The script for the theatrical performance “In the Far Far Away Kingdom. Script for the theatrical performance "fairy tale, fairy tale, fairy tale"

Name: Script for the theatrical performance “Journey Through Fairy Tales”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scripts, performances, dramatizations, Preparatory group(5-6 years)

Position: music director highest category
Place of work: MBDOU Children's Garden No. 25 “Cheryomushka”
Location: Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region

A journey through fairy tales.

Ved: Guys, today we will visit magical world fairy tales, meet familiar and beloved characters, learn a lot of interesting things, so...

Music sounds “out there in the unknown”

There is a hut, a storyteller sits.

Storyteller: Far, far away lies a kingdom, an immense state - a land of fairy tales, miracles and Magic! Wonderful country! And whoever has visited it at least once will remain a prisoner forever. Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the towers are the most painted, the birds are the most sonorous, and the monsters are the most terrible.

I want to start a fairy tale...

The name of this fairy tale

Hurry up and guess.

Is everyone ready to listen to your ears?

It will be - a fairy tale -

Give me time

“The old man says to the old woman:

Bake for me...

Children: Kolobok"

Storyteller: He ran away from his grandfather and grandmother,

Got lost and disappeared

Suddenly he’s in another fairy tale...

Listen, young friend.

Kolobok appears to the music and dances.

Kolobok:(Rolls towards the oak tree)

Oh, where did I end up?

And where did I end up?

Here is a huge oak tree

Looks straight at me

I need to ask him.

Where should I go and what should I do?

Dear oak help me

And tell me the way.

Oak: I am a hundred-year-old oak, not an ordinary one

The magical object is below me,

There's a book of fairy tales, look

And take it in your hands.

Open any page in it

Just guess the magic riddle.

And you will instantly find yourself in a Russian fairy tale.

And there you will find your way home.

Oak gives a Russian book folk tales.

The curtain was closed, the “autumn forest” curtain

Kolobok:(opens the book) Oh, guys, help me solve the riddle:

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut

There are three chairs and three mugs

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

What is the name of this fairy tale?

Children: Three Bears.

Masha and the Three Bears come out to the music.

Masha: I went for a walk in the forest alone

I couldn’t find my way home.

And I came to a forest hut

What stood at the edge.

I came in without knocking

I ate there and broke a chair

Lying on the beds

And I still stayed asleep

But then the owners returned

And they were seriously angry.

And then I just realized

How badly I behaved.

I made friends with bears

And I learned to play.

Now my friends and I are walking in the forest

And we play with bears.

Guys, let's go to the orchestra with the bears and play.

The girls and bears go behind the curtain to get their tools.

Mystery: But guys, what instruments do you know, guess what instrument sounds like?

Behind the curtain they play any instrument, the children guess.

Masha: Like our neighbor

It was a fun conversation:

Geese on a harp,

Ducks to the pipes,

Tap dances into rattles,

Seagulls in balalaikas,

Waxwings in pipes,

Cuckoos in whistles,

Starlings with bells.

They play, they play,

Everyone is amused!

The orchestra performs “Dunya the Tin Weaver”

Kolobok (says goodbye to Masha):

And with a new fairy tale meet.

The curtain was closed, the stove was rolled out, and on it was Emelya with a balalaika.

Kolobok opens the book.

Mystery: The buckets will move on their own

The stove carries him by itself

What kind of fairy tale, guess

Remember quickly.

Children: By magic.\

The curtain opens and Emelya is sitting on the stove with a balalaika.

Emelya: I came to you for fun,

Russian guy, I'm Emelya.

I call myself a simpleton

Il Emeley - a fool.

But don't believe it, it's not like that

I'm no fool

Just a brave, gallant guy,

Cheerful and daring.

I know a lot of folk games

I invite you to play.

Do you want to play?

So come to me quickly!

Do you know many folk games?

The children answer.

Emelya: Let's go play a game, Little Lambs are cool.

Game "Little Lambs - Cool Little Lambs"

The little lambs are cool, dance in a circle

We walked through the forests stomp their feet

We wandered through the mountains,

They played the violin imitation of violin playing

Emelya was amused. They spread their hands and bow.

Our Emelya is simplicity: They narrow the circle and approach Emela.

I bought a horse They narrow the circle and approach Emela

Sat backwards Expand the circle.

And went to the garden as they jump, they turn away and clap their hands.

Emelya catches up with the guys: I didn't catch up with anyone

I didn't catch anyone.

Emelya: Open your ears, guests.

Children will sing Chatushki!


I was at the market

I saw Miron.

Myron has it on his nose

Crow croaked.

Petya deftly catches fish

Maybe make a raft,

Just “Hello” and “thank you”

Can't speak!

In the morning to mother our Mila

She gave me two candies.

I barely had time to give it,

She immediately ate them herself.

Little kids love

All kinds of candy.

Who gnaws and who swallows,

Who is rolling on the cheek?

Heroically Lena with laziness

Fight all day

But, much to our chagrin,

Laziness defeated Lena.

Rubbish - rubbish - rubbish!

I could perform all day!

I don't feel like studying

And you’re not too lazy to sing ditties!

Our Olenka is a strong woman,

She has a heavy load on her shoulder:

There are a hundred kilos of chains on it,

Buckles, hairpins, various beads.

Kolobok says goodbye to Emelya:

And meet a new fairy tale

Emelya sits on the stove:

At the behest of the pike, at my will, take me home to bake!

