A permit for traumatic weapons is required. Rules for carrying traumatic weapons: how to get permission, what happens if you store without permission

Unfortunately, in our country general level Crime is not as low as in other countries, such as Switzerland. For this reason, some people think about security own life and buy for this purpose various means self-defense.

One of the most effective such means is traumatism. It is not cheap, and there are some difficulties in obtaining a license for it, but the effectiveness and relative availability of trauma are worth it.

Trauma - as a means of self-defense.

Traumatic weapons include all types of weapons that shoot rubber bullets. When choosing such a weapon, the future owner should pay attention to the following characteristics of the purchase:

  • pistol quality
  • muzzle energy (the effectiveness of the weapon depends on it)
  • ease of wearing and handling
  • magazine capacity
  • maintainability of the pistol

Cheap types of traumatic weapons are designed only for weak ammunition and are therefore unsuitable for use in cold seasons, when the criminal’s body is protected by additional clothing. Such trauma will not cause him and is unlikely to be able to stop his unlawful actions.

In order to legally store, carry and use trauma equipment for its intended purpose, you must obtain a license for it. Any person who has a traumatic weapon at his disposal should remember that this weapon should be used only in extreme cases, when there is a real threat to the life or health of the defender.

In order to purchase traumatic weapon, the first thing you need to understand is that this is a great responsibility that the future owner of the weapon takes upon himself. In order to legally purchase a personal injury, you must:

  1. complete special training courses
  2. obtain a license to purchase trauma equipment
  3. buy trauma equipment
  4. register a weapon and obtain a license for it

Traumatic weapons are used for self-defense. Traumas include Various types pistols that fire rubber bullets. A license is required to legally use trauma equipment.

How to get a permit for trauma

Not everyone who wants to receive a trauma license

First of all, it should be noted that a permit for traumatic weapons cannot be issued to the following persons:

  • faces,
  • persons whose criminal record has not been expunged
  • persons previously held accountable for
  • persons who cannot obtain a permit for trauma due to

To obtain a license, you must first complete a training course, which is taught in special educational institutions. The training process includes a theoretical part, where the “student” is introduced to various legal acts and laws related to the use and storage of traumatic weapons, as well as a practical part, during which a person is taught how to use these weapons. The training process also includes a first aid course.

After completing the training, you should contact the police department with certain documents, after which you will be issued a permit to store and use weapons. These documents include:

  1. a certain sample
  2. a safe or a metal box where trauma equipment and other accessories will be stored
    inspection report from the local police officer (he checks the reliability of this safe and its attachment to the wall)
  3. copy
  4. Receipt of payment
  5. certificate certifying the fact of completion of a training course on the use of trauma equipment
  6. four photographs in 3x4 format

After completing the course and obtaining a license to purchase traumatology, you must purchase a weapon within six months, register it within two weeks after purchase, and a month after the weapon is registered, obtain permission to use and store it, which is issued for five years. years. The procedure for renewing a license is similar to the procedure for obtaining it.

Not everyone can obtain a permit for trauma; there are a number of restrictions regulated by current legislation. To obtain a license to store, carry and use traumatic weapons, you must take special courses, buy a traumatic weapon, register it and after all this obtain a license.

Carrying trauma equipment without a license

Trauma without a license is punishable!

In accordance with Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, various penalties are imposed for the illegal acquisition, use or storage of traumatic weapons, depending on the situation. Thus, illegal acquisition, distribution, storage or carrying of traumatic weapons can be punished by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or by imprisonment for a term of up to 4 years with a fine.

It may vary depending on the income of the convicted person, or penalties will not be accepted at all. The same actions, but committed by a group of persons who previously agreed, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 2 to 6 years. If the group is organized, the period increases and ranges from 5 to 8 years.

Illegal weapons can be punished by labor for up to ten days, or correctional labor for up to 2 years, or arrest for a term of 3 to 6 months, or imprisonment for a term of up to 2 years with a fine.

Using, storing and carrying traumatic weapons without permission is punishable by law. The length and type of punishment depends on the situation.

