Gypsy fortune telling using playing cards technique. Gypsy fortune telling on cards


Among the universal fortune telling magic cards The Gypsy Tarot spread is especially popular. And this is not surprising, because it can be used to analyze the current situation of almost any life sphere, be it work, personal relationships, financial issues - and even make a prediction for the near future. Let's take a closer look at how to do it correctly.

In what situations is the Gypsy layout used?

Since there are several types of gypsy fortune-telling, it would be logical to consider what questions each of them is suitable for clarifying. The seven-card Gypsy spread is best used in a situation where a person does not have a clear question and just wants to know a little more about himself and the state of things in the near future.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards “Gypsy layout for 10 cards” allows you to “read” a more detailed layer of information regarding the past, present and future of a person, and the Big Gypsy fortune telling, performed on as many as 42 cards, is a universal way to find out in as much detail as possible what happened, is happening now and will happen in the near future in the life of the questioner.

Features of the Gypsy layout

In principle, there are no special rules regarding this type of fortune telling. The only limitation that exists is the time frame. So, for example, it is not recommended to do the Great Gypsy Tarot layout more often than once every six months, or even better - once a year. This is due to the fact that the cards provide a very detailed analysis of the situation, and it is not worth asking the magic deck again about the same events. You already receive answers to all questions in the most detailed way possible.

Otherwise, the rules are standard: think mentally about the question, lay out the cards correctly, analyze the appearance of the Major Arcana, since they usually characterize the most important aspects human lives that are worth paying close attention to.

A full deck is involved in fortune telling. The fortuneteller thinks about a question, or simply thinks about his life in this moment, if there is no specific question, shuffles the deck and pulls out seven random cards from it, laying them out in the shape of a triangle without a base, according to the picture. Interpretations are made according to the standard meanings of the cards.

  • The first position is called “Your Self”. It characterizes a person’s personality, his state of mind at the moment, involvement in a certain situation that is taking place right now
  • The second card answers the question “What adorns you?” It describes the qualities of the questioner that he demonstrates to other people
  • Card number 3 will tell you about what frightens a person, what frightens him, what he hides and does not show to others, what torments him, torments him, does not give him peace.
  • Position 4 is the answer to the question “What is driving you?” From it you can see the goal that the questioner is striving for, his deepest desires, plans, hopes
  • Card number 5 describes that aspect of life that will remain with a person, will not disappear anywhere, what he will be able to achieve in real life, what will it achieve
  • The sixth card reveals the answer to the question “What will happen to you?”, i.e. talks about the very near future
  • And finally, the final card, drawn at number 7, is the meaning of the situation, how all these events, experiences and circumstances will affect a person, how he will perceive everything that happens to him

In general, the seven-card Gypsy Tarot layout for the very near future allows you to analyze various aspects of the situation, even if the questioner himself does not see any problem.

This fortune telling migrated to tarot readers from gypsy traditions. Initially, it was made on a special gypsy deck, or on ordinary playing cards, but since the Tarot allows you to consider the situation in more detail, the layout made with the help of a magic deck takes on new aspects.

This gypsy Tarot spread for the past, present, future allows you to analyze important events events occurring in a person’s life. For fortune telling, you need to think about the question that interests you, shuffle the Tarot, and then lay them out as shown in the picture. A separate card is laid out first at the bottom of the layout, then three rows are formed above it.

  • Card 1 answers the question of what is going on in the heart of a person who has turned to the Tarot for help at the moment. By the way, it helps the tarot reader better understand his client if for some reason he does not want to talk about the details of the issue that concerns him
  • The top row (2, 3, 4) describes those events that happened in the past of the questioner
  • The middle row describes what is happening now, i.e. present and very near future
  • The cards in the bottom row show the distant future of a given person.
  • The central positions (3, 6, 9) will always be directly related to the person for whom fortune telling is being performed, as well as to those who are especially dear to him
  • The left cards (2, 5, 8) symbolize the relatives of the questioner
  • Right (4, 7, 10) indicate social circle - friends, acquaintances

The interpretation is made according to the standard meaning of the Arcana. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the appearance of court figures, since in this scenario, finding themselves in positions on the left or right, they will talk about specific people.

