A lizard that runs on its hind legs. Frilled Lizard

This amazing funny lizard was named basilisk. She has nothing to do with a mythical monster. On the contrary, the basilisk is a shy and wary reptile.

The head is simply crowned with a crest that resembles a crown. Hence the name "Tsarek" (basilisk). The most intriguing and interesting thing for us is amazing ability basilisk run on water.

True, only 300-400 meters. This ability is possessed only by young individuals (weighing no more than 50 grams). But the sight is impressive. A study was conducted to understand how the lizard succeeds in such a trick. It turned out that she succeeds at the expense of speed, structure of paws, tail and not a lot of weight.

Basilisk species

There are four varieties of basilisks: crested, striped, common and helmet-bearing. If earlier they were ranked as a family, now they have been allocated to a separate category (basilisk family). Basically, the species differ in habitat, color and size.

Thanks to its light weight and webbed feet, the basilisk can run on water

Description and nature of the basilisk lizard

Anatomy, a clear manifestation of adaptation to natural environment a habitat. Body coloration from green to brownish tones, it is a natural camouflage. It allows you to hide and remain stealthy for enemies among rainforest Central America.

Juveniles have white spots or elongated stripes that fade over time. Starting from the head, along the entire length of the thickened part of the body, there is an undulating ridge. In males, it is more pronounced. The hind feet are longer and more powerful than the front feet. At the end there are sharp, tenacious claws.

Fingering with its hind legs at a speed of a fraction of a second, the basilisk runs through the water at a high speed (one and a half meters per second). It is this acceleration that contributes to the formation of an air cushion that holds it to the surface.

Crested basilisk

In addition, the basilisk is a good swimmer, can stay in the water for up to an hour. Making its run on the water surface on its hind legs, it balances with a long tail. If the whole body can reach 80 cm, then the tail is twice as long as the body.

Interesting fact, Basilisk one of the few reptiles capable of walking on its hind legs (bipedalism). Sharp claws allow her to climb trees perfectly. This is a nimble, fast and nimble creature running on land at a speed of more than 10 km / h.

Basilisk lizard features

Omnivorous, one more characteristic feature this lizard. Insects, berries, plants serve as food, small rodents and smaller lizards, including their own young. Lack of seasonality in rainforest, allows you to bear offspring throughout the year, up to four times. Basilisk lives on average ten years.

Basilisk hunts butterflies

With complete, to say the least, indifference to offspring, these lizards live in polygamous families. One male and several females. In this case, the male will not tolerate the presence of a competitor, and will fight for his small harem and territory.

Lizards are awake during the day, rest at night. It is at night that the greatest danger awaits them in the rainforest. Large, predatory and mammals attack the lizard most often at night.

But there is a more formidable enemy, man. With the relentless deforestation of Costa Rica, Guiana and other regions, the existence of lizards is threatened. The second reason, which can significantly reduce the population, is the fashion for exotic animals. The most popular species among poachers are the helmeted basilisks.

They are mercilessly caught and transported in unsuitable conditions. These lizards are enough delicate creatures, so only a tenth survive. They do not tolerate well stressful situations... But it is possible to breed them in captivity.

Basilisk at home

The most popular exotic reptiles for the home are Basilisks. They learned to grow them at home. Wild individuals do not take root well in unnatural environment, unlike those that were bred in the incubator.

It is characteristic that the color of the domestic basilisks has changed slightly. He turned not bright green, but bluish. Contain basilisk lizard Better in pairs, since without an individual of the opposite sex, she can get bored.

Each basilisk needs a terrarium of up to 200 liters. In addition, a swimming pool is required. It is necessary to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible. That is, the bottom of the terrarium should be sandy or with small pebbles.

In the arrangement of the territory of residence, driftwood, moss, plants should be present. Temperature (25-35 degrees) and light conditions (up to 14 hours) are very important for reptiles. To do this, install lamps that heat and daylight.

