Certificate for the right to learn to drive vehicles. Requirements for a driving instructor

I learned to drive, like many village boys, when I was still a teenager. Having not yet received his license, he himself taught the boys on his father’s wreck in exchange for various little things. So I learned to explain patiently until the person gets it. In the army he was a driver, and in civilian life he became a taxi driver. When the child was born, I decided to do something calmer, and my friends advised me to look into a driving school. The path “taxi driver - driving instructor” is quite popular. But many become instructors “from the street.”

How to become a driving instructor?

There is a list of formal requirements for an instructor. This includes having a driver's license; driving experience of at least 3 years; education not lower than secondary; certificate of completion of instructor courses. If you don’t have a certificate, but you have everything else, plus a specially equipped car, then you can become a private driving instructor.

To obtain this certificate, you must take a driving instructor course. They help refresh your memory of basic knowledge, and also provide information specifically for working with beginners, the basics of pedagogy and other little things. The courses are paid, about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Then you can look for vacancies on websites, but I would advise not to waste time, but to call schools directly and inquire. I called, and already at the third school I was invited for an interview.

What does a good driving instructor need?

First of all, experience. Not the number of years for show or tens of thousands of “known” kilometers, but good, strong experience. Of course, no serious accidents due to his fault, deprivation of rights, violations of rules traffic... in this case he will simply not be allowed to study.

And with experience comes a feeling for the car, the ability to make small repairs “on the spot” with your own hands, and knowledge of the secrets of moving around the city, legal, of course!

A desire to work in this profession is a must. Not because you like to turn the wheel - for this you can be a truck driver, a bus driver, and a courier. But because I want to teach people.

And here is the ability to teach. If you taught your wife, friend or son to drive, it doesn’t mean anything. You know your family and friends, but strangers are different! And girls who were bought a little red car, or boys who have been able to do everything for a long time and only need a piece of paper, and pensioners who want to catch up...

It is very important to have endurance. In a critical situation, do not scare the student with screams, but clearly and quickly solve the problem.

The instructor must also remember that he is a model of behavior for the student. Do not smoke in the car, do not look at your phone, do not yell obscenities at other drivers. Do not enter into conflicts - he is responsible not only for himself, but also for the student in the salon.

What does your work day look like?

I get up at 6 am, have breakfast, go to the garage, go through a medical examination, get waybill, I meet a student - and it begins.... It all depends on the individual student. We can go to the city or practice the program at the race track. Then one shift ends and another begins, with a different student, based on his knowledge and needs.

If you tell it like this, then the working day looks dull and monotonous. In fact, I don’t notice boredom and routine: different people, there are both funny incidents and acute situations, after which the adrenaline just boils (unfortunately!). I will never forget my student, a retired pediatrician, who decided to take up road trips around the region. Dashingly learned all the rules, mastered the car - and drove around the city, loudly and childishly swearing at all the violators.

Pros and cons of being a driving instructor?

New people, interesting – and sometimes useful! – acquaintances and connections. This is the biggest plus.

Minus - . In polite society they don’t talk about this, but I would like to warn novice instructors about the prevention of hemorrhoids. You also have to breathe in exhaust fumes, which also doesn’t add to your health.

What stereotypes about instructors have you encountered?

The most offensive is the supposedly huge salaries for simply sitting next to the student. You already understand that this is not just sitting next to each other. But salaries... In Moscow, an instructor is promised about 50 thousand rubles, in the provinces - about 20 thousand. Salary depends on the school. In large ones, well-stocked with clients, you can actually earn money (I just get 40 thousand), but in small schools or in unpopular categories, don’t expect anything significant.

What is the difference between a private instructor and a school one?

This is for those who already feel confident. Personally, I want to work as an instructor at a driving school for a few more years and only then switch to private training.

The advantages of a driving school are the presence of a government-owned car, the management takes care of the supply of students, and a stable salary. Disadvantages: the salary is small, the students are different, and you can’t choose your boss either.

The advantages of private instruction are working on your own schedule and the ability to set your own prices. Disadvantages - there is no flow of clients, you need to advertise yourself, look for students. You need to take care of your personal car in good working order, re-equip it (install duplicate clutch and brake pedals) and register it as a training vehicle. And don’t forget the letter “U”! Such modernization is expensive, plus remember the price of gasoline, the need to constantly maintain the “presentation” of the car, the costs of related little things, registration of an individual entrepreneur...