The curtain closed

Place Baba Yaga's hut in a corner, curtain "autumn forest"

The gingerbread man rolls in a circle to the music and opens the book.

Vasilisa stands to open the curtain.

Vasilisa: Hello, my dear,

Bow to everyone, low to the ground,

I am a beautiful girl, with a Russian braid.

The riddle of Vasilisa:

I know one magic

I have a wondrous miracle.

You just have to want it

All I have to do is look

Instantly, a pattern appears -

I can weave any carpet.

What fairy tale am I from, children?

Which of you will answer me?

Children:"Vasilisa the Wise"

Vasilisa: Here I take my handkerchief,

I gather everyone in a circle,

Come out, honest people,

Get into a round dance.

Round dance "At Kalinushka"

Vasilisa: So the legs began to dance,

We played re-dance

I'll start knocking with my feet

You must repeat after me.

Dance "Dance"

Rhythm in the legs.

Vasilisa: Ay, what great guys!

Not guys - daredevils!

Let's dance

Yes, dance “Kalinka”.

The dance "Kalinka" is performed

Baba Yaga comes out from behind the house.

B.Y. screams: The hut is behind me, well, the hut, go to the forest. They dance.

B.Ya. : I feel it, I feel it with my nose, ear

The Russian spirit smells here.

Who dared to make noise and dance?

Wanted to make me angry

Me, Baba Yaga.

I can't understand?

Is it you, Kolobok?

Is there a mess here?

Are you making noise here with Vasilisa?

Speak up, why are you silent?

What kind of holiday are you having?

Speak up, prankster?

Otherwise I’ll whistle

I’ll let Koschey know in a moment.

Kolobok: Wait, Grandma Yagusya,

I'm not the only one having fun.

Wipe your eyes -

How many guys are there, look!

I guessed the holiday correctly,

I just scared everyone in vain.

B. Ya.: I can scare you more

Know Grandmother Yaga!

Kolobok: Don't ruin our fun

Calm down quickly.

Vasilisa: Yes, and all the guys ask,

Grandma, calm down.

B.Ya.: What kind of fun are you having here?

Ali show performance

Is this a holiday of witchcraft?

And in the villainy of mastery?

So last year, at the festival,

I won the first prize.

I'm not lying or joking.

I'll teach you how to cast magic

Now I’ll blow and whistle -

I will turn everyone into villains.

Vasilisa: Stop, grandma, calm down.

And don't be angry with us.

Here we play with children,

We sing songs

Russian national,

And we dance in circles,

Better dance with us

Let's have some fun!

B. I: So be it, I'll have fun

I'm not in a hurry.

Know Grandmother Yaga,

I can be kind too.

By the way, I

Very popular.

Besides, she's pretty

And in every fairy tale I am a hero!

Now let's dance

Maestro, turn on the music!

Children dance with Baba Yaga, at the end Baba Yaga catches up with everyone.

B.Y: Oh, you seem to be clever,

So I can’t catch up with you,

If I could fly in a mortar,

I would have caught everyone in an instant.

Kolobok: Everyone tried, everyone danced,

Songs were sung and played.

Grandma Hedgehog, do a little magic,

You are a master in this matter,

We wanted some treats.

B.Y: Fu-fu-fu, chi-chi-chi,

There are rolls in my basket.

I'll conjure, whistle,

I'll treat you to some rolls.

Kolobok looks into the basket.

Kolobok: Ha ha ha!

Nothing succeeded,

You've forgotten how to cast magic!

Here - those, on - those, rolls!

Look at the bricks!

The bun turns the basket over.

Vasilisa: Oh, my friends, wait!

And please don't argue

That's why it all happened

The magic didn't work.

Because it's necessary

Let's all live together in harmony.

Kolobok: You, Vasilisa, are a beautiful maiden,

A jack of all trades.

I want to ask you:

Create a miracle

Let us treat everyone guys

It wouldn't be bad.

Vasilisa: Okay, okay, I'll try

I will try for the children.

You just have to want it

I just have to look...

Whisper one word...

And the treat - here it is!

Russian gingerbreads,

Sweet, delicious!

Serves on a tray for children and adults

Kolobok: Well, we had a lot of fun here!

B.Y: We had a great time here!

Vasilisa: And now it's time to say goodbye...

Kolobok: Wait, wait, what about me? I couldn’t find my way back to my fairy tale.

Vasilisa: Give me your book. Listen and guess the riddle.

Straight from the shelf, over the threshold...

The ruddy side ran away.

Our friend rolled away

What kind of fairy tale?...(Kolobok)

Kolobok: Yes, this is a riddle about my fairy tale Kolobok!

Kolobok: Thank you, hurray, hurray,

I found my way home!

Granny's been waiting for me

And my beloved grandfather

It's time for me to return

Goodbye kids!

The music sounds “There, on unknown paths”

Storyteller: So our journey through the land of fairy tales, miracles and magic ends. But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy tale path is endless, as soon as you open the collection of Russian fairy tales and go!

Can be done in summer period with kids senior group who are going to school.

1- Fairy tales travel around the world,
Night harnessed to a carriage.
Fairy tales live in the clearings,
They wander around in the fogs at dawn.
And we declare honestly:
It's interesting to live in the world.
For us, the wonderland is complete.
That country is called childhood!

2 - One-two-three-four-five,

Let's write a fairy tale!

A fairy tale with adventures,

A fairy tale with transformations!

