Changes in life. How to decide to make changes in life? How to change yourself and your life? Where to begin? How to change your life for the better - where to start, advice from psychologists

Terry Southern

Greetings, my dear readers! Today we will talk about a very important and interesting topic, about how to change your life. To be honest, I am incredibly glad for your attention to this issue, because a person who wants to change his life is a real living person with innovative thinking, optimism, courage and willpower, with whom it is very pleasant to communicate and work. Such a person strives for the best, for the sake of interest and development, and does not hold on to the old out of fear of the new. I’m like that myself - I don’t like to hold on to the old until the last moment, I don’t like conservatism and I can’t stand the fear of everything new, so by force of will I suppress this fear in myself and boldly look forward into an unknown, but damn interesting future. I like everything new, I love change and even more I love being the initiator of these changes, which is what I am going to teach you in this article, because if life changes anyway, then let it do so thanks to, and not against, our desire. So in this article, friends, you and I will definitely find a common language.

So, to understand how to change your life, you need to ask yourself why we should change it at all? That is, why exactly do we need to initiate changes in our lives? Here we must understand the following: regardless of our desire, our life will still change - for the worse or better side, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the circumstances. The only question is whether we will control these changes as much as possible, or whether we will be forced to adapt to them, experiencing stress due to the fear associated with these unwanted and often unexpected changes. So, your friends’ life, in any case, is constantly changing, it’s just that most often these changes go unnoticed by you, since they happen gradually. And sometimes they shock people with their unexpectedness, as well as their unusualness and novelty, and people do not always manage to properly adapt to them, at least right away, because they are not prepared for them. Therefore, you and I need to change our lives, including so that someone else does not change it for us. We ourselves must manage our life so that it suits us, so we need to think about changing it constantly, even when we don’t want to change anything. There is no need to be afraid of what is natural and inevitable for this world. And the world is constantly changing, for it change is a natural process and inevitable, so you need to treat it completely calmly. And then, as I wrote above, changing your life and changing yourself along with it is interesting!

Friends, pay attention to how many people, on the one hand, want stability, calm, certainty, comfort and confidence in the future, and on the other, they want change, novelty, something unusual and interesting, they want some surprises, preferably pleasant ones, and in some cases even not very pleasant, but exciting. How is this possible, how can you want mutually exclusive things? And it’s very simple, it’s only from the point of view of linear logic that stability and change are mutually exclusive, but if you look at these things more broadly, if you think not logically, but in parallel, allowing for the simultaneous existence of both of these processes, then we will see that it’s all about control and a person’s management of changes in his life and what they lead to, and not in a person’s desire or unwillingness to have them in his life. Basically, of course, we need pleasant, positive changes, and, if possible, controllable by us, then we will be glad that our life is changing - for the better. No one will give up the best, even at the expense of the good, if he knows for sure that the best is actually better. Plus, a lifestyle based on constant change is quite interesting in itself, it allows a person to experience a lot of unusual sensations that we all strive for, so even in cases where everything is good and calm, people are drawn to change something. We were born in order to change this world, this need is embedded in our genes, and that’s what draws us to this. And if you also accustom a person to constant changes, then he will strive for them and will be happy about them, no matter what, even the most Negative consequences from these changes. But at the same time, for some reason we are still drawn to some kind of stability and certainty. I wonder why?

And the whole point is that you and I were taught to be afraid of change, we were taught that we need to live a familiar, measured life, in which everything is clear and understandable, and within for long years There are practically no significant changes that would force us to adapt to new conditions, learn something new, change ourselves in accordance with the new demands that life makes. Therefore, most people live in a psychological swamp, which drives them into a state of hibernation, making their life so monotonous that they do almost all their daily activities automatically. Agree, there is no need to remain vigilant when in your life, day after day, everything goes according to your usual scenario, when you don’t even really need to think about what and why you need to do today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. Home-work, home-work - this chain of repeating events in a person’s life is familiar to many, and it is only various kinds it is diluted with social rituals [holidays, various traditional events, weddings, funerals, and so on], but in general, it is exactly like this - for many years. I even know people whose life follows the following chain: home-work-work-work-home. And the point is not even that they work a lot, very hard, but that they don’t like their work, it’s not interesting to them, and it doesn’t develop them at all. The question is, how can one live such a life? Only while in hibernation, nothing else. The healthy mind of a healthy person simply cannot stand such a life, he will go crazy. Why live like this, friends, why turn yourself into a zombie and live an unnatural life? normal person life? After all, such a life is, let’s say, meaningless. People can live like this for a hundred, two hundred, or a thousand years, and will not even notice how time flies, because the gray and monotonous days in their lives will be layered on top of each other and add up to years and decades of monotonous, monotonous, often gray and an absolutely meaningless life, the purpose of which is to maintain itself unchanged. But why? Why is such a life needed? That is the question. Is it really just to live? Do you think that there is no alternative to such a life, do you think you will not survive if you live differently? How can you survive!