A private instructor can charge from 500 to 1,500 rubles per hour, or even more, but can you withstand the competition, can you properly advertise yourself and maintain a constant flow of clients? I doubt myself, so for now I work at a driving school.

You can combine private lessons and work at a driving school, but I’m not ready to spend 20 hours in a car, it gets boring.

What should novice instructors be warned about?

There is one little-known point that, unfortunately, some people encounter. There is always competition between driving schools, a struggle for new students. Dirty methods are also used - for example, “fake” reviews. The instructor's name is taken at random from the driving school's website and a devastating review is written about his incompetence, unprofessionalism, and if the review is from a girl, then about his attempts. Management begins to find out whether such a student actually existed, whether this instructor worked in those days, and it often turns out that the review is slanderous. But, as they say, “the spoons were found, but the sediment remained.”

Do not mess with dishonest instructors. “Experienced” colleagues may advise you on how to get additional profit - don’t fall for it! I will not talk about the moral side of the issue, I will only say that all these tricks are known to the managers, and sooner or later such an instructor will be kicked out. If you don't like your salary, resolve the issue with management or change schools.

Be very careful with students. This is funny only in staged videos, jokes or TV series; in reality, everything can end very sadly.

And – this is very important when you teach women! – immediately place emphasis on “teacher” and “student”. In a cramped car, you will have to touch the student often, take him by the arm or shoulder, touch his hip so that he places his foot correctly. If you do not immediately outline the boundaries and boundaries, misunderstandings may arise. Although women instructors are now appearing in driving schools, so girls are more likely to choose them.

“I would like to become a driver, let them teach me...” As children, we all read these poems, which describe various professions. We all dream of becoming someone, some an engineer, some a chemist, some a translator, and some a president. And these are not necessarily childhood dreams, some people are already mature age change profession. And becoming a driving instructor after 10 years of driving a taxi is a very real dream. There are people who have a talent for learning to drive. Getting to such a driving instructor is every student’s dream.

There are many driving instructors, and good ones are affordable. After all, not everyone can find an approach to a different contingent of driver candidates. Not everyone has teaching talent, psychological stability and endurance. Therefore, if you decide to become a driving instructor just to earn extra money, then know that without the above qualities and good driving experience, you will not stay in this profession for long.

Let's take a closer look at the profession of a driving instructor: do you need a driving instructor license, what are the current requirements for them, what is their responsibility, how much does it cost to become a driving instructor and will it pay off?


There are three options: an illegal driving instructor, a driving school instructor, or a private driving instructor.

Illegal driving instructor. Looks for gullible citizens and teaches them to drive at their own peril and risk. Such activity is fraught with punishment in the form of a fine of 5-15 thousand rubles for a student and 30 thousand rubles for an illegal instructor (clauses 1 and 3 of Article 12.7 of the Administrative Code). Why the fine? Because such training driving is nothing more than driving without a driver’s license and transferring control of the vehicle to a person without a driver’s license. Moreover, the tax office may be interested in such an instructor. The fine from the tax office is 10 times greater than from the traffic police.

To become a legal instructor, you need to unlearn and receive a special certificate (about 6,000 rubles). Then you are on legally You can get a job at a driving school, or start practicing with students using your own or rented car.


According to the new professional standard dated October 28, 2018, “Master of industrial training in driving vehicles of relevant categories and subcategories,” the following requirements are imposed on instructors:

  • A driving instructor must have a driver's license and an instructor's license for the category of vehicle for which he plans to provide training;
  • It also requires a secondary vocational education. If this is your profile, then you do not need to study additionally, but if not, you will need to obtain an additional professional degree. education;
  • Restrictions on occupation pedagogical activity The instructor should not have any medical contraindications;
  • The instructor must undergo certification for suitability for the position;
  • The driving instructor must be instructed in labor safety;
  • The instructor must have at least 3 years of driving experience;
  • The instructor must not have lost his or her license for 5 years.


In addition to having a driver’s license of the appropriate category or subcategory, driving school driving instructors (in-service training masters) are also subject to qualification requirements.

