Comic nominations for a company teacher. Comic nominations for teachers

Your students are graduating. This is an exciting and touching event. It is complex and simple, it is the law of life. New students will come to you and everything will be a little new, and a little old. And now it’s graduation, which means it’s a holiday. Comic nominations are prepared not only for graduates, but also for teachers. They can be distributed both at a graduation party and in a narrow circle of teachers.

“A smile will make everyone brighter”
The leader in the category “A smile makes everyone brighter” is the most smiling teacher. Her smile can compete with the smile of the Sun. Her smile not only makes you brighter, but also warmer. May this smile only get better over the years.

"Cool lady"
Well, of course she's great! Strict, knowledgeable, fair. In a word, great. Cool in everything. We love her very much for her kindness and skills, for her beauty and decency. We give leadership in the “Cool Lady” nomination to her.

"Star style"
This teacher is not invited to the program " Fashionable verdict" He is already dressed to the nines. His clothing style can be called stellar. He is always flawless. Championship in the category " Star style» for a teacher who loves fashionable clothes.

"Early bird"
She comes to school earlier than everyone else. Probably only the birds wake up before her and need to sing their wonderful morning song. It's good to be at school early in the morning. Textbooks and globes, blackboards and desks are still sleeping. But active life will begin soon...

"Gold Fund"
The palm in this nomination can be given to a teacher whose teaching experience is quite extensive. She taught back when there were no technical innovations. She always taught with her soul and cared about her graduates. This teacher devoted his entire life to school.

"Running on the waves"
The winner in this category can be a physics teacher. It is the physics teacher who knows everything about waves. So difficult, but necessary, necessary.

"Creative person"
Creativity is her strong point. She approaches any issue unconventionally, creatively, with a sparkle. What else could you come up with? To make it clear, fresh, non-standard. She plays incredible scenes with her students and puts on performances. And there are always a lot of ideas in her head.

"From point A to point B"
From the lips of which teacher did we constantly hear these words? Of course, from the lips of a math teacher. Mathematics is the queen of all sciences. And for us, the mathematics teacher is a real queen. Wise, competent, understanding. The winner in the “From Point A to Point B” category is our favorite math teacher.

"Big Clever Girl"
And she (or he) is really very smart. And the teacher is a good one, and is always with us on camping trips, and was the first to start us up at birthday parties. She seems to be on an equal footing with us. But we never forget that she is a teacher. Students always complete homework in this subject with special zeal. We give her the championship in the category “Big Smart Girl”.

"People's Treasure"
The winner in this category can be a school principal, an Honored Teacher of Russia, or simply a teacher with solid teaching experience. She teaches not only children, but also young teachers. It's always interesting with her.

"You are my melody"
Without a doubt, there is a person in the teaching staff who sings well. And this may not necessarily be a singing teacher, it could be a chemistry teacher or a primary school teacher. The main thing is that this person sings with soul. He wins in the “You are my melody” category.

Here we continue nominations for teachers and school staff, without even changing the numbering.

Nominations for teachers and staff.

  1. Teacher of Economics and World artistic culture wins in the category “Bunny! To the blackboard!" - for a friendly attitude towards children, careful attitude to world culture and a philosophical approach to the national economy.
  1. The teacher wins the “Mon cher” category French- for smiling, easy-going, and also for the ability to pronounce the phrase “My dears!” with truly French chic.
  1. The nomination “Grower of Kinder Surprises” goes to the teacher of Russian language and literature, the first teacher of some of today’s graduates - for growing these same kinders from 1st grade to the last.
  1. The nomination “You need this first” is taken by the class teacher of such and such a class, a teacher of Russian language and literature, a counselor and the head of a school theater studio - for the ability to creatively combine four in one and for the skill of clearly announcing to students the last Chinese warning, which immediately entails in their heads the correct prioritization.
  1. Deputy director of educational work, teacher of mathematics and economics wins in the category “My Children!” - behind incredible ability treats students as their own children with all the ensuing consequences (from the requirement school uniform before giving vivid examples of plebeianism).
  1. A math teacher is awarded the “Mrs. X” nomination for her ability to teach children to reduce X and Y (X and Y) to a common denominator.
  1. In the category “Hey, hello, Newton!” The physics teacher wins - for his communication skills beyond rank and time, as well as for being demanding not only of his students, but also, as we believe, of the forefathers of physics.
  1. In the category “What are you doing there under your desk?” the chemistry teacher wins - remembered by the 2014 graduates as a competent, cheerful, principled teacher, as well as with the legendary phrase “So, whoever is wearing jeans, sit on the bucket.”
  1. The physical education teacher wins in the double nomination “Don’t kick the ball, don’t step over the line” for his good spirits, careful handling of physical education equipment and sincere educational approach to children (“Whoever loses will do push-ups”).
  1. Teacher wins in the category “Corrected with London” in English– for a principled approach to teaching and attention to detail.
  1. The nomination “Themis Smile” goes to the teacher of social studies and law - for cheerfulness, openness and optimism.
  1. The math teacher wins in the “You are our gifted!” category. — for boundless optimism in assessing students’ abilities and the fairness of grades for proving theorems.
  1. In the “Around the World in an Academic Year” category, the winner is a geography teacher and a library employee for their ability to talk about seas and countries in such a way that you want to escape from class and immediately start traveling.
  1. A teacher of biology and ecology receives the nomination “There is no doubt” - for the ability to convincingly present new topic and just as convincingly demand fulfillment homework. Darwin is proud of you.
  1. The Strictly Greenwich nomination is awarded to an English teacher for her inherent punctuality, almost English restraint and tact.
  1. The clear winner of the “Give me a ski track!” nomination - Physical education teacher. For skillfully preparing children for ski competitions. Even in the absence of snow.
  1. The nomination “My Fair Lady” is awarded to a fitness teacher for grace and beauty in teaching her subject.
  1. The nomination “Lady Light Hand” is given to a school nurse for her ability to make injections and vaccinations so pleasant that sometimes they even make you want to skip a test.
  1. The nomination “Mrs. Muscle” goes to…. technical staff - for maintaining cleanliness and order in the school. What would we do without you!
  1. “Queen of Pies and Buns” - this nomination is awarded to a school canteen worker for saving starving students every hour.
  1. A library employee wins the “Lord of the World” category: if you own the information, you own the world. Where can you find more information at school than in the library? The question is rhetorical, because there is nowhere.
  1. “A person close to the emperor” - this nomination goes to... guess who? Secretary - for faithful service to his native school, regardless of the change of reigning persons.
  1. The deputy director for schoolchildren's health wins in the "Always on Guard" nomination - for vigilant control and constant concern for the health of students. Even against their wishes))
  1. The accountant takes the nomination " Eminence grise“- for shadow influence on the financial capabilities of the school, not covered by parents’ money.

