Galina Bob: “I always support my husband’s every whim. Galina Bob's two-year-old son was admitted to intensive care. Why does Galina Bob have a red-haired son?

Galina Bob became the legal wife of Sergei Koryagin. On the set of the popular comedy series “Deffchonki” something happened real love. The public learned that comedian Galina Bob, who has already gained incredible popularity, has won the leading female role in the youth series “Deffchonki” on the TNT channel. woman's happiness and became a wife.

Galina Bob – 29-year-old popular Russian actress theater and cinema, married the 48-year-old director of this serial film. Three years ago, the newlyweds met on the set of the famous film, their relationship developed rapidly, became stronger, and Sergei Koryagin invited his beloved to live together. Although the couple has been dating for quite a long time, they have never decided to formalize the relationship.

Now it turns out that Galina Bob will very soon go on maternity leave, as she is expecting her first child and is now in her fourth month of pregnancy. On October 1, 2014, the star of the series Galina Bob officially married the director of the sitcom Sergei Koryakin. The actress seemed to exactly repeat the fate of Masha Bobylkina, her heroine. According to the script, the girl fell in love and became pregnant by her boyfriend, musician and singer Sergei Zvonarev, played by Alexey Vorobyov.

And all sorts of rumors about the love affair between actress Galina Bob and actor Alexei Vorobyov on the set of the film remained just rumors. But, as for Galina’s pregnancy, acting circles There is such a sign when an actress who has worn a false belly on camera or on stage at least once will find herself in an interesting position and in real life.

What was Galina Bob's wedding like?

The newlyweds had a luxurious wedding. The actress told her many fans about the change in her marital status on her official Instagram page. The star published her wedding photos and a short video where the happy bride energetically dances in a luxurious limousine to fiery music and casually draws the audience's attention to her sparkling engagement ring.

Family life of Galina Bob and Sergei Koryagin

Director Sergei Koryagin supports his companion in almost everything in life. In particular, when Galina decided to take part in the largest Russian dance project “Dancing” on the TNT channel, Sergei came to the casting and did not miss a minute when his beloved was performing. It is known that Galina Bob professionally practiced ballroom dancing with early childhood and was a participant in various international dance competitions.

She achieved tremendous success in dancing, becoming a European and World champion. Ten years later, Galina decided to dance again, and on the floor of the dance show “Dancing” she made a splash. It is possible that at that time Galina Bob did not even know that she was pregnant and expecting a baby. Of course, it was extremely difficult for the actress to combine filming a popular series and dancing in a show program.

Often the filming of the serial film “Deffchonki” was forced to be postponed to another time. Sergey and Galina try to support each other in life in everything and be together everywhere. Despite her interesting situation, the young wife, future mother and popular actress Galina Bob feels very well and actively continues to pursue her career, starring in the comedy youth series “Deffchonki” and participating in others creative projects. Numerous fans congratulate Galina Bob on getting married and wish their darling love, family happiness and mutual understanding.

IN early youth Galina Bob dreamed of connecting her life with dancing. For 14 years she practiced ballroom dancing, achieving great success. She has taken part in many prestigious competitions and has the titles of European and world champion.

At the age of 17, the future actress came to Moscow to enter the Russian University physical culture to the faculty ballroom dancing. She studied at this university until 2006, but her parents persuaded her to enter a theater university, as it was their long-time dream. In 2004, Bob became a student at VGIK, having passed competitive selection 450 people per place. Galina graduated from this theater university with honors, and her graduation work was Bulat Okudzhava’s play “Bless you, schoolboy!” The actress first appeared on screen in 2006 in a small cameo role in the film “Andersen. Life without love." Then there were a number of films where she also played small roles, but already in 2009 Bob was offered the main role in the film “Village Story”, where her co-star was Marat Basharov.

Galina Bob does not like to put her personal life on display, so few people know that the most fateful thing for the actress was the filming of the film “Deffchenki,” which is one of the most popular projects of the TNT channel. It was here that she met her future husband, Sergei Koryagin, who is the director of the film “Deffchenki”. Before getting married, Sergei and Galina dated for three years, and their love affair at work on the set only made their relationship stronger.