Thus, friends, the most important thing you need to do to change your life is to give up stability, calmness, certainty, predictability and, in general, the automatism of your life, because all these are unnatural and unnecessary things for you that make the state of your life unnatural. mind. You need to give up all these stupid habits that you cultivate and cherish as part of yourself. Keyword here "refuse". You need a renunciation - a renunciation of everything that has long been tightly integrated into your life, but that it is time and that you can change! Without refusal there will be no change - you need to let go of the old from your hands in order to take in the new, because you won’t be able to hold both in your hands at the same time. Don't be afraid of loss, don't be afraid of unpredictability, don't be afraid of the unknown - believe in your ability to take more of what you now have and what you can give up. And feel free to give up the old for the new - this is the only way you will change your life.

How can you give up stability, calm, certainty, automaticity of actions, habits, if they hold you in a stranglehold? After all, this is not so easy to do - it is difficult for a person to refuse something and part with something, for him this is a very painful procedure. To do this, friends, you need to stop living in fear, and as mentioned above, start believing in your abilities! And in order to believe in them, they need to be developed. If you have not developed professionally and personally for years, then of course you will not have any faith in yourself, because this faith will simply have nothing to rely on. You will be afraid of change until you make yourself a strong, independent, self-confident person by working on yourself. And no one is stopping you from doing this work.

So stop being afraid, stop shaking in front of the unknown, in front of changes, in front of everything new, awaken in yourself the human explorer, the human cognition, the human discoverer, the human conqueror, the human hunter, the human fighter and the human creator. No one, hear, no one is stopping you from making yourself like this - work on yourself, develop yourself, improve your professionalism, study new types of activities that are in demand in society, increase your competitiveness, and then no changes will be scary for you. Don’t be, friends, a trembling creature, this role is not for you, since you are reading this article. Become a person, in the fullest sense of the word, who boldly looks forward and is not afraid of anything. Remember - you have nothing to fear! All your fears are illusory. You just believe in them, that's why they scare you. You don't need any stability! You need change. Stability is needed by those who trade it, turning people into their slaves through fear. But you don’t need stability and constancy! Refuse them. And in order to finally get rid of the fear of change and instability, so to speak, to finish it off - you need to be the initiator of changes in your life, you need, as I call it, to strike first, since the best defense is an attack, and in our case we even We don’t defend ourselves - when we ourselves consciously change our lives - we command it. Courageously face your fear and you will overcome it! Throw away everything old and take everything new - your strength and will are your right! When you give up everything, everything old and unnecessary, you will have nothing to lose. And a person who has nothing to lose has nothing to fear! The main thing is that you have yourself - that's all you need in this life.

Just think, dear readers, what it means for a person to give up everything that he is used to, because this also means to wake up, open his eyes to reality and begin to behave in accordance with it. current state, in accordance with its characteristics and taking into account its real possibilities and needs. This is a conscious approach to life, this real life, and not life in a dream, like those who are used to getting used to it. Life must change in order to be life, otherwise you will exist for your period of time and will not even understand why you lived at all. So don't be afraid - give up everything you're used to, then you can get a new one, even more interesting life! And your abilities, which determine your capabilities, I am sure, will be enough for you to get more and better. But nevertheless, do not forget to develop them. We live in a time when the world is changing faster than people.

