The former boyfriend of the deceased Zhanna Friske, Ilya Mitelman, will go to the singer’s funeral. Novels by Zhanna Friske

What novels did the press attribute and ascribe to Zhanna Friske?

Zhanna is undoubtedly one of the most bright stars on the domestic musical horizon. Having started her career as a member of the group “Brilliant” in 1996, she immediately established herself as an excellent singer, bright, endowed with charm, and mastering the art of dance. In 2003, Zhanna left the group and started solo career, becoming even more popular, which few achieve after leaving the group. She managed to try herself as an actress, starring in two “Watches”.

Now Friske is one of the most notable and vibrant performers on Russian stage. She was never deprived of the attention of men. Now she is having an affair with figure skater Vitaly Novikov, a partner in the project “ glacial period" The media is even talking about their wedding. But let's see what kind of affairs with which men Zhanna was once credited with.

1. Businessman Ilya Mitelman

Time: 2001 - 2005

Businessman Ilya is perhaps Zhanna’s first boyfriend about whom the media wrote. It was he who opened the doors of show business for her, once introducing her to the producer of the group “Brilliant” Andrei Grozny. They had long relationship saturated with emotions. We were talking about upcoming wedding, Ilya fell asleep Zhanna beautiful gifts... They diverged, then came together again. Ilya supported Zhanna when she decided to start a solo career outside the Blestyashchie group. But it didn’t work out. Apparently, the businessman wanted Zhanna, being next to him, to stop wearing revealing outfits and turn into a homely loving wife. Zhanna chose a stage career. Nevertheless, ex-lovers managed to remain friends.

2. Actor Dmitry Dyuzhev

Time: until 2005

Little is known about the affair with Dmitry Dyuzhev, the star of “Brigade”. Dmitry Dyuzhev refused to comment on these rumors in any way, and Zhanna herself, in one of her interviews, in response to a journalist’s question about what happened between her and Dmitry, and whether a wedding was planned, said that there was no talk of marriage. Yes, she really talked with Dyuzhev for some time, but at a certain point they simply stopped talking on the phone. The alleged affair with Dmitry Dyuzhev left many questions for both the actor’s fans and Zhanna’s fans.

3. Vlad Topalov

Time: July 2005

At the end of July 2006, Zhanna was spotted by the press on the same yacht with Vlad Topalov, then the lead singer of the Smash group, in Sochi. The media said that Vlad rented a huge yacht from a Sochi businessman, and Friske accompanied him on the boat trip. Vlad himself then assured that they had a long-standing connection with Zhanna, but exclusively friendly relations. Zhanna said the same thing in one of her interviews.

4. Actor Alexey Chadov

Time: April 2006

In April 2006, everyone started talking about the kiss between Chadov and Friska on stage at the MTV Film Awards. Alexey and Zhanna had previously played passion in the film “Day Watch,” and again demonstrated how they know how to kiss right on stage. During filming, they spent a whole day filming the love scene between the vampire Bones and the witch Alice, during which they exchanged kisses - within working limits.

5. Hockey player Alexander Ovechkin

Time: summer 2006

In August 2006, the media reported that Ovechkin could not forget Zhanna, with whom he began an affair on the set of the reality show “The Great Race.” After filming, Zhanna seemed to have forgotten about her fleeting crush - they never managed to meet. In September of this year, the tabloid press again focused attention on what was happening between Ovechkin and Friske, giving special piquant significance to their meeting in Beijing, for which Zhanna supposedly came there.

6. Mitya Fomin from the group “Hi-Fi”

Time: November 2006

In November 2006, the press was worried about the relationship between Zhanna and Mitya, the lead singer of the Hi-Fi group. The couple was often seen together at social parties, and Mitya even called Zhanna his bride. In addition, some publications wrote that Mitya allegedly became the reason for Zhanna’s departure from businessman Ilya. Whether this is so is anyone's guess.

7. Alexey Serov from the group “Disco Accident”

Time: July 2007

In the summer of 2007, the yellow press noticed that Alexey often enters the entrance of the house where Zhanna lives, sometimes even with her. Zhanna denied an affair with Alexei, but confirmed the fact that he lives with her. Allegedly, he had nowhere to live, and she provided him with her living space. Really, what’s so great about hosting a friend and stage colleague at home?

8. Footballer Kakha Kaladze

Time: August 2007

Kakha Kaladze, Milan football player and Zhanna Friske met at the Ritz Hotel, where a gala reception was organized on the occasion of the Russian Railways football cup. Kakha patiently waited for Zhanna after the performance, then, as Zhanna admitted, they had an “intimate meeting.” Zhanna knew Kakha before, but she preferred to leave it a secret where exactly they met. As was evident from further news, the alleged romance was not continued. Therefore, most likely, the football player and the singer have only friendly relations.