In September 2014, Galina Bob got married, and the bride was already pregnant. They planned their wedding a long time ago, and then did not postpone it because of this joyful event. But even expecting a child, the actress continued filming the film. According to Bob, she felt great, and doing what she loved only gave her strength and energy. Moreover, all this time my beloved and caring husband was nearby.

In the photo Galina Bob with her husband Sergei Koryagin

In March 2015, something very happened in Galina’s personal life. an important event- She gave birth to a son, Leva. My husband really wanted children, so he was incredibly happy about the baby. He was present at the birth and personally cut the umbilical cord. The actress herself jokingly calls Leva “Akter Akterych”, because, starting from the age of two weeks, Leva is on set with her mother. So on the set of the film “Deffchenki” he has his own, fully equipped children’s room, for which Galina personally chose curtains, wallpaper, and a crib. Bob likes to work this way, because his son and husband are always nearby, and the set of this series has become a second home for them.

Their friendly family practically never separates: they are always and everywhere together and the couple takes their son with them to many events. Even for Bob’s sister’s anniversary, they took Leva with them to the restaurant, who all this time was snoring peacefully in the stroller. The child has a very sociable character, so when attending events he is not at all afraid of strangers and treats everyone around him with interest.

In the photo Galina Bob with her son Lev

An interesting fact is that the fates of Galina and her heroine Masha Bobylkina from the film “Deffchenki” are very similar, since in the fourth season Masha was also pregnant. After all, it is not without reason that there is a belief among actresses: if an actress plays the role of a pregnant woman, then in life she will be expecting a child.

Bob tells reporters very little about his personal life, but she takes great pleasure in sharing her successes with fans. creative career and plans for the future. In one interview, Galina said that after she gave birth to Leva, she became even slimmer, since the child was on breastfeeding. Even though the actress loves sports, she is unable to exercise regularly due to her busy work schedule.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 12/09/2015

Popular actress Galina Bob often shares family photos, talking about the problems and achievements of her beloved sons. On January 5, the star of the series “Deffchonki” was forced to interrupt New Year holidays due to the suddenly deteriorating health of the older child. A little later, the young woman said that Lev was suspected of having an acute viral infection.

“We took an ambulance ride today. I was immediately placed in intensive care and given a huge injection. Leva cried, but not from pain, but from the fact that he was afraid of injections. We have a single room, a separate deluxe room, one might say. He’s feeling better now,” Bob said.

Galina said that the boy had heat, and he also complained of pain and weakness. Soon after hospitalization, the boy was transferred to intensive care, but a few hours later he was returned to the ward of the infectious diseases department. Thanks to the help of doctors, the boy managed to fall asleep, but the young woman still did not leave Lev one step.

“So my hamster fell asleep. Now I too will go to his side. I hope that tomorrow we will be cheerful and cheerful,” said the young woman.

Fans rushed to support the actress. They wished Bob patience, and her son get well soon. “My child also gets sick often. I’ve already lost count of how many times we were in the hospital,” “I hope Lev will get better soon and you can return home,” “Poor baby, for some reason he gets sick too often,” Galina’s fans wrote on Instagram.

This is not the first time that little Leo’s well-being has caused concern among caring mother. So, in the summer the actress’s son became infected dangerous virus while on holiday in Turkey. Then Galina reported that the child had a high fever for several days, and his body was covered with purulent blisters.

Due to a sharp deterioration in the baby’s well-being, the actress and her husband had to return to Russia, where doctors tried for several more days to cure the child.

Galina herself has repeatedly admitted that her sons are the main joy in her life. For three years now, the young woman has been married to the director of the series “Deffchonki” Sergei Koryagin. Bob manages not only to build a successful acting career, but also take care of two kids and my beloved spouse.

The series “Deffchonki” on the TNT channel became prophetic for Galina Bob: everything that happened to her heroine Masha Bobylkina on the screen happened later in the actress’s real life.

