Academic mobility of St. Petersburg State University. academic mobility

Student mobility is an opportunity to spend one or two semesters in another country as a student or intern at a foreign university, without interrupting your studies at St. Petersburg State University. The goal of student mobility programs is the internationalization of higher education and the cultural integration of youth different countries.

You can take part in student mobility programs in the following forms:

  1. on your own initiative, having received an invitation from a foreign university;
  2. within the framework of an interuniversity agreement, by taking part in the annual open competitive selection St. Petersburg State University;
  3. within the framework of international academic mobility programs, having received a corresponding grant from the program organizers;
  4. within the framework of intergovernmental agreements, taking part in the annual open competition Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Taking advantage of student mobility, you get an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and education system of another country, improve your knowledge of foreign languages, make new friends and gain invaluable experience.

Studying at a strong foreign university will be a good addition to your diploma higher education and will certainly increase your competitiveness in the labor market.

Student mobility through inter-university cooperation is organized within the framework of direct bilateral and multilateral agreements between St. Petersburg State University and universities in other countries and involves studying abroad for one or two semesters with the possibility of crediting learning outcomes. The capabilities of this program can be used by students of all ages. educational programs St. Petersburg State University. In some cases, these agreements directly provide for the possibility of student mobility only for certain educational programs.

Student mobility through the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation provides the opportunity to undergo an internship (including language training) in foreign universities lasting from 4 weeks to 10 months within the framework of interstate agreements Russian Federation.

St Petersburg University also participates in a number of large international student mobility programs, such as Campus Europae, Erasmus Mundus, FIRST, Santander Universities. These programs provide students with a wide choice of partner universities as well as financial support.

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At the partner university TSPU named after. L.N. Tolstoy - Dual Higher School of Baden-Württemberg, Villingen-Schwenningen (Germany) - as part of the International Week and the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of ERASMUS, a presentation of international academic mobility programs took place.

TSPU named after. L.N. Tolstoy was represented by students of the faculty foreign languages Ilona Ilyicheva and Dmitry Tsarev, studying at the Dual Higher School under the student exchange program. German students learned about the possibility of studying Russian at the TSPU named after. L.N. Tolstoy, educational programs implemented by the university, its history and traditions. The event was also attended by senior educational establishments USA, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, Jordan, Colombia, Spain, France, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary, Thailand and other countries.

In addition to TSPU. L.N. Tolstoy, Russia was represented by Tula State University and St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.

Photo report:

International academic mobility programs for students of St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Technology are programs that allow, in parallel with studying at our university, to undergo additional language training, gain experience studying in English in a group with foreign students from Finland, France, Italy and other countries undergoing an internship at our university, listen to lectures by teachers from leading European universities and, finally, undergo a semester and/or year-long internship at one of our partner universities, and during their stay at a foreign university, our best students receive financial support (scholarship) within the framework of various foreign scholarship programs or programs Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Students of all institutes will be able to find interesting program and a suitable university partner. The University's International Relations Department provides all possible assistance to students in selecting the type of academic mobility program and partner university. Department employees international relations are directly involved in the execution and preparation of applications and documents for all types of academic mobility programs and have all the information about the conditions of participation in the programs.

Reviews of students who took part in academic mobility programs, articles, photographs and up-to-date information can be viewed on the page of the international relations department in social network "In contact with".

International academic mobility programs for students of foreign universities can be viewed.

Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.

The program is implemented on the principle of a double degree on the basis of an agreement with the West-Saxon Higher School (Zwickau, Germany). The program is intended for persons with a bachelor's or specialist's degree who are continuing their studies at St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical and Technical Technologies in master's programs in economics and management. Training and certification are carried out remotely in English, during the training period there is an international semester in one of European countries. Upon completion of training, graduates receive a diploma from St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical Technologies and an MBA (Master of Business Administration) under a program accredited by the European agency ACQUIN.

International semester at a foreign partner university.

The program, as a rule, is designed for 3-4 year undergraduate students and 1 year graduate students. The program provides training for one semester in the language of the country or in English, passing the final certification and receiving the appropriate certificate from a foreign university. Most of our partner universities offer free education, if the international semester takes place as part of exchange programs. Receiving a scholarship is possible on a competitive basis - the competition is held directly at a foreign university or according to the rules of scholarship programs. Universities in Germany, Finland and France actively offer scholarship support programs. Every year, our university, together with partners from Finnish universities, is included in the Finnish-Russian student exchange program FIRST (Finnish-Russian Student Exchange Program), which also supports the development of student exchange programs. All universities hosting our students offer dormitories of various levels of comfort, as well as programs active rest for students. Applications for participation are accepted at the International Relations Department throughout the academic year. Acceptance of completed packages of documents at foreign universities ends in the second half of October for participants in the spring semester and in May for participants in the fall semester. Students of St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical and Technical Technologies who have a certificate under the “Academic Mobility - Professional Approach” program have a priority right to apply.

Dual training.

