Statements about lawyers. Clever aphorisms and quotes about law and law

“For Those Who Sew” is a favorite magazine for investigators and prosecutors.

...Yes, there is a thrill in being law-abiding...

Dura lex, sed lex: the law is harsh... Dura! Run to a lawyer!

It would be nice to hold the state accountable for hiding its own taxes from the population.

The lawyer should present the case openly and clearly... then he himself will be able to confuse it. A. Manzoni.

A lawyer never loses, his clients quite often do.

A lawyer is needed only in a country where the state respects the rights of its citizens. For a lawyer acts with only one and only force: the force of law. Where the right of citizens is only a pitiful image of this and they prefer to act in relation to people by state arbitrariness, where the rule of force is preferable to the force of law, the lawyer in such a country is powerless. And therefore it is not needed.

Lawyer Pravdolyubov acted as a prosecutor at the trial: he accused the prosecutor's office of the flaws in the investigation.

The lawyer assured the client of the outcome of the case, but did not tell him what it would be.

The lawyer, judge and prosecutor, after drinking copious amounts of libation in the Dobryi Barin restaurant, started singing the song “Three Tankmen.” As a result of the subsequent friendly harmony, they also managed to drag out the cases of three taxi drivers, three artists and three racists.

They don’t change lawyers on the way from prison to prison.

You need to get a lawyer while you are still free.

A lawyer should always look down on fees, but never lose sight of them.

The intermediary lawyer received half, not the 10 percent established by market practice.

Lawyers can be so expensive that it is easier to buy a judge.

Amnesty is the generosity of the state towards those criminals whom it cannot afford to punish. Ambrose Bierce.

Appetite comes with eating, and a lawyer is called in times of trouble. It would be a good idea to invite a lawyer during meals. Look, there would be no trouble.

Safe sex the American way is sex with a condom in the presence of a lawyer.

Useless laws weaken necessary laws. Charles Montesquieu.

God is not a judge - he does not take bribes.

A rich practice does not always make a lawyer better, but it always makes him richer.

In America, a toad with a straw sued a child for one hundred thousand dollars.

In the column “Education” I honestly wrote - illegal higher education.

There were no former employees from the gendarmerie in the pre-revolutionary bar.

In one law firm there is a picture hanging on the wall that most accurately reflects the essence of this profession: two men are arguing over who owns a cow, one is pulling it by the horns, the other by the tail, and at the same time the lawyer is calmly milking this same cow...

IN primitive society there was a ban on murder and cannibalism. Those who broke the law were killed and eaten.

In Russia people do not suffer from alcoholism. They enjoy it.

In Russia, thieves are divided into simply thieves, thieves in law and thieves for whom the law is not written.

In Russia you can earn a lot of money, you just have to live, then you have to go to England.

In Russia, there are now two possible scenarios for the development of events: the WORST and the UNLIKELY.

In Russia, the number of contract killings has decreased... The quality has increased.

In dispute, truth is born and friendship dies.

Third world countries have harsh laws. For theft, they cut off a hand there. For escaping from prison - a leg. But it doesn’t even smell like rape there.

In the USA, fools live by reasonable laws; In Russia, smart people try to live by idiotic laws.

Everything should be in a person. (Pathologist).

In legal matters, one should turn not to common sense, but to lawyers.

Due to the fact that the accused took bribes in conventional units, the court decides to give a suspended sentence...

A trial took place in Florida and the fraudster was sentenced in absentia to eight hundred and forty-five years in prison. It was announced that if he turned himself in, the sentence would be halved. I was hoping this would help. But this did not help (from a real speech by an Interpol agent).

Abstinence does not pass without a trace: some people develop acne, others have laws on the protection of morality... (K. Kraus).

After all, Themis was a true woman: who else would have thought of weighing blindfolded and at the same time not allowing doubts!

Any lawyer's work requires more time than the client thinks.

Yesterday I was looking for justice! Today I'm looking for a new job...

Winning the process is not the main thing, the main thing is not to lose.

The highest legislator is genes. V. Shwebel.

Saying “goodbye” to bailiffs is a bad omen.

The State Duma of Russia adopted the draft law in the first reading (A. Kozak).

Yes, it’s enough for you to break the law...

Why am I so obedient to the law?!

Even the biggest truth is powerless against a little lie if the lie suits everyone!

Two lawyers - three opinions.

The judge's job is to interpret the law, not to grant it. F. Bacon.