The history of this gypsy Tarot layout goes back to the distant past. They say that with its help, several centuries ago, gypsies predicted the future. The layout is very deep, and it is not recommended to do it in a hurry - you need to carefully analyze the positions of the dropped Arcana and their proximity to each other.

There is no need to ask a special question before making a prediction - you just need to mentally focus on the person in question. For fortune telling, we first divide the deck into the Major and Minor Arcana, then randomly select twenty from the Minor Arcana, mix them with the Major Arcana, and then lay out these 42 cards as follows: first, we lay out seven piles in one row from left to right, putting seven cards in each, after which we divide each stack into one row, i.e. from the first pile we get the top row, from the second - the one below it, and so on. As a result, we see six rows, each of which contains seven cards.

We read the cards in rows from right to left, starting from the far right and ending with the far left:

  • The first (top) row will tell you about what happened in the person’s past
  • The second one from the top will show his real
  • The third will describe what the questioner cannot cope with, what he cannot master. These may be some feelings, situations, events that do not depend on a person in any way, are not in his power
  • The fourth row of the Great Gypsy Tarot spread is the very near future, those events that will happen very soon. It will not be possible to change them, since they are already on the way.
  • The fifth (penultimate) row will describe what a person should try with all his might to avoid
  • And finally, the lowest chain is the distant future, the prospects for the development of the situation under current circumstances. These events can still be influenced in some way if the prospect does not suit the fortuneteller

Remember that you do not need to make a gypsy tarot spread for the near future, for example, for a week or a month. This fortune telling is designed for longer-term prospects, and only one of its rows will tell about the near future - the fourth from the top. That is why the alignment is not recommended to be repeated more often than once every six months or a year.

Gypsies – amazing people, which has been famous since ancient times for its abilities in fortune-telling, predictions and hypnosis. There are special fortune telling in gypsy fortune telling cards, but they are not so easy to find, so fortune telling on them is not so simple and accessible. However, any gypsy will tell her fate even after a quick gypsy fortune-telling on simple playing cards.

Gypsy fortune telling with 10 cards

Many are sure that only fortune telling gypsy maps"Gypsy" can give concrete results. However, to learn all the most important things, it is not at all necessary to purchase any special tools. You can perform gypsy fortune-telling using 36 cards, which can be bought anywhere. If you have such a deck and have never played it, it is quite suitable for predictions. If the deck was previously used for the game, you cannot guess: the cards will tell a lie.

So, take a new deck, shuffle it, remove it with your left hand to the heart and lay out three rows of three cards, and place the last one, the tenth, in the center below. The top row is your past, the middle row is the present and near future, the bottom row is the future. The last card indicates what is in your heart and foretells the most important events for you.

As a rule, fortune telling on cards such as the gypsy layout provides very deep knowledge and a good understanding of the current situation.

General gypsy layout

Shuffle the deck, move it towards your heart with your left hand, and lay out 7 cards in order: the first in the center, and the rest below in two columns of 3 cards each. You need to understand them like this:

  1. 1 – how things are;
  2. 2 – how a person tries to show this situation to others;
  3. 3 – what is hidden;
  4. 4 – what he strives for, what he desires;
  5. 5 – what will come of it;
  6. 6 – what will it give in the future;
  7. 7 – how it will affect life.

Both fortune telling must be interpreted based on classic way definitions of cards by meaning. In addition, if the meaning of any card from this layout is not too clear, then you should take one card out of the deck at random and place it next to the unknown card. This way you can clarify the meaning. There is no need to add an add-on to every card - use it only where it is really necessary.