The next thing you need to do in order to change your life is to design your future. You need to understand what and why you are going to change in your life, you must decide where you want to go so as not to go blindly. I have noticed many times, including myself, that what more people dreams and plans, the more desirable for him are various changes in his life, most of which he himself usually initiates. Today it is difficult for us to stay ahead of the times, because the world, as I have already said, is changing incredibly quickly, but nevertheless it is possible. To do this, you need to dream, plan, fantasize, and not try to keep up with other people, copying their lives and themselves. Your dreams and fantasies are the energy that will allow you to get off the ground and start acting if these dreams and fantasies are very bright and beautiful. You see, the more vivid the pictures in your head are, which will be possible options for your wonderful future, the stronger will be your desire to start doing something right now to make these pictures a reality. It is difficult for people with poorly developed imagination to imagine something that does not yet exist, so when something appears, they are not only surprised by it, but also afraid of it. And that is why they perceive any changes in their lives very painfully. But imagination can be developed, this is not a problem, you just need to set such a goal for yourself, and then, yourself or with someone else’s help, begin to realize it. And when you can imagine something new, something that is not yet in your life, but that you would like to see, you will be able to find a way/ways to get there. After all, in order to change your life, you need to at least approximately imagine what it should become after these changes. And she should get better, much better. So don’t limit yourself to your fantasies and desires.

Think right now and imagine - what new do you want to see in your life, and most importantly - what of the old are you willing to give up for this? And then ask yourself another question - what do you need to start doing right now to see it, to create it, to get to it, to get it? For example, would you like to change your place of residence, or perhaps you would like to change your job? Why not? Is the place where you live now the best in the world? Is your job exactly the job you’ve dreamed of all your life? Just don’t say that you are used to all this - because there is nothing worse for a “living”, conscious person than a habit. This is the next and final step you need to take to finally get rid of the fear of change and change your life. Let's see what it is.

There is, friends, one very important rule life, which sounds like this - don’t get used to anything! You especially shouldn’t get used to comfort, because comfort is very harmful for people, it deprives them of the acuity of perception and the ability to think. If you want to live - for real, and not like a plant, not like a machine, not like a biorobot - you need to unlearn getting used to it. It’s difficult, I understand, it’s not for nothing that they say that habit is second nature. And yet, for a person, changing something in this world is as natural as getting used to something. So why not get used to the need to constantly change something? Friends, you need to change your life not in order to necessarily improve it, but for the sake of the changes themselves. You can change your life for the worse, or you can get nothing from your changes; no one is ever immune from this. Would this mean that these changes were unnecessary and even harmful for you? No, it will not. Changes are needed in any case. And that's why. The fact is that a person has an opportunistic instinct that helps him, when necessary, adapt and adapt to any conditions. This instinct helps us survive. And the more strongly a person develops this instinct, the more viable he will be. And for instinct to develop, it must work, that is, be used. And for it to work, there must be a need for it. And for it to be necessary, you need to change your life as often as possible, even if the appropriateness of these changes is questionable. Therefore, even unsuccessful changes in life will benefit you, since they will become a kind of training for your capabilities. Therefore, in order to be guaranteed to change your life, you need to be ready for any changes, for any changes, for any results, both positive and negative. In general, I am convinced that any changes are always for the better, people just do not always realize this, especially in the context of time.

Also, friends, you should always remember that if you have no attachments, then there will be no suffering. Therefore, if you don’t like to suffer, don’t get attached to anything. Change your life more often, strive for something new and better, and there will be more joy and happiness in your life. That's basically all you need to do to change your life. It seems that everything is simple, you will agree. But some effort will have to be made. And I'm sure you will apply them.

In general, changing your life is beneficial and interesting, because when we do this, we, as I wrote above, really live, we feel reality, we feel the process of life itself, we remain vigilant when faced with something new, we think, adapting to new life, and, therefore, we are improving. Therefore, by changing our lives, we change ourselves, and by changing ourselves, we change our lives - the effect replaces the cause, and the cause replaces the effect. Everything is interconnected. And don’t forget, friends, if we ourselves do not strive to change our lives, then it will begin to change itself, which it already does, while forcing us to change. And it’s so unpleasant when your life begins to change without your, so to speak, permission. And this is not so much unpleasant as it is terrible, because, in the end, who is the master of your life - you, or someone else? If someone else is running your life, then you simply don't have it. You do not live, but exist, if you do not manage your life, if you allow other people to manage it. I hope you don’t let this happen and live your life the way you want, because your life is your life!

Don't be afraid to change anything in your life if that's what your heart and soul want. Otherwise, you will have to live, betraying both your soul and heart....

☀ Sometimes it may seem that in order to change your life, colossal large-scale actions are required. But there are small steps, most of them are simple, and taken together they give the desired positive result.

