Plots for quick rental. Prayer for successful renting of an apartment

This ritual will help you rent or buy a good home. This ritual will help to initially attract real estate to life that will have good energy.

What you will need for this:

  • Description of the desired apartment on a sheet of paper.
  • Blend "Desire" ( Bay leaf, cinnamon, ginger).
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Red candle.
  • White candle Candles are ordinary, colored.
  • Matchbox covered with yellow paper Write on 4 sides matchbox your name.
  • Salt.
  • Water.
  • Coin.
  • St. John's wort (for men).
  • Rosemary (for women).
  • Personal item (hair, nails, photo).

Clearly describe on a piece of paper in advance what kind of apartment or house you want to purchase. You need to write everything in the present tense without the particle “not”. For example,

I have a beautiful and comfortable 3-room apartment

apartment in a new building, in such and such an area

there are wonderful neighbors nearby, etc...

When everything is ready, retire and turn off your phone. The ritual is best done on the waxing moon. Light a white candle and call upon all good spirits.

« Good spirits, hurry here,

My spell flows like water!”

Lubricate a red candle with oil and roll it in the “Desire” herbal mixture. This candle is the spirit of the future home. Light and charge the candle.

“I call you, spirit of the house!

We'll get to know each other

You and I are alone now,

So don’t hesitate, come out!”

Light the remaining smoke on charcoal. Write your name on the 4 sides of the matchbox, open it and pick it up. Pass it through the smoke and over the fire of a white candle. Drop some water inside and throw in a pinch of salt.

“Spirits of the universe, please help me,

Make the apartment a reality as soon as possible!”

Put a description of the apartment in a box and meditate on how you will live there.

“I wrote a dream on paper,

I’ll soon find it in reality!”

Place your personal item in the box.

"Here's a piece of me,

We are now related to the house!”

Throw a coin into the box.

“Money is no longer a barrier,

I’m glad to pay for the house!”

Sprinkle the entire contents with St. John's wort or rosemary, close the box and seal all cracks with red candle wax. Place the box between the candles and say.

"The house I dream of

I attract you into my life,

The power of the Gods helps me!

IN new house guides me!

Let it be so!"

The candles must burn out completely. When the house appears, the box needs to be buried not far from the house, this will also be protection.

Whoever practices magic does the ritual)) If the husband is far from these matters, then it is useless to ask him to perform the ritual. Just if you are looking for an apartment for a family, everything is done according to the same scheme, just write on the box the names of all family members who will live in new apartment, and also put their photographs, strands of hair or nail clippings inside, that is, some kind of connecting link. Also change the text of the conspiracy, instead of “I” put “We”.

For example, instead of

“Money is no longer a barrier,

I’m glad to pay for the house!”


“We are happy to pay for the house”

In this case, you add rosemary and St. John's wort.

A plot to rent out an apartment is very necessary in modern world. Most of the world's population lives by renting out residential square meters to tenants. But there is never a guarantee that the tenants will turn out to be normal and adequate people. In some cases, individuals who come to rent an apartment are very risky to let into their own home.

If a person wants to let new guests into the house, then he must conduct a careful selection. This is understandable, because no one wants to let strange people into their apartment and then suffer the consequences. You can attract tenants different ways. You can choose the option that best suits your specific situation.

Important features of rituals that involve finding a tenant

To attract tenants to your apartment, you can perform special rituals. If you have already decided that you will rent out your home to other people, then it is important to remember a few important stages housing delivery. Magic implies that, first of all, all negative energy should be removed from the room. Everyone knows that a home can accumulate negativity within itself and then spill it all out on ordinary people. So, if you have problems with the selection the right people, then you should pay attention to the apartment. It is likely that this is precisely what influences the individuals within it.

If you are not sure that you can carry out the cleansing ritual, then seek help from a specialist. Most people immediately go to church and ask the priest to cleanse their home. If this is not possible, then you should ask a specialist in the field of magic or extrasensory perception for help.

Those who are confident in their own abilities can carry out cleaning themselves at home. To do this, you just need to take holy water and carry out wet cleaning with it. You should only choose the water that you blessed on Epiphany Sunday, January 19.

How to attract new tenants with baking

To successfully find tenants and rent out an apartment, you can make a baking plot. To do this, you must buy or bake your own pie. Take the pie in your hands and stand near front door. Do not cross the threshold until you read the words of the prayer. The essence of this ritual is that you must ask for the blessing of the brownie, because it is likely that it is he who does not agree to new tenants and spoils all your plans.

