Why do you dream about love according to the dream book? Dream Interpretation: love, a dream about love - complete interpretation of dreams

English dream book

Why do you dream about love:

Dreaming of Cupid, the god of love, striking you with his arrow is a symbol of love: someone loves you and will soon reveal their feelings. This meaning of sleep applies equally to men and women. If you see in a dream that you have failed in love, then this dream has the opposite meaning: in reality you will succeed in love, get married and be very happy. If in a dream your friends treat you with love, it means that success in business and family happiness await you in the future. Good dream- see yourself in the company of your beloved: you will soon marry your chosen one, you will have many children - they will become a true source of joy and consolation for you. For a pregnant woman, this dream foretells that she will safely give birth to a charming child. If in a dream your love is reciprocated, this means that many loving friends will surround you, they will be ready to help you when necessary and will remain faithful to you for life. This dream predicts favorable weather, a rich harvest and prosperity for the farmer. It promises a sailor several successful voyages. In the end, the sailor marries a rich girl and arranges his life well.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing love in a dream means:

Seeing a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current environment. Seeing that the love of others fills you with happiness foretells that successful business management will give you contentment and freedom from everyday worries.
If you find in a dream that love has passed or no longer evokes a reciprocal feeling, this means that you will be faced with a difficult question: would it be better for you to change your lifestyle or get married and achieve success in order to secure your future.
For a husband or wife to dream that they love each other means great family happiness and cheerful, smart children who will bring them joy.
Seeing loving parents in a dream foretells that you will cultivate integrity of character and constancy in your desire to achieve prosperity and position in society.
In a dream, loving animals indicates satisfaction, although perhaps you yourself don’t think so; but after some time, fate will reward you with everything that will give you this feeling.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream with love in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing a loved one means satisfaction with your current surroundings;
the love of others fills you with happiness - successful business management will give you contentment and freedom from everyday worries;
love has passed or no longer evokes a reciprocal feeling - you will be faced with a difficult question - would it be better for you to change your lifestyle or get married and achieve success in order to secure your future;
for a husband or wife - to see that they love each other - great family happiness and cheerful, smart children who will bring them joy;
to see loving parents - you will cultivate integrity of character and constancy in the desire to achieve prosperity and position in society;
loving animals is satisfaction, maybe you yourself don’t think so, but after some time fate will reward you with everything that gives you this feeling.
Also see Magic, Abandon.

Small dream book

Dreaming with love means:

If you dream that you love someone, then such a dream means that you are quite satisfied with the people who surround you. If you feel that love overwhelms you, then this can be a symbol of prosperity and well-being. A dream in which you are upset by unsuccessful or non-reciprocal love warns that in reality you will be tormented by the question of choosing between marriage and independent life. If you dream that your husband or wife loves you, this means that nothing threatens your family happiness, and your children will delight you. If you dreamed about the love of your parents, then this means that you are honest and decent in your actions, and luck will accompany you throughout life. Showing love for animals symbolizes satisfaction with life.

Ukrainian dream book

Love dream meaning:

Dream book alphabetically

What does it mean if you dream about love:

If in a dream you experience strong and irresistible love for your chosen one, it means that in real life You will be cheerful, cheerful and satisfied with your situation.

A passionate and violent manifestation of love in a dream foretells that in reality you will be inspired achieved successes and it will give a new impetus to your creativity.

For a woman to show touching and tender love for her husband and children in a dream promises unclouded family happiness and a full house.

A dream in which you see your parents treating you with fatherly love suggests that you will cultivate straightforwardness of character and other positive features and dignity in their image and likeness.

For a woman in love, to see a dream in which she is driving in her lover’s car means loyalty to each other, despite all the vicissitudes of fate.

If you fall in love with a big talker in a dream, this suggests that in real life superficial factors will play a fatal role in your life choices.

If you dream that your husband is in love with another woman, such a dream should simply alert you and force you to somewhat diversify the style of your relationship with him in order to introduce a certain element of novelty into it.

If you dream that you fell in love with another man, it is true that such a dream is a reflection of your spiritual loneliness, despite your outwardly busy life.

Showing love for animals in a dream speaks of your peace, even if you are not inclined to agree with it; Perhaps this understanding will come later.

Dream book of the 20th century

What can love mean in dreams:

Experience a bright feeling pure love: Very good sign, foretelling you a rich, interesting life. try not to lose this magical feeling after waking up, and then whatever you undertake will bring you success.

Observing the platonic love of other people and sincerely being happy for them: a sign of a special favor of fate. Fortune promises to favor you.