Basilisk food

The diet should be balanced. The basis is plant food: wheat germ, carrots, apples, bananas, fruits. The part should be made up of insects. It is advisable to periodically feed small rodents or lizards.

Pictured is a baby basilisk

For masonry, arrange a nest with wet moss and a sandy bottom. After the female lays the eggs, they are collected and raised in an incubator (up to 30 days). Nature pleases us with a variety of fauna forms, one of its masterpieces is the basilisk. For its ability to slide on the water surface, it is also called the lizard of Jesus Christ.

British scientists have tried to shed light on the reason for the bipedal movement of some lizards. The results of the new study did not fully confirm any of the main theories and indicate that reptiles stand on their hind legs either by accident or due to some inexplicable advantage.

A report of this work was published in the Journal of Experimental Biology.

No one knows for sure why some species of lizards periodically move on two legs. Back in the middle of the last century, the American zoologist Richard Snyder from the University of Washington suggested that this allows them to run faster and be more enduring.

Another hypothesis, proposed in 2003 by Peter Aerts of the Universiteit Antwerpen, argued that bipedal locomotion is not an independent adaptation of animals. On the contrary, it can be a by-product of another evolutionary process - a change in the structure of the body and a shift of the center of gravity back.

According to the Belgian scientist, as the morphology of some species of lizards changed, they began to periodically stand on their hind legs after reaching a certain acceleration. Similar to sea boats, for example.

Comparative physiologist Christofer Clemente of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues decided to put both theories to the test.

Lizards of this species feed on insects, and their length varies from 20 centimeters to a meter. Together with the tail (photo from ribbitphotography.com).

Scientists have caught 16 specimens of the Australian bearded agama. Each reptile was launched onto a treadmill and measured how much of the path it moves. the traditional way, and which one on two legs. In four individuals, the overall speed and the resulting accelerations were additionally measured.

After making adjustments (and based on the actual size of each individual), the researchers found that running on its hind legs did not increase the endurance of those lizards who resorted to it - on the contrary, their runs were shorter. Moreover, the speed did not increase with this method of movement either.

The adaptation hypothesis was thus not confirmed. Dr. Erts's model was broadly consistent with the observations, but also proved to be inaccurate.

Although she suggested which lizards should be the first to stand on their hind legs, no full agreement was observed with the calculations: three out of four individuals got up from the ground before they reached the acceleration necessary to compensate for the displacement of the center of gravity.

“For a lot of lizards, bipedalism really looks random,” says Dr. Clemente. “Even in the absence of contact of the forelimbs with the ground, the mechanics of their movements does not change.”

At the same time, the British biologist adds that there must still be some kind of advantage provided by the "lift off the ground." But if this breakaway is not for increasing endurance or speed, then for what?

“It is possible that two legs are less likely to be injured in the process individual development individuals, ”suggests Christopher.

But skeptics cite his own results as a counterargument. They believe that the data obtained should force scientists to continue to refrain from unfounded assumptions.

“Many adhered to the rather controversial practice of putting forward a wide variety of hypotheses about the meaning of certain species characteristics in an animal only on the basis of its appearance... Real, full-scale research tends to dispel such fictional stories, ”says evolutionary biologist Thomas Roberts.

Detachment - Scaly

Contract - Lizards

Family - Agamas

Genus / Species - Chlamydosaurus kingi

Basic data:


Length: up to 80 cm.

Collar diameter: 15 cm.

Weight up to 500 g.


Puberty: from 2-3 years old.

Mating season: early spring.

Number of eggs: 2-8.

Incubation period: 8-12 weeks.


Habits: frilled lizard (see photo) - loner; does not care about offspring; protects its territory.

What it eats: insects, spiders and small mammals.

Life Expectancy: about 8-10 years in captivity, unknown in nature.


There are about 300 species of agama, about 65 of which live in Australia, such as moloch and water leguan.

The frilled lizard lives in trees in Northern Australia and New Guinea. When this reptile lifts its unusual collar, it becomes undoubtedly the most beautiful lizard on the continent. On the ground, the frilled lizard moves very quickly, running mainly on its hind legs.