Traumatika is a firearm that shoots rubber bullets. Not everyone can obtain permission to use, carry and store it; there are a number of restrictions for this. First of all, anyone who wants to acquire a weapon should take special courses, after which he will be issued a license to purchase such a weapon. After purchasing a weapon, you must register it and receive full permission to store and use it.

For weapon lovers, a pleasant moment is a review of traumatic pistols:

Self-defense courses, martial arts, penknife in pocket...

Someone thinks that this will protect him. But the bullet is not always a fool; sometimes it is the only sure way to save your life.

    After all, the aggressor can also be armed... Perhaps you should think about a license to purchase, store and carry self-defense weapons?

    How to obtain permission to carry traumatic weapons in Russia? (aka firearms of limited destruction). This article will answer these questions.

    Traumatic weapons without a license (is there such a traumatic weapon?)

    No. Without a license in the Russian Federation, you can safely purchase and carry only things that, strictly speaking, cannot be called weapons; rather, they are “scarecrows.” A traumatic pistol, as is clear from the name itself, is a real weapon designed to cause at least slight harm to another person.

    Therefore, have permission to carry and store it necessary.

    License to purchase

    A license to purchase traumatic weapons is issued by the licensing and permitting department of the territorial division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    How to get a?

    Go and submit documents, it’s a simple science. But take your time. Before you visit your police station, you will have to do two things:

    • purchase a safe;
    • take training courses.

    What documents are needed for this?

    • statement; (a sample of a completed application can be downloaded)
    • conclusion of the medical commission;
    • general civil identity card (copy);
    • photo 3*4 (for each unit);
    • state duty receipt;
    • direction from the district police officer.

    The application will be considered within ten days, after which you will be notified in writing about the decision taken. It may not always be positive. In which cases?

    • you are a person without specific place residence;
    • you have not provided all documents;
    • did not pass the exam on the training courses;
    • you have committed at least two administrative offenses within a year or are serving a sentence or are facing criminal charges;
    • you have medical contraindications (this is not necessarily drug addiction, alcohol addiction or mental disorders- the ophthalmologist may also not give you the go-ahead for armament. In addition, if due to some life circumstances you are missing part of your fingers, you are also not entitled to a weapon).

    Practice shows that at first glance they can refuse “just like that” - the police officer didn’t like you for some reason and,

    While bringing up information on you, he found out that you had been in the crosshairs of law enforcement agencies recently.

    Not necessarily even as a quality main suspect.

    However, the notice must clearly state why law enforcement officers were afraid to trust you with a weapon. With a link to the relevant regulatory document, and not just “sorry, we didn’t like you.” Otherwise, this may be challenged in court and the court will take the plaintiff’s side.

    In general, before collecting certificates, it is better to once again make sure what documents are required from you. As practice shows, sometimes the police can put forward such a seemingly exotic demand - document on connecting the apartment to the OVO remote control. It's better to do it.

    The license will be issued for a period of 5 years. Three months before the expiration of this period, its holder will be required to declare its extension.

    If your registration has changed, you will have to re-issue your documents within 14 days.

    Application for a license to purchase

    The document states:

    • full name of the authority you are applying to;
    • passport information;
    • request for extradition;
    • date, signature.

    Permission to store and carry

    One month after purchase the weapon you need, go to your native licensing department and there, instead of a license, you will receive permission to carry and store traumatic weapons for the same five years.

    It would not be amiss to repeat that carrying traumatic weapons without permission is prohibited!

    Three months before its expiration, it will need to be renewed.

    Remember, that if you have not purchased a trauma vehicle within six months, your license will be revoked.

    After purchasing a weapon, take care of the holster. It is in the holster that you will have to register it. Otherwise, this will result in a fine.

    In addition to the license itself, you will need:

    • application for the issuance of ROC;
    • a duplicate of the purchase permit, where there is already a sales mark;
    • 2 photos 3*4;
    • weapon insurance contract.

    In addition, you will need a kit spent cartridges(in separate packaging).