Touching love for animals in a dream: indicates some kind of disappointment in life, which gradually darkens your life and spoils your relationships with people around you.

At the same time, experiencing a blinding love passion for someone: portends serious difficulties in business and conflicts with others.

Seeing love passion from the outside or becoming the object of someone's unwanted passion: a sign of events that can unsettle you and confuse all your plans. This dream foreshadows unexpected difficulties that can greatly complicate your life.

Why did you dream about Love (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

The guy you love - if he visits you often, it means that your love for him is really strong and such dreams only reflect your reality.

Why do you dream about the guy you love - if he cheats in a dream - - don’t trust your loved ones, they can betray you. Saying goodbye to the guy you love in a dream - if you want to break up, then this will happen in reality, but if not, he will still leave you and this process will be very painful.

The person you love gives you a bouquet of roses or other flowers in a dream - a joyful romantic date awaits you. If the person you love gives you in a dream small bouquet flowers - this date will not take place in a luxurious restaurant, but at home, in a cozy atmosphere.

Why do you dream about the person you love? For representatives of both sexes, this shows how strong your feelings are for your soulmate.

Ex-love – your past relationship still worries you. Are you overcome by nostalgia or a real desire to return to your former loved one?

Former love - remember what your former loved one's actions were - this will give you a clue to interpretation similar dream or suggest steps to take in the future.

Former love in a dream is cheerful and speaks animatedly to you - a sign of good events in the future. A meeting with a good friend or pleasant moments in life awaits you. If you see your ex-love sad and upset in a dream, you feel uncomfortable being around her - you will have problems with your family or quarrels. Try not to enter into conflicts with them.

Former love - if she wants to return to her old relationship - you should prepare for quick changes in life.

Ex-love - you dream of actually spending time with her happy Days and events - you will fail in business or you will get into trouble.

If you dream ex-love with whom you didn't have Serious relationships– successful completion of affairs or victory in a controversial situation awaits you.

First love is most likely this dream just inspired by memories from the past that you don't want to let go. If such dreams visit you often, it’s time to think about living in the present and try not to disturb the memories.

Why do you dream about first love - a person from the past will appear in your life, or you will have to solve problems, the source of which was your past feelings.

The meaning of a dream about Sympathy (dream book of Spiritual seekers)

In a dream you love someone, feel love for another person or for yourself - this is an undoubted effect of the path of love and prayer practices. The more you practice and increase your own spiritual level, the more love accumulates in you. This affects many spiritual processes (connection with the rational structure of one’s own destiny and By Higher Powers, realization of spiritual Light, etc.).

Why does a woman dream about Love (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

Love – Seeing a loved one in a dream means being in a pleasant and safe environment. Feeling the love of other people and enjoying it means successful business management and freedom from everyday worries. To dream that love has passed or no longer evokes a reciprocal feeling means that you will be faced with a dilemma: completely change your lifestyle or get married to secure your future? If in a dream a husband and wife love each other very much, great family happiness and healthy and smart children await them.

What to expect if you saw Love in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

I had a dream about loving someone in a dream or falling in love - Trouble or loss of spirit.

Why do you dream of Love (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

If you dream about love at night, how is it expressed? If you see that the people around you are full of love for you, if they love you and you feel it, then the dream suggests that you are very happy man. Most likely, everything is going well in your life, you are calm, happy and content, you easily get along with people and maintain friendly relations with them. When in a dream you yourself experience love, you are in love with someone - this predicts that you will receive some kind of great reward.

Why do you dream about Love (Ukrainian dream book by Dmitrenko)

The love that you dream about - how you dream that you are admiring yourself - is a sign of a human disease. The dream recommends paying attention to your well-being. If love is when you love someone, make love to someone, this often predicts deception on the part of your loved one, sadness, and grief. This is the meaning of the dream you saw last night.

Love - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Love - you experience sincere love to someone - that you are satisfied with your current situation and this is a reflection of reality. Falling madly in love with someone in a dream is a harbinger of great work that will allow you to achieve your goal thanks to your hard work and diligence. To be loved (beloved) is fortunate. Love for animals shown in a dream - in general, you will be satisfied with what you have, although sometimes other thoughts will come to you.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

If you have a dream about love, it means that complete happiness awaits you. When you dream of fleeting love, expect success in business. Seeing happy lovers in a dream is a sign of defeat. Dreaming about your beloved creature means that you will soon be tormented by anxiety for your loved ones or friends. If love is rejected in a dream, it predicts good luck in business. Dreams about adultery usually very favorable - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Interpretation of Love from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

If in a dream you are overwhelmed with self-love - this sometimes happens - this is a good sign. Even if now in your life goes on not everything is as it should be, the situation will soon begin to improve. When you dream of loving yourself, it foretells good things, good events, all the best. Your happiness is already on the way, and sooner or later, it will definitely find you. But if in a dream it was about the fact that you feel love for a well-known person, this predicts disappointment for you.