9. Dmitry Nagiev

Time: November 2007

Once again, the yellow press really exploded when they noticed TV presenter Dmitry Nagiyev courting Zhanna on the set of “New Year’s Light.” Rumors that Friske and Nagiyev were having an affair appeared a month before the start of filming, and during them they acquired new details. At that time, Zhanna had known Dmitry for more than three years. Well, we all know how our press loves to look for things that don’t actually exist and to pass off wishful thinking. And this supposed romance was not destined to take shape and become a reality.

10. Svetlana Kuzina

Time: presumably from 2003 to 2006

What the tabloid press doesn’t write about! In August 2008, materials appeared in the media that spoke about the relationship between Friske and one of her dancers. Two twin dancers, Sveta and Katya Kuzin, worked with Friske for three years. According to legend, while on tour in Khabarovsk, Sveta invited Zhanna to her room to chat. The girls drank cognac and it began. Zhanna’s friend Mitya Fomin, who was also credited with having an affair with her, said that the entire show business knew about the affair between the girls. The media characterize this romance as very stormy, with “mad love” and passions. Well, anything can happen in life, and stars are people too. But the tabloids did not rest on this, and wrote that Zhanna was allegedly very worried about the break with Sveta.

...And the last novel

Time: October 8

And now everyone is just gossiping about the romance between Zhanna Friske and figure skater Vitaly Novikov, who became noticeable to others on the set of the next season of the TV show “Ice Age”. No one has yet decided to confirm or comment in any way on the rumors about the upcoming wedding, but it is known that the “candy and bouquet” period is in full swing. However, it has not yet been noticed among the gifts wedding rings, so it is possible that in a month we will be able to replenish and continue this list...

Sources were used in preparing the article.

Zhanna Friske died after a year and a half of battle with brain cancer. The singer's life will undoubtedly remain one of the brightest stories in history. Russian show business. Having started her career in the group “Brilliant,” Zhanna Friske was never deprived of male attention. However, she denied in interviews many of the affairs reported in the press. LifeNews collected stories about the singer’s closest men.

The first boyfriend of Zhanna Friske, about whom the media wrote, was businessman and deputy from Chelyabinsk Ilya Mitelman. Their tumultuous relationship began in the early 2000s and lasted several years. They separated and came back together, there was talk of a wedding, but it didn’t work out. Back in 1996, Ilya introduced Zhanna to the future producer of “Brilliant” Andrei Grozny. The businessman saw Zhanna as a loving wife and homemaker, but she chose a stage career.

In 2006, on the set of the reality show “The Great Race,” Zhanna met hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. The singer lost her head over the young athlete - Cote d'Azur France was conducive to a novel. However, their relationship with Ovechkin quickly ended when Zhanna found out that he was interested in her ex-colleague in “Brilliant” Ksenia Novikova. In 2008, Zhanna and Alexander tried to start over: the singer went to visit a hockey player at the Beijing Olympics. The hockey player flew there for three days to participate in the presentation of the Sochi 2014 Games. The media wrote that Ovechkin and Zhanna lived in the presidential suite of the hotel for “friends of the Olympics” - “Chateau-Laffite”, but the athlete again became interested in another girl - fashion designer Lena Lenskaya.

In August 2007, Zhanna Friske met another representative of big-time sports, this time Milan football player Kakha Kalazde. As the media wrote, this happened at the Ritz Hotel at a reception on the occasion of the Russian Railways Football Cup. Zhanna performed on stage, and Kakha waited behind the scenes. Afterwards, Friske admitted to reporters that she had known Kaladze for a long time, but that day “it was an intimate meeting.” The next day, Zhanna came to the Milan - Lokomotiv match and cheered for the Italian team. However, they say that Kaladze and Friske parted as friends very soon.

One of the last long-term love stories in the life of Zhanna Friske connected her and figure skater Vitaly Novikov. In 2008, the singer agreed to participate in the TV show Ice Age. For four months, the elite watched the rapid development of relations between Vitaly and Zhanna. Colleagues and even employees of “Ice Age” said that they were a wonderful couple. However, the lovers quarreled, and often because their plans to get married were heatedly discussed. In the end, the celebration was planned for February 2009, but the couple could not accept common decision to celebrate the New Year and spent it separately. This is where the romance between Zhanna Friske and Vitaly Novikov ended.

Zhanna Friske's only son was born to her from Channel One host Dmitry Shepelev. The media wrote that they were dating back in 2011, but the details became clear only in the spring of 2012. As it turned out, the couple celebrated their unofficial anniversary. "Native! Congratulations on our little holiday! 9 months since the day you became my man! It’s already 9 months, I’m incredibly happy with you, you’re mine,” Zhanna Friske wrote on the social network. Shepelev replied: “Darling, I love you! You are my life! Happy holiday to you!” On April 7, 2013, the couple had a son, Plato.