    Punishment for carrying without permission

    What punishment awaits you for carrying a traumatic weapon without a permit? It depends on what you did with this weapon. It’s one thing to simply wear it without permits, and then this is Article 20.8. Code of Administrative Offences. This is a fine of up to two thousand rubles. The pistol and ammunition will also be confiscated. And this is without aggravating circumstances.

    Is it worth the risk?

    But it’s a completely different matter if you threatened someone with this “fart”, and the victim believed that you would carry out the threats. Then this already falls under Article 119 of the Criminal Code. This is punishable by restriction of freedom (for two years), arrest, or even imprisonment in not so distant places (up to two years) - depending on the severity of the specific act.

    Responsibility for possession and carrying without a license

    You won't be praised for this either. In Russia Art. 222 of the Criminal Code provides for punishment(depending on the seriousness of the crime) in the form of restriction of freedom, arrest or real time- up to four years.

    Good, of course, must come with fists. The main thing is that everything is within the law. Even if the procedure for obtaining permission seems terribly tedious and long to you. This is wrong. Living by the rules, as ancient Jewish wisdom says, is always easier.

No one is safe from attack, and traumatic weapons, along with stun guns and pepper sprays, remain in an effective way protection from an unfriendly environment.

A permit to carry a traumatic weapon is a mandatory document, without which the use, carrying and storage of weapons is illegal.

What do you need to carry a traumatic weapon?

Obtaining permission and choosing a weapon model is only half the battle - you also need to use the pistol correctly for self-defense. The important fact here is wearing it correctly.

There are several rules for wearing and storing traumatic weapons:

  • Weapons must be concealed. IN in public places(schools, restaurants, parks, etc.) weapons must be hidden from prying eyes (with the exception of security guards). This is due to several reasons: firstly, avoiding document checks and carrying licenses by law enforcement agencies, secondly, preventing the theft of weapons, thirdly, an advantage over a criminal in an extreme situation.
  • The bearer of the weapon must be of sober mind. Carrying a pistol or revolver by a person under the influence of alcohol is prohibited, even with a license.
  • Additional accessories. Having a holster or a special bag for a pistol is not only convenient for transporting a pistol, but also safe for its owner. For long-barreled weapons, they can be carried uncovered, and for short-barreled weapons, they can be carried in a holster.
  • The pistol must be unloaded. Carrying a pistol with a cartridge in a ram is strictly prohibited. You need to charge the weapon only when danger arises, and then return it to its original state. This rule is determined by ensuring the safety of both the wearer and the people around him - even if the weapon is on safety, it may involuntarily deviate and a shot may occur.
  • Store in a safe. The owner must store the weapon in a safe specifically designed for this purpose, where nothing else should be stored.

As for the installation of silencers and night vision devices, they are strictly prohibited.

Who has the right to carry a traumatic weapon?

The following people can carry and use traumatic weapons:

  • officials;
  • military personnel;
  • people under state protection;
  • people learning to shoot weapons;
  • citizens of the country for the purpose of personal defense;
  • employees of livestock breeding and industrial institutions whose duty it is to protect certain species of animals from predators and also hunt them.

Also, citizens applying for a license must reach the age of majority, have no criminal record, not be registered with a psychiatric or drug treatment clinic, have a permanent place of residence and a certificate of completion special courses on proper handling of weapons.

Registration of permission

Let's consider in 2016.

To obtain a permit to carry a weapon, you need to be patient - the process of collecting documents, reviewing the application and issuing a license can take several months.

The first step in registration is to contact the local police department, whose employees will tell you which service you need to contact.

Before going to the licensing department, you need to decide on the type of weapon - each type requires a specific license. Then you need to purchase a safe to store the pistol - having a safe will increase the chances of a positive verdict from the licensing commission.

After this, you need to contact the service that issues weapons licenses with a package of collected documents and wait for a decision. After approval of the permit, you will have to pay the state fee and pick up the document.

List of required documents

To obtain permission to carry a “trauma”, you need to collect a package of relevant documents:

  • photocopy of passport;
  • application for a license;
  • two three-by-four photographs;
  • a medical certificate stating that the citizen has no contraindications (physical, psychological) for carrying a weapon;
  • certificate of completion of a course on proper handling of weapons;
  • a statement from the local police officer, which proves the presence of a safe.