To have a dream about Love, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

To love – To love platonically, selflessly, with tears of happiness. Squeeze someone in your arms, etc. – A long-simmering hope will come true. But the person you loved will most likely have nothing to do with it... Making love with someone - you will have to fight for your happiness. Be consistent in your steps.

Why do you dream about Love in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Love – Seeing a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current surroundings.
  • Seeing that the love of others fills you with happiness foretells that successful management of affairs will give you contentment and freedom from everyday worries.
  • If you find that love has passed or is no longer reciprocated, it means that you will be faced with a difficult question: would it be better for you to change your lifestyle or get married and become successful in order to secure your future.
  • For a husband or wife to see that they love each other means great family happiness and cheerful, smart children who will bring them joy.
  • Seeing loving parents foretells that you will develop integrity of character and constancy in your desire to achieve prosperity and position in society.
  • In a dream, loving animals indicates satisfaction, although it is. You yourself don’t think so; but after some time, fate will reward you with everything that gives you this feeling.

Love in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Love (feeling) – Feeling for a member of the opposite sex, a serious love affair awaits you ahead. To experience a strange incident that will leave a mark on children, old people, and friends for the rest of their lives. You really like animals. Don't turn into a narcissist! Feeling in general, without a specific object, spiritual ascent, enlightenment. Try to restore this feeling in reality and preserve it more.

How to understand why you dreamed about Love in a dream? (based on a collection of interpretations by Simeon Prozorov)

When a person dreams of love, this indicates a person’s great desire to experience this feeling. It is often a symbol of the relationship between a man and a woman, but the nuances of the dream can be different, depending on what kind of love you saw in the dream. Childhood love speaks of your dependence on your partner, youthful love indicates particularly romantic feelings experienced. When you dream of adult love, it means that you are well aware of the needs, both your own and those of your partner, the object of love.

What does a dreamed image mean (according to the British Dream Book)

Love – The word love covers a huge range of emotions and many of their shades. To whom or what is your love directed? For your partner, child, family? This indicates healthy, happy relationship with your loved ones. If this is someone with whom you are only casually acquainted, or a total stranger, you subconsciously strive for new sensations, an abundance of joys in life. If love is directed towards a celebrity, the dream is most likely just a pleasant fantasy. See also OTHER PEOPLE

Interpretation by psychologist A. Mindell

I dreamed of Love - you saw in a dream the person you love - this dream testifies: you are satisfied with your current situation; it seems pointless to you to achieve anything more. In a dream, you catch yourself in the fact that love has melted away like smoke - you will have to make a difficult choice; If you have the opportunity to think, do not rush to give preference to something, think about it for a few days. You see that you are madly loved - your business will go like clockwork; your growing prosperity will open up new opportunities for you; you will forget about your previous problems because you will outgrow them.

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current surroundings. Seeing that the love of others fills you with happiness foretells that successful management of affairs will give you contentment and freedom from everyday worries. If you find in a dream that love has passed or no longer evokes a reciprocal feeling, this means that you will be faced with a difficult question: would it be better for you to change your lifestyle or get married and achieve success in order to secure your future. For a husband or wife to dream that they love each other means great family happiness and cheerful, smart children who will bring them joy. Seeing loving parents in a dream foretells that you will develop integrity of character and constancy in your desire to achieve prosperity and position in society. In a dream, loving animals indicates contentment, although perhaps you yourself don’t think so; but after some time, fate will reward you with everything that gives you this feeling.

Why do you dream about love?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

around to the sleeping person - fortunately; you love yourself - a great reward; happy, lucky time; to a celebrity - deception; disease.