☀ Stress, tension, emotional burnout- There are many names, but the essence is the same. Each of us at least once discovered that we were driven into a corner with no way out.
☀ We set ourselves a goal: lose weight, learn foreign language, learn to dance. But a week or two passes and our enthusiasm wanes. Why do we find it difficult to stay motivated? And what can we do to strengthen our willpower?
☀ Most believe that they can change their lives for the better through their own efforts. But for some reason, most often we do nothing, but simply wait for changes to happen on their own.

☀ I have a law - it’s called “feet in the water”. Every three to five years you should sit on the bank of the river, put your feet in the water, do nothing, sit and think: what have you done over the years?
☀ Everything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident at all... 1. First of all, value yourself and your time: learn to say “no”, close a boring book, quit your job bad work, saying goodbye to people for whom you no longer feel anything...

☀ It is impossible to transform your entire life in one day! Changing it is a process, a path that we have to go through step by step. Our experts describe its main stages.

☀ Does each of us have the opportunity to find the life that suits him? Are we always able to change the situation?

☀ In between daily work and difficult family life many of us devote too little time to ourselves. How do we know if we are managing these rare moments well and satisfying our deepest needs?
☀ Change is the main constant in our lives. Sometimes it is a way to survive in a changing environment (when change is a response to an external threat). Sometimes it’s a way to overtake everyone (when change is an opportunity).
☀ One day a bird accidentally flew into the room. The man decided to help her and let her out the window to freedom. But she was afraid of him.

☀ Your parents and grandparents raised you in such a way that you became absolutely sure that in order to get something, you need to work hard, sweat, deny yourself everything and overcome a huge number of obstacles on your way all your life.
☀ As psychologist Abraham Maslow once wrote, “The most beautiful destiny, the most wonderful luck that can ever happen to any human being, can be sacrificed for the right to do what you passionately love to do.”
☀ Rejoice at every change in your life. Most people are afraid of change. For them, it is better to live in the dull monotony of everyday life than to face new challenges in today's rapidly changing world. By deciding to have new experiences in life, you get the opportunity to feel happiness again. Start with what you especially want. Make changes in your life, this is the best thing you can do.

☀ Development is only possible outside the comfort zone. It's time to learn to accept and manage the feelings that make you uncomfortable.

📖 A wonderful Christmas story for the soul, when you don’t want serious books, but want only one thing - to rest your heart and get a lost, unique feeling of an approaching miracle. This magic story, designed to become a real antidepressant, is thoroughly saturated with the smells of delicious baked goods, replete with atmospheric New Year's lights and felt with the romantic emotions of the main characters.

Time does not stand still, just like our lives. Changes are inevitable, and some of them can indicate the beginning of a new stage. Five visible signs will help you understand that your life will soon change.

Every person faces change with caution. But there are times when our inner premonition deceives us, and what seems like a collapse to us becomes a new stage on the path to a happy life. The Universe indicates impending changes through five signs.

First sign: you are ready for change

The unnecessary is eliminated, abruptly and sometimes even painfully. You feel irritated, offended, angry. Plans collapse before they can be realized. There are countless options: happy relationship remain in the past, you are suddenly fired from your job, friends disappear into time, the bank refuses a loan, your car breaks down. At first glance, this looks like bad luck. But in fact, fate is leading you off the wrong course. Everything you are saying goodbye to was unnecessary in your life. A new breath of happiness awaits you ahead.

Of course, when circumstances literally force you to change your usual life, your patience becomes overflowing. There are no options anymore - the whole world is urging you to action. Leaving your comfort zone is the first sign of a new and happy path.

Second sign: you feel empty inside yourself

You walked towards your goal for a long time, literally chewed your way to it, but suddenly it became mediocrity. Having lost guidelines, it is common for a person to get lost in such huge world opportunities. At the moment when desires fall silent and you don’t want to do anything, the signs of the Universe become more understandable.

If you feel emptiness inside yourself, know that a new stage in your life is beginning. This dramatic change was sent to you from Above. When you lose interest in everything, your mind becomes clearer. You become able to clearly hear the true call of your heart, which unites your mind, soul and body into a single whole. There comes a rethinking of one's own purpose.