Gypsy fortune telling: the meaning of the cards

As a rule, all crosses have a meaning that speaks of affairs, work, finances, all diamonds mean something related to your personality, hearts - matters of the heart and spades - various anxieties and problems. In addition, each card has a separate meaning:


  • 6 – business trip;
  • 7 – business meeting;
  • 8 – talk about business;
  • 9 – strong heart;
  • 10 – profit, money;
  • Jack - troubles, problems;
  • Lady - mother, relative, partner;
  • King - boss or colleague;
  • Ace is the deal.


  • 6 – road,
  • 7 – love meeting;
  • 8 – heart-to-heart conversations;
  • 9 – love;
  • 10 – hopes, plans and dreams;
  • Jack – problems and questions;
  • Lady - woman, wife;
  • King - married man;
  • Ace is a home.

Gypsy fortune telling with 10 cards is a very famous and simple way of fortune telling. It came from ancient times and with its help you can learn about the past, present and future. For fortune telling, a regular deck consisting of 36 cards is used.

Rules of the gypsy layout for 10 cards

Gypsy fortune telling “10 cards” is considered very reliable. But to do this you need to use a deck that has not previously been used for the game. Some professional fortune tellers claim that it is better to use a special deck of black and red gypsy cards, colored in traditional colors nomadic people. It is believed that such a deck carries special energy, which means it provides reliable information during fortune telling.

The basic rule of successful fortune telling is a person’s sincere desire to receive a correct prediction. Fortune telling should be done in a secluded place. It is very important to shuffle the cards well, this will allow you to establish an energetic connection with them. You should remove cards with your left hand towards you.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards for free begins with one card being randomly drawn from the deck. It is called a fortune card and indicates what is in a person's heart. This card is placed at the bottom of the layout. Next, three rows of three cards are laid out above it. At the same time, the top row tells about the person’s past, middle row symbolizes the present, and the bottom row predicts the future. It is important to interpret each card in the layout separately, and then pay attention to the combination of cards as a whole.

The peaks in this layout indicate existing problems and obstacles on the path to happiness. In addition, the cards focus attention on a person’s internal anxieties that interfere with him.

The basic values ​​of cards in the suit of spades are as follows:

  • An ace portends serious trouble. Sometimes the card is a harbinger of a serious blow or death to a person in the immediate environment. In combination with the Queen of Spades, the Ace predicts separation, litigation, and imprisonment. With the nine of hearts, the card foretells making a profit, and with the six of hearts, it predicts the onset of a happy time.
  • The king symbolizes the official person. With the nine of spades, this card is a harbinger of a serious illness, and with the seven of clubs, it predicts an unsuccessful meeting. When the king and queen of hearts appear, you should expect the end of the black streak.
  • The lady symbolizes an insidious and cunning woman. With the nine of hearts, the card predicts the occurrence of obstacles in love; with the seven of spades, the lady warns of a threat.
  • Jack foreshadows the receipt of unpleasant news. With the jack of clubs, this card predicts useless troubles.
  • Ten is a harbinger of a difficult life period, which will be filled with hard work.
  • Nine predicts a period filled with troubles and illnesses.
  • The number eight symbolizes scandals, disappointments and resentments.
  • Seven warns that you will encounter deception or theft.
  • Six emphasizes that life will be filled with disappointments.

The club cards in the layout tell about business sphere the person on whom fortune telling is being performed.

They mean the following:

  • The ace symbolizes the state house and warns of serious matters that will require immediate resolution. Next to the king of clubs, the card gives hope that you will receive timely help. With the Ace of Hearts, the card draws attention to the fact that help will be provided official. With the nine of diamonds, the ace predicts a big profit.
  • The king symbolizes a middle-aged man. With the nine of clubs, the card predicts great joy, and with the seven of hearts, it foretells prosperity and good luck.
  • The lady symbolizes a middle-aged woman. With the Ace of Spades, the card predicts the occurrence of interference in work that will interfere with career advancement.
  • The jack symbolizes the arrival of news, and its nature can be judged by the neighboring cards.
  • Ten symbolizes entrepreneurship and business interest.
  • Nine predicts the onset of a successful period in work.
  • Eight is a harbinger of tears and sadness.
  • Seven foretells a meeting in a government house.
  • The number six symbolizes a person's hopes and dreams, sometimes indicating a romantic journey.