Seeing sex in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about sex and the search for sexual connotations are something of a pastime for interpreters. Often you don’t even need to search for long. Sexual satisfaction, love, flirting, attraction and nightly rendezvous are very often present in the bizarre interweaving of dreams. The search for sexual connotations has long been a major avenue for dream research and interpretation, due in part to Sigmund Freud's significant contributions to the field. However, interpreting the sexual meaning of dreams can present some difficulties. Scientific research find significant differences in how men and women dream about sex. However, when all is said and done, almost everyone "makes it" in dreamland. How many? Sex is reported to be the theme of at least 12% of men's dreams and 4% of women's dreams. Such statistics are generally consistent with our sexual desires in reality, where men are much more concerned about this issue than women. Although they say that men spend much more than 12% of their waking hours thinking about sex. In his book Finding Meaning in Dreams, J. William Damhoff revealed interesting data on the manifestation of sex in dreams: Men: Sexual participation - 93%. Observation of sexual acts – 7%. Women: Participation in sex – 68%. Observation of sexual acts – 32%. This table shows that women in sexually charged dreams often separate themselves from what is happening, while men see themselves as participants. This may have implications for understanding why achieving orgasm while asleep is more common among men—especially boys—than among women. It also sheds light on the conflicts many women experience surrounding the good girl/bad girl taboo. In addition to explicit sexual actions, the issue of sexual images and symbols often found in dreams is important. Because sexuality, either in childhood or throughout life, is shrouded in mystery, the subconscious tends to visually represent sex in a variety of ways. Your theory of personality driven sexual attraction, Freud contributed huge contribution in such a development of thought. Freud did for the sexual connotation of dreams what Henry Ford did for the internal combustion engine. Suddenly, everyone, everywhere began to have sexual dreams. Ultimately, this led to a cooling of some part of educated society towards Freud. Many scholars are interested in the question of whether Freud was actually as obsessed with sexual symbolism as he is thought to be. Interpretation of sexual dreams. Sexual dreams are not dreams exclusively about sex. They are often about how we perceive people and how we think others perceive us. To create a framework for interpreting sexual dreams, it is important to identify who is with you in the dream and how you feel about the experience in the dream. Some dreams are simply romantic. A guy and a girl meet in the land of dreams and enjoy each other. Typically the scenario involves an attractive acquaintance and a generally pleasant environment. Apart from the feeling that perhaps events are moving too quickly in this nocturnal relationship, there is no violation of the taboo. Often the dreamer simply acted under the influence of an attraction to to a certain person. Freud's theory of wish fulfillment is a sufficient explanation for this. Other dreams cross the boundaries of our taboos. These include dreams with a sexual plot, which the dreamer would consider unacceptable in reality, but in which he takes part in the dream. Such dreams can be very disturbing, and you may wake up with a feeling of rape, adultery, or loss of virginity. Dreams of this nature require more careful study. The first important step is to identify what is causing the discomfort. Was it a boss, a work colleague, a friend? Someone much older or younger than you with whom you have an affectionate but platonic relationship? Or was the most distinct feature of the dream the nature of the love encounter - whether it took place under duress, deception, taking place in public, or some other way? Who forced whom? Maybe the stranger reminded you of someone you know? Often components of sexual dreams are relationships of representation and substitution. Some of the dreams indicate our ambivalence towards taboos. After all, there is something exciting about prohibition. In some cases we express our own disappointment sex life which does not suit us, in others - someone has crossed the border of our taboos, and we respond to this by perceiving him as a person receiving undeserved favor from us. In these cases, dreams deserve attention and study. As you explore what you first thought was disgusting, you will discover new aspects of your personality and the connections around you that were largely unnoticed before. And perhaps most importantly, you will be more aware of different faces your personality in these relationships.

I dreamed of adoration

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are the object of adoration means that you will retain the love of those who surrounded you before, although you will soon occupy a very high position in society.

Dreamed of a lover

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in love in a dream warns against selfish desires that threaten to plunge you into scandal. For a young woman, this dream foreshadows forbidden dates, but in the end she will choose a balanced and highly moral partner. For married woman such a dream speaks of dissatisfaction and a desire for pleasure outside the home. Seeing others in love means that you will be tempted to neglect your moral obligations. Seeing animals in this state means that you are attracted to base pleasures.

Loving someone in a dream or falling in love- trouble or loss of spirit.

Eastern women's dream book

Dream about loving someone- indicates: you are quite happy with your surroundings. Do you feel like love is overwhelming you? This symbolizes wealth and well-being.

A dream in which you are upset about unsuccessful love or love without reciprocity- warns: you will be tormented by the question of choosing between marriage and independent life.

I dreamed that your husband loved you- this means that nothing threatens your family happiness, and your children will only make you happy.

If you dreamed about your parents' love- this means that you are honest and decent in your actions, and luck will accompany you throughout life.

Showing love for animals- symbolizes satisfaction with life.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

To love platonically- selflessly, with tears of happiness.

