Imperfect form of the verb in Russian. What are the verbs?


All Verbs divisible by two kind. To begin with, we should define the term “species”. Aspect is a verbal category that shows how an action occurs in time and expresses the relationship of the action to its result. Category kind in any form, have everything Verbs Russian language. How , Verbs perfect and imperfect kind.

Definition of imperfective verbs kind Verbs of the imperfect kind called Verbs, answering the question "?" and denoting an action without indicating the outcome, as well as without limiting it in time, the action is long or repeated (, watch, talk, sit, stand).

Verbs imperfect and perfect kind form pairs by type. A species pair is made up of an imperfect kind and perfect verb kind having the same lexical meaning and differing only in meaning kind: look - view, write - write, build - build, run - come running.


on interspecific connections of verbs

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To consolidate the studied material, it is necessary to select a large number of examples


  • Determining types of verbs
  • perfect verb

The term "verb" came into our speech from Ancient Rus'. In those distant times, the Slavs called their alphabet “Glagolitic”. IN modern language This part of speech occupies an important place. Verb words are often found in sentences and, together with the subject, form the grammatical basis. The verb has a number of grammatical features, it can be the main and minor member offers.


The action and state of an object are conveyed with the help of, having immutable signs of perfect or not perfect form, transitivity - intransitivity, reflexivity - irreversibility and conjugation.

The imperfect is more common in our speech. Usually morphemes help to form the perfect from it: “look - look”, “shout - shout”. But it also happens the other way around: “-to stitch”, “to decide-to decide.” Such verb variants represent aspect pairs.

If verbs can control nouns that appear with them in the accusative case, and the connection between them is expressed without the help of a preposition, then they will be considered: “show”, “cook”, “”. Intransitives are not characterized by such subordinating connection: “to be absent”, “to take a closer look”, “to sit”.

The suffix -sya (-s) indicates that the verb is reflexive. Non-returnables do not have such a suffix. It should be remembered that reflexivity indicates intransitivity.

Conjugation is indicated by a set of endings when changing according to persons and numbers. It’s easy to recognize this sign if the personal ending of the verb is stressed. If the conjugation is not established, you need to pay attention to the infinitive. All, excluding “shave” and “lay”, verbs ending in -it, and several excluded from this list (on -et, -at) - constitute II conjugation. The rest represent the I conjugation. Among the verbs, several different conjugations stand out: “to want”, “to run”, “to honor”.

The existing category of verb mood helps to establish how the actions performed relate to reality. Verb words in each mood have a certain set of characteristics. Indicative verbs convey actions that actually occur. The concept of the category of time is applied to them. The present and future tenses tend to change according to persons and numbers, and the past, instead of a person, according to gender. The imperative contains a call to action. A similar form of the verb can form a unity with the words “yes”, “come on”, “let”. The possibility and certain conditions of action are indicated by the conditional mood, in which the verb is necessarily in the past tense and has the particle “would (b)”.

There may be no person or object performing the action. The purpose of such verb words is to convey various states nature or man. They have a corresponding name - “impersonal”. Examples of the use of such verbs in impersonal sentences: “It was getting dark outside”, “I’m shivering.”

The usual purpose of a verb in sentences is to act as a predicate. Syntactic functions expand when used in: here it can be the subject, perform the function of a sentence. Consider different variants: “Whistle (tale) everyone up!”, “Tourists began to carefully move (part of the predicate) forward”, “Learning (subject) will always come in handy”, “The guests asked to turn on (additional) music louder”, “The boy expressed a desire take (def.) volleyball seriously”, “I came to see (obv.) you.”


Linguistic scientists have two points of view regarding participles and gerunds formed from verbs: they are distinguished as independent parts of speech or verb forms.


Slavic languages sharply contrasted with other Indo-European languages ​​in the forms of expression of the categories of tense and aspect. Modern system species developed in linguistics only at the beginning of the 20th century. In order to correctly determine the type of verb in Russian, it is necessary to take into account a number of reasons.

The aspect of the verb is the lexico-grammatical category of the verb, expressing the relation of the action to its internal limit. The internal limit is the point in the course of an action when action turns into inaction.

History of the verb aspect category

Until the 20th century In linguistics, 3 types were distinguished:

1. An indefinite appearance, coinciding with the modern imperfect appearance.

2. Multiple view. Examples are: sat, walked.

3. One-time appearance, matching the modern perfect appearance.

In modern linguistics, it is customary to distinguish grammatical types of a verb on the basis of semantics, i.e. meanings.

