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International peacekeeping activities Armed forces of the Russian Federation.

Peacemaking is unusual

a task for the military, but only the military can cope with it.

Former Gen. UN Secretary

Dag Hammerskjöld.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:
    Educational - to reveal the essence and knowledge of peacekeeping activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Developmental - to stimulate interest in the life and activities of the RF Armed Forces, to create a sense of friendship and camaraderie. Educational - to cultivate love for the Motherland, to form a sense of pride in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and for one’s country.
Equipment: laptop, projector.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.
Checking the availability of students.Establishing the order of the lesson.
    Checking homework.
Test “How to become an officer Russian army" The test questions are projected onto the screen, and students study on pieces of paper and give the correct answer options.Test."How to become an RA officer"1. The founder of the Russian military school is considered to be......A) John IV (the Terrible)B) Alexander NevskyB) A. V. SuvorovD) Peter ID) M.I. Kutuzov.2. The first military school was created in……A) 1698B) 1701B) 1819D) 17323. A.V. Suvorov, Count Rymniksky was:A) Chief GeneralB) ColonelB) Lieutenant GeneralD) Generalissimo4. Senior military educational establishments prepare:A) sergeantsB) generalsB) officersD) midshipmen5. Upon completion of military schools, graduates receive:A) secondary – special educationB) higher military educationB) higher military-special educationD) secondary specialized military education6. The duration of training in military educational institutions is:A) 4 – 5 yearsB) 6 yearsB) 3 – 4 years7. The academic year in military educational institutions begins:A) August 1B) October 1B) September 1D) January 18. To the military educational institution Citizens who have reached the age have the right to enrollA) 16 – 22 years oldB) 14 – 20 years oldB) 16 – 24 years oldD) 18 – 22 years old
    Studying a new topic.
The topic of our lesson today is “International peacekeeping activities of the Russian Armed Forces.” Let's figure out together what the very concept of “peacekeeping” means. How do you understand this word?

Firstly, it is maintaining peace and order. Do you agree?

Secondly, it is to restrain conflicting parties from

senseless bloodshed and destruction.

But in order to better understand what “peacekeeping” actually means, let’s turn to history. As we already know, humanity has constantly fought various wars over its centuries-old history.The goals of these wars were very different. This includes the seizure of foreign territories, the satisfaction of personal ambitions, liberation wars, etc. A lot of examples can be given.We know that throughout its centuries-old history, Russia has never waged wars of conquest. But she was forced to constantly repel invasions of other countries. And the beginnings of peacemaking should be sought here.What examples can we give from history that relate to our topic?Suvorov - Balkans, Kutuzov - 1812. John IV Grozny (Astrakhan, Kazan). Catherine II (Crimea, Georgia, Persia (Iran)).The Russian army has always been known for its humane traditions, which is confirmed by numerous examples from its history.The great Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov said the following words:

“To earn the gratitude of foreign peoples and make Europe exclaim with a sense of surprise: “The Russian army is invincible in battles and inimitable in the generosity and virtue of peaceful people!” This is a rewarding goal worthy of heroes

The special status, and the very concept of peacekeeping, was formed under the impression of the grave consequences and horrors of the Second World War. The world community is coming to the conclusion that it is necessary to save the coming generation from the scourge of war. To this end, the UN was created in 1945, which received the authority to take effective collective measures to prevent and eliminate threats to peace and suppress acts of aggression. Three years later, in 1948. Sov-Bez. For the first time, the UN decided to establish a UN mission to monitor the implementation of the terms of the truce in the Middle East and involve military personnel from several countries in its composition. This is how it arose new form international military-political cooperation, which received the general name “peacekeeping”.

Currently, Russia has friendly contractual relations with many countries of the world and participates in various international organizations. To prevent inevitable conflicts, Russia first of all tries to use political, economic and other peaceful means. However, sometimes the use military force often more effective than persuasion and negotiation.

In addition, the need for a military presence in some strategically important regions of the world is in the interests of ensuring Russia’s national security.

On May 26, 1996, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the formation of a special military contingent of the RF Armed Forces to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and safety."

Based on these documents, a special contingent was formed consisting of 17 motorized rifle and 4 parachute battalions with a total number of 22 thousand people.

Geography of participation peacekeeping forces Russia is like this:

    Before 2000 – Transnistria and Abkhazia

    Since 1993 – Tajikistan

    Since 1999 – autonomous province of Kosovo (Yugoslavia)

Staffing of the MS occurs on a voluntary basis according to competitive selection from among persons undergoing military service under contract.