Democracy is when two wolves and a sheep decide by majority vote what they will have for dinner...

Democracy is measured by the distance a person can walk without showing an ID.

Democracy is when two wolves and a sheep decide by majority vote what they will have for dinner...

Money is earned through blood and sweat. The blood of enemies and then of slaves.

Money doesn't smell, fees do.

For a lawyer, serving the state is a pathology.

It is the duty of judges to administer justice, and their profession is to delay it; many judges know their duty and continue to practice their craft. J. Labruyère.

A lawyer's thoughts about the eternal: there are always not enough wealthy clients.

The law is not written to fools; if it is written, it is not read; if it is read, it is not understood; if it is understood, it is not understood...

Holes in the law are networks through which big fish and the small one gets stuck.

The only way to get people to obey laws is to legalize theft.

If laws could speak out loud, the first thing they would complain about was the lawyers. D. Halifax.

If you fail to take the place of a judge, you can always take the place of a defendant.

If you find a treasure, then legally take one quarter of it for yourself, and bury the rest!

If the thing doesn't stick, they sew it on.

If the Law blindfolds the Goddess of Laws, Themis, then what can be said about the executors of the Law?

If you can remain a scoundrel without breaking a single law, then these laws were created by scoundrels for their own convenience.

If you start saying only what they want to hear from you, then soon they will tell you how much you know and think correctly.

Unless proven otherwise, everyone is considered honest.

If the truth is against you, turn your back on it and it will be behind you.

If you are your own lawyer, then your client is an idiot.

If you do not have a criminal record, then this is not your dignity, but our shortcoming (judicial saying).

If the facts do not support the lawyer's theory, they must be disposed of.

If a lawyer cannot keep a debate to 30 minutes, then he better sit down and write a book.

If you think learning is expensive, try finding out how much ignorance costs.

The cruelty of Russian laws is mitigated by their lack of implementation.

Life is like a dog sled. If you are not the leader, the picture never changes.

A jury is a group of people brought together for one purpose, to determine which side gets the best lawyer.

Dependent advocacy is a silent advocacy.

Envy is such a special sense of justice. There are two types: selfish and selfless. Selfish - “I want me to have this too!”, selfless - “I want him not to have this either!”

The law is a fence in which there is only one gate for honest people and many loopholes for dishonest people.

The law is what we explain (a saying of ancient Roman jurists).

You can’t get around the law in Cozanostra...

The law is on the side of everyone who has a good lawyer.

What a law! It cannot be violated.

Defending an evil act is worse than the act itself. B. Gracian.

Knowing the law does not free you from temptation.

Knowledge of the laws does not relieve one from responsibility for their implementation.

The golden rule of politics: do it once, boast seven times.

And limited clients can have unlimited capabilities.

From the prosecutor's report: “The people were imprisoned for a total of 328 years.”

From an advertisement for a law firm. In our country, for some reason, people believe that knowing the law they can win in court. Although even schoolchildren understand that knowledge does not always correspond to assessment. Don't step on the law's rake yourself. Lawyers will do it better.

Just because the law is not written to fools, it does not follow that they do not take part in writing it.

When studying the ABCs of life, do not forget about the letter of the law.

Sometimes it happens that a decent person becomes a legislator.

An instruction is a paper that is usually read in two cases: 1. When there is nothing to read. 2. When everything is already broken.

The deputy's claim to the court for the protection of honor and dignity was rejected due to the plaintiff's lack of such.

The truth for a lawyer is in the regulations. Don't let the facts fool you.

The starting point for the investigator is the mistake of the criminal. The starting point for the lawyer is the investigator's mistake.

An idea came to the lawyer, but not finding him at the bar, she went to the prosecutor.

Every lawyer should carry Plevako's fee in his case, like a marshal's baton in a soldier's backpack.

Every respectable lawyer should put his enemy in prison, grow his bank account and create a precedent.

How much harm rules can do once you put everything in strict order.

What kind of our production is comparable in profitability to legal proceedings? (Grigory Yablonsky).

A lawyer's client is usually not an angel. But the doctor’s client may well become one.

When we break the law we are fined, when we do the right thing we are charged taxes...

It is easier to negotiate with a hungry tiger than with a well-fed sheep.

It is better to acquit ten guilty than to accuse one innocent. Catherine II

Less fees - more fees.

Many who do evil will be justified by their rank. G. Theologian.

Fashion returns not because the previous one has exhausted itself, but because the next generation of legislators has reached maturity and influence. This allows them to dictate their preferences, formed in their youth (N. Pashchenko).

