Calculate zodiac sign in Vedic astrology. Indian horoscope compatibility by date of birth online

This section contains online services that will help you

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  • get acquainted with the basics of Vedic astrology - Jyotish,
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Are you tired of being an Aries or Capricorn?

Find out your Moon Sign, according to the calculations of Vedic astrology. Perhaps you will discover new facets of your personality and new bright prospects

Is your relationship getting too serious?

Calculate the level of compatibility with a potential life partner and understand whether it is worth making a decision right now... CALCULATE

Are you going to start a new business? take a long trip? create a new image for yourself?

Choose a favorable day when the position of the Moon and planetary energies will contribute to getting the best results from your actions. Consider the days when Natural energies are unfavorable and you will not have to lose strength moving “against the flow”. SELECT

How does the sound of your name determine the events of your life?

Find out what imprint your name leaves on your destiny and character!

Everything you wanted to know about yourself or your loved ones, but didn’t dare ask - is at your service!

Take advantage unique service"Your Vedic horoscope- Stars of your birth" CALCULATE

Who will support you in difficult times? Who will help you reach the very top?

Find out your Ishta-Devata - karmic patron and try to make friends with him.

Do you know what impact Saturn will have on you in the next two and a half years?!

Find out all the details about the impact of Saturn transit on your Moon Sign

Hello dear connoisseurs of Vedic astrology. I inform you about the release of a new version 2.3 of the program Jyotish calculator.

I am attaching a video to the announcement (at the end of the recording), shot in HD format, so at low resolution you will not see small details, I recommend setting up the video viewing to this format.

What's new in the program.

1) The concept of displaying maps has changed. Now cards are displayed using templates. You can customize the size, colors, line thickness, fonts and set of elements for displaying the map. You can use your own fonts and make the map look as convenient as possible for you.

2) The program works with templates of two styles - southern and northern. You can create your own from the default templates. I have prepared a separate manual in pdf format for the template editor. It comes with the program and is located in the Help folder.

3) The program elements are concentrated in 4 panels that can be turned on and off. To do this, an item has appeared in the main menu of the program Panels. For example, for astrology lessons you can display only one panel with one template card big size. Or if you are working on a netbook with a small screen, this will help you avoid constantly scrolling the program window.

4) The program has added a special lag calculation and several fractional maps have been added.

5) The menu for cards has also been redesigned. Among the features, I will highlight methods for selecting map elements. You can mark planets, mark and highlight houses. Planets marked according to the conditions are outlined with a rectangular outline; the program allows you to mark planets in 3 layers, i.e. there can be up to three selection outlines. However, it will look acceptable on large templates. The marked houses are also outlined, and the highlighted houses are filled in with color.

Note: the bottom panel in the program has not yet been redesigned to use templates and is only available in one style.

To download the program you need to go to the page

Often, to learn more about their own future, people turn to magic, namely, fortune telling with cards, coffee, mirrors and other magical tools. But this is not the only way to unravel the mysteries of fate. In practice, astrological solitaire works well, but a more informative method is , wherein

The main tool can be called the natal chart. It is built on a specific time, date, geographical location birth of a person and represents the basis individual horoscope.

Features of drawing up a natal chart

For those who are just beginning to learn the basics of astrology, before starting to build a natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with some mandatory rules that will help you carry out a quality analysis and ultimately correctly interpret its results. Otherwise, a beginner risks getting confused in the variety of symbols, which will negatively affect the analysis process.

Knowing all the nuances that require natal horoscope, you will have the opportunity to correctly determine cause-and-effect relationships between past and future events.

So, it is important to know that at the birth of a person, the heavenly bodies and each of the planets known to us are located in one of the 12 astrological Houses in a specific astrological sign. And all the angular relationships that exist between the elements of the horoscope are called aspects.

Natal chart with interpretation– this is a great opportunity to predict fate, find out what surprises you should expect, and what events you can avoid. But in order for its analysis to be as accurate as possible, it must be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to note the luminaries in the Houses.
  2. Next, we fix the Houses in the signs and determine the aspects that influence the formation of personality.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to determine the position of the fictitious points in relation to the Houses, aspects and signs (here it is important to take into account the Rulers associated with a particular House out of 12 possible).

After these simple steps, we will eventually get a picture that contains all the elements of the natal chart. It is these elements that require further interpretation. Of course, in in this case can be used online interpretation, but, if you really want to engage in astrology professionally, it is better to decipher such a horoscope yourself, in order to gain experience.

Deciphering the astrological Houses

Astrological Houses symbolize the main events in a person’s life, and the decoding of their meanings depends on the numbering of the House itself:

  • The 1st symbolizes a person’s character;
  • 2nd denotes acquisition, be it real estate or money;
  • 3rd indicates exchange;
  • The 4th stands for home;
  • The 5th is usually interpreted as creation;
  • The 6th is the present that exists at the moment;
  • The 7th symbolizes union.
  • The 8th is aloofness.
  • The 9th can be interpreted as an ideal, which implies optimism or travel;
  • The 10th signifies independence, as well as position in society;
  • The 11th is about aspirations, hopes and plans;
  • The 12th stands for willpower and achievement.

Deciphering the celestial bodies and planets

To decipher what the heavenly bodies and planets in the map can be used astroprocessor, a universal astrological program that absolutely accurately constructs an individual horoscope. But you can learn these secrets on your own by familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances.

So, the Moon symbolizes the subconscious and everything that concerns it. The celestial body the Sun is associated with a person’s personality, its shortcomings, as well as its advantages. Mercury is responsible for communication connections. Jupiter is your professional development. Mars signifies the degree of activity shown in solving important problems. Venus symbolizes love. Saturn is responsible for ambition. Uranus can warn of unreasonable actions. And Pluto is nothing more than intrapersonal metamorphoses.

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart

In the natal horoscope, zodiac signs are characteristics. As a rule, all other indicators necessarily pass through the prism of one of them. It is these signs that give their traits to all indicators, and this directly affects a person’s fate.

As for the aspects, they represent a connection individual character between planets and show the nuances that allow an individual to become unique.

