Learn to put Roman numerals in a Microsoft Word document. How to insert Roman numerals in a Word

How to insert Roman numerals in a Word? If you write any historical opuses, you probably have more than once faced the problem of inserting historical dates in Roman format. You can, of course, write Roman numerals in Latin capital letters, but this method is only good if you know Roman numbering well. But for a high school student, this can be a big problem. Moreover, in our time to teach our children something, it becomes harder and harder. Well, they don't want to learn!

It turns out that the developers of Microsoft Word have foreseen this. These are the clever girls! And this is done very easily.

Place the cursor at the place of your text where you want to insert a Roman numeral, and simultaneously press the keys Ctrl +F9... You will have curly braces on a gray background, with a blinking cursor in the middle.

At the cursor position, write the following formula = NUMBER \ * ROMAN(write only what is highlighted with a blue marker, albeit in large or small letters). After entering this formula, press the key F9. Instead of the word " NUMBER"You write the number from" 0 " before " 9 ". This digit is then automatically converted to a Roman number.

Here's what we got.

To edit this number, right-click on it and select Field codes / values .

The Roman numeral is converted back to a formula. Change the number and don't forget to press the key F9 .

If you often have to write Roman numerals, then this method will come in handy for sure.

Now you know how to insert Roman numerals in the Word .

It is better to write down such chips somewhere in a separate notebook, otherwise, when it is necessary, you don’t remember how to do it. Unless you have a phenomenal memory. Personally, I write everything to an Excel file. It is much more convenient to look for everything in it.

Let's look at four ways how to print Roman numerals in Word. Roman numerals can be written in different ways, depending on the purpose.

The first way.

Roman numerals in a Word list. If you need Roman numbers to number in a list, you can use Word's functions to create a numbered list.

On the "Home" tab in the "Paragraph" section, click on the "Numbering" button in Word 2013, and in Word 2007 this is the "Create a numbered list" button. Select the button with Roman numbers in the window that appears.

Second way.

How to write Roman numerals in Word. We write Roman numerals in English capital letters. Switch the keyboard to the English layout and type in large (capital) letters.

We remember that to write letters in capital letters you need:

a) Or press the "Caps Lock" key.
b) Or press and hold down while typing letters, the "Shift" key.

To write the Roman numeral 1, press the letter "I" (and English).

Roman numeral 2 - II.
Roman numeral 3 - III.
Roman numeral 4 - IV (capital letters I and V).
Roman numeral 5 - V.
Roman numeral 6 - VI.
Roman numeral 7 - VII.
Roman numeral 8 - VIII.
Roman numeral 9 - IX (capital letters I and X).
Roman numeral 10 - X.
Roman numeral 50 - L.
Roman numeral 100 - C.
Roman numeral 500 - D.
Roman numeral 1000 - M.

Here is a table of the spelling of Roman numbers.

Third way.

How to make Roman numerals in Word. Let's apply a formula that will convert Arabic numbers to Roman ones. We put the cursor in the place where you want to write the Roman number. Press the key combination "Ctrl" + "F9".

Attention! If this key combination does not work (in Word 2013), then try pressing this key combination - "Ctrl" + "Fn" + "F9".

A gray box appears within curly braces. In this field we write a formula that converts Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. We will be converting the number 2015.

Explanation of the formula. First, we always put the sign "Equal". We write the number to be converted. We write a forward slash (slash), tilted to the left ().

It is put like this - we press the dash key, without pressing additional buttons, the Russian keyboard layout. We write the word "ROMAN" in English letters.

Then the number will be written in Roman letters in large numbers. If we write the word "roman" in small letters in the formula, then the Roman number will be written in small numbers. Press the "F9" key (or the key combination - "Fn" + "F9").

To correct the formula, change the number in the formula, etc., click on this number and press the right mouse button. From the dialog box that appears, select the function "Codes / field values".

Instead of a number, a formula appeared. Change the number 2015 to 10. Press the "F9" key (or "Fn" + "F9") again.

The fourth way.

How to insert roman numbers in Word. Insert symbols. On the "Insert" tab In the "Symbols" section, click on the "Symbol" button.

Then, click on the "More Symbols" button. We select the desired symbol. The Symbol dialog box contains the code for this symbol. You can put this symbol with a code.

Office Word is by far the most popular program for creating and editing text documents. Unlike simpler editors (for example, Notepad or WordPad), Office Word is able to work with documents containing hyperlinks, pictures, forms and other content, and also has just the broadest possibilities of text formatting. And the presence of a special version of the program on mobile devices only expands its audience and adds popularity.

The capabilities of the program are so wide that at one time all kinds of courses for studying the functionality of Word were very common, and many even active users do not know everything that this application can do. For example, the situation is difficult when you need to write Roman numerals in the Word. However, this is very easy to do, and you don't even need to use any special functions. Difficulty can arise only when it comes to compiling a numbered list, however, here, too, Microsoft specialists have prepared a very easy-to-use function that even an inexperienced user will not be difficult to learn.