Without fish, the investigator is a lawyer.

He was defended at trial best fathers Zhirinovsky...

You have to be a lawyer to know how much can be said in favor of one side or the other and how little honesty can be shown in doing so. P. Bovey.

It is in vain that they say that there is no free cheese. Happens! And he is located right there, in the mousetrap. But it always goes to the second mouse...

How much fairer does a lawyer think a case for which he has been generously paid? B.Pascal

Don't look for malice in something that can be explained by stupidity.

Don't look for excuses, they should be at hand!

Don't let the facts fool you.

Making a mistake is not as scary as not having anyone to blame it on.

If you don’t want to do it in an amicable way, we will do it according to the law.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Knowledge is easy. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec).

Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from pregnancy.

Some people claim that they made it to the top, when in fact, they just floated up there.

Some unwritten laws are stronger than all written ones. Seneca the Elder

There are no bad defendants, only bad lawyers.

Nothing builds confidence in a lawyer like paying in advance.

A normal person in our country responds to his surroundings in only one way - he drinks. Therefore, a non-drinker is still a bastard.

About the lawyer: He walked around the right from the left.

Announcement: I will hire a lawyer. During the probationary period, you need to complete a difficult task, according to the law, to dismiss the previous one.

One and the same person cannot be Russian, rich and honest at the same time.

He had long been considered a famous lawyer, but no one knew about it.

The experience of a human rights defender is measured not by the number of cases won, but by the number of people to whom he has provided assistance.

Organized crime is organized by the state.

Plato is my friend, but a lawyer is more valuable.

By Russian laws You can buy vodka from the age of 18, but drink it only from the 21st... Well, where do you think I should store it for three whole years?

Caught is a thief, not caught is a witness.

The lawyer's journey from the investigator to the prosecutor resembled a journey from Something to Nothing.

Why is a woman’s desire a law, and a man’s desire an article?

Why does the judge always have such an honest face?

Almost according to A.M. Gorky: If a lawyer does not give up, he is destroyed.

Almost according to I.A. Krylov: Some lawyers are just big bullies before they fight.

Almost like Napoleon: To the question: “What preparations are needed to prepare for the trial on charges of the P-ov banker?” lawyer Vzyatkin replied: “Only three things: money, money and money again.”

Almost according to Shota Rustaveli: Only he is worthy of the title of lawyer who is ready to fight for his rights.

You begin to lead a righteous life when there is no longer any strength or money left for a sinful one.

The rule of law begins with the fact that every citizen is provided inalienable right: either follow the rules or follow the regime.

The loss of a lawyer in a case does not mean a loss of his status.

Prosecutors, once retired, are constantly poking around in the garden. Not for the sake of the harvest, they simply cannot help but plant.

The professions of a politician, teacher, doctor and lawyer are obviously criminal, because politicians live on lies, teachers on illiteracy, doctors on diseases, and lawyers on human problems. What will they live on if everyone tells the truth, is literate, healthy and happy?

You need to forgive your enemies so that they cry.

Only those for whom life can no longer change for the worse can enjoy life.

Thinking about a better life more often leads to thinking about the Criminal Code.

The difference between historians and lawyers is only in points of view: historians see causes without noticing the consequences; lawyers notice only the effects, without seeing the causes. V. Klyuchevsky.

The decision of the Last Judgment can be appealed to the Last Court of Appeal.

Russia will never die out, because there has never been real life in it...

Sitting down in front of the mirror in the morning, a woman holds court for herself, and every day the judge in her soul becomes stricter, but the lawyer becomes more sophisticated.

The most exploited parts of our legislation are its holes.

A free person always says whatever he thinks. But not everyone.

Make your legal entity simpler, then individuals will come to you.

The secret of success in life is associated with honesty and integrity: if you do not have these qualities, success is guaranteed!

The secret of success in life is associated with honesty and integrity: if you do not have these qualities, success is guaranteed!

Tell me who your lawyer is, and I will tell you who you are!

The tales about the Serpent Gorynych convincingly proved: the bigger the head you are, the more hunters there are to kill you.

No matter how hard you take a lawyer, he still looks into your wallet. (Regarding V.I. Lenin’s statement that “a lawyer must be handled with a tight fist”).

No matter how much you steal from the state, you still won’t get yours back!

The sweet life is like sweet water: it quenches your thirst while you swallow it.

