Compatibility astrology: the happiest unions of the zodiac signs. Compatibility of Zodiac signs: which unions are the strongest

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been in a relationship for a long time or just met your soulmate an hour ago. In any case, astrology can be an excellent guide for you in matters of love. By studying the characteristics of the zodiac signs, you will better understand your partner, as well as yourself. And this is important. After all, everyone has their own ideas about love and priorities in relationships, which significantly influence compatibility in a couple. Today we will slightly lift the veil of secrets that the classic zodiac hides, and find out which combinations among its twelve signs are the best, and also what is the secret of their incredible attraction!

Relationships between partners with the same zodiac sign are some of the most successful!

Astrologers are confident that relationships that arise between people with the same zodiac sign are the strongest and most harmonious. They are connected not only by love and passion, but also by a commonality of character and outlook on life.

If your significant other is the same sign as you, you can safely call yourself lucky! After all, your partner is more likely to have the same quirks as you, and is able to understand and accept you faster than representatives of other zodiac signs.

Will people with opposite zodiac signs be happy?

Fate often favors couples with signs located opposite each other in the zodiac circle. The opposition in it is created by:

  • Aries and Libra;
  • Taurus and Scorpio;
  • Gemini and Sagittarius;
  • Cancers and Capricorns;
  • Leo and Aquarius;
  • Virgo and Pisces.

The compatibility of partners with this combination of signs is unlikely to be as harmonious as in the previous case. They are so different that sometimes they are ready to destroy each other! However, the chances are excellent romantic relationship yours are quite impressive. After all, signs located on opposite sides of the zodiac circle are capable of not only hating each other, but also complementing each other, like Yin and Yang. In this case, your loved one, like a mirror, will reflect that side of your nature that you never knew existed!

The combination of fifth zodiac signs from each other has enormous potential!

A successful union can be formed by people whose zodiac signs are fifth relative to each other. Such a pair, for example, can be created by Aries with Virgo or Scorpio, Cancer with Sagittarius or Aquarius, Libra with Pisces or Taurus, etc. The relationship between them is unlikely to be simple, since these signs are completely different in nature. Nevertheless, such people are drawn to each other like a magnet, and their meeting is often called fateful.

There is enormous potential hidden in their unions. The relationship between them becomes an excellent basis for the personal growth of lovers! Despite the fact that the combination of these signs is quite complex, they can have an incredibly deep level of intimacy. If you decide on such a union, then remember: it has every chance of becoming truly magical if you have met your person!

A union of people of the same element is doomed to happiness!

Whether the relationship will be successful largely depends on what element both partners belong to. There are four of them in the classical zodiac:

  • water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces);
  • air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius);
  • earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn);
  • fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

The most harmonious and close relationships arise, as a rule, between representatives of the same element. Cancer, for example, is more likely to get along with Scorpio or Pisces than with Gemini or Capricorn, and Aries will get along better with Leo or Sagittarius than with other signs.

If you have met a person of your element, you can safely count on a wonderful future. You will never feel so comfortable with anyone else. After all, your partner has the same nature as you and understands you on a subconscious level. However, no matter how cloudless the union may seem, you will need to make some efforts to maintain passion in it. You need to make sure that you have enough independence in your relationship with your significant other.

Will a combination of third zodiac signs be successful?

The combination of the third zodiac signs from each other will be interesting. These are unions of Pisces with Gemini and Sagittarius, Capricorn with Aries and Libra, Leo with Taurus and Scorpio, etc. Astrologers are convinced that a certain sexual dynamic tension arises between these signs.
Such people often fight and at the same time cannot resist each other. But if they find the strength to cope with the friction and conflicts that periodically arise between them, then they can count on a strong relationship.

How will your relationship develop with a partner with the second zodiac sign from yours?

A combination of zodiac signs second to each other has every chance of becoming successful, for example, Leo with Gemini and Libra, Virgo with Cancer and Scorpio, Sagittarius with Libra and Aquarius. The relationship between them will be light and fresh, somewhat similar to friendship, only seasoned with sexual chemistry.
This will be a heavenly union. However, you will have to work hard so that the spark that once arose does not disappear, and you do not turn into the most ordinary friends.

And who will have a hard time?

