If you have always dreamed of playing with foxes, then this Japanese reserve is just for you. Patrick the Fox - the star of the Bryansk Forest Nature Reserve

At the Proletarsky cordon in the reserve "Bryansk Forest" a very sociable guest settled in - fiery red fox. He came to the cordon in the summer. But for a couple of months he was embarrassed to show himself, apparently getting used to people and animals.

Now, as the reserve’s deputy director for environmental work and tourism Ekaterina Pilyutina, the fox considers himself the master of these places. The reserve staff nicknamed the guest Patrikeyem.

The red-haired guest is interested in everything that happens around him. Patrikey has become so comfortable at the cordon that he personally “inspects” arriving cars. The fox had already eaten several pairs of shoes standing on the porch of the cordon and scattered the vegetables left unattended. Sometimes he argues with a local over food the cat Dymko.

Most likely, this is a young animal, born this year,” says the Deputy Director for Science of the Bryansk Forest Nature Reserve. Elena Sitnikova. - Like any fox, Patrikey is cunning - he hides from camera traps and is very thieving. Not because he is bad, but simply because he is a fox!

At first the fox was very shy...

And then he got so used to people that now he’s no longer afraid to take food from people’s hands.

The local cat Dymok and Patrikey like to “inspect” the cars of the reserve’s guests.

The friendship between the fox and an employee of the Voronezh nature reserve Sergei Sapelnikov received an unexpected continuation, worthy of a film adaptation.

A friendly relationship between the zoologist and the predator began at the end of October. The scientist was clearing trap lines in the forest, preparing to count small mammals, and suddenly noticed a fox behind the trees. Sergei slowly lay down on the ground so as not to frighten the animal and treated it with a treat. The fearless fox accepted the treat. From that moment on, this ritual became daily.

The predator was named Ryzhik. He recognized his friend by his voice and was looking forward to him, but at a certain moment the friendship between the fox and the man was in question.

During the counting of small mammals it was decided to temporarily isolate Ryzhik: otherwise, the predator could interfere with finding out the exact number of mice and other animals.

The fox was lured into an enclosure built next to the counting trap line for 10 days. During isolation, scientists were able not only to conduct a routine census of small mammals, but also to observe the behavior of an animal with limited movement.

“Ryzhik the Fox had no idea about our plans - he responded to the kind attitude without any second thoughts and took treats from our hands. And every day it became more and more difficult for the zoologist to carry out his plans: when among people human understanding is already worth its weight in gold, you involuntarily begin to conserve heat sincere feelings, even if it's feelings forest animal, - noted in the Voronezh nature reserve.

On the last day of the count, Ryzhik was released from the enclosure. It was noticeable that the fox was offended by the people he trusted so much. The predator slowly moved away, and a man followed on his heels for quite a long time. He told him something, as if he was explaining that it was impossible to do otherwise.

A few days later, the scientists returned to the forest to clean the enclosure, and just in case they took with them a treat for Ryzhik. As it turned out, the fox forgave the man: he ran to the arriving car.

The fox followed the zoologist on his heels and then kept spinning around and taking treats from his hands. Finally, he allowed himself to lie in the snow next to the zoologist and pose for the final photo. Friendship was restored.

The reserve came to the conclusion that there are animals that differ from their fellows not only in curiosity and a penchant for communication, but also in a quality that people characterize as “the ability to understand and forgive.”

For some reason the foxes began to rapidly get closer to the man. They show initiative, they have become sociable and curious, they have become easier to get along with people and other pets. If this continues, then in a few years we will have a new a pet:) I wonder if we are ready for this?

Educational information about domestic foxes:

  1. Foxes smell bad;

  2. Foxes living in a family where they are cared for, played with and raised like dogs, quickly get used to their owners and become domesticated;

  3. If a pet fox is trained correctly, it will never bite;

  4. Fox cubs are very gentle and playful creatures, just like dog puppies;

  5. Foxes behave both like dogs and cats;

  6. Foxes love sweets, especially fruits;

  7. Foxes love to jump;

  8. Foxes are afraid of heights, just like dogs, and if you pick them up, they stop resisting and become almost completely defenseless;

  9. Foxes are afraid of loneliness and cannot be without a person for a long time if they are already strongly attached to him;

  10. Foxes are very smart and quickly learn to use their strength, agility and dexterity;

  11. Foxes are easily litter trained;

  12. Foxes quickly get used to the collar;

  13. It is not necessary to go for walks with foxes twice every day, as with dogs;

  14. Domestic foxes must be locked in a cage at night: foxes are nocturnal animals, and if you do not want your pet to turn the room upside down from loneliness while you sleep, then you will have to put it in a cage in the evening in order to accustom it to a daytime lifestyle;