You must not only appease him with sweets. You should kindly and gently ask him for help. Explain to him why the housing is being rented. Most likely, he will be in your position.

The words of the conspiracy sound as follows:

“I, the servant of God (name), turn to the brownie for help. Permanent resident of this house, I ask you, help me. Accept new guests and be friends with them. I don't rent housing because I have a good life. It’s very difficult for me to afford several apartments and I really need money. Put yourself in my position. I will bring you gifts. Just let new people enter through the threshold of this house. We want the broom to be a witness to our truthfulness. We are the owners of the apartment, we pronounce a spell on the doorstep in order to rent out the house faster. May heaven hear the words of this prayer and help us persuade the brownie. Amen".

Ceremony at the front door

For this plot against tenants, you must stand in the doorway and carry out several important actions.

  1. Mentally prepare yourself that everything will go well and nothing bad will happen.
  2. Wait until the moon is waxing in the sky. It will contribute to the growth of new residents and will increase the rental amount.
  3. Your legs should be positioned so that one is outside the house, and the other is already in the hallway.
  4. Now you can start reading the plot to attract tenants:

“As soon as I step foot into the territory of my home, they will immediately come to me various people for the purpose of renting housing. I will conduct a careful selection to avoid mistakes, because it is very important that everything goes well. I hope that higher power They will help me when they hear the words of prayer. Amen".

Renting an apartment not only takes a lot of time, but also requires nerves of steel. Finding bona fide tenants becomes a difficult task. Thanks to conspiracies, you can quickly achieve success. The conspiracy to quickly rent out an apartment has been tested by many real people.

A conspiracy will help you quickly rent out an apartment

Often, potential tenants, entering a house, are ready to rent housing, but at the last moment they refuse the decision. Or after moving in, tenants leave the apartment a month later without explaining the reasons. Perhaps it's all about stagnation negative energy Houses. It’s worth trying a few techniques, and with the help of surrender spells it will become easier to solve the problem:

  1. Cleansing with holy water. It is better to collect water in Epiphany night. If this is not possible, you can take the water to the temple for consecration. All surfaces in the house are washed with holy water: floors, tables, corners, doors. The main thing is to process a bunch of keys for future tenants.
  2. Regular table salt. The property of salt has been known for a long time; it absorbs all the negativity. Scatter it into different dishes by the number of corners in the house. It is important to place saucers in each corner. Do not remove the salt for 2 days, and flush it down the toilet on the third.
  3. Church candle. Buy a small candle from the temple and walk around the house, especially lighting the corners.
  4. Mirrors. They also absorb all unclean energy. To clean your home, thoroughly wipe all mirror surfaces.
    For quick results, it is important to read the Lord’s Prayer three times.

Conspiracies to rent an apartment

All rituals are easy to perform independently. You won't need to spend a lot of money. There should be no doubt that you are doing this with good intentions. Only bright thoughts can visit you.

From a variety of rituals, choose one that is close to your liking and perform it, following all the recommendations.

A conspiracy is on the doorstep

It has long been the custom that brownies protect homes from various evil spirits. The brownie does not like new owners, but in your house he remains in charge. To make the brownie behave hospitably, appease him with a spell.

After the ritual, the brownie needs to leave candy

“We lived with you, brownie, we didn’t grieve, but I’m leaving home, just not for good. I’m not leaving you, I’ll come visit you. And you help us quickly find new good owners for the apartment, accept them for a short time, so that they look after the housing and don’t offend you.”

To please the brownie, they leave him various sweet foods; sweets are a good choice. And the conspiracy itself is repeated with each new search for tenants. A quick transaction will only need to be completed in a high-quality manner.

Conspiracy in the doorway

The task is to be in the middle of the doorway so that one foot is warm - in the apartment, and the other in the cold - in the corridor. After this say:

“When my foot leaves the apartment, then the tenants will appear. Do not have an apartment without tenants, celebrate a housewarming in it. As I said, so it will be.”

Again, the appeal goes to the brownie.

Smoke plot

The ritual is performed only when the contract is ready. Before performing, carefully study the terms of the conspiracy.

Find an aspen tree in the forest and saw off a small branch. Disassemble it into 9 strips and assemble a house from 8. The one that remains, set fire to the hut. As soon as the fire burns out and smoke appears, say:

“The dog leaves, the dove flies, the dog runs away, and the bird flies in. May there be good news for me, amen!”