Short speech by students

upon completion of nomination

Our dear teachers and all nominated school staff! Please treat everything that you have just heard with great humor!

The nominations are humorous; we played with your favorite words, phrases, habits and character traits that we were able to notice.

No matter how each nomination sounds, know one thing - we love you all, especially today.

And that some nominations were shorter, others longer – well, that’s how it happened. In the end, you need to give future graduates the opportunity to tell you something interesting next year.

Bow, applause, move on to the next point in the script.


With the best wishes from the nominees for their nominations,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

P.S. The numbering was still wrong, and I couldn’t start it from point 17.

▫ And who appointed him as prime minister, huh... In addition: Nothing will happen. There will be poverty, lies and corruption. Slabunova (chairman of the Yabloko party, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia Emilia Slabunova... By the way, your colleague in the past, friends) criticized Putin's message - Karelia, Runa publication.
▫ Thank you.
▫ Thank you very much, Lyudmila Nikolaevna!!!
▫ Many different structures feed on such X's and Y's. Both legal and criminal. By the way, crime also performs its ecological function in society. Retired racketeer Mikhail Orsky told NSN that traditional crime should become an ally of the authorities in the fight against dangerous ethnic groups. You can have different attitudes towards Putin, but he really broke the back of organized crime. However, I don’t really understand why finish off the leftovers? Who will keep the street? Who will control the situation with ethnic crime? I hope this topic is directed against some corrupt teams like Arashukov and other plunderers of people’s property, and not against this traditional thieves’ crime. She already has nothing to earn from, he added. The NSN interlocutor said that the greatest danger now is posed by ethnic criminal groups, whose activities are much more difficult for the state to control. Thieves have certain limits, and the state knows what they can do and what they will not do. Traditional street Slavic crime will be replaced by ethnic groups. Only they will be called clans or communities. They won't find common language with law enforcement officers. Those Tajiks are the most dangerous ethnic group. They had Civil War, and they know what it is to kill. There are hundreds of thousands of Tajiks on our territory. And plus they have a lot of money, because there are drugs there.
▫ Call of love In our life, the most beautiful things are not bought at the price of money. For nothing, the clear Sun shines from the sky and the Moon smiles at us from the sky. Freely, rain pours down on the plowed strips with abundant generosity. For nothing, the wind strokes our hair, tears the leaves from the oak tree with a strong hand. We enjoy freely the singing of birds, dawns, sunrises, sunsets. We meet our loved ones and breathe air not for payment. Freely, rain pours down on the plowed strips with abundant generosity. For nothing, the wind strokes our hair, tears the leaves from the oak tree with a strong hand. No coin can pay for unusual affection for a child, for tender hugs for spouses, for love, for selfless friendship. But the most precious, most precious gift to us is the eternal salvation that God has given us in Jesus. Accept it and smile cheerfully. Look how He leans towards you, and understand that, like the light of the clear Sun, the most beautiful things in our lives are not bought at the price of money. Freely, rain pours down on the plowed strips with abundant generosity. For nothing, the wind strokes our hair, tears the leaves from the oak tree with a strong hand. For nothing, rain pours down on the plowed strips with abundant generosity! For nothing, the wind strokes our hair, tears the leaves from the oak tree with a strong hand!!!



Ved1: Ladies and Gentlemen!

Ved2: Ladies and gentlemen!

Ved1: Hello!

Ved2: Good evening!
The solemn moment has arrived, to which everyone has been working for the last 11 years.

Ved1: And today we are present at the gala event of the annual presentation of the prestigious Oscar 2015 award.

Vedas 2: The nominations for today's celebration included the most interesting movies, created over the past 11 years.

Ved 1: Sometimes sad, and even sad, but always interesting, bright, unusual, worthy of the highest award - an Oscar!