In Russian grammar, there are perfect and imperfect forms.

This can be determined based on the following grounds:

1) Based on semantics.

Perfective verbs denote an action that has reached an internal limit (for example: , did). Imperfective verbs denote an action that has not reached an internal limit (for example: looked, did).

2) For questions.

Perfective verbs answer the question “what to do?”, and imperfective verbs answer the question “?”. For example: (what did you do?) looked, (what did you do?) looked.

3) Based on word formation.

The perfect is formed with the help of prefixes, the imperfect with the help of suffixes. Thus, verbs of the perfect form “looked, did” have prefixes, but verbs of the imperfect form “looked, did” do not.

4) By compatibility.

Imperfective verbs are combined with adverbs “long”, “slowly”, with the words “every day” and others, but perfective verbs do not have this option. So, you can say “I looked for a long time,” but you cannot use the expression “I looked for a long time.”

5) By difference in the set of word forms.

Perfective verbs cannot be in the present tense, and imperfective verbs cannot have 3rd tense forms.

In modern Russian it is a paired (binary) opposition of the perfect and.

Perfective verbs denote an action limited by an internal limit.

Perfective verbs can have the following private meanings:

1. Specific actual value.

Indicates a single action in its entirety: entered, wrote, shouted.

  • - I has entered, the old man was reading a newspaper in a chair...
  • (A. N. Tolstoy)

2. Total value.

Indicates the integrity of an action united by a common result or goal; lexical indicators like twice, three times, several times and etc.

  • Bulat-Tuganovsky knocked three times short and decisive.
  • (A.I. Kuprin)
  • Mother baked a lot pancakes

3. Present-effective value.

Main - final result actions: the schoolboy came, the father returned.

  • - You probably chill in your dancing shoes.
  • (V. A. Soloukhin)

Grammatical features of perfective verbs

1. Perfective verbs will have two forms - and. They have no forms! This is explained by incompatibility grammatical meanings perfect form and present tense.

2. Perfective verbs form synthetic forms of the future tense: look - I'll look, sew - sew.

  • write - write Vsh oh, write nn th
  • tell - story Vsh th, story nn th

4. Perfective verbs form: say - skaz V, look - look V, plant - plant V, write - write V .

View- this is a verb category that reflects how the speaker sees the flow of an action in time: ended, ongoing, repeating, one-time. In Russian there are two types: perfect And imperfect.

Verbs imperfect form convey the meaning of an action without indicating its completion. There are three types of words that fall under this category:

    Denoting long-term action. For example: “He looked into her eyes for a long time,” “She walked down the street for an endlessly long time.”

    Conveying the meaning of a repeating action. Example: “She gets on the bus every morning,” “He goes to school every day.”

    Characterizing constant action. Consider an example: “The city is located on a hill.”

Imperfective verbs in many cases are accompanied by the adverbs “long”, “often”, “usually”, conveying the frequency with which the action is performed. Words of this type can be expressed in three tenses: present, past, future.

Verbs related to perfect view, convey the meaning of completeness of the action. Limit it to a time frame. Words of this type can express:

    An action that ends in achieving some result. For example: “Nastya painted a beautiful picture,” “Dad hammered a nail into the wall.”

    An action whose boundary is determined by its beginning. For example: “Wonderful music began to play in the hall,” “The girl sang a beautiful romance.”

    A one-time action, provided that the word is formed using the suffix “well”: “He accidentally pushed me in the corridor,” “Out of anger, he kicked the briefcase.”

Perfective words appear only in the past and future simple forms.

Verbs of both types sometimes form species pairs. This category includes homonymous words that have the same meaning, but with different connotations. Let's look at examples:

    Justify and justify. In the first case we see a completed action, in the second - a long-term one.

    Double and double. The first word conveys the meaning of the action that ended when the result was achieved. The second shows the duration.

Most often, such verbs are formed from the same stem. But there are exceptions, such as “take and take” or “catch and catch.”

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Verbs different types, with the exception of certain special cases, are formed as follows:

1) Imperfective verbs are formed from perfective verbs using suffixes:

-and I-):save - saved A t, step - step A uh, captivatecaptivity I t;

-va-; give - yes va yea, put on shoes va ty, put on - clothes va t;

-yva-, -iva-:see - look yva thaw, thaw - thaw willow t.