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In order to write Roman numerals, you do not need to install an additional language pack on your computer or use a special font. All you need to do is switch the keyboard language to English in order to be able to write with letters from the Latin alphabet. There are several ways to switch the language:

  • Press the "Alt" and "Shift" buttons on the keyboard at the same time, or, if this did not work, press the "Ctrl" and "Shift" buttons.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut "Windows" and "Space".
  • Left-click on the "RU" icon on the taskbar and select English.

After the English keyboard layout is enabled, all that remains is to start writing Roman numerals using the letters "I", "X" and "V". For example, to write the number "4", the letters "V" and "I" are used to get "IV", and to write the number "9" - "IX".


To compile a list that would be automatically numbered in Roman numerals, you will need to use Word's numbered list function, but tweak it a bit. To get started, the user just needs to go to the "Home" tab, and in the "Paragraph" block, click on the "Numbering" button, and then start writing the text. Each time you press Enter, the text will wrap to a new line, thereby creating a new list item.

To make the created list numbered in Roman numerals, you need to select all the text in the list, and then reopen the "Home" tab and the "Paragraph" block. Next to the "Numbering" button, open the drop-down list and select the third option, on the thumbnail of which Roman numbering is drawn. After that, the entire selected list will change its appearance, and at the beginning of each line, instead of 1, 2 or 3, I, II and III, respectively, will be written.

Writing Roman numerals using the keyboard is an interesting activity. Anyone can feel like a connoisseur of this calculation system.

Need to enter Roman numbers on your laptop but don't know how? No problem! All you need to do is take a few minutes to read this article.

Roman numerals are rarely used today, mainly to indicate centuries and serial numbers of various rulers, for example, the 18th century or Alexander II. You can also find Roman numbers on the dial of watches or in the designation of chapters in books. Often, a large number of Roman numerals are found when writing abstracts. Then knowing how to insert them quickly can save a lot of time.

Writing Roman numerals has been accepted in Europe for two thousand years. Later, when in the Middle Ages, the Arabs decided to replace the number system with a simpler one. Over time, it spread throughout the world.

The era of digital format

Writing Roman numerals on a laptop or PC keyboard is quite simple, because all numbers in this number system correspond to Latin letters. So if you have a keyboard with an English alphabet layout, inserting Roman numerals is easy. In addition, you can write numbers in the Word, as well as put special codes. But first things first.

Standard method

To dial Roman numerals:

  • Switch to English (for a computer, the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Shift, for a laptop Alt + Shift);
  • Press the CapsLock key, as all Roman numerals are typed in capital Latin letters.

Then you can try to insert the first number on your computer or laptop:

  • 1 - Latin letter I;
  • 2 - two letters II, 3 - respectively 3 letters;
  • 5 - Latin letter V;
  • 4 - combination IV (that is, 1 less than 5);
  • 6 - formed in a similar way - VI (1 more than 5);
  • 7 and 8 - 2 and 3 more than 5, that is, VII and VIII;
  • 10 - Latin letter X;
  • 9 and 11 - similar to the formation of numbers 4 and 6, that is, IX and XI (1 less than ten, and 1 more than ten, respectively);
  • 12 and 13 - XII and XIII;
  • And so on: 14 - 19 - add to ten (X) the numbers obtained earlier;
  • 20, 30 - two and three tens, respectively;
  • 50 - Latin letter L;
  • 40 and 60 - similar to formation 4 and 6 - XL and LX;
  • 100 - Latin letter C (remember that 100 is a centner, then the letter C (tse) will be easy to remember;
  • 500 - Latin letter D;
  • 1000 letter M is one thousand.

If you need to type a long number, for example, 177, then first make the calculation: 100 + 70 + 7. Type on the keyboard with a higher number. It turns out СLXXVII.

You can write in roman numerals and birthday. For example, 07/23/1978. would look like XXIII.VII.MCMLXXVIII.

If you need to enter a long number, then sometimes counting can be difficult. A special Arabic-Roman number converter will help you here. Such online services using a laptop can be quickly found on the Internet.

ASCII codes

To enter Roman numerals on a laptop or PC, you can use special ASCII codes:

  • Turn on Num Lock mode;
  • Hold down the ALT key and type the appropriate combination of numbers on the additional keyboard.

This method of typing Roman numerals on a computer may seem complicated, but in principle, you will quickly get used to it if you use it constantly. Over time, you will be able to insert any Roman number literally automatically, since there are, in principle, few numbers to memorize, these are:

  • I - code 73;
  • V - code 86;
  • X - code 88;
  • L - code 76;
  • C - code 67;
  • D - code 68;
  • M - code 77.

Obviously, this is a very time consuming method, especially if you have to enter a lot of Roman numbers. But if you do not have other options, then this method will be quite viable.


The easiest way to enter Roman numerals using a laptop is to write them in Word or any other office application. Follow these steps:

  • Press Ctrl + F9;
  • The brackets () appear;
  • Type in brackets - (= required number \ * ROMAN);
  • Press the F9 key;
  • The desired Roman numeral appears.

This is an effective method when you are not sure how to type a particular number correctly, and there is no Internet access from your laptop. But he also has a drawback: you can write only in Word and similar office applications. If you need to enter Roman numerals in Photoshop, then this method will not work. Alternatively, you can type a number on the keyboard, copy it and paste it into the desired document, it is