He is a Libra, she is a Sagittarius, compatibility in love. Libra and Sagittarius Compatibility

The people around are sincerely perplexed as to how these two absolutely different people may get along, but the fact remains. This is a pair of two intellectual individuals, constantly striving for self-development, they are interesting to each other, and this is the main thing.


A Sagittarius woman and a Libra man get along well, despite the difference in temperament and dissimilarity in character. He is calmer, she is dynamic but not aggressive, this relationship can be very productive. The man in this couple is full interesting ideas, and the woman with pleasure and enviable speed contributes to their implementation. A very unusual and intriguing union.

♎ + ♐: In love

PERFECT PAIR- As soon as this couple meets, a strong relationship will immediately arise between them. mutual sympathy. The Libra guy is more restrained emotionally than his lover, but he likes girls who are energetic and a little unpredictable. Sagittarius, on the contrary, needs a calmer and more stable person to create strong relationships. Together, these young people form a wonderful whole, which has everything, and of course, everything in moderation.

Since the Libra guy loves stability and is not burdened by family life, most likely he will want to strengthen this relationship and propose to his beloved.

♎ + ♐: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— A harmonious couple, where both spouses clearly know what they want and act deliberately. This marriage is not an accident or a consequence of passionate love; a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman really have very good compatibility.

The spouse will voluntarily take on most of the household responsibilities, especially since he is better at it. The only drawback, perhaps, remains the material side of life. In this family there is no main breadwinner; both husband and wife work, but most often they earn money for current expenses, of which they have a lot. Save money for large purchase It’s a problem for them, this couple doesn’t like to deny themselves anything. However, they do not quarrel about this.

IN intimate life They are in complete agreement, they are happy with each other and do not look around. Noisy quarrels, especially over trifles, are excluded in this family. A pleasant couple, both for each other and for those around them.

♎ + ♐: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- This couple can find reasons to communicate and spend leisure time together; they will be interested in each other’s campaigns. However, a Libra guy and a Sagittarius girl will also attract each other due to the opposite sexes, and at any moment they can turn from friends into lovers, then arrange a personal life with other people and continue communication as if nothing had happened. There is no talk of anything strong in this situation. There is mutual interest and common hobbies, but these relationships can hardly be called friendship.


These people have a lot good compatibility, and it is not so important what kind of relationship connects them. They will always be able to come to an agreement and will willingly compromise. Even in case of disagreements, which they rarely have, this couple will not sort things out, but will try to solve these problems peacefully.

♐ + ♎: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR- At first glance, these people will show sincere interest in each other, which will quickly develop into a love relationship. The Libra girl will charm her chosen one good taste and an attentive attitude towards people, and a Sagittarius guy will be attractive to her due to his strength of character and some unpredictability.

Harmonious relationships in everything, complete mutual understanding. Nothing threatens this relationship; most likely, this couple will get married soon.

♐ + ♎: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— The marriage of a wonderful couple, where both spouses are equal to each other intellectual development and mentality. A full of pleasant events awaits them. interesting life, where they will invariably be present mutual love and respect.

This couple will not have loud quarrels However, the Sagittarius man is sometimes inclined to behave a little rudely and express his dissatisfaction in a sharp form. The Libra woman has a softer character; she will not respond in kind, but such an attitude will offend her. However, her husband is a fairly smart and flexible person, and if she can delicately raise this topic, he is quite capable of starting to work on himself in this regard.

This union does not and cannot have any serious threats; most likely, this couple will live a long and enjoyable life together.

♐ + ♎: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY“This couple’s communication will be interesting, they have common hobbies and topics of conversation, but they can’t be strong here.” A significant disadvantage is the fact that both the Sagittarius guy and the Libra girl are not too devoted to their friends. They will not give up everything in order to get each other out of troubles, they will not sacrifice their last means for a friend in need. As soon as one of them has a serious problem, the other will most likely simply disappear.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign


Libra Man


Sagittarius Woman

A Sagittarius woman and a Libra man get along well, despite the difference in temperament and dissimilarity in character. He is calmer, she is dynamic but not aggressive, this relationship can be very productive. The man in this couple is full of interesting ideas, and the woman contributes to their implementation with pleasure and enviable speed. A very unusual and intriguing union.