Cards of the diamond suit describe the state of a person’s soul.

Their basic values ​​are as follows:

  • Ace symbolizes cash or important papers, but can be a harbinger of exciting news.
  • The king symbolizes a young free man.
  • The lady symbolizes the young unmarried girl, sometimes focuses on the fact that a rival has appeared in life.
  • Jack foreshadows disappointed hopes and emotional distress.
  • Ten focuses on monetary interest; in addition, the card can be predictive. that all plans will come true if other cards in the layout are positive.
  • Nine portends receiving a large amount of money.
  • Eight indicates that a pleasant conversation or meeting will take place in the near future.
  • Seven predicts successful money transactions and the conclusion of lucrative contracts.
  • Six is ​​a harbinger of a short journey.

Cards of the heart suit tell about the spiritual sphere of a person.

They describe relationships between people and can be interpreted as follows:

  • The ace is a symbol of home and a harbinger of a happy and prosperous life.
  • The king symbolizes a married young man.
  • The lady symbolizes a married young woman.
  • Jack foretells pleasant and joyful chores.
  • Ten speaks of a certain interest or surprise, in addition, it indicates that a secret desire will come true.
  • Nine symbolizes mutual feelings.
  • Eight foretells that a cordial, very sincere conversation with a loved one will soon take place.
  • Seven indicates a romantic date.
  • Six symbolizes a short-term love interest.

Many are interested in magical rituals and believe in their omens. Known different ways clarifying the vicissitudes of fate prepared for us by life. Starting from fortune telling with a chamomile to complex manipulations with a deck of cards. People want to know what awaits them in the upcoming future.

There are a wide variety of types of fortune telling. We will talk about cards and gypsy fortune telling. Almost everyone knows the meaning of a particular suit or one or another of its numbers.

All that remains is to study the combinations of cards dropped from the deck, and you can chart human destiny for the near future or see the recent past. And if these predictions are also confirmed, then you really begin to think about fairy magic kart.

By using a deck of 36 cards and knowing what each card means, randomly drawn suits can be explained in detail. You take the deck with your hand, thus connecting your energy to it. Before playing solitaire, the cards are usually shuffled. This is also done in order to further attract their magic to your person. Last time part of the deck is lifted with the left hand. Left hand means that your desire comes from the heart. That's it, the cards are ready to answer your questions.

They also often resort to using a new, unopened deck. If a person found out new way fortune telling and decided to resort to it, then it’s better to do it that way. If you intend to use this deck only for yourself, you won’t have to change it. But if at least once you told your friend’s fortune with it, know that further events in your life may be confused. It’s better not to give your deck to anyone and not to tell fortunes on it to strangers. Likewise, it is not allowed to use for .

You'll probably need to stock up on at least three decks:

  1. for fortune telling;
  2. game cards;
  3. cards used in fortune telling at the request of friends.

And you can advise your friends to buy their own personal deck and come to tell fortunes with it.

But with professional fortune tellers you can see that their cards are very old, even tattered. Is it possible for gypsies to have such a deck? Yes. They can. In addition to the fact that the fortune teller knows the secrets of the dropped combinations, she knows how to remove someone else’s energy from the deck after each procedure. But we cannot do this yet. The process of clearing the deck of a lot of alien energy is very difficult. Just so as not to take up your time and attention, we give you advice to buy a new deck. Moreover, for the first time after such an acquisition, you need to be in contact with the deck as often as possible - carry it in your pocket, periodically pick it up, leave it under your pillow at night.