Ved.2: Everyone knows how honorable it is to receive this award. Today it will not be awarded to Hollywood stars. The main characters of the evening are the graduates of 2015.

Ved.1: They are the ones who deserve the award for outstanding talents, and they are the stars of this evening!

Ved 2: Graduates of 2015 of MBOU Secondary School No. 10 of Birsk are invited to the red carpet.

Vedas 1. Greetings by name. Our first guests to step on the red carpet are:

Steps onto the red carpetNikulin Igor - a jack of all trades - computer geek, artist, DJ, etc., etc., who played the role of “master” in all school productions, we salute him.

Today we welcome the charming, boyish, perky and daring, courageous and independentIslamova Victoria , your applause

A tall, slender beauty whose dancing talents require development, we believe in our lucky starsZolotareva Olga , we welcome her.

We welcome the school's sports star: a handsome guy with a charming Hollywood smile, who showed remarkable artistic abilities in the 11th grade, the star of school shows and TV series -Timerkaev Alexander.

Our graduate, purposeful, always achieving her goals, but modest, shy, with an original oriental appearance, steps onto the red carpet.Nasibullina Elvina.

And then the school president appears student government, irreplaceable and very responsible person, organizer and executor of creative ideas at school -Karyakina Anastasia.

- We welcome an intelligent, strict, modest, handsome guy with many hidden virtues, untapped talents -Gorbunova Alexandra.

A talented girl from our school steps onto the red carpet, not a single concert has been held since elementary school without her participation, the singing star of our school, the future world pop star -Sakharova Maria.

Meet: a kind, smiling girl, whose smile gives everyone warmth and lifts the mood of everyone around her -Epaneshnikova Tatyana.

He appears on the red carpet - charming, kind, having overcome his shyness at KVN in BJJ -Galimov Ramazan

We welcome - A slender, black-browed beauty whose height and appearance are suitable for a modeling catwalk -Kiyamutdinova Elina

And here comes the shyest and most smiling guy among the graduates of 2015, who has a lot of untapped talents -Chernov Oleg.

The slenderest graduate of 2015 steps onto the red carpet, diligent and efficient, a natural blonde and the owner of the most long braidAlexandrova Irina

Dear guests, it is not so easy for this graduate to hide in the school crowd, a temperamental guy with beautiful appearance and a mohawk on his head, of course, this is -Musin Arthur

Meet a stylish, extravagant, creative person, a girl with creative thinking and her own personal approach to all decisions -Nabieva Elmira

But here comes a gentle, modest, charming beauty with good diction, the future announcer of central television -Shevkoplyas-Guryeva Nadezhda

The latest graduate appears on the red carpet... We welcome the charming, sociable brunette graduate, his natural modesty disappears on stage, where he shows remarkable artistic talents -Shpak Dmitry.

    And here are all the graduates of 2015 before you, dear guests.

(Graduates line up)

    Today they are a little worried,

Today I'm a little happy

And, of course, you can understand them,

After all, in front of them new way!

    He waits, calls, scares a little.

Great things beckon

Let them remember the path,

That she took me to school every day!

Vedas 2.: “Listen, if the stars light up, it means someone needs it, it means it is necessary that at least one star lights up over the rooftops every evening...” Today, at our festival, not just one star is lit, but a whole shower of new stars graduates of our school.

Ved.1. And these stars were discovered by a cool lady. We invite you to the red carpet class teacher 11th grade Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna.

She is cheerful, knows how to organize, guide, and unite children well. Students respect her as a teacher, they love her very much for her understanding, support, and ability to give advice on any issue that interests them. This is a caring, patient, friendly class teacher who cares for every student in his class with all his heart.

Applause to the class teacher.

1.The director is a faithful guardian of order,

The guarantor, as they say nowadays,

He has a stern look at everything,

And devoted to school without a trace,

Thunderstorm of boobies and a rake,

Damoclav is the sword of immodest maidens.

Doesn't notice languid glances,

He carries his cross with dignity.

We don't see any flaws in it.

But the praises come later,

After presentation of certificates,

Pyotr Alexandrovich, it’s time! We wait!!!

2.Principal of the school P.A. Karachun is invited to the red carpet.

    The destiny of the young is the joy of flight,
    Knowledge of life, the beginning of the path,
    Study, career, ups and downs,
    Having fallen, get up and walk again.

2. Youth has a ringing road,
The young have the path at their fingertips,
They are confident, strong and know a lot,
And God forbid they turn off the road.

Ved1. We begin our Oscar film festival (with a musical and dance surprise for our graduates).

Dance Flash Mob

Ved2. We invite our graduates to the hall to solemnly hold the Oscar 2014 awards ceremony to deafening applause.

1. We invite all guests, parents, teachers to the hall.


Music of the Oscars (certificates)

Ved 2.: The prom “Oscar” - 2015” is declared open.

Anthem of the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus

Ved1. The school years are behind us, the real one is coming. adulthood, not easy, with many obstacles and difficulties.

And only determination, perseverance, and hard work will help you, graduates, overcome all difficulties and find yourself in life.

Presenter: Connoisseurs of school cinema came to congratulate the graduates of 2015 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The floor is given ___________________________________________________


What kind of city? Cannes?