Employment in a driving school work book the simplest option. In this case, there is no need to register as an individual entrepreneur with the tax authority. The driving school will give you everything Required documents per car. All contributions to the funds will be made by the driving school.

And if a driving school concludes an agreement with you to provide the services of a driving instructor, then you cannot do without registering an “IP”. In this case, you yourself will have to make all contributions to the funds and pay taxes. But you can legally give private driving lessons by renting a training car from your own driving school.


If you do not wish to join labor Relations with a driving school, then it is better not to engage in such activities without registering with the tax authority. Even the rake fires once a year.

In addition to registering an individual entrepreneur, a driver's license and 3 years of driving experience, you need to convert your car into a training car. How? Equip with duplicate clutch and brake pedals (this is the minimum, a gas pedal is also possible), and install the “Training” identification mark. Before making changes to the design of the car, contact the traffic police with an application for changes to the design of the car. Having paid for the installation of additional pedals (about 13 thousand rubles), a technical examination of the car’s safety (about 5,000 rubles), installation of the “U” sign (about 2,000 rubles), take care of the documents to the State Traffic Inspectorate to register the car as a training vehicle. After paying the state fees, you will be issued a new certificate for the car. Only then can you legally teach driving. Yes, take the documents for the car and the duplicate pedals with you. Don't forget about your driving instructor's license.


As such, driving schools receive a license to teach driving, and a private driving instructor needs to obtain a “Certificate of the right to teach driving.”

This certificate is issued based on the results of short-term courses, most often such courses are conducted on the basis of DOSAAF and similar government organizations. Courses in almost all organizations consist of 126 hours of theoretical and practical training, and also involve 130 hours of self-study. The cost of such courses and, accordingly, obtaining a certificate for the right to learn to drive a vehicle varies depending on the region. In Kostroma it costs from 4,000 rubles, in Moscow about 10,000 rubles. But not only the prices are different, the content of the training program is different. Therefore, before concluding a contract for your training, familiarize yourself with the program in which you will be trained.


Another point: insurance. Insurance for a school car is significantly more expensive. Although the law on compulsory motor liability insurance does not contain a word about tariffs for educational cars, it does state that the use of a car in sports competitions and as a training event it is considered not an insured event. If the car is used as a school car, and the policy states “for personal use,” then the insurance company will refuse to pay in case of an accident. When teaching driving practice, the driver is considered to be the person teaching. The driving instructor must insure his own liability; in the event of an accident, responsibility lies entirely with the instructor.

Therefore, it is better to protect yourself, properly apply for compulsory motor liability insurance and also apply for CASCO insurance. Because while students are driving, they mostly get into minor accidents, because they are not allowed to drive at speeds above 40 km/h, but it’s still better to let the insurance company pay for the repairs than to drive a broken car, which will only scare away customers. But this is again subject to the above requirements for a private instructor.


If you look at the job market, you can say that for Moscow, a driving instructor earns 30-50 thousand rubles. In Pyatigorsk, for example, they promise from 20 thousand rubles, in Novosibirsk 20-50 thousand rubles. But we know that if the ad says “from”, then they will pay this minimum wage.

The cost of one lesson in a driving school is about 500 rubles, and a lesson with a private driving instructor costs 750-1200 rubles, it all depends on the class of car. But you shouldn’t quit your driving school and become a private instructor. Driving education is subject to seasons, today there are many students, and tomorrow there will be none. The best option is part-time work. In addition, driving schools often require an instructor in a personal training vehicle.

There are websites that match students with tutors, including driving instructors. You can publish your ad on various sites, but the most best advertising- This positive reviews Your students. If you have become a private driving instructor, create your resume on our website; reviews from your grateful students will serve as good free advertising for you.

Currently, the work of a private driving instructor is regulated by the Road Traffic Rules Russian Federation(Article 21 “Driving Training”), “Basic Provisions for the admission of a vehicle to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety” (clause 5), as well as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

During driving lessons, the instructor must have the following documents with him::

  • driver's license for the right to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category;
  • certificate for the right to learn to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category (issued at our driving school after the training course);
  • registration certificate vehicle with an entry made “duplicate brake and clutch pedals are installed”;
  • certificate of compliance of the vehicle design with safety requirements;
  • certificate of passing state technical inspection;
  • insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance;
  • certificate of registration as individual entrepreneur(with entered OKVED code 80.41 or 80.41.1).