While serving, military personnel enjoy the status, privileges and immunities accorded to UN personnel during peacekeeping operations.

MS personnel are equipped with light small arms.

4. Homework5. Lesson summary.

MILITARY THOUGHT No. 6 (11-12)/1998, pp. 11-18

Peacekeeping activities of the Russian Armed Forces

Colonel GeneralV.M.BARYNKIN ,

Doctor of Military Sciences

UNDER THE INFLUENCE of the fundamental changes that have taken place in the international arena in recent years, a qualitatively new geopolitical situation has emerged, characterized by a significant reduction in the threat of the outbreak of large-scale wars. At the same time, one cannot help but notice the increased tension in certain regions of the world. The likelihood of crisis situations escalating into open armed conflicts has become higher African continent, Middle East, in South-East Asia, Eastern Europe, including in the CIS. This is evidenced quite eloquently by the events in Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and in Russian Federation(Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya).

Experiencing a period of complex socio-economic transformations, Russia is vitally interested in maintaining international, regional and internal stability. Armed conflicts both within the country and near its borders cause significant damage to national and state interests, and therefore Russia’s participation in all forms of peacekeeping activities is quite natural.

Peacekeeping activities for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are largely new, despite the fact that practical participation in UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs) began in October 1973, when the first group of Russian military observers was sent to the Middle East. And currently, six groups of Russian military observers with a total of 54 people participate in peacekeeping operations conducted under the auspices of the UN: four in the Middle East (one person each in Syria, Egypt, Israel and Lebanon), 11 on the Iraq-Kuwait border , 24 in Western Sahara, nine in former Yugoslavia and three each in Georgia and Angola.

It should be noted that the role of military observers in peacekeeping operations is very limited and is reduced mainly to monitoring the implementation of agreements reached on a truce or ceasefire between the warring parties, as well as preventing (without the right to use force) their possible violations.

Peacekeeping efforts require a completely different scale and forms of participation when it is necessary to extinguish the fire of an armed conflict between or within states and force the warring parties to cease hostilities and restore peace. Today, the Russian Armed Forces have to solve these extraordinary tasks in a number of regions of Europe and the CIS. Thus, in April 1992, for the first time in the history of Russian peacekeeping activities, a Russian battalion of 900 people was sent to the former Yugoslavia (in January 1994 it was increased to 1,200 people). Stationed in Croatia, he carried out tasks to separate the conflicting parties (Serbs and Croats). In February 1994, part of the Russian contingent of the UN force was redeployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina to ensure the separation of the warring parties (Bosnian Serbs and Muslims) and to monitor compliance with the ceasefire agreement. The Russian military contingent (a separate two-battalion airborne brigade with combat and logistics support units), numbering 1,600 people, also took part in Operation Joint Effort, carried out by multinational forces since December 1995 and aimed at implementing the General Framework Agreement for Peace in this region. During the operation, the military block of issues defined by the Dayton Agreements was practically completed, while some political issues remained unresolved (the problem of the return of refugees to their places of former residence, the lack of freedom of movement of citizens, the status of the city of Brčko has not been determined). The main result was that thanks to the presence of peacekeeping forces, after almost four years civil war Peace was restored in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Today, military contingents of the Russian peacekeeping forces (PKF) are participating in OPM and in the CIS: in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova (two battalions numbering about 500 people), in South Ossetia (one battalion - over 500 people), in Tajikistan ( motorized rifle division- about 7000 people), in Abkhazia (three battalions - over 1600 people). Russian peacekeepers are represented by military personnel of two formations and individual units of the Ground and Airborne Forces. In total, since 1992, more than 70 thousand Russian military personnel have become participants in the PKO (taking into account rotation every six months).

Currently, Russia, together with OSCE representatives, is actively participating in the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Much has already been done; the ceasefire agreement reached has been maintained for more than four years. But much more effort is required before a complete settlement is achieved. And we are ready to introduce a military contingent of the Russian Armed Forces there to establish peace in this region, if that is the will of the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The initiative in solving major peacekeeping tasks is usually taken by a group of states under the auspices of the UN or an international organization that has the appropriate authority, significant material and financial means. Russia has never objected to such interested participation in resolving conflicts in the CIS. However, as practice shows, European states and the OSCE are in no hurry to participate on a large scale in resolving conflicts on the territory of the Commonwealth states, limiting themselves mainly to the functions of monitoring and assisting in establishing contacts between the conflicting parties. Russia cannot wait for them to reconsider their attitude towards this problem and therefore is forced to act independently, based primarily on the interests national security and taken upon themselves international obligations.