Third sign: lack of time

The third stage is coming spiritual development when you feel like time is slipping through your fingers. During this period, you tend to believe that life contains more negative aspects than positive ones. The experiences of past years, unsuccessful relationships, pain, losses and grievances affect you. Unfavorable emotions block the flow of positive energy, preventing you from enjoying the moment.

The feeling that you can’t keep up with life pushes you to rethink your own path, thereby saving you from the “vanity complex.” At this stage, you learn to appreciate every minute you live, leaving behind negative emotions. Thanks to this, your life begins to adjust to a positive rhythm.

Fourth sign: you are overwhelmed with emotions

Every person at least once in his life has experienced a whole range of different emotions simultaneously. You get the feeling that something significant will soon burst into your life that will entail changes. You don't know what exactly the changes are related to, you just know that their appearance is close. You are filled with conflicting feelings.

There is no point in making grandiose plans, all you have to do is go with the flow and be patient. Whatever awaits you, it is already predetermined from Above. You should trust your own instincts and pay attention to the prompts of the Universe, which is trying to help you.

Fifth sign: a series of sudden coincidences

Unexpected coincidences are a clear sign what you follow the right way. Higher power subtly hinting to you that big changes are coming. Signs will appear to you frequently throughout the day. Your Guardian Angel can send you a sign using numbers.

You should not ignore sudden coincidences - they are heralds of colossal shifts and help you gain confidence that your thoughts, desires and opportunities are directed in the same direction.

Don't be afraid of change. Any changes in your life are necessary for happiness. We are all children of the Universe, and it supports us throughout our journey. It is enough to simply live according to the laws of the Universe. Be happy, joy, success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.07.2017 04:20

Energy exhaustion can occur in anyone. This condition is quite dangerous for health and psyche. ...

You can radically change your life in seven days. Armed simple laws prosperity, you will adjust the world to your personal desires and requirements.

Simple practices will help you receive whatever you want from the Universe. First of all, you must believe in a positive outcome. Positive thoughts can take out the fear of difficulties, which is a weighty anchor on the path to happy life. Remember that your destiny is in your hands, and only you can change it.

Monday is the day of change

Our whole life is built on successive mechanisms. In the beginning there was a word (in our case, a thought), then there were desires and dreams, which are the impetus for action. To change your life, you first need to change your thoughts.

On the first day of the week, you should practice replacing negative ideas about your destiny with positive ones. Stop judging yourself, be loyal to your defeats. Thank chance for the experience that opens doors to a new and better life. Be positive about everything. Every situation is two sides of the same coin. Highlight only the best for yourself, leaving out the negative.

Remove phrases from your speech that destroy your enthusiasm and inner confidence. Use stable expressions with a positive charge - affirmations and positive attitudes. Over time you will notice that this habit successful person was a great addition for you.

Tuesday is gratitude day

Learn to appreciate what you already have. Thank the Higher Powers for everything you have at this stage of life. You can’t even imagine how many people there are around who with all their hearts want for themselves what is already available to you.

You should end Tuesday with words of gratitude and make it a rule to end every day like this. Use prayers for the coming sleep or meditations, a mandatory component of which will be words of gratitude. Thank the Universe for the opportunities provided, for the right to choose, for the people you met, and, of course, for the difficulties. Any defeat is just a lesson that brings you closer to your own destiny.

Wednesday is the day of certainty

If you are serious about changing your destiny, you need to immediately decide what you actually want from it. There is a place for everything in your life, just identify what you really need to be happy. Write all your dreams on paper. Write down the accompanying desires - possible and impossible, for the long term and for today. Don't overthink or control yourself: let your dreams come spontaneously. The main thing is to write down all your thoughts as they come. This practice is Right way to fulfill your aspirations and improve your life in general.

Thursday is the best day

One of the laws of prosperity says: never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. On Thursday you will experience the practice of refusing any transfers. When you wake up in the morning and recharge yourself with positivity, give yourself the mindset that everything planned for that day will certainly come true. Every new day is a time for great achievements and success. Life will smile at you and help you realize everything you planned. And in the evening, consolidate the previously learned practices: thank the Creator and the Universe for the help provided and life lessons.

Friday is liberation day

People are capable of ruining their own lives with imposed opinions, doubts and fears. The possibilities of each person are limitless, which means that if one person can do it, so can the rest. It’s just that some people quickly find their hidden talents and develop them, while others bury their capabilities under other people’s opinions and internal complexes.