Insects, spiders, and small mammals form the basis of the lizard's diet. There are only a few species of lizards that feed mainly on plant foods. These lizards often become the prey of other animals themselves.


The male lizard guards his site and drives out rivals. During the breeding season, during fights, males open their collar, showing off in front of each other his bright color... In males, the front collar is brightly colored with numerous blue, white and pink spots, and the chest and throat are coal-black. The mating ritual of the agamas, to which the frilled lizard belongs, is rather complicated. Males strive to win the favor of females. The eggs are fertilized in the female's body. After laying eggs, the mother does not care for them, nor for the cubs, which from the moment of birth lead independent life... Cubs are born in 8-12 weeks.


Like most other lizards, the frilled lizard is active during the day. The sun, heating its blood, transfers the energy that the lizard spends in search of food. The tough scales covering her body protect against fluid loss. She lives in trees, where she often lies on the branches and bask in the sun.

This lizard moves equally well both in trees and on the surface of the ground. She can run on two or four limbs. When the frilled lizard runs along the ground on its hind legs, it keeps its body almost vertically raised above the ground. At the same time, the front legs hang freely down, and the raised tail makes oscillatory movements and helps to maintain balance. Paleontologists believe that some ancient reptiles, such as dinosaurs, moved in this way.

The body of the lizard on top is pink or dark gray in color with dark color transverse stripes on the back and tail. The collar of this lizard is a thin leather membrane covered with scales. On each side, it is supported by two long cartilaginous outgrowths of the hyoid bone. In case of impending danger, the lizard opens the collar like an umbrella. At the same time, her mouth opens, and the more it opens, the wider the umbrella collar unfolds. At the same time, the lizard itself sits on its hind legs, raising the front part of the body high. If the enemy does not retreat, then the frilled lizard goes on the attack: it bites strongly and strikes with its long tail. It is believed that the collar of this lizard also acts as a collector of solar heat and traps the sun's rays.


V Lately they began to be kept in terrariums and zoos. The lizard scares enemies with its amazing "clothing" that resembles an umbrella. However, he uses it only as a last resort, mostly runs away from his pursuers on his strong hind legs, besides, he hurries to run to the nearest tree, where he hides among the branches. The lizard is up to 80 cm long.

  • The frilled lizard is often kept as a pet. In captivity, she lifts her collar only in exceptional cases.
  • A remarkable feature of this lizard is its ability to run on its hind legs, keeping its body almost vertically raised above the ground. She maintains balance while running with the help of her tail.
  • Along the edges of the lizard's jaw, strong teeth grow, similar to human ones: molars, canines and incisors.
  • Another tree lizard in Australia is the Gulde monitor lizard. The natives believe that the wounds from his bites do not heal.
  • The Frilled Lizard is featured on the Australian two cent coin. The lizard is also called the "dragon lizard".

Self-Defense Mechanisms of the Frilled Lizard

The collar is covered with large scales, the edges are serrated. Collar color varies depending on the lizard's habitat.

In case of danger, the collar opens like an umbrella. This movement is accompanied by the opening of the wide mouth and the tail hitting the ground.

- The habitat of the frilled lizard


The frilled lizard lives in Northern and Northwest Australia, as well as in New Guinea.


Nowadays, this lizard is not threatened with extinction.

Large frilled lizard. Impressive look. Video (00:02:08)

The large frilled lizard can reach 90 cm from nose to tip of tail.
Lizard attempts to look more imposing look funny.
However, the fact that she can only walk and run on her hind legs is quite impressive.
This running style may not look natural, but it’s the norm for them.
When not in trees, the researchers say, they spend 90 percent of their time on their hind legs.
Why do they run in such a strange way?
The lizard climbs a tree. At a height of about 2 meters, it freezes.
Looks like she's in ambush. And again on the move. Runs on its hind legs. I caught someone.
These lizards feed on insects that are spotted from the trees.
Thanks to good eyesight a frilled lizard can spot a grasshopper at a distance of 20 meters.
Seeing food, she immediately rushes after it.
If she moved on 4 legs, the grass would block the view and the insect could be lost from sight.
Standing upright, the lizard can constantly see the target.