Russia's peacekeeping efforts in the CIS are natural and justified. Of course, the crisis processes in our country make it difficult for it to fulfill the role of an authoritative arbiter capable of persuasion, and if necessary, then economic power or military force, to force the parties to resolve the conflict by peaceful means, to ensure calm and restoration of stability in the region. And yet Russia is actually the only state on the territory former USSR, which not only shows political interest, but also has sufficient military and logistical resources to conduct operations to maintain and restore peace. Russia's non-participation in peacekeeping activities would deprive it of the opportunity to influence the development of events in the international arena, and, more broadly, would affect the authority of our country in the world community.

Already the first experience of peacekeeping activities of Russia and its Armed Forces in individual CIS countries and in other regions has yielded tangible positive results. In a number of cases, it was possible to achieve a cessation of armed clashes between warring parties, prevent the death of civilians and destruction of the economy, localize (isolate) the conflict zone and stabilize the situation. Russia's duty is to do everything possible so that, first of all, former members one family stopped fighting each other And restored good neighborly relations. The future of our country and its international authority largely depend on how quickly the bleeding wounds in the CIS countries are healed.

The basis for the participation of the Russian Federation, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, in peacekeeping operations are norms international law: UN Charter, decisions of the Security Council and its Military Staff Committee, resolutions of the UN General Assembly, OSCE, and the Charter of the Commonwealth Independent States and the Agreement of the CIS Heads of State on Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces. Row regulations in this area contain the Basic Provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, which states that our state contributes to the efforts of the world community and various bodies collective security to prevent wars and armed conflicts, maintain or restore peace and considers it possible to use the Armed Forces and other troops to carry out operations to maintain or restore peace in accordance with decisions of the UN Security Council or international obligations.

To date, the Commonwealth has adopted a number of documents that collectively define general mechanism and most important conspecific details of peacekeeping operationserations. They can be divided into three main groups.

TO first refer to the provisions of the CIS Charter adopted in January 1993, which establishes principled approaches to resolving disputes and preventing conflicts between member states of the Commonwealth.

Second group documents are devoted to specific issues of the formation and activities of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the CIS. On March 20, 1992, in Kiev, at a meeting of the top leaders of the CIS member states, an Agreement on Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the CIS was signed, and on May 15 of the same year, in Tashkent, three protocols were signed: on the status of Military Observer Groups and Collective Forces on maintaining peace in the CIS; on the temporary procedure for the formation and deployment of Military Observer Groups and Collective Forces in conflict zones between the CIS states, as well as a protocol on the recruitment, structure, logistics and financial support of these groups and forces. On September 24, 1993, the Agreement on the Collective Peacekeeping Forces was signed, supplemented by documents on the status of their unified command and the funding scheme. Despite the fact that these documents are not included in the list of official international legal acts on peacekeeping operations in the CIS, it was on their basis that on the same day the decision was made to form Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the Republic of Tajikistan. On January 19, 1996, at a meeting of the top leadership of the CIS countries, the Concept for the Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts in the CIS and the Regulations on the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the CIS were adopted.

Third group establishes a mechanism for making decisions on the conduct of specific peacekeeping operations on the territory of the Commonwealth, and also includes documents that allow regularly extending the mandates of peacekeeping operations (for example, in Abkhazia, Tajikistan).

Domestic legal acts regulating the participation of military contingents of the Armed Forces in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security are: Federal Law “On the procedure for the provision by the Russian Federation of military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security” (1995 g.), Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the formation of a special military contingent V composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate V activities to maintain or restore international peace and security" (1996), Regulations on the Special Military Contingent V composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security (1996) - In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the List of formations and military units Armed Forces intended to participate V activities to maintain or restore international peace and security. On December 7, 1996, the Minister of Defense signed the order “On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 19, 1996 No. 1251 “On approval of the Regulations on a special military contingent in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security " This order recognizes the participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in operations to maintain or restore international peace and security as one of the important areas of their activity. At the same time, the functions and principles of the use of the special military contingent of the Russian Federation comply with the legal standards for the use of the CIS Collective Peacekeeping Forces.

The decision to send military contingents of the Russian Armed Forces beyond its borders to participate in peacekeeping activities is made by the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of a corresponding resolution of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Russian peacekeeping forces can be involved in resolving an armed conflict on the basis of interstate agreements: as a third neutral party-mediator (Transnistria region of the Republic of Moldova, South Ossetia, Georgia); as part of the CIS Collective Peacekeeping Forces (Republic of Tajikistan); as part of the Collective Peacekeeping Force (Abkhazia); under the auspices of the UN, OSCE, others regional organizations(former Yugoslavia).