3 - Fairy tales, fairy tales, fairy tales,
The world is magical, colorful forest.
The wings of fairy tales rustle quietly,
This means they are flying to visit us.

4 There are many fairy tales in the world,
Kind and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth
May goodness forever
Evil wins!

Leading— And the game will help us meet the heroes of fairy tales
"Field of Dreams".
Here's a ray of sun beckoning us, teasing us,
You are having fun this morning.
Today you have a glorious holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game!
She is our big and smart guest,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged,
A big and noisy argument will start,
It will help to learn new things.
So, three teams take part in our game.

(Teams stand in turn, everyone greets them. Children are assigned to teams in advance).

Leading— Whose team guesses the word gets an emblem.
Whoever collects the most emblems will be the winner!
Our theme is fairy tale heroes.
The first word of 7 letters. You need to say the whole word!
(in the picture “Kolobok”).

Leading— There are many fairy tales in the world. But there is one very first, very
beloved (guess).
Hush, hush, what is that sound?
A fairy tale suddenly comes knocking on our door.
On a weekday and on Sunday,
No paths or roads
Hastens into our fairy tale
Our old friend

All. Kolobok!

Kolobok runs out. Sings a song:
“I am a bun, a bun...”

Children(future schoolchildren) - Well done, Kolobok!
Thanks for coming.

- We can’t sit still!

We are ready to hit the road!

- To new impressions!

To new adventures!

- We are ready to turn into koloboks,

To ride away with you.

Leading- What should I do? What do i do?

You will have to be released.

I'll show you the path

Straight to the school threshold.

You'll go down the road

Past Mishka's den,

Past Fox Mountain,

Past the Wolf's Hole,

Straight to the Hare Bushes,

And with me I will give you

Not a road junction,

Not a basket, not a bag,

Not some little thing

And a new school backpack.

He will be with you everywhere,

He will help you in trouble.

But walk quietly:

Don't be reckless!

Kolobok children put on backpacks, jump merrily, and sing. They run away in a noisy crowd.

Song of the Koloboks

We were flowers

They became little buns.

Like from a grandfather and a woman,

We rolled out of the garden.

And they gave us on the road

Not a ball, not a talisman,

Not a pot, not a bag -

New school backpack.

He will be with us everywhere,

He will help us in trouble.

All we need on the road is

In our school backpack.

Koloboks are hiding behind the scenes.The song of koloboks can be heard from behind the scenes.

Gardener— (admiringly): That’s how fervently they sing! Funny koloboks. No wonder they grew in a garden bed!

Forester: They're having fun. Yes, they will wake up the whole forest. They were told: go quietly, do not wake up the dashing one while the dashing one is sleeping.

Gardener: And it's true. Look, over there, from behind the bushes, hare ears appeared. The Wolf crawled out of the hole. The Bear gets out of the den, and the Fox comes down from the mountain.

The Bear, the Hare, the Wolf and the Fox appear on the stage.


Who dared to make noise in the forest,

Rip your throat and sing songs?


Who's jumping there without looking back?

And doesn't remember the order?


Isn’t it like a bun of grandfathers?

Are you visiting us for lunch?


Kolobok! I can smell it with my nose!


I am busy with an important question:

How not to miss it?


How should we divide it?


Closer, closer the bun!


Hey, he's not alone!


His friends are coming with him!


Finally I'm fed up!


Stop the discussion!

Seize the impudent loudmouths!

The animals are hiding behind the trees.


Oh, trouble, Forester, trouble!

If you don't intervene urgently,

You can't get to school

Never to those guys!


I was born a forester.

I am familiar with the Wolf and the Hare.

With brown grandfather Bear

We have been friends and neighbors for a long time.

Yes, and with the cunning Fox

We can come to an agreement.

Let's hurry to the clearing. Let's help the koloboks!

They run away. Koloboks appear on the stage. They sing and jump. Suddenly they appear from behind the trees animals.

Animals: Here they are, koloboks! Grab them! Catch!

The koloboks scatter. The animals catch them. Storytellers run out.

Storytellers: Stop, stop! Do not hurry! Let the kids go!

Bear: What kind of kids are these?

Gardener: Yes, these ones, with school backpacks.

Hare(disappointed): Indeed, with backpacks. How come we didn’t notice right away!

Forester: Who goes with backpacks and briefcases?

Wolf: Who-who! Schoolchildren drag themselves to school as if they are gaining intelligence...

Gardener: Exactly!

And an ordinary bun has a ruddy side.

And he doesn’t need a new school backpack at all!

Our children are not ordinary buns. This…

Hare(slapping his forehead with his paw): ...these are first graders!

Fox: First graders? This still needs to be proven. Maybe you are deliberately deceiving us in order to leave us without lunch!

Forester: Deceiving, darling, is your thing. And we only speak the truth. Here you are, Lisa, can you pack your school bag?

Fox: Just think, what a cunning science!

Gardener: Well, let's try, who will collect the briefcase faster: children or animals?

Bear: Why not try! Come on, give me the briefcase.

Children unpack their backpacks and place their contents on the floor. The Gardener and the Forester bring briefcases for the Bear, the Hare, the Wolf and the Fox.


One two three four five,

Let's start playing!

If you defeat us,

You will convince us right away.

If we defeat you,

We'll eat you right now!

Children and animals pack their briefcases to cheerful music. The bear is trying to stuff a deck of honey into his briefcase. The hare fills his briefcase with pine cones. Lisa puts on the mirror and lipstick. The wolf just runs around the stage and shouts: “What should I put in my briefcase? What should I put in my briefcase?

