Detailed Irina. Irina - the meaning of the name

Many women's names appeared a long time ago, in ancient times, and have survived to this day. This is the name Irina - beautiful, common and very lyrical.

It is inherent in strong and intelligent ladies who attract attention and charm with their inner light. But what does the name Irina mean, what is its origin and what fate awaits its owner?

The meaning of the name Irina is very interesting. It is originally of ancient Greek origin. The ancient Greeks had a goddess of peace and tranquility - her name was Eirene. From her came the name Irina, which is translated from Greek as “peace”, “peace”. The name Arina was common in Rus' - it is a form of Irina. The name is church, Orthodox and ancient.

Complete female name Irina comes in many forms. The common form is Ira, affectionately - Irochka, Irusya, Irunya, Irunchik. Foreign forms - Irene, Ira, Irene, Erin. They all have the same origin and mean “peace.”

Bringer of peace and tranquility

The initial meaning of the name Irina for a girl whose parents decided to christen her that way already predetermines her future fate. She is a fighter for peace and justice, and her life will never be passive and boring. Since childhood, Ira loves adventures, sports, loves reading detective stories and adventure stories, fantasizing and playing.

She is distinguished by great courage, she is not afraid to stand up for the little ones and protect the weak, she will even rush into battle with the boys if necessary. She takes on the character of her father and is drawn to him, and is very dependent on her father’s upbringing.

Ira is an amorous girl and loves the attention of the opposite sex, always trying to please guys and attract their glances. However, from her youth she has been independent, does not lose her head and never submits to feelings, maintaining a certain amount of inaccessibility. It is almost impossible to conquer her completely; she will always be guided by your own desires and protect freedom, personal space and your habits.

As a rule, she has many boyfriends in her youth, she does not “jump out” to marry the first person she meets and is not in a hurry to start a family. But when he decides to do this and gives his hand and heart to his chosen one, he does so consciously and responsibly. Therefore, women with this name rarely get divorced.

Ira is a good mother, a faithful and intelligent wife and the keeper of the hearth, but in the first place she still has her own destiny and development. She strives to achieve a lot, to build brilliant career, learn everything and be the best in the business that you love and choose.

So spending whole days in the kitchen or fussing around with children for days are not her priorities. She would rather give her children to good teachers, and she herself will build her own life. Her strong and assertive character helps her create a destiny - the one she desires.

Irina is conscious and understands what she wants, rarely submitting to other people's influence or someone else's desires. She does not waste time on empty thoughts and worries, easily “moves away” from grievances and is not subject to strong emotions.

Ira is partially endowed with masculine qualities: her character is strong, she has strong will, she is smart and reasonable. Knows how to gain authority among others already from school. Therefore, the fate of a leader awaits her; she knows how to lead people, inspire respect and trust, without showing brute force.

This woman should be in charge - her wisdom tells her where to bend a little and where to push. Always behind her the last word, she will never, under any circumstances, tolerate it if she doesn’t like something, she hates waiting - she prefers to act right now. Thanks to these qualities, her fate is almost always successful, and among Irin you rarely find weak-willed and unhappy women.

Irina loves to develop, does not stand still, and is passionate about everything new and progressive. She is like this in everything - in work, in relationships, in raising children. He is not lazy to read, study, learn new things, try. In everything that interests her, she achieves success thanks to perseverance, curiosity and lack of laziness.

He strives for perfection and loves when everything is perfect: he brings his work to perfection, if he cooks, then it’s great, if he cleans the house, then it shines in every corner. Her firm and calm character and desire for excellence make her successful, the best among the rest.

In relationships with people, Ira also shows firmness, reasonableness and honesty. She is not too emotional, but if she falls in love, she will love her forever. Loyalty and honesty are crucial for her, and Irina demands this from her chosen one, from friends and relatives.