Decoding "strange icons"

When all the indicators are known, the only thing that raises questions is the “strange icons” found on the natal chart. Therefore, their decoding requires special attention:

  • The letter "Omega" symbolizes suffering and phobias (Rahu karma);
  • The circle with the letter “K” on it is the career area (Midheaven);
  • The letter “N” – family, housing necessary for a comfortable existence (Depth of the sky);
  • Reversed Omega is responsible for a person’s purpose in life (Rahu-dharma);
  • The unshaded month icon is associated with good luck (White Moon);
  • The icon of a shaded month located on a cross is responsible for everything negative that is in the soul and for our mistakes (Black Moon);
  • “Ms” – human relationships (Descendent);
  • “As” symbolizes our individuality (Ascendant). For example, Ascendant in Scorpio indicates a strong personality involved in the world.

Horoscope by date of birth

We invite you to use a free service to compile a personal natal horoscope and to decipher the natal chart with an accurate interpretation.

As you can see, drawing up a natal chart is not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge in astrology, the acquisition of which will allow you to decipher the horoscope with ease.
We invite you to watch an overview video about deciphering your natal chart yourself

The Vedic horoscope is considered the most accurate and ancient on Earth. With its help, you can determine your strengths and weaknesses, understand why certain events happen in life. The horoscope has 27 signs, which more accurately characterizes each person.

Thanks to Vedic astrology jyotish It becomes easier to understand which aspects of life fall into the category of data at birth, and which undoubtedly need to be developed in order to achieve well-being in all areas of your life. This horoscope makes it possible not only to understand and accept yourself as a person, but also to learn to avoid troubles, develop new abilities and resist weaknesses.

UTTARA ASHADHA (from January 12 to January 24, symbol - mongoose)

The ruling planet of these people is the Sun. The zodiac constellation is Capricorn. Ashadha gives people confidence, perseverance and strong intuition. They are purposeful and almost always finish what they start. The advice of these people is often heeded. They achieve a position in society thanks to their ambitions, as well as cooperation. Exceptional organizational skills make it possible to choose professions associated with responsibility. People of this constellation are characterized by practicality and a love of organizing knowledge and experience gained. They can become excellent doctors, lawyers, and spiritual mentors. From negative traits character, one can note rigidity, harshness, frequent manifestations of anger and unwillingness to put up with the opinion of the majority.

SRAVANA (from January 25 to February 6, symbol - monkey)

The Moon, the ruling planet of the people of this constellation, which echoes Capricorn, imparts gentleness, receptivity and the ability to listen. These are patient and persistent people who do not tolerate haste and superficial judgments. They often choose a path with an emphasis on art, which gives them the opportunity to express their nature to the fullest. Negative manifestations of Sravana are manipulation, gossip, some recklessness, which adversely affects the choice of friends, and also inclines a person to bad deeds and actions. The need to curb your temperament entails the formation of personality, develops willpower and allows you to achieve significant heights in your chosen professions. This could be journalism, medicine, creative professions, teaching.

DHANISHTA (from February 7 to February 19, symbols - lion or lioness)

Dhanishta people belong more to the zodiac Capricorn and to a lesser extent to Aquarius. Their ruling planet is Mars. They have bright character traits. These are strong personalities prone to adventure. Their agile mind, as well as their reluctance to sit still, give rise to extraordinary natures, capable of both pranks and harsh critical statements. Courage helps them achieve their goals despite difficulties and obstacles. Most often they choose a mate for life. They are receptive and insightful, but their character may show arrogance, vindictiveness, and a desire to achieve a goal by any means necessary. Perseverance and patience are what Dhanishta people should cultivate in themselves.

SHATABHISHAK (from February 20 to March 4, symbol - horse)

People whose planet is Rahu, or the north node of the Moon, are endowed with a tendency to seek the truth without divulging secrets. The relationship with the zodiac Aquarius has positive aspects, which are manifested in a philosophical perception of the world, stubbornness and optimism. Negative qualities are pride, selfishness and inflated ambitions. They strive for integrity and unity. Knowledge of the truth for these people is a source of strength and at the same time manifests itself in selfishness and deception. They are inclined towards professions in the media. Their behavior is often shocking in its closedness and suspicion. Love of solitude and independence allows you to develop wisdom and seek paths to enlightenment. However, manifestations of pessimism and self-deprecation are frequent. Willpower and hard work allow people of this constellation to achieve knowledge of the secret meaning of many things.

PURVA BHATRA (from March 5 to March 17, symbol - lion)

The influence of Jupiter on Purva Bhatra people gives them determination, loyalty and intelligence. They have a calm character, but are also capable of aggressive outbursts of emotions. The constellations Aquarius and Pisces impart contradictory qualities. This is envy, anxiety and at the same time unprecedented concentration and communication. They tend to provide themselves with material goods, so they are often aggressive in achieving their goals. Among the professions often chosen are those related to the afterlife, occultism and secrets. They adapt well to the role of a psychiatrist, provide any kind of ritual services, and can try themselves as magicians, healers and soothsayers. One way or another, Purva people are attracted to death and everything connected with it. In connection with such interest, tendencies towards fanaticism, the search for hidden truths, depression, as well as a tendency towards solitude and asceticism are often outlined in the character.

UTARA BHATRA (from March 18 to March 31, symbol - cow)

People whose ruling planet is Saturn have a multifaceted character, which also owes their similarity to the zodiac Pisces. This wise people who achieve success through their ability to build on the current situation and use any circumstances to their advantage. At the same time, they are not prone to manifestations of selfishness, they are compassionate and receptive to the needs of others. The patronage of Uttara Bhatra makes it possible to keep everything under control, which ensures their success in their chosen profession. Often these are people of creative professions, mentors in yoga, meditation and various occult sciences. They are distinguished by responsibility, lack of laziness and completion of the work taken.

REVATI (from April 1 to April 12, symbol - elephant)

Revathi personalities are optimistic, generous and attention-grabbing. Their ruling planet is Mercury and their Zodiac is Pisces. They do not give in to difficulties and are prone to daydreaming. Positive features character leaves no room for selfishness and manifestations of aggression. Therefore, Revatis are great friends, ways to provide help and support, as well as instill confidence in doubters. Most often they choose professions related to art. Their intellectual abilities allow them to express themselves in the exact sciences, but their penchant for religiosity and self-knowledge pushes them towards an in-depth study of psychology and psychiatry. They are interested in manifestations of human character and its characteristics.

