When is the best time to clean up a cemetery? When do they go to the cemetery after Easter according to Orthodox tradition? The priests answer - to Radonitsa

Easter is the most joyful and great Orthodox holiday. Therefore, on this day it is best to go to church, and then gather with your closest and dearest people for festive table. However, many people on this day prefer to visit the graves of relatives. This is due to the fact that in Soviet time It was not possible to attend church on Easter, but people had a need to gather on this day to share joy and happiness. Let's figure out when you need to go to the cemetery - on Easter or on Krasnaya Gorka, based on church norms and rules.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Easter?

Easter is a holiday of joy and miracle, so it is better to spend it in a church rather than in a cemetery. Priests recommend that on this day you refuse to visit the graves of deceased relatives, but come a week later on a specially designated day for this. This day is called Red Hill or Radonitsa.

You can start visiting the graves of your relatives on Saturday after Easter. Officially, Red Hill is celebrated on Sunday, but Saturday is a common day throughout the year when it is necessary to remember deceased relatives. Therefore, many people prefer to visit the cemetery on the first Saturday after Easter. For residents big cities this is a practical necessity. After all, it’s quite difficult to go around all the cemeteries if relatives are buried in more than one place on Sunday.

However, most people go to cemeteries on Sunday. Although in some villages the day for visiting the graves of deceased relatives is the Monday after Krasnaya Gorka. On this day you should go to the cemetery with prayers, flowers, Easter cakes and dyes. However, only prayers and flowers should be left at the cemetery. Official church against leaving food and sweets in the cemetery, and even more so against drinking alcoholic beverages on the territory of the cemetery or turning the final resting place into a picnic area. Easter cakes, sweets, painted eggs It is prohibited to leave other treats in graves. It is best to distribute them to people in need so that they remember your deceased relatives.

Why you need to go to the cemetery on Krasnaya Gorka

The priest’s answer will help clarify the question of whether it is possible to go to the cemetery on Krasnaya Gorka. Church officials do not recommend visiting the graves of the dead on Easter Day. On this bright holiday, it is customary to rejoice and have fun among the living, and not to visit the dead.

In addition, on Easter, the souls of the dead descend from heaven to visit living relatives and remain among us throughout the week. Therefore, there is no need to visit the cemetery to read a prayer for the repose. However, after the end of Easter week, the souls of the deceased must be escorted back. That is why it is customary to go to the cemetery and remember deceased relatives there.

When choosing the most the right day In order to go to the cemetery, many believers forget about the existence of special memorial Saturdays, when it is necessary not only to go to remember the dead, but also to order a service in the church. However, many believers forget about this opportunity, therefore, as a rule, they visit the graves of deceased relatives only on Krasnaya Gorka.

Many people visit the cemetery before Easter, for example, to clean up after winter. Isn't this against the rules? According to church canons, you can visit the graves of the deceased on any day before and after Easter. It is forbidden to do this only on Easter itself. After all, every believer should rejoice on Easter. And visiting a cemetery in any case evokes sad thoughts that are not allowed on this day.

However, if it is not possible to visit the grave of the deceased both before and after Easter, it is best to do it on the Red Hill holiday, which was specially created so that every believer could visit deceased relatives and read a prayer at the cemetery.

Why and when to visit graves before Easter

Visiting the graves of deceased relatives on Krasnaya Gorka is a traditional event in which everyone takes part Orthodox people. However, many people prefer to go to the cemetery before Easter.

This is due to the fact that during Lent there are four parent or memorial Saturdays. And precisely on these days, according to church canons, it is necessary not only to go to the cemetery, but also to order a service in the church for the repose. In addition, on memorial Saturdays, it is recommended to read prayers for the repose not only at the graves of deceased relatives, but also in the temple.

Traditions and customs

Easter is the most joyful and bright Orthodox holiday, associated with many rituals, traditions and signs, about which there are constant disputes not only between the clergy, but also among ordinary believers. One of the topics of debate is the optimal day to place the graves of the deceased. During the time of the ban on churches, believers went to the cemetery on Easter. But this was due to the inability to visit the temple.