The general management of operational operations carried out on the territory of the CIS with the participation of the RF Armed Forces is carried out by Council of Heads of State - Members of the CIS combined with control by an internationally recognized, multinational political organization(UN or OSCE), and PKOs conducted on the basis of bilateral agreements - by specially created joint (mixed) control commissions. A clear mandate must be developed in writing, outlining the objectives of the operation, its expected duration, those responsible for its implementation and their authority. For example, the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in Abkhazia and the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in Tajikistan have such a mandate.

However, the situation in local conflicts it often turns out like this in a dangerous way that Russia has to act essentially without a carefully developed political mandate and a system of political control over the activities of peacekeeping forces. Nevertheless, even in such cases a positive effect is possible, as evidenced by the cessation of armed confrontation in South Ossetia and Transnistria, when the achieved ceasefire created the preconditions for a political settlement of the conflict.

A necessary condition for conducting an AAR is consent of the parties. Russia proceeds from the fact that MS can be deployed and act only after preliminary signing international body and the conflicting parties have reached an appropriate agreement or received clear guarantees from the latter that they agree with the introduction of peacekeeping forces into the conflict zone and do not intend to oppose them. In other words, the deployment of these forces should occur, as a rule, after the situation has stabilized and if the parties have the political will to resolve the conflict through political methods. This is all the more important since the ICJ often does not have all the means to enforce its mandate and is obliged to cooperate with the opposing parties to this end.

The deployment of peacekeeping activities on the territory of the CIS countries also begins after political decision(issuing a mandate for a peacekeeping operation) of the Council of Heads of State - Members of the CIS. ABOUT the decision taken The Commonwealth Heads of State Council informs the UN Security Council and the OSCE Chairmanship.

The immediate motive for Russia's involvement in peacekeeping operations on the territory of the CIS countries is the appeal of other states to it for assistance in resolving conflicts.

There are some peculiarities in the deployment of peacekeeping activities when an armed conflict takes place within a state. As experience shows, in in this case it is necessary to seek agreement to conduct peacekeeping operations of all forces participating in the conflict, even if some of them do not represent state power. An example of this is the Agreement on the principles of a peaceful settlement in Transnistria, signed by the presidents of Russia and Moldova on July 21, 1992. In accordance with it, mixed peacekeeping forces have been created, which include military contingents from Transnistria, Moldova and Russia. A similar agreement was signed during the settlement of the conflict in South Ossetia.

In contrast to the practice of using UN peacekeeping forces, the Russian MS, as well as observers, were in a number of cases deployed to the line of contact between the parties when a ceasefire had not yet been achieved. They became, as it were, a buffer between the warring parties and formed a demilitarized zone. MF contingents are currently located in this zone, with each unit having its own area of ​​control. Units from the warring sides are deployed together with the Russian ones, and the patrols, posts and outposts that are staffed, as a rule, have a mixed composition.

In accordance with established international practice direct control of the OPM, Conducted under the auspices of the UN, international peacekeeping forces are officially under the command of the UN Secretary-General, who speaks on behalf of the Security Council. Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, takes an active part in the implementation of its control functions by this body. With the consent of the Security Council Secretary General The UN appoints a special representative to directly lead the operation, as well as a commander responsible for military unit ongoing action.

Management and control during anti-aircraft operations on the territory of countries- CIS participants are somewhat different from generally accepted international practice.

With the adoption of a political decision to conduct a specific peacekeeping operation and the conclusion of a corresponding interstate treaty (agreement), i.e. by receiving a mandate to carry it out, it is created Mixed (Joint) Control Commission (JCC or JCC) on a multilateral basis. It organizes the entry of the MS into the conflict area, and in addition, it is endowed with the necessary powers of its governments to resolve political, economic, military and other issues in the areas where peacekeeping missions are carried out, and determines the structure of the Joint Military Command and the Joint Headquarters of the peacekeeping forces. They include representatives of the Russian Migration Forces and military formations of the conflicting parties. To ensure the security regime within the security zone, commandant's offices of peacekeeping forces are created. Direct leadership of each specific operation is entrusted to the commander appointed by the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth. Military observers appointed by the parties, as well as observers from the UN, OSCE and other regional organizations interact with the Control Commission and the Joint Staff. international organizations. Management of MS units is carried out by decision of the Joint Staff and is not much different from the usual army scheme.