ASHVINI (from April 13 to April 27, symbol - horse)

The ruling planet of Ashwini people is Ketu, the southern node of the Moon. Location - zodiac Aries. Connoisseurs of freedom and restless people, they do not tolerate loneliness. Ashwini's courage and determination borders on the extreme. Their ability to control the situation ensures quick career takeoff, because command and the desire to keep everything under control is one of the character traits. However, those who have not achieved management positions will face difficulties in life due to restlessness. People of this constellation have an excellent sense of humor, are not prone to bitterness, but are extremely stubborn. They have inexhaustible creative potential, which they show in Everyday life, and in the profession.

BHARANI (from April 28 to May 11, symbol - elephant)

Bharani is ruled by Venus, and their constellation echoes the zodiac Aries. People are endowed with highly developed intuition and often follow their feelings. Their character includes many aspects that take them from one extreme to another. A huge amount of energy and natural curiosity gives them the motivation to learn and experience the world around them. Their activities are not limited to the choice of specific professions, so Bharani often needs a mentor to guide them towards Right way. The thirst for adventure and emotionality often lead to extreme manifestations in the chosen path.

KRITTIKA (from May 12 to May 25, symbol - sheep)

The zodiac of Aries and Taurus, as well as the ruler of the Sun, gives people a tendency to harsh behavior bordering on tactlessness. They are used to achieving their goals based on their own judgments and research, they often argue about the essence of the appearance of certain things, and have a negative attitude towards restraining factors. They have leadership abilities, but productive and leisurely work is not for them. They light up with new ideas, but quickly cool down if the process drags on. Under the mask of external severity and selfishness, tenderness and a desire to give care often lurk, but the same selfishness and the desire to appear independent of other people’s opinions, moods and emotions prevent them from appearing.

ROHINI (from May 26 to June 8, symbol - snake)

The Rohinis are ruled by the Moon and their constellation corresponds to the zodiac Taurus. They are aimed at achieving well-being for progress and comfort of life. Driven and tenacious individuals, they are often ardent environmentalists. They have a passion for art and successfully express themselves in this field. Rohinis value their loved ones and therefore provide them with full support. Their life credo is the desire to try literally everything in order to determine the most convenient sources for drawing positive emotions, wealth and satisfaction of their needs.

MRIGASIRA (from June 9 to June 21, symbol - boa constrictor)

Mars, zodiac signs Taurus and Gemini characterize Mrigasira people as seeking individuals. Curiosity and a thirst for new knowledge are based on suspiciousness and caution, which can often be confused with timidity. According to the Vedic horoscope, Mrigasirs are self-sufficient and purposefully move towards their goals. However, short-lived rejoicing again pushes them to search for new sources of satisfying their personal needs. These are people with established opinions, spiritually filled and rarely give in on controversial issues.

ARDRA (from June 22 to July 5, symbol - dog)

These people are ruled by Rahu, the northern node of the Moon. The zodiac is marked by a bright red star in Gemini. These are people with the character of a child, easily moving from a state of excitement to apathy and resentment. They are endowed with an inquisitive mind, sensitive and prone to self-sacrifice, and do not tolerate any manifestations of pain. The happiness of these people lies in the ability to balance the mind and emotions. Having achieved such a balance, Ardra are capable of brilliant manifestations of their nature in a wide variety of professions, including those related to exact sciences, calculations and microsurgery.

PUNARVASU (from July 6 to July 19, symbol - cat)

The ruling planet of Punarvasu people is Jupiter. The constellation Gemini is closest to them. These are people who bring harmony and care. Their intellect and emotions are in a delicate balance, which gives rise to individuals striving for light and self-knowledge. Achieving Punarvasu's goals lies through hard work and diligence. They tend to be caring and take loved ones and dear people, providing them with everything they need. There is a certain humility in their character, which provides them with a good relationship both with superiors and subordinates. However, these are lively and active people who are able to defend their opinions. Characteristic feature is a thirst for adventure and travel in order to experience the beauty wildlife and enjoy a sense of belonging to the whole world.

PUSHIA (from July 20 to August 2, symbol - ram)

These people are ruled by Saturn, and the Zodiac echoes the constellation Cancer. They are characterized by patience and perseverance in achieving their goals. These are non-conflict people, diligent and good-natured. Their courtesy and politeness inspires confidence and reliability. Manifestations of pessimism are characteristic of Pushia only in extreme cases, therefore they are loved for their good disposition, agreeableness and selfless help and care.

ASHLESHA (from August 3 to August 16, symbol - cat)

Mercury, as well as the zodiac Cancer, give these people the opportunity to express themselves regardless of the opinions and actions of others. Ashlesha are possessive by nature and have strong energy, which gives them difficulties in communicating. However, in their desire to have what they need, they often show impatience, aggression and often endanger those around them. They are cautious, suspicious and often in a state of readiness to fight to win their interests. They often use less than honest methods when doing business and are prone to hoarding and spending money on luxury goods.

MAGHA (from August 17 to August 29, symbol - rat)

Ketu, the southern node of the Moon, creates a thirst for knowledge in these people. Magh's attachment to the zodiac Leo endows them with a love of freedom, courage and purposeful actions without fear or doubt. These people are characterized by optimism and a desire to lead. They often find it difficult to find mutual language with the environment due to straightforwardness in statements. Magha individuals value their roots, respect their elders and learn from their experiences. They tend to idealize the world, but are able to get along with worldly restrictions.

PURVA FALGUNI (from August 30 to September 13, symbol - mouse)

The ruling planet Venus influences the character of these people, endowing them with gentleness, friendliness and good nature. In the Leo Zodiac, the Purva constellation is represented by two bright stars. This combination endows people with Falguni exceptional features that attract people. They love to be the center of attention and draw strength from boundless love for themselves. They know how to create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness, which promotes rapid rapprochement and networking. The negative qualities of people of this constellation are jealousy, vindictiveness and often inflated self-esteem. However, Falguni know how to analyze their actions and direct their energy in a peaceful direction.

UTTARA FALGUNI (from September 14 to September 26, symbol - buffalo)

The ruling planet is the Sun, and the zodiacal Leo and Virgo echo the constellation Uttara Falguni. These are people who are harmonious by nature and strive for creation and comfort. They are interested in creating comfort, are friendly and hospitable. Not prone to destructive actions. However, they are distinguished by their independence and desire to be outside the crowd. They have a rigid core and are capable of showing selfishness, straightforwardness and determination if their interests are criticized.