It won't be easy for lovers whose signs are next door. According to all the laws of astrology, Sagittarius and Capricorn or Aquarius and Pisces will be forced to make simply titanic efforts to find mutual language. Neighboring signs quickly start relationships with each other, but also destroy them just as quickly. They have completely different characters, which becomes the cause of strong conflicts. However, their friction and disputes, according to astrologers, with a successful combination of circumstances could contribute to the creation of a harmonious union in which each partner would grow as an individual. After all, they essentially get a chance to learn a lot in this relationship, and at the same time force each other to leave the comfort zone, in which a person is usually kept only by the fear of the new and unknown.

Each specific combination of signs has many features. And their study is like solving a complex, but extremely interesting task. Having studied the zodiac sign of your loved one and your own, astrologers believe that you will better understand the deep processes occurring in your relationships, determine for yourself how to build them further so that they bring only joy into your life. And this puzzle, which you, perhaps, for a long time It was not possible to collect it into one single and complete picture.

Many people believe in astrology, and this applies to both men and women. Often astrological forecast for the day it becomes not just a guide, but sets a person’s mood and his attitude towards the world around him for the next 24 hours.
Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics, positive and negative sides, based on which people often look for a mate. This makes a certain sense, because Aries will easily turn a blind eye to the same shortcoming of Taurus, and Scorpio will not be able to live with him even a day.

Therefore, astrologers have compiled several pairs of zodiac signs, the most suitable friend friend to create a family and long-term strong relationships in which each of the partners will be happy.

Capricorn and Taurus

Almost all of us are familiar with the expression “chemistry between a man and a woman.” The best demonstration of this phenomenon will be the relationship between Taurus and Capricorn. No other pair of zodiac signs will have such chemistry as between them. Their common features- This:
hard work.
Complete mutual understanding in the intimate sphere, constant admiration for each other, sincere adoration on both sides make such a couple truly ideal. It is customary to talk about such unions as “soul mates.”

Aquarius and Libra

Representatives of these zodiac signs show interest in each other at the first meeting. They are able to talk with each other for hours, finding more and more new topics for exciting discussions. The feelings that arise between Libra and Aquarius are often incomprehensible to others, but this does not prevent lovers from enjoying each other and their love.
Representatives of both of these zodiac signs throughout their lives try to be independent and different from others, but when they enter into an alliance with each other, each can compromise, give in to their partner in order to maintain mutual understanding and harmony, which only makes their relationship stronger.

Pisces and Scorpio

One can say about the pair Pisces and Scorpio that they seem to be made for each other. They are drawn to each other intuitively, on some mental level. Only a person who has experienced something similar at least once can understand these feelings. Representatives of this couple may have different passions or interests, but similar views on family and common values ​​make their unions happy for a long time.
In the relationship between Scorpios and Pisces, there is no concept of excessive sentimentality or romanticism towards each other; they feel their partner very well and sometimes even think the same way.

Taurus and Cancer

Cancer and Taurus can form a very strong emotional and physical connection. Absolute acceptance of their partner – external and internal – helps them achieve a complete understanding of their partner. Thanks to such qualities, representatives of these zodiac signs easily reduce conflict to a simple conversation, and can maintain passion in a relationship for years. basis strong marriage Between Taurus and Cancer, as a rule, there is unconditional support for each other in any situation and sincere gratitude for the creation and development of this relationship.

Aries and Aquarius

Representatives of these signs can become not just a good couple, but an excellent team. Never-ending enthusiasm and thirst for adventure make their relationship bright and unique. In addition to the discoveries that can be made every day in bed, such a couple can travel around the world; they will not get bored with each other, even if they spend together 24 hours a day. Interestingly, the coherence of the team consisting of Aquarius and Aries extends not only to family relationships, but also for workers. They can be both excellent partners and build family business, without fear that work will ruin your personal life.

Gemini and Aquarius

If love can happen to anyone at first sight, it’s Aquarius and Gemini. In this case, the wedding, most likely, will not be postponed for a year or two, but will be held immediately a couple of weeks or months after they met. The inexhaustible creativity of both of them allows them to constantly share ideas that will never be rejected or, worse, ridiculed. Gemini will always understand the subtle message of Aquarius, perhaps complementing or developing his idea.
It is noteworthy that the participants in such unions are not attached to each other, they value their independence and the independence of their partner, and can have a good time in different companies without feeling abandoned or offended by their other half.