The words “lawyer” and “fee” do not rhyme, but they are consonant.

Advice to a lawyer speaking in court arguments: “When hoping for freedom of speech, think about who will carry the packages.”

Advice to a lawyer: A criminal is clay, eager to turn into mud. Work with clay, but don't get dirty!

Advice to a novice lawyer: Having ensured reliable protection for the client, make sure that the prosecutor knows about it.

Lawyer's advice: Take people's word, certified by signature and seal.

Disputes and conflicts gave rise to judges and lawyers, and reluctance to argue gave rise to notaries.

The country does not need a “person who looks like an attorney general,” but a prosecutor general who looks like a person.

The only thing worse than the laws in Russia is the practice of their application.

Judges are a tenacious people. A. Dumas the father.

The judge is speaking law, and the law is a dumb judge. Cicero.

A judge who sentences a defendant in a fit of rage deserves the death sentence himself. M. Montaigne.

A judge who condemns an innocent condemns himself. Publius Sir.

Judging by the draft laws, the best hemp grows near the State Duma.

There are two types of lawyers: those who know the law and those who know the judge.

The similarity between a lawyer and a prosecutor is a rare phenomenon. As a rule, a lawyer differs from a prosecutor in the same way as a car differs from a steam locomotive. A steam locomotive travels on rails, and a car travels both on a well-worn road and off-road. A car with high ground clearance is called an “all-terrain vehicle,” and a highly qualified lawyer is called a “master.” Steam locomotives have the same ground clearance; everything on all locomotives is adjusted to the standard. There are no masters among prosecutors. Although this does not at all exclude high professionals in this activity. After all, there are wonderful locomotives, even armored trains, that go where a car cannot go.

Where there are ten thousand regulations, there can be no respect for the law (Winston Churchill).

Comrade, believe! The time will come for prosperity and law and order, But before that, our numbers will be written on our heels.

Some lawyers' language is indeed a mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod.

Every good income item has its own bad number in the Criminal Code.

With us, whoever protects something has it. For example, according to the law, the president must protect the constitution...

We don’t even smell of corruption, we stink of it.

Are you surprised why laws are not adopted in the first reading? Do you even know what most of the deputies had in reading?

There are no convenient lawyers.

It is easiest to govern with the help of laws when the consequence of their non-compliance is remorse (Wilhelm Schwebel).

Fortune smiles on those whom Themis does not notice.

Franklin: “A man who has achieved respect for his legal rights brings greater benefit to the state than a man who obediently performs his duties.”

A good criminal lawyer will find twelve loopholes in the Ten Commandments.

Well-washed and properly prepared brains are the basis of state cuisine.

Want more rights? Get more responsibility.

Civilization has led to the fact that it no longer matters who is right and who is wrong, what matters is whose lawyer is better.

The security officer-lawyer is legal gobbledygook, reflecting the insanity of the modern era.

The more the lawyer says, the less the judge will remember.

The less legality there is in a state, the more lawyers there are.

Are you an honest person or a thief? There is no single criterion to answer this question. It all depends on the reporting point and which lawyer is defending you and which court is trying.

What will happen after the Last Judgment? As usual - rehabilitation!

What is an error for one person is the source data for a claim for another.

What a bribe is to a prosecutor is a fee to a lawyer!

To live well in Russia, you don’t have to break the laws. They must be bypassed.

We sew the case from the customer’s materials.

Legal practice is a service, not a service.

The legal department of a commercial company is the department for combating legislation.

A lawyer is more unselfish than even a mouse - he feeds only on holes.

A lawyer is ready to do anything to win the case. Sometimes he is even ready to tell the truth.

A lawyer must act for the benefit of justice and to the detriment of unfair justice.

A lawyer differs from others in that he uses words like mathematical formulas.

The lawyer is widely known in narrow circles.

It is not enough for a lawyer to know his worth - he must also be in demand.

Lawyers deal with the law in the same way as shoemakers deal with leather: they shred it, stretch it, squeeze it, turn it inside out, just to achieve the shape they want.

I may not agree with your opinion, but I am ready to give my life for your right to express it. F. Voltaire

I don't know how to do anything except prosecutor. I am a third generation prosecutor (Vladimir Ustinov, Prosecutor General of Russia).