Photo: Ivan Knyazev

Magazine OK! Galina spoke about the amazing coincidence of circumstances that led her to the set, where she met her future husband, director Sergei Koryagin.

A couple of years ago OK! Bob has already met Galina. Then the girl did not talk about the details of her personal life, but she recalled with pleasure how she became an actress. It was her mother's dream. “She often asked me to think about entering a theater institute. But I didn’t think about it at all, because I was sure: I would dance, as they say, until the end of my days. But for my mother’s sake, I went on tours to several theater universities,” Galya said then.

And a year later in New Year's Eve Galya made a wish: let her dream about what she should do in the coming year. “I had a dream, in it I was an actress...” In this New Year Galya made a wish together with her husband Sergei and son Leva. Now happy wife and my mother dreams of becoming a singer. When asked where this desire came from, Galya only smiles coquettishly and says that in fact it was her husband’s decision.

Sergey: Yes, it was I who decided that Galya should become a singer. She has a sensual voice and the way she sings really touches me. One day, for my birthday, Galya gave me a song Soso Pavliashvili. I was amazed... And then it turned out that even in her youth she dreamed of singing. And her late mother wanted this. By the way, even before we came up with the idea that we would pursue a vocal career, we had the idea of ​​making a musical film.

Galya: And we went to study with a vocal teacher. Hearing my voice, he said: “I’ll take it!” He somehow immediately instilled in us faith that everything would work out.

S.: I always knew that Galya was very talented. And now that we have more free time between filming, wasting it on nothing would be an unforgivable mistake.

Usually when small children appear in a family, free time, on the contrary, disappears.

G.: We have such a child that he does not take up much time. When he was two weeks old, Lyova and I went to Mosfilm for an audition. This is where his acting life began. And when TNT resumed filming “Deffchonok,” Lyova was with us on set all the time. I understood that I couldn’t leave him at home. Therefore, before starting work on the fifth season, I came to the pavilion to inspect the place where my son would live. I bought wallpaper, curtains, a crib, a swing, and an inflatable ball. Lyova’s work schedule, like mine, was six-day. It’s a pleasure when both your husband and son are nearby.

S.: So we had Lev Sergeevich’s office there with toys, swings and a crib.

So you decided to accustom your son to spotlights from infancy?

G.: We wanted him to be next to us, but we don’t have the desire to film him yet. Acting profession - hard labour, and it is certainly not for a small child. I think dad will be against it too. Is it true?

S.: Of course!

G.: Spotlights, working dust, a lot of people... Although we have him as an Actor Actor. Maybe because, while still in my stomach, I was on various film sets and “went” a lot to the cinema and theater. He played with me on stage for up to five months. ( Smiling.) I was on maternity leave for up to three months and got great pleasure from it. I wanted nothing more than to be close to my son. I basically refused any filming, performances... And I just got a kick out of it! Leva is so positive, so bright. I didn’t think it could be so good and simple with a baby.

Sergey, didn’t you want your wife to stay at home with her son as long as possible?

If I wanted my wife to sit at home with the children and pots, I would choose another woman. Why should I violate her creative nature, which requires a daily outburst of emotions? Galya and I have creative ecstasy, and we are burning with excitement.

Did you meet on the set?

S.: I liked Galya even before we met her. We have been looking for an actress for the role of Masha Bobylkina for a long time. Colleagues brought me CDs from various TNT projects. In one of the videos, I saw a girl with a strange surname Bob, who played some kind of charming fool. That's when I liked her.

G: But I didn’t know that. I was called to a casting, which, according to rumors, was already attended by the whole of Moscow. And the “brew” began: I began to go to these auditions as if it were work. ( Smiling.)

Galya, did you understand from the very beginning that the director was not indifferent to you and that you would be approved for the role?

Of course not. Although Seryozha and our producer Olya Frenkel were so kind and wonderful. I even thought to myself: “God, what strange people" It seemed to me that such producers and directors did not exist. In my mind they were supposed to be tough and capricious. Someone even told me then that Seryozha liked me. I replied: “Oh my God, he’s not my type at all!”