If you already have three years of accident-free driving experience, you feel irresistible craving to realize their pedagogical abilities in the field driving lessons, and have good communication skills - then you need to decide which one become an instructor.

  1. Become illegal private instructor. On your own or with the help of artisans using scrap materials, install additional pedals on your car and "U" sign on glass. After this, you can find students who have never driven (if something happens, you can brake yourself) and do not know what documents a private instructor should have (or do not pay attention to them). The advantages of illegal activities include the fact that you can set lower tariffs by saving on tax payments, etc. but if your activities are detected by law enforcement agencies, then your student will have to answer under Art. Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 12.7 Part 1), fine - 2500 rubles, and you - at least Art. Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 12.7 Part 3), fine - 2500 rubles and detention of the vehicle in accordance with Art. 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (paid according to tariffs established by the local administration), and the maximum is Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ( illegal business) - up to 300,000 rubles fine or arrest for up to 6 months and art. 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (tax evasion) - a fine from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or arrest for a term of 4 to 6 months, or imprisonment for a term of up to one year.
  2. Become a real Private Instructor. Procedure:

I. Get " Certificate for driving lessons.

To do this, it is necessary to complete a short-term (2-2.5 weeks) training course, following which a certificate of the established form is issued:

To enroll in courses you must:

  • be over 21 years of age;
  • have completed secondary education;
  • have a valid category “B” driver’s license and at least 3 years of experience;
  • not lose the right to drive a vehicle in the last 3 years.

II. Refurbish your car. From us you can purchase (with or without installation) a vehicle conversion kit with all the necessary documentation (for details, see here), and go with it and all the papers to the head of the traffic police of your administrative district. We sign the application for making changes, undergo a technical inspection and receive a new car registration certificate with the coveted lines: “duplicate brake and clutch pedals are installed”. In conclusion, you also need to get “ Certificate of compliance of the vehicle design with safety requirements» .

III. We register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur (you must receive “ Certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur" with entered OKVED code 80.41 or 80.41.1).

This simple procedure allows you to become a professional private driving instructor!

Are you a good driver? Have you taught many of your friends and they were satisfied? Maybe it’s worth changing your profession to a more profitable one that is always in demand? Have you ever thought about becoming a driving instructor?

Of course, for such a decisive step you will need not only to draw up a whole package of relevant documents, become more disciplined and responsible, but also, most likely, to re-equip your car.

Doesn't it scare you? Are you ready to do all this to achieve your goal? Then let's start in order.

Section 1. How to become a driving instructor? What does it take to get your first students?

A couple of years ago, I finally decided to fulfill my dream and learn to drive a car. The most difficult thing was finding a suitable teacher. Of course, there are plenty of driving schools in my city. But, nevertheless, very often, unfortunately, one hears about what kind of torture practical classes turn into, how would-be teachers yell at their already adult and long-established students. This, to be honest, was very frightening. I pathologically cannot stand it when people raise their voices at me and I prefer to enjoy everything I do, especially for my own money.

I asked my friends and, in the end, they recommended a private teacher. Dozens of newcomers sought to learn from him, and given the fact that an individual driving instructor receives a salary depending on the number of students, it means, you know, to be good specialist profitable.

Who can become him? According to the requirements put forward, such a person must have no less than three years of driving experience, then, of course, he must have a car equipped with any gearbox (although sometimes cars are rented by the driving school administration). No less important are (better, of course, the presence special education), good diction and the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly.

Section 2. How to become a driving instructor at a driving school?

If you decide to work as an instructor in some nearby driving school, then the task is greatly simplified. The only thing you will need to decide is how exactly you are going to teach, i.e. in a government car or in your own car. No matter what you choose, there will be both advantages and disadvantages. Perfect job, as we know, does not happen.

  • By car driving school. You will be faced with the fact that the salary will be quite modest, but, according to experienced ones, it is usually made up for due to insignificant theft of gasoline, unnoticed by the management, as well as additional, already individual, classes during overtime, or rewards for trying to “slightly a little help when passing the traffic police exams.
  • By your own car. Here, in addition to the funds allocated for gasoline, the driving school will also financially cover all costs of repairs and re-equipment. It turns out that the salary will be higher. Again, private lessons and “help” have not been canceled.