After you have learned the necessary basics before starting fortune telling, let’s move on to the actual process. And in this article we will consider a variant of the layout of signs that is quite accessible to a novice fortuneteller, which is called gypsy fortune-telling.

Gypsy card fortune telling layouts

The Gypsy layout of the deck, consisting of 36 signs, can give answers to various topics.

For example:

  • Choosing 3 signs from the entire pack- you find out how your partner treats you (first card), what to expect from this relationship (second card) and whether there is a threat to your love (third card). This method of gypsy fortune telling is called “Feelings of a loved one.”
  • Taking out 5 cards- you can ask questions about the present and distant future. The state of things today (first card), what will be faced tomorrow (second card), revelation of the essence of the brewing matter (third card), how the near future depends on it (fourth card), how, in the end, the plan will turn out (fifth card) . The fortune telling is called “Golden Horseshoe”.
  • 9 signs from the deck- this is the famous " Magic square" In this solitaire game, the layout is used for withdrawal full characteristics character of interest. Can you clarify? important points his life, character traits, and also get to know him true attitude and intentions.

All these, and many other options for fortune telling, can be found on thematic online sites. And here we will look at one of the methods, in which 10 fateful cards will be present. The gypsy layout of ten cards will tell about the past, present and future, and about the future, both near and very distant.

Fortune telling "10 cards" on gypsy cards

Such fortune-telling will help provide answers to many life questions:

  • health;
  • finance;
  • career;
  • personal emotions and experiences;
  • friendship;
  • and, of course, love.

Well-known meaning of cards and suits

Before we conduct gypsy fortune telling on cards, let's remember what the individual card signs mean:

  • Ace - house (father's, someone else's or government).
  • The king is a man (betrothed, father, boss).
  • A lady is a woman (or you, you need to guess a suit, or a homewrecker - always spades).
  • Jack - troubles.
  • Ten - interest, desire.
  • Nine is love.
  • Eight - conversations (empty or flattering).
  • Seven - a date, a meeting (and not always a pleasant one, depending on the suit).
  • Six is ​​the way, the road.

Suit value:

Clubs (crosses) - fire (power).

Worms are air (feelings).

Peaks - the element of water (intuition).

Diamonds - earth (material wealth).

Now let’s look at the meaning of the gypsy suits in the upcoming “10 cards” fortune telling. You need to remember the suits listed separately and when they appear, be able to correlate them with general values card signs. And this also comes only with experience and practice. But let's try anyway.

The meaning of suits in the gypsy “10 cards” layout

Hearts suit meaning:

  • Ace means unconditional love.
  • King - everything planned will work out.
  • Lady - learn to hide your feelings from strangers.
  • Jack - they remember you and want to see you.
  • Ten - you'll have to guess again.
  • Nine - you are dearly loved.
  • Eight - the appearance of a new face that will decide your fate.
  • Seven - playing with fire!
  • Six - give up your intentions, they threaten you with trouble.
  • Ace - the plan is not destined to come true.
  • King - beware, there is a deceiver nearby.
  • Lady - expect offense or insult from the lady.
  • Jack - you are jealous, but this is groundless.
  • Ten - only labor and work will help relieve sadness.
  • Nine - all the bad things will go away soon.
  • Eight - expect good news.
  • Seven - everything certainly happens for the better.
  • Six - your happiness is unsteady.

Spades suit value:

  • Ace - believe, they are telling you the truth.
  • King - to receive good news.
  • Lady - your wish will come true.
  • Jack - don’t expect much, your efforts are in vain.
  • Ten - a period of great happiness begins.
  • Nine - keep your secret.
  • Eight - beware, danger will come.
  • Seven - trouble will come from the past.
  • Six - think carefully so as not to grieve later.

Let's start fortune telling.

For this:

  • we shuffle the deck and think about the question of interest;
  • lift the stack with your left hand;
  • choose any 10 cards.