S.: To be honest, at first I didn’t like Galya at all as an actress. But the casting lasted more than six months, and we understood that if we didn’t approve at least someone for this role now, we would never approve anyone. So we said: “We want this actress.”

G.: They called me and said that I was approved. I came to the group audition and saw one of the girls who was reading the role of Masha. I naively asked: “What role are you teaching?” She says: “Waving.” Of course, I was surprised and told her that, in fact, I had already been approved for this role. The girl freaked out and ran away.

S.: In the end we had huge scandal with her casting director.

G.: Well, since that girl ran away, the contender for the role of Masha was left alone and they no longer had a choice. ( Laughs.) And since then Sergei and I have been together.

When did your relationship begin?

S.: Six months after the start of filming, we went to a performance with Nezlobin, then to a cafe...

G.: And then I somehow came to the shooting, and I really wanted to hug Sergei Sergeevich! That’s what I told him: “Can I hug you?” And we stood hugging each other in the corridor for about five minutes... Everything floated around...

S.: Well, not five, but about a minute and a half. ( Laughs.)

G.: And then there was a date, after which I forced Seryozha to kiss me.

How did you “force” this?

G.: Well, I already felt that everything was boiling, burning in my heart.

S.: And I resisted until the last moment - I didn’t want any office romances.

G.: We were once driving in the car, and suddenly I told him in a serious tone: “Park immediately.” He stopped, saying, what happened? And I ask: “Don’t you want to kiss me?” - "I want to". - “So why don’t you kiss then?” And he says: “I’m afraid to fall in love.” I suggested we kiss and see what happens. Well, of course, there was no going back.

S.: This is your version. ( Laughing.)

So what, the office romance did not affect the work process?

G.: Seryozha and I are not like other people. Everyone has a candy-bouquet period at first, and then complaints and showdowns begin. But with us it was the other way around. The first year we had a row, getting used to each other. Of course, this did not affect the filming process, but everyone was aware of the events. And then the scandals and questions concerning him former women, they exhausted themselves and a period of courtship began, which continues to this day.

Sergey, how did you propose to Galya?

G.: Again I had to take everything into my own hands. I forced him. I realized that such a man should not be missed. We must, as they say, go to the end. ( Laughs.)

Sergey, did you even understand that Galya had such plans for you?

S.: Of course, I understood, she wasn’t hiding anything.

G.: I am an honest and straightforward person.

S.: She constantly said: “When will we get married? When will you propose to me?”

G.: Actually, the New Year was approaching, and I asked Seryozha: “Have you prepared a gift for me?” He: “Not yet.” I say: “Well, I can say what I want. But you yourself know...” In the end, we came to celebrate the New Year in Penza, to my dad, and after the chimes, Seryozha took out the ring... I, of course, assumed that everything would be like this, but I was so happy, that she even cried. And dad cried. All this was very touching. Seryozha, now tell me your version. ( Smiling.)

S.: That’s how it was.

G: Did you want to marry me?

S.: Of course. This was my main dream - to marry Gala. ( Laughing.)

G.: Of course, he dreamed. He had no choice, just like at the auditions for “Deffchonok”.

Galya, the series “Deffchonki” became prophetic for you in a sense.

G.: Yes, I was convinced: as it is written in “Deffchonki”, so it will be for me. I just played the episode in which my character finds out that she is pregnant, and a couple of weeks later she actually found out that I would become a mother! That's a coincidence. Of course, when I played this scene, I tried to imagine my reaction as it could be in life.

Well, how did you subsequently assess whether you played this scene well or not?

G.: I must say that in life I reacted to this news exactly like my heroine: first I bought one pregnancy test, then two more and five more. ( Laughs.) Then I didn’t know how to tell this news to Seryozha so that she would produce maximum effect.

And how did you report it?

G: I made sure he understood exactly what it meant.

S.: Galya took a quote from the series.

G.: I gave him the test in a case. Seryozha didn’t even open it - he said: “I understand.”