Concerning composition of the peacekeeping forces, then the interests of Russia correspond to the option when, on the basis of intergovernmental agreements, they include military contingents from various states. The established practice of non-participation in peacekeeping operations by contingents from particularly interested countries or countries bordering the state (states) on whose territory (or between which) a military conflict broke out is no longer considered the norm in the new realities. At the same time, agreements on the composition of forces have their own specifics compared to UN practice. For example, the Agreement on the principles of resolving the conflict in South Ossetia, signed on June 24, 1992 by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Georgia, established a Mixed Control Commission consisting of representatives of North and South Ossetia, Georgia and Russia. Under it, with the consent of the parties, Mixed Peacekeeping Forces were created, as well as Mixed Observer Groups located along the perimeter of the security zone. The development of the mechanism for using these forces was entrusted to the Mixed control commission. As a result of the measures taken in South Ossetia, it was possible to separate the warring parties, stabilize the situation, and then move on to finding ways for its political settlement.

A few words must be said about the conflict in Tajikistan, since here the first attempt was made to put into practice the Agreement on Collective Peacekeeping Forces signed within the CIS. Adopted after a thorough study of the trends in the development of the internal political situation in a number of republics of the former USSR, it reflects the desire of Russia and its neighbors, in parallel with practical measures to eliminate conflicts, to form sustainable mechanisms for peacekeeping activities within the Commonwealth for participation in possible peacekeeping operations. We do not exclude the possibility of involving peacekeeping forces of other countries under the UN or OSCE flag in peacekeeping operations in the CIS, if the need arises. The first example of such participation was Tajikistan, where a group of UN observers began work in January 1993.

International standards regulate and use of force in PKO. Russia believes that, as a rule, international peacekeeping forces will continue to be armed only with small arms and light weapons. military equipment and resort to the use of force only in self-defense (which is interpreted as countering armed attempts to obstruct the implementation of the mandate of international forces).

An important principle of the use of international peacekeeping forces in peacekeeping operations is impartiality, those. refusal of actions that may harm the rights, position or interests of the parties involved in the conflict.

International law requires maximum openness and publicity during a peacekeeping operation (restrictions in this regard are possible only for security reasons). Unified (military and political) command of the operation and constant coordination of political and military actions must be ensured.

The international community considers the implementation of these principles and requirements very an important condition both the success of the peacekeeping operation and the recognition of the legitimacy of certain actions that are carried out by groups of countries that have a mandate from the UN, OSCE or other organizations.

The role of our country as an authoritative peacekeeping force is increasingly recognized in the world. In special decisions on Abkhazia and Tajikistan, the UN Security Council welcomed Russia's actions to resolve conflicts in these regions. It is noted in UN circles that Russian peacekeeping enriches the international practice of peacekeeping operations.

Russia is actively participating in practical developments and consultations on peacekeeping activities with various international organizations (UN, OSCE, NATO and others), as well as with interested countries. Thus, in 1994, on the territory of the Totsky training ground and in 1995, on the territory of Fort Riley (Kansas, USA), joint Russian-American command and staff exercises of peacekeeping forces were held. They were preceded by painstaking work by the leadership of the Russian and US ministries of defense, experts, and commanders of units allocated to the peacekeeping forces. A special “Russian-American manual on the tactics of peacekeeping forces during exercises” was developed and published in English and Russian. During the seminars and meetings, the parties came to a deeper understanding of the essence of peacekeeping operations, including such concepts as maintaining and restoring peace, logistical support for operations, considered issues of joint decision-making and personnel training, and developed common conventional signs to designate troops during joint exercises.

Units of the Russian Armed Forces took part in the multinational peacekeeping exercises “Peace Shield-96” in Ukraine, “Tsentrazbat-97” in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. It is planned that units of the Russian Armed Forces will participate in the peacekeeping exercises “Tsentrazbat-98” on the territory of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, and within the framework of the “Partnership for Peace” program - on the territory of Albania and in Macedonia. According to the author, the practice of conducting such exercises is fully justified. It promotes mutual enrichment of experience in peacekeeping activities and makes an undoubted contribution to the development international cooperation on conflict resolution in hot spots, and also lays the foundation for planning and developing joint exercises on peacekeeping issues with NATO and CIS countries.

Continues to develop regulatory framework for peacekeeping. In June 1998, the Federal Law “On the procedure for the provision by the Russian Federation of military and civilian personnel to participate in peacekeeping activities to maintain international peace and security” came into force, which determines the status and functions of peacekeeping forces, the procedure for their recruitment, as well as the financing of peacekeeping operations. In connection with the adoption of this law, a priority task in modern conditions is the development effective mechanism its implementation, capable of ensuring coordinated efforts in the peacekeeping field of all interested ministries and departments.