Note. When forming imperfective verbs using a suffix -A- (-I-) in the roots of some of them alternations of sounds are observed:

a) vowels: proposal O live - sentence A go, zap e roar - zap And army, dear O whine - ass s shut up, close - deputy s roll;

b) consonants: answer T it - answer h oh, about st it - about sch come on, get up V it - stood up ow yat.

In individual verbs, aspectual forms are characterized by more complex differences in stems, for example: squeeze - squeeze, squeeze - squeeze and so on.

When forming verbs using suffixes -yva, -willow- usually alternate radically O With A: nonsense O oppression - nonsense A nods, smiles O years - rask A barks and so on.

Only some verbs do not have this alternation: opoz O rit – oppress O squeal, squeal O rit-prishp O roar, choke O kick - stale O sing, uzak O Uzak thread O nivat, overdue O read - overdue O read and some etc.

2) Verbs of the perfect form, usually with a connotation of instantaneity and one-time occurrence, are formed from verbs of the imperfect form by means of a suffix -Well-: jump – jump Well t; swing - swing Well t.

Note. Before the suffix -Well- Some verbs lack the last consonants of the root: move - move, splash - splash, throw - throw, whisper - whisper, drown - drown.

3) Perfective verbs can be formed from imperfective verbs using prefixes: do - With do, write - on write, go blind - O go blind, turn gray - By to grow gray, to build - By build and so on.

Most often, prefixes form perfective verbs with a new lexical meaning: write - V write, re write, With write, under write, above write and so on.

Only in a small number of cases do prefixes do not add any other meaning to verbs other than the perfective aspect, thus forming the forms of one verb (perfective and imperfective): write - on write; doWith do and so on.

4) In some cases, pairs of perfective and imperfective verbs are formed from different roots: speak(imperfect) – say(perfect); catch(imperfect)– catch(perfect); take(imperfect) -take(perfect).

5) There are verbs that are used in the same forms both in the meaning of the imperfect and in the meaning of the perfect form. Such verbs are called bi-aspect. These include the words: execute, marry, exploit, mobilize, militarize, telegraph and some etc. Compare: I've already used my vacation(owl species).– When I used this device, I noticed its design(non-Soviet species).

Note. From verbs with suffix -ova- Paired imperfective verbs can be formed by adding a suffix -yva-, but only when the emphasis falls on A in the suffix - ova -: arrests A t – to arrest, bargain A t – to trade; therefore from verbs such as R A give, p A to tow. h e to work, similar formations impossible.

Form "use" (from use) incorrect and not accepted in literary speech; verb use used in the meaning of both perfective and imperfective forms.

From verbs with suffix - ova - having a prefix You - (transferring the stress to itself), paired verbs with a suffix -yva- are formed if, when this prefix is ​​dropped, the emphasis is transferred to A in the suffix -ova-: uproot Eve t (cramp Eve t) – uproot, extort ovate(bargain ova t) – bargain; But nurture (pestle ova t) – suffixed form -yva- not formed.

6) Some verbs do not have paired verbs of another type. So, there are no imperfective verbs with verbs rush, rush, say, need and etc.; on the contrary, there are no perfective verbs with verbs prevail, be present, limp, pace and etc.

Exercise 250. Next to the perfective verb, write an imperfective verb, forming it using suffixes:

-and I-: 1) neglect - neglect, harness, captivate, settle, bloom, rake; 2) take - collect; shake, start, stretch; 3) send – send; snatch, call, wait, create; 4) move – move; touch, pull, splash, throw, whisper, drown; 5) shut up - shut up; unlock, relax, fall asleep; 6) to conduct – to see off; block, respond, absorb, return, invite, notify, prepare; 7) burn out – burn out; boil;

-va-; forget - forget; put on, develop, overcome, stand up, confess, teach;

-yva-, -iva-:split - split; weed out, repent, order, demarcate, earn, stir, look in, block.

251. Match the prefixless imperfective verb with a paired perfective verb (i.e., with the same lexical meaning) from the data in the exercise.

1) Boil the soup - boil, finish, digest, boil; 2) build a house - rebuild, complete, build, build; 3) sing a song - sing, finish singing, sing, sing; 4) wash your hands - wash, wash, wash, wash; 5) draw a portrait - finish drawing, draw, redraw, sketch.

252. Write by inserting the missing letters; highlight the verbs and indicate their type.

Wow, it's hot!.. We collected mushrooms before noon.

They came out of the forest - just towards

A blue ribbon, twisted...wait, long...oh,

Meadow river: they jumped off in a crowd,

And the empty brown heads above the river... oh,

What porcini mushrooms are there in a forest clearing!