HASTA (from September 27 to October 10, symbol - buffalo)

People whose ruling planet is the Moon are often dependent on their mood. Hasta intersects with the Zodiac Virgo. This combination gives Hasta people business acumen, confidence and ease of learning. These are distrustful and often suspicious people who strive to streamline and organize everything and everyone. They are distinguished by extreme punctuality, which limits their social circle due to Hast's constant nagging. People of this constellation are multi-talented, which gives them the opportunity to realize themselves in any field, often associated with monotonous work and attention to detail.

CHITRA (from October 11 to October 23, symbol - tigress)

Chitra is associated with the Zodiac Libra and Virgo, and the ruling planet is Mars. Chitra personalities, according to the Vedic horoscope, strive to stand out from the crowd and have natural magnetism, attracting attention to their person. They have a contradictory character, but skillfully cover up their shortcomings with bright behavior. Possessors of powerful sexual energy, they often use their charms and are able to manipulate the emotions of others, benefiting themselves. In general, these people are characterized by self-doubt and timidity.

SVATI (from October 24 to November 6, symbol - buffalo)

Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is the ruling planet of Swati. Restlessness, independence and the ability to adapt distinguish these people. Lovers of adventure, Swati has a sense of balance, which allows them to find their niche in life and achieve their goals without enormous expenditure of energy. Their liveliness and subtle mind make it possible to avoid any conflicts and find a common language with almost any person. They make excellent businessmen, and Swati’s connection with the Libra Zodiac is responsible for material stability and well-being. The luck of people of this constellation often helps them out of adventurous ventures.

VISHAKHA (from November 7 to November 19, symbol - tiger)

Visakha people are ruled by Jupiter. They are distinguished by a love of power and pleasure. To achieve their goals, they make truly titanic efforts, but the result almost always more than pays for their efforts. The strong energy of Vishakh is also due to the Zodiac Libra and Scorpio. These are people who know their worth, do not waste time on trifles and are able to move people who are in the way. Their whole life is an endless challenge that they take for action.

ANURADA (from November 20 to December 2, symbol - deer)

Leaders by nature, Anurad people are ruled by Saturn. They have exceptional intelligence and intuition. They combine determination, kindness and carefreeness. Capable of heroic deeds, but often based on benefit for themselves. The Scorpio zodiac for these people manifests itself in the positive qualities of creation and self-knowledge. Negative properties is a manifestation of anger, impatience and selfishness. Discipline is one of distinctive features character - allows people of this constellation to curb their negative qualities, which becomes the key to a successful and prosperous life in their chosen path.

PURVA ASHADHA (from December 9 to January 11, symbol - monkey)

People of this constellation are ruled by Venus. Their character also depends on the Sagittarius Zodiac, but to a lesser extent. Purva Ashadha gives you an exceptional opportunity to wait for a favorable combination of circumstances and act decisively. This approach provides almost instant victory and is associated with a love of excitement. These people, like predators, wait for a conditioned signal, after which they make a sharp jump and capture their prey in their tenacious claws. They have an explosive nature, feel great alone and are reluctant to share their knowledge.

MULA (from December 16 to December 28, symbol - dog)

These people are ruled by Ketu, the south node of the Moon. They have a strong mind, are logical and consistent. They are aimed at learning new things, constantly expand their knowledge, and tend to seek the truth in everything. The Sagittarius zodiac connects them with search and research, but also endows them with negative qualities - selfishness and arrogance. At their worst, Mule people pride themselves on their intellect, which can make them unpleasant to interact with. Impulsive individuals, they are often alone in their research, which does not at all darken their existence. Mulas are in constant motion and are not limited by narrow standards. They always want more, so they thoroughly study everything that interests them.

The Vedic horoscope is able to lift the veil of mystery about the origin of each person and his connection with the planets and stars. Everyone develops certain character traits given at birth in their own way. Everyone has the power to change themselves and their Destiny. Any horoscope is attached to these aspects, which reveals to a person his main features, allowing him to choose the path to light and learning new things.

Sometimes it’s interesting to know what awaits us in the future and what we should prepare for. Do it...

The destiny of each person is something unique, but not predetermined. The thing is that her...

The Indian horoscope is distinguished by its spirituality, calculation of the horoscope based on actually visible stars, and unusual accuracy of predictions.
In addition to the 12 signs of the Zodiac, it examines 27 stars, or Lunar houses. In Sanskrit it is called Jyotish and is the state science of India.

Ashvini Ι (Asvini) from April 13 to April 26
Animal - Horse
Ashwini - associated with the star Sheratan (β-Aries, or Northern Horn of Aries). This is a divine, auspicious star. Translated - Horsemen. It creates a great need for movement. Various concepts are associated with this star - the light of dawn, miracles, happiness, chariots and carts. An indicator of personal charm, elegance, love of jewelry, popularity. Gives the talent of understanding. You are open to the world, sensual and sociable, seeking success and universal recognition. The desire for novelty is the main motivation for your actions; you love movement, exchange of thoughts, and action. Not having a clear goal makes you more vulnerable. You cannot be tamed in love. Your partner will have to respect your freedom; he himself must be active and adventurous, that is, “impeccable,” otherwise you will not get closer. In India, Ashwini has a reputation as staunch “sex warriors.” You are always ready to take the first step and often find yourself at the mercy of your indomitable desires. The Ashwinis are looking for a companion who can understand their uncontrollable desire for freedom. Their ideal is an adventurer with a rich spiritual world. They also need perfection in a loved one because they themselves are the embodiment of independence and do not know how to build relationships. Passionate and sensual, they are delightful in love. Best partners: Horse (Satabhisha), Serpent (Rohini), Snake (Mrigashira), Deer (Anuradha), Deer (Jyestha), Monkey (Purva-asadha) and Monkey (Sravana). This parking lot is managed by Caller Lunar Node or Ketu