According to church canons, visiting the cemetery is not allowed on Easter. This can be done before or after the great holiday. Before Easter you can visit the cemetery for cleaning work, as well as parents' Saturdays, and after the Resurrection of the Lord it is necessary to visit the resting place of relatives on Krasnaya Gorka. It is not recommended to remove garbage from graves earlier than two weeks before Red Hill, otherwise, during the absence of visitors, grass will have time to grow at the tomb, and the grave will lose its neat appearance.

However, the main and obligatory visit to the cemetery occurs on Krasnaya Gorka, which is most often celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. However, in some regions it is customary to go to the cemetery on Saturday or Monday.

When do they clean up the cemetery before Easter? Easter is the main Orthodox holiday, a symbol of rebirth and victory over death. Precedes this holiday Lent, observing which, a person is spiritually cleansed. There has been a long-standing tradition in the world of putting in order not only thoughts, but also one’s home for the Resurrection of Christ. Before Easter, the graves of loved ones are usually cleaned up after winter. On what days should you clean up the cemetery? The Church Charter designates “Parental Saturdays” - days on which people spend time in churches special services for your peace. On these same days, they visit cemeteries, tidy up graves, and visit the deceased. Before Easter, during Lent, three Mother's Days are established: the 2nd, 3rd and 4th from the beginning of Saturday. If you adhere to Orthodox canons, then it is better to visit the cemetery at this time. However, not everyone may be able to do this on the days specified by the church. For example, in areas where there is snow for a long time, you may not be able to physically get to the grave. The last day before Easter when you can clean up the cemetery is the Saturday before Palm Sunday. Do people go to cemeteries on Easter? During Holy Week and for another 8 days after Easter, you cannot go to cemeteries. Visiting graves on Easter itself is the height of misunderstanding of the meaning of celebrating the Resurrection of the Lord. In order to share the joy of this event with the deceased, it is customary to come to their graves in Radonitsa, which is celebrated on the ninth day from the main holiday. Radonitsa is Easter for those who are in the other world. How to properly spend memorial days? The algorithm of actions is as follows: light a candle and leave a memorial note in the church; give alms with a request to pray for the soul of the deceased; in a cemetery, place a candle near an icon or cross; candles are not lit in front of a monument; read a prayer; remember the deceased good deeds, mentally talk to him; remove debris from the grave; update the paint on a fence, monument or straighten a cross; cut the grass, plant flowers, whitewash the trees. What can’t you do at the cemetery on Parents’ Day? It is forbidden to: indulge in grief; have a feast; drink alcohol or pour it on a grave; leaving food at the cemetery is better to give to the poor; decorate the grave with artificial flowers; To talk loudly; leave trash. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the cemetery on Parents' Saturdays, then there is no need to suffer from guilt. There are no clear instructions by what day the graves should be cleaned or the windows in the house should be washed. Worldly habits do not always reflect a person's true spirituality. Light a candle in the church, serve the liturgy and memorial service, give alms and spend the day thinking about the departed. Your good deeds are the best thing you can do for their blessed memory.

Easter is the brightest and most joyful day for all Christians. There are many traditions and rituals associated with this holiday, some of which cause thematic debate among believers. For example, the question of when to go to the cemetery on Easter or Krasnaya Gorka quite often gives rise to disputes among ordinary citizens. In many major cities It is customary to go to the cemetery on Easter, while in most regions this is done before and after the Holy Resurrection of Christ. A similar question arises with regard to another important Orthodox holiday- Trinity. But in this case, believers are more interested in the day - Saturday or Sunday - on which they need to go to the graveyard. About when it is correct to visit deceased relatives on great Christian holidays from the position of the Orthodox Church will be discussed further.

When do they go to the cemetery before or after Easter 2017 on Krasnaya Gorka?

Before moving on to the question of when they go to the cemetery - before or after Easter on Krasnaya Gorka, it is worth identifying one important point. Most often, it is on the main Christian holidays that people feel the need to remember their deceased relatives. But in Orthodox church calendar There are special memorial Saturdays, on which you can not only order a service in the church, but also visit the graveyard. Alas, most modern believers forget about them and neglect this opportunity.