The Gardener and the Forester begin to check the briefcases.

Gardener: Oh, Mishka! You don't have a single book in your briefcase! The hare has filled his briefcase with pine cones; at least he can count them. How are you going to study?

Forester: You, Lisa, are a well-known beauty. But what are you going to do at school? Admire yourself in the mirror? And the Gray Wolf is of no use at all. So the children defeated you and convinced you that they were right.

Fox: How does it feel - we won? Just think, they know how to fold backpacks! Any fool can do this. Let's do it this way...

All: How?

Fox: Let them... Let them... Let them count all the cones with which the Hare filled his briefcase.

Gardener: Will you count the cones, children?

Children: Yes!

Children count cones to cheerful music.

Gardener: How many cones are there? Answer quickly!

Children: There are as many cones here as there are children.

Every girl, every boy

got a small bump from the hare.

Hare: How cleverly they did it! Maybe they can teach us how to count?

Forester: Teach me, children?

Children: Let's teach!

One two three four five!

The Hare is the first, the Wolf is the second,

He took cover behind the mountain.

And the Fox will be third.

Be careful with her, children!

And fourth here is the Bear -

He won't let you make noise!

Bear: I don't like noise - it's true! And what kind of forest animal loves him? Great you think!

But they already know all the letters and can spell out some words.

For example, a fox is beautiful. Come on, kids, please the redhead!

Children, to the music of large letters, lay out words on a tree trunk (there is a magnetic board or flannelgraph mounted there). Storytellers help them put a dash.

Forester: Here, Lisa, is a gift for you. It's a pity that you can't read.

Fox: Ah, oh! Now I will become famous throughout the forest! ( Spins in different directions.) Do you know what it says here? Do you know?

Gardener: And now we will write something else for you.

The forester and the gardener lay out a proposal:

“The Fox will have vinaigrette for lunch today!”

The gardener reads the inscription.

Fox: Ugh! This is necessary! Get out of here with your unfinished koloboks!

Bear: Well, Lisa, stop being angry! You will have to fast: what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe!

And you guys, go ahead and don’t worry about it!

Children join hands in a chain and leave the stage to the music. The animals wave goodbye to them.


Come to our clearing today

Arrived early in the morning

Not simple koloboks -

These are first graders!

You're running along the track

Straight to the school threshold,

We will remember you

The Hare is the first, the Wolf is the second,

He took cover behind the mountain.

And the Fox will be third.

Be careful with her, children!

And fourth here is the Bear -

He won't let you make noise!

They leave.

Gardener: Well, that's the whole fairy tale. Just how does this happen: the animals noticed before us that the koloboks had turned into first-graders!

Forester: So these are not ordinary animals - fabulous ones! And you and I have a good fairy tale:


Gardener: Wonderful!

Forester: Resinous!

Sadovni K: Fragrant!

Forester: Have adventures!

Sadovni K: Happy transformations!

In the garden bed

The kids have grown up.

They were like flowers.

Steel - bells.

Not simple koloboks -

These are first graders!

Forester: Here, I will say by the way,

We will finish our fairy tale.

Gardener and Forester: Goodbye, viewers, children and parents!

Marina Filatova
Theatrical performance "Ball of Fairy Tales"

« Pageant» .

Subject: "BALL TALES»

(integration of educational regions: "Reading fiction", "Communication", "Music".)

TARGET: Engage children fairy tale plot, continue to work on developing speech abilities. Strengthen knowledge of copyright and folk fairy tales, skill define a fairy tale for a short passage, name the author, mark characteristics fairy tale hero. Use movements as one of the means to help children more accurately reproduce the characters’ characters. Continue to work on the expressiveness of speech when dramatizing characters. Develop the ability to combine speech and movement. Cultivate an interest in fiction.

Progress of the presentation:

(children's entrance to the hall of Music. "There are many in the world fairy tales» )

Narrator: Far from the blue mountains, a tent suddenly opened. A girl, the Shamakhan queen, came out of the tent...

Scheherazade: Hello dear guests! My name is Scheherazade. I came to you from the East - a holiday brought fairy tales.

Narrator: the holiday is not an easy one for us, it only happens once. And today in kindergarten It’s not in vain that guests rush to see us. This is a holiday fairy tales,ball fairy friends. Is everything ready for the ball?

Scheherazade: Of course everything is ready!

Narrator: So what are we waiting for? Ball we'll start fairy tales with you.

Child: a fairy tale goes through the forest, a fairy tale leads by the hand. Coming out of the river fairy tale, from the tram from the gate.

Scheherazade: What kind of round dance is this?

All: This round dance of fairy tales.

Child: fairy tale clever and lovely, lives next to us.

So that, So that the good will defeat the evil. To convince the good and the evil to become good.

Scheherazade: I am glad to welcome you my fairy friends, at the magic ball!

PAGE: oh beautiful Scheherazade, you are a craftswoman tell tales. I'm not a magician, I'm just learning. Tell us and show us another one fairy tale.

Scheherazade: Well, sit down and listen. Where by myself, and where with hint, I came up with an idea for you fairy tales. IN fairy tale who recognized himself, her friends will call her. And from what we'll start fairy tales? Let the magic box help me. Box, box-box, open your lock a little. Give us hint, for any fairy tale. Here's the first one fairy tale...who loves jam. Candy and cookies? (carloson)

Let's meet Carloson with a cheerful song! (song "Funny man")

Carloson: Hello friends! Here I am! Did you recognize me correctly? I am Carloson, the most well-mannered, handsome and moderately well-fed. I walked past the garden and saw everything through the window, I looked - the room was full of children, so many fairy friends.