Don't be afraid of new things, discover fresh ideas every day. In case you're still in doubt, here's a great quote: "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its entire life thinking it's stupid." Believe in yourself, because there is a genius hidden in every person. Try new things and don't worry about what people might think of you.

Saturday is the day of searching for purpose

By the sixth day of the week, you should already have accumulated a list of your desires and aspirations, which may contain even the most unrealistic and seemingly unattainable dreams. Look carefully at everything you wrote down and try to choose the dream that best reflects your essence. To make your choice easier, here are some questions you should ask yourself:

  • What do I like to do?
  • What talents do I have, what do I do best?
  • How can I make money?
  • If I had it at my disposal enormous wealth, what would I do first?
  • If the world currency was happiness, what would I do/make a living?

These questions will help you find your true purpose and your own calling if you are honest with yourself. The most important thing in life is to do what you love. And if your activity brings happiness to you and the people around you, then joy and financial stability will not take long to arrive.

Sunday is results day

You almost changed own life, little work remains to be done. The last thing to understand is that positive change doesn’t happen overnight. They smoothly approach you, sometimes so slowly that you may not notice it at first. Remain patient and calm. After all, if you look at a flower in a pot every minute, it is unlikely that it will grow from your heavy gaze. Learn to wait and believe in the best. Remember to apply the above practices daily so that good opportunities do not keep you waiting.

Seven days, seven elementary rules, the seven laws of prosperity will help you change your life for the better. This is only as possible as you believe in the best. When these practices become your healthy habits, you will find true happiness and... Be happy today, good luck on the path to your dream, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Happy are those people who are satisfied with their lives. It is believed that the ideal state of affairs is when at work you dream about going home, and at home you dream about how you can get to work as soon as possible. It’s good when a person loves what he does, it’s great if he has close people, it’s excellent if he loves what is always near him.

What percentage of the population globe lives happily? The question is complex and it is simply unrealistic to give any definite answer to it. One thing is for sure - many people do nothing but think about Why? Are their lives really that bad in this world? Not necessarily - not even happy people thinking about how to change their lives. Things can always be different. Often we strive for our goals, but over time we realize that we are not stuck with what we need. How is this even possible? Of course available. True, you will have to try hard for this. What comes easily is worth little.

How to change your life?

Similar questions often arise for those people who have reached a certain age. They turn around and don’t see anything that could make them happy or make them feel proud. How to change your life? To do this, first of all you will have to change yourself. If you act correctly, you can get results very quickly.

Many people believe that our life is nothing more than a reflection of our own thoughts. Everything that is around is created precisely by our thoughts. Fantastic? In no case. Just think about it - why do we always get what we really want? The answer is simple - when we strongly desire something, we subconsciously behave in such a way that we can get it. Our consciousness comes up with and executes complex moves that ultimately lead us to our goals. This is not magic, but the most ordinary psychology.

How to change your life? Set clear goals for yourself and do everything to achieve them. Decide what you want. Also decide what doesn’t suit you in life now.

Don't have any education? It doesn’t matter - it’s actually never too late to learn. Large selection: distance learning, correspondence, full-time... Today everything is arranged in such a way that even those who are constantly busy with work can get an education. Why is education needed? First of all, it will add status to you, and a new education will also allow you to change jobs. Often their job, but do not find the courage to leave it. In most cases, this is due to the fact that they are afraid of not finding another. It is actually very, very stupid to be afraid. Why go every day to a place where everything is disgusting? How to change your life? Be sure to change your job if it doesn't bring you joy. One German philosopher said that if a job gives you nothing but money, you shouldn’t stay at it. Think about it. It is quite possible that you are wasting your valuable time at work.

How to change your life? Start reading books, play sports, tidy up your appearance. Try to imagine the image of a brave, decisive person who walks through life confidently, and no difficulties frighten him. What to do next? It's not complicated - just become that person. Think correctly and everything will definitely work out for you. Constantly expand your horizons. New knowledge will also help you expand your social circle. New people can be interesting.

Are you happy with the place you live in? Your city? An apartment? Believe me, it's never too late to just pick up and move to another city. What will it give? A lot, actually. First of all, I would like to draw attention to the fact that by acting radically (“burning bridges”) we become more decisive. When there is nothing to lose, retreating is simply useless.