Note that in different years journalists greedy for sensations, sometimes guided only by rumors, attributed to Zhanna Friske love stories with actors Dmitry Dyuzhev, Alexey Chadov and Dmitry Nagiyev, as well as musicians Vlad Topalov, Mitya Fomin from Hi-Fi and Alexey Serov from the group “Disco Accident”.

Portal on the night of June 16, he announced the death of Zhanna Friske. Information about the death of the performer, who was only 40 years old, was confirmed by her father.

At the beginning of 2014, the famous performer was diagnosed oz is an inoperable brain tumor. After lengthy treatment in clinics in Germany and the USA, the singer and her family moved to the Baltic states. In the summer of 2014, Friske began to recover, her vision, partially lost due to the tumor, began to return, she noticeably lost weight, stood on her feet and could move around without a wheelchair. Nevertheless, doctors warned that after radiation therapy, Friske may experience complications - post-radiation changes in the brain.

IN recent months Zhanna Friske lived in Moscow in a country house with her husband Dmitry Shepelev and their little son.

The singer's boyfriend beat her mercilessly out of jealousy

For millions of people, Jeanne has always been the embodiment of sexuality. This means that gossip constantly arose around her, sometimes of a very scandalous nature. There is even an opinion that the “Blue-Eyed Panther,” as her fans lovingly called her, deliberately planted “hot” information about herself for journalists. “I often fall in love with men and women!” she teased the reporters. “Zhanna always loved to shock!” - confirms the singer’s friend Otar KUSHANASHVILI.

According to the website, in student years Zhanna Friske traveled to Germany with her close friend Natasha. There they had fun hanging out with German sailors, and our heroine also met with an “authority of Russian origin.”
Zhanna’s university classmates claim that “all the guys were after her, but she was dating Dimka, who now works at 38 Petrovka.” And in her third year, she met a certain businessman Andrei, with whom she even lived in a civil marriage for a short time.

In 1996, the aspiring singer joined the “Brilliant” group, where the producers did not encourage the turbulent personal life of their charges - it interfered with their work. Although, to be honest, rumors of affairs with famous people, on the contrary, increase the popularity of the team! Therefore, information is soon released to the press that Zhanna is allegedly having an affair with Mitya Fomin from the Hi-Fi group. The long-awaited wedding, which was trumpeted by the media, never happened.
A similar story happened in 2001, when in the video “Ay-Ay” Zhannochka hugged the young fashion model Misha Vikhlyaev. Soon he gave her a pug Josephine, whom Friske affectionately called her and Misha’s child. In the press, Zhanna was persistently called common-law wife Vikhlyaev, but this legend quickly became obsolete. Disappointed journalists, out of annoyance, even began to write that a real romance arose between Vikhlyaev and Fomin.

The broken heart of Dima Dyuzhev

In 2003, Zhanna met Alexei Serov from the group “Disco Accident”. Their relationship seemed to begin to develop quickly. Skeptics, however, argued that this was also a PR move, but in fact Serov was preparing for a wedding with a certain Elena Firsova.
Soon this happened. However, after his divorce from Lena, Serov moves not just anywhere, but to Zhanna’s apartment on Klimashkina Street! Even Friske herself did not deny this obvious fact, saying that she simply sheltered a friend at a difficult moment in his life.
But almost everyone believed in the romance with Dmitry Dyuzhev, who was at the peak of popularity after the TV series “Brigade”. Maybe because Zhanna commented extremely sparingly on their relationship: without bluffing about an imminent wedding, but also without ostentatious indignation. They broke up, as they say, on Friske’s initiative, which was a big blow for Dmitry, who allegedly even went on a drinking binge.

At the end of July 2006, Zhanna was spotted in Sochi on the same yacht with the lead singer of the group “Smash!!” Vlad Topalov. And although the guys unanimously denied their romantic relationship, not everyone believed that the yacht was rented for a “simple walk”.
That same summer, Zhanna allegedly had a fleeting affair with super hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. The then 32-year-old diva met a 20-year-old boy in France - both came there to participate in the third part of the “Great Race” show.
We went to discos together and held night dances near our villa. "They were very fun days! - Ovechkin recalled. - I hugged and kissed her! I wanted her to feel my support!”
And the 29-year-old defender of the Italian club Milan and the Georgian national football team, Kakha Kaladze, met the singer at the Ritz Hotel in August 2007, where she performed on the occasion of the Russian Railways Cup held in Moscow. As they say, they spent only one night together.

Star of Channel One

Jeanne was always idolized by men. For example, in the “high society” they salivated when it was reported that Zhanna, having received a Mercedes convertible from an ardent admirer, immediately exchanged it for a Mercedes CLS class for $130,000. The difference, however, was added by herself from the fee for filming the film "Night Watch".
Who are these rich and influential fans?
Zhanna was credited with tutelage from Channel One producer Alexander Fayfman. This is exactly what spiteful critics explain the singer’s flashing on the country’s main screen. Although more is known about Zhanna’s romance with another producer of the First - the impressive Frenchman Cyril Lunkevich, with whom she, according to some reports, dated for about two years. Then Cyril became interested in Marina Alexandrova, who also participated in the project.