Scheherazade: Did you recognize Carlosona...and from which one? fairy tales he arrived? And who did Carloson fly to? Who did the baby dream about? Who gave Baby a puppy?

Well, let's look into our magic box... oh! Who is this?

Hare: I am a hare, I’ll tell you how I live in the forest. By spring the boys turned gray and put on a new fur coat. I’ll sit under a bush, hide under a pine tree. The forest beast will not see me, will not recognize me. Although I’m not a coward, I’m always afraid of everything! Oh, oh, the wolf is coming, sleep me.

Wolf: calf, lamb, hare, come here quickly! I adore you from the cradle, I eat you everywhere and always. I work as a wolf fairy tale! That’s how my teeth are chattering, my scary eyes are burning and my scary ears are sticking out. Have you seen the hare? (No)

I've been chasing a hare all day and I'm exhausted. I’ll sit and sit, there’s a comfortable little bump here. Oh. Well, wait a minute!

Fox: Hello gray, how are you?

Wolf: I have melancholy, insomnia. Hunger is hot on my heels!

Fox: ah-ah, how can I help the wolf?

Wolf: oh little fox, beauty, help!

Fox: But I’m not a simple fox, look, my coat is golden. I am a master of dancing, I can spin day and night. Let's start dancing, just don't imagine! Feel free to give your hand to a friend, stand in pairs in a circle!

Wolf: guests, don’t be afraid, friends, don’t worry, I’m not evil at all, I won’t eat anyone.

Dance: “There was a birch tree in the field”

Scheherazade: thanks to the wolf, fox and hare! Guys, which ones? fairy tales do these heroes meet? (children's answers)

Well, now, onto the hero fairy tales I'll take a look... and I'll revive him.

Pinocchio: I know who loves fairy tales, he will get the golden key. Peace with him fairy tales, believe me, you will always open the door. Where did I come to you from? Tell me, friends?

Scheherazade: Tell me who the hero is?

(Mus. Insert : BU-RA-TI-NO)

From what fairy tales Has Pinocchio come to us? And who is the author of this fairy tales? What other heroes live in this fairy tale? Who bought the alphabet Pinocchio? Who gave the log to Papa Carlo?

Well done! Thank you, dear Pinocchio, you a true friend both adults and children.

Oh! The box opened at the wrong time and released evil spirits...

Baba Yaga: Hello Masha, how are you? Why did you come here?

Mashenka: Where is Vanyusha, my brother, I’ll take him home.

B. i. - look what you wanted, I need Vanka for business. I will feed him, I will raise him, and when he gets big, Vanya will serve me, he will light the stove, he will cook porridge, he will sing songs, he will entertain the hedgehog grandmother!

Mashenka: oh granny yagusha, take pity on Vanyusha. I’ll do some service for you, I’ll put the house in order, let Vanyusha and I go...

B. i. - no, girl, don’t ask! Complete the task, then we’ll see, I want to play.

Scheherazade: yes, we are glad! We let's suggest the essence of the game So that Yagusha becomes good, call her affectionately.


B.Ya. - I was, of course, an angry old woman. But now, to the joy of everyone, I have become different and kind.

Scheherazade: that's great again the fairy tale ended well. Did you guys find out what a fairy tale was visiting us? ("Swan geese")

I hear...the sound of carriage wheels. Who's in a hurry to join us at the ball? Make way people, who is coming to us?

Cinderella: I’ve never been to a ball, I washed, cleaned, cooked, spun. When I happened to go to the ball, the prince lost his head from love. And then I lost my shoe, who am I, who can tell me? (Cinderella)

Scheherazade: but not all princesses are kind, in fairy tales There are others, which ones? (angry, capricious, harmful)

And in which they live in fairy tales? (V Andersan's fairy tale"Swineherd", S. Marshak "12 months", "Ts-Nesmeyana")

But at our ball all the princesses are kind. You are Cinderella, don’t be sad, but have fun with us.

Dance: "Good Beetle"

Scheherazade: Thank you Cinderella, come in. Oh, I hear sounds coming from the box and plaintively asking for help. 1,2,3, boxes, bring the heroes to life.

Fly Tsokotukha: guests, dear, help. Destroy the villain spider, and I fed you, and I gave you water. Do not leave me in my last hour.

Komarik: I fly up to the spider, take out my saber, and at full gallop, I cut off its head. Rolled. The head rolled, rolled. The brave mosquito defeated the evil, evil spider.

Scheherazade: and what kind of heroes are they? fairy tales came to our ball? And in which they live in a fairy tale? Who wrote this fairy tale? (K.I. Chukovsky)

K.I. Chukovsky wrote a lot of comic works for children. What works do you know? ( "Aibolit", "Telephone", "Cockroach")

Well done, but what else does my magic box contain?

Byaka-bully: I’m such a Bully, a Bully Baka, I do bad things all day long. Well, what are we here for?

Children: and with us, today- "Ball fairy tales» , guests came to us, for example, Cinderella, you know how kind she is.

Byaka: ugh, I don’t like kind people, now I’m talking about others... I’ll tell you riddles. (puzzles)

So what are they? (evil, greedy, scary)

Look, what! And yet they know everything.

Child: bully, bully, don’t be angry, but rather have fun with us.

