If the clock stops and then goes. Why does the wall clock stop?

One of the popular and sought-after signs is when the clock stopped. Almost all people know that this is not good sign. But popular beliefs are not so categorical. Along with a harbinger of trouble, a stopped watch predicts health problems or success in the search for new opportunities.

A watch as a wrist item is quite strongly connected with the biofield of the owner. Therefore, the sign when a wristwatch has stopped has great importance only for their owner - it symbolizes an error in the aura. The reasons are an unkind word, the evil eye, envy or damage. The breakdown can also be preceded by the owner’s negativity – uncontrolled irritability, prolonged depression, negative thoughts or an apathetic state.

Common interpretations of stopping wristwatch:

  1. Warning the owner of serious illness or death.
  2. Symbolizes creative or work downtime.
  3. Predicts the acquisition of new opportunities.
  4. The appearance of a secret enemy. Esotericists rightly believe that watches are capable of absorbing bioenergy directed at its wearer.
  5. The clock stopped, and then started moving again - you can breathe freely, the danger has safely passed.

Wall clock stopped working

If the clock on the wall stops, this is a sure sign that something is wrong in the house. Unfortunately, here the sign has a tragic meaning - it foreshadows illness or death, for the home - a climate disaster, a fire or a wiring fault.

According to legend, if the clock suddenly stopped, it means that there was a guest at home who had bad intentions towards the owners. Look through all the rooms carefully to look for unfamiliar things or, for example, needles in door jambs. If you find foreign objects, you should not touch them with your hands; here you will need the help of a priest.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

A certain day of the week when stopping the mechanism is of no small importance.


This day promises obviously failed plans. Postpone your planned tasks until better times come. The same sign means serious illness, financial waste and empty chores.


The day predicts the appearance best friend. Be attentive to changes, they are unfavorable and beware of making wrong decisions and quarrels based on jealousy.

For the home, the day portends danger in the form of a fire or natural disaster.


On this day, a quarrel with your loved one is not excluded, so be careful in your statements. IN business sphere postpone planned events, there is a risk of losing money.


The day portends danger on the road, dirty rumors and gossip. Favorable moments - pleasant acquaintances with people useful for business are possible. Be prepared for minor troubles in the future and try to trust strangers less.


The day promises the emergence of many urgent problems. Don’t forget to pay attention to your health; exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

For unmarried women, the day foreshadows a break in relationships due to the meanness of their friends.


No day off in sight good news. Pay attention to your health and review your planned activities. The sign predicts a serious illness for one of the relatives.


The day predicts a health problem and long downtime in the financial sector. Don't waste time, carefully plan your expenses and earnings.

For newlyweds, the sign portends an imminent separation. The clock stopped at night - to the illness of children or parents.

The clock stopped from 4 to 5

A sign when the clock stops between 4 and 5 o'clock predicts trouble. It is believed that this period of time is especially unfavorable and promises an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

For unmarried woman– arrows between 4 and 5 mean the death of her loved one.

Consider the breakdown of the mechanism as a sign from above and before accepting global solutions, go to a watchmaker. The technician will determine the reason for the mechanism stopping. If your watch breaks “just like that,” it’s time to take measures to protect your home and yourself from negative energy.

To neutralize bad predictions:

  • First of all, check your premonition - take your watch for repair. If the breakdown is repaired, the danger is considered to have passed safely.
  • Remove the wall clock and cleanse the aura of your home - invite the priest and perform the ceremony of consecrating the rooms with water.
  • To ward off trouble, fill a container with water (it is advisable to take holy water). Place the device in the basin for a day. The liquid will “cleanse” the energy of the thing and “break” its connection with the home biofield. Of course, the accessory can no longer be repaired, but the energy impact of the clock will not affect those living in the house.
  • If a watch dear to your heart has stopped, wrap it in thick purple fabric and put it in the attic.

When performing a cleansing ritual with water, you should not touch the item with your bare hands. It is believed that through contact with the skin its energy potential is transmitted. Therefore, carry out the water cleaning ritual with gloves.

The cleaned item must be thrown far outside the house, and the water must be poured near a dried tree. According to ancient beliefs, this is how the negative aura of a broken accessory is removed.

We must not forget that every thing must have its own owner. To avoid other people's energy, do not let anyone touch or wear your watch. Remember, personal items have the ability to interact and transmit energy. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a good aura and protect yourself from the influence of other people’s negative emotions.

And it doesn’t matter that we now live in an era of technological progress, most people still continue to turn to omens and believe in them unspeakably. It is worth noting that some of the signs go deep into the past; now they are no longer so relevant. But the other part is still in demand and very useful. There are those signs that will always worry people and remain relevant. For example, when the clock stops. Almost every person knows that this is not a very good sign.