Cards chosen at random mean:

  • Card 1 - what's on your heart at the moment.
  • Cards 2, 3, 4 - and what happened in the past.
  • 5, 6, 7 - will show the present and near future.
  • 8, 9, 10 - they will talk about the distant future.

In fortune telling it is important to see 2 sides:

  1. The immediate meaning of a random picture in the general layout.
  2. The connection between the dropped suit and the event that the fortuneteller himself is thinking about.

When deciphering the prediction, you must remember that it is you who give the power to the events taking place. Connect intuition, wisdom, available information, and finally, the magic that is inside you. You need to open the door leading to the subconscious. If this is present in a person, then he will certainly succeed.

The influence of magic numbers

What else you need to know is the influence of convergent magic numbers. In another way, if the selected ten pictures contain all four suits of identical images or numbers, then when doing fortune telling, start primarily from their meaning, and tie all other signs to them.

Rule for layout of signs

The layout is the last thing to consider when doing gypsy fortune telling. The deck can be laid out in any way you like, but it is better to do it with a “wedge” layout. It looks like a tick on the table, with the sharp end up. For the wedge you will need the first seven pictures.

  • We put the first one on top - this is inner world what's on the heart now.
  • The second one is lower left. It means your feelings.
  • The third one is lower on the right. This is a danger.
  • Fourth - continue left lane. The picture will show science, teaching.

Don't forget, cards 2, 3, and 4 mean something that comes from the past.

  • Place the fifth card again to the right - this is the future.
  • The sixth and seventh - left and right. They, together with the fifth, show the position now or literally tomorrow.
  • Place the remaining three cards directly in front of you. They, as we have already said, are your future. Consider them last. After all, the future consists of correct actions in the past and present. Don't make mistakes in your actions.

Start interpreting. You will succeed. At first, the designations can be written down on paper. This will make it easier to understand. In the future, you will remember everything and will be able to choose words without hesitation and read both your own destiny and that of others.

Fortune telling example

We tell fortunes to the girl. If the question concerns yourself, do not forget to guess your suit (for example, the queen of hearts). We always play solitaire with the wedge pointing upward. 10 signs have fallen, of which more are red, which means good luck is with you.

Select the accompanying symbols:

  1. Jack of spades - today there is trouble, intuition, desire to see, you can’t expect much.
  2. Queen of clubs - yesterday, woman, power, worthy reward, your attitude to all this.
  3. Eight of Hearts - past conversations, feelings, old fateful meeting, danger.
  4. Six of Diamonds - road, material wealth, precarious position, studies, everything is in the past.
  5. King of Hearts - man, feelings, everything will work out at the moment or will happen soon.
  6. Seven of Clubs - one of these days there will be a meeting, power, recognition by the enemy.
  7. Ten of diamonds - material interest, work will help you forget about everything.
  8. Nine and again diamonds - love, material wealth, everything bad will go away.
  9. Seven of hearts - a love date (not soon, but it will happen), danger, playing with fire.
  10. Queen of hearts - who is it? Big feelings, but it’s better to hide them from others.

Now, based on the selected symbols, let's analyze the situation. You don’t need to tell anyone else’s fate, much less your own. But I think this girl will be fine. And what do you think?

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Fortune telling with gypsy cards

For a long time, girls have been looking for ways to predict their fate, and here cards came to the rescue in the form of numerous layouts and interpretations, as well as in unique decks, if we talk about mysterious gypsy cards.

What is attractive about fortune telling with gypsy cards?

People have always sought to know more about their destiny. Therefore, it is not surprising that fortune telling has gained such enormous popularity among humanity. People trust horoscopes, numerology and gypsy fortune telling.

Although modern society very educated, many people continue to believe in miracles. They hope that some unknown forces control our destiny. And the various forecasts that people receive as a result of magical rituals and fortune telling are very often confirmed by events in everyday life. Sometimes these forecasts can help in solving very difficult situations.