Despite the complexity, this plot to rent an apartment has a strong magical effect.

Conspiracy on a knot

For another plot to rent out an apartment, you will need a thread of wool.

During the conspiracy you need to tie a tight knot

She needs to be tied into a tight knot and taken out the door, reading the plot:

“Just as I tied this knot, let everything come together for me and (tenant’s name).”

Position the thread so that future residents will step over it.

Water spell

At sunrise, fill a faceted glass with water and stand in front of the sun. Say three times:

“This house will be rejected by its owners. Merchants are coming from all over the world, from all directions, hurrying to bargain. Their eyes are washed with soap, dusted with sand, and filled with water. May they buy my house without bidding, without looking around. Amen!".

Distribute the water throughout the house, and the last drops at the entrance to the house. The ceremony is performed on the waxing moon. Only after fulfilling all the conditions of the ritual, wait for a shift in affairs.

Ritual with a broom

A broom or broom is a symbol of home well-being; it must be new.

In the morning, use a charmed broom to sweep away all the dirt in the corners

First you need to speak the subject:

“As soon as I sweep the apartment with new brooms, I will immediately attract new tenants. The less rubbish I scoop up, the more respectable the tenants will be.”

Leave the broom on the doorstep until the next morning. In the morning, walk through all corners of the house, thoroughly sweep away dust and dirt. Put the broom aside, with the rods up, and it is best to bury the collected dust.

Ritual at dawn

The most effective of all rituals. It is held in the early morning, as soon as the sun rises. You need to go outside in front of the sun and say:

“The sun is clear, you illuminate everything. Light up my apartment too, so that in your rays new people will like it, and they will want to live there, they will be happy and rich in it. Let everyone stand in line and want to live in my apartment.”

People always turn to the sun with bright requests, this is the only way it will help to finalize a quick deal for renting an apartment.

Ritual with the key

As soon as the rituals of cleansing the house are completed, the key comes into play - another symbol of the house.

To successfully rent out an apartment, you need to stand in the center of the threshold and say:

“It’s not the wind that blows through the field, it’s not the bird that beats its wing, it’s the water that flows and the apartment is rented out. As soon as I wave my handkerchief three times, the house will be full of new tenants.”

To perform another ritual, you need a key to the apartment

The scarf used in the conspiracy must be real.

Conspiracy on paper

To prepare for the ceremony you will need the following items:

  • piece of material;
  • candle;
  • A4 sheet;
  • soap;
  • plate.

As soon as you arrive at the office, lay out a cloth and use soap to draw a circle. The candle on the plate is lit and its flame sets the edge of the paper on fire. When the sheet burns completely, start reading the plot:

“My work is good, I am building a house of stone and with porches of copper. I will meet and bow to the third person. He will bow to me, but not he, but I will be his power. My word is correct, my deed is powerful. Whatever I ask in my house, let everything come true and be done as asked. Let it be so!"

Throw the remaining paper out the window. It remains to wait a little until the plot to rent out the apartment takes effect.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker helps in success in business; you can pray to his icon so that the lease transaction ends successfully.

Light 3 candles and think about your problem. Thoughts should only be positive; soon decent people will move into your apartment.

“The Wonderworker Nicholas, God's Pleasant. Help me rent out an apartment so that people pay regularly and avoid troublemakers. Discourage those who are dishonest, who want to deceive, and drown in angry greed forever. Thy will be done. Amen".

There are several variations of the prayer. Anyone will do you liked.

You should not place your hopes only on prayers and conspiracies. You will need to invest your strength and personal motivation into the business. A magical rituals will only be another impetus for a successful transaction. Renting an apartment is not difficult if you know a few things effective techniques. There are a lot of conspiracies for renting out an apartment; if you follow them, you can easily avoid trouble.

Transactions related to real estate are always accompanied by emotional experiences. This is a responsible matter.

In this case, you can relieve the alarm using magical rituals. There are also conspiracies for this area. Let's talk about a conspiracy to rent out an apartment.

What should you do before renting out an apartment?

You can rent out an apartment faster and more profitably if you carry out cleansing rituals in it before showing it to potential tenants:

  1. To get rid of stagnant energy in your apartment, bring a glass of holy water from church and sprinkle it on all the corners in the apartment.
  2. Read the “Our Father” three times at each window.
  3. Be sure to spend general cleaning before the shows. This is necessary not only to keep the apartment physically clean, but to wash away stagnant energy with water.
  4. Wipe the keys that you subsequently hand over to the tenants with alcohol, and then also treat them with holy water. It is advisable not to touch them after this.