Frilled Lizard, Attacks Human. Video (00:00:30)

Frilled lizard. Animals & fish. Video (00:05:20)

Frilled lizard. Huge claws, strong paws, sharp teeth, a long tail, a fan around the neck -
This is the Frilled Lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii), of the Agamidae family. Amazing lizard, common in Australia and lives alone, climbing high on a tree. The lizard has a long, dangerous tail, covered with sharp scales, which serves as protection against enemy attacks.
The tail of the frilled lizard is one third of the body length and serves as a tool for attack and hunting.
The lizard has one peculiarity - a large collar fold around the neck.
In times of danger, When the neck muscles tense, the collar of the lizard rises, painted in bright colors. and scares off enemies.
During the breeding season, the collar serves to attract females.
With a shortage sunlight the collar traps heat and keeps the lizard warm.
The Frilled Lizard hunts in trees and on the ground.
During danger and hunting, the Frilled Lizard opens its dangerous, huge mouth, begins to hiss frighteningly.
With a sharp throw, SHE attacks the gape of the victim, grabbing onto it with huge paws with incredibly sharp claws.
In case of danger, the Frilled Lizard will definitely open its huge mouth, showing the victim a number of dangerous sharp teeth
With its gait, the Frilled Lizard resembles dangerous dinosaurs that became extinct millions of years ago.
The lizard hunts small mammals, will not refuse to feast on large insects and spiders. She ravages bird nests and eats bird eggs.

When keeping a Frilled Lizard in a house, a terrarium is necessary.
The terrarium should have a pool of water for thermoregulation of the body. The lizard loves to swim.
The humidity level in the terrarium is between 50 and 70%.
Even if there is a pool in the terrarium with clean water, a prerequisite: the water must always be crystal clear.
Additionally, do not forget to spray the terrarium at least 2 times a day, or put special installation sprinkling,
The temperature in the terrarium should be between 24 and 28 degrees. Do not drop the temperature below 20 degrees at night.
Install a thermostat, check the temperature in different corners of the cage.

Frilled Lizard (Animal Encyclopedia). Video (00:00:53)

Chlamydosaurus kingii
These lizards live in New Guinea and northwestern Australia.
On the head is a fold of skin filled with blood vessels... At the moment of danger, she inflates it, changing color and thereby visually becomes larger, frightening predators. In addition, it stands on its hind legs in order to appear taller and also runs away on two legs.

All About Pets: Frilled Lizard - Real Dinosaur! Video (00:03:25)

Frilled lizard. Video (00:01:13)

Tasting new food ...

Fight of two males of a frilled lizard for a female. Video (00:01:17)

The male of the frilled lizard, the owner of the territory, is trying to drive away the rival. The stranger turns his head towards his opponent.
War has been declared. Both show a threatening stance and open collars.
The battle is over. The stray male runs through the park and leaves the territory.
Yes, males arrange fierce fights for females.

All About Pets: Frill-Necked Lizard - Keep Getting Acquainted. Video (00:03:39)

The secret of the frilled lizards. Video (00:02:56)

Scientists believe that the ancestors of frilled lizards began to stand upright to improve their visibility.
It took a while to get to my feet. But in the end they learned to run on their hind legs.
Most other lizards do not have this ability. Why do the frilled ones have it?
The clue to this mystery lies in their posture. Other lizards can raise their bodies by about that much, the weight of the head prevents them from rising higher.
The frilled lizard is held vertically by throwing its head back.
The center of gravity is shifted towards the hind legs for easier movement.
Also, to maintain balance, these reptiles stretch their long tails.
In fact, frilled lizards constantly keep their backs upright, even when sitting in a tree.
They do this in order to disguise. Arched back, this lizard became like a branch.
This remarkable feature is the result of their habitual posture.
She goes down again and catches the insect. Walking upright gives better view... It allows you to keep your eyes on the prey while hunting, increasing the chances of success.
However, most lizards catch prey by moving on 4 legs without having the view of the frilled ones.
How do they do it? This is a very interesting question.
Lizards generally rely on charm rather than sight to track their prey.
They use language. The tongue collects odors from the air, telling who is nearby - a prey or a predator.
As for the frilled lizards, they hunt from an ambush while looking around from a height.