She will not forgive betrayal or deception and needs to be appreciated. In return, she is ready to give a lot: she always remains faithful, does not know how to deceive, and her actions are pure and noble. She values ​​tranquility, peace and stability very much, therefore she values ​​relationships and knows how to preserve and protect them.

With men

This woman has been looking for her chosen one for a long time, making a responsible and informed decision, knowing firmly what she wants and what her husband should be like. Loyalty, honesty, decency men have important for her, and Irina is looking for herself better man as husbands, paying attention not to appearance, but to character and habits.

This reasonable woman rarely trusts horoscopes, and if she believes in the compatibility of names, it is only partially, trusting more to common sense and logic. For her, in fact, it doesn’t matter what the man’s name is – Maxim, Evgeniy, Alexey. She will be able to build a relationship with any of them if she really wants, but compatibility is still important, because names predetermine character, and a lot depends on whether the man’s name is Maxim, Oleg or Evgeniy.

The greatest chances of creating a strong, happy union with men: Leonid, Boris, Ivan. , Evgeny and Sergey can also make an excellent match for Irina. These men have exactly the set of qualities and traits that this woman is looking for in a chosen one. Love at first sight, deep understanding of each other, spiritual kinship are quite likely. Often it is these men who become husbands for Irin.

Good compatibility also with men whose names are: Alexey, Pavel, Rostislav, Valery. Provided that both partners love each other, are sincere and want to keep strong relationships, their union will be strong, harmonious and will develop into real understanding and kinship of souls. Marriage is quite possible.

Difficult relationships will develop with Vitaly, Konstantin, Mark, Ruslan and. These people have qualities that contradict Irina’s nature, and therefore conflicts are possible. There will be rivalry, misunderstanding, even fighting. But if love arises, then everything can be overcome, so if both partners wish, everything is possible.

Name days

The main name day for Irina is May 18th. This is the day of the Holy Great Martyr Irene of Macedon, who lived in the 1st century and converted Christian faith tens of thousands of pagans. You can also congratulate the birthday girl on Angel Day on April 29, May 26 and October 1.

Irina is a beautiful female name, the owners of which always live an active, rich and vibrant life. They are not afraid of loneliness or troubles; they know how to cope with any adversity and protect their loved ones. This means that the name can be called truly happy! Author: Vasilina Serova

  • Female name
  • Meaning and origin of the name Irina: Translated from greek name means "Peace, tranquility."
  • Energy named after Irina: Optimism, determination, practicality

The name Irina perfectly balances such qualities as firmness, cheerfulness, mobility and determination. At the same time, there is sufficient independence in him, and therefore all of the above properties are difficult to level out in the process of education. This is for the better, since a balanced combination of such character traits can make Irina’s fate quite favorable.

The energy of the name suggests that Ira has an analytical mind, but this does not mean that she will grow up to be such a scientific cracker. Rather, on the contrary, it’s just that she usually clearly knows what she wants from life, and of all emotions she gives preference to a sense of humor. Most likely, from childhood, Ira will not limit her communication to purely girl groups; it is possible that she will be more attracted to the company of boys, where she may even become the ringleader. But it’s still unlikely that boyish games will captivate her too much and interfere with her studies - usually she knows when to stop, not wanting to complicate her life once again.

With age, Irina most often tries to devote enough time to her career, which is primarily due not to ambitious dreams, but to the desire to further strengthen her autonomy and independence. At the same time, she may have well-developed makings of an intelligent leader, since her internal balance, prudence and sense of humor allow her to get along well not only with her superiors, but also with her subordinates. It’s hard to imagine that she will raise her voice at her employees, especially since by treating people purely humanely, much more can be achieved from them. Irina is a good diplomat and psychologist, since she knows how to feel the mood of her interlocutor and often uses this very skillfully.