DANCE: "Spring was called"

Byaka: wow, how friendly, take the treat.

Scheherazade: Thank you, B.Z., it’s wonderful that everything ended on good terms fairy tale. After all fairy tale that’s why it’s’s not for nothing that children love fairy tales!

Child: Fairy tales We've run out of friends and it's time for us to say goodbye. We wish you everything that our life is rich with.

Health, happiness, smart books! May this holiday fairy tales, will leave a good mark on the soul.

All: See you in the new fairy tale!

Report on the festival of theatrical performances based on Russian folk tales.

February 2012

Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions allow solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of a child’s speech, intellectual and artistic-aesthetic education.

This is an inexhaustible source of developing feelings, experiencing emotional discoveries, and a way to become familiar with spiritual wealth. A preschooler gets to know the world with his mind and heart, learns to express his attitude towards good and evil, and learns the joy associated with overcoming communication difficulties and self-doubt.

Theatrical performance is a game based on artistic image. This is entertainment, joy, celebration.

There is a tradition at the preschool educational institution to hold a festival based on Russian folk tales.

Work with children in the ecological-ethnographic museum is carried out according to the museum-educational program “Museum for Children”, which was developed by

The goal of the program is to help a growing person in education, spiritual and intellectual development, promoting socialization and life self-determination in the process of diverse creative activity based on communication, the study of history and cultural values, practical participation in the preservation of folk crafts, customs, and traditions.

The excursion program for children solves the following main tasks:

Revealing creativity children;

Expanding ideas about the content of museum culture;

Development of initial skills in perception of museum language.

Creating conditions for creative communication and cooperation.

Once a month, during a theme week, preschoolers from general development groups from 5 to 7 years old attend events in the ecological and ethnographic museum.

All activities are organized and conducted in accordance with the age characteristics of children. The events are educational and exciting. conducts games, competitions, quizzes with children, outdoor games Khanty peoples, organizes KVN. At the end of the activities, each child is given a coloring book in accordance with the theme of the lesson to consolidate the acquired knowledge. Children like such events; they introduce and introduce children to the origins of the culture of the peoples of the North.

In December, 2011 and February, March 2012, children did not visit the ecological-ethnographic museum, because there was low temperature and in preschool educational institutions there were quarantine measures for viral infection. The museum staff could not conduct thematic classes because they needed exhibits for conversation and viewing.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions, together with library staff from branch No. 2, develop children’s interest in fiction and improve aesthetic perception works of art, help the child feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

When using literary works outside of class, the following tasks are solved:

Implementation of a program to familiarize yourself with fiction; nurturing a positive aesthetic attitude towards a work, the ability to feel the figurative language of poetry, fairy tales, stories, nurturing artistic taste;

Comprehensive education and development of the child with the help of works of literature and folk art.

By attending events, children get acquainted with the creativity of writers and their works.

All activities are carried out by the children's library staff in interesting form using multimedia display. Preschoolers played pranks with the hero of their favorite cartoon - Carlson, solved riddles, competed with puzzles between teams and came up with their own image of a ghost and played it out,

We remembered and watched the cartoon “Flower - Seven Flowers”, evaluated and discussed the actions of the heroes, and drew our cherished flower.

Preschoolers continue to get acquainted with the work of the writer and artist V. Suteev. introduced children to the stories of V. Suteev, noted the principles of writing and constructing stories, and showed excerpts from their favorite cartoons. The children dramatized the fairy tale “The Rooster and the Paints,” and then collectively painted the rooster that “came” from the fairy tale. Each child tried to carefully decorate the rooster so that he would return back to his fairy tale.

showed the children books that were designed by V Suteev and introduced them to the artist - illustrator of children's books. As a result, children develop artistic taste, broaden their horizons, and deepen their perception. literary work, creative abilities develop.



A kaleidoscope of fun adventures based on the work of A. Milne (130th birthday).

"When we were very little"

"The Last Petal"

NDYUK Rainbow of K. Chukovsky's fairy tales for the 130th anniversary of his birth (Theatricalization). “The land of childhood. Ocean of surprises"

NDYUK Book exhibition based on the works of V. Suteev. "The arrow flies into a fairy tale"

Ecological kaleidoscope according to the Red Book. Multimedia presentation“There are so many of us on earth, but few in the Universe.”

Ecological fantasy “Multi-colored globe”

Virtual magazine “Favorite Purr”

For 5 years, teachers of our preschool educational institution have been participating in the NDYUK, this year group No. 7 “Bell” of a general developmental orientation from 5 to 6 years old showed a dramatization of a fairy tale based on the works “The Fly - the Cluttering Fly”. The children conveyed the image of all the heroes of the fairy tale, each character lived the image of his role. I learned the song “Cup of Tea” with them, the fairy tale characters played on musical instruments, the musical arrangement made the plot of the fairy tale more vivid and impressive. Group teachers and a speech development teacher and music director took part in the preparation of the fairy tale.

The children of the group “Bell” showed the fairy tale “The Fly - the Clutter” in a preschool educational institution for all children of general development groups from 4 to 7 years old.”

Children really like to look at children's magazines in the reading room; they are attracted by the brightness and colorfulness, because children do not yet know how to read. Children enroll in the library and enjoy visiting it with their parents.

At the end of May, children of general development groups from 4 to 5 years old go to the library, this is their first acquaintance and trip to the “Kingdom of Books”


1. All forms of introducing children to fiction outside of class foster interest and love for books and shape future readers.