But let’s return to the question of when you still need to go to the cemetery before, on Easter or after on Krasnaya Gorka. Orthodox Church has a pretty clear answer to this question. You can visit the cemetery both before and after the Resurrection of the Lord on Krasnaya Gorka, but not on the holiday of Easter itself. The fact is that Easter is a holiday above holidays for every Christian. On this day, a believer should rejoice with all his soul and under no circumstances grieve while standing near the graves of loved ones. There is a time for commemoration, in particular the first Sunday and Tuesday after Easter, which are popularly called differently depending on the region: Radonitsa, Krasnaya Gorka, Grobki, Postings, St. Thomas Week.

Why do people go to the cemetery on Krasnaya Gorka after Easter?

It is believed that on Easter the souls of the dead descend from heaven and visit their relatives throughout Easter week. From here it is logical to assume that these days there is no need to visit the cemetery. But after finishing holiday week the souls of the deceased should be escorted back by visiting their graves and remembering them in the cemetery. But where did the fundamentally wrong tradition of going to the cemetery on Easter come from? It arose in Soviet times, during the period of persecution of Orthodox believers. The celebration of Easter, like any other Christian holiday, was prohibited, and attending church services was impossible due to the lack of churches. The only place, where a believer could celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord without fear, there was a cemetery where Orthodox Christians could pray, and at the same time remember the dead.

When and why do Orthodox Christians go to the cemetery before Easter 2017?

We have sorted out when Orthodox Christians should go to the cemetery after Easter, but the question remains about why they should visit graves before the Resurrection of Christ. During Great Lent there are Parental Saturdays - four days of remembrance of older deceased relatives. These days you need to go to church and, if possible, visit the graveyard. In addition, believers go to the cemetery before Easter and in order to have time to clean up the graves. Taking into account the fact that the Resurrection of Christ is celebrated in the spring, you need to have time before Radonitsa to remove last year's dry branches and weeds, change the wreaths and renew the paint on the fence. We hope that now it has become more clear to you when and why Orthodox Christians go to the cemetery before Easter.

When Orthodox Christians go to the cemetery before Easter

If we talk in more detail about when it is best to go to the cemetery before Easter for cleaning work, then there are no special church instructions in this regard. People consider the optimal period to be 1-2 weeks before the Resurrection of the Lord. Thus, the graves removed at this time will not have time to grow grass and lose their neat appearance before the start of Radonitsa.

When do they go to the cemetery on Trinity - Saturday or Sunday?

Another question that worries believers no less than the time to visit the cemetery before and after Easter concerns Trinity and when to go to the cemetery - on Saturday or Sunday. The Church gives a fairly clear answer to this question - you should not go to the cemetery on Trinity Sunday, which always falls on Sunday. Just like any other religious holiday, on Trinity you should attend the morning service in the temple, after which you can pray for the departed and light candles for the repose. It is believed that on Trinity in the temple you can even pray for suicides, whose restless souls such prayers give at least temporary peace.

When is Trinity Saturday and why do people go to the cemetery on this day?

Then, when you go to the cemetery on Trinity Sunday, you need to visit the graves of your loved ones not on Sunday, but on the Saturday before the holiday. By the way, the day before Trinity is called Trinity Parental Saturday and is a special day for remembering the dead. At this time, you should not only visit church services, but also go to the churchyard.

Now you know when they go to the cemetery before and after Easter 2017 on Krasnaya Gorka, and also on what day on Trinity - Saturday or Sunday. We are sure that this knowledge will help you observe Christian customs correctly in accordance with church regulations.

Not everyone knows whether it is possible to go to a cemetery during the fast before Easter. This wonderful, bright holiday is a symbol of victory over death and brings spiritual cleansing to people.

Before celebrating Easter, a person endures Lent, putting order in his soul and clearing his thoughts. Housewives strive to restore order in the house before the Resurrection of Christ. After winter, people want to clean up the graves of their loved ones. There are rules on what days you can visit the cemetery and when you should not do it.

Is it possible to go to a cemetery during Lent before Easter: rules of conduct in a cemetery

IN Parents' days, which are allocated for commemorating the deceased, it is also necessary to follow certain rules. On such days you need to go to church, light a candle and write a memorial note, and serve a memorial service. Then, leave alms and pray for the souls of departed loved ones. Now you can visit the cemetery, where you can light a candle near the icon on the grave, read a prayer, and talk to the deceased. On Parents' Saturdays, you can clean up trash at graves, paint fences, plant flowers, and whitewash trees. These days were created so that a person in the living world could spend time in silence, communicating with the souls of the departed.