The most common fortune telling is fortune telling with gypsy cards. Gypsies have left their unforgettable mark on different cultures. The cities where they were were filled with noise and fun. In any camp there were gypsies who knew how to tell fortunes. People were attracted by this mystery, and they gladly approached the gypsy and found out their fate. The meaning of ritual gypsy fortune telling passed down from generation to generation through the female line. And the predictions really came true, and this fact still remains inexplicable.

Features of the deck of gypsy cards

Nowadays, anyone can tell fortunes on cards themselves. The meaning of these cards is no longer a secret. To the uninitiated person, it seems that fortune telling is performed using a simple deck of 36 cards. This is usually true. However, such a deck should always be purchased only for fortune telling and should not be played on. Often used are souvenir decks that have only 2 colors: red and black. These are the colors of the gypsies, such cards carry their own mystical energy.

Cards are divided into four suits. Any of these suits can tell about their area of ​​life. Crosses talk about the practical side of life. The suit of hearts tells about love affairs. The suit of diamonds speaks for close people who are not related to the person by blood. The suit of spades carries information about what events can await you in the social sphere.

Since with any question you turn to all the cards, the question must be well thought out and the fortuneteller must concentrate on it, while the deck must be in her hands. For fortune telling, a person should not thank the fortune teller with words. He must give money for fortune telling without regret. And if you cannot find a deck of cards for fortune telling, then we suggest paying attention to free fortune telling with gypsy cards in online mode.

How to tell fortunes with gypsy cards?

Fortune telling with cards always begins according to a similar principle. Every gypsy knows this ritual, but a beginner a common person who wants to tell fortunes must know the entire procedure from the very beginning. At the beginning of fortune telling, the deck is divided into two piles with different quantities cards, randomly removing top part after it has been shuffled well. After this, you can begin to talk about events that have happened or will happen in a person’s life. All gypsy fortune telling start with this procedure. Usually cards tell about the recent past and the near future. You can also learn about long-term prospects.

In every fortune telling with gypsy cards There is a hint with which you can calm your heart. For each fortune-telling, the gypsy must receive a reward, this is the condition of fortune-telling. Even when a person tells fortunes for himself, he needs to pay for the prediction. It could be some kind of alms. When the gypsy focuses on a question, she draws three cards. She places 1 card on the right in the amount of 3 pieces. Then three cards are placed on the left and one is put aside.

On the right, the cards represent what is happening today. The left cards talk about future events. 1 card will be the result of the prediction. There are no time limits for fortune telling. It can be carried out every day in order to predict events. There are many ways to do it yourself. Of these, one method was very well hidden from strangers. Fortune tellers protected it in order to independently use it for their own purposes. This fortune telling is not quite ordinary. One card is drawn from the deck, and it will be responsible for the wish for a specific day.

How to solve the layout on gypsy cards?

Usually fortune tellers do not set a certain price for the person being told fortunes; he himself gives the fortune teller as much money as he sees fit. Usually prophecies always come true. They can last for the rest of your life. The most original method fortune telling with gypsy cards with the help of one card is built on the fact that only the suit matters. Cards spades suit indicates that the person will be disappointed. A person's wish will not come true. The suit of clubs suggests that a person has little hope that things will turn out the way he wants; the suit of diamonds always carries good prospects for the future. The suit of hearts represents good luck and says that everything will come true.

The modern world is very pragmatic, and many believe that magical rituals These are fairy tales or magic tricks. However, various fortune tellers and magicians continue to be popular. Of course, there are also charlatans who try to make money from this. However, this does not mean that magicians and truthful fortune telling does not exist.

Nowadays, everyone can try to tell fortunes for themselves. These can be various fortune telling playing decks or on special cards such as Tarot or Lenormand cards. It can also be all layouts. You should always remember that when touching the world of magic, you should exercise some caution. There is no need to overuse fortune telling.

Now you don’t even have to buy cards for fortune telling; it is possible to carry out free fortune telling on gypsy cards.

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