  15. Foxes love fish very much;

  16. Foxes need to be bathed at least once every six months;

  17. Foxes love to play in the water;

  18. Foxes love sausages and sausages, but be careful - don't feed them too much chemicals!

  19. Foxes, like dogs, run after a stick and a ball;

  20. Foxes, like cats, love to play hunting;

  21. Contrary to all the myths about foxes, they get along well with other animals, especially dogs;

  22. The most better relationship they are combined with the little fox that, upon purchase, will choose you (will behave differently from others, will be drawn to you);

  23. Foxes are practically omnivores, and specialized dog food, although tasty, can shorten your pet’s lifespan, so it is better to feed it with homemade food;

  24. Foxes wag their tail to show their joy;

  25. Foxes need to be brushed, just like dogs;

  26. Foxes cry just like little children when they are sad, scared, hurt or lonely;

  27. If the owner does not pay attention to the fox cub, the baby lies down next to him, touches him with his paws, bites him so that he is finally remembered;

  28. Not all foxes can eat dairy products—lactose can upset some stomachs;

  29. Foxes see themselves in the mirror, but not every furry will understand that it is him and not another fox;

  30. Foxes should not be given cakes or waffles: sweets may cause foxes to lose their fur, and the chemicals added to sweets by manufacturers may cause them to vomit; if you want to please your pet, give him sweet fruits or berries (if just a little, then you can have jam);

  31. You cannot play aggressive games with foxes, like tug-of-war, and you should not deliberately anger them; To make the little fox gentle in the future, play with him chasing the mouse or throw him a ball;

  32. To tame a fox and accustom him to touch, you need to start stroking him on the third day after you meet him and at the same time feed him something tasty; the fox must see the hand, otherwise it will only get scared; don’t worry if he doesn’t allow himself to be petted for a long time: foxes, like cats, have animalistic moods, and until love for you as their owner awakens in them, he won’t let himself be held; It’s better to start stroking from the tips of the ears, slowly and carefully, so that the fox gets used to the new sensations;

  33. You should take a fox out for a walk not on a leash attached to a collar, but on a harness, so that the animal does not break free and gets lost;

  34. Teach your little fox to the command "Fu!" from the very beginning: if he does something wrong - shout Fu!, so that in the future there will be no problems with training;

  35. Strange dogs can attack your little fox just like cats, so make sure that where you walk your friend there are no dog walkers;

tips taken from here

Everyone is important to nature

When carrying out a standard census of small mammals, zoologists of the Voronezh Nature Reserve had to practically understand the complex “tangle” of interactions between scientists and the objects of their research. Researchers faced not only methodological problems, but also ethics and psychology of the relationship between man and wildlife.

During censuses on permanent survey lines located in different biotopes (oak forest, aspen forest, alder forest, complex pine forest and floodplain meadow), zoologists alert mousetraps every 5 m with bread crust bait in sunflower oil. Every day for 10 days, employees check the set trap lines, collect captured animals for further processing, and re-set the traps. But it often happens that even before the scientists arrive in the morning, all the mousetraps are checked by some animal, methodically eating the bait and the animals they catch. With the advent of camera traps, it was possible to find out that foxes, badgers and wild boars are mainly guilty of this specific theft. Martens and raccoon dogs cause less significant damage to trap lines. But, of course, the main “mouse eater” is the fox.

  • Common fox (Vulpes vulpes ). Belongs to the canine family and is one of the most common animals in Voronezh Nature Reserve . The fox, badger and raccoon dog are combined into a group of burrowing animals, since these animals dig holes, which they use for breeding and then as shelters during the year and wintering.
  • Unlike omnivorous badgers and raccoon dogs, the fox is a real predator. She does not collect earthworms like a badger, nor does she eat cold-blooded frogs like a raccoon dog. Its main food is small mammals. The fox is a skilled mouse-maker. However, on occasion, he can also kill a careless bird, feast on eggs, catch small roe deer, and does not miss the opportunity to lie in wait near rural farmsteads. poultry or a cat.
  • The fox is a solitary animal. Pairs or groups of individuals of this species can only be seen during the rut. The mother fox usually feeds her cubs herself and teaches them the wisdom of hunting. But sometimes foxes demonstrate elements of parental behavior that do not fit into the generally accepted framework. So, in Voronezh Nature Reserve zoologist S.F. Sapelnikov When catching and tagging fox cubs, it was twice established that fox pups of different ages were in the same burrow. Whether two related foxes gave birth in turn in the same hole, or whether a more compassionate mother stole the puppies from one of her neighbors (as happens with Arctic foxes) remains unknown. But in any case, such facts emphasize the high social and ethological plasticity of this predator.
  • In the folklore of the peoples of the world, the fox is shown as a dexterous and smart animal. Hunters and zoologists observing this species in nature largely confirm the fairy-tale image that has developed among the people. Curiosity and learning ability - characteristic features in the behavior of a fox.

