone offended me.
I felt frail and sick
But I decided to become “cool”!
I am a sambist and karateka,
Wushu player and judoka!
I can defeat anyone!
We would like a watchman like this.
Come live in our mansion.
We will feed you.
What are you waiting for, let's go!
Show me your teremok,
Feed, drink,
I will serve you faithfully,
Guard your mansion.
Hedgehog, Cockerel, Frog,
Little gray mouse
They began to live and live,
Don't waste your time!
Knit bast shoes-brooms
And sell it on the market.
Modern children
Oh, hilarious, made me laugh,
Look, the shop has opened!
What kind of business! Just laughter!
It’s not a sin to deceive such people!
Someone is rushing through the forest
This is the Wolf running with the Fox.

The Fox's melody sounds. The Wolf and the Fox Appear
Look, Gray, little mansion!
Sign made of two boards!
Yes, it is locked.
What kind of animals live here?
Do they weave bast shoes and brooms?
We would like this room!
We would find a use for:
We would open a bar in the forest,
The rock stage was invited!
The forest would hum all day long
The money would flow like a river!
I love money!
I'll put them in my wallet!
Whose wallet is this in?
Hush, I hear the pitter-patter of feet!
Hedgehog, Mouse,
Rooster, Frog...
Well, let's hide, old lady!
They hide behind the tree and the animals come out
I see footprints around.
Who was wandering here, Rooster?
Wolf and Fox, their trail is familiar,
Their duet is criminal.
Someone was calling me, it seemed
Oh, yes, this is my friend Hedgehog!
Oh, what a cool playboy!
A lot of muscles, mountains and mountains!
If only we could lure him away!
Guard the premises!
Fox Dance
Mouse, Frog... Oh my God!
Who did our hero contact?

And the Rooster, he is for food!
No matter how bad it is!

Hedgehog, would come to serve us,
We will pay you!
Not in rubles, but in green ones,
You would have millions!
No, Fox, don't try,
Don’t flatter yourself about me!
I don't sell my friends.
And I don't rent!
What are you doing, what are you doing, dear friend!
A rooster sits on the window
It's easier to come to an agreement with him.
Talk to him, Fox!
We'll take the cockerel away
We'll take a ransom for him.
Addresses the Rooster
What do I see, our artist!
How handsome and vocal!
Cuckoo, ko-ko-ko!
Being an artist is not easy!
We opened a bar in the forest,
The rock stage was invited...
You would be our soloist,
A wonderful artist!
We want to listen to you!
But for me it would be better to eat!
Your place is on the stage!
Your invitation is flattering!
Everyone knows my singing,
Being an artist is not easy!
Wolf, grab him,
Push him into the limousine!
The wolf grabs the Rooster and hides it in the car. The Fox and the Wolf leave and sing a song

Deceived, deceived
The Mouse and the Frog were "cheated"
Finger wrapped around
We took away the rooster!
We need to report to the boss
What should we do with the Rooster?
Mikhalych is waiting for us in the cafe,
Lemonade, apparently drinking.
Ish, I’m good at commanding,
Almost like that - I'll hit you in the eye!
He has one concern...
What a dirty job...
Wolf and Fox, rush, hurry!
Plow all day in the morning!
They drive up to a cafe where Bear is sitting in a chair.
Who's been plowing here this morning?
Wolf and Fox? Our heroes.
Where did you go? Where did you wander?

We got you a rooster!
Rooster? Is it a big deal?
Why do we need a rooster, Wolf?
Maybe we should eat a rooster?
It will be a great soup!
Wolf, you just have to eat it!
You, Fox, don’t interfere with us!
Two fools gathered!
I won't give them the rooster!
I'll take the bird for myself!
Tries to escape with the Rooster
Where are you going, sister?
It's high time we left,
It will be dark soon!
They are driving along the road, suddenly they see a barrier with the inscription “CUSTOMS.” The melody of the song “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” plays. Behind the barrier is a Hedgehog in a police uniform and all the animals

Look, what kind of miracle is this?
Grew up from nowhere,
Customs is here...
The path is closed.
See the red light is on!

Come on, quickly get out!
Show your documents!
Show me what you're bringing!
Open your trunk!
Export of berries and mushrooms
And other forest fruits,
Small, large, fatty birds
Prohibited across the border!
Export of poultry across the border is prohibited!
Confiscate the rooster!
What nonsense!
Who are you, where are you from?
No matter how bad we feel...
And since when did they put a fence here?
How to resist the authorities?
Maybe it's better for us to get going?
I feel like they're going to beat me!
Better to bribe the guards!
Yes, perhaps there is a reason!
So, for a bird, it’s a million.
Give it and move on.
He takes it really hard!
The hedgehog distracts attention
The mouse opens the trunk,
Takes out the rooster...
Goodbye, bye!
My head is spinning
The cockerel, after all, is not the Firebird!
Take half a lemon
And open the border!
Only for you, Fox,
I open the border for you!
The Bear, the Fox, the Wolf are leaving. The animals are singing:
They took us abroad
And they put it in the trunk
A bag of fly agarics -
A lesson for the kidnappers!
No money and no birds!
Goodbye, Wolf and Fox!
That's how it happens in life,
A friend saves a friend in trouble!
Helps, rescues,
Pours tea into a mug!
It's more fun to live together!
Friendship should be treasured!