I would like to draw Special attention on financing the training and equipment of military units, intended to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace. Selection Money for the maintenance of military personnel during the period of participation in peacekeeping activities in accordance with Federal law should be carried out as a separate line of the federal budget. However, these costs are still borne by the Ministry of Defense. At best, separate funding for peacekeeping activities can only begin in January 1999.

So, main positions and views of Russia on the issue of participation in international peacekeeping efforts are as follows:

Firstly, Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, strives to take the most active and feasible part in peacekeeping activities;

Secondly, Russia gives priority to participation in peacekeeping activities within organizations such as the UN and OSCE;

Thirdly, a military peacekeeping operation should be carried out only in addition to political efforts for a settlement, and have clearly defined goals and political frameworks;

fourthly, Russia is ready, on the basis of a UN mandate, to consider models and forms of participation of the Russian military in peacekeeping and restoration operations carried out within the framework of other regional security structures.

In conclusion, we emphasize: Russia’s peacekeeping meets its vital interests. Armed conflicts create a tense situation in the immediate vicinity of Russia’s borders, violate human rights, generate flows of refugees, break established transport communications and economic ties, lead to significant material losses, and can destabilize the political and economic situation in the country. Firmly pursuing a line to ensure peace and security, fulfilling obligations under agreements with the CIS countries, Russia does not oppose its peacekeeping efforts to anyone, does not demand a special position and an exclusive role for itself, but advocates the broadest participation of the UN in these activities, OSCE, others international institutions. The peoples of all states of the Earth are interested in this. And our task is to help fulfill their aspirations and hopes.

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There are a total of 36 presentations in the topic

Lesson 26


Subject: life safety.

Module 3. Ensuring the military security of the state.

Section 6. Fundamentals of state defense.

Chapter 5. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are the basis of state defense.

Lesson #26. International (peacekeeping) activities Armed Forces Russian Federation.

Date: "____" _____________ 20___

The lesson was taught by: teacher-organizer of life safety Khamatgaleev E. R.

Target: get acquainted with the main aspects of the international (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Progress of lessons

    Class organization.

Greetings. Checking the class roster.

    State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Updating knowledge.

    What are the main tasks performed by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime?

    What are the main tasks that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation solve during the period of immediate threat of aggression and in wartime?

    What is new system staffing units with soldiers and sergeants?

    Why, in your opinion, is the fight against terrorism included in the list of main tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?

    Checking homework.

Listening to several students' responses to homework(at the teacher's choice).

    Working on new material.

The main tasks of the Russian Federation in containing and preventing military conflicts include participation in international peacekeeping activities, including under the auspices of the UN and within the framework of interaction with international (regional) organizations.

Protecting the national interests of the state presupposes that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must provide reliable defense of the country. At the same time, the Armed Forces must ensure that the Russian Federation carries out peacekeeping activities both independently and in cooperation with international organizations.

The Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2010) states that the tasks of military-political cooperation of the Russian Federation include the development of relations with international organizations to prevent conflict situations, preserve and strengthen peace in various regions, including with the participation of Russian military contingents in peacekeeping operations.

To carry out peacekeeping operations under a UN mandate or under a CIS mandate, the Russian Federation provides military contingents in the manner established by federal legislation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Thus, at present, the Armed Forces are considered by the country's leadership as a deterrent, as a last resort used in cases where the use of peaceful means has not led to the elimination of a military threat to the interests of the country. Fulfilling Russia's international obligations to participate in peacekeeping operations is considered a new task for the Armed Forces to maintain peace.

In recent years, military personnel from peacekeeping units The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out tasks to maintain peace and security in four regions: Sierra Leone, the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. For example, on the territory of Abkhazia, Russian peacekeepers cleared the territory, restored life support facilities for the population, and checked technical condition railways, and also repaired roads. Russian peacekeeping doctors provided significant assistance to representatives of the local population on numerous occasions.

Currently, the military formation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is taking part in the UN peacekeeping mission in Sudan.

In order to prepare military personnel of the Russian army to participate in operations to maintain international peace and security, the 15th separate motorized rifle brigade was formed. Its fighters can be part of peacekeeping contingents by decision of the President of the Russian Federation and in the interests of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the UN, the OSCE, the Russia-NATO Council and, if necessary, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Recruitment of administrative bodies, military units and units of special military contingents is carried out on a voluntary basis based on the preliminary (competitive) selection of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract. The training and equipment of peacekeeping forces is carried out at the expense of federal budget funds allocated for defense.