Home \ Humor \ Aphorisms about lawyers Two lawyers – eight opinions. If you do not have a criminal record, then this is not your dignity, but our shortcoming (judicial saying) I will hire a lawyer. During the probationary period, you need to complete a difficult task - legally dismiss the previous one. A real excerpt from a real Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of a real bank: “P.6. Prohibit legal consultant Yozhikov from answering on the phone: “Bank Vozrozhdenie, Yozhikov, I’m listening...” - in connection with incorrect subsequent questions from counterparties...” The lawyer differs from others in that he uses words as mathematical formulas. The less legality there is in a state, the more lawyers there are. The law is what we explain (a saying of ancient Roman jurists). They don’t skimp on advertising, doctors and lawyers...

Aphorisms, quotes about justice, law and lawyers


Winston Churchill

  • No. 12084A riot seems senseless and merciless only to those who are beaten. Those who hit consider him in highest degree fair and filled with the deepest meaning.
  • No. 11940Still, Themis was a true woman: who else would have thought of weighing blindfolded and at the same time not allowing doubts!
  • No. 10874The great business of legislation is to create the public good out of the greatest number of private interests.

Pierre Buast
  • No. 10843 It is not at all difficult to be kind: it is difficult to be fair. Victor Hugo
  • No. 10649 There is no more painful punishment than not being punished.

  • Akutagawa Ryunosuke
  • No. 10401All hope based on merit is legitimate. Publius Ovid Naso
  • No. 10202 Punishment is justice for injustice.
  • Aphorisms and quotes about lawyers

    A good lawyer is the one who can prove to the director of the sperm bank that they need a taster. Lawyers either know the law well or know the judge well.


    A good lawyer will chew through any article of the criminal code like a mouse in a wheel of cheese. The law protects everyone who can hire a good lawyer.

    Good lawyers, for the most part, live honestly, work hard, and die poor. Go to the courthouse and look around, whoever is happy to see you is the lawyer.
    Lawyers pave the road to hell. Lawyers are people who are subjectively inclined to apply the law, and objectively to pay a fee. A lawyer is a person who can find loopholes not only in investment commandments.

    The lawyer is assessed by the size of the plaintiff's claims. A lawyer is a hired conscience. Knowledge of the laws frees you from paying for lawyers' chatter. Tell your friends about the publication “Lawyer.

    Aphorisms of great people about lawyers and advocates

    Author unknown A lawyer is a person who loves his profession, but does not love the business he is leading.V. Zubkov The jury consists of 12 people who must decide whose lawyer is better. Robert Frost A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred guys with revolvers. M.

    Puzo The aspiring lawyer has one thing important advantage- he did not lose a single trial.V. Zubkov The case entrusted to the lawyer seems doubly fair to him if he was paid in advance.B.

    Pascal A client, at least somewhat knowledgeable, always knows his case better than other lawyers: lawyers bend over backwards and work themselves hoarse just to show their knowledge of absolutely everything, except, however, the case itself, but at the same time there are very few of them I'm touched by the fact that they ruined the client, bored the listeners and put the judges to sleep...P.

    Advocate. cool aphorisms about lawyers


    Wednesday, October 30, 2013 16:01 A lawyer differs from others in that he uses words like mathematical formulas ***They say lawyers have no conscience. for the money that our clients pay us, we cannot afford such expensive thing like conscience. If they pay more, we will buy a conscience. ***The legal department of a commercial company is a department for combating Russian legislation.

    ***Not just lawyers are in demand, but qualified scoundrels and professional perverts of the law. ***The credo of a seasoned lawyer: “The Last Judgment? What authority? ***If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers. (Charles Dickens) *** Nowadays there is no such face that would not be made into a legal entity. ***He fits all counts,” the prosecutor said about the defendant.


    Cool aphorisms from the greats about lawyers A lawyer is ready to do anything to win the case. Sometimes he is even ready to tell the truth. To further confuse the matter, the lawyer needed to clearly understand what it was.

    He was an unimportant lawyer, for which he received the nickname halfback. Advocacy is the art of securing humanity by all legal means.

    A clever lawyer milks two clients with one left! A good lawyer studies the law, a smart lawyer invites the judge to lunch. The Christian turns the other cheek to the slap. The lawyer includes the slap in the bill. Please note that at the Last Judgment, lawyers will be too busy to defend you! To interpret the law in court, you need to have a nose for it, plus a lawyer's sense. Facts are stubborn things, but not with good lawyers. Between shitting yourself and getting off, you have the right to one call to a lawyer.