Bharani ΙΙ from April 27 to May 10
Animal - Elephant
Bharani - associated with the star Albatein (δ-Aries). This is an earthly star in nature, associated with vanity. Its influence is restraining, limiting, giving the ability to envelop, hide, obscure something. Associated with it are the ideas of struggle and suffering, as well as success in life, maternal love, victory over illness, and affirmation in work. It indicates people who are entangled in material things, or the working class. An ambitious individualist, you are ready to shoulder the most hard work. But at the same time, you love luxury, you know a lot about food, bodily joys, fashion, fragrances, beauty and... seduction. In the Indian zodiac, Elephant, source feminine energy, usually symbolizes voluptuousness. In love, you are the owner, so you want to control the situation. You need long-term commitment, a steady, reassuring partner, and intense sex. Cultivate this powerful energy of creation within yourself. In contacts with the opposite sex, competition motivates you to action. You are willing to go to great lengths to gain your partner's favor. However, after winning, you may lose interest in the obtained trophy. They, who stand firmly on the ground, need a person who strives for strong and long-lasting relationships. If one can be found and he shares their hobbies, they are ready to fight for him. Competition inspires them. For the sake of the favor of the chosen one, they are capable of anything. However, having achieved their goal, they can cool down, taking for granted the signs of his love. Best partners: Elephant (Revati), Sheep (Krittika), Snake (Rohini), Snake (Mrigashira), Ram (Pushya), Buffalo (Hasta), Buffalo (Svati), Monkey (Purva-asadha) and Monkey (Sravana). This station is ruled by Venus

Krittika ΙΙΙ from May 11 to 24
Animal - Sheep
Krittika is translated as "axe". It is associated with the famous Pleiades, a nebula of low nature, especially with the star Alcyone. It provides physical, creative strength or the energy to achieve greatness, brings ardor and ardor to the body or mind. Associated with vicissitudes in personal life. This station rules the caste of intellectuals. You are torn between courage and cowardice, creation and destruction, calmness and temper, puritanism and open expression of emotions, but you know how to control yourself and cope with difficult matters. In love, responsibility scares you. You are a good leader, but in your personal life you are often secretive, cautious or slow. If a rival appears on the horizon, you retreat. Sexually, you are passionate and sensual, but less adventurous than one might expect, and in intimate life sometimes passive. You love to be chased but not caught up. Krittikas are passionate and sensual by nature, but on the path to a lasting union they are often frightened by the very last step. They like to be conquered, and they do not show their feelings in any way without making sure that they are of interest to the chosen one. Leaders in any other aspect, in love they love the role of spectator. Best partners: Ram (Pushya), Elephant (Bharani), Elephant (Revati), Bull (Uttar-Phalguni), Buffalo (Hasta), Buffalo (Swati), Mongoose (Uttar-asadha) and Cow (Uttar-bhadra). This station is ruled by the Sun

Rohini ΙV from May 25 to June 7
Animal - Snake
Rohini is associated with the star Aldebaran (α-Tauri). It is an auspicious star ruled by Brahma, the creator of the world. Is a sign peace of mind and friendliness. She is “earthly”, associated with the Moon, indicates someone who serves society, gives strength and responsibility. It supports growth and development, production, and the transportation of goods. You are sensitive, touchy, changeable and hide a tremulous heart under external indifference. As a creative person and a subtle connoisseur of beauty, you cannot live “in cramped circumstances.” You need luxury and intellectual communication. Otherwise, boredom will prevail! In love, you need a devoted companion for life. At the same time, you are jealous and can get confused in your feelings. You are capable of sacrificing everything to love; you cannot live without frequent dates and a romantic idyll. You attract the attention of the opposite sex, you yourself pursue the object of your desire and are easily ignited by passion, so you often find yourself in difficult situations or become one of the tops love triangle. Even if a sexual relationship suits you, you are often dissatisfied, which can have a detrimental effect on your fidelity. Rohini is loved selflessly, with all my heart. However, they can connect their lives with someone who is not able to justify their trust. In their unbridled pursuit of perfection in relationships, they should exercise a certain amount of caution. They are not afraid to demonstrate their feelings and, loving, are capable of desperate acts, but in order to take the first step, they need to receive a signal from the chosen one. Best partners: Snake (Mrigashira), Horse (Ashwini), Horse (Satabhisha), Elephant (Bharani) and Elephant (Revati). This station is ruled by the Moon

Mrigashira V from June 8 to 20
Animal - Snake
Mrigashira is associated with the star El-Nat (Horn of the Bull). This is a meek, soft star, corresponding to a kind, peaceful, subtle, but ironic person. You are brave, active, adventurous, and born to lead because you love to exercise power and demonstrate authority. An avid debater, you need constant stimulation of your mental abilities and a new field for activity. You are always on the defensive, very sensitive to criticism, and have a sophisticated, if not aggressive, mind. In love, you want a partner for life, but even more so, a relationship that satisfies you intellectually. It is not enough for your companion to be your equal, you must admire him. However, sometimes you deny your feelings so that the relationship does not swallow you whole. You are Yin, and therefore non-aggressive, and in your sexual life you never take the first step. Thanks to your sensuality, you can hypnotize anyone, but your passion is enlivened only by the one you truly desire. They make no effort to join intimate relationships. The first step must be taken by another: the secretive Mrigashira keep their sexual energy in check. Only those who can awaken passion in them can count on a reciprocal feeling. In an alliance with a man, they need intellectual understanding. Their detachment and arrogance prevents them from building relationships. Best partners: Snake (Rohini), Horse (Ashwini), Horse (Satabhisha), Elephant (Bharani) and Elephant (Revati). This station is ruled by Mars

Aridra VΙ (Ardra, Andra) from June 21 to July 4
Animal - Dog
Ardra is associated with the star Betelgeuse. This star is annoying, earthly in nature. Ardra translates to "tear" and refers to someone who causes pain to others. For example, people are hunters who kill animals. May indicate a tormentor, but also one who sympathizes with the suffering of others. You have an insightful, analytical mind. Sometimes you are accused of being an authoritarian, but you are simply an idealist - you want to achieve the impossible, fulfill all your dreams, realize all your aspirations. You inspire sympathy among people, are always surrounded by friends, know how to plan your life and master the art of maneuver... The game of power fascinates you and attracts you irresistibly. In love, you are devoted and tender, your desires develop into passion, and passion... into problems. You give a lot, sometimes even too much. Illusions, sacrifices, mirages and disappointments become milestones in your love journey - without any reason you can destroy happy relationship, exchange the bird in your hand for a pie in the sky. You constantly demand approval, so you need a gentle and caring partner, but fidelity is not one of your virtues. In addition, you are so demanding that what you want rarely coincides with what you actually see. If a person attracts you physically, you immediately show your feelings because sexuality is not a taboo for you. Gentle Ardras are caring and loyal, but sometimes put too much effort and passion into relationships. It doesn’t bother them to learn to wait until the man himself makes the first move. They are looking for a kind-hearted and attentive companion who can support them in everything and constantly praise them. They do not hide their sexuality. However, for no apparent reason, they may become disappointed in their companion. Best partners: Dog (Mula) or another Dog. This station is ruled by the Ascending Lunar Node or Rahu - the Head of the Dragon.