“No, Birsk,” I’ll answer you.

- Here are our nominations

They are waiting this evening.

Vedas 1. Fanfares sound joyfully.

The ceremonial moment has arrived!

Now they will give everyone a certificate,

Who was waiting impatiently for him.

Ved 1:
We are approaching the most solemn moment of our filming, which you have been working towards throughout all school years- for the presentation of certificates. Everyone contributed their hands, their heads, their souls and their hearts to make the film so wonderful.

Ved 2. To award the laureates, we invite to the stage the main director of the film “Burnt by School 2015” Karachun Pyotr Aleksandrovich

(Director's word)

Ved 1. We announce the first nomination - “Director’s Favorite”.

VED. 2 Graduates! Are there anyone among you who treats Pyotr Alexandrovich well? (Pause)
Raise your hand, no, both hands...clap them!

Now we will find out how insightful you were!
Let's open the envelope!

Ved 1: Yes, there is so much. Name them, Pyotr Alexandrovich, yourself!


Irina, Ramazan and Sasha,

Tatiana, Olya and Vika,

Nastya, Elina, Arthur,

Of course Elmira and Elvina,

I would not forget Igor, Masha, Ivan

Sasha, Oleg, Nadya and Dima

Did I name everyone? Love you all.


Ved. Attention! Certificates of complete secondary education are being awarded to graduates of 2015!

(fanfare for presentation of certificates)

Ved. 1. Certificate - it’s in the film by the way:
And its name is “Big Life”.
But at this, as at the start,
Don't stay long.

Ved. 2. In the second series, which will be soon.
Take the keys in your important hands.
Study for a couple of years.
And get a diploma.

Vedas 1. There are those teachers at school

Who worried about you the most?

Who praised most often, sometimes scolded,

Who helped you with everything from the heart.

2nd presenter: - Graduates of our school are already adults, independent people, they decided to hold a return Oscar ceremony - rewarding school teachers for their services to them.

Graduate: – Dear, endlessly beloved teachers and school staff! Today we have a common holiday. 11 years of joint work are behind us. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not be holding these wonderful crusts in our hands now. Over the years, we have gotten to know you very well. You are all wonderful people, but each of you has special character traits that we liked best about you and that we strived to emulate. After all, a student is not only a sum of knowledge, but also a personality that is formed over many years of study.

Graduate: – Attention! Attention!

Following the dictates of the times, we are holding the second part of the “Recognition” award ceremony. . Applicants for “Recognition” were tested for several years in various categories, including school subjects.

Graduate: – Nomination: “Putin himself is not his decree” is dedicated to the strict and attentive, understanding and all-knowing school director: P.A. Karachun.
Dima Shpak : The cup of our unspent feelings,

And the living breath of spring,

And our love and gratitude

We address it to the Director.

From dawn to dusk you are at work,

You are always in search and in care,

Everything worries you, everything worries you,

The heart will urgently help anyone.

We wish you to remain the same,

In spite of all adversity, smile

And save this dear house,

So that you can meet our children there.

(Graduates present a medal and certificate to the school director.)

Graduate: – Nomination: “Everything is fine, everything is fine, all exams have passed” is dedicated to the Deputy Director for Educational Work N.G. Yamaeva.
Tanya Epaneshnikova:

You are the schedule goddessYou put in the effortSo that the lessons are fullyWe could visit.Wherever we go to work or study,We are sure that these days are not destined to be forgotten.(presentation of medal and certificate)

Graduate: – The nomination “How long have we resisted, you tried to educate us” is dedicated to the Deputy Director for Educational Work, L.A. Anisimova.

Sasha Timerkaev : You are strictly for disciplineWatch from the very morningSo as not to smoke at the doorstep,So that the kids don't swear.We had fun together,We painted the floors togetherSo that these days are not forgotten,You will accept the medal and certificate.(presentation)

Graduate: – Nomination: “We will remember you”! Dedicated to the first teacher Zaitseva E.S.

Masha Sakharova : “Everyone has only one time in their lifeThere is your first, your memorable classAnd the first mentor, our first teacher,He opened the door for us to the land of knowledge and discoveries.”

Graduate: – The floor to congratulate the graduates is given to the first teacher...
(Congratulations from the first teacher.)

Graduate: – The nomination “I would learn Russian because you taught it to us” is dedicated to the teacher of Russian language and literature Zolotareva E.N.
Graduates! Keep in mind from now onSo that they are not afraid of essays,It is quite enough to haveA set of simple definitions:Write that the poet is a prophet,And Gogol ridiculed the order,That Famusov is bad and nasty,

Graduate:And Chadsky is no longer a rider.Bazarov has surpassed his age,Onegin is a complex nature,Wild is the image of a tyrant,Gerasim drowned Mumu...That's all the literature for you.

Graduate:I will follow the most honest rules.I would force you to learn RussianNot only Russians, but everyone,Then Russia will be successful.Everyone will know literatureAnd our Russian culture.(presentation)

Graduate: – Nomination: “You know everything about numbers and you taught us the same” is dedicated to mathematics teacher Kael G.K.
The laws of numbers are very strict,And become mathematicians,Given, alas, not very many,Well, we learned to count,Indeed, in this difficult century,Everything in the world will have to be counted.

