The scandalous marriage of Victoria Daineko. The history of the relationship between Dmitry Kleiman and Victoria Daineko Group drumcast by Dmitry Kleiman

As we already reported, singer Victoria Daineko and her lover Dmitry Kleiman officially got married just a few days ago. took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office, Moscow. IN in social networks, the other day a video appeared, filmed by one of the guests present at the ceremony. It shows how Victoria and Dmitry exchanged rings, after which the wedding registrar handed the newlyweds a marriage certificate and wished them happiness, love, and long years of living together.

After the painting ceremony at the registry office, Victoria, Dmitry and their guests went together to further celebrations of the solemn event. The party took place at the Rose Bar restaurant, located on the roof of an old mansion in the center of Moscow on Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street. More than a hundred people arrived at the wedding, in addition to relatives and close friends of Victoria and Dmitry, colleagues from show business were also invited. Before the newlyweds arrived, the first to arrive at the restaurant was a close friend of the bride, Alexandra Balakireva. She was very worried and wanted to make sure that everything was ready for the newlyweds' arrival.

Following Sasha, Vika Daineko’s parents arrived. The mother of the bride was dressed in classic, black dress with thin straps and black shoes. Her shoulders were covered by a blue cape, and as an accessory, Vicky's mother used a black mini-clutch. The father of the bride was dressed in an elegant suit blue color, tie, light blue shirt and black shoes.

A little later, the groom's parents arrived. Dmitry's mother chose a brighter outfit, a coral dress with sleeves, decorated with black mesh stripes and a black satin belt. On the feet are coral open-toed shoes, diluted with white inserts. The woman's festive outfit was decorated with a black mini-handbag on a chain. Dmitry's father was wearing black trousers, a white shirt, a gray jacket and black shoes.

At the entrance to the restaurant, guests were greeted by a wooden stand on which was written: “Vika + Dima.” Standing next to him, everyone invited took pictures with pleasure. All guests were given decorations made from fresh flowers. The girls were given wreaths and bracelets, and the men received boutonnieres in their buttonholes.

Upon the newlyweds' arrival at the wedding party, a crowd gathered at the entrance a large number of people, including photographers and journalists. Fans of the couple shouted out their sincere congratulations and wished great happiness to the newlyweds. Victoria Daineko arrived at the restaurant in a different outfit: long dress to the floor, decorated with a soft pink ribbon.

Yuri Korushev acted as the host at the wedding. He easily amused the audience with his signature jokes and competitions. He said beautiful toasts, and also provided the opportunity to make his speech to relatives, friends and colleagues of the newlyweds.

Of course, the most touching congratulations came from the parents and the bride and groom. The parents on both sides managed to get to know each other better only at the wedding.

First yours congratulatory speech Dmitry's father said:

“First of all, of course, family is a temple. Take care of your temple until the end of your days and never destroy it. Love, happiness, and most importantly health! I love you immensely!”

Vicky's father said the following:

“To wish for love - you already love; to wish for health - you are already young. I want to wish you that you hug each other and go through your whole life with this feeling!”

Then both mothers congratulated the newlyweds. Dmitry’s young niece also congratulated the lovers: “I wish you happiness! Love each other and never quarrel!”

After the newlyweds’ relatives, Victoria’s producer, Igor Matvienko, gave his speech: “A thing called family is something that can save humanity and the whole world in the future. Happiness and health to you."

Later, Evelina Khromchenko congratulated the loving couple: “The bride is very decorated by the groom, so Vika chooses a handsome young man with great prospects. Nowadays, this demonstrates not only good taste, but also great confidence in yourself and in the future with such a husband.”

After sincere and warm congratulations, it was time for the traditional bouquet and garter toss. The bride's bouquet went to Anna Antonova, and the groom's garter was caught by the stylist, Vlad Lisovets. After which he joked: “My passport is old, I need to change it in two years, it’s okay, you can go to the registry office.”

Celebrity friends and colleagues of the newlyweds performed at the celebration. Vika's close friends from the group "Factory" performed a cover version of the song "Bride" - "Mumiy Troll", and singer Irina Toneva presented herself in a new genre and read her rap for the young people.

Soloist Sasha Balakireva also performed with her new team: Anna Antonova, Valeria Kozhevnikova and Anastasia. The girls presented their first joint hit - “Vika and Dima”. The girls named their group VIA “We Also Want”.

Victoria Daineko also sang well, and Dmitry Kleiman energetically played on stage with his group - “Drum Cast”.