The river resounded with laughter and howling:

Here a fight is not a fight, a game is not a game...

And the sun bathes them in half-hot heat.

Home, kids! It's time for lunch.

We're back. Everyone has a basket full,

And how many pa...Kazov! Got caught with a scythe

We caught a hedgehog and got a little lost...

And did you see the wolf... oh, what a scary one!

The hedgehog is offered flies and boogers,

I gave him my root milk -

Doesn't drink! retreated...

(N.A. Nekrasov.)

253. Write by inserting the missing letters; indicate what type of verbs are taken when describing and calm narration and what type - when depicting the rapid development of events.

I was driving home from hunting in the evening alone on a racing boat. It was still eight miles to the house; my kind trotting mare ran briskly along the dusty road..., snoring occasionally and moving her ears; the tired dog, as if tied, was... one step behind the rear wheels. The storm was coming. Ahead, a huge purple cloud slowly rose from behind the forest; Long gray clouds were rushing above me and towards me; the willows moved and babbled anxiously. The stuffy heat was suddenly replaced by damp cold; the shadows quickly grew thicker. I hit the horse with the reins and went down into the ravine; crossed a dry stream, all overgrown with wicker, climbed the mountain and drove into the forest. The road lay ahead between thick hazel bushes, already filled with darkness; I moved forward with difficulty. The droshky jumped over the solid roots of hundred-year-old oaks and lindens, constantly crossing deep longitudinal ruts - traces of cart wheels; my horse began to stumble. Strong wind suddenly there was a roar in the heights, the trees began to rage, large drops of rain began to knock and splash on the leaves, lightning flashed, and a thunderstorm broke out. The rain poured down in streams. I walked at a pace and was soon forced to stop.

(I. S. Turgenev.)

254 . Write down, indicating the type of verbs in which letters are missing.

1) A breath of living force touched the mother’s heart, waking him up. 2) There is nothing that does not concern honest people. 3) The words easily emerged from the depths of her heart and formed into a song. 4) Drawing images dear to her, she put all the power, all the abundance of love into her words. 5) Egor threw his head back, closed his eyes and froze. 6) Everything strangely froze in gloomy stillness. 7) Nikolai finished speaking, took off his glasses, wiped them, looked at the glasses in the light and began to wipe them again. 8) The man walked slowly, leaning firmly on a stick. 9) For three days, Nilovna’s heart trembled, freezing every time she remembered that some scary strangers would come to the house. 10) Mother carefully collected the pieces of the torn drafts of the proclamations and burned them.

One of the points in learning the Russian language is learning such a part of speech as a verb. The verb has several forms, types, and conjugations. In this article we will dwell in detail on how you can determine the type of a verb. There are only two of them: perfect and imperfect.

Determine the type of verb using a question

This is the simplest and most reliable option that does not require large quantity time and additional knowledge.

Perfective verbs answer the question “What to do (does, did, did)?”, and for imperfective verbs we ask the question “What to do (does, did, did)?”.

Determine the type of verb by the nature of the action

Perfect verbs denote an action that, at the time of using this verb, has already been completed or will be completed by a certain time (or upon achieving some specific goal). They also indicate actions that do not need to be repeated. They can indicate actions in the future; the main limit is the very implementation of this action. That is, the action is always limited by some framework.

Imperfect verbs are not limited by time and can occur at the present moment, denote long lasting, actions that require repetition.

Example. The verb "to wash" means that something must be completely washed by a certain point. The action will end when it reaches desired result, means a perfective verb.

The verb "to wash" means that something must be washed in an unspecified period of time. Due to the fact that the duration of action is not limited, we can conclude that the verb is imperfective.

However, you should not determine the type of a verb only by its meaning. It would be safer to ask an additional question, as we did in the first paragraph. This way you can avoid accidental mistakes.

Determine the type of verb by parsing the word

Each type of verb has some specific features in word formation. These signs can also tell you what type of verb you are dealing with.

Perfective verbs have the following characteristics:

  • prefixes “with”, “you”, “by”, “on”, “pro”, etc.,
  • suffix "well".

The following features are characteristic of imperfective verbs:

  • prefixes “with”, “you”, “by”, “on”, “pro”, etc.,
  • suffix “iva”, “yva”, “va”, etc.

After reading this article, you may notice that you can determine the form of a verb very quickly and without much difficulty. You just need to know a few important rules and features, for example, what question is answered by this or that type of verb or what suffix is ​​characteristic of it.