Geometry and algebra meaningNowadays everyone can appreciateTherefore, for our right decisions,We must thank you from the bottom of our hearts.(presentation)

Graduate: – Nomination: “Columbus discovered America, and we will take it and close it” is dedicated to the history teacher E.V. Khramov.

Igor Nikulin:

If the class is quiet,Flies don't flySo, we have history,Someone is being called.

If everyone rustled,So the teacher is moving,All cheat sheets must be hiddenAnd close all the books.In general, we are veryLove all the history!If necessary, we will “conquer”Any territory!(presentation)

Graduate: – The nomination “Don’t twist the colorful globe, it will come in handy” of our award is dedicated to geography teacher G.R. Mudarisova.
You and I sank to the depths,Among the shifting sands moved,We conquered mountain peaksAnd the permafrost of both poles.

And may there still be many discoveriesWe must do in our lives,For showing us the way,We will always thank you!(presentation)

Graduate: – The nomination “Knowledge of Ohm’s laws does not exempt from responsibility” is dedicated to physics teacher A.V. Yatsenko.
Physics is like a birthday for us,

We are happy to come here to class!

Tiles, irons, electric lamps –

Physics is everywhere and always.

Glory to Newton, Ampere, Ohm,

Watt is a good person!

Honor, praise to you for making friends

We are with them forever!

Graduate: – Nomination: “Chemistry decorates and heals us and, apparently, will soon feed us” is dedicated to the chemistry teacher V.V. Karelina.


We all know the sorceress:
Worked miracles in test tubes
And love for chemistry forever
She undoubtedly planted
We always remembered
WhatH 2 O-This is water.

Graduate: – In the nominations “We know biology for sure” and “The most, the most, the coolest torturer,” L.V. Mardanova won.

Biology was taught
Stigmas and pistils passed,
DNA and ribosomes
Carbohydrates, chromosomes,
How to protect nature
We will now know at “5”.

She tormented us famously for seven years,
She gave me no peace for seven years.
Although you were the best for us -

Graduate: – The response is given to the class teacher L.V. Mardanova.
(The class teacher speaks.)

Graduate: – Nomination: “Oh, sports, I love you, but with a strange love” dedicated to the teacher physical culture Sadrtdinov I.A.

In the young month of April, the snow melts near the school,
And the physical education teacher sends us out for a run.
The children rushed with a whistle, their hearts were beating wildly,
Something just pricks somewhere and ripples in everyone’s eyes,
Striving for the cherished goal, without knowing the barriers,
The children are running, rushing, almost flying.

Graduate: – Nomination: “Crazy Hands” is dedicated to technology teacher V.A. Krasilnikov.

“Your hands are golden
They can create a lot.
How do you manage to do this?
It’s impossible for us to understand!”

We thank you for your love.
It wasn't easy for you at times.
As we say goodbye to you, we say:
Together). "Thanks a lot!"

Song “Ours” (Masha, Igor, Sasha and Olya)

Ved 1. Our graduates perform in the category “Our unspent feelings.”

Issue 1. Dear teachers of our school!

Today on this June day
Please accept our congratulations
For your loyalty and love,
For your dedication to your work!

Issue 2 We have known you for so many years,
And you know everything about us.
How good it is to be with us
You are smiling now!

You are so extraordinarily kind!
And today it is no coincidence that we
Let's say thank you for everything together,

Issue 3 Everyone knows, if you need something,
You did not allow refusal,
They always helped us with everything!

Issue 4. Let's not talk today
Banal words, stock phrases,
We wish you good health!
We love you very, very much!

Ved. The film “Odnoklassniki” wins in the “Childhood’s Last Call” category. Let’s watch an excerpt from it. Song and Film "Odnoklassniki".

And now the best comedian of our school is performing, a future pop artist who will outshine Justin Timberlake-Igor Nikulin himself with his performance

The song “Tick-tock” performed by I. Nikulin


Parents - Holy Word -
In it the ROD burns with the Fire of the Universe,
It sounds new for centuries -
In it, Life sings with imperishable fate.

Graduate. 1 The day before birth, the Child asked God:

AT 3 - I am very afraid! I have absolutely no idea what I should do in this world?

IN 1 God replied:

AT 4 - I will give you an Angel, he will always be by your side. He will protect you from all troubles.

AT 3- What's his name?

IN 1 - It doesn't matter what his name is. You will call him "MOM"!

AT 2. And now, Upon graduating from school, we would like to sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts, thank our moms and dads, our parents, who always stood behind us, supporting us in difficult times, solving problems with you, writing essays, re-passing school curriculum. Thank you, our family, dear, dear, for everything that you have done for us, are doing and will do.

AT 3. Mom, you are with me always and everywhere,

Dad and mom are the main people.

The best people on this earth.

If you are nearby, we know what will happen

Peace of mind in life for both me and you.

Your warmth will warm you in the bitter cold,

Strong hands will always support you,

Dear heart, when you get sick,

He can cure you without difficulty.

May God give you long life, health,

Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes.

You are our dear ones, we invite you

For the school farewell parent waltz.

Song for parents based on Quest Pistols "I'm tired"

Ved. The film “Happy Childhood” won the nomination for best retro film. Attention to the screen, gentlemen.

(Film and Parents' Speech)


Film "Happy Childhood"

Parents come out to the music.