But who are television officials compared to billionaire Suleiman Kerimov?! The tycoon favored Zhanna so clearly that when the unfortunate accident occurred in Cannes, where he was seriously injured, it was rumored that Friske was the mysterious stranger in his car. Only later did it become clear that Tina Kandelaki was next to Kerimov.
What the powerful businessman gave to his passion can only be guessed if we remember that he presented a plane to Natalya Vetlitskaya, with whom he had a relationship!
Rumor has it that Zhanna also had a romantic relationship with one of the publishers of the Sport Express newspaper. Allegedly, it was he who paid for the video for the song “La-la-la.” But the main man in Friske’s life was still a provincial businessman mediocre named Ilya.
Otar Kushanashvili remembers Zhanna’s most cordial friend of that time, whom some publications, by the way, also “put into bed” with Zhanna.
“No, Zhanna and I had nothing like that, although we treat each other very well,” Otar laughed then. - I remember a certain Ilya from Sochi, where we went together with the group “Brilliant” about ten years ago. He never showed up, he only met and escorted her from the airport. There were strong feelings on both sides, out of jealousy he hit her hard. (Otar used a stronger Russian word. - V.M.) And they broke up on her initiative - Zhanna always puts an end to it herself.
It is possible that Kushanashvili’s story was about Ilya Mitelman, a Chelyabinsk entrepreneur, the son of the vice-speaker of the local Legislative Assembly, the director of a confectionery factory, who is called the milk king there. They say that it was he who introduced Zhanna to the producer of “Brilliant” Andrei Grozny.

Andrei and Friske came together and then diverged. Once again, their relationship went wrong during the filming of Night Watch. So, perhaps, the rumor about Zhanna’s affair with her film partner Alexei Chadov has some basis.
However, Zhanna spent her 32nd birthday in Chelyabinsk. They say that Ilya invited Friska to leave show business and marry him. But this arrangement did not suit her.
- I respect Zhanna, she is very independent and strong man! - says Kushanashvili. “There was a time when she was actually forced to become a whore in order to continue her career. Some specific guys, deceived in their expectations, even blew up her car one day.

Let them say that there is no such thing as female friendship!

At the end of 2003, the party began to actively discuss the friendship of Zhanna and Julia’s girl nicknamed Sanchez, who then worked as an administrator at the fashionable club “Giusto”. She had a certain reputation: Sanchez tried to seduce even the very young Alsa at that time, who was forced to take her phone out of politeness, but, of course, never called. And it was with this girl that Zhanna began to be constantly seen in mall“Okhotny Ryad”, in fashionable metropolitan coffee shops and, finally, at the Muz-TV Awards. Where, according to protocol, you need to appear with your “other half”.
They also wrote that Friske became close friends with her dancer Svetlana Kuzina, who worked with her for three years.
- Zhanna simply loves experiments, and even deliberately shocks! - spoke soon after this in defense of Kushanashvili’s friend. - I know that she really wants a family and children. Well, she just hasn’t come across a normal guy yet who would be worthy of her!
At some point glossy magazines reported that Australian multimillionaire Nick Halick, whom a journalist friend introduced her to, had his eye on the star.
“Personally, I really like him,” Zhanna said then. - And if I tell him too, then that’s great!

“Dimka is amazing”

In 2008, Zhanna Friske began filming the TV show “Ice Age,” where she met figure skater Vitaly Novikov. In October 2008, Zhanna’s relatives confirmed that the couple was already “everything serious.” During the filming, Vitaly gave Zhanna unexpected gifts and pointedly courted her. Rumors spread about an engagement and even a secret wedding. Novikov is credited with saying: “Now she’s mine! I really like Zhanna. She wonderful man. I don't even have words for how lucky I am to have her. Maybe it’s fate...” The hype around the novel lasted until March 2010. Friske later denied the rumors in an interview:
“There was nothing and nothing could have happened between us.” Vitalik had been dating his girlfriend all this time.
In the summer of 2011, a number of media outlets reported that the romance between 37-year-old Zhanna Friske and 28-year-old Channel One presenter Dmitry Shepelev was by no means fiction. For another year the press was tormented by guesses, and in March 2012 it became known that Dmitry visited his beloved in Mexico for the third time. As it turned out, the couple celebrated an unofficial acquaintance date there. "Native! Congratulations on our little holiday! 9 months since the day you became my man! I’ve been incredibly happy with you for 9 months now, you’re mine,” Zhanna wrote on March 5 on her page in social network. Shepelev replied: “Darling, I love you! You are my life! Happy holiday to you!”
“I know that many consider our union with Dima to be PR,” the singer lamented. - Like, why does Friska need a poor guy from Belarus... But we feel so good together, Dimka is amazing! And he really wants a child.
The couple also spent the winter holidays of 2012 together. Dmitry Shepelev escaped from snowy Moscow to sunny Miami to Zhanna. And then Plato was born... One of the most enviable brides Russia has finally found its female happiness.