Cancer and Scorpio

Both of these zodiac signs have a passionate, addictive nature. People with such qualities often cannot get along, constantly competing with each other, but if they belong to signs such as Scorpio and Cancer, the likelihood of creating a harmonious union is quite high. The fact is that these two signs look at each other in exactly the same way. the world and many things from an emotional point of view. They have similar interests, life plans, and aspirations.
They are united by such qualities as softness, sensitivity, and often attractiveness. The depth of Cancer's soul seems charming to Scorpio, and creativity in Scorpio delights Cancer. For this couple, it will be completely comfortable to simply be silent next to each other; this only happens with the unity of souls and complete mutual understanding, which is subsequently reflected in all areas of their life together.

Leo and Sagittarius

These two fire sign connects passion. They enjoy life, know exactly what they want from it, and are able to irrevocably surrender to love for a person with a similar worldview. By creating an alliance, Sagittarius and Leo help each other not only achieve their goals, but also make any dreams come true. Complementing and supporting each other, these signs begin to look at the world more positively, and are inspired to move forward to new achievements only by being together.
The qualities common to Leo and Sagittarius are forgiveness and forbearance, and together with their brightness and cheerful disposition, such couples become great friends, with whom you will never get bored.

Virgo and Taurus

Zodiac signs such as Taurus and Virgo are united primarily by the fact that they belong to the same element - Earth. Such an alliance will certainly be good, regardless of whether the relationship develops into a romantic one or remains friendly. Representatives of these signs are equally simple in their desires, which, as a rule, coincide.
Despite the fact that the relationship of such a couple from the outside may look like a marriage of convenience, in fact it is composure, practicality, and the absence of the habit of worrying about little things. This union is based on sincere, deep feelings.
In a pair of Virgo and Taurus the role ideological inspirer Taurus should take over, then Virgo will be able to decide how to correctly achieve this or that goal. For both partners, this will be the best distribution of responsibility, from which everyone will receive pleasure and satisfaction.

Libra and Gemini

What the representatives of these signs have in common is a love for the development of intelligence and hard mental work. They are ready to develop their brain always and everywhere, constantly improving their skills and learning something new. It is about them that we can say that they consider mind games to be the sexiest, and not muscles, for example.
Gemini and Libra fall in love, as a rule, not with their appearance or figure, but with their partner’s charisma and sense of humor. The relationship in such a couple is based on complete mutual trust. It doesn't matter whether they are lovers or spouses, they will always remain each other's closest friends first and foremost.

Sagittarius and Aries

The inexhaustible source of energy of these two fire signs can only be compared to a warehouse of explosives. Energy, optimism, enthusiasm - these are the qualities common to Aries and Sagittarius, which feed their relationship every day, making it stronger.
The partners admire each other’s attitude towards challenges, reminiscent of a gamer’s desire to complete another exciting quest. Sagittarius and Aries draw spiritual strength from each other's support; they are confident that there is a reliable support in the form of a soul mate who, under no circumstances, will let you down and will not leave you alone with difficulties.

Pisces and Cancer

The emotional perception of everything that happens and daydreaming make representatives of these signs very romantic. The connection between such people can sometimes be called cosmic - it’s so easy for them to guess each other’s thoughts and desires. Both Cancers and Pisces are able to empathize, give in to each other and sincerely rejoice in the success of their partner.
These signs are very comfortable with each other in everyday life: they are not only similar to each other in many ways, but also easily adapt, accepting their partner as he is. In marriage, Pisces and Cancers will experience excellent compatibility, since both sincerely desire not only to receive pleasure, but also to give it to their partner, both strive to add aesthetics to intimacy, and both are tirelessly ready to indulge in erotic games.

All zodiac signs fall under the influence of one of four basic elements: Water, Air, Earth or Fire. These elements are the main factors that determine the compatibility of constellations with each other. However, there are other variables involved. There are times when two signs ruled by the same element may be incompatible.

To avoid confusion, below are the most powerful and passionate unions of the zodiac signs.

Aries - Libra

A distinctive feature of Aries is his strong leadership qualities, which he demonstrates both in his personal life and at work. Therefore, all other zodiac signs like Taurus, who also strive to dominate a partner in a relationship, are not recognized by Aries. Honesty is the most important thing he looks for in a soul mate. When we're talking about about the intimate part of the question, the flame of passion burns Aries from the inside. Therefore, Scorpio or Leo can be a good match for such people, but only Libra is ideal for them. Aries is attracted by the honesty and simplicity of Libra’s character, and the latter’s need for emotional dependence complements Aries' desire for control. When Aries and Libra start dating, they form a strong and passionate union together.