- Having carried out censuses of small mammals in the reserve for many years, we have become convinced that if a moderately curious and courageous fox finds a trap line with caught animals and tasty bait, then she will no longer leave this feeding place. And the usually terrifying smell of a person in in this case is not a threat, but an indicator of where the food is. The click of the spring in the mouse trap does not really frighten the fox; after jumping a couple of times from the sharp sound, the animal figures out how to neutralize the mechanism and extract bread and butter from the strange contraption. While playing with traps, a smart fox will methodically go through all 50 of them, check them again, remember the smell of the person and go looking for something similar in the surrounding area. In some years, when such a fox discovered trap lines, almost the entire census was practically disrupted.

In 2016, during the preparation of trap lines for the autumn census (clearing survey paths from windfall trees), a fox came out to us at the sound of a chainsaw (we told about this on November 2, 2016). The forest dweller was moderately cautious, but was not particularly afraid of people, since, apparently, he did not yet have negative experience from contact with a person, perceiving him for now as an ordinary large forest animal (elk, wild boar, etc.). Perhaps he had individual feature: a mixture of curiosity, gullibility and excessive sociability. The behavior and excellent external condition of the animal were more indicative of its health and natural curiosity than the signs of a sick animal. At the same time, the animal behaved quite confidently, since it was in its familiar lands, that is, at home; We, the reserve's employees, came to its hunting territory.

  • In our region, the fox is one of the main carriers of such a dangerous disease for humans as rabies. The timidity of wild animals and their exit from natural habitats into settlements are often the first signs of this disease; Foxes with rabies behave inappropriately and aggressively towards people and domestic animals. In any case, you should under no circumstances try to contact foxes that have come out to people and are behaving atypically for a wild animal. The correct thing to do is to maintain a distance during such encounters, and if the animal behaves aggressively, be sure to report it to specialists.

By behavior Ryzhika , as we immediately called him (it was, by all indications, a young male), it immediately became clear that if such a brave animal was not isolated, then the census of small mammals would definitely be disrupted. After observing the fox, which showed a desire to make contact with humans, it was decided to try to tame the animal and then temporarily isolate it for the period of registration, and to do this directly on its hunting area.

One of the stages of taming is getting to know the car's interior.

D the gullible beast does not yet know that he is being taken into captivity.

Preparations for the experiment lasted more than ten days, during which time a lot of photo and video shooting was done. As a result, we managed to establish contact with the fox and lure him into a small enclosure built next to the counting trap line. During isolation, we were able not only to carry out a routine census of small mammals, but also to observe the behavior of an animal with limited movement, and also learn new things about other inhabitants of the protected forest from tracks in the fallen snow.

Temporary forest isolation facility.

It turned out that in addition to Ryzhik, two more foxes used the same area, but they did not guess or did not dare to check the mousetraps like Ryzhik. Also, a family of seven animals passed through the trap-line, but in this case they were not interested in mice, but in ungulates. Other animals - squirrels, roe deer, deer, martens that passed by - did not have any influence on the progress of the census.

In this story, which outlined, on the one hand, the problems of impact scientific research on the objects of study, and on the other hand, the reaction of wildlife inhabitants to researchers and their actions, there is one more facet - this is the ethical and psychological side of the interaction between man and wild animal. Unfortunately, when understanding this problem, we can find out the opinion of only one side - the person:

- By feeding and taming the fox, we pursued our goals - to conduct a census of animals, and to do this, remove the factor that interferes with our work. Fox Ryzhik He had no idea about our plans - he responded to our kind attitude without “second thoughts” and took treats from our hands. And every day it became more and more difficult for the zoologist to carry out his plans: when among people human understanding is already worth its weight in gold, you involuntarily begin to cherish the warmth of sincere feelings, even if these are the feelings of a forest animal.

There was no shortage of food.

After a couple of weeks of mutual communication, the door slammed behind the unsuspecting fox in a specially organized mesh enclosure that fenced off Ryzhika from his native forest for ten whole days. It seems that nothing terrible happened: the fox is healthy, without injuries or seizures, it is in its lands, on a full food allowance...

And yet the change that occurred at that moment characters determined precisely: man is the enemy. All days of isolation Ryzhik I angrily met the zoologist with the food he brought, although he did not refuse food, but Researcher, no matter how much he persuaded himself of the need to temporarily hold the animal, the disease but experienced his “betrayal”.

Finally the last day of registration arrived. With bated breath, we watched as the Fox slowly left the enclosure. It was a mixture of joy, pity, hope, uncertainty. Ryzhik slowly walked away in the direction he had chosen, and a man followed on his heels for quite a long time, saying something after him, as if explaining that it was impossible to do otherwise.

Release to freedom.