Singer Zhanna Friske ( real name Kopylova) has a multi-million army of fans. And first of all, not because of her vocal abilities, but thanks to the image of a fatal beauty that she managed to create...

It is no coincidence that at one of the “Silver Rain” ceremonies they practiced their wit: “They say that Friske, to top off her nude photo shoots, also sings!” On July 8, this bright woman turned 35 years old. However, she was never married, which always gave rise to gossip.

Zhanna Friske speaks extremely reluctantly about her personal life. But we still tried to collect plausible information about her heartfelt sympathies, which were sometimes quite exotic. In particular, there have long been rumors about her bisexuality. In one of the interviews, Zhanna involuntarily let slip: “I often fall in love with men and women. This crush is NOT NECESSARILY sexual in nature.” That is, it turns out that, in principle, he can wear it...

FRISKE's buttocks are more attractive
than her vocal abilities

They say there were more men in her life. But now the star’s heart supposedly belongs to a woman.

Child - pug

According to the website "show", during her student years Zhanna traveled to Germany with her close friend Natasha. There they had fun hanging out with German sailors, and our heroine also met with an “authority of Russian origin.”

Kopylova's classmates at the Moscow State University legal academy claim that “all the guys were after her, but she was dating Dimka, who now works at 38 Petrovka.” And in her third year, she met a certain businessman Andrei, with whom she even lived in a civil marriage for a short time.

The young graduate Zhanna still had to study and study...

In 1996, the aspiring singer joined the “Brilliant” group, where the producers did not encourage the turbulent personal life of their charges - it interfered with their work. But rumors about romances with famous people, on the contrary, increase the popularity of the team. Therefore, information is released to the press that Zhanna is having an affair with Mitya Fomin from the Hi-Fi group, which was then on the rise. The long-awaited wedding, which was trumpeted by the media, never happened.

A similar story happened in 2001, when in the video “Ay-Ay” Zhannochka was squeezed by the young model Misha Vikhlyaev. Soon he gave her a pug Josephine, whom Friske affectionately called her and Misha’s child. In the press, Zhanna was persistently called Vikhlyaev’s common-law wife, but this legend quickly became obsolete. Disappointed journalists even wrote that the real romance arose between Vikhlyaev and Fomin.

Goal in bed

In 2003, Zhanna met Alexei Serov from the Disco Crash group. Outwardly, their relationship began to develop quickly. Skeptics, however, argued that this was also a PR stunt, but in fact Serov was preparing for a wedding with an “earthly” girl, Elena Firsova. Soon this happened. However, after his divorce from Lena, Serov moves not just anywhere, but to Zhanna’s apartment on Klimashkina Street. Even Friske herself did not deny this obvious fact, saying that she simply sheltered a friend in a friendly manner at a difficult moment in his life.

Alexey SEROV lived in Zhanna's apartment…

... and was not averse to frolicking with her on the beach

But almost everyone believed in the romance with Dmitry Dyuzhev, who was at the peak of popularity after the TV series “Brigade”. Maybe because Zhanna commented extremely sparingly on their relationship: without bluffing about an imminent wedding, but also without ostentatious indignation. They broke up, as they say, on Friske’s initiative, which was a big blow for Dmitry, who allegedly even went on a drinking binge. At the end of July 2006, Zhanna was spotted in Sochi on the same yacht with the lead singer of the group “Smash!!” Vlad Topalov. And although the guys unanimously denied their romantic relationship, not everyone believed that the yacht was rented for a “simple walk”.

The singer broke Dmitry Dyuzhev's heart…

...with the help of Vlad TOPALOV

That same summer, Zhanna had a fleeting affair with hockey star Alexander Ovechkin. The then 32-year-old diva met a 20-year-old boy in France - they both came there to participate in the third part of the “Great Race” show.

We went to discos together and held dances near the villas. “Those were very fun days! - Ovechkin recalled. - I hugged and kissed her! I wanted her to feel my support!”

Alexander OVECHKIN rocked up with the singer in France

And the 29-year-old defender of the Italian club Milan and the Georgian national football team, Kakha Kaladze, met the singer at the Ritz Hotel in August 2007, where she performed on the occasion of the Russian Railways Cup held in Moscow. As they say, they spent only one night together.

Star of Channel One

Young musicians and artists, of course, are good guys. However, unfortunately, they are not able to help you with your career, nor give you a cool car, or even an apartment. But God forbid accusing Zhanna of selfishness!