Sergey, did Galya act up a lot during pregnancy?

G.: Our pregnancy spread to Seryozha, and strange desires appeared in him. For example, one night he wanted lobster. I had to go. We drove around Moscow until three o'clock in the morning, looking for these lobsters, and I already had a huge belly. Stopped at Chistye Prudy, we found this restaurant where we were fed pasta with seafood. We calmed down and went home. ( Laughs.)

Galya, whose idea was it to give birth together?

G.: I immediately said that I would not go to give birth without Seryozha.

Bold decision.

S.: Galya arranged everything so perfectly that it seemed like an accident to me. ( Smiling.) She told me that there was a special room where I could wait. It turned out there was no room, and I was stuck with it for twelve hours in the tiled walls. By the time Galya started giving birth, I had already watched five women give birth. It was unusual.

G.: It seems to me that the two of us gave birth to Lyova: Seryozha took half the pain upon himself.

Did you choose your son’s name together or did Gala have to take the initiative in her own hands?

G.: Seryozha called my belly Charles throughout my pregnancy. He wanted the baby to be called Charlie. At first this joke seemed funny to me, but then I realized that he was saying this in all seriousness, and it became not funny. It seemed to me that the ideal name was Alexander. But when I saw my son, I realized: he is anyone, but not Sasha. It took three or four weeks to choose a name. The local doctor already came to examine the baby, cursing that she didn’t receive money for visits, since the child was still not registered and not assigned to the clinic. And we looked at our son and thought: who is he? In the end, we chose three options: Philip, Fedor and Lev. I tell my husband: “Let’s play a game: today we call him Fedya, tomorrow Philip, then Leo. Whichever is more suitable, we’ll leave it.” As a result, on the very first day, when I tried to call him Fedechka, Fedyunechka, I realized that he was Lyovushka! It was a holiday for everyone.

Galya, as I understand it, in your family life main director - is that you?

G.: Absolutely!

Does your husband make any concessions to you on set?

G.: Scolds more. In general, Seryozha is a gentle person and cannot be rude. But if suddenly he is not satisfied with the way some actress plays, he says that I did a bad job in this scene. ( Laughs.) Then, of course, he’ll come up and whisper in my ear that I had nothing to do with it.

Well, you probably understand this?

G.: I always support my husband’s every whim.

S.: But it seems to me that, on the contrary, I am constantly making concessions. She doesn’t have a life with me, but a raspberry. Really, Galina?

G.: True. ( They laugh.)

Style: Samantha Akhmedova

Makeup: Elena Teplova/FORUM MUA.

Hair: Natalya Ekimova/Goldwell

Many people recognized Galina Bob and her husband Sergei Koryakin after the release of the popular youth sitcom “Deffchonki”, where the girl played one of the main roles, and Sergei was the director of the comedy series. True, at that time they were not yet married. But in theater arts Galina has been known since her student days, when she was awarded 3 awards for her excellent performances.

Biography of the actress

The girl was born in the city of Penza, this happened happy event November 4, 1984, so it’s not difficult to calculate how old Galina Bob is now. At that time, the girl’s parents had a small business in Poland, so they often traveled for long periods of time, from where they constantly brought her sweet gifts. This is why Galina still associates imported chocolate with her childhood.

IN childhood Galya is enrolled in sports dancing, to which she devoted most of her life with great pleasure. And I must add that she did it not in vain, since she was awarded several times and even became the European and world champion in this sport.

After graduation high school she was even invited to Germany as a dance teacher. A young but talented dancer, and now a teacher, accepts the invitation and soon flies off to work in a foreign country, although not for long.

Having returned home, the future artist plans to enter the Institute of Physical Education and continue to master dance skills, but the girl’s mother did not approve of this idea, believing that her daughter with her talent should perform on stage, and not jump on the floor.

But purposeful Galina does things her own way and begins her studies at the Physical Education Institute in the dance department. But after studying two courses, she realizes that dancing no longer inspires her as before. And remembering her mother’s advice, she decides to try herself in theater arts and applies to several theater universities at once. However, having no preparation and no idea what to do, she fails exams in all institutions.

