How to make a postcard in computer graphics. Services where you can make a greeting card online

Who among us doesn't love holidays?! Metushnya and preparation, friends and family, gifts and many kind words. And many often come up with these very words on the spot when congratulating the hero of the occasion. Or there is a second option - buy a postcard and read the congratulations from it.

In this article we will talk about them, and I will tell you about creating a postcard from scratch, if you want to do everything yourself, and how you can use already ready-made templates in Word.

The need to make a postcard may arise due to various reasons, for example, you didn’t have time to go to the store and buy it, you just didn’t find the right one, or you wanted to show your talent and please the person handmade. I like to recite poems of my own composition during the holidays, rather than read ready-made ones from a postcard, so I have to look for one that is empty inside. And since it’s difficult to find one with an interesting cover and without writing, the “do it yourself” option can be a great help.

Let's start with ready-made options. Open any Word file, go to “File” at the top and select “Create” from the menu on the left.

If you use Word 2013 or 2016, then also create new document, and then enter the desired phrase into the search.

The difference is that in newer versions of the text editor, there are categories on the right, which makes it easier to find a postcard on a specific topic. That is, you need a Happy Birthday, Easter or March 8 card, just click on the appropriate item and the available templates will appear in the area in the middle.

If the version of Word is not new, then scroll through the list and find a suitable template for the postcard. Then select it and click on the button.

When it is downloaded, it will open in a new window. On the page at the top, the image that is upside down is the cover, everything below is the inside.

First you need to print the first sheet, then turn it over and run it through the printer again. The result should be this: a picture, and with reverse side there will be text. Cut and fold in half - done.

If there are notes in the margins, pay attention to them; there may be explanations on how to print and fold the postcard, and where to insert the text.

You can change the template a little. In the example, the middle will be white with text. Let's add a picture there to make it more interesting. Open “Insert” at the top and click “Drawing”.

The top two cells need to be drawn upside down. This is done so that later the postcard can be printed correctly.

The cover will be in the top left square, the last page in the right, and the inside at the bottom.

You can add pictures; to do this, you need to make sure that they are saved on the computer, areas with inscriptions and various figures(you will find the required button on the “Insert” tab). I will have images and caption.

I set italics in the cell with the cover and insert a picture. Using the markers, I change its size, then select the “Before text” wrap and flip it 180 degrees.

For last page I just chose a plain background, this is the cell fill, and inserted the inscription.

The next thing to do is to remove all internal borders so that they do not spoil appearance. Leave a frame around it for easy cutting. Select the entire table, open the “Designer” at the top, click on the arrow next to the “Borders” button, and in the drop-down list, first click “No borders”, then "Outer Borders".

Now let's place the card on the page correctly so that during printing, after you turn the sheet over to the other side, everything on the other side will fit as it should. To do this, you need to make sure that the values ​​for the top and bottom margins of the page are the same.

Open the “View” tab and enable grid display by checking the appropriate box. Then select the entire table and in the document on the ruler on the left, move the markers so that the card above and below lies clearly on the grid. It should look like the screenshot. My top of the card coincides with the beginning of the grid, do the same at the bottom.

Then we go to the top "Page Layout", click the “Fields” button and select the item "Customizable". Please note that the table must be highlighted.

We sum the values ​​in the top and bottom fields and divide by two.

We indicate the resulting value in these fields and click “OK”. Now your card should be clearly in the middle relative to the top and bottom of the page.

How to make a postcard on a computer?

No better than a gift than a handmade gift. You can make original cards for all occasions on your computer and print them out so that you can give them to your friends or send them online.

To do this, you don’t need to be a Photoshop master, as there are special programs for beginners.

How to make a postcard on a computer? Believe it or not, some users have already started and are selling postcards, collages, photo calendars and much more.

You can do this too when you finish reading this article and learn about special program, it is easy to use and helps you create original pictures.

Program for creating postcards

We will talk about Home Studio - that’s the name of the program, which can be downloaded from the website. I would like to say right away that it only has a 5-day free period, then you will have to buy a license.

We'll talk about this later, but now I would like to present you with instructions for creating postcards:

It took 5 minutes to create it, but if you sit longer and try different formats, you can make it even more beautiful postcard. The program has many different filters, settings, functions and other tools that will also help improve your photography.

Using Home Studio, you can change the background in photos, eliminate defects, retouch pictures, improve quality, add all kinds of effects, and even create three-dimensional compositions:

You will get all this for 5 days absolutely free. In principle, during this time you can immediately make postcards and other images. If you want to constantly create beautiful images, you will have to buy a license:

The difference between the basic and premium versions is not significant (300 rubles), so it is better to buy the most complete version.

Please note that for 990 rubles you will receive a large set of templates, effects and premium support. Free program updates are available on any tariff.

Most likely, everyone has many times experienced the problem of choosing the right card for one reason or another, to congratulate a dear/special person. Sometimes you like the design, but the text doesn't quite match what you want to say, and vice versa. In other cases, the design is appropriate, but the card is dedicated to the wrong holiday. But there is a simple solution to the problem - using a template, create on your computer (via the Internet) and print your own unique greeting card. All that remains is to find a printer capable of printing the result on thick paper on both sides.