Taurus - Virgo

Taurus – family people. They get more pleasure from winning love than from the feeling itself. Being romantics, those born under this zodiac sign are well compatible with Virgos, who, like them, prefer a calm family life. Virgo's love for everything sensual matches the nature of Taurus, and this makes them a very strong couple. Taurus needs to stay away from Sagittarians, as they love adventure and will never make their other half happy.

Gemini - Sagittarius

Cheerful and joyful Geminis can make great friends. But when it comes to love, it turns out to be very difficult for all other zodiac signs to build relationships with him. Geminis are scared of commitment because it makes them feel tied down. They look for intelligence and wit in their other half, and therefore those born under the sign of Sagittarius are most suitable for them. Sagittarius is also very afraid of losing freedom and understands Gemini better than anyone. Sagittarius's sense of humor will captivate their partners, and when these two start dating, they feel the happiest and most secure. The worst match for Gemini can only be Capricorn.

Cancer - Taurus

Cancers are known for their empathy. They always crave long-term and serious relationships in which they can emotionally lose themselves in their partner. Serious and emotional Taurus is the best match for such sensitive personalities. Outspoken and sometimes arrogant zodiac signs like Leo can hurt Cancers instead of making them happy.

Leo - Aries

Despite his pride, Leo usually has no end to admirers and admirers. But his egocentrism prevents other zodiac signs from entering into long-term romantic relationships with him. Aries' passion makes them the best match for Leo. Those born under these signs express their feelings for each other so elegantly that they simply have no equal in this. But the strength of their love is fully consistent with the cruelty of their quarrels. However, they manage to overcome their differences and solve problems together. The only worst partner for Leo is Scorpio - their characters do not get along together, which leads to mutual bullying.

Virgo - Scorpio

Virgo is one of the most calm and methodical signs of the Zodiac. Being perfectionists, they are both reserved and attentive to their other half. Passionate Scorpios are ideal for them. Such a couple develops a very strong emotional connection. Virgo's endurance and discipline help restrain Scorpio's dynamism, and the latter's sexuality helps convince Virgo to stop hiding behind an impregnable wall. Sagittarius is the worst partner for Virgo because it suppresses her thirst for adventure.

Libra - Gemini

Libras are born diplomats who can resolve any conflict. Despite the acute feeling of loneliness, they prefer not to get involved with weak people intellectual development. Always curious, these individuals love to make new acquaintances and study their interlocutors. Geminis are simply made for them. Two signs are very good at expressing their thoughts, and this attracts them even more to each other. In addition, Libra helps Gemini stay grounded in their dreams. Most of all, Libra is incompatible with Virgo.

Scorpio - Pisces

Heartless and tough, Scorpios are very vindictive and emotional by nature. They do everything with passion, they are aggressive and love to dominate when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Together, Pisces and Scorpio are invincible, and their union seems to have been destined in heaven. Scorpio understands the emotional nature of Pisces like no one else, and submissive Pisces help Scorpio to fully realize themselves. Together, those born under these constellations create a very intuitive couple. Both Pisces and Scorpios need to avoid relationships with superficial Aries.

Sagittarius - Aquarius

If there is one thing that can irritate a Sagittarius, it is the lack of movement. Free Sagittarians are born to travel and literally need freedom. In relationships and in life, they crave new sensations every day. Who else can understand this need? better than Aquarius? Equally loving freedom, Aquarius will bring stability in relationships with their openness and love of adventure.
Sagittarius will never be happy when paired with Taurus, who loves cozy family gatherings.

Capricorn - Virgo

All Capricorns are ambitious and loyal. They know what they want from life and are focused on achieving their goals. Even in relationships with the opposite sex, they make every effort, and therefore try to abstain from them out of fear that they may be hurt. Understanding this, well-disciplined Virgos help Capricorns maintain order in everything. Both signs are very attentive and focused, and are capable of creating a great family. The worst match for Capricorn can only be carefree Gemini.

Aquarius - Libra

Aquarius is probably the last person who continues to protest when all the other protesters have already left. If the normal order of things has been disrupted, Aquarians will not accept it. They will demand justice and fight as long as there is inequality in the world. Libra's desire for balance literally attracts Aquarius, who receive in them a partner who understands the importance of the problem and is ready to help. The desire to achieve justice and balance, in relationships, both zodiac signs respect each other. A union between Cancer and Aquarius is unlikely, since any involvement of the latter in an expressed protest only causes Cancer to become angry.