    Graduates of distant years send you their warm greetings!

    One milestone has been successfully achieved - you have received a certificate!

    Dear Guys! On behalf of all parents, we congratulate you on your successful completion of school!

4. How quickly our children have grown up! They read thick volumes, solve problems that are incomprehensible to us and ask difficult questions.

5. Yesterday mine asked: - Dad, how long would it take you to read “War and Peace”? I thought and thought and said: “Well, a hundred rubles!”

6. - And my little sister recently taught her to write the number 8:

How can you not understand! This is an infinity sign placed vertically!

7. - And I tell my friend, I also studied with bad marks, so it will be fair if I encourage you the way your grandfather encouraged me... with a belt.

8. And I met such a nice woman on the street, she said to me:
- It seems to me that you are the father of one of my children...
I ask in horror:
- I?!
“Calm down,” the woman answers, “I’m a teacher.”

9.- And how many written greetings we received from teachers in the diaries:
10.- Here, for example: Thank you for having an educational conversation with your son. Now he answers in every lesson, although so far everyone understands him poorly, since he began to stutter.”

11.- And here we are: Parents! Cut your child's hair, you want to look him in the eye.

12.- Yes, and to us: Your son was stubborn like a sheep in physical education class and did not want to jump over the goat.

13.- And I checked my son’s diary: physics - 2, chemistry - 2, history - 2, literature - 2, singing - 5. Lord, he also sings.

14. - And I checked the diary, and there were only deuces, I told him:
- In our time, people beat you with a belt for such grades!
And he answered me: Cool idea! Come tomorrow after school, let's take revenge on the teacher!

15. Children bring us nothing but grief. And we are different to them!

16. - Yes, how imperceptibly our children became adults!

17. And today at your graduation party we want to wish you:

18. When you're only seventeen,
Having parted with the student bench,
Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out:
Where to go, which road?
And the path through life will be difficult,
So as not to turn towards side paths.
Let your conscience be everywhere for you
Your advisor and compass.

19. So that youth always rules in life,
Love was pure and bright.
So that every star suddenly turns
Your cherished dream.

20. I thank the patient teachers,
That our children were selflessly led.
Trying to fill the ranks, they are the first.
They taught us to love life so as not to pass by.
21. And I won’t forget to wish, of course,
Diligently multiply what is given.
To the joy of everyone, work selflessly.
And never forget the school walls.

22. Happy and easy tasks to you,
Wonderful finds and new victories!

Congratulations on your graduation from school,

Great achievements and life without troubles!


The final

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,
The fate of the future is only a faint sketch,
Oh, how beautiful proms!

May you leave school forever,
But your childhood leaves a memory
Don't forget your school years,
Hearts and souls are a wonderful neighborhood

Yes, your film about childhood is coming to an end,

And all the episodes were filmed, the dreams were watched,

Like the Christmas tree, fairy tales end.
Like a movie reel, the thread breaks.

IN 1 . Once again we want to say a huge thank you to you, dear school!

AT 2 . We want to once again thank our esteemed administration and our beloved teachers. And also to all those who have always been with us for 11 years.

AT 3. We don't say goodbye to you

AT 4. We are speaking-

ALL Goodbye!!!


The teaching staff is an orchestra. Everyone leads their own part, but overall the result is a single melody and harmony. To ensure that this harmony is not disturbed, the teacher also needs success. The success of a teacher is primarily a human concept, and only then a professional one. Who should create a situation for success for a teacher? Everyone who surrounds him is who he has to deal with. The school director, the head teacher, colleagues, parents, the children themselves. The school administration is trying to create comfortable conditions for teachers, stimulating teachers for the creative process, for the formation of a positive self-concept, for the desire to educate themselves, improve themselves, and adequately interact with society.

Together with trade union committee A system for stimulating teaching work has been developed: the school competition “Teacher of the Year”, which is held for four years. At the end of the school year, at the last pedagogical council, each teacher will hear words of gratitude from the school director for his work and will receive a modest gift, certificate or letter of gratitude. We offer you one of the scenarios for this competition.

“Waltz” (choreographic ensemble dancing)

Against the background of lyrical music, the words of the presenter (V.) are heard.

1) “Our favorite teacher is Olga Pavlovna. We are very grateful to her for teaching us a lot. It was she who taught us to distinguish between good and evil, to be cultured, to know the most important words: “Thank you, excuse me, please, hello.” She wanted to show her love for us, and we wanted to show respect for her.”

2) “My favorite teacher was Lyudmila Yuryevna. She always loved us, even though we were very harmful. Lyudmila Yuryevna is kind, affectionate and very sweet. I will never forget her. And I still want to go to 3rd grade, just to be with my favorite teacher.”

3) “Wonderful teacher Nadezhda Viktorovna. He is a wonderful teacher and a wonderful history teacher. You can admire her. She will always help, and when we have problems, we go to Nadezhda Viktorovna. She is kind, always diligent and always in shape - she is beautiful.”

4) “I like Lydia Alexandrovna the most of all the teachers. She treats us very kindly. I respect her. She is kind, beautiful and the most wonderful in school 38. I want Lydia Alexandrovna to always be cheerful and always laugh. And I will be pleased to see it myself. She is teaching a Russian speech lesson - it is so interesting. I like Lidia Alexandrovna. I don’t even want to part with her!”