At the end of the evening, guests enjoyed a three-tier strawberry cake. It was laconic and without intricate decorations. According to Victoria, this is exactly the kind of cake she wanted: tasty, light and nothing extra. After which, all the guests, tired, but wildly satisfied and happy, got ready to go home.

Before leaving, the newlyweds walked onto the stage. Vika thanked everyone for their congratulations and support important event in her life.

“Everything is positive and fun! In general, of course, thanks to everyone who came! Thanks to everyone who watches us and to those who worried about us!” - Victoria said.

It is worth noting that other celebrities were present at the wedding of Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman: actress Anna Chipovskaya, musician T"Killah and Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov, the group "City 312", singer Mitya Fomin, clothing designer Anastasia Zadorina.

Alexander Tarasov (T" Killah)

Judging by Kleiman's statements, he shifted all responsibility for making the final decision onto the fragile shoulders of the performer. The couple has not yet filed for divorce, although they have had friction before.


Journalists found out that the couple broke up in early March. This is partly why Daineko did not take part in the women’s flash mob on March 8, when ladies frantically post photos of themselves from their lovers. Moreover, Victoria deleted almost all of her husband’s pictures from Instagram.

Reporters first called the singer, and she confirmed sad news. According to Daineko, she and Kleiman are now going through a difficult period in their relationship. To overcome all differences, they decided to "take different angles." Victoria is worried that her problems with her husband will not harm the child.

Then the pen sharks called the artist’s still husband. “We’re not divorced, as it were, but anything can happen. I don’t know what it is. Let Vika say what she thinks. She’ll tell you the truth. I won’t fix anything. I hope she’ll do something,” she quotes musician website

Internet users began to express sympathy for the artist and wish her to make peace with her other half. Although some believe that everything was going that way. One user recalled how a year ago Daineko complained that Kleiman gave her a gift on March 8 toilet paper, and this is definitely a shame considering that others famous men They also give their other halves jewelry from Cartier.

Let us remember that Victoria married Dmitry on April 14, 2015. The couple exchanged rings at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. Only the closest friends came to congratulate the newlyweds. The performer was not embarrassed that her chosen one was very young. “When I found out that he was 20 years old, of course, I was surprised. But if you have feelings for a person, age is not so important. What is much more important is how he looks at life and how he looks at you,” Daineko noted.

However, the romance quickly ended. A year after the wedding, rumors appeared in the media about the separation of the spouses. The reason for the conversation was Victoria’s post on the Internet, in which she emphasized that she regrets the decision taken. “Rewind a year and a month and never make such mistakes again,” the star wrote on Instagram. According to one version of Daineko’s fans, the words of despair that Vika wrote concern her pregnancy and marriage. After all, if the baby was born in October last year, then she was conceived just a year and a month ago, after which Victoria and Dmitry got married.

But at that moment everything worked out. Daineko not only denied information about the breakup, but also announced the wedding. During that period, the couple solved all their problems, giving each other a second chance. A photograph has again appeared on the singer’s social network, showing her engagement ring.

Victoria Dayneko. Photo of the popular Russian pop singer and actress, Victoria Daineko, who, by the way, recently celebrated her 30th birthday summer anniversary, as you know, is now going through a rather difficult period of the collapse of her marriage. The artist tries her best in her interviews...

Victoria Dayneko. Photo Popular pop singer and actress, charming Victoria Daineko celebrated her 30th birthday last week. As you know, the artist is now going through a rather difficult period in her life, due to a divorce from her husband, a 22-year-old drummer of a rock band...

Victoria Dayneko. Photo Popular pop singer and actress, 29-year-old Victoria Daineko, as you know, is currently going through a painful divorce from her husband, famous musician and drummer of the rock band DrumCast, 22-year-old Dmitry Kleiman. The singer is trying her best to hold on...

Victoria Dayneko. Photo The romance between the popular pop singer, actress and winner of one of the seasons of the Star Factory show, 29-year-old Victoria Daineko, and the young drummer, 22-year-old Dmitry Kleiman, developed rapidly and unpredictably. Their relationship was constantly boiling...

Victoria Daineko is one of the most famous artists on Russian stage. For more than ten years now, she has been delighting fans with her creativity. The biography of Victoria Daineko is replete with various interesting facts and events - even though the girl is only thirty.

early years

Vika Daineko was born on May 12, 1987 in the small village of Kirovskoye, in the Republic of Kazakhstan (now renamed Billyk). Dad Peter (a generalist specialist) and mother Evgenia (a programmer) had no more children, so they devoted all their attention and care to their only daughter. The girl grew up in an atmosphere of love, and to this day her parents remain her best friends.