All copies of documents for carrying traumatic weapons must be submitted along with their originals.

As for the cost, obtaining a license will cost on average about 6000-7000 rubles:

  • medical certificate – 1200 rubles;
  • weapons handling courses – 4000-4500 rubles;
  • state duty – 100-200 rubles;
  • license form – 50-100 rubles.

The cost of a license depends on the region, but should not exceed 9,000 rubles.


The person who has received the license is responsible for complying with all the rules for using and carrying a pistol specified above.

For violating the rules for carrying and storing traumatic weapons, the owner faces punishment, the degree of which is determined by the social danger of the mistake made:

  • Violation of the rules for carrying a pistol is subject to a fine of 1,000-2,000 rubles or deprivation of a license for a period of six months to a year;
  • Carrying a weapon while intoxicated is punishable by a fine of 2,000-6,000 rubles or deprivation of a license for a period of one to two years;
  • Carrying a weapon while intoxicated and failing to comply with the requirements of law enforcement officers is punishable by deprivation of a license for up to three years.

Who can't get permission

There is a group of people who cannot obtain a license to carry a “trauma”. This:

  • persons under the age of majority;
  • citizens who do not have permanent place residence;
  • persons convicted of intentional crimes;
  • people registered at a psychoneurological dispensary;
  • persons with medical contraindications (epilepsy, presence of a brain tumor, depression, somatic disorders);
  • presence of more than two administrative offenses for the last year.

Carrying a traumatic weapon without permission

The purchase, storage, carrying and use of traumatic weapons without special permission is prohibited by law (is illegal) and imposes criminal liability on the citizen.

Do I need permission to traumatic pistol? This question is asked by almost every person who would like to purchase it. Yes, permission is needed, and it is issued only after collecting a certain package of documents and passing a medical commission. This issue is dealt with by a specialized department, which is part of the ATS system. At the same time, the licensing and permitting system monitors and records all traumatic pistols purchased by citizens.


The entire process of obtaining permission for citizens to carry traumatic pistols consists of several stages:

  • obtaining a certificate, which is issued after passing a medical commission;
  • completion of training on the rules of wearing and using this type of weapon, which must be confirmed by a certificate;
  • submitting an application and documents to the Department of Internal Affairs, where the employee will make a note about their acceptance for work, and within a month the person will receive a license.

Within six months after this, the person has the right to purchase this pistol.

Rules of law

Unfortunately, many citizens cannot obtain a permit for a traumatic pistol due to the fact that they do not know all the legal subtleties that must be used when resolving this issue.

The Federal Law “On Weapons” covers all cases of their use and the possibility of obtaining a license. In addition, this legal act includes all the conditions under which issuing permits to citizens to purchase traumatic weapons is prohibited.

It is also necessary to refer to the provisions of Article 14 of the Civil Code, which states that methods of self-defense in no case should go beyond the rules of self-defense.

Therefore, persons who are interested in the question of whether a permit for a traumatic pistol is needed should always refer to the regulations.


In Russia, the right to bear arms is granted only to persons who have reached the age of 21. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • absence of mental disorder;
  • a person must be resistant to extreme situations and be aware of his actions;
  • do everything necessary requirements on storing weapons so that they cannot be taken by strangers or small children;
  • submit to the Department of Internal Affairs a certain package of documents to obtain a license.

Therefore, before buying this or that pistol, you need to clarify information about whether you will be able to use it or not.

To use a weapon for the purpose of self-defense, you must follow a clear procedure:

  • raise your hand up and fire a warning shot;
  • after this, the person from whom the danger comes will understand the seriousness of his opponent’s intentions;
  • You should never threaten another person without good reason, otherwise it can end quite badly.

It is also generally accepted that it is impossible to take a person’s life or cause serious injury with a traumatic weapon. But such cases still happen. Therefore, when answering the question of whether a permit is needed for a traumatic pistol, we can always say with certainty that it is simply necessary. Otherwise, the use of such weapons will be illegal, and its owner will be held accountable.