2. Continue and improve work with social institutions childhood.

Speech development teacher.

Target: development of children's artistic abilities through theatrical activities.

  • cultivate a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities; R
  • liberation of the child;
  • replenish and activate children's vocabulary.

Decoration: screen, dolls, costumes (Petrushka, guards), scenery, table with a tablecloth and things from fairy tales, crosswords, candy.

(music sounds)

1 presenter: Far, far away lies a kingdom, an immense state - the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic.

Presenter 2: Beautiful country! And whoever has visited it at least once will remain a prisoner forever.

Presenter 1: Because the trees there are the most bizarre.

Presenter 2: Mountains are the highest.

1 presenter: The towers are the most painted.

Presenter 2: Birds are the most vocal.

Presenter 1: And monsters are the most terrible.

(music sounds)

1 presenter: It’s not proper for good fellows to lie around and sit on the rubble.

Presenter 2: And for the red girls to sing songs and husk seeds.

1 presenter: I suggest you go on a journey: see the world, look at people, show yourself.

Presenter 2: We have a long road ahead of us. You need to pack a knapsack with the most necessary things.

Presenter 1: A tablecloth is spread out in front of you - a self-assembled tablecloth. But on it are not overseas dishes, but “fairytale” objects that will help you on your journey: a comb, a towel, a vessel with living water, a ring, an apple with a saucer, a ball, a mirror.

Presenter 2: Come on, the bravest ones, who will name the magical properties of each object and the fairy tale in which it occurs.

(children answer these “magic” questions)

1 presenter: The knapsack has been packed - let’s go! To the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic!

(The "Song of the Guards" sounds, 2 guards appear)

Presenter 2: Here we are. But why is the gate locked? Why are the guards so angry?

1st guard: Who is this? Why are they sitting here? What are they even doing here? Don’t they know that only those who love and know fairy tales can enter our country? There is no place for ignoramuses in it!

2nd guard: Yes, we can’t just let them into the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic! We need to give them a test! Let them solve the fabulous crossword puzzle! If they guess right, well done, but if they don’t, they’ll have to come back.

1st guard: And from the letters in the highlighted squares, you need to form magic words! Only then will you be able to get to the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic!

(2 crossword puzzles are brought out, the guards ask questions, the children answer and fill out the crossword puzzles)

1 crossword:

  1. One of Vasilisa's names. (Wise)
  2. The name of the king who sent Ivan - the prince for the heat - with a bird. (Berendey)
  3. Apples that give youth. (rejuvenation)
  4. A tree most often found in fairy tales. (oak)
  5. Weapons used by fairy-tale heroes. (club)

Crossword 2:

  1. The river where Ivan, a peasant son, fought. (Currant)
  2. Nickname of Nikita, who saved Kyiv from the snake. (Kozhemyaka)
  3. Jumps: along the spruce forest, gallops: along the birch forest. It jumps and clicks from tree to tree. (Morozko)
  4. Cat in Russian fairy tales (Bayun)
  5. The animal into which a beautiful girl was enchanted by Koshchei the Immortal. (frog)

1 crossword

2 crossword

1 guard:

You passed the test
We suffered a few losses.

2nd guard:

But now we are with you
We will open the door with magic words.


(music sounds - fanfare)

1 presenter: So you and I found ourselves in the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic.

Presenter 2: What magical things will we see there?

(together) The performance begins.

Performance "Petrushkin Circus"



Decorations and props. Grains, carrots, sausage, sugar stone, candy.

Petrushka runs out to the music, dances and teases the audience.

Parsley: Hello children!

I am a funny toy, and my name is: (Parsley).

(surprised) You guessed it! Let's solve some more riddles.

Tail with patterns
Boots with spurs
Sings loudly
Who is this?
(children - Cockerel)

Parsley: You guessed it! I have a learned Cockerel: when he hears his name he will immediately come running. Repeat after me:

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,
Golden comb.
Petya gets up early
Doesn't let the kids sleep.

(at the conclusion the Cockerel appears and sings)

Parsley: Say hello, Cockerel, bow to the children and sing again. Please.

(Cockerel bows, greets, flaps his wings)


Here you go, Cockerel,
Treat grains.
Do you want some grains?
Chick - chick - chick!
Thank you, Rooster.

(The cockerel pecks, crows, leaves)

Parsley: Now I’ll tell you a more difficult riddle.

A ball of fluff
Long ear,
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots
Who is this?
(children - hare)

Parsley: You guessed it right again! Well done! Bunny! Bunny come here!

(the bunny peeks out from behind the bushes, shaking)

Parsley: Don't be afraid, little bunny! Here's a coward: Don't be afraid! The children are good. Bow down, little bunny, say hello to the guys.

(the hare bows in different directions)

And now, little bunny, guess what music will play, then you will do it to it. But be careful.

(a lullaby, a march, a polka sounds - the hare performs the movements)

Parsley: Well done, bunny! Hold the carrot!

(the hare runs away with a carrot)

But you won’t be able to guess this riddle.

Barks at strangers and
He won't let me into the house.
(children - dog)

Parsley: That's right! Good guess! Bobik! Bobik!

(the dog runs in barking)

Say hello to the guys. Take a bow.

(Bobby barks and bows)

Serve Bobby! Bobby follow me! Now Bobik, count

How many hands do I have?

How many legs do I have?

How many tails do you have?

(Bobby barks many times)

What are you doing, Bobik, do you really have so many tails?