While serving as part of a special military contingent, military personnel enjoy the status, privileges and immunities that are granted to UN personnel during peacekeeping operations in accordance with the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted by General Assembly UN on February 13, 1996, UN Security Convention of December 9, 1994, Protocol on the status of Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the CIS of May 15, 1992.

The CIS member states concluded an Agreement on the preparation and training of military and civilian personnel to participate in collective peacekeeping operations, determined the procedure for training and education, and approved training programs for all categories of military and civilian personnel assigned to collective peacekeeping forces.

The international activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include joint exercises, friendly visits and other events aimed at strengthening common world and mutual understanding.

In accordance with the agreement between the governments of the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway “On cooperation in searching for missing people and rescuing people in distress in the Barents Sea,” the joint Russian-Norwegian exercise “Barents 2008” was held in September 2008. On the Russian side, a rescue tug vessel of the Northern Fleet and an Air Force aircraft of the Northern Fleet took part in the exercise.


    Through its participation in peacekeeping operations, the Russian Federation contributes to the prevention of crisis situations at the stage of their inception.

    A special military contingent of peacekeepers has been formed in the Russian Federation.

    The international activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include activities aimed at strengthening common peace and mutual understanding.


    What is the significance and role of the international activities of the Russian Armed Forces?

    What is the legal basis for peacekeeping activities of the Russian Armed Forces?


    Prepare a message on the topic “Status of military personnel in the Russian peacekeeping forces.”

    Using the "Additional Materials" section, the tools mass media and Internet materials, prepare messages on one of the topics: “Actions of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Kosovo (in the territory of the former Yugoslavia)”, “Actions of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in the territory of South Ossetia in August 2008.”

    Additional materials to §26.

Use of Russian peacekeepers

The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone in South Ossetia on July 9, 1992 on the basis of the Dagomys Agreement between the Russian Federation and Georgia to resolve the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The total number of this contingent was more than 500 people.

In August 2008, Russian peacekeepers took part in repelling the illegal invasion of the territory of South Ossetia by the Georgian armed forces.

The invasion of South Ossetian territory began on the morning of August 9. Targeted air strikes were carried out at the locations where our peacekeepers were deployed. Georgian tanks and motorized infantry burst into the streets of the administrative center of South Ossetia - the city of Tskhinvali. The forces of Russian peacekeepers and South Ossetian units repelled several attacks by the aggressor.

On the same day, a decision was made to provide assistance to peacekeepers and Russian citizens living in South Ossetia, who were subject to virtual destruction. The forces and means of Russian peacekeepers have been strengthened. Peacekeeping group Russian troops carried out an operation to suppress Georgia's aggression against South Ossetia. The task set - to ensure peace in this region - was successfully completed.

Since October 1993, the 201st Motorized Rifle Division of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been part of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan. The total number of this contingent was more than 6 thousand people.

Since June 11, 1999, Russian peacekeepers have been stationed on the territory of the autonomous region of Kosovo (Yugoslavia), where in the late 90s. A serious armed confrontation arose between the Serbs and Albanians. The number of Russian contingents was 3,600 people. Russian peacekeepers were in Kosovo until August 1, 2003. The separate sector occupied by the Russians in Kosovo gave the Russian Federation equal rights in resolving this international conflict with the five leading NATO countries (USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy).

In the African republic of Sierra Leone in 2000-2005. There was a Russian peacekeeping contingent for aviation support of the UN mission. The contingent's tasks included air escort and cover for columns of UN troops and humanitarian convoys. The number of contingents was 115 people.

The Russian Federation bears a special responsibility for maintaining security in the CIS space. Thus, in Transnistria, in order to peacefully resolve the armed conflict and on the basis of the relevant agreement, joint peacekeeping forces of Russia and Moldova are still present.

    End of lesson.

    Homework. Prepare for retelling §26 “International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (pp. 128-131); complete tasks 1 and 2 (section “Tasks”, p. 130).

    Giving and commenting on ratings.

>>International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

5.6. International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The international activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation today are inextricably linked with the implementation of military reform in our country and the reform of the Armed Forces.

As you know, the starting point for reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 “On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure.” On July 31, 1997, the President approved the Concept for the development of the Armed Forces for the period until 2000.

Military reform is based on a solid theoretical basis, the results of calculations, taking into account the changes that took place in the early 90s. in the geopolitical situation in the world, the nature international relations and the changes that have occurred in Russia itself. The main goal of military reform is to ensure Russia's national interests, which in the defense sphere are to ensure the security of individuals, society and the state from military aggression from other states.