The Libra man has a lot of contacts in relationships, very superficial and fickle. They always face the problem of choice: preferences for partners and moods - and at every new moment this choice turns out to be different. This is a game of feelings when, due to various circumstances, it is difficult to settle on one partner.

Sagittarius woman - in relationships, love is a kind of utopia: something that does not exist in nature, her own fictional world, in which, nevertheless, she manages to live. She pays too much attention to appearance, sometimes it is a way to distract herself from the harsh reality.

This union has even more prerequisites for friendship than for love - however, love based on friendship is also possible. Mutual understanding, support, a reliable shoulder nearby and warm feelings for a partner, burning with a fairly bright fire - all this usually awaits a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman in this union. However, this relationship cannot be called boring, because their characters are so different. Emotional, contradictory Libra and the cheerful, restless Sagittarius woman are a very original couple in which both partners have a lot to learn from each other.

This union is distinguished by vitality and longevity, despite all the criticism from the outside, because for many they look unsuitable friend for friend. The sophisticated Libra man is always balanced and diplomatic, famous for his ability to control himself. Next to him, the Sagittarius woman becomes more subtle and romantic. Their aspirations and goals are close, so throughout life together they have almost no reason for scandals. From the very first day they meet, they know how to interest each other, which makes the union especially strong. In the end, they become so attached to their partner that even a small separation becomes an unpleasant event. However, despite everything, this couple has its own nuances: they need to give their partner enough personal freedom and trust fully, even despite the machinations of envious people, of which the union of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man will have many.

The Sagittarius woman is looking for something fundamentally new for herself in the Libra man, and the Libra man is looking for his own, related in the Sagittarius woman. This is undoubtedly a harmonious couple, since they are united by a double similarity - and total time year (physical similarity), and related element (psychological relatedness). It would seem that Air and Fire are different elements, between which there can be no “friendship”. In fact, this is a myth, at least for the cheerful and self-confident Libra and Sagittarius. Both are charming, extraordinary and easy-going. They feel passion for each other as soon as they start talking. The Libra man initially does not trust the Sagittarius woman, who seems superficial to him. But upon closer acquaintance, his doubts dissipate like fog over water.

Libra-Sagittarius - interest in culture and social interaction, the level of education. The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius is influenced by the fact that in the zodiac circle they are separated by only one sign. They not only understand, but also charge each other with optimism. A joyful smile rarely leaves the faces of Libra and Sagittarius, which, by the way, appears on everyone who communicates with them. Friendship always adds something new to the feelings of a man and a woman and only enhances their emotional experiences. So, it is friendship that will give Libra and his Sagittarius beloved true tenderness. It’s wonderful when people are joyful, open and free. Physical intimacy being with someone you truly love and who is also your friend makes you feel relaxed.

If desired, partners can achieve strong and long-lasting relationships

The Sagittarius woman is bright, original, strong and the most dangerous of all representatives of the element of Fire. Her character combines a thirst for freedom, self-confidence, impatience and the desire to always achieve what she wants. On the one hand, she looks completely self-sufficient and the man in her life is just a pleasant addition or servant whom she can change at will. But on the other hand, there are few people on whom she can become as dependent as on a Libra man, who drives her crazy with his charisma and cold intellect. The influence of a Libra man on a Sagittarius woman is sometimes beyond her control.

Libra Man - Sagittarius Woman - These two know how to talk to each other. They can quarrel like any other couple, perhaps even more often and stronger, but they openly discuss their grievances or jealousy, sexual desires, financial difficulties and mutual complaints. And sometimes just in conversation everything is solved by itself. Given that Libra rules reasoning and Sagittarius rules philosophy, some of their conversations can lead to very serious, almost Socratic statements about human relationships. Often disagreements between Libra and Sagittarius end in laughter and love.