Section 3. Self-employed private instructor. How profitable is this?

Now this is more interesting, right? It seemed, well, what could be simpler than posting an ad like this: “An experienced driver offers private driving lessons. I’ll teach you how to drive your own car, feeling the grip and feeling the dimensions!”

It is guaranteed that even if you yourself don’t really know how to drive, 3-4 clients (and most likely, these will be women) a month will still call you back and inquire about such lessons, the main thing is to present yourself more beautifully. It seems that everything is quite simple, however, it is illegal. Those. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, even if you ask your neighbor to weld you additional pedals so that you can brake at any second, and attach the “U” badge, you will still face a significant fine.

Section 4. How to become a driving instructor and register everything correctly?

  1. You will need a special certificate giving you the right to engage in this type of teaching activity. To obtain it, you must contact ROSTO (DOSAAF).
  2. Modify your car properly. And don’t forget to take the entire package of documents from the service. You will need it in order to register already
  3. At the regional traffic police office, we fill out a form for making changes to the design of the car and certify it with the seal of the chief.
  4. We receive a certificate stating that your car does not pose a threat to road safety.
  5. And finally, we register with the city tax office as

That's probably all. Now you can safely look for students and sincerely rejoice at their successes and the results of the work you do.

Such income can become a permanent or additional means of income.

There are several options for this type of activity: work as an instructor in a driving school or engage in individual entrepreneurship. The choice often depends on a person's personal beliefs and life experiences.

Financial side

The first thing all candidates are interested in is how much the instructor gets paid. Statistics from the website russia.trud throughout Russia for 2017: driving training for employees at a driving school brings in on average 25,000 rubles per month. Maximum salaries in schools with big amount students reach 100,000 rubles, and the smallest - 15,000 rubles.

Salaries differ by region of Russia.

On average, school instructors earn the most in Moscow, Yaroslavl region and the Republic of Bashkortostan - 50 -55 thousand rubles.


The price for one lesson is in the range of 600-3000 rubles. The rule is simple - the more students, the more money. To calculate how much a driving instructor receives, you should subtract from the cost of the lesson: the price of fuel, tax, depreciation for car repairs.

Profit also depends on the region of work; the average salary of an instructor varies by city in Russia. Largest quantity search queries for driving teachers in Moscow .

Income can be increased. A free schedule allows you to earn extra money in taxis, driving schools, and other areas. The number of clients depends on the teacher’s ability to find mutual language. It is recommended to take courses in psychology, communication, pedagogy, and engage in self-education. Also, do not forget about advertising: Internet, TV, printed publications. Desire is the key factor.

Who gets more

Main role how much do instructors earn? , The ability to win over the student and advertising plays a role.

There are times when the teacher himself is an excellent driving master, but it is not possible to teach someone else.

If you compare the salaries of private owners and instructors from schools, there is no noticeable difference.

Conditions on which an instructor's salary depends:

  • Region. In cities with larger populations, the demand for driving lessons is greater.
  • Non-standard lessons. Specially equipped tracks in a driving school or outside the city allow you to conduct extreme driving classes. The prices for such lessons are much more expensive. Instructor salaries reach 100 thousand rubles.
  • experience. People are willing to pay more for teachers with experience.
  • Seasonality. IN different time year, the influx of clients is changing.

Private tuition

For independent work You will need a car. If you teach driving without documents and a converted car, be prepared for a fine of 15 to 30 thousand rubles. The driver will be fined for transferring control of his car to a person without a license, and the student himself will be fined for illegally driving a car (Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.7 part 1). You should think about what your salary should be in order to take risks with such fines.

To work legally, an instructor must be licensed.

The document is issued after passing the special. courses in a driving school and allows you to conduct driving lessons with students. Package of documents required to take driving courses:

  • passport;
  • certificate of education;
  • driver's license with 3 years of experience or more;
  • a certificate of no deprivation of license for the last 3 years of driving experience.

Full list requirements for legalizing private instructor activities:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur. Registration on your own will cost 850 rubles.
  2. Driver's license of the required category.
  3. Driving experience in the category must be at least 3 years.
  4. Availability of a license.
  5. Converted vehicle: installation of additional pedals, “Training” sign.
  6. Registration of a vehicle as a training vehicle with the traffic police.

Working in a driving school