Currently, to prevent war and armed conflicts in the Russian Federation, preference is given to political, economic and other non-military means. At the same time, it is taken into account that, while the non-use of force has not yet become the norm of international relations, national interests The Russian Federation requires sufficient military power for its defense.

In this regard, the most important task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to ensure nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both nuclear and conventional large-scale or regional war.

The national interests of the state presuppose that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must provide reliable defense of the country. At the same time, the Armed Forces must ensure that the Russian Federation carries out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations. The interests of ensuring Russia's national security predetermine the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world.

Long-term goals of ensuring Russia's national security also determine the need for Russia's broad participation in peacekeeping operations. The implementation of such operations is aimed at preventing or eliminating crisis situations at the stage of their inception.

So currently Armed forces The country's leadership is considered a deterrent factor, as a last resort used in cases where the use of peaceful means has not led to the elimination of a military threat to the interests of the country. Fulfilling Russia's international obligations to participate in peacekeeping operations is considered a new task for the Armed Forces to maintain peace.

The main document that determined the creation of Russian peacekeeping forces, the principles of their use and the procedure for using them is the Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for providing the Russian Federation with military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security” (adopted by the State Duma on May 26, 1995 .).

To implement this law, in May 1996, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 637 “On the formation of a special military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

In accordance with this decree, a special military contingent with a total strength of 22 thousand people, consisting of 17 motorized rifle and 4 parachute battalions, was formed in the Russian Armed Forces.

In total, until April 2002, one thousand military personnel from the peacekeeping units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out tasks to maintain peace and security in two regions - the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, Abkhazia.

The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova on June 23, 1992 on the basis of the Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation on the principles of the peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. The total number of peacekeeping troops was about 500 people.

On March 20, 1998, negotiations were held in Odessa to resolve the Transnistrian conflict with the participation of Russian, Ukrainian, Moldavian and Transnistrian delegations.

The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone in South Ossetia (Georgia) on July 9, 1992 on the basis of the Dagomys Agreement between the Russian Federation and Georgia on the settlement of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The total number of this contingent was more than 500 people.

The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone in Abkhazia on June 23, 1994 on the basis of the Agreement on a Ceasefire and Separation of Forces. The total number of this contingent was about 1,600 people.

Since October 1993, the 201st Motorized Rifle Division of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been part of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan. The total number of this contingent was more than 6 thousand people (inset, photo 36).

Since June 11, 1999, Russian peacekeepers have been on the territory of the autonomous region of Kosovo (Yugoslavia), where in the late 90s. A serious armed confrontation arose between the Serbs and Albanians. The number of Russian contingents was 3,600 people. A separate sector occupied by Russians in Kosovo gave the Russian Federation equal rights in resolving this issue. ethnic conflict with the five leading NATO countries (USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy).

Recruitment of administrative bodies, military units and units of special military contingents is carried out on a voluntary basis based on the preliminary (competitive) selection of military personnel undergoing military service. service by contract. The training and equipment of peacekeeping forces is carried out at the expense of federal budget funds allocated for defense.

While serving as part of a special military contingent, military personnel enjoy the status, privileges and immunities that are granted to UN personnel during peacekeeping operations in accordance with the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted by the UN General Assembly on February 13, 1996, the Convention on UN Security of December 9, 1994, Protocol on the status of Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the CIS of May 15, 1992.

The personnel of the special military contingent are equipped with small arms. When performing tasks on the territory of the CIS countries, personnel are provided with all types of allowances in accordance with the standards established in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Preparation and education military personnel of the peacekeeping contingent are carried out at the bases of a number of formations of the Leningrad and Volga-Ural military districts, as well as at the Higher Officer Courses “Vystrel” in the city of Solnechnogorsk (Moscow region).

The CIS member states concluded an Agreement on the preparation and training of military and civilian personnel to participate in collective peacekeeping operations, determined the procedure for training and education, and approved training programs for all categories of military and civilian personnel assigned to collective peacekeeping forces.

The international activities of the Russian Armed Forces include joint exercises, friendly visits and other events aimed at strengthening common peace and mutual understanding.

On August 7-11, 2000, the joint Russian-Moldovan peacekeeping exercise “Blue Shield” was held.

Questions and tasks

1. The significance and role of the international activities of the Russian Armed Forces in carrying out military reform.
2. Legal framework for peacekeeping activities of the Russian Armed Forces.
3. Status of military personnel of the Russian peacekeeping forces.

Smirnov A. T., Fundamentals of life safety: Textbook. for 11th grade students. general education institutions / A. T. Smirnov, B. I. Mishin, V. A. Vasnev. - 3rd ed. - M.: Education, 2002. - 159 p. - ill.

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