Roman Lyubarsky will head the Ministry of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Roman Lyubarsky will head the Ministry of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy of the region

Roman Lyubarsky will soon head the Ministry of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Sergei Rogozhkin, who previously held this post, wrote a letter of resignation at will. This was announced by the governor’s press secretary, head of the press service Roman Skudnyakov.

“The decision has indeed been made. Sergei Rogozhkin, who currently holds the position of minister, wrote a statement, February 3 is the last day of his work in the regional government. In the near future, Valery Shantsev will sign an order appointing Roman Lyubarsky to the post of Minister of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy. It is assumed that from February 4, 2016, Lyubarsky can begin to perform his duties,” said the governor’s press secretary, head of the press service Roman Skudnyakov.

Speaking about the tasks that the governor sets for the ministry, Skudnyakov said that the Ministry of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy oversees a number of important projects, including the development of a network of multifunctional centers, interaction with public and religious associations, a program to support local initiatives. “According to some, the Nizhny Novgorod region is a leader in the Russian Federation. For example, for a year ahead of schedule established in the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, implemented a program for the development of a system of multifunctional centers. Today, in the new economic conditions, the governor sets the task of achieving even greater efficiency. The ministry is also tasked with ensuring transparent, open and legitimate elections in September 2016,” said the press secretary of the head of the region.

As previously reported, Valery Shantsev appointed Igor Norenkov as Minister of Economy and Competition Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The ministry was formed by merging the Ministry of Economy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the department for regulating the contract system in the field of procurement of the region, which was previously headed by Norenkov.

Let us recall that in June 2015, six ministries of the regional Government were reorganized into three. The United Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services was headed by Igor Donato, the Ministry of Investment Policy, State Property and Land Resources - Natalia Kazachkova, the Ministry of Industry, Support and Development of Small Business, Consumer Market and Services - Alexander Makarov.

Reference. According to open sources, Roman Valerievich Lyubarsky began his work in regional youth political organizations, administered a number of youth projects, and was engaged in organizational and propaganda work. Currently he holds the position of head of the department of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

Roman Lyubarsky in the near future he will head the Ministry of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Previously held this post Sergey Rogozhkin wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will. The press secretary of the governor, the head of the press service of the governor and the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region told reporters about this. Roman Skudnyakov.

“The decision has indeed been made. The current minister, Sergei Rogozhkin, wrote a statement saying February 3 is his last day of work in the regional government. In the near future Valery Shantsev will sign an order appointing Roman Lyubarsky to the post of Minister of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy. It is assumed that from February 4, 2016, Lyubarsky can begin to perform his duties,” said Roman Skudnyakov.

According to him, in the new economic conditions, the governor sets the task of achieving greater efficiency in a number of projects supervised by the ministry, including the development of a network of multifunctional centers, interaction with public and religious associations, and a program to support local initiatives. “The ministry is also tasked with ensuring transparent, open and legitimate elections in September 2016,” noted Roman Skudnyakov.


According to open sources, Roman Valerievich Lyubarsky began his work in regional youth political organizations, administered a number of youth projects, and was engaged in organizational and propaganda work. IN Lately worked in the department for internal policy issues of the apparatus authorized representative President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

A coup at the top is taking place in the NRO "United Russia" under the leadership of Deputy Governor Roman Antonov. The regions decided to liquidate the city branch of the party, which could strengthen the municipalities.

Actions without regard to the city United Russia members will lead to new party discord on the eve of serious elections.

Photo from

Following the promotion of Antonovite Alexander Tabachnikov to the post of secretary of the regional political council of United Russia without holding a regional party conference, Nikolai Andreev was made first deputy chairman of the regional executive committee. He previously served as chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod executive committee. Andreev is considered the creation of Denis Moskvin and Roman Lyubarsky, close to Antonov. The deputy governor is trying to seize the party in power without reaching an agreement with the boss. What will come of this?

The NRO "United Russia" has a number of features that have developed, figuratively speaking, historically. In the regional branch of United Russia, the secretary of the regional political council does not immediately become a decisive figure. This is, as a rule, only the plenipotentiary representative of Governor Valery Shantsev in the party in power. Moreover, the Executive Committee is not the determining body in United Russia. Everything is decided by the regional conference and the regional political council. Whoever controls them controls the party in the region.

An experienced person like Roman Antonov, who falls into deja vu, should know this. In 2008 - 2010, he already tried to carry out a coup in the NRO "United Russia". Then, however, there was a slightly different configuration of opposing forces. Antonov had support from Moscow; his allies in the fight against Valery Shantsev were Alexander Khinshtein and Vadim Bulavinov. Many remember the conflict at the regional conference, when Moscow and Antonov promoted Alexander Serikov, who headed the Public Reception of the President and was a member of the party headquarters, and Olga Balakina to the regional political council. Then VPS taught Antonov a lesson, but, of course, not with his own hands. Roman Valerievich lost miserably. It looks like he hasn't learned anything.

Apparently, the deputy governor now believes that since Shantsev is on the same side of the barricades with him, the party coup should be successful. But that's not true. Neither Valery Shantsev nor Antonov’s predecessor Sergei Potapov were ever involved in party building for United Russia. Like, this is not a master's business. Well, let them think that loaves grow on trees. And the party in power in the Nizhny Novgorod region is capable of surprises for big bosses. Therefore, Tabachnikov was not promoted to secretary of the regional political council through the conference. But such a secretary is not accepted by the party, and, therefore, not capable. In this regard, Antonov has not yet achieved much.

The transition of Nikolai Andreev from the city party structure to the regional one may mean that the next step of Roman Antonov will be an attempt to liquidate his own brainchild - the local Nizhny Novgorod branch ER. In 2010, it was created under the mayor Vadim Bulavinov. Then they gathered the secretaries of eight district Coordination Councils from Nizhny Novgorod, and they signed the initiative to create a local city branch of the party.

Now it is functioning, all city structures of the United Russia are working. More than once there was talk of liquidating the local Nizhny Novgorod branch. But at one time Oleg Kondrashov defended it, and now the city authorities felt that Nizhny Novgorod needed it to defend the interests of the municipality.

Antonov cannot help but understand that in 2016 it is difficult to liquidate the local city branch of United Russia. But the governor probably sets such a task and hurries him. Here we need to act both “from above” and “from below”. Reassemble the eight secretaries of the KSPO and sign a letter about returning to the old structure with local branches in the districts of Nizhny Novgorod. But such a maneuver “from below” is unlikely to be feasible. Then either another forceful action, or a bypass of the local Nizhny Novgorod branch, as if it simply does not exist. Especially in the elections to the ZSNO. Both will cause, to put it mildly, irritation in the party.

Antonov's war with " United Russia” will inevitably cause a symmetrical response. Also a military man. The plot with Tabachnikov was a blow below the belt, an element of a fight without rules. The plot with Andreev, which does not affect the balance of power, is a signal that the “war” will be until a victorious end, and not until first blood.

Spring is a busy time not only for conscripts and graduates, but also for officials. After all, right now they have to initiate the townspeople into the holy of holies - their income declarations. And here, unless someone lazy, wouldn’t ask who is the richest in the government and who has the coolest dacha. “I didn’t stand aside either” TVNZ"in Nizhny Novgorod", ranking the richest ministers in the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Let us say right away that when compiling it, we took into account the total income of both the officials themselves and their wives. After all, as it turned out, many of them earn much more than their influential spouses.

Andrey Chertkov

The Minister of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the Nizhny Novgorod Region tops the ranking of the richest members regional government and all thanks to a very wealthy wife. Together they earned 16.3 million rubles in 2017. Moreover, the lion's share of the budget was the income of Andrei Gennadievich's wife - 13.6 million rubles. The official’s own income is much more modest – 2.7 million rubles. The minister's family owns four plots of land ranging from 327 square meters to 968 square meters, a house under construction with an area of ​​224 square meters, a 66-meter garden house and a non-residential building with an area of ​​658 square meters. The family's fleet includes two Mercedes cars. They also have two apartments with an area of ​​35 and 75 square meters.

Roman Lyubarsky

Last year, the Minister of Internal and Regional Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and his wife earned about 7.6 million rubles, topping our rating. Moreover, in family budget they invested almost equally: 4.6 million - Roman Valerievich himself and 3.06 million - his wife. The family also owns a residential building with an area of ​​139 square meters, a third of an apartment with an area of ​​49 square meters and a plot of land with an area of ​​390 square meters. Moreover, all this is registered in the name of the minister himself. The family's fleet includes two cars - Mitsubishi and Infinity - as well as an all-terrain vehicle. The family has a residential building with an area of ​​240 square meters and a plot of land with an area of ​​1,700 square meters.

Andrey Gneushev

Minister social policy In the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2017, together with his wife, they earned a little less than their colleague Roman Lyubarsky - 7 million rubles. The official himself received 3.1 million rubles, but his wife received 3.8 million. The family owns a residential building with an area of ​​268 square meters, a plot of land with an area of ​​820 square meters and a Mercedes car. All this is registered in the name of the minister himself. The family also uses an apartment with an area of ​​65.7 square meters.

Igor Norenkov

According to the minister's own income economic development and investments of the Nizhny Novgorod region surpassed all his colleagues in the government, earning 5.4 million rubles. However, here the wife “let us down” a little, receiving only 572 thousand rubles in a year, which is why the Norenkov family took only fourth position in the overall standings. The spouses own a plot of land with an area of ​​2 thousand square meters, a residential building with an area of ​​84 square meters, two shares in an apartment with an area of ​​63 square meters and non-residential premises with an area of ​​2668 square meters. They also have a Toyota car.

Olga Sulima

The Minister of Finance of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, as a true master of his craft, also has everything in order with his household finances. Together with her husband in 2017, they earned 5.5 million rubles. Moreover, Olga Yuryevna herself brought the lion’s share of this money to the family treasury - 4.8 million rubles. Her husband is for last year earned only 625 thousand rubles. The minister’s family also owns an apartment with an area of ​​112 square meters, a 45-meter garden house, a 15-meter bathhouse, two parking spaces and a plot of land with an area of ​​570 square meters. Olga Yuryevna’s husband has a Mitsubishi car.

Evgeniy Lyulin

Closing the top six of our rankings is acting. Vice-Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Over the past year, he and his wife managed to earn 5.4 million rubles, 4.6 million of which were brought into the family treasury by Evgeniy Borisovich himself. The wife's share accounted for 816 thousand rubles. And although the vice-governor took only sixth place in the ranking in terms of income, if we ranked it by the amount of real estate, he would become its indisputable leader. After all, he has almost more real estate properties than all other ministers combined. He has...37 land plots alone! Their area varies from 800 square meters to 112,648 square meters. The family of Evgeniy Borisovich also owns three residential buildings with an area of ​​36 to 41 square meters and an apartment with an area of ​​108 square meters. The official’s vehicle fleet is also quite substantial: Mercedes and Volkswagen cars, a small-sized motorboat “Kazanka” and a Yamaha jet ski. The vice-governor’s family also has two apartments with an area of ​​120 and 108 square meters and two houses under construction with an area of ​​390 to 700 square meters.


How much did the families of other Nizhny Novgorod ministers earn?

Minister of Construction Alexey Syrov - 4.1 million rubles

And about. Deputy Governor Anton Averin – 4.092 million rubles

And about. Minister of Agriculture and Food Resources Alexey Morozov - 3.7 million rubles

Minister of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship Maxim Cherkasov – 3.6 million rubles

And about. Deputy Governor Dmitry Svatkovsky - 3.5 million rubles

And about. Deputy Governor Alexander Bayer -3.2 million rubles

Minister of Environment and natural resources Arseny Dryakhlov – 2.9 million rubles

Minister of Sports Sergei Panov – 2.8 million rubles

Plenipotentiary representative of the governor in the Legislative Assembly Denis Bakiev – 2.7 million rubles

Minister of Transport and highways Vadim Vlasov – 1.9 million rubles.

In 2015, Antonov’s appearance in such a high position was received ambiguously by the elite of the city and region, but the fact that openness and gentlemanly rules were over was indisputable for all political clans. Where Antonov is - war, intrigue and provocations. These approaches of Antonov to politics are known to everyone, and not only in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

What merits can be attributed to Roman Antonov in strengthening the regional governance structure? In the real sector, that is, housing and communal services, urban planning, landscaping, or, for example, agriculture the official never showed himself. Well, okay, let's imagine for a moment that the deputy governor domestic policy- a purely political figure, and the economy, planning and budget of the region’s territories will somehow regulate themselves. Let’s imagine that the only important thing for the deputy governor is to competently manage human resources and place effective managers. But just one recent example of “effective” solutions from the block Roman Antonov and the Minister of Internal Policy specifically accountable to him Roman Lyubarsky completely negates, at a minimum, their correct understanding of personnel work.

On September 7, FSB officers detained the head of the Kstovsky district administration for a bribe of 1.5 million rubles.Kirill Kultina. He received money from the chairman of the committee of creditors of the Vodokanal municipal unitary enterprise of the Kstovsky district - as they say, for contributing to the bankruptcy of the municipal enterprise. The young 37-year-old protege of Lyubarsky, who considers the Kstovsky district his patrimony, spent less than a year in his post. During this time, he was able to note only that he correctly integrated into the federal trend with the consolidation of municipalities. But now, it seems, he will be remembered by residents of the area only as another government official involved in cutting up a municipal enterprise.

Kirill Kultin. Photo

By the way, the story of the arrest itself is also interesting. There were several envelopes with money. We will find out which of Kultin's patrons they were intended for during the investigation. By the way, its results can give sensational results, and in the dock we will see not only Kirill Kultina.

This short sketch best characterizes the system of relationships in the region being built by Antonov through Lyubarsky. The second level of subordination (deputy governor), the third level (Minister of Internal Policy), then - local appointees in administrations who, in the general (but far from popular!) interests, warm their hands on water utilities, heating networks, housing and communal services. And these, by the way, are key life support infrastructure facilities... Residents of the region's districts, due to malicious intent, became hostages of corruption schemes.

The question of how the result of cutting and political intrigue will affect the life of a region or city is not taken into account at all.

Officials pay special attention major cities region, where there is something to profit from - Arzamas, Kstovo, Dzerzhinsk. Where Antonov appears, political wars and conflicts break out, and after key enterprises come under the control of the deputy governor’s proteges. Today, “thanks to” such “internal politics,” the Nizhny Novgorod region is dotted with hot spots, and the pockets of officials and businessmen close to Antonov are full of money. Well, now there’s even enough for helicopters.

A still from the already famous video about the helicopter on which Roman Antonov travels

Roman AntonovI am convinced that there are no forbidden techniques in politics, in addition, you can negotiate with anyone if it helps in achieving a result. For example, through Navalny, the mayor of Nizhny Novgorod was removed from his post Ivan Karnilin. Former head city ​​may be a thousand times wrong from the point of view of public morality, but when he is discredited with corruption money paid to a biased agent of influence of Western intelligence services, this raises even bigger questions for the initiators and customers of the Nizhny Novgorod “Miami Gate”.

Ivan Karnilin. While still serving as mayor of the city. Photo

Contacts between a regional official and Navalny are an unacceptable design on the verge of a foul for Antonov. Such steps will not go unnoticed federal center, and these facts will be assessed in the near future. And I’m ready to argue that Antonov actually launched Navalny’s “20!8” election campaign and deliberately fueled protest sentiments in the region. True, today fate played a cruel joke on him, and those opposition supporters of Navalny, whom he set against Karnilin, today already consider him the main corrupt official in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Video of the anti-corruption investigation into Roman Antonov became a hit on the Runet, a million people already watched it, and Antonov gained all-Russian “fame.”

By the way, Navalny, who very actively commented on the situation with Karnilin, for some reason is suspiciously silent about Antonov, although the story about the official’s corruption has acquired an equally powerful sound. However, the plenipotentiary representative in the Volga Federal District is also silent Mikhail Babich and for some reason, using the example of Antonov, he does not report on anti-corruption activities in the district.

Yes, Roman Antonov- a man of war. Only his style of warfare is not the battles of the worthy, fighting according to unspoken and noble rules. His war is intrigue, deceit and cunning. One of Antonov’s last steps was an attack he organized on the governor’s press secretary. Romana Skudnyakova- according to our information, the prosecutor’s office became interested in the head of the press service’s trip to China through direct communication from Antonov. But with this technique, he actually framed the governor, completely destabilizing the situation. Valery Shantsev after some time he was forced to leave the post of governor. Among the main reasons for Shantsev’s departure, Channel One openly named Skudnyakov’s trip to China at budget expense (however, this has not yet been proven). Experts also recall to Shantsev inter-elite conflicts (started by Antonov!) and corruption scandals in his immediate circle (the arrest of Kultin and the scandal with the luxury helicopter of the same Antonov for 1.5 million euros can easily be included here).

Being inside the regional management system in such a most important region for the state as the Nizhny Novgorod region, Roman Antonov discredited and unbalanced this system. To the new governor Gleb Nikitin you won't envy. Now the media, which sympathized with Skudnyakov, are understandably opposed to Antonov. The head of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region has problems because of Antonov, which may affect both his own elections and the presidential elections. Relations with the parties are completely ruined. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has long considered Antonov its enemy (Antonov allowed himself to accuse the Communists of political prostitution from the State Duma rostrum). The LDPR faction in the State Duma demands the resignation of the disgraced corruption scandals official “A Just Russia” expresses a vote of no confidence in Antonov - the deputy governor has an open conflict with the popular party leader Alexander Bochkarev. The opposition, too, has turned its back on its former benefactor and considers Antonov today the main symbol of corruption in Nizhny Novgorod authorities.

Antonov left Nikitina with a bad background on the eve of the presidential election! And this situation, it seems, will have to be corrected by another political manager.

Certainly, government system control, like any viable and progressive organism, will self-clean and squeeze out non-systemic elements, but, unfortunately, when the immune system works hard, development is inhibited. Society's demand for renewal of power, justice and due censure has been on the waiting list for a long time. The negativity from possible mistakes of the authorities will only be balanced by trust in it when the guilty officials who put personal interests above state ones are punished. And we will see the development of this story in the very near future.

Igor Stogov