It is believed that if the clock has stopped, then expect grief, death or serious illness loved one. The clock measures the time of our lives, and it inexorably passes. When this “unit” fails (stops), expect bad events. This is why many people panic when this happens. Let's understand everything in order.

When to start sounding the alarm

We must not forget that now the sign “with a clock” has somewhat lost its power. Previously, she was more powerful, stronger, more significant. Modern watches much worse, no more reliable, than these things were before. If the quality of the product leaves much to be desired, the watch may break (stop) within an hour after purchase.

It's not a matter of signs, but rather a matter of the manufacturer. For example, cheap Chinese watches break quickly. This means absolutely nothing in terms of signs. Only that the watch was bad to begin with. It could be a weak mechanism, low-quality parts, and so on.

Previously, people wore a good watch on their wrist or hung it on the wall at home; the battery was changed (if it was there at all) every few years! Now this is hardly possible. And if we talk about mechanical watches, then there was no need for a battery. Start them every day and use them. It is also important to remember that the sign about “stopping the clock” does not apply to electronic “devices”! The battery just runs out, there’s nothing scary or fatal about that. Buy a new one and continue using it.

Also, if you have a mechanical clock hanging (or standing somewhere) at home, but it has failed due to natural factors (for example, your neighbors have flooded it), then the sign also does not work. The sign only works when your wrist or wall mechanical clock suddenly stops for no apparent reason.

Usually in this case people take the product for repair. But what should you think if the technician didn’t find a fault and the watch still doesn’t work? That's when you need to worry - turn to folk beliefs. This doesn't happen often, of course. But if this happened to you, then you need to take measures - to ward off trouble by performing a certain ritual.

How to help yourself, what to do if the clock has stopped

If such a story happened to you, then you should not immediately panic. This “problem” can be solved, it’s just important to know what and how to do so that trouble doesn’t happen. Negative thinking does not have a very good effect on human health, and bad thoughts quickly materialize.

Therefore, do not give free rein to your emotions right away. So, you need to fill the container with water. If it is a wristwatch, then a deep plate will do. If the clock is on the wall, prepare a pan of water and a basin so that it will fit there. Next, you should put the watch in water and keep it there for a day. It is necessary to “break”, let’s say, this bad circle, so that the clock can be “cleansed”.

You won’t have to use the accessory anymore, it’s important to understand this. But it is absolutely necessary to break such a connection so that nothing happens in your home and specifically to you!

After the watch has been in the water for a day, you need to take it out. This should be done with gloves. Do not touch the watch with bare hands! It is important! Otherwise, the energy will transfer to you again. The watch will need to be thrown away from the house. Pour the water near the nearest bush or tree. Never in the sink, bathtub or toilet! That's all you need to do to completely “get rid of yourself” Negative influence stopped clock.

For what reasons can a wristwatch “stand up”?

Psychologists and psychics unanimously say that the watch takes over (and exchanges) energy with its owner. If your wristwatch suddenly stops, it means something not very good has happened to your biomagnetic field. The cause may be the evil eye, damage, unexpected depression, apathetic state, negative thinking, and the like. Always watch what you think. Thought is material; it can greatly influence your life, in general, and your health, in particular.

What to think if the clock on the wall stops, what to do

The clock that you bring into your apartment, hang on the wall, takes on the energy of the house, releases its own energy and an exchange occurs. If the clock suddenly “stops” for no apparent reason, it means that “something is wrong” in your house. The apartment will need to be cleaned and sprinkled with holy water. You can invite the priest to consecrate it. As for the watches, they need to be “treated” in the way we wrote about above (hold them in water).

Watch who comes to your house, what they say and how they behave. It would be very suspicious to find, for example, a needle stuck in a door frame. Take action right away! People who come to visit do not always have good intentions and good thoughts. This applies not only to friends and comrades, but also to loved ones and relatives. Do not invite people into your home with whom you do not have a very good, tense relationship.

For what reasons does the clock stop when a person dies?

There are very frequent and well-known situations when the clock in an apartment or house stops immediately after the death of the owner or just a tenant. Many psychics and people involved in parapsychology believe that this may be associated with the human biomagnetic field.

When a person “passes into another world,” his biofield closes, his life also ends. And the clock, which has absorbed the energy of this person, also stops. The reasons are clear. The end of one life and the second. But this doesn't happen very often. It takes a person enough long time wore this same watch on his hand, became close to it, perhaps. Then what we wrote about above will happen. If the watch is new, just purchased, then it “will not react,” most likely to death.

Watches are surrounded by many signs and superstitions, which usually have a negative meaning. It is no coincidence that many people are afraid to give and accept them as gifts; they make sure that they do not break or stop. It is believed that this device is energetically linked to the time of a person's life, and if life is destined to end soon, the released energy can affect the clock mechanism.