It is prohibited to grieve, cry, drink alcohol, or scream in the cemetery. You can’t put vodka in front of the cross on the grave; it’s better to give the food to the poor.

Is it possible to go to a cemetery during the fast before Easter: church rules for when to visit a cemetery

The day of Easter is the day of the Resurrection of the Lord. On the Saturday before the holiday, it is necessary to prepare food and clean the house. You should not go to the cemetery. Parents' Saturdays are designated and allocated special days when funeral services are held in the church. During Lent there are such Saturdays in the second, third and fourth weeks. It is on these days that you can go to the cemetery and visit departed loved ones, clean and put things in order. You should also visit church and pray for the souls of departed loved ones. On Parents' Saturdays, you need to set aside time to get everything done before the Great Easter holiday.

It happens that not everyone can go to the cemetery on the allocated days. The last day when you can go to the grave of your loved ones is the Saturday before Palm Sunday, which is the sixth week of Lent.

Easter is considered the day of celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord, so on this day a trip to the cemetery will be considered non-observance church rules. It is imperative to go to church to celebrate Easter joy in the world of the living.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery during the fast before Easter: Radonitsa is the most important day of remembrance

Following Easter is Holy Week, during which visiting the cemetery is strictly prohibited. But a special Parent's Day, which is designated as a holiday for the departed, is considered the 9th day after the Great Resurrection of the Lord - Radonitsa. In 2018 it falls on April 17th. The day when it is necessary to pray for the souls of loved ones who have gone to another world. You need to visit the cemetery, pray, clean it up a little, go to church service in the morning and light a candle.

It is necessary for Orthodox Christian believers to know the rules and observe traditions. Since they are the ones who will help you remember correctly, without harm, your loved ones who are in the Kingdom of Heaven

Holiday Happy Easter very important in our traditions. Many people are looking forward to the Easter weekend. These days we try to pay as much attention as possible to our family and just loved ones. But the main point The holiday can be expressed in a symbolic victory over death and the spiritual rebirth of man. Easter itself is preceded by another important event - Lent. During this period, Orthodox Christians observe asceticism, that is, they limit themselves in food. This helps to cleanse not only your physical body, but also strengthen your spirituality.

Preparations for Easter also include surrounding a person world. Everyone is trying to clean the house. The feeling of freshness and purity gives the final feeling of the arrival of spring. Restoring order affects not only the world of the living. Many people try to tidy up the graves of deceased relatives before the holiday. Not everyone knows that they are intended for these purposes. certain days.

What are Parents' Saturdays?

After winter period The graves need attention. IN Orthodox tradition Certain days are set aside for cleaning the cemetery. On Parents' Saturdays, as they are called, the church encourages its parishioners to visit the cemetery to clean up. There are only three of them and identifying these days is very simple. From the beginning of Lent, the second, third and fourth Saturdays are called “Parental” Saturdays. According to church canons, these particular days are intended to put in order the graves of ancestors.

Parents' Saturdays also concern the spiritual side of the issue. These days, special services for the repose are held in temples and churches. If you feel the need, calmly come to the temple and light a candle for a relative who has passed on to another world.

The modern rhythm of life does not always allow a person to comply with all religious canons and regulations. The climate of some regions of our country can also become an obstacle. If it was not possible to clean up the graves of relatives on the required Parents' Days, there is nothing wrong with that. You are allowed to come to the cemetery on the Saturday before Palm Sunday.

Easter holiday for the living!

Every day Holy Week carries a certain meaning. But all this reminds us of the beauty and value of life. These days, the Church Charter prohibits visiting the territory of the cemetery. And the next eight days too. Only on the ninth day does Radonitsa begin. This holiday is considered “Easter for the dead.” It is on this day that you should visit the graves of your ancestors and share with them the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Now many people no longer follow religious traditions. But there are still some recommendations on how to behave in a cemetery. First of all, remember the deceased by remembering his good deeds during life. Refrain from manifesting strong emotions and loud conversations. Also, give up the idea of ​​holding a funeral feast directly at the grave of a relative. The consumption of food and alcoholic beverages in the cemetery is not encouraged by the church. Leaving treats at a grave is also not a good tradition. The best thing to do is to give food personally to those who really need it.