Ritual on the threshold of the apartment

To rent out an apartment faster, you can perform a ritual on the doorstep. You need it to be supported by the brownie of the whole house. Brownies don’t really like it when tenants change in the house, sometimes they deliberately dare. potential tenants. To prevent this from happening, here's what you need to do.

You need to stand on the threshold of the house, look into the farthest corner and say the following spell:

“Brownie-brownie, you and I lived here together, we didn’t bother. I’m moving out of here now, but don’t think that I’m leaving you. I will come and visit you and check on you. And you accept those who come to live here instead of me. I promise not to let the bad ones in, only to recruit the good ones. Help with recruitment, you have more than enough wisdom. Just as we were friends, we are still friends, only now at a distance.”


fortune telling for renting an apartment

Conspiracies from Sophia Ansari. Sell, buy, exchange, rent, rent out real estate.

A spell for good luck and money for sugar.

After this, be sure to leave a treat for the brownie. It could be a delicious candy, honey on a saucer, or gingerbread. Place the treat on a plate so that the brownie can see how they treat it with respect. It is advisable to do such a plot to rent out housing every time the tenants change.

Ritual with a broom

A broom or broom is a symbol of the house, and with the help of it they also carry out a ritual for the quick delivery of an apartment. When you last time If you are sweeping the apartment, before showing it to the tenants, read the following plot:

“I sweep with a broom and drive away all the bad guys from the house. And all the good and solvent people go for cleanliness, reach out, I use you as a broom to attract good people. I attract successfully, I sell successfully, I sweep away all the negativity.”

This way, you will create a positive psychological attitude that will help you rent out your home quickly and profitably.

Key spell

After you have done the general cleaning, stand on the threshold with the keys, look at them and say the following spell:

“It wasn’t the wind blowing through the field, it wasn’t a bird fluttering its wings, and it wasn’t clear water flowing, it was my apartment that was being rented out quickly and profitably. The sun will illuminate her best corners, the wind will spread her spirit and the news about her all over the world, so that a crowd of tenants will come running. The news will spread so much that it will have to be shown in the morning. Keep your pockets wider so that payments are large. I’ll wave my handkerchief three times, my house is full of tenants.”

After this, wave your handkerchief three times and wait for calls from future tenants.

Conspiracy for quick change

Sometimes you need to rent out an apartment urgently. In this case, the lessor lowers the price, but in addition to this, for the successful delivery of real estate, you can carry out the following ritual.

Stay overnight and have breakfast in your rental apartment. And when you leave, say these words:

“The human spirit is not brought out here. As they moved out, they will move in. Don't stand empty for long. Good people attract. They should live here, have a good life, and make good.”

Say the spell three times. He will help you find good tenants within a few days.

Morning conspiracy

It will also help to successfully rent out your home if you get up early in the morning at dawn, go outside and, looking at the sun, say the following words:

“The sun is clear, it’s your joy to illuminate everything. Light up my apartment so that future tenants will like it under your rays. So that they want to live like this, so that they imagine themselves happy and rich there. Help the sun to man, and I will admire you even more.”

The more sincere feelings you invest in this request, the faster this morning prayer will bring you profitable tenants.

Spell on the front door

A plot to attract tenants can be made on the front door. It’s good if, when you pronounce this spell, there is a period of waning moon. You need to stand in the entrance doorway, so that one foot is inside the apartment, and the other outside it. In this position, say the words:

“As soon as my second foot sets foot on the premises, the first client will call. This property should not stand for long without the human spirit, celebrate its housewarming with people one of these days. As I say, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

Housing issues can ruin a lot of things. The mood deteriorates, the budget decreases, relationships with relatives or neighbors become strained - the list is far from complete. If the question is how to rent out an apartment, everything only gets more complicated. Is it possible to simplify the task? Let's try to do this with the help of a magical plot.

How to quickly rent out an apartment - a conspiracy?

Anyone who has been faced with the need to quickly rent out a home knows what a headache this process can be. To make your life a little easier and expand your consciousness, receiving a charge of emotional vigor, do not neglect the power of magic. To search for new apartment residents, use the following spells:

  • on paper;
  • a spell to help Domovoy;
  • smoke spell

Each spell has its own characteristics, differing not only in the text, but also in the method of execution. Now we will explain how to do everything right.