(Bobik lowers his head and whines).

A-a-a: It’s a shame, was it a mistake? Count it again, just don't rush. How many tails do you have?

(barks once)

Well done Bobik on the sausage!

(Bobby barks and runs away)

Parsley: Well, you’ll never guess this riddle, I don’t know the answer myself.

Who is cold in winter
Walking around angry and hungry?
(children - wolf)

You did it again, well done! Wolf come out, show yourself to the children and say hello to the guys. I have a wolf Opera singer, he really likes to sing serenades. Sing us a serenade.

(the wolf bows and sings)

Here's a sugar bone wolf, thank you!

(the wolf leaves)

Parsley: But you’ll probably guess everything about the last riddle.

Cunning cheat
red head,
Fluffy tail beauty
Who is this?
(children - fox)

Well done boys. Lizaveta, Lizaveta come out to us, show yourself. Say hello to the guys and dance a gypsy dance for us.

(fox dancing)

Thank you Lizaveta, here's some candy for you!

Because you were so good at solving riddles, my artists have prepared a fairy tale “Teremok” for you. The fairy tale begins.

(based on a Russian folk tale)



The fly is a burner.

The mouse is a bitch.

The frog is a frog.

Bunny is a runaway.

Foxy sister.

Wolf - clicking teeth.

Bear - let me cry.

Scenery. Trees, a few bushes, a little tower.

(music sounds, narrator comes out)

Narrator: There was a little mansion in the field. He is neither low, nor high, nor tall. A fly flew past. I saw the little house, flew closer, and decided to knock.

Fly - grief: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Nobody answers the fly.

Nobody responds! Then I will begin to live in it!

Narrator: A frog jumped past. I saw the tower and stopped. I looked around and decided to knock.

Frog - croak: Kva-kva-kva: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

And who are you?

Frog - croak: Kva-kva-kva.: And I am the Frog-croak.

Fly - grief: Come live with me.

Narrator: They began to live together.

The frog enters the little house. A small mouse appears from behind the trees.

Little Mouse ran past the little house. She saw the little mansion and was surprised. She ran closer, looked around and decided to knock.

Little mouse: Knock-knock-knock: someone lives in a little house, someone lives in a low one.

Fly is a grieve: I, Mukha is a grieve.

Frog - croak: I am Frog - croak.

Little mouse: Oh, I’m a little mouse.

Together: Come live with us.

Narrator: The three of them began to live together. A runaway bunny galloped across the field. I saw the tower, thought about it, and stopped. He came closer and started knocking.

Runaway bunny: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Fly is a grieve: I, Mukha is a grieve.

Runaway Bunny: Oh, I'm Runaway Bunny.

Together: Come live with us.

Narrator: The four of them began to live. Little Chanterelle ran past, saw the little house, and stopped. I walked around, looked and decided to knock.

Fox - sister: Terem - teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Fly is a grieve: I, Mukha is a grieve.

Frog - croak: Kva-kva-kva: I, Frog-croak.

Little mouse: I, little mouse.

Together: Come live with us.

Narrator: They began to live together. Came out of the forest Gray wolf- teeth click. He walked up to the tower, stood there, clicked his teeth and began drumming.

The wolf clicks his teeth: Terem - teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Fly is a grieve: I, Mukha is a grieve.

Frog - croak: Kva-kva-kva: I, Frog-croak.

Little mouse: I, little mouse.

Runaway Bunny: I, Runaway Bunny.

Chanterelle - sister: Oh, I'm Chanterelle - sister.

Wolf - clicking teeth: Ah, I Gray Wolf - click with teeth.

Together: Come live with us.

Narrator: They began to live and live well and make good things. They lived - they didn’t grieve, they didn’t know grief - they didn’t wait. But the Bear came to the mansion - let him roar, and then he started roaring! He stomps and knocks.

Bear - let me roar: Terem - tower! Who lives in the mansion?

Fly is a grieve: I, Mukha is a grieve.

Frog - croak: Kva-kva-kva: I, Frog-croak.

Little mouse: I, little mouse.

Runaway Bunny: I, Runaway Bunny.

Chanterelle - sister: Oh, I'm Chanterelle - sister.

Wolf - clicking teeth: Ah, I Gray Wolf - click with teeth.

Bear - let me roar: Oh, I'm a Bear - let me roar, let me into the little house.

Fly - grief: We would be glad, but you won’t fit.

Frog - frog: We ourselves are cramped.

The mouse is a bitch: There is nowhere to turn around.

Bunny - runaway: You should go away, Misha.

Foxy sister: You will be cramped here.

The wolf clicks his teeth: You should walk in goodness and health.

Bear - let me roar: If you don’t let me in, I’ll lie down on the tower and crush everyone!

Narrator: The animals got scared and everyone left the tower! And the bear hit the tower with its paw and broke it. So there is no tower! That means the end of the fairy tale!

Together: And who listened, well done!

1 presenter: Our journey through the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic is coming to an end.

Presenter 2: But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy tale path is endless.

Presenter 1: Once you open the collection of Russian folk tales, you’re off!

Presenter 2: And today, as I say goodbye to you, I think it would be appropriate to remember the words that end Russian folk tales.

Together: There is a lie in the fairy tale, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

Presenter 1: Well done! We all did a great job! But we would like to introduce you to the guys from the theater group who have prepared this performance for you.

(actors' introduction)

Together: Good luck! See you again in the land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic!