5) “This is a kind, sympathetic teacher. She is always cheerful, and when we come to her lesson, we are charged with the energy and warmth of her soul. Communicating with Olga Dmitrievna, we lift our spirits for the whole day. I wish there were more teachers like this.”

6) “I like Valentina Ivanovna most of all the teachers. She is our class teacher. She is beautiful, kind, friendly. I respect her very much. She teaches a math lesson for us. This item is very important. Valentina Ivanovna is the greatest mathematician.”

She was always in class
With a slightly stern, but friendly face.
From the springs of her soul
We drew on the experience we have accumulated.....

When the trees put on their colorful outfits, September 1st arrives. I rejoice at this day because I will see my beloved, kind teachers, and the most respected teacher, the class teacher. She will start asking us about how we spent the summer, where we traveled, how many new friends we made and how many books we read. And we will vie with each other to talk about our travels and adventures over the summer.”

Q. Good evening! We are glad that you responded to the invitation and stopped by our holiday. A holiday dedicated to all of us, a holiday dedicated to the Teacher.

As you understand, I started this evening by quoting the essays of your students. Believe me, this is only a small part of their declarations of love for you. And even if sometimes the imperfection of style and speech hurts the ear, even if these works are not perfect from the point of view of spelling and punctuation, the main thing is that they are permeated with warmth, love, and gratitude.

Isn’t this a worthy assessment of the Teacher? A person with a kind soul who loves children as they are? Equally loving the naughty, the obedient, the quick-witted, the slow-witted, the lazy, and the diligent? The creator of several hundred destinies? A person in whom everything captivates: a smile, severity, content, clothing, sensitivity, knowledge, sincerity, intelligence, sociability, and love of life? This is why our students love us, this is why they are ready to “vying with each other to tell” about themselves, trusting us with their deepest secrets...

Remember, the school administration announced the ROST pedagogical excellence competition, one of the tasks of which was to identify creatively working and talented teachers and popularize their experience. And now the time has come to sum up. It is the chickens that are counted in the fall, and the names of the best teachers are named in the spring.

Allow the award ceremony for the “Teacher of the Year” award to be considered open.

93 teachers and educators were allowed to participate in the competition additional education School No. 38. The “Teacher of the Year” award will be awarded in 18 categories.

An independent jury was formed to determine the winners. The counting commission, having counted the result, determined the name of the winner.

On this moment No one knows the names of the laureates.

Before the ceremony begins, I invite the hostess of this evening, the school principal, to the stage.

So, the first nomination.

1. “The lesson is the pinnacle of mastery”

The following were allowed to participate:

They, like “wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire,” combined mathematics and music in one lesson, decided to “verify harmony with algebra” - and, I must say, not without success. Their integrated lesson amazed everyone with its unusualness;

For an open Russian language lesson, brilliantly conducted with students from a weaker class.

Behind methodological developments integrated course “Natural science - work”.

For participation in the competition for methodological developments of final lessons: (the full names of teachers are listed)

Q. Let's welcome the nominees. The floor for announcing the laureates of the “Lesson - the pinnacle of excellence” nomination is given to the deputy. to the director.

Diplomas and gratitude are awarded.

2. Nomination “The most creative teacher”

The following were allowed to participate:

Her lessons (according to the certification commission) are a kind of pedagogical work; they are conducted at a high methodological level, all stages are thought out. Children are so involved in mental activity that they do not hear the bell.

For a beautifully decorated office, development of teaching material for classes.

For testing new courses, summarizing experience, conducting open lessons at a meeting of deputy directors, a creative attitude to work, the use of alternative textbooks and programs.

Awarding the winners, congratulations from the director.

Q. Today our guests are our colleagues and great friends - teachers from the art school. A vocal ensemble sings for you.

We live in the fast-paced 21st century, when increasingly high demands are placed on teachers. And today a teacher is not only a person who has knowledge and teaching methods, but also a researcher, a scientist, and a practitioner...

3. Nomination “Step into Science”

Names of the nominees:

For testing a new course in mathematics;

Let's welcome the nominees. To announce the names of the winners of the “Step into Science” nomination, I invite the deputy to the stage. school director for scientific and methodological work.

Winner's reward ceremony.

4. Nomination “Russia is famous for its teachers, its students bring glory to it”

Teachers whose students took high places in city and regional Olympiads are allowed to participate.

I ask all of you, dear teachers, to come up to the stage. Since your students demonstrate remarkable knowledge, you should know everything. Therefore, before the school principal takes over, I suggest you take part in the “Erudite” quiz: (recommended to be done with a high level of intelligence).


Regional center Krasnodar region- 9 b.

Famous film director, son of fabulist Sergei Mikhalkov - 8 b.

In what month did the Decembrists oppose the Tsar? - 7 b.

Part of the face that plays a prominent role in Gogol’s story “The Nose” - 3 b.

Famous singer, namesake Emelyan Pugacheva - 8 b.

Capital of the Ryazan Principality - 6 b.

The birthplace of Canadian hockey - 6 points.

The river on which the city of Rostov-on-Don stands - 3 b.

The main character of the novel A.I. Goncharova “Oblomov” - 7 b.

The vehicle on which the heroes of Jerome’s book “Three in a Boat and a Dog” traveled - 5 b.