Compatibility horoscope. Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

The elements of Fire and Air have a beneficial effect on the interaction of these signs. The same dreaminess and penchant for fantasy unite Sagittarius and Libra. Both signs are distinguished by duality, which makes their communication varied and not at all boring. Partners are interested in each other’s company and always have something to discuss. For Libra and Sagittarius, their own independence is equally important, so they can easily get closer and further away without compromising the relationship.

A Sagittarius man paired with a Libra woman.

A tireless traveler and adventurer will attract his partner with his interesting stories. It is very easy to attract him, but difficult to keep him near you, so Libra should be the leader in the relationship. It is unlikely that a Sagittarius man will immediately be ready for marriage, since this is a freedom-loving sign. He will not want to take on unnecessary obligations, but will sincerely admire and value his chosen one.

A Libra woman paired with a Sagittarius man.

An air sign woman is so insightful that she is able to discern a naive little child in her companion. In fact, this is so; behind the external fearlessness and adventurism of Sagittarius there is a vulnerable, impressionable, sincere nature. The Libra woman subtly feels and understands her partner without words, but can begin to re-educate him. However, she will not stop Sagittarius on the path to his adventures.

Compatibility in friendship

An exciting time together will be the key to long-term companionship. They are equally intelligent and strive for new knowledge, and besides, they understand each other without further ado. admires inner peace and conflict-free Libra. The woman appreciates his friend’s love of life and optimism. Such friendship can easily turn into mutual love.

Compatibility in love

This couple can only be envied. Sagittarius and Libra are great for each other in marriage and love relationships. A man will be delighted with the femininity of his airy partner. The “inner child” of Sagittarius will find in Libra the attentive and sensitive mentor that he so lacked.

Thus, the couple is very harmonious psychologically and emotionally. Partners complement each other without limiting each other. Both Libra and Sagittarius are satisfied with the degree of freedom that the relationship gives them.

Conflicts are possible if a man spends too much time in the company of other women and allows himself to flirt. The Libra woman views this with great dissatisfaction, although she herself is not averse to flirting with people of the opposite sex.

Disagreements may also arise in financially. A woman is amazed at what a spender her chosen one turns out to be. Sagittarius can easily earn money, but Libra does not understand his wastefulness.

From point of view intimate relationships everything is going great too. An air partner only intensifies the heat and desire of Sagittarius. A woman supports the desire for experiments and new experiences of her chosen one. Intimacy will leave both partners more than satisfied with each other.

Difficulties for the development of relationships may arise when Sagittarius is not ready to tie themselves to family ties. In such a situation, a Libra woman should show miracles of patience and wait as long as her partner needs to enjoy her freedom to the fullest.

In marriage, representatives of these signs remain just as active. They often travel together and discover new countries and places. This makes the couple truly happy. Sagittarius is sincerely happy that he has found a partner who shares his interests and supports him. Libra, in turn, is pleased that her chosen one is calm about her constant flirting with people of the opposite sex (however, this should not be abused). There are rarely quarrels in the family. Usually Sagittarius tames his temper, and Libra simply remains neutral, which leads to the elimination of conflicts.

In marriage, a man will change his character to a more good-natured and flexible one, thanks to a sensitive and caring wife.

When children appear in the house of such a couple, the woman will become an ideal mother and a natural housewife. You can be sure that little household members will never be deprived of attention and care.

What to expect from the union

A wonderful harmonious tandem that can last for a very long time. long years. The union of the signs of Fire and Air is based on excellent mutual understanding and common interests. Both partners receive new knowledge and support. In the future, the relationship only strengthens, while the mutual respect and interest of Libra and Sagittarius in each other does not fade, but only gains momentum. They almost always balance on the line between friendship and love. Mutual attraction is felt even at the first meeting.

Sincere and independent Sagittarius is always ready to tell his chosen one about his adventures, because he finds in her an excellent listener. The fire partner adores his woman and finds her the most attractive and desirable.

May doubt the loyalty of a Sagittarius man. However, she is completely captivated by the childish sincerity and naivety of her chosen one. A woman should not try to control or change the bearer of such a sign. Usually this is fraught with fading of feelings and breakup of relationships.

Together they are capable of much, despite differences in matters of marriage and finances. Ease of communication, the desire for close relationships, independence - unite Libra and Sagittarius and make their union truly strong.