When Vika was a little over a month old, the Daineko family moved to Yakutia, to the city of Mirny. The future singer spent her entire youth there. Namely, Vika announced her desire to become a singer back in her “pink childhood.” But mom and dad thought that this was not serious, and therefore, starting from the age of five, Vika studied ballroom dancing- and this continued until she was eleven.

Love for music

Despite dancing, my love for music has not gone away. Vika continued to dream about big stage. But creative path Victoria Daineko’s career began on a small stage and, as usual, completely by accident: there was a vocal competition at school, where Vika’s friend went. She asked Vika to join her, Vika, of course, agreed - and created a sensation.

Despite the fact that she did not have a musical education, she had a very strong voice (which, by the way, will be repeated by many of the masters she meets in her future biography). Victoria Daineko was invited to perform in the school ensemble, where she remained until the eighth grade - it was then that the talented girl was invited to the Mirny pop group. And then came work in another group and participation in many (if not all) musical events and competitions in the city. Soon people started talking about Vika, she became a real local celebrity. In addition to her powerful voice, Vika has been famous for her determination and perseverance since childhood. Her goal was the stage, which meant she needed to hone her skills. The problem was the absence in Mirny educational institutions in pop vocals. Victoria worked independently - listened to the songs of her favorite artists (mostly British), tried to imitate them, adopt their performance culture.

If at first Vika sang only other people’s hits, then later, in high school, she began to have her own songs. The very first of them, called “Red-haired Girlfriend,” was written for a talented beautiful girl by two local authors, currently collaborating with Leonid Agutin. In addition, Vika wrote poetry herself, and in two languages ​​at once.


In addition to her passion for music, Vika was seriously interested in the English language. However, there was a connection with singing here too: Vika simply really wanted to sing in English and get on the world stage. Therefore, after graduating from school, she didn’t even have any questions about where to apply. Of course, in foreign language! This is how Moscow entered Victoria Daineko’s biography.

A seventeen-year-old girl came to the capital alone. Quite calmly she entered the foreign language department. Her parents rented an apartment for her. Everything around was new and unusual. It seemed that years of study lay ahead - but here it was, a whim of fate: it so happened that an apartment for Victoria was found in the Ostankino area. Every day the girl passed by the television center, and this is how she learned about the start of casting for the next season of the most popular television project “Star Factory” - already the fifth in a row. I found out and without a doubt decided to try my hand.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, the Star Factory opened its doors for the fifth time. This time, three people occupied the director’s chair at once: producers Igor Matvienko and Maxim Fadeev, and the prima donna herself, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. It was thanks to Alla Borisovna that Vika was able to get onto the project.

Initially, she did not pass the casting. I was upset, returned home, but thought - we must continue to fight! She returned to Ostankino and managed to get an audition for Pugacheva. Based on the selection results, the contestants were divided into two categories - some were politely thanked, which meant a refusal, others were asked to sit down and wait, that is, they were given a “pass” to the next stage. It was these cherished words that Vika heard when she sang in front of the Prima Donna. This is how Victoria Daineko’s biography included a project that completely changed her life.

Just participating in a show watched by an audience of millions meant phenomenal success, but Vika managed to achieve the seemingly impossible - a simple girl from the Russian outback, without education, without connections, but with a great desire to work, she won in the fifth season "Factory" and signed a contract for cooperation with Igor Matvienko. This is how Vika’s path to fame began - at seventeen and a half years old.

Life after "Factory"

“Star Factory” divided Victoria’s life into “before” and “after”. As was customary in all seasons of the show, immediately after the end of the project, the young “stars” went on a large tour across the country. This happened in the fifth season, and Vika traveled to Russia along with the rest of the participants. In addition, the girl shot a video for the song “Leila”, which was written to her during the project. They filmed the video in Thailand, and the very young Vika, who found herself at sea and abroad for the first time, had a lot of impressions and delight. From that time on, the constant and fruitful work of singer Victoria Daineko began.

The biography of her first years is rich in a variety of events: there was a recording of the soundtrack for the film “Waiting for a Miracle,” and several filmed videos, and the release of the first album “Needle,” and even a candid photo shoot for a men’s magazine (Vika would later say that it’s her mistake)… Life moved quickly.

In 2012, Victoria recorded two duets: with rapper T-Killah and with the group “Korni” (who, by the way, like her, work with Igor Matvienko), and two years later released a second album both in Russian and on English languages. Vika still has the dream of singing in English.

Participation in projects

Many artists gladly take part in various shows - some for the sake of a fee, some to appear on TV once again, and some simply because they enjoy it. So Vika was no exception.