Per node

Finding good tenants on your own is not easy. Take advantage of the ritual by tying wool thread node They put him outside the threshold, saying:

“Just as I tied this knot, let everything come together for me and (tenant’s name).”

When waiting for those who want to rent an apartment to visit you, make sure that they always step over the knot.

On the water

One of the simplest but most effective spells. Whispered water is an excellent weapon if all parts of the ritual are performed correctly. The ritual for finding good tenants is carried out on the moon in the growth phase. They read the plot at dawn. Pour water into a transparent glass, take it in your hands and turn your face to the rising sun. Repeat three times:

“This house will be rejected by its owners. Merchants are coming from all over the world, from all directions, hurrying to bargain. Their eyes are washed with soap, dusted with sand, and filled with water. May they buy my house without bidding, without looking around. Amen!"

After proofreading, go around your home and spray in every corner. The remainder spills out under the threshold.

It could be easier. Clean the entire house thoroughly, and then wash all corners with water blessed for Epiphany, without missing a single one. If you did not have time to stock up on a sufficient amount of holy water within the specified period or there is not enough of it, simply sprinkle your home.

Conspiracy on paper

A person ignorant of legal matters should not be embarrassed if he has to enlist the help of professionals. Moreover, there is a way to make this process even more effective. Before the ceremony, prepare a number of attributes:

  • Paper sheet;
  • A piece of fabric (natural composition);
  • A bar of soap or chalk (in the shape of a parallelepiped);
  • Metal plate (can be replaced with a small tin tray);
  • Wax candle.

A little secret: it is better to take a sheet of paper from the office where the contract for the agency’s services is concluded. Don't be embarrassed, there's nothing shameful or out of the ordinary about this. The selected piece of fabric is spread on the table. Straighten the material and draw a circle on it with chalk or soap. Try to make it come out even. A plate is placed in the middle, a candle is placed on it and lit. Set the paper on fire and leave it to burn on a plate. The plot for renting through an agency is read while the smoke billows:

“My work is good, I am building a house of stone and with porches of copper. I will meet and bow to the third person. He will bow to me, but not he, but I will be his power. My word is correct, my deed is powerful. Whatever I ask in my house, let everything come true and be done as asked. Let it be so!"

Conspiracy to the Brownie

Even if you cannot look after the house, the Domovoy, its invisible protector, will remain in the apartment. So that he does not scare away new residents with bad behavior caused by a change of owners of housing, a ritual of appeasement is carried out. Stand on the threshold, look to the farthest corner and say:

“We lived and got along, but it’s time for me to leave, at least not for good. I undertake to visit you, brownie, and I will not leave you. And you help me find good owners for the house faster, accept them as your own, don’t offend them, so that they look after the house and don’t offend you.”

Words are only part of the ritual. The brownie loves respect and treats. Place sweet cookies, caramel, and plates of honey in the corners. To consolidate the effect, read another conspiracy:

“Housewife, little gray head, don’t offend guests, let them come, look, admire and choose an apartment. And I’ll bring you some bread for that.”

The spell is read every day until the apartment is rented out. During this time, remember to leave offerings. Sometimes it is not sweets that work, but a coin placed in the corner.

A conspiracy is on the doorstep

By asking Domovoy for luck, you can carry out an additional conspiracy aimed at quick change. To show that you are mentally ready to leave your home, read it while standing on the threshold. One leg still remains in the room, and the other is placed outside it. Say quickly:

“When my foot leaves the apartment, then it will have new owners. There shouldn’t be a house without owners, let them celebrate their housewarming there. Let it be so".

On the smoke

If the rental agreement has been drawn up, read the plot that secures success. A log of dry aspen is splitting. Nine strong splinters of equal size are selected. Eight of them form a small hut with a bottom or a well. The last torch is set on fire, and from it the entire structure is ignited. The ninth splinter is thrown at her. The rental agreement is smoked with the words:

“The dog leaves, the dove flies, the dog runs away, and the bird flies in. May there be good news for me, amen!”

The most powerful conspiracy to quickly rent out an apartment

One of the most effective spells for finding tenants is based on turning to a luminary. It is read when the sun is in a strong position and at its peak of energy, that is, during sunrise. The person pronouncing the spell faces the rising sun. To attract good tenants and rent out an apartment for a long time, cast a magic spell:

“The sun is clear, you shine on the whole world. Light up my house, let your rays illuminate it so that new people will notice it and want to stay in it. May it bring them wealth and happiness. Let the line to my apartment consist of those who want to live in it!”