    Quotes about jurisprudence and lawyers

    Aphorisms about lawyers

    Beaumarchais Most good lawyers live well, work hard and die poor.D. Webster In legal matters, one should turn not to common sense, but to lawyers. Robert Lembke It is unwise to be born without a lawyer. Gennady Malkin The job of a judge is to always follow the truth when analyzing cases; The job of a defender is sometimes to defend what is plausible, even if it is not the whole truth. Marcus Tullius Cicero The job of a lawyer is not to bring cases to trial. Elihu Root Nothing should be hidden from a confessor, matchmaker, doctor and lawyer, but the whole truth should not be told either. French wisdom Honesty is the best policy because lawyers are too expensive.

    If the defendant refuses a lawyer, it means he has decided to tell the truth. DERSHOWITZ RULES:1. Never trust the police and the prosecutor.2.

    Never trust journalists.3. Never trust your client. Alan Dershowitz ADVICE TO A LAWYER.

    Bo Diddley A lawyer is a learned gentleman who saves your property from your enemies and takes it for himself.Henry Peter Broome A lawyer's advice is worth nothing until it is paid for.English saying In a bullfight, it is not the bulls who win, but the men. In human battles, it is not the people who win, but the lawyers. Norman Augustine After winning a case, a lawyer tells a client, “We win,” after losing, “You lose.” Louis Naiser Lawyers hold a client innocent until proven insolvent. Robin Hall The ideal client is a very rich man in very big trouble. John Sterling Litigants are like two halves of scissors: they destroy what is between them, but not each other. Daniel Webster A town that cannot support even one lawyer, always can feed two.

    Wise sayings from and about lawyers

    There are lawyers so expensive that it is cheaper to hire a judge. (Humor) Knowledge of the laws frees you from paying for the chatter of lawyers (Elena Ermolova) Anyone who wants to justify their existence must also be able to be God’s lawyer before the devil. (Friedrich Nietzsche) Good lawyers are usually hired by bad guys. ( Folk wisdom) A good lawyer will bring the process to a close. (Georgy Alexandrov) A smart, cold-blooded lawyer will turn a criminal into a hero. (Georgy Alexandrov) If you are your own lawyer, then your client is an idiot. (American proverb) Nothing thinks itself so right as left-wing justice! (Leonid S. Sukhorukov) You simply cannot imagine how much a person may not remember if he is called as a witness. (Laurence Peter) It is known that the essence of the case is the domain of the litigants themselves, while the form is the property of the judges.

    A rich practice does not always make a better lawyer, but it always makes him richer. If a lawyer demonstrates the ability to protect the interests of the entire people, then he has a chance to become president.

    A talented lawyer will build a protective wall that neither prosecutors nor judges can cross. A well-fed auditor is not a friend. When Themis faces the truth, the influence of the bandage is especially noticeable.
    Stop, just a moment! You're under arrest! A lawyer sells his morals, ethics and views to the highest bidder. If you cannot find a lawyer who knows the law well, find a lawyer who knows the judge well. A real lawyer is always worthwhile. There are lawyers so expensive that it is cheaper to hire a judge. The difference between a lawyer and a condom is that punctures with the same lawyer can happen multiple times.

    Lawyers make their living by trying to benefit from what their peers have written. Many lawyers are honest people and are not afraid to name the amount of their fees.

    A lawyer is more disinterested than even a mouse - if a mouse stealthily gnaws on someone else’s cheese, then a lawyer honestly feeds only on holes in social laws. A lawyer is a person who is paid not to explain what is allowed by law, but to explain how to do what is prohibited by law.

    A good lawyer will be able to sharpen his thoughts so much that he is able to cut through any accusations with them. A lawyer is someone who helps people stand up for themselves so that they don’t sit for others...

    The lawyer looks for the positive in the crime and the negative in the punishment. A selection of cool aphorisms about lawyers A lawyer is a person who protects his financial interests.

    Students at our Academy learn Latin. And all these phrases are learned by heart.......