Punarvasu VΙΙ (Punnarvasu) from July 5 to July 18
Animal - Cat
Punarvasu is associated with the star Pollux (β-Gemini). This star is known as the star of repetition and rebirth. It means a person who often changes his place of residence, or one who, in the process of his life, changes the qualities of his personality and purifies himself. It is a moving star associated with the merchant class. The name Punarvasu translates to "boon" or "diamond". With your gentleness and benevolence, you are designed to guide, trust and love as a mother loves her children. You do not get involved in risky ventures, but without a clear goal you feel insecure. The main thing for you is to be surrounded by people, to belong to a group, to a clan. Your feelings are tested by your mind. You are both affectionate and distant. You are surrounded by people who would love to be a part of your life, but you are only happy if you love one single person. You are independent and hate it when people try to control you. You are in no hurry to express your sexual appetites, remain indifferent and wait for the other to make the first move. Your partner must have great insight to pick up on your subtle hints. Often Punarvas are not satisfied with one person's expressions of love, and this drives those who truly love them crazy. However, they need signs of attention from other men to show that they do not tolerate even a hint of control. For the same reason, Punarvas is in no hurry to express his sexual desires. They may seem proud and unapproachable, but they know how to send a subtle signal of passion. Best partners: Cat (Ashlesha), Deer (Anuradha), Deer (Jyestha), Monkey (Purva-asadha) and Monkey (Sravana). This station is ruled by Jupiter

Pushya VΙΙΙ from July 19 to August 1
Animal - Ram
Pushya is considered the best of the 27 sites. Translated it means "flower". She nourishes and supports, and is associated with the good star Sirius. People born under this star prosper and can provide for many others. They are usually well built or plump. They are able to give good advice. Clever man and a creative person endowed with a rich imagination, you strive to fulfill your duty to yourself, your family and the world as a whole as carefully as possible, and therefore you often find yourself overloaded (almost crushed) various kinds assignments and responsible tasks. For harmonious development, you need peace and a calm state of mind. In love, you are secretive, shy, very independent, and for everything to go well, your partner must be the same. You are both modest and demanding, and have difficulty expressing your feelings. You need to be understood perfectly. You are sexy, very active, you like to chase your partner, drive him like an animal... Try to control yourself! You are possessive by nature, so your partner should not make you jealous, otherwise you will explode! Since in family life you are usually missing for a long time, you need the permanent relationship to be pleasant, calm, but not monotonous... They are very withdrawn, it is not easy for them to show their feelings even towards loved ones and loved ones. They have to restrain their sexual impulses. Pushia likes to pursue her chosen ones - they should not give reasons for jealousy. Sex for Pushia is the most important pleasure. They rarely maintain long-term and lasting love relationships. Best partners: Sheep (Krittika), Bull (Uttar-Phalguni), Buffalo (Hasta), Buffalo (Swati), Mongoose (Uttar-asadha), Cow (Uttar-bhadra) and Elephant (Revati).

Ashlesha ΙΧ (Alaska) from August 2 to 15
Animal - Cat
Ashlesha is translated as “entwining”, “interweaving”. Its deity is Sharpa, the god of snakes, representing the lower classes of society. Ashlesha is associated with the star Alphard (α-Hydra). The star is of a demonic nature. This suggests a person without tact, who may be completely absorbed in knowledge and has very strict, ascetic habits. Ashlesha can bring pain to a person, but also give him the desire for transcendence. Wandering between knowledge and ignorance, good and evil, wisdom and danger, you have a fair sense of humor, an almost hypnotic power over people, and a penetrating view of things. You are very active intellectually, and thanks to your ability to seduce, you can easily get whatever you want. You are independent and not made for family life; in love you need freedom and admiration. You love to seduce, and therefore there are always many fans around you, but perhaps one, the main one, is missing. You are a terrible owner... and for everything to go smoothly, your chosen one must be completely different. You are afraid of merging with your partner, intimacy scares you. You are sensual, impressionable, sometimes capricious, in sexual relationships you prefer to do only what you like, otherwise you become aggressive. You are selfish or a loner at heart, and if they want to change you, go your own way. Self-sufficient and secretive, they need a companion who would not infringe on their independence. Owners by nature, they do not tolerate possessiveness in their chosen one. They need to know that for their loved one they are the Universe. Having doubted this, they become coldly aloof. But they turn into tender, sensual and endlessly devoted if the chosen one accepts them as they are. The best partners are: Cat (Punarvasu), Deer (Anuradha), Deer (Jyeshtha), Monkey (Purva-asadha) and Monkey (Sravana). This station is ruled by Mercury

Magha Χ from August 16 to 29
Animal - Rat
Magha is translated as “strong”, “powerful”. She represents people who occupy an important, significant position. The star Regulus is associated with it - the Heart of Leo. This is the site of the kings. You are a conservative, an adherent of traditional values, sometimes stubborn or even impudent, you need to manage, have power, succeed both materially and socially... Your thoughts are most often directed towards acquisition. At the same time, no matter what your achievements are, you may remain dissatisfied. Love is very important to you, but it is a long search... You need time to find the right partner. He must patiently accept your demands and be calm about your ambitions, so that the balance of power in your couple is easy to predict. Do you appreciate the joys of life, holidays, good food, beautiful body and are always ready for sex! In this area, you have matured early, you have an incredible appetite, your insatiability can tire your partner if his sensuality does not match yours. Maghas enjoy life to the fullest and are always ready for sex. Their main task is to find a companion who understands how much they need strength and power. Maghas are very courageous, and their strong sexual appetite is especially attractive to those in whom sensuality has not been awakened. Best partners: Rat (Purva-phalguni) or another Rat. This station is ruled by the Setting Lunar Node or Ketu - the Tail of the Dragon