It is simply known that such gifts were presented to her. For example, in the “high society” they salivated when it was reported that Zhanna, having received a Mercedes convertible from an ardent admirer, immediately exchanged it for a Mercedes CLS class for $130,000. The difference, however, was added by herself from the fee for "Night Watch".

Who are these rich and influential fans?

Zhanna was credited with tutelage from Channel One producer Alexander Faifman. This is exactly what spiteful critics explain the singer’s flashing on the country’s main screen. Although more is known about Zhanna’s romance with another producer of the First - the impressive Frenchman Cyril Lunkevich, with whom she, according to some reports, dated for about two years. Then Cyril became interested in Marina Alexandrova, who also participated in the “Great Race” project - the television brainchild of Lunkevich.

But who are television officials compared to billionaire Suleiman Kerimov! The tycoon favored Zhanna so clearly that when the unfortunate accident occurred in Cannes, where he was seriously injured, they gossiped that it was Friske who was the mysterious stranger in his car. Only later did it become clear that Tina Kandelaki was next to Kerimov.

Suleiman KERIMOV - famous “collector”
representatives of Russian show business

One can only imagine what the powerful businessman gave to his passion, if we remember that he presented a plane to Natalya Vetlitskaya, with whom he had a relationship!

Rumor has it that Zhanna also had a romantic relationship with one of the publishers of the Sport-Express newspaper. Allegedly, it was he who paid for the video for the song “La-la-la.” But the main man in Friske’s life was still the mediocre provincial businessman Ilya.

Milk King

Zhanna’s dear friend is remembered by her good friend Otar Kushanashvili, who, by the way, was also “put into bed” with Zhanna.

No, Zhanna and I had nothing like that, although we treat each other very well,” Otar smiled. - I remember a certain Ilya from Sochi, where we went together with the group “Brilliant” about ten years ago. He never showed up, he only met and escorted her from the airport. There were strong feelings on both sides, out of jealousy he hit her hard. (Otar used a stronger Russian word. - V.M.) And they broke up on her initiative - Zhanna always puts an end to it herself.

Ilya MITELMAN had the most serious intentions

It is possible that Kushanashvili’s story was about Ilya Mitelman, a Chelyabinsk entrepreneur, the son of the vice-speaker of the local Legislative Assembly, the director of a confectionery factory, who is called the milk king there. They say that it was he who introduced Zhanna to the producer of “Brilliant” Andrei Grozny. The couple came together and then diverged. Once again, their relationship went wrong during the filming of Night Watch. So, perhaps, the rumor about Zhanna’s affair with her film partner Alexei Chadov has some basis.

Zhanna became closer to Alexei CHADOV
on the set of "Night Watch"

However, three years ago Zhanna spent her 32nd birthday in Chelyabinsk.

After that, their names no longer appeared together in gossip columns. They say that Ilya invited Friska to leave show business and marry him. But the young woman was not happy with this arrangement.

I respect Zhanna, she is a very independent and strong person! - says Kushanashvili. “There was a time when she was actually forced to become a whore in order to continue her career. Some specific guys, deceived in their expectations, even blew up her car.

But she endured everything and did not break.

Girlfriend instead of friend

There have been rumors for a long time that Zhannochka is not indifferent to ladies. They gossiped that it was Zhanna who brought Yulia Kovalchuk to the “Brilliant” group - supposedly the girls had a very close relationship.
And here’s what the already mentioned website “show” writes: “The affair with businessman Andrei continued until Friske accidentally met Olga Orlova at the Pilot club. The girls then quickly found mutual language and became friends." The hint is more than transparent...

The girls are standing on the side...

At the end of 2003, the party began to actively discuss the relationship between Zhanna and Yulia’s girlfriend, nicknamed Sanchez, who then worked as an administrator at the fashionable club Giusto. She had a certain reputation: Sanchez tried to seduce even the tremulous Alsa, who was forced to take her phone out of politeness, but, of course, never called. And it was with this girl that Zhanna began to be constantly seen in the Okhotny Ryad shopping center, in fashionable metropolitan coffee shops and, finally, at the Muz TV Awards! And then, excuse me, according to protocol you have to appear with your “other half”.

Zhanna with girlfriend Yuley-Sanchez

They also wrote that Friske was in the loving embrace of her dancer Svetlana Kuzina, who worked with her for three years. Allegedly, while on tour in Khabarovsk, Sveta invited Zhanna to her room, and it began...

IN last years Zhanna often appeared in public with her friend Oksana, who is said to be a very wealthy person. They walked holding hands, not hiding their tender feelings.

With my dear friend Oksana...

And now the singer is often seen in the company of her personal hairdresser, an interesting brunette... - Zhanna simply loves experiments, and even deliberately shocks! - defends Friske Otar Kushanashvili. - I know that she really wants a family and children. Well, she just hasn’t come across a normal guy yet who would be worthy of her!