Modern children
Well, the fairy tale has spun!
Frankly speaking, we were surprised!
We must be honest
It was very interesting!
The animals still live together
Pancakes and pies are baked,
They wash it down with honey and kvass
And they don’t know grief and adversity!
Everyone goes to the tower,
When the night comes.
The animals in the little house fall asleep,
And we will lock the little mansion!
Let the tower sleep until the morning!
Goodbye, viewers!
Goodbye children!
We will, of course, meet again more than once!
Many, many fairy tales
Available in this world.
We will choose the funniest ones for you,
But next time!

The final song plays

, Extracurricular activities

Goals: Show primary school students the importance of prevention in a fun way infectious diseases; explain the harmful effects of microbes on the body and provide recommendations for combating infection.

Visual material: colorfully designed newspapers and posters for schoolchildren about the flu.

Equipment: masks for piglets, costumes for viruses (black tights, T-shirts, baseball caps), vegetables and fruits, disposable masks, soundtracks of songs.


The stage is decorated with models of trees and bushes.

1st presenter: Once upon a time there were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. They are all the same height, round, pink, with the same cheerful tails.

2nd presenter: Even their names were similar. The piglets' names were Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.

1st presenter: All summer they tumbled in the green grass, basked in the sun, basked in puddles.

2nd presenter: But autumn has come. The sun was no longer so hot, gray clouds stretched over the yellowed forest.

Naf-Naf: It's time for us to think about winter, about home. I'm shaking all over from the cold. We might catch a cold. Now everyone in the forest is talking about some terrible disease- flu. The forest doctor, Woodpecker, told me about this.


Be careful, dear friend!
The flu is always near you!
The disease begins with chills and pain.
My head hurts, and my legs even more so.
My throat is sore and my temperature has risen.
Even a potion won't help you right away.
General weakness. Bed rest
With these signs, you need it!

Naf-Naf: You have to do something to avoid getting sick.

Nif-Nif: There will be time!

Nuf-Nuf: We'll take a walk again.

Sing (together):

We are not afraid of this flu, ( 3 times)
Where are you going, harmful flu, evil and harmful flu!

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf run away.

Naf-Naf: We need to go find out how to protect ourselves from this flu. I'll go to Medunitsa. She cured half the forest from all sorts of diseases. She will definitely help me!

Lungwort comes out and sings Lungwort’s song from the film “Dunno from Our Yard” (1st verse).

Naf-Naf: Lungwort, honey, you’re the one I need! Did you study at Medical Academy, you know everything. Tell me how to protect yourself from the flu.

Lungwort hands the pig a mask and says: A mask is the first protective tool against viruses. But it won’t help if you don’t like to eat garlic, onions and other vitamins. But even if you eat right, that's not all. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. ( Addresses the audience with a question.) Do you know these rules?

Are you doing them?

And if it happens that someone was not careful and got sick, you need to remember that you need to take care of the patient wearing a mask, ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning.

Naf-Naf: Thank you Doctor! I'll go look for my brothers before it's too late.

1st presenter:

Top-top, top-top,
A microbe walked on an apple.
The microbe was very scary
The microbe was very dirty.
Simple, simple, simple, simple
The microbe was ugly.

2nd presenter:

There was a microbe, a big villain,
He attacked people.
I washed the apple
And he defeated the microbe!

Music - Viruses run out.

1st virus: Everyone in the forest put on masks.

2nd virus: Eat vitamins.

3rd virus: We’ve eaten too much garlic and onions – it’s impossible to approach anyone. Fu-fu!

In chorus: And we really want to kill someone!

They sing and dance (to the tune of the song “Chunga-Changa”).

And we - viruses - live happily,
And we, the viruses, sing a song.
And we, viruses, love dirt very much,
And we - viruses - hate you.


Anyone who likes to wash their face and knows how to comb their hair,
We don’t like to wash our hands or brush our teeth.
And slobs, dirty lazy people,
Unwashed slobs
We love you very much, we love you very much, we love you very much.

2 piglets appear. They sing a song about the flu. Viruses are hiding.

1st pig: Oh, my brother, I saw, he put on a mask.

2nd pig: Is he going to the carnival?

The viruses sneeze together from behind the tree and hide.

1st pig: Oh, it's chilling! Even the hooves are shaking...

2nd pig: Oh, everything hurts... Both the tail and the snout...

1st pig: It seems my temperature is rising...

2nd pig: And my head hurts...

The piglets fall to the floor.

Naf-Naf appears.

Naf-Naf: It's so good that I found you. This is what Sorreltail gave you. What happened to you?

Calling Sorreltail:

Lungwort, here, here! Trouble has happened to the brothers!
They got infected with the flu and fell under a tree!

Lungwort appears with a basket containing onions, garlic, and lemon.

Lungwort: Oh, what a disaster! They didn’t listen to their brother, they didn’t wear a mask, they don’t like vitamins. Now I will treat you.

Here's garlic - it knocks viruses off your feet!
This is an onion - away from the disease!
And lemon is a virus!

Lungwort and Naf-Naf raise onions, garlic, and lemon above their heads.

Virus: Oh, I've got garlic fever!

Virus: And I have a lemon allergy!

Virus: I was struck by an onion infection!

Viruses escape.

The lungwort offers the piglets a decoction.

Music - Lungwort's song (2nd verse).

The piglets drink the decoction. They get up.

In chorus:

If you want to be healthy,
So don't be afraid of doctors!
Remember, young friend
What lemon, garlic and onion -
Your illness will be banished in no time!