Pisces - Capricorn

Pisces and Capricorn are like two opposite poles that are attracted to each other. Dreamy and creative Pisces are attracted to Capricorns, and they strong faith only inspires a partner of another zodiac sign to achieve what they want. Capricorns keep Pisces afloat as they sink deeper into the abyss dangerous ocean. At the same time, Pisces satisfies the creative needs of Capricorns. Pisces always try to avoid Virgos, who do not understand their dreamy nature.

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“We will overcome everything, if not, then I’m not an Aquarius,” Oxymoron declared in his most famous song “City Under the Sole.” No matter how ironically we treat horoscopes, they are present in our lives. And it can be very difficult to resist checking yourself with the forecast - especially when it comes to love. ELLE chose the most ideal unions Zodiac sign.

Capricorn and Taurus

Representatives of these signs have a lot in common. Capricorn and Taurus are distinguished by hard work, patience and devotion. They often have similar goals, and they both value consistency. What is important is that between Capricorn and Taurus there is an ideal “mutual understanding” in sex. Their union is so cloudless that it can look boring. In fact, their strength lies in the ability not to pull the blanket over themselves.

Aquarius and Libra

Aquarius and Libra are interested in each other; they can talk about something (and they have a lot of topics to talk about) for hours. As for close relationships, Aquarius and Libra are able to compromise, and this greatly strengthens the union. Nevertheless, there are also pitfalls. Libra's main fear is loneliness, so they need their partner to be nearby, preferably always (at least mentally). As for Aquarius, they, as a rule, put friendship first, and then passion. Aquarius's restraint in expressing feelings hurts Libra, who wants more warmth.

Pisces and Scorpio

Compatibility, close to ideal, is explained by the fact that both signs belong to the same, water, element. At the same time, Pisces and Scorpios may have completely different interests, but they are drawn to each other on some intuitive level, plus they look at issues of family and marriage in the same way. Pisces “extinguishes” the aggressiveness of Scorpios, making them softer and better, while Scorpios act as mentors to Pisces, leading them along. Not everything is good with romance in this couple, but there is complete mutual understanding - they are a real team.

Taurus and Cancer

This union is an example of how not only representatives of the same element are drawn to each other. Taurus is Earth, Cancer is Water, however, they cannot live without each other, just like in nature earth and water. The union of Taurus and Cancer can be described in one word - comfortable. These signs rarely sort things out, integrate well into reality, look at life soberly and do not like conflicts in principle. The only thing that can ruin their connection is the excessive focus of one person on a goal that lies outside their union.

Aries and Aquarius

Representatives of these signs have rather weak zodiacal energy; they are not unsettled. This, on the one hand, saves such couples from conflicts, on the other hand, deprives them of the necessary passions. Both Aries and Aquarius are not too prone to expressing feelings, so much remains unspoken, which can be fraught. But it is safer for them to live together in this world - calmer, more reliable, easier. In general, they don’t need anyone else, hence the reclusiveness, the reluctance to go somewhere or communicate with anyone.

Gemini and Aquarius

An easy union caused by the contrast of signs. Aquarius, stable in his views, is fascinated by the airy variability (not variability) of Gemini, while Aquarius is in no way in this union an object of control or an object of manipulation. The relationship between representatives of these two signs is a rare and successful case when, to a certain extent, opposites attract without traumatic consequences. It is between Gemini and Aquarius that love at first sight is possible, and even a quick - but successful - wedding. What’s interesting is that they can easily spend time in different companies, but this will not affect the strength of their feelings.

Cancer and Scorpio

Very passionate personalities, Cancer and Scorpio cannot always get along, but when this happens, the union is as strong as possible. The key to success is the same views on life and the world around them, in the case of Cancer and Scorpio this happens often. In addition, everyone has traits that literally fascinate their partner: Cancer is fascinated by Scorpio’s ability to create, while Scorpio is crazy about spiritual qualities Cancer. Let's add to this common features - selfishness and rancor, mental alertness and irony - and we get an almost perfect union.

Sagittarius and Leo

Unlike Cancer and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Leo are forgiving and capable of forgiveness. But they differ in their approach to relationships. A Sagittarius man will treat his Leo partner as an equal, and she should not expect her to be a queen for him, standing on a pedestal. In addition, Leo is a stable sign, while Sagittarius, on the contrary, is looking for something new. This does not apply to personal life; here - in case of mutual understanding - there is no need to be afraid of affairs on the side. In any case, both signs are fiery, so the Sagittarius-Leo pair has enough intensity, dynamics, forward movement and vivid impressions. This union is a union of those who want to live their lives not in gray tones, but fun and adventurous.