Before leaving the forest in the so-called “dining room” for Ryzhika a treat was left. The next day the food disappeared and everything around the “dining room” was trampled with fox tracks, but the fox was not nearby.

Three more days passed, and we went into the forest to dismantle the enclosure, taking a treat for the fox just in case. Before the car had time to stop in its usual place, a man running towards him appeared from behind the trees. Ryzhik. Forgive me! How joyful and easy it became!

Happy moments of restoring trust.

The happy man hurried to the “dining room”, and jogged after him Ryzhik . The fox followed the zoologist on his heels, and then spun around all the time while the scientists transported the enclosure to the car, carefully taking tidbits out of hand Finally, I allowed myself to lie in the snow next to the zoologist and pose for the final photo.

The fox's negative reaction to the enclosure did not last.

In general, the scientific and methodological experiment was a success. Now you can sincerely answer “YES!” to your own question: “ Is friendship possible between wild beast and a person?»

In our case, this feeling withstood a difficult test. And let ethologists criticize us for humanizing animals, but we now know that there are individual animals that differ from their fellows not only in curiosity and a tendency to communicate, but also in the quality that people characterize as “the ability to understand and forgive.”

All the bad things are behind us: Ryzhik and senior researcher Sergei Sapelnikov.

Art. Researcher

Voronezh Nature Reserve

I.I. Sapelnikova

If you ever find yourself in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, we highly recommend you visit Zao Fox Village, unless you are afraid of adorable foxes. The Zao Fox Village Nature Reserve is home to about 100 different animals, including 6 species of foxes. Foxes walk freely around the reserve and do not run away from people, do you know what we mean? You have unique opportunity Have fun playing with black, platinum and red foxes! A real fairy-tale kingdom of foxes!

Zao Fox Village Nature Reserve is located near the city of Shiroishi. Inside you will find a huge number of adorable foxes who can’t wait to play with you!

The reserve is home to 6 species of foxes

After you have paid the entrance fee, you can also buy fox food for 100 yen

First you pass through a place that resembles a zoo, here you can see foxes in cages or sitting on a leash

But after passing through the treasured door, you will find yourself in a place where all the foxes walk absolutely freely and do what they please

Some of them will run after you, some, on the contrary, will run away from you. If you feed them, some foxes may then run after you for a long time, hoping to get more tasty treats from you.

It is forbidden to feed foxes by hand, only throw food on the floor. They talk about all this before entering the reserve, albeit in Japanese, but fortunately they have pictures that make everything clear

Here you can see a huge number of foxes of all varieties and colors. Some of them run around like crazy, begging for food, while others sleep without their hind legs.

The nature of the reserve is also very beautiful

The reserve staff does not control your interactions with foxes, so if you are not sure that a given fox is not friendly to you, do not even think about cuddling it. Remember, these are predators after all.

Admission for adults is 1000 yen, for students and younger - admission is free.

The Voronezh Nature Reserve published a continuation of the story of friendship between zoologist Sergei Sapelnikov and the fox Ryzhik on Friday, December 16. The animal's trust in the man was shaken when he lured him into the enclosure, however, once free, the fox forgave the zoologist.

A young male fox to Sergei and Inna Sapelnikov, when they were clearing trap lines in the forest, preparing to count small mammals. Sergei noticed the animal, lay down on the ground so as not to scare it away, and began to treat the fox with a sausage. He was not afraid and confidently approached for the treat. Zoologists noted that timidity and similar atypical behavior of foxes may be one of the signs of rabies - however, the behavior and appearance Ryzhik, as the fox was called by the staff, indicated that he was healthy. The reserve suggested that the animal had not yet had a negative experience of contact with humans. The reserve staff realized that the brave animal could disrupt the mammal census and decided to try to tame it and temporarily isolate it for the period of the census.

Preparations for the experiment lasted more than ten days, during which time we managed to establish contact with the fox and lure him into a small enclosure next to the counting trap line.

– By feeding and taming the fox, we pursued our goals - to conduct a census of animals, and to do this, remove the factor that interferes with our work. Fox Ryzhik had no idea about our plans - he responded to our kind attitude and took treats from our hands. And every day it became more and more difficult for the zoologist to carry out his plans,” said the reserve staff.

Photo – press service of the Voronezh Nature Reserve

Ryzhik perceived Sergei Sapelnikov’s behavior as a betrayal. All the days of isolation, he unfriendly greeted the zoologist who brought him food, although he did not refuse the food. Sapelnikov himself had a hard time with the break in his “friendship” with the animal.

Photo – press service of the Voronezh Nature Reserve

After 10 days, when the counting was completed, the fox was released. On this day, before leaving the forest, the zoologist left a treat for Ryzhik. The next day the food disappeared, there were fox tracks in the snow nearby, but Ryzhik himself did not show up.