The Baden-Württemberg Hochschule (Germany) offers a special exchange program for students from St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Technology in tandem with students from Germany. internship in Germany, where he will also study in tandem. The program is aimed at facilitating the adaptation periods of students in foreign universities, as well as in a foreign country; otherwise, the program is similar to training under the “International Semester at a Foreign Partner University” program. The program is intended for students studying in the 2nd-4th year or master's degree in the following areas: “Economics”, “Management”, “ Social work", "Technological machines and equipment", "Automation technological processes and production."

Training program “Academic mobility - professional approach”.

A special program developed at the center of international educational programs of St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical and Technical Technologies for university students planning to take part in the “International Semester at a Foreign Partner University” program. Basic course The program includes a minimum amount of language training for the student, as well as courses that help expand the student’s knowledge about the country in which he plans to undergo an international internship, about the education system that operates in other countries and about the criteria for assessing knowledge in other countries of the world. Students studying under this program will receive comprehensive information about what documents will be required from them when applying for an internship both in Russia and in a foreign country, as well as how to correctly fill out the relevant documents in Russian and English. Students who have completed the program in full receive an appropriate certificate. Certificate holders receive preemptive right accepting and processing applications for the “International Semester at a Foreign Partner University” and “Dual Study” programs.

Educational, research, production and pre-graduation internships.

Partner universities and partner companies offer us admission of students for internships in European laboratories and research centers, as well as foreign enterprises both in the Russian Federation and abroad. Both groups of students and individual students can go to practice. The internship program in each specific case involves separate planning of the internship conditions. In each case, SPbGUPTD appoints a practice supervisor from among the teachers of the major (graduating) department, who creates an assignment for the student and agrees with the host university (organization) on the conditions for the internship.

  • A group of students from the Institute of Applied Chemistry and Ecology regularly goes to the Lodz University of Technology for summer educational and technological practice.
  • Groups of students from the Institute of Applied Arts annually go to the design workshop “Atelje AgAu” (Stockholm, Sweden) for summer practical training and winter pre-diploma practical training.
  • At the stage of development is new program for students of the Institute of Costume Design in the field of fur design and working with fur materials, in collaboration with the world famous Danish fur company Kopenhagen Fur. The program involves training students in special programs"Kopenhagen Fur", as well as participation in the International Talent Show, which the company "Kopenhagen Fur" holds among students. Every year, 2-3 of the best students of St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical Theater are sent to Denmark for full-time participation in the International Talent Show (Kopenhagen Fur covers transportation and other expenses).
  • Open lectures and master classes.

    As part of this program, SPbGUPTD regularly invites teachers from leading European universities who conduct their original classes with students of our university. In addition, during the international competition for young designers “Admiralty Needle”, invited guests - world professionals and celebrities in the field of design - conduct master classes in the field of design skills. Classes are held in various forms lectures, seminars, master classes. Lectures are given in English with translation into Russian. Programs of this type allow students, without leaving the city or country, to get acquainted with teaching methods in European universities, evaluate their language knowledge from the point of view of proficiency in a professional language, and expand their specialized knowledge and competencies. All university students can take part in such programs, regardless of direction and level of training.

    International creative project.

    Because at our university significant number students are trained in design areas; international academic mobility programs are especially developed in this area. We have many partners abroad with whom institutes and university departments cooperate. The concept is like this international program, as a creative project, is embedded in working together students and teachers of our university and foreign universities. Sketches of clothing, graphic designs, or some other artistic expression of an idea from the perspective of design students from different countries studying at different design schools are then put together. The finale of such a project is an exhibition of works in each university participating in the project. Traditionally in creative projects students of the Institute of Costume Design take part together with students of the Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences (Finland), students of the Institute graphic design and students of the Faculty of Design of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy).

    Training program “International semester at St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical and Technical Technologies.”

    The goal of the program is to introduce students to work in an international team. Training in the program is carried out by university teachers in English and ensures the acquisition of perception and assimilation skills educational material presented in English, and additional language training for students (including at least 40 classroom hours directly in English language). IN study group Foreign students from our partner universities who arrived at St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical and Technical Technologies to undergo an internship are also included. Groups are formed in certain areas of training, the set of disciplines taught is formed based on the wishes of students. The duration of the autumn semester is from October 1 to December 29. The duration of the spring semester is from February 15 to June 15. Students who have completed the program in full receive an appropriate certificate and an international application.

    Summer schools.

    Most summer schools actually take place during summer holidays, although there are also winter and spring schools conducted in a similar way. Our partners especially often conduct such schools in universities in Germany, France and Italy. One shift at school lasts from one week to a month. The curriculum of most summer schools includes classes in the field of preparation (seminars, studios, laboratory workshops, etc.), language courses and a cultural program. As a rule, a multinational group of representatives from different countries gathers for such a program at the host university, and a large role in such a program is given to informal communication between participants. Our partner universities offer both paid and free programs summer schools.