Theater career

For a whole year, the girl studied hard and prepared herself for another attempt. And in the spring she leaves Penza with the dream of conquering Moscow and still becoming a famous artist. And the persistent girl manages to do this - she enters, and immediately into VGIK.

In 2007, while studying at the institute, she received an invitation to perform at the Stanislavsky Theater, and they offered her to play the role of Juliet, which the girl had dreamed of since childhood. And a little later, in the same theater, she performs as Margarita in the wonderful play “The Master and Margarita.”

In addition, the young artist played in other theatrical productions , the most striking of them were:

  • "Noise Behind the Stage";
  • "Glass of water";
  • “In case of murder, please contact...”;
  • "Inspector";
  • "Three sisters".

For the beautifully played role of Juliet, the young actress was awarded the award. Tamara Makarova. And for her graduation project in the production of “Be Healthy, Schoolboy,” the girl was awarded the prize for best actress, which was awarded at International festival VGIK. Galina is also the winner of the Golden Leaf Award and a special honorary prize from the Guild of Film Actors.

The young actress worked at the Stanislavsky Theater until 2011, although she was already listed as an artist in the troupe of another theater. It was at the Mossovet Theater that Galina proved to her many fans that in addition to dramatic roles, she also copes well with comedic roles.

Movie star and her best roles

Many do not know that Galina, in addition to the famous heroine Masha Bobylkina, has other wonderful roles, for which she was even awarded all kinds of prizes and awards, because her filmography began much earlier than the comedy sitcom. The young actress played her debut role back in 2006 in the biographical film “Anderson. Life without love." True, she got a cameo role, and her character didn’t even have a name.

But this very little filming experience made it clear to the girl that she really liked cinema and wanted to do just that, so she began to develop herself as a film actress.

The actress received her next two roles in the serial television series “Trace” and in the film “Artist”. After this, the actress is invited to star in the film “Village Stories.” It was after this film that other directors began to notice the girl, and critics predicted a good career in cinematography for the aspiring actress.

Then there was a well-played the main role in the film “Zoya”, after which offers started pouring in to star in this or that film, when the girl herself could choose the film and role she wanted. And in 2011, Galina was busy filming five different film projects. One of them was the comedy project “Women’s League”.

The girl’s filmography includes other films, such as:

A year later, the girl learns about auditions for a new series that will be broadcast on the popular television channel TNT and decides to try herself on them. At the same time, the girl has already heard that the strict director eliminated a large number of applicants for this role, so she understands that her chances of getting through are slim.

As Sergei Koryagin himself later said, Galina Bob as an actress did not particularly impress him, which is why he delayed her approval for so long. But later everything was decided by chance and the actress was still cast in the role of Maria and, as it turned out later, they did it for good reason. Bob fits perfectly into this role and became exactly the Bobylkina that the strict director so wanted to see.

Personal life

There are very few novels in Galina Bob’s biography; the girl takes love and family quite seriously and believes that marriage should be one and forever. While still going to numerous auditions for the role of Masha, the young actress understands that she sympathizes with the director, but somehow did not want to rush things, wanting to first get the desired role in the sitcom and only then deal with personal relationships.

Later this happened, the girl was approved and she and Sergei began an affair. At first, the relationship was difficult, the couple constantly sorted things out and often quarreled. The young actress wanted a wedding, but her boyfriend was in no hurry to propose, although the young people had been dating for more than three years. And only after the girl found herself in an interesting position, Galina’s current husband Bob Sergei Koryagin offered to sign. The solemn wedding of the lovers took place on September 26, 2014.

And almost five months later, Galina Bob gave birth to her first child, a wonderful boy with beautiful name A lion. And two years later, in the young and happy family second son Andrei was born. For this period, the girl decides to take maternity leave and for some time devote myself to children and my beloved spouse. However, it didn’t last long; the actress missed her beloved career and soon returned to work to film the next season in her favorite sitcom “Deffchonki.”

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