Purva-phalguni ΧΙ (Purva Falguni) from August 30 to September 12
The animal is sacred in India, the Rat.
Purva-phalguni is a station of earthly nature. Translated as "guilty in the past." Ruled by the planet Venus, thus indicating an attractive person, capable of influencing others, or capable of pleasant, sweet behavior with other people. It rewards good karma and brings good luck. Associated with the star Aldhafer - Leo's Mane. You are calm and rational, able to work hard to create a suitable material base, because you need comfort, money, authority and power. You are extremely attached to your home and your immediate environment, so your main goal is to create family comfort. In love, you absolutely need long-term commitment and common goals that will help you start a family. Children occupy a central place in your life; out of love for them, you are ready to sacrifice a lot. The rat loves sex and with early years looking for adventure on his own. If someone is attracted to you, you send them direct signals, without mincing words, but such directness can be intimidating. The rat quarrels and makes up... in bed. They need strong, trusting and long-lasting relationships. To save them, Purva Falguni is ready to make sacrifices. Before sending a signal of passion to their chosen one, they wait until their desire reaches the boiling point. Those in love with Purva Falguni should not be afraid of their rare outbursts of anger: Purva Falguni thus kindles passion in the one who is very dear to them. Best partners: Rat (Magha) or another Rat. This station is ruled by Venus

Puttar-phalguni ΧΙΙ (Uttara Falguni) from September 13 to 25
Animal - Bull
Uttar-phalguni is translated as "subsequently guilty" and sometimes as "fig tree", it is fruitful and gives rise to good qualities. It creates leaders. Associated with the star Denebola - Leo's Tail. Its name is also translated as “star of patronage”, as it foreshadows a person who is able to help others, achieve success and even heal. You are generous, friendly, generous, sometimes you lack a clear goal and self-confidence. You often hide stress behind external calm and do not tolerate sudden changes well - you need exact schedule, regularity, support. You have both feet on the ground, are looking for a reliable partner, a stable family, prefer reasonable love to passion and do not exclude the possibility of a union that will make your life easier or more convenient. Be careful, your desire for perfection may cause problems. In sexual terms, the most difficult thing is to interest you for a long time... You cannot give up without a fight, you must start the pursuit, see the red rag. Only in this case will you be truly interested. And not just for the sake of pleasure: the Ox is fertile and thinks about procreation. They cannot live without their other half. Their uncontrollable desire for perfection and justice often creates problems for themselves and for their loved ones, but by nature they are kind-hearted and generous. The main task of Uttara Falguni's companion is to maintain sexual interest in himself. This nakshatra needs a goal - someone to hunt and who does not give up right away. Best partners: Cow (Uttar-bhadra), Sheep (Krittika), Ram (Pushya), Buffalo (Swati), Deer (Anuradha) and Deer (Jyeshtha) ). This station is ruled by the Sun

Hasta ΧΙΙΙ (Asta) from September 26 to October 9
Animal - Buffalo
The symbol of Hasta (ΧΙΙΙ) is a clenched fist. Translated as "hand". It indicates a pure, immaculate person, and actions associated with power, control, as well as the ability to heal, eliminate ignorance, and create. Hasta is associated with a star from the constellation of the Raven, and it is a bright star, giving a pleasant, cheerful character. It affects the merchant caste. Your mood changes frequently. Beneath the outer calm and rationality lies an inner emptiness - you constantly feel a vacuum inside and cannot come to terms with it. You are responsible and eager to succeed, taking advantage of every chance and the help of the right people. You are both selfish and generous, vulnerable and trusting, your love affairs multiply day by day, are varied and unstable. Emotionally, you are not at all confident in yourself, and you find it difficult to find a partner who could encourage you. Once you enter into a union, you love until you are disappointed or until you are abandoned. A sensual lover of carnal pleasures, you love to make love. Sexual intercourse is an integral part of your vital balance. You are capable of much to satisfy your loved one, but you need independence. You are harsh, and in your intimate life you sometimes even become cruel or aggressive. Such people depend on mood swings; they need emotional support like air. Restrained and “impenetrable” on the outside, in reality they are restless, vulnerable and extremely vulnerable. Unmanageable by nature, they need independence, but love relationships they show rare generosity and selflessness. Their natural practicality goes well with incredible sensuality. Best partners: Buffalo (Swati), Elephant (Bharani), Elephant (Revati), Sheep (Krittika), Ram (Pushya), Ox (Uttar-Phalguni) and Cow (Uttar-bhadra). This station is ruled by the Moon.

Chitra ΧΙV (Sitra) from October 10 to 22
Animal – Tigress
Chitra is associated with the star Spica (α-Virgo). This is a quiet, soft, but low-nature star, translated as “brilliant” or “beautiful.” It gives artistic ability, or the ability to subtly arrange things. You are ambitious, generous and creative, you meet your opponents face to face and do not show them yours. weaknesses. You a strong character, but you lose your temper easily. You are sociable and eccentric, you love fashion, holidays, luxury, beauty, excitement, and you seek thrills. A passionate, charming and charismatic personality, you took an early interest love adventures, but you never give yourself entirely to them. You have too little time for your partner: social life has completely absorbed you, and even children are not in the first place for you. Tigress has an excellent sexual appetite; it is not in her habit to agree to a compromise. She will prefer loneliness to coercion. You are an owner and protector, but you love competition and are ready to stand up for yourself. Chitras are looking for someone who would share their troubles and joys, but the chosen one must match their sexual temperament - and here they do not tolerate compromises. They try to subordinate the chosen one to their will, and having decided that they no longer need him, they show amazing indifference, coldness and even cruelty. Best partners: Tiger (Vishakha) or another Tigress