Such watches are not only a stylish accessory that reflects the individuality of the owner. By putting this mechanism on the hand, a person becomes one with it. Frozen clock hands do not allow the owner to move further and may portend trouble for him:

  • the onset of a dark streak in life;
  • serious illness;
  • death.

Until the cause of the breakdown is clarified, under no circumstances should you wear a watch that shows dead time.

Wall or tabletop

Stopping a clock hanging on the wall, like a table clock, often only indicates that the battery has run out or the old clock mechanism has broken down. However, the absence of reasons for the breakdown may portend danger or a sad event, indicate a bad atmosphere in the family or that people envy this house or want to cause harm. In this case, you should be extremely careful, follow safety precautions, and do not communicate with unpleasant people and do not invite them to visit.

If a person lives alone, he needs to pay attention to the following areas of life:

  • Personal life. Reflecting inner world person, a stopped clock often indicates stagnation in love relationships. Take a break from work, pay more attention to your partner, or open up to new acquaintances.
  • Career growth. You may be missing out on your chance to advance in your career. Act more confidently, take initiative.
  • You should not give up on your intended goal. Go forward and don't stop - the mechanism often freezes when a person gives up and stops fighting.

Suddenly they went

If a wristwatch stopped, and after a short time continued its movement, its owner was in serious danger, which was successfully avoided.

If a dead clock that had stopped long ago suddenly came to life and started running again, this is very Bad sign, signifying the imminent death of the owner or one of the household members. An exception is that if the device is made or belongs to the deceased, the deceased can convey the message to his relatives.

What to do if you stop

The following recommendations will help you avoid problems if the clock stops ticking:

  • If you can’t start the device yourself (by replacing the battery or winding the winding mechanism), you need to take it to a repair shop - bringing the watch back to life helps to “correct” the situation and avoid a terrible fate.
  • If the watch cannot be restored, you can perform a special ritual - to clean it, place the stopped device in a container of water (preferably holy) for a day. Then pour the water into a deserted place with the words “Where there is water, there is trouble,” and throw away the watch without touching it with your bare hands.
  • It is advisable to visit the church and light a candle for the health of yourself and your family members. It is also good to sprinkle the house with holy water.

Why do they stop?

There are several explanations for the freezing mechanism:

  • As a result of the influence of foreign energy (damage), most of which the clock mechanism takes upon itself.
  • Problems with the biofield - a person whose wristwatch constantly stops may have serious health problems, depression, and loss of strength.

  • The clock stops simultaneously with the death of the owner - this happens due to the close connection between the person and the device, if they have been inseparable for many years.
  • After the death of the owner or manufacturer, sometimes the clock in the house stops on the fortieth day, when the soul of the deceased finally leaves the earthly world. It also happens that the mechanism begins to work on the anniversary of the death of the deceased.
  • During a visit to a cemetery, this indicates strong feelings of the owner of the watch, which can cause illness.

By time

There are signs by which you can predict the future, depending on the time the mechanism stops:

  • From 12 to 1 - the desire that occupies your thoughts will definitely come true.
  • From 1 to 2 - you should expect misunderstandings and coldness in relationships.
  • From 2 to 3 - feel free to make plans and set new goals for yourself, everything will turn out well.
  • From 3 to 4 – think carefully about the situation, do not make hasty conclusions.
  • From 4 to 5 - a new productive acquaintance awaits you.
  • From 5 to 6 - you should prepare for troubles in personal relationships.

  • From 6 to 7 – good news is approaching.
  • From 7 to 8 - an excellent sign, portends successful resolution Problems.
  • From 8 to 9 - in the near future you will be the center of attention.
  • From 9 to 10 – you shouldn’t count on much in the near future.
  • From 10 to 11 - there will be quarrels and conflicts in the family.
  • From 11 to 12 – concentrate, pay special attention to work.

Dream Interpretation

Dreams are meant to warn and guide us in the right direction. If you dream that the clock has stopped, this may mean losses and obstacles, including:

  • Interruption of activity, end of a project, dismissal.
  • Theft of money, unprofitable investment.
  • Sadness, disappointment.
  • Breaking a relationship with a person, betrayal, divorce.
  • Diseases, death.
  • At the same time, winding a standing watch in a dream or having it repaired is a good sign, foreshadowing changes for the better.

Watches can be electronic, mechanical or quartz. Therefore, the first thing to do after it becomes clear that the clock is not working is to determine what type. Few people can repair an electronic watch on their own without special skills. But quartz and mechanical ones are a little simpler. The most common reason for their stopping may be the termination of charging. For example, when a quartz watch stops, you should first change the battery. Perhaps this is the reason. Try to fail a mechanical watch. After all, if you forget to start them, they will stop very soon.