    1. Dura lex, sed lex. - Severe, but the law.
    2. Iustitia – fundamentum regni. – Justice is the basis of the state.
    3. Summum ius – summa iniuria. – The highest right is the highest injustice.
    4. Nemo iudex in propria causa. – No one is a judge in his own case.
    5. Testis unus – testis nullus. - One witness is not a witness.
    6. Usus est tyrannus. - Custom is a tyrant.
    7. Nomen est omen. – A name is a sign.
    8. Semel heres semper heres. – Once an heir, always an heir.
    9. Applicatio est vita regulae. – Application is the life of the law.
    10. Magna neglegentia culpa est, magna culpa dolus est. – Great carelessness is negligence, great negligence is intent.
    11. Ex aequo et bono. – With goodness and justice.\ With justice and goodness.
    12. In dubio pro reo. – Doubt in favor of the defendant.
    13. Qui timetur, timet. “Whoever is afraid, fears himself.”
    14. Sine precio nulla venditio est. – Without a price there is no sale.
    15. Naturam mutare pecunia nescit. – Money cannot change nature.
    16. Invito beneficium non datur. – Good is not given against one’s will.
    17. Divide et impera. - Divide and rule.
    18. Superficies ad dominum soli cedit. – The superficies pass to the owner of the land.
    19. Ius est ars boni et aequi. – Law is the art of goodness and justice.
    20. Non solet locatio dominium mutare. – Renting does not tend to change property.
    21. Ipso iure. – By virtue of the law itself./ By the law itself.
    22. Tertium non datur. - There is no third.
    23. Contra bonos mores. - Against good morals.
    24. Pacta tertiis nec nocent, nec prosunt. – Agreements do not harm or help third parties.
    25. Socii mei socius meus socius non est. “My companion’s companion is not my companion.”
    26. Pater is est quem nuptiae demonstrant. – The father is the one whom marriage indicates.
    27. Nullus terminus falso est. - There are no limits to lies. / There are no limits to lies.
    28. Eius est velle, qui potest nolle. “It is fitting for one to desire, whoever may not desire.”
    29. Cui bono est? - Who benefits?
    30. Ibi potest valere populus, ubi leges valent. “The people can have power there, where laws have power.”
    31. Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur. – No one is punished for thoughts.
    32. Confessi pro iudicatis habentur. – Those who confess are considered convicted.
    33. Iudicis est ius dicere, non dare. – A judge should create justice, not create law.
    34. Ab omni iudicio provocari licet. – Any court decision can be appealed.
    35. Aeque in omnibus fraus punitur. – Lies are punished equally for everyone.
    36. Cui prodest? – Who benefits?
    37. Heres, succedens in honore, succedit in onere. – The heir who inherits a blessing also inherits a painful burden.
    38. Ira furor brevis est. – Anger is short-term madness.
    39. Furiosus absentis loco est. - A madman is like an absent one.
    40. Obligatio est iuris vinculum. - Obligation is a bond of law.
    41. Male parta male dilabuntur. – What is badly acquired perishes badly.
    42. Diligenter fines mandati custodiendi sunt. – The boundaries of orders must be observed.
    43. Ad paenitendum properat, cito qui iudicat. – He who hastily judges hastens to repentance.
    44. Abusus non tollit usum. – Abuse does not eliminate use.
    45. Est res sanctissima civilis sapientia. – The science of law is the most sacred matter.
    46. ​​Imperitia culpae adnumeratur. – Inexperience is considered a fault.
    47. Lex prospicit, non respicit.– Law (...?)
    48. Minus solvit, qui tardius solvit. – He who returns slower returns less.
    49. In iudicando criminosa est celeritas.– B court cases haste is criminal.
    50. Optima est legum interpres consuetudo.– The best interpreter of laws is practice.
    51. Pudor doceri non potest, nasci potest. – Shame cannot be learned, /it/ can be born.
    52. Sapere aude! - Decide to be wise!
    53. Seditio civium hostium est occasio. – Revolt of citizens is the success of enemies.
    54. Reus iisdem privilegiis utitur, quibus et actor. – The defendant enjoys the same rights as the plaintiff.
    55. Semper in dubiis benigniora praeferenda sunt. – Always in doubtful cases they prefer softer /solutions/.
    56. Tacito consensu omnium.– Thanks to the silent consent of all.
    57. Tironibus parcendum est. – New recruits (novices) should be spared.
    58. Ubi iudicat, qui accusat, vis, non lex valet. – Where the one who accuses judges, violence, not the law, rules.
    59. Verba cum effectu sunt accipienda.– Words should be perceived according to the result.
    60. Tutor rem pupilli emere non potest. – The guardian cannot buy the ward’s thing.

    They have become so integral to the lives of Russians that it is difficult to imagine what the world would be like without them. After all, in addition to everything else, it is very ancient profession. The first lawyers appeared in Ancient Greece and Rome. They were always respected and honored. The work of a lawyer is still considered one of the most prestigious today. But what exactly did famous people say about the so-called lawyers? And what are the most famous quotes?

    Quotes about lawyers

    1) “I went broke twice: at the moment when I lost the lawsuit and when I won it.” One of the most famous quotes about lawyers belongs to the famous eighteenth-century philosopher Voltaire.

    2) “Having won a case, a lawyer congratulates his ward: “We have won,” and, having lost, declares: “You have been defeated.” Quote from the twentieth-century British writer Louis Naiser.

    3) A lawyer and politician from nineteenth-century Great Britain, Genty Broome, defined the essence of the legal profession as follows: “A lawyer is an educated gentleman who will prevent your enemies from getting your property and will take it into their hands.”

    4) There is also a more modern saying that is humorous in nature. “If you can’t understand what you’re reading even after the fifth time, then you’re reading what a lawyer wrote.”

    5) None other than Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II, said: “In a civilization there must be freedom to criticize government, freedom of speech and assembly, freedom to choose religion, freedom from racial prejudice and legal justice.”

    6) “The purpose and purpose of legislation is to create a common good on the basis of private interests.” This quote about the law comes from Pierre Boiste, a famous nineteenth-century lexicographer from France.

    8) A twentieth-century writer originally from Japan said: “The most painful punishment is its absence.”

    9) Another quote about lawyers comes from the pen of Johann Wolfgang Goethe. “Whoever begins to study all the laws will not be able to find time to break them.”

    Ironic Quotes

    10) Nineteenth-century British writer Charles Dickens stated about the work of lawyers: “There would be no bad people, there would be no good lawyers."

    11) A rather specific quote about lawyers belongs to the British statesman George Saville. “If laws had the power of speech, they would first of all complain about lawyers.”

    12) Karl Heinrich Marx, philosopher and public figure Germany, said: “Moral strength cannot be created by paragraphs of law.”

    13) “We must become slaves of the law in order to gain freedom.” The quote belongs to Marcus Tullius Cicero, orator, philosopher and politician of Ancient Rome.

    14) Leonid Semenovich Sukhorov argued that often the verdict proclaims the triumph not of the law, but of the lawyer.

    Quotes about jurisprudence

    15) “The difference between a lawyer and other people is that he uses words in the same way mathematical formulas". Quote about lawyers by an unknown author.

    16) “To condemn the innocent is to condemn the judges.” Quote about lawyers from the ancient Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

    17) “Laws are designed to help ordinary people. Therefore, they must be based on common sense.” The third President of the United States of America, Thomas Jefferson, spoke a lot about legislation, considering it one of the most important areas of human life.

    18) "The beauty of jurisprudence is that it can always challenge all sorts of claims. Circumstances, people and form are not important." A writer from Great Britain inserted such an unusual idea into his famous novel “The Woman in White.”

    19) “Customs are humanity, laws are the brains of the country. Customs are often more cruel than laws. But customs, no matter how unreasonable they are, triumph over laws.” Quote from Honoré de Balzac, a writer from France.

    20) There is a more modern saying: “Two lawyers, eight opinions.”


    Quotes about lawyers of great people, like nothing else, show the importance of law in public life. The lawyers themselves also talked a lot about their profession, because the ability to choose the right words is one of their leading skills. In it, according to Goethe and Voltaire, they were very successful.

    The smartest and most honest quotes about the law and how it should be adhered to, aphorisms about the law.

    Blame You can also expose an innocent person, but only a guilty person can be exposed.

    A Puley

    Manners- these are people, laws - the mind of the country. Morals are often more cruel than laws. Morals, often unreasonable, take precedence over laws.

    O. Balzac

    Mutual Citizens watching each other makes crime impossible.

    O. Balzac

    Law- this is not a web through which large flies make their way, and small ones get stuck.

    O. Balzac

    Nothing We don’t know so well as what everyone should know: the law.

    O. Balzac

    In trouble they suddenly fall as if into an abyss, but they descend into crime by steps.

    A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

    Bad laws are the worst kind of tyranny.

    E. Burke

    Opportunity steal creates a thief.

    F. Bacon

    Judges must remember that their business is to interpret the law, not to grant it.

    F. Bacon

    One unfair the sentence entails greater disasters than many crimes committed by private people; the latter spoil only streams, only solitary streams of water, while an unjust judge spoils the source itself.

    F. Bacon

    The law must be strict, and people are lenient.

    L. Vauvenargues

    Severity the law speaks of his philanthropy, and the severity of a person speaks of his narrowness and cruelty.

    L. Vauvenargues