Basilisk can run on water up to 400 meters at a speed of 12 km / h.

The helmeted basilisk is a tree lizard that lives in tropical rainforests. Distinctive feature basilisk is the ability to run on water, keeping its body on the surface with rapidly alternating blows from its hind legs.

Its name helmeted basilisk received thanks to the similarity with the mythical creation of a basilisk, which had a red crest on its head, resembling a crown.

Because of its ability to walk on water, the inhabitants of Costa Rica call the helmet-carrying basilisk Jesus Christ.

The ridge on the head of males is much larger than that of females. Average length the lizard is 50 cm, and the weight is 200-600 grams. They are excellent swimmers, able to stay underwater for up to 30 minutes.

Frequent blows with paws that do not have swimming membranes help the lizard to stay on the surface of the water while running. Due to the rapid jolts, pits with walls appear in the water, which behave as solid during the time between two shocks. Pushing off the back wall at high speed, the basilisk does not sink into the water.

According to the measurements of scientists from Harvard University, the full step of the basilisk on the water surface lasts 0.068 seconds, and the repulsion time is 0.008 seconds.

Relying only on its hind legs, the basilisk is able to run quickly on land, reaching speeds of up to 11 km / h. Running, he flies a certain distance through the air.

A person weighing 80 kilograms will be able to move as fast only if a speed of 500 kilometers per hour is reached.

The lifespan of this reptile in captivity does not exceed 10 years.

Helmeted basilisks are omnivorous and unpretentious. They feed on plants, vegetables, insects, snails and small frogs. And the basilisks are hunted by larger reptiles, predator birds and fish.

Chlamydosaurus kingii) is a lizard from the agamic family.

Europeans did not know about them until the beginning of the 19th century: lizards lived in Northern Australia and southern New Guinea, did not look for noisy popularity and did not climb into the eyes. They were first described by the British zoologist John Gray in 1825.

The lizard was caught and brought to Europe by members of the expedition of British Admiral Phillip Parker King. (The admiral was one of the first to explore the coast of Australia.)

When a frilled lizard is frightened of something, it stands on its hind legs and unfolds the collar, which is usually folded on its back. Opens a huge mouth. Tail waves and hisses. Considering that the radius of the collar is 30 cm, it is clear that the beast looks big, scary and not very good.

Inexperienced predators, who have not yet devoured such lizards, get scared and dump.

Frilled lizards are different colors... They are painted in the color of the place where they live

This cattle runs on its hind legs. Steers his tail. And the front ones are pressed to the belly. If you enlarge the picture, you get a classic dinosaur or dragon. By the way, the family to which the frilled lizard belongs is calledAgamidae - dragons.

Frilled lizards grow up to 85 -100 centimeters, and 2/3 of the length falls on the tail. Guys are bigger than girls.

Eggs with soft shells are laid in a pit to a depth of 10-20 cm and buried. After 2-3 months, if the temperature is favorable, both males and females are born. Approximately equally. And if it's too cold or too hot, then only females are born.

English speakers call them the Bicycle Lizard - a cyclist lizard

These collared dragons have taken over the whole Earth! They do not climb the bushes and garbage dumps of Europe and America with hungry and cold winters. What more! Practical lizards live comfortably in comfortable aquariums, where they are carefully warmed, washed, fed, watered and treated by those whom God himself ordered to take care of the dragon's well-being - human idiots.