Both the man and the woman feel and understand their partner well. The Libra woman and the Sagittarius man are of interest to each other not only as lovers, but also as interesting intellectual interlocutors. Based on this mutual attraction, strong relationships are built between the signs, which can develop into love or friendship.

The planet Venus was named after the goddess Her Majesty Love. It is she (Venus) who patronizes Libra and does this very responsibly and fruitfully. She endowed her charges with amazing charm, vitality and a certain amount of coquetry.

Sagittarius is patronized by Jupiter himself - supreme god Roman pantheon. This is probably why they always don’t have enough of everything. No, not at all because they are greedy. They just always want more and better than they have. Libras are always full of ideas and thoughts, this is their life.

Their element is air, but it is not some gentle breeze. This is a storm, a hurricane of thoughts and feelings, sweeping away everything in its path. Sagittarius can be called quite hot guys. Their element, fire, pushes them to do this. And this is by no means a flickering firefly. More like striking and unpredictable lightning.

As many believe, the union between a fire and an air sign has every chance of becoming ideal. Astrologers also agree with this; air and flame may well complement and support each other. The union of Sagittarius and Libra can be considered a successful and very promising enterprise.

But as practice shows, time itself puts everything in its place. The stars first create such alliances, and then watch with curiosity what comes of it!

Compatibility in love and marriage

He is Libra, she is Sagittarius

The union is very successful, although most of those around him doubt that it will last long. A Libra man and a Sagittarius woman have significantly different outlooks on life. And yet their marriage can be unusually strong. A man simply adores his soul mate, pampers her and tries in every possible way to please her.

Sometimes they look quite strange side by side. He is modest and shy. She is cheerful, active, cheerful. He is not at all complex, he simply does not like to be the object of attention, preferring to observe from the sidelines. Compare and analyze, and most importantly, protect your beloved!

The compatibility of Libra men and Sagittarius women is quite high. This can be seen by observing their family life. They rarely conflict. They simply have nothing to quarrel about! The girl likes the elegance and restraint of her lover.

He is delighted with her manners and generosity. They complement each other perfectly. A woman's rudeness can spoil life a little. She does not like to hide and expresses all complaints directly. But, as a rule, quarrels do not arise because of this. The man will be offended, but most likely will remain silent.

They have every chance to live happily ever after. If only the representative of fire would curb her tough character a little. Otherwise, the grievances of a Libra man can extinguish his feelings and alienate him from his beloved. In order not to tire of each other, it would be nice to go on a picnic or visit friends.

He is a Sagittarius, she is a Libra

This kit is almost perfect. These two notice each other from afar, immediately get to know each other and talk as if they had known each other since birth. They have a lot in common. This is amazing flexibility, love of freedom and unconventional thinking. At the same time, they are both very good at hiding their real feelings.

They have no problems finding a topic for conversation or something to do together. They will never be bored together. Sagittarius may be somewhat amazed by the constant change in mood of the beloved. But all this is successfully compensated by the amazing worldly wisdom and the girl's devotion.

Fire and Air complement each other, making life brighter and richer. They do not need to limit the freedom of their loved one. One day their souls will become so close that they will feel like one.

Negative sides of the union

Astrologers mostly agree that the Libra-Sagittarius union is almost ideal. But with one note. At least one of the spouses must be successful. Usually Air takes on this “heavy burden”. Fire is always trying to escape somewhere from such problems and obligations.

People around them are constantly wondering how Sagittarius and Libra can get along? Among such couples there are very often gigolos. The most interesting thing is that the lovers themselves are not at all bothered by this fact. They are ready to support each other. As long as they feel comfortable, and that’s the main thing. They don't care who will carry the money home.

With such amazing compatibility, it will still not be possible to completely avoid conflicts. The characters, after all, are quite different. Libras are very indecisive; Sagittarius, on the contrary, needs to decide everything quickly, backhandedly. Sagittarians are not afraid to make mistakes, but Libra often has to take responsibility for these mistakes.


In sex

Despite some coldness of Libra, they are incredibly comfortable in the marriage bed with the hot and passionate Sagittarius. Sex life this pair is extremely rich and varied. They are great as sexual partners.