Mechanical watch breakdowns

If it was not possible to reset the clock, and it still does not work, then the reason for the stop lies in the occurrence of a malfunction. If dust, dirt or moisture gets inside the watch mechanism. They usually stop working. To restore functionality, they need to be cleaned. If it is impossible to do this yourself, contact a workshop.

There are cases when water that gets inside does not cause the watch to stop. However, they cause the mechanism to gradually rust, causing the watch to stop. If the watch is accidentally hit, for example by being dropped, some part of the mechanism may be damaged or broken. This will lead to . Another reason is the drying out of the lubricant inside the watch. On average, the lubricant needs to be checked and updated once every four years. To do this, you will need to carefully disassemble the clock mechanism and check for oil. All the faults discussed can be quickly fixed by a technician in a special workshop. If you lack the skills, it is not recommended to study for hours on your own. After all, all the internal parts are very small, and unknowingly you can damage the mechanism even more.

Poorly performed repairs, non-original spare parts, or attempts to fix the breakdown yourself can also lead to the watch stopping working.

How to prevent the clock from stopping

Try to wear your watch carefully, protecting it from water and rain, even if it is waterproof. Do not swing the hand that you are wearing the watch too much to avoid accidentally hitting it against a wall or other object and to prevent the accessory from falling. Wipe the watch from dust with a soft cloth and store it in

Has your watch stopped? Don't believe in omens! There are simple and avoidable reasons for everything:

  • most common cause the battery is low, which is why, first of all, you should simply replace it with a new one. There are 2 batteries in a quartz watch; they provide separate operation of the hands and separate operation of the LEDs. Sometimes it happens that the arrows move, and the LEDs suddenly stop working. Dont be upset. This means the small battery in the watch has “died”, just replace it at the nearest watch repair shop;
  • In mechanical watches, check the winding mechanism (regardless of the presence or absence of automatic winding). Make a full winding with the crown (for each watch model the number of required full turns is individual);
  • if the clock stops when exposed to cold temperature(for example, when walking in winter time), you should pay attention to the capacity of the battery - most likely the reason is there - it cannot provide required amount energy for the operation of the mechanism at low temperatures. The best option would be to replace it with a more powerful power source. After all, even a smartphone does not work at minus 30.
  • The reason why the watch stops in the cold can also be due to inappropriate lubricant in the mechanism of the product. After all, we wear wristwatches of foreign brands that are not designed for Russian frosts. When exposed to cold, the lubricant in mechanical watches hardens and stops the movement. The solution would be to replace the lubricant, which does not thicken when exposed to low temperatures.

    Other reasons why a wristwatch stops require some knowledge of watch mechanisms, which is why if you have doubts about your own repair abilities, we recommend contacting a watchmaker:

  • contamination of the mechanism - a common reason for the watch to stop is the natural ingress of dust and foreign bodies into the wheel system, drum and other parts. Cleaning is carried out by completely disassembling the watch by a master;
  • corrosion - if the watch for some reason succumbs to depressurization, as a result of which water or moisture in the air gets inside, there is a high probability that the elements of the mechanism will be damaged by rust (for example, wheels, drums, springs, etc.). it is eliminated by removing the affected parts upper layers metal (on a small scale), or complete replacement of parts of the mechanism;
  • depressurization of the watch case can cause the lubricant to dry out, which must be on such elements as the spring (in the drum), wheels, balance pins, etc.;
  • an excessive amount of lubricant can also provoke a stoppage - in this case, the spring slips in the barrel during winding, which provokes a premature stop even if the watch is fully wound;
  • All elements of the clock mechanism have a conditional service life. That is why the cause may be banal wear of parts (for example, the spring head, clock wheel, drum teeth, etc.). In this case, it is necessary to replace the necessary parts;
  • failure of mechanism parts - absolutely all parts of the mechanism of a mechanical watch are subject to this possibility. Most often this occurs due to falls and impacts of mechanical watches. In this they are inferior in their own way reliability of quartz wristwatches.
  • defects: the watch may stop due to defects in the mechanism. For example, if there is insufficient clearance between the pins and the anchor fork, defects in the regulator, contact between the pendulum and the fork loop. Such deficiencies can be corrected by installing them in the correct position or by replacing individual elements of the mechanism.

A more serious reason for a mechanical watch stopping on your wrist is the failure of the automatic winding system itself (if you have automatic mechanical watch). The reasons may be depressurization of the watch case and the entry of dust, moisture, foreign parts into the mechanism, which can cause wear of parts, as well as their corrosion, or a blow or fall of a fragile mechanical watch.

But first of all, pay attention to the frequency of the clock stopping - if these are multiple cases, then the reasons are, most often, influences external environment on the mechanism of the product.

And if this happened only once, the source could be easily removable reasons: from the end of the power reserve to the simple expiration of the battery life.