...which Yulia KOVALCHUK knows very well

Now, as glossy magazines report, the star has her eye on Australian multimillionaire Nick Halick, whom a journalist friend introduced her to.

Personally, I really like him,” said Zhanna. - And if I tell him too, then that’s great!

It is no coincidence that at one of the “Silver Rain” ceremonies they practiced their wit: “They say that Friske, to top off her nude photo shoots, also sings!” On July 8, this bright woman turned 35 years old. However, she was never married, which always gave rise to gossip.

Zhanna Friske speaks extremely reluctantly about her personal life. But we still tried to collect plausible information about her heartfelt sympathies, which were sometimes quite exotic. In particular, there have long been rumors about her bisexuality. In one of the interviews, Zhanna involuntarily let slip: “I often fall in love with men and women. This crush is NOT NECESSARILY sexual in nature.” That is, it turns out that, in principle, he can wear it...

FRISKE's buttocks are more attractive
than her vocal abilities

They say there were more men in her life. But now the star’s heart supposedly belongs to a woman.

Child - pug

According to the website "show", during her student years Zhanna traveled to Germany with her close friend Natasha. There they had fun hanging out with German sailors, and our heroine also met with an “authority of Russian origin.”

Kopylova’s classmates at the Moscow State Law Academy claim that “all the guys were after her, but she met with Dimka, who now works at 38 Petrovka.” And in her third year, she met a certain businessman Andrei, with whom she even lived in a civil marriage for a short time.

The young graduate Zhanna still had to study and study...

In 1996, the aspiring singer joined the “Brilliant” group, where the producers did not encourage the turbulent personal life of their charges - it interfered with their work. But rumors about romances with famous people, on the contrary, increase the popularity of the team. Therefore, information is released to the press that Zhanna is having an affair with Mitya Fomin from the Hi-Fi group, which was then on the rise. The long-awaited wedding, which was trumpeted by the media, never happened.

A similar story happened in 2001, when in the video “Ay-Ay” Zhannochka was squeezed by the young model Misha Vikhlyaev. Soon he gave her a pug Josephine, whom Friske affectionately called her and Misha’s child. In the press, Zhanna was persistently called Vikhlyaev’s common-law wife, but this legend quickly became obsolete. Disappointed journalists even wrote that the real romance arose between Vikhlyaev and Fomin.

Goal in bed

In 2003, Zhanna met Alexei Serov from the Disco Crash group. Outwardly, their relationship began to develop quickly. Skeptics, however, argued that this was also a PR stunt, but in fact Serov was preparing for a wedding with an “earthly” girl, Elena Firsova. Soon this happened. However, after his divorce from Lena, Serov moves not just anywhere, but to Zhanna’s apartment on Klimashkina Street. Even Friske herself did not deny this obvious fact, saying that she simply sheltered a friend in a friendly manner at a difficult moment in his life.

Alexey SEROV lived in Zhanna's apartment...

...and was not averse to frolicking with her on the beach

But almost everyone believed in the romance with Dmitry Dyuzhev, who was at the peak of popularity after the TV series “Brigade”. Maybe because Zhanna commented extremely sparingly on their relationship: without bluffing about an imminent wedding, but also without ostentatious indignation. They broke up, as they say, on Friske’s initiative, which was a big blow for Dmitry, who allegedly even went on a drinking binge. At the end of July 2006, Zhanna was spotted in Sochi on the same yacht with the lead singer of the group “Smash!!” Vlad Topalov. And although the guys unanimously denied their romantic relationship, not everyone believed that the yacht was rented for a “simple walk”.

The singer broke Dmitry Dyuzhev's heart...

...with the help of Vlad TOPALOV

That same summer, Zhanna had a fleeting affair with hockey star Alexander Ovechkin. The then 32-year-old diva met a 20-year-old boy in France - they both came there to participate in the third part of the “Great Race” show.

We went to discos together and held dances near the villas. “Those were very fun days! - Ovechkin recalled. - I hugged and kissed her! I wanted her to feel my support!”

Alexander OVECHKIN rocked up with the singer in France

And the 29-year-old defender of the Italian club Milan and the Georgian national football team, Kakha Kaladze, met the singer at the Ritz Hotel in August 2007, where she performed on the occasion of the Russian Railways Cup held in Moscow. As they say, they spent only one night together.

Star of Channel One

Young musicians and artists, of course, are good guys. However, unfortunately, they are not able to help you with your career, nor give you a cool car, or even an apartment. But God forbid accusing Zhanna of selfishness!

It is simply known that such gifts were presented to her. For example, in the “high society” they salivated when it was reported that Zhanna, having received a Mercedes convertible from an ardent admirer, immediately exchanged it for a Mercedes CLS class for $130,000. The difference, however, was added by herself from the fee for "Night Watch".

Who are these rich and influential fans?