Sagittarius constantly surprises his soulmate, making the relationship more colorful and varied. In order to forget about the shortcomings of your other halves, it is better to throw out excess energy in bed, which is what they happily do. Various fantasies and sexual innovations perfectly relieve their stress and make them closer.

In friendship

Libra and Sagittarius men – one can only envy the friendship of this couple. But, as always, there is one caveat. They should have approximately the same social status. And it’s not even a matter of disgust or any kind of self-interest.

They just value their reputation and position very much. If one of them fell into a financial hole, became addicted to alcohol, drugs, or committed a crime, this will mean only one thing - he no longer has a friend!

As for women. Sagittarius and Libra simply love everyone's attention, various events, and shopping. This brings them somewhat closer, although the signs of Air are somewhat tired of the energy of Fire.

Can a man and a woman be friends in this combination of signs? Why not. But the line of this friendship is so thin that, almost always, it turns into a big and beautiful feeling called love.

In business

Fire and Air have very similar methods of working in the field of finance, so it is likely that this duo will make a good career for themselves. The couple can easily organize their own enterprise. They won’t have to think long, they will instantly form overall strategy and they will stick to it.

They invest equally into the business and without hesitation. They often have many useful connections, and the ability to think unconventionally gives them the opportunity to find a way out of any situation. Libra really likes to work in the same team with Sagittarius. Next to an active and confident person, they forget about their indecision.

Compatibility percentage

The compatibility of these two signs in love is almost perfect - 90%. As for marriage, the figure here is slightly lower than 70%. Family life often requires from us something more than mutual sympathy and even love.

Often they start with ordinary friendship, but at one point they begin to realize that they can no longer do without each other. It happens that when they meet each other they are already married.

And then they sacrifice everything in order to be together. They leave their families, get divorced and go to each other. They are naive, gentle, and have unlimited faith in their loved one.

And who will blame them for this?

Libra and Sagittarius are separated by only one sign, which means the compatibility of their elements (in in this case, Air and Fire) and, accordingly, personalities. They value each other, especially for their ability to make others smile - they both enjoy seeing joy on people's faces. Sagittarius achieves this through their stories or spiritual revelations, while Libra achieves this through personal charm.

When fate brings Sagittarius women and Libra men together, mutual attraction immediately flares up between them. The eloquence of Sagittarius amuses Libra, who, however, does not believe a single word they say, although they will never admit that they ignore the meaningful part of the conversation and simply enjoy the chatter of their partners. A happy Sagittarius woman is little concerned about such selectivity of her interlocutor, since she knows that sooner or later the Libra man will find himself in his hands.

That's right... Sagittarians know how to flirt and, noticing a spark of interest, they will fan the flame until it turns into something like a forest fire. Libras, of course, are too reserved to openly express passion, but they themselves love it when others do it. These two instantly connect with each other, and a mutually beneficial exchange begins between them. Sagittarius women can use some of their partner’s recommendations in terms of subtleties of behavior: for example, how to properly demonstrate their interest in the object of their desire - in something, and in this area you cannot find a better expert than Libra men. And vice versa. After all, if Libra really wants to give themselves free rein, they need, following the example of Sagittarius, to learn to be indifferent to the opinions of others. In the absence of unforeseen difficulties, this union will bring a lot of pleasure to both.

Libra men are leaders. Sagittarius women are followers. Working together, these two can achieve anything. The problems between them disappear when both honestly try to first understand themselves, and only then evaluate the people who occupy a prominent place in their partner’s life.

Sagittarius women need someone who can appreciate their true fortitude. They do not want to prove anything, but they need a partner who would give them the opportunity to strengthen their own importance. Inspired, so to speak. Libra men have a natural tendency to notice the good in everyone, but if they have a close connection with a specific person, they are forced to focus only on their partner. However, it should be understood that romantic relationships do not mean a refusal to perceive the rest of life; on the contrary, they allow outside energies to become part of the being of the beloved.