You will need:
- an appropriate color printer with printing on thick paper;
- Internet connection;
- suitable paper or a set of empty thick cards;
- optional digital photograph of the family or any digital image of your choice.

  1. Search the Internet for sites, for example Greetingsisland .com or Bluemountain .com, offering free postcard templates and a simple interface with which you can supplement an almost finished postcard with your photographs, inscriptions, and small pictures from the proposed set. Multiple websites this direction offer various stylistic solutions for greeting cards. Choose a site that you like and before you start, be sure to look at all the options it offers for creating/enhancing postcards.
  2. Choose a template that suits your interests. Decide whether you want to add your own picture/photo on the front side or whether you prefer the design option that is offered on the site. For example, on Greetingsisland you can add a picture/photo to any of the 4 pages of your postcard. This way, you can place a personal photo not outside, but inside.
  3. Insert the text of your congratulations - you will need to write something of your own and then format the text using the options provided on the site so that the inscription looks elegant. On front side you can use a short, familiar phrase like “Congratulations!” or “Happy New Year!”, or add a short excerpt from a poem/poem, a quote from a book/film familiar to the recipient, appropriate for the occasion.
    You can also leave one page blank (white or with color design) - to write a congratulation by hand, since many prefer this classic way for its romance.
    If you print several identical cards, for example, invitations or congratulations on common holidays ( New Year and Christmas, March 8, February 23, etc.), this service will help you save time when you completely create the external design of the card, and you only have to enter each time minor changes in the text.
    And, of course, before printing, double-check the text for errors and the card for all the desired design elements.
  4. Be sure to use a print preview before printing to ensure the card fits the selected paper size. Most of these websites will print your card in the standard 22 x 28 cm size. If you have a different size or special type of paper in mind, be sure to set the settings on your printer and printing program accordingly. Plus, make sure your printer is set to print in color and not black and white. The paper should be chosen appropriately - strong, dense, not as thin as standard sheets of printing paper: so that the card does not wrinkle, so that it does not get wet through from the ink. The best option is to buy a set of blank cards from a postcard store.
  5. Print out your unique greeting card(s). If you added text and/or images to all sides - both inside and outside - you will have to turn the first printed page over (allowing it to dry first) and put the card back into the printer to print on the second side. Be careful that one of the sides in relation to the other does not turn out “upside down”.
  6. Fold your card very carefully, it is recommended to do this using a ruler. Add a lettering or handwritten note - it's your choice, but it usually adds a more personal touch to the greeting.

Additions and warnings:

Before using a card for a postcard, first print a test version on plain paper to make sure that everything prints correctly and that you haven’t missed anything or made any mistakes in the text;

If you don’t have a photo in digital format, but want to add a photo to the postcard, leave one of the 4 sides of the postcard blank and after printing you can glue the photo on it;

You can always involve your child in a project like this: it's fun, it's interesting, and he or she can always have a fresh perspective to help you create the design.

It is not difficult to do this, even without the skills. The sketch is usually drawn schematically and is necessary to complete the following stages, as a visual embodiment of the plan.

Using any graphic editor, recreate it in . Beginners are recommended to use the simplest graphics program Paint, which allows you to create colorful drawings and is very easy to use. More confident users can realize their ideas using more complex graphic editors, such as Corel Draw.

Come up with a congratulation text in advance (you can use any poem), but preferably your own, then type the text either in the drawing itself using a special text function, or in the Word text editor, which will allow you to select the required font. Select, copy and paste the greeting into your sketch.

Edit the resulting version of the image and bring the idea to its logical conclusion. If the monitor displays exactly the idea that was originally conceived, save the resulting file.

Print the postcard on a color printer using matte A4 photo paper. If you don’t have a printer at home, then the resulting postcard can be printed in any photo salon, having with you only a small flash card with the necessary file.

Give it to someone for whom you decided to make a postcard on the computer. Nothing can please more than a gift that is unique in its essence and created specifically for a specific person.

Previously, the post office worked very intensively on all holidays, because postcards great way congratulations. And although there was no certainty that the postcard would reach its destination exactly on time, everyone still tried to please their friends, acquaintances and loved ones with colorful postcards. Now everything is much simpler, because you can make an electronic card that will not get lost and will be instantly delivered to the recipient. Such a surprise will bring a lot of pleasure and bring a lot of joy.


If you wish, you can decorate the card with patterns and add music and. Select a site and design such a postcard very quickly. Services providing such services are YANDEX.RU, mail.RU, VF.RU, POSTCARD.RU, OTKRITKI.COM.

Or you can create a postcard in graphic editor. To make an e-card, you first need to come up with a greeting idea depending on the holiday or. This could be a birthday, New Year, or the birth of a child. Nowadays, the ability to draw does not matter at all, because the program will draw according to your instructions. Therefore, it is important to choose the right one software, and you can get started with the creative process.