Squeeze someone in your arms- a long-simmering hope will come true. But the person you loved in a dream will most likely have nothing to do with it...

Making love to someone- you have to fight for your happiness. Be consistent in your steps

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Love as a multi-valued concept concerns many aspects of life.

First of all, this word refers to the emotions that people experience when falling in love, as well as a strong attachment to another person.

These emotions can also be present in a dream, although in reality the feelings experienced in a dream may be long forgotten. The sensations remaining after such a dream make you want to understand why you dream of love and somehow streamline your emotions.

How do the author's dream books interpret the dream?

Miller identifies individual objects of love, so his dream book indicates that:

  • The dream of your current object of passion speaks of your satisfaction with the existing environment in reality.
  • Feel in a dream how, thanks to the person who loves you, you are simply beaming with happiness - in fact, freedom from routine worries and problems if you pay attention to business issues.
  • Unrequited or past love in a waking dream promises you a solution to a difficult issue. As a result, you can radically change your life or secure your future through a profitable marriage.
  • One of the spouses sees in a dream that he loves his other half, and she reciprocates - to family happiness and worthy descendants.

The dream book also notes that the dreamed loving parents symbolize your work on yourself, thanks to which dedication and directness of character develops. Love in a dream for “lesser brothers” means that in reality you will experience a feeling of satisfaction.

N. Grishina does not give detailed interpretations in her dream book. According to her dream book, a dream in which love was romantic and fiery means that you can solve all the difficult issues of life thanks to hard work and resilience. Passion in a dream is interpreted depending on the gender of the dreamer:

  • A man really needs to be careful, because the promises made to him may turn out to be false.
  • For women, this dream promises profit.

Most full interpretation gives a dream book to Shereminskaya. Her dream book states that:

  • If in a dream you felt like you were in love or a loving spouse, in reality great happiness and bright love await you.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream those who love him the same person for whom you have feelings in reality - reflect reality. At the same time, it is important how pure and sublime the dreamed feelings were. A dream in which love was bright and pure promises joy, and carnal pleasures without romantic overtones can portend various obstacles in life.
  • Dreaming of love for a stranger promises family happiness in the future.
  • If you have a passion for a celebrity in a dream, in reality you need to be vigilant to avoid deception.
  • A strong emotional attachment to animals promises success in society.

The dream book also notes that for a man, a harbinger of good luck in the professional field is dreaming of lovemaking loving wife. A dream of friendly affection promises a successful day.

An affectionate but unloving spouse in a dream is a warning... Your health or family relationships require increased attention.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima in their dream book also consider what love is about in dreams and pay attention to the psychological background of the dream. If in a dream you:

  • If you have experienced the delight of pure love, then in reality your life will be filled interesting people and events. By retaining the experience after awakening, you will be able to enjoy success in any endeavor.
  • Experienced an intoxicating all-consuming passion - in reality in business sphere everything will not be as smooth as we would like. You need to treat situations in your life without emotions - this will help avoid conflicts with others.

The dream book also considers why other people dream about love. If in a dream you witnessed someone else's platonic affections and experienced joy at the same time, fate will be especially favorable to you. Watching other people's raging passions or being the object of feelings you don't need is a sign of events that can disrupt your plans.

Interpretations of sleep taking into account popular ideas

The Mayan people believed that a declaration of love in a dream promises a holiday to which you will actually be invited soon.

The dream book of the French people claims that love in a dream portends happiness. Wherein:

  • A dream in which you experienced fleeting love - to the successful completion of your endeavors.
  • Dreaming about someone you love with all your heart is a sign of concern for people close to you.
  • Love rejected in a dream foretells business success.
  • Marital infidelity is interpreted as a favorable sign.

Among the British, love in general foreshadows a declaration of love in reality. The dream book also indicates that in the world of dreams, failure in love will actually result in bright mutual feelings, a successful marriage and a cloudless family happiness. The beloved you saw in your dream foretells an imminent wedding and children who will become meaning, inspiration and pride for you.

In addition, the dreamer’s profession and position influence the interpretation of the dream:

  • The dream promises farmers good harvest, great weather and solid revenue.
  • For a sailor, the dream promises a series of favorable voyages, a profitable marriage and satisfaction from life.
  • Pregnant dream about mutual love guarantees safe birth and true friends who will be happy to help in any situation.

To understand why you dream about first love, almost all dream books recommend remembering your attitude towards the object of your adoration. Bright good memories foreshadow a successful streak in life, and negative ones warn that you need to be careful so that the changes taking place in reality do not harm you. Author: Marina Nosova