Zhanna was credited with tutelage from Channel One producer Alexander Faifman. This is exactly what spiteful critics explain the singer’s flashing on the country’s main screen. Although more is known about Zhanna’s romance with another producer of the First - the impressive Frenchman Cyril Lunkevich, with whom she, according to some reports, dated for about two years. Then Cyril became interested in Marina Alexandrova, who also participated in the “Great Race” project - the television brainchild of Lunkevich.

But who are television officials compared to billionaire Suleiman Kerimov! The tycoon favored Zhanna so clearly that when the unfortunate accident occurred in Cannes, where he was seriously injured, they gossiped that it was Friske who was the mysterious stranger in his car. Only later did it become clear that Tina Kandelaki was next to Kerimov.

Suleiman KERIMOV - famous "collector"
representatives of Russian show business

One can only imagine what the powerful businessman gave to his passion, if we remember that he presented a plane to Natalya Vetlitskaya, with whom he had a relationship!

Rumor has it that Zhanna also had a romantic relationship with one of the publishers of the Sport-Express newspaper. Allegedly, it was he who paid for the video for the song “La-la-la.” But the main man in Friske’s life was still the mediocre provincial businessman Ilya.

Milk King

Zhanna’s dear friend is remembered by her good friend Otar Kushanashvili, who, by the way, was also “put into bed” with Zhanna.

No, Zhanna and I had nothing like that, although we treat each other very well,” Otar smiled. - I remember a certain Ilya from Sochi, where we went together with the group “Brilliant” about ten years ago. He never showed up, he only met and escorted her from the airport. There were strong feelings on both sides, out of jealousy he hit her hard. (Otar used a stronger Russian word. - V.M.) And they broke up on her initiative - Zhanna always puts an end to it herself.

Ilya MITELMAN had the most serious intentions

It is possible that Kushanashvili’s story was about Ilya Mitelman, a Chelyabinsk entrepreneur, the son of the vice-speaker of the local Legislative Assembly, the director of a confectionery factory, who is called the milk king there. They say that it was he who introduced Zhanna to the producer of “Brilliant” Andrei Grozny. The couple came together and then diverged. Once again, their relationship went wrong during the filming of Night Watch. So, perhaps, the rumor about Zhanna’s affair with her film partner Alexei Chadov has some basis.

Zhanna became closer to Alexei CHADOV
on the set of "Night Watch"

However, three years ago Zhanna spent her 32nd birthday in Chelyabinsk.

After that, their names no longer appeared together in gossip columns. They say that Ilya invited Friska to leave show business and marry him. But the young woman was not happy with this arrangement.

I respect Zhanna, she is a very independent and strong person! - says Kushanashvili. “There was a time when she was actually forced to become a whore in order to continue her career. Some specific guys, deceived in their expectations, even blew up her car.

But she endured everything and did not break.

Girlfriend instead of friend

There have been rumors for a long time that Zhannochka is not indifferent to ladies. They gossiped that it was Zhanna who brought Yulia Kovalchuk to the “Brilliant” group - supposedly the girls had a very close relationship.
And here’s what the already mentioned website “show” writes: “The affair with businessman Andrei continued until Friske accidentally met Olga Orlova at the Pilot club. The girls then quickly found a common language and became friends.” The hint is more than transparent...

The girls are standing on the side...

At the end of 2003, the party began to actively discuss the relationship between Zhanna and Yulia’s girlfriend, nicknamed Sanchez, who then worked as an administrator at the fashionable club Giusto. She had a certain reputation: Sanchez tried to seduce even the tremulous Alsa, who was forced to take her phone out of politeness, but, of course, never called. And it was with this girl that Zhanna began to be constantly seen in the Okhotny Ryad shopping center, in fashionable metropolitan coffee shops and, finally, at the Muz TV Awards! And then, excuse me, according to protocol you have to appear with your “other half”.

Zhanna with girlfriend Yuley-Sanchez

They also wrote that Friske was in the loving embrace of her dancer Svetlana Kuzina, who worked with her for three years. Allegedly, while on tour in Khabarovsk, Sveta invited Zhanna to her room, and it began...

In recent years, Zhanna often appeared in public with her friend Oksana, who is said to be a very wealthy person. They walked holding hands, not hiding their tender feelings.

With my dear friend Oksana...

And now the singer is often seen in the company of her personal hairdresser, an interesting brunette... - Zhanna simply loves experiments, and even deliberately shocks! - defends Friske Otar Kushanashvili. - I know that she really wants a family and children. Well, she just hasn’t come across a normal guy yet who would be worthy of her!

...which Yulia KOVALCHUK knows very well

Now, as glossy magazines report, the star has her eye on Australian multimillionaire Nick Halick, whom a journalist friend introduced her to.

Personally, I really like him,” said Zhanna. - And if I tell him too, then that’s great!

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