It is practically impossible that Ira would decide to limit her life only to economic and family concerns, and this should be taken into account by her husband or a candidate for the position of such. Of course, her energy will allow her to maintain the household at the proper level, but she is unlikely to give up her career. Even if her husband is able to provide for Irina and the children beyond any measure, her independence will still find some way out, otherwise Ira will simply wither away. And the husband, having tried to imprison her within four walls, soon runs the risk of coming face to face with the independent character of his wife: either Irina will soon arrange an active personal life for herself, or sooner or later she will take her husband to task. Or both will happen. In a word, this name is perfect for a modern emancipated woman, which should always be taken into account by candidates for her hand and heart.

What do you think of the name Irina?

The meaning of the name Irina (Arina): This name for a girl means “calmness”, “peace”.

Origin of the name Irina (Arina): Greek

Diminutive form of name: Ira, Irinka, Irishka, Irusya, Irusha, Irenka, Arinka, Arishka, Aryusha.

What does the name Irina (Arina) mean: The energy of the word is simple, joyful and bright. The meaning of the name Irina is hope, intelligence and decency. She attracts people, is successful in her career, is surrounded by friends and is happily married. Practical Irochka is not prone to daydreaming and sentimentality, so it is difficult for vulnerable people to work with her.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Irina celebrates her name day twice a year:

  • April 29 (16) - Holy Martyr Irina and her sisters Agapia and Chlonia, pious Christians, in the 4th century. died as martyrs for the faith of Christ.
  • May 18 (5) – The Holy Great Martyr was of a noble family; baptized St. the Apostle Timothy; through preaching and miracles she converted parents and thousands of people to Christ; suffered great torment for this, but remained unharmed among them; died in a cave in the 2nd century.

Signs: April 29 - Irina - ripping up the coast, snatching up the snow: around this time, according to a popular remark, it begins to melt off the coast: “The hollow water washes away the coast.” May 18 - Arina the seedbed: they are burning grass in the fields - “Irina has thin grass out of the field!” - and they plant cabbage seedlings in the garden, saying: “Don’t be long-legged, but be pot-bellied; don’t be empty, but be tight; don’t be red, but be tasty; don’t be old, but be young; don’t be small, but be big.” !"


  • Zodiac – Taurus
  • Planet – Venus
  • Irina's color is pale blue
  • Auspicious tree – chestnut
  • Treasured plant – lily of the valley
  • Patron - owl
  • Talisman stone – opal

Characteristics of the name Irina

Positive features: The name Irina gives decency, restraint of feelings and emotions, poise, endurance, and reliability. She grows up as an obedient, cheerful child. She does not cause any trouble to either parents or teachers. She studies well and is often an excellent student. In her youth she is independent, can live separately from her parents, although she is very attached to them. She is a materialist, objectively assesses the situation, and does not give in to illusions. Ira has no unfulfilled desires or dreams. She really assesses her abilities and knows what she wants and what she can achieve. She is sociable and strives to enter high society.

Negative features: The name Irina brings excessive prudence. She is also characterized by skepticism, pride, vanity, resentment, coldness, and hidden pride. Irochka is alien to subtle manifestations of the soul; her poise and skepticism can repel people and interfere with sincere and trusting communication. The meaning of the name Irina is the desire to always try to enter the society of influential people and for the sake of this to sacrifice even heartfelt affection.

Character of the name Irina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Irina? She grows up as a timid, submissive girl, most afraid of dogs and boys. He studies well, attends clubs, loves to splash in the lake and pool. She is attracted to contemplative sciences: geography, astronomy, botany, but it is possible that she will become a pediatrician, lawyer, or politician.

Already in childhood, Irochka feels a kind of maturity and independence. He loves his father very much and enjoys playing with him. When there is a group of adults in the house, he does not interfere, prefers to mind his own business. It’s better not to pay attention to Ira, not to demand poetry readings or demonstration dances. Arina can do all this, but when she becomes the center of attention, she fades away and “swallows her tongue.”

The girl studies well at school and it does not require much effort from her. She is talented, draws, sews, knits well. Likes to read detective novels, watch hollywood movies. She is not sentimental, she will not cry over the suffering of the heroes of foreign TV series, they are simply funny to her. Ira has many friends, but she does not limit her communication with them, she is attracted to the company of boys, and with them she also finds mutual language. Likes to attend sports clubs, especially the pool, swimming.

Irina knows how to control herself, there is a sense of balance in her words and actions, but in certain situations she is often aggressive. There is a lot in her words and actions common sense, she has her own opinion, delicate taste.

She always knows what she wants. If a girl named Ira does not get married early, she can master several professions, in parallel with the main one - learn a language, work on a computer, photography. Does everything leisurely, for her it is special meaning thoroughness. A girl with this name is a smart leader; she will never raise her voice to a subordinate; her internal balance and prudence will allow her to get along well with both subordinates and superiors. Ira gravitates toward purely female professions: she works in a design bureau, as a music teacher, as a salesperson, as a cashier, as a nurse, as a designer, as a fashion designer, as a hairdresser, etc. Ira does not always work with concentration and see things through to the end, but she always brings a personal touch to the job and works better when they praise her. She is a good diplomat and psychologist, she knows how to feel the mood of her interlocutor, and skillfully uses this.

Irina and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The name has a successful marriage with Alexey, Andrey, Anton, Bazhen, Bashilo, Belyay, Bogolyub, Boris, Danila, Ivan, Igor, Lyubomir. The name Irina is also combined with Miroslav, Sergey. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Anatoly, Denis, Kirill, Nikita, Oleg, Leonid, Rostislav, Stepan.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Irina promise happiness in love? She has an amorous nature, but she never loses her head. She chooses as a husband, if not a wealthy, then a promising man. She is a devoted, faithful wife. The woman named Irina attaches great importance to the latest pedagogical methods.

A girl named Ira is an amorous person, but she doesn’t lose her head in hobbies, she always knows what kind of husband she needs and strives to find her ideal. Irochka is cold, but she doesn’t know it herself, she simply considers herself a reasonable and sober person. At the same time, it is difficult for her to be left alone, and she is ready to make some sacrifices just not to be left alone. The name Irina is very popular among men. A girl with this name loves male company, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted.

In marriage there is almost always a faithful wife, a good mother who will do everything for her child, but at the same time will never completely subordinate herself to the hearth and home. A woman named Irina does not strive to become the head of the family; she will completely rely on her husband.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Career and profession matter for Ira great importance. A high standard of living is an incentive to study at school and to enter a prestigious university. She can become a highly qualified specialist in the field of exact and technical sciences. The meaning of the name Irina is tact, pragmatism, sharp mind. Ira’s ability to communicate in high society predisposes her to the profession of diplomat and lawyer. Ira, who failed to obtain a prestigious profession, tries to improve in any other chosen field of activity.

Business and career: She needs high level life, tries to support him honest work and through connections in the community. Speculation, fraud, risk and adventure are alien to her.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Irina: In infancy, a child with this name is very calm, but does not eat very well, which is why the girl does not gain weight well. When teeth appear, her temperature rises. In general, the girl is developing well. She is prone to sore throats and dermatitis.

Weak organs of “September” Ira: throat, stomach, bronchi. “Summer” - susceptible to stress, vision declines early, prone to dermatitis, dysfunction thyroid gland. In summer she suffers from sore throat more often than in winter. However, there is no need to remove the tonsils; they serve protective barrier.

"Noyabrskaya" - prone to violations in cardiovascular system, already in early age She is diagnosed with a heart murmur. IN school years The name Irochka can get whooping cough.

She Irina is susceptible to metabolic disorders, many become very fat with age, do not adhere to a diet, and do not limit themselves in nutrition. WITH early childhood You shouldn’t overfeed her; Ira doesn’t suffer from lack of appetite anyway. Completeness is characteristic mainly of the “December”, “June” and “July” Ira.

“Summer” - during the period of maturation, she is subject to stress, very vulnerable, and sensitive to insults. When considering a name for your child, pay attention to the fact that the “winter” Ira often has ectopic pregnancy, mastopathy develops with age, vision declines sharply, and may suffer from liver disease. Mastitis occurs in the postpartum period. The intestines are weakened. “Spring” Ira has problems with gynecology, and her ovaries are often inflamed. Mostly they give birth to girls, rarely boys.

Irina's fate in history

What does the name Irina mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Irina Fedorovna is the sister of Boris Godunov, the wife of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. Her marriage took place at the behest of Ivan the Terrible in 1580 and served as a new step for the rise of Godunov, whose influence on Fyodor Ioannovich was largely based on the tsar’s love for Ira. She did not interfere with her brother’s plans, but she was not his active assistant either. Died in 1603
  2. Arina Rodionovna is A.S.’s favorite nanny. Pushkin, about whom he writes with love in his poems.
  3. Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova (1910-2001) - famous trainer, the first woman in our country to train predators. I. Bugrimova came to the circus in 1929. Together with A.N. Buslaev she had a theatrical performance “Sleigh Flight”. Since 1976, Bugrimova has not worked in the arena, but has been active social life. She was the chairman of the Veterans Council of the Russian State Circus Company, a member of the presidium of the Central House of Artists, the Animal Welfare Society. In 2000, she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.
  4. Irena (Irena) Sandler, Irena Sendler, Irena Sendlerova (1910 - 2008) Polish resistance activist. During World War II, Irena Sendler, an employee of the Warsaw Health Department and a member of the Polish underground organization, the Council for Aid to Jews (Zhegota), often visited the Warsaw Ghetto, where she looked after sick children. Under this cover, she and her comrades took 2,500 children from the ghetto, who were then transferred to Polish orphanages, private families and monasteries.
  5. Irina Slutskaya - Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first seven-time European champion in figure skating(1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports.
  6. Irina Khakamada is a politician.
  7. Irina Muravyova is a theater and film actress.
  8. Irina Rodnina is an outstanding Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion, Russian public figure.
  9. Irina Chashchina is a rhythmic gymnastics athlete.
  10. Irina Bogacheva - singer of the Mariinsky Theater.
  11. Irina Arkhipova - singer Bolshoi Theater, teacher.
  12. Irina Alferova is a theater and film actress.
  13. Irina Kupchenko - theater and film actress, People's Artist RSFSR.
  14. Irina Rozanova is a theater and film actress.

Irina in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language the name is translated as Irene (Irene), in German: Irene (Irene), on French: Irina (Irin).

A name is not just a word, it determines the fate of its owner, assigns him certain character traits, expresses his attitude to life, work, love. Modern couples sometimes find it difficult to decide on a name for their unborn child. And the fear of choosing the “wrong” option is justified: every parent wants to program the fate of their child in the best possible way.

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Irina's characterization is very multifaceted. The secret of the name will be revealed only to those who look carefully.

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      The name Irina is of ancient Greek origin. Literally translated it means “peaceful life”, “peace”.

      The original version of the name was Eirene. That was the name of the goddess of peace in Ancient Greece.Today the most common sound versions are:

    1. 1. In Orthodoxy - Irenaeus, Irinius.
    2. 2. In Catholicism - Irenaeus.

    However, on post-Soviet space girls are usually called Irina (abbreviated as Ira). Representatives Slavic peoples This form of the name is convenient for pronunciation and perception.

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    Since childhood, Ira has been clearly aware of her role in the family and society. She grows up to be an emotionally liberated, sensitive girl. Without hesitation he expresses love for his loved ones. A feeling of attachment to her parents encourages Irina to take an active part in household chores and help as much as she can.

    For a child with this name, understanding and sensitivity on the part of caregivers are very important.

    Irina is ready to fight for the right to spiritual freedom. In matters of choosing hobbies and life path she relies only on herself. The best way win Irina's trust (or respect) - accept her without judgment. Any attempt to “reshape” her personality - through peaceful persuasion or sharp ultimatums - will cause aggression.

    If Irina does not find love and support from loved ones, she becomes isolated. In this case, the thirst for life and emotional activity are replaced by lethargy, apathy, and laziness.

    By temperament type, Ira is choleric. She finds it difficult to contain her feelings in a critical situation. A woman's character is dominated by impulsiveness, enthusiasm, and optimism.

    The owner of this name knows exactly what she is striving for and achieves her goals with patience and perseverance.

    Relationships with people

    Irina has an innate gift to win hearts. She is sociable, without special labor persuades a person to his side. He likes to flirt with others, and these actions cannot always be regarded as an attempt at seduction. Flirting for Ira is a way of communication, a lifestyle.

    Irina is the life of the party. She just needs to be in the center of events and have pleasant interlocutors nearby.

    A lady with that name is more comfortable in women's team, where you can have a heartfelt conversation, discuss movies and last news. At the same time, Ira enjoys being in male company - interested glances from the stronger sex instill confidence in her.

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    Love and marriage

    Irina is a tender, amorous person. She quickly and sometimes thoughtlessly succumbs to passion. She is attracted to drama - both in books and in life. That is why Ira loves selflessly, sighing every minute for her betrothed.

    But for marriage she will choose a reliable, patient, caring man. Irina, acting gently and unobtrusively, adapts her partner to herself, creating the ideal gentleman with her own hands.

    Primacy in the family is given to the husband: Ira loves it when everyday problems Her husband decides for her. But it is the wife who is the leader in the relationship - the initiative is always in her hands.

    A particularly successful marriage is possible with Andrei, Sergei, Boris, Leonid, Stepan. But an alliance with Roman, Dmitry, Valery will not bring anything good.

    Good compatibility with a man born under the constellation Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra. Irina is by nature a non-conflict person, so relationships with representatives of other zodiac signs will be neutral - the sweet and charming Ira will lure even an enemy to her side.


    During his studies, Ira gives preference to creative subjects, however, mastering exact sciences does not cause her any difficulty. With a little effort, the girl achieves success in everything. Often takes on the role of an excellent student. Teachers recognize and encourage her efforts.

    Irina is a romantic, deeply vulnerable person. This part of a woman’s personality largely determines her predisposition to different types arts: writing, poetry, music.

    Often the owners of this name became famous actresses, singers, poetesses, TV presenters.

    The love of freedom and the thirst for justice play important role in the development of Irina as a public and/or political figure.

    Ira is not inclined to do homework. She prefers cooking: she strives to master different cooking techniques and is not afraid to experiment with flavors.

In the Soviet Union, this female name was one of the five most popular, but now it has been undeservedly forgotten. If you decide to name your daughter Irina: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits the girl in the future.

Over the years, the name Irina is found less and less often, and perhaps in 30-50 years it will become unusual.

Irina is by nature a fighter for peace and justice.

According to philologists, the name comes from ancient greek goddess Eirene, and translated it means “peace” and “tranquility.”

In the Middle Ages in Rus', the name Irina was very popular among nobles.

Personal Description

This woman has a strong and decisive character. Of course, she can be impressionable and vulnerable, but in situations where it is necessary to quickly make a decision, she will not be at a loss.

Relationship marriage

Irina is faithful and trusted friend for both sexes. She can copy men's mannerisms and even talk obscene words. She feels better among men.

In relationships with men she is reserved and hides her real emotions for a long time. In her first marriage, she is rarely happy; divorce is very likely. A mistake can happen if she chooses a man as strong and smart as herself as her husband. And she will most likely understand later that she needs a completely opposite type.

Everyday life is burdensome for this woman, but she copes well with it. As a rule, he does not see comfort without a pet.

As a rule, she gives birth to boys, but exceptions are possible. She instills noble qualities in her child from childhood and is not inclined to spoil him.

The second marriage is more successful and happy.


She is an intellectual, reads a lot, and has a literate and well-spoken speech. Irina can sit at home all weekend with a book and a cup of tea, since she is a homebody.


In the professional sphere he can realize himself as a serious boss. She is inclined towards teaching, so she may choose the field of education. Any specialty related to communication will suit her: doctor, lawyer, teacher, psychologist.

Irina will never trade work for family, especially if she likes the work. At work, she is an indispensable employee; if the work does not suit her, then Ira will look for her dream job and will definitely find it.

Irina is a fighter for justice, wherever she works, and therefore enjoys great respect among her colleagues. It is important for her to be praised and set as an example.


If the work environment is tense, she may get nervous disorders. And as a result, she is constantly drawn to relieve tension with a cigarette. Weak point her body has a stomach.

Influence of date of birth:

  • spring - from childhood she grows up as a little mischievous hooligan. Only the stage or sports can curb her energy.
  • summer - a very feminine and cunning fox with a rich imagination, she likes holidays most of all;
  • autumn - will be distinguished by a responsible and serious approach to any issue, she will be greedy for knowledge;
  • winter - smart and decisive, knows exactly what she wants.

How will her life turn out?

The patron planet of the name Irina is Jupiter.

The name endows its bearer with a decisive and strong-willed character along with femininity.

At first glance, this is a strange combination of qualities, but it is precisely because of this that these women often achieve great success in life.

Irina will leave her father's house early, she is inclined to show independence and independence. She may be overly stubborn, especially if people put a spoke in her wheels. She may regret some of her actions all her life, repeatedly experiencing an unpleasant moment.

In her youth she is very amorous. With age, she becomes more selective in her desires when choosing a partner. She usually has one child, although she may agree to adopt a girl. IN family relationships soft leader and perfectionist.

To get what he wants, he acts with the help of feminine tricks, and not directly. She loves it when everything happens exactly as she said.

Irina is attracted strong men, but she will be happy with a softer and more caring partner. In the first unsuccessful marriage Divorce is possible after the birth of a child.

With age, she can become softer and more sensitive, less demanding. She is maximally for a long time will maintain efficiency and clarity of mind.

What will the girl be like?

They say that all Iras have a sweet tooth.

As a child, Irochka is a sensitive and touchy child.

In the process of learning about the world, many things will simultaneously interest and frighten her.


WITH youth she will be an excellent manipulator. Ira will not get along well with other children, but excessive suspiciousness and touchiness will weaken every year and primary school she will become an ordinary cheerful and carefree girl. Perhaps she will begin to be more friends with boys and will resemble a girl - a bully.

Relationships with family

Little Ira will grow daddy's daughter, she will not lose closeness with her father throughout her life. She will also help her mother, but with less desire. With age, he will lose contact with her.

If Ira is the eldest child in the family, then she will approach raising her children with all responsibility. younger brothers and sisters.

Most of all, the baby will be attracted to dad's digging in the car or repairing home appliances.


She will become a diligent student at school. She will try very hard for praise and good grades. During this period, she can discover sports and achieve great success in this direction in the future. After communicating with her, many adults get the feeling that the girl is precocious for her years.

Transitional age

Having become a teenager, Irina already knows exactly what type of occupation she will choose. During this period, she notices that the boys are hovering around her and are not hinting at friendship at all. Man's love learns late, but on the whole quite successfully and painlessly.

Celebrity namesakes

  1. I. Slutskaya (born 1979) - Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first seven-time European figure skating champion in history (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports;
  2. I. Khakamada (born 1955) – Russian politician And statesman, teaches courses at Moscow State University and conducts motivational trainings;
  3. I. Alferova (born 1951) - theater and film actress;
  4. I. Chashchina (born 1982) is a rhythmic gymnastics athlete.