Back in 2007, she appeared in the project “ glacial period" This was followed by “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Two Stars” and - in 2011 - “Star Factory. Return”, where participants from different seasons of the show gathered who became famous. At this “Factory”, Vika again managed to win, beating such rivals as Irina Dubtsova, Zara, Vlad Sokolovsky, the groups “Chelsea”, “Factory”, “Yin-Yang”.

In addition to participating in the show, Victoria does not refuse to participate in films. She starred in cameos in several TV series, and also lent her voice to three cartoons - Noah's Ark (2007), Rapunzel (2010) and Trolls (2016). In the last two films, the characters sing in Vicki’s voice.

Personal life

The biography of Victoria Daineko is not short on “amorous affairs”. To a beautiful girl With unusual appearance From her very first appearance in public, various novels were attributed every now and then. While still at the Factory, Vika met with a dancer named Igor, who worked on the project. However, their relationship, which all Vicki’s fans watched with curiosity, did not last long.

Some consider the girl's next relationship to be real, while others consider it a successful PR stunt, invented by the producer to stir up interest in his charges. One way or another, in 2006 the media was full of information that new chosen one Victoria Daineko (pictured), whose biography is also known to everyone, is none other than the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev. Vika and “Roots” each released a video, the plots of which had something in common with the love affair between Vika and Pasha, and then this relationship gradually came to naught.

In 2010, “Roots” got a new soloist, Dmitry Pakulichev. And he and Victoria began an affair. Dmitry starred in the girl’s new video (“Erase him from your memory”), they appeared together several times at a couple of events, but quickly ran away.

The following relationships left a big mark on the biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko. Photos with Alexey Vorobyov, in which they are happy and in love, appeared with enviable frequency both in magazines and on the social networks of the artists themselves. However, a little more than six months after the start of the novel, Alexey, whose frivolity is legendary, left Vika. She took this breakup, which happened in 2012, just before her birthday, very hard.

And then 2014 came. And in Victoria’s life she appeared future husband- drummer Dmitry Kleiman.

Dmitry Kleiman

The biography of Victoria Daineko’s husband (though now ex-husband) is not encouraging with extensive information. It is known that Dmitry’s parents’ names are Andrey and Valentina, his father is a musician, and born in 1994 (Dmitry younger than Victoria for seven years) his son followed in his footsteps. Dmitry began to get involved in music and extracting rhythms from the age of five, and “trained” on everything that came to hand.

In addition to playing the drums, he is a guitarist and beatboxer (beatboxing is imitation of music using the voice), works with many popular performers and is quite famous in musical circles.

Meet Victoria

Vika and Dima met in October 2014 - to record an album, Vika needed musicians, including those who played drums, several were advised to her, including Kleiman. Victoria admitted that she immediately drew attention to him, while at first he was indifferent to the artist. Nevertheless, they began to work together, then communicate more and more closely. Then the first hugs and kisses began, then Dima met the singer at the airport when she was returning from tour, and since then they have not parted.

In February 2015, Dmitry proposed to Victoria, and in April the couple married. They were not stopped either by the fact that Vika was older than Dima, or by the fact that they had known each other for only six months. Victoria repeated that she was more than confident in her feelings and in Dima.

Birth of a child

In October of the same year, Victoria and Dmitry had a daughter. Unlike many “star” (and not only) mothers who constantly post photographs of their children and tell details of their personal lives, Vika was in no hurry to do either one or the other. To this day she does not show her daughter to strangers, moreover, for a long time She even hid the child’s name - Lida.

Unfortunately, in the summer of this year, the marriage of Dmitry and Victoria broke up, and even the presence of a common daughter did not save him. Dmitry initiated the divorce, and Vika did not interfere with him. She raises the girl herself, but does not object to her meetings with her father. However, last time Dmitry also visited his daughter a few months ago.


Despite her relatively young age, Victoria Daineko’s biography includes many awards. This is “Fashion Singer of the Year” (2007), and five Golden Gramophone statuettes, and “Best Song” at the “Red Star” - and so on. In addition, two years ago Vika received the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

  1. Respects the work of British performers, especially Christina Aguilera.
  2. In ordinary life she is quite shy, embarrassed when communicating with people.
  3. Except for the stage, she does not wear makeup.
  4. He loves to be at home and calls himself a homebody.
  5. Before “Star Factory” I tried to get on the project “ National artist", but did not pass.

They say that luck favors open and purposeful people. This is exactly what Vika Daineko is - she is ready to move mountains for the sake of her dream. And with such efficiency, she will probably succeed!