Winner's reward ceremony.

5. Next nomination “Best Office”

After all, a modern office is the best assistant in organizing the educational process. Nominees...

I ask the school director to open the envelope, name the names of the winners, and present the awards.

High demands are placed on a modern teacher, especially in advanced, best schools. And you can't survive here alone.

Therefore, the next nomination is

6. The best methodological combination

I will name only some of the cases of this MO, and you try to guess which MO will be called the best.

To their credit: 2 scientific and practical conferences, the largest number of open lessons, 3 collections “From work experience”, participation in the All-Russian competition for methodological developments of final lessons.

Rewarding. And on stage again the vocal ensemble

7. Nomination “The most overloaded teacher”

There are many teachers in our school who have a heavy workload. The deputy will tell us who won the nomination. director for educational work. She scrupulously took into account each of our lessons and so, she looked through the documentation, leafed through, calculated...

(Opens the envelope, award ceremony).

B. Lessons, notebooks, books, textbooks, reports, speeches... My head is spinning... So and.... Osteochondrosis can be earned. Fizminutka (conducted by physical education teachers).

8. Nomination “B” healthy body- healthy mind"


For development extracurricular activities and health lessons;

For work with children with combined developmental disabilities, successful presentation at the city scientific and methodological conference.

For propaganda healthy image life not so much theoretically as practically.

Hiking and excursions, cool watch, and just a confidential conversation. Who can you reveal the secret to if not the class teacher?

9. Nomination “The Coolest Cool”

The winners in this category are named by the deputy. director of educational work.

Q. Again, let me intervene in the awards ceremony. Dear teachers, you know everything about the modern student, you can understand any situation, model the behavior of any student.

Imagine that you are teachers, you are students. Teachers require diaries from new Russian students. They want to write down some remark there. The students' task is not to give the diary. The teacher's job is to get it.


Q. I ask you to name the winner of one more nomination.

10. Nomination “Under the Canopy of the Muses”

It must be said that our teachers have been working in the field of creativity and introducing children to it for many years now, and successfully, in close cooperation with Children’s Art School No. 2. Therefore, the winners of the nomination “Under the Canopy of the Muses” are named Director of Children's Art School No. 2.

Words of gratitude to the music school.

There is a corner in our school where it is always quiet, where two of the smartest people work under the cover of silence, ready to spend hours leafing through books, selecting the material teachers need - to provide the basis for the educational process. Have you guessed it?

I'm talking about our librarians who are nominated for...

11. Nomination “Keeper of Knowledge”

How I treasure this beautiful moment,
My ears are suddenly filled with music,
The sounds rush with some kind of aspiration,
Sounds are pouring around from somewhere,
The heart anxiously strives for them,
He wants to fly somewhere after them...
In these moments you could melt,
It's easy to die at these moments...

United ensemble of folk instruments of the Children's Art School No. 2, 4.

11. Bravo! Just crazy hands! By the way, this is the name of our next nomination -

12. “Crazy hands”

This nomination assessed the desire and ability to decorate beautifully and on time. Assembly Hall, a stand representing the school at a regional educational conference, documents about the school for a regional competition or help in preparing a school holiday...

The winners are announced.

And again our nightingales are on stage. Singing teachers sing.

Elderly man -
This is a treasure of wisdom,
This is a golden fund!
These are our Atlantis
Both in business and in hands!
You are like fairies from a fairy tale,
Thank you for everything!
And honor and honor to you!
And thank you for
What you were and are!

13. Nomination “Gold Fund”

I invite to the stage teachers whose teaching experience has been more than 35 years.

Thank you for many years of work, for what you taught us too. Low bow to you. And on the stage - your shift, your successors - young teachers.

14. Nomination “Young is not green”

Q. The work of young teachers was considered in this nomination:

In addition, the school now has one more certified specialist. We sincerely congratulate him on his graduation from Irkutsk Linguistic University.

Who became the winner in the “Young is not green” nomination?

Word from the school principal.

“Young Teacher of the Year” - participant in the city competition “Young Specialist”, he conducted an open lesson at the city meeting of head teachers, developed didactic material on the topic of self-education, a good class teacher.

15. “Teacher of the Year”

The tension is growing, the most solemn moment is approaching. Now we will find out who became “Teacher of the Year”... There are many worthy ones. But there must be one winner! I'll tell you a big secret. The jury was unable to choose one winner of the nomination. I don’t know who, but I know for sure that there will be three winners today. Who are they?

Their names are in envelopes with the school principal.

And I was given only small characteristics of these people. Let's try to guess their names?

Creatively working teacher; mentor of young professionals; among her students are winners of city Olympiads; her track record includes certification of 3 schools; class teacher of the first lyceum class; awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education.

The most active participant in various conferences; an easy-going person; at the first call he takes a backpack - and goes on a trip, a hike; organizer of local history work, creator of the school museum, soul of the mountaineering club.

A person who is distinguished by constant research: testing new programs, textbooks; Her credits include developing a series of lessons; a large number of original extracurricular activities; speaker at 2 city scientific and methodological conferences; head of the Ministry of Defense; creator of the pro-gymnasium; laureate of the All-Russian competition of final lessons.

The director opens the envelopes, names names, and presents awards. Congratulations.