Citizens who are on public service in the police or military are not required to take training courses before obtaining a license for a traumatic pistol. You just need to indicate the details of your service weapon.

Required documents

After the medical commission has been passed and the conclusion is in hand, and a certificate has been received indicating that the person has all the skills to use weapons, you can apply for a license. In this case, you should not ask yourself whether you need a permit for a traumatic pistol, because according to the law, purchasing it without this document will be considered illegal with all the ensuing consequences.

An application for a permit to carry a weapon is submitted to a special police department at the place of residence. The following documents are attached to it:

  • photocopies of your passport, you must also take the original with you;
  • photographs (3 by 4 cm) in the amount of 2 pieces;
  • certificate from medical institution, confirming the state of health;
  • a certificate issued after completing courses on the storage and use of weapons;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state fee for permitting services and obtaining a certificate;
  • a report from the local police officer, which will confirm that all conditions for storing the pistol have been met.

When all the papers are handed over to the police officer, he will issue a notification. Within two weeks from the date of submission of documents, a decision will be made to issue the person with permission to purchase a traumatic weapon.

If a person receives an unreasonable refusal, it can be appealed through the courts. Therefore, every citizen who is wondering whether a permit is needed to carry a traumatic pistol should refer to the legislation.


After the pistol has been purchased, it must be properly registered in a special department located at the local police department. The weapon must have a holster, otherwise the rules for carrying it will not be observed, and its owner will have to pay a fine.

After one month has passed from the date of registration of a traumatic weapon, a document is issued in the licensing and permitting department that allows it to be stored at home. In addition, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • application to carry a pistol;
  • receipt from the store;
  • cartridges that should be in the package;
  • insurance contract;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the registration fee;
  • personal photographs (3 by 4 cm) - 2 pieces.

These documents must be submitted immediately after purchasing a weapon. Thus, the question of whether a permit is needed for a traumatic pistol in Russia is decided after contacting government agencies.

New rules

As the Federal Law “On Weapons” states, it is necessary to renew the permit every five years. Besides, Supreme Court in December 2012, a new provision was introduced that allows citizens not to retake courses on the use and use of traumatic pistols. It is enough that such a certificate will be presented to the Ministry of Internal Affairs once when obtaining a license.

Therefore, these standards once again confirm the fact that a traumatic pistol requires a permit, and it must be renewed after five years.


This pistol is a barrelless traumatic weapon. To purchase it, you need a special permit, which must be properly issued through the internal affairs authorities. The pistol is considered a weapon for citizens and is intended for self-defense. In addition, it is considered eligible for purchase. Nevertheless, many citizens are interested in the question of whether a permit is needed for the OSA traumatic pistol. Yes, it is simply necessary, otherwise a person who purchases it without this document is considered an offender and will be held accountable.


According to the law, the following citizens will not be able to obtain a weapons license:

  • have not passed the medical commission;
  • who have not reached a certain age;
  • having an outstanding conviction for a deliberate crime;
  • have committed two violations in the field of public order;
  • those who do not comply with hunting rules;
  • registered with a narcologist and psychiatrist;
  • those who do not have a fixed place of residence.

If at least one of these factors is present, a person will not be able to obtain a document to purchase a traumatic pistol. Because it would be illegal. In addition, many people are interested in the question of whether a permit is needed for a traumatic pistol with rubber bullets? Yes, it must be obtained in the manner prescribed by law, because its absence will entail the most unpleasant consequences.

Proper storage

Citizens who want to purchase weapons as a means of self-defense are always interested in whether a permit is needed to carry a traumatic pistol in Russia. According to the law, it is simply necessary, otherwise it will be considered an offense.

In addition, before receiving this document, you must purchase a safe to store the pistol, otherwise not a single local inspector will give his consent to issue a license.


After everything Required documents collected, you must pay a state fee. The fee for obtaining a license for one weapon is one hundred and ten rubles. Courses to prepare for correct use traumatic pistol are paid. Therefore, obtaining a license is not limited to paying the state fee. You can find out what kind of permit you need to obtain for a traumatic pistol at the local police department, and also get from the employee a list of all the documents required for this.