Swati ΧV from October 23 to November 5
Animal – Buffalo
Swati is associated with the star Arcturus (α-Boötes). This is a divine star. Swati is translated as “sword” and as “priest”. Swati is also known as “independent,” which indicates the independent nature of a person’s thoughts and deeds. Buffalo combines incredible ambition with extreme idealism. Your goal is wealth and success. You want to leave your mark on history, to be the best. The buffalo loves games of power, long-range plans and maneuvers, but deep down in his soul he is as pure as a lamb, although few people realize this. Your love is far from ephemeral. You are demanding and strive for perfection... which sometimes leads to suffering. To decide on a long-term relationship, you need a serious, reliable partner whom you will place on a pedestal. Make sure that he doesn’t fall out of there, this will be the collapse of all your illusions. You are incredibly sensual, you love sex, before the start of a relationship you know how to hide this side of your nature and demonstrate it only at the moment of intimacy. You are able to wait for the right opportunity to act; sex is a powerful impulse, but not an end in itself. Starting a family is the most important life task for Swati, although they are often picky and critical towards their chosen one. They are very practical and stand firmly on the ground, although they hide this side of their nature. They don't give of great importance their sexuality and know how to wait for the right moment to satisfy their desires. Best partners: Buffalo (Hasta), Elephant (Bharani), Elephant (Revati), Sheep (Krittika), Ram (Pushya), Bull (Uttar-Phalguni) and Cow (Uttar-bhadra).

Visakha ΧVΙ (Visakha, Vansakha) from November 6 to 18
Animal - Tiger
Visakha is associated with the star Gemma (α-Northernal Crown). This is a star that gives rise to determination, strength, discipline, the ability to complete one’s work, and good appearance. Its name translates as “star of determination,” which indicates a successful, somewhat selfish person. She is depicted as a tree with widely spread branches, which symbolizes a person whose influence is growing, a worker waiting for the fruit to ripen. You are sensitive and attentive to people, open to everything new, ambitious and sociable, you like the company of friends and acquaintances who give you advice. You passionately love the mysteries of nature, are attached to the material side of life, but, having achieved success, you immediately lose interest in your previous line of work. In love, you manifest yourself in two ways: by entering into serious relationship, you do not exclude the possibility of a new connection. You are never satisfied, sometimes fickle or unfaithful... A hectic life pushes you to change partners. This tendency gradually disappears with age. A strong Tiger drives its victim and looks for a partner who can fully satisfy his sexual appetites, so as not to go looking for happiness on the side. Sometimes he can curb himself or choose celibacy. Even despite complete satisfaction with the existing relationship, those who are restless in the soul of Visakha may suddenly feel vague irritation - and change. Internal dissatisfaction with themselves pushes them to frequently change fans. Possessing powerful sexual energy, they are looking for a companion who can satisfy this hunger. Their sexuality is a spark, ready to ignite at any moment. Best partners: Tigress (Chitra) or another Tiger.

Anuradha November 19 - December 1
Animal - Deer
Heavenly ruler - Saturn
Anuradha nakshatra is associated with the divine, soft in nature star Akrab, which means “claw of Scorpio”. And the name of the lunar station itself is translated as “calling people to action.”
Anyone who was born at this time has organizational skills. Akrab is also called the star of success, and its name is also translated as “follower of Radha,” and this is an indication of the spiritual inclinations of a person. Radha represents the feminine manifestation divine energy, which encourages all living things on earth to serve Him.
Anuradha's character surprisingly combines cheerfulness and a tendency to depression, kindness and cruelty. His life is a series of ups and downs on the path to perfection, which representatives of the lunar station are looking for throughout the entire period of their earthly existence. They have to constantly make a choice between material and spiritual. Anuradha is able to deal with all sorts of difficulties, but the load voluntarily placed on their shoulders often turns out to be unbearable for them.
In love relationships, Anuradhas show themselves to be true idealists, seeking the absolute. If these people happen to fall in love, then everything else fades into the background. But the path of search ideal partner accompanied by permanent shift lovers, and there are many difficulties in relationships, because Anuradha always thinks that the love of their life is still ahead of them. They live by thoughts of her, by the expectation of a bright and all-consuming feeling, for the sake of it they make any sacrifices.
Just for the sake of satisfying sexual desires, Anuradha will not enter into a relationship with anyone, because in the intimate side of life they see only a component of a huge love feeling. Those born under this lunar station experience pleasure from sexual contacts only if they feel loved.
Anuradha is advised not to think much about the past and the future because it can be dangerous for them. These people must learn to make the most of their present.
The most best compatibility Anuradha with Deer (Jyestha), Cat (Ashlesha), Cat (Punarvasu), Horse (Ashvini), Bull (Uttar-Phalguni), Cow (Uttar-bhadra), Horse (Satabhisha).

Jyeshtha (Jyestha, Yesta) December 2 - 14
Animal - Deer
Heavenly ruler - Mercury
The Jyestha nakshatra is associated with the strong, sharp star Antares, whose name in translation sounds like “leader, head” or “eldest”. Thanks to its influence, people gain abilities that help them achieve leadership positions.
People born during this period, as a rule, get everything they want. This is facilitated by a brilliant mind, ambition, the desire to have what others do not have, a thirst for power, and the ability to bring everything to a victorious end. Jyesthas have a strong attachment to material assets, although in the depths of their souls there lives a striving for spirituality. In order to develop it, the people of this lunar station must fight their own materialism.
If Jyeshtha falls in love, then their feelings will overwhelm them and manifest themselves openly and brightly. These jealous and selfish people find complex relationships extremely attractive. They build long-term relationships with great difficulty, because Jyeshtha’s path from passionate love to complete indifference can be very short.
In order to achieve the reciprocity of a person they like, they will destroy all obstacles in their path, sometimes turning into completely ruthless individuals. It is important for them that their partner attracts them not only in the physical sense, but also in the intellectual sense. Only people who can constantly expand their life horizons can become Jyeshtha's companions.
In the nature of those born during this period there is pronounced sensuality and sexuality, which sometimes takes on the character of real frenzy. Therefore, Jyeshtha needs to be careful with the power that lies dormant in them, because it can be destructive. The sexual appetites of representatives of this sign are so great that they are unlikely to be able to remain faithful to one partner.
Jyeshtha has the best compatibility with Deer (Anuradha), Sheep (Krittika), Rat (Magha), Cat (Ashlesha), Cat (Punarvasu), Horse (Ashvini), Horse (Satabhisha), Bull (Uttar-Phalguni), Cow ( Uttar-bhadra).