Sagittarius women don't have to scream in pain to be heard, since Libra men like it when people close to them are healthy and frank. They will be able to subtly correct the social awkwardness of their partners, but Sagittarius must know that they will avoid suffering if they follow their mentor. Sagittarians bring magic to their relationships and gain sophistication in return. Provided that a certain amount of personal freedom is maintained for each, these two will be able to continue to give each other miracles.

Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

This couple is characterized by expressiveness of feelings and experiences. The erotic component of a relationship can take on rather distorted forms when sexual attraction becomes overly aggressive and impatient. If we do not take into account the possible difficulties of this bright union, we can say that the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman have a very high chance of happy marriage. In it, the woman will take an active position, and the man will appreciate her advantages, which he does not have. They say about such a union: “The wife is a crown for her husband.”

When superimposing the horoscopes of lovers, Venus and Jupiter come into interaction - a symbol of comparison of such natural phenomena, like Dawn and Thunderstorm. The Jupiterian woman has a craving for conflict with the opposite sex, and not only that. Very often, in the process of the so-called struggle, she subconsciously “assesses” the merits of her future partner. And before becoming the partner of a Venusian man, she will probably “throw lightning” and subject him to more than one test. The main emphasis is on proving the power of the feminine natural principle. The Sagittarius woman in this case has the archetype of the wayward Carmen, who aroused such terrible anger from the male character in this love story...

There are intellectual Libras, there are artistic Libras, and there are sensitive Libras with their head in the clouds. All these types of Venusians hope to see the Sagittarius woman in a more feminine and sophisticated image. A fiery woman can scare them off already on the first date. Moreover, if she has such a typical trait for her Sign as straightforwardness and straightforwardness (Libra usually takes this for vulgarity). Yes, he finds her definitely vulgar or tactless; in some situations she lacks sophistication, a sense of proportion and tact. She, in turn, believes that his sense of beauty is just aesthetic whims and snobbery. It must be admitted that it is really difficult for a Venusian to overcome the thick layer of his “aesthetic” predilections without getting stuck in it.

The next type of Libra very often becomes the lover of a Sagittarius woman. This implies an obvious or hidden conflict in a relationship, which is also the impetus for intimate intimacy, as it becomes a stimulating factor. At the first stage, Sagittarius can provoke Libra to quite strange behavior, unusual for him, contrary to his calm nature. He can practice anything that could make his sympathy more convincing in her eyes. However, Venus is the most tempting source of pleasure for Jupiter, so the Sagittarius lady can also resort to some “feminine” forms of courtship in order to possess the man she likes. Sexual compatibility in this pair is achieved thanks to feminine side, thanks to her attraction and interest.

From the point of view of sexual Astrology, the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman are an energetically oversaturated union, and so that the lovers do not have the temptation to waste energy on fighting, they should focus on the intimate side of the relationship, which they successfully do. Traditional sex they may alternate with deviations from conventional accepted norm. Their unorthodox approach to sex can be both fun and a way to relieve psychological stress.

As you can see, this union offers somewhat unexpected ideas about relationships, and even non-standard types of declaration of love! And, alas, new myths about happiness. One can only envy the strength of their feelings, some kind of mixture of ecstasy and mystery, but a whirlwind sexual romance is unlikely to develop into marriage; a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man can quickly “burn out” in this relationship. As soon as one of them imagines each other in the role of a spouse, they literally have a presentiment that an unpleasant “remake” of their partner awaits them. We would like to correct and correct something in each other, but we have neither the strength nor the desire to do so.

For harmonious family union they should focus on common sense, and not try to “get caught up” in the next fresh stream of passion. The absence of passions is even in some way useful for them and does not at all mean boredom. In marriage, the energy impulse of the past remains! It’s just that partners easily switch to setting up a home and form their own family traditions, partly spend too much time and effort on getting money, then reap the fruits of their efforts with pleasure. Such a marriage is the embodiment of happiness, but not given from above, but deserved and created with one’s own hands. From a passionate warrior beauty, Sagittarius turns into a faithful, energetic wife. They can make decisions together and implement them together, but Libra gives the main reins of power to Sagittarius, and does not feel any discomfort from this. The main thing is that it does not exceed the boundaries of his ambition.