Virgo and Taurus

Such unions are usually cited as examples to follow. Both earth signs similar in temperament and life goals. They build relationships smoothly, reasonably, but not boringly. Sparks do not fly in their union, but walls do not collapse either: it is quiet, harmonious and at the same time deep feelings abound. Love of order in all senses, composure and understanding of one’s own strengths- this is the key to the success of such a couple. In such unions, Taurus often acts as the inspirer, and Virgo as the executor, and this is a normal state of affairs.

Libra and Gemini

The feelings of representatives of these signs for each other begin not with fascination with appearance, but with interest in intelligence and admiration for humor. Intelligence is generally important for relationships in this couple. Both Libra and Gemini strive to learn new things and develop themselves. At the same time, both are not very inclined to hard work, they don’t really want to make a career: life as such is more interesting for Libra and Gemini professional achievements. Carefree is what will make them happy: books, museums and a lot of free time for self-development. And God forbid you go to the office every day by nine in the morning; it’s better to have a leisurely breakfast together, discussing the novels you’ve just read.

Sagittarius and Aries

Fire signs, Sagittarius and Aries are prone to challenges, but preferably with mutual support. In general, they find spiritual strength precisely in their relationship with their partner; this gives them the opportunity to move forward. Bright, open, both are idealists, often wishful thinking and love to fantasize. Actually, these fantasies unite them no less than their tendency to argue.

Pisces and Cancer

Representatives of these signs are equally emotional and secretive, but this secretiveness does not apply to relationships with each other. This is one of the most successful unions; there is enough harmony, mutual understanding and, what is important, the ability to adapt to the partner. The last quality is caused by the awareness of each other’s vulnerability and the feeling of truly a second half - when one sees his continuation in the other.

Find out whether your relationship will work out or not to avoid a bad ending!

1. Aries and Taurus.

Aries are extremely strong-willed and Taurus are stubborn, so when a problem arises it can be very difficult to solve. Taurus constantly wants to know what stage of the relationship they are at, and this greatly irritates Aries. When breaking up, Aries just wants to leave and forget, while Taurus always demands an explanation.

2. Taurus and Sagittarius.

Taurus prefers to spend time in a calm home environment, while Sagittarius is constantly in need of some kind of adventure. Taurus simply cannot withstand the enormous energy of Sagittarius. And the latter usually do not take everything seriously and have a wealth of relationship experience behind them.

3. Gemini and Capricorn.

This union is a real disaster. Geminis love fun and constant conversation, while Capricorns are extremely hardworking and love to plan every detail of their life. Capricorns are not characterized by spontaneity, which is very annoying for Gemini.

4. Cancer and Aquarius.

Cancers are more homebodies, while Aquarians are freedom-loving. Cancers need to know and feel that they are loved, so they will be annoyed by Aquarius's tendency to directly point out mistakes and criticize.

5. Leo and Scorpio.

Scorpio will not give Leo the praise and compliments that he so badly needs. Leos consider themselves very beautiful, which does not suit Scorpios, who are usually jealous.

6. Virgo and Sagittarius.

None of them are inclined to serious relationship. Sagittarians are too carefree (according to Virgos) and do not think about how their actions can hurt the feelings of others. When they disappear for several weeks, this is not normal for Virgos.

7. Libra and Virgo.

Virgos tend to criticize Libras, which makes them doubt themselves. Virgos always have to be right, and this gets on their nerves.

8. Scorpio and Aries.

This is a very explosive and tense union, which is good if you are the heroes of a Shakespearean play, but not for real life. Both signs are strong, strong-willed, want to have absolute control and be on top.

9. Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Sagittarius will always reproach Capricorns for not giving them enough freedom to have fun. In addition, there is little sexual attraction between these signs.

10. Pisces and Virgo.

Pisces is the most dreamy and sensual sign of the Zodiac, while Virgo is very practical and down to earth. Yes, opposites attract, but in your case it's a conflict of interest. Pisces, don't completely get rid of the Virgos in your life because you could have great long-lasting friendships.

11. Aquarius and Taurus.

These signs cannot have normal communication. Taurus will be stubborn and stand his ground, which will only push Aquarius away. Aquarians are so bohemian and quirky, while Taurus are more materialistic and conservative.

12. Gemini and Cancer.

This union can work if both have a good sense of humor. Geminis love communication and relaxation, while Cancers love staying at home, but if you show a little more patience and forbearance, everything can work out. This is not the worst option, but it has its own nuances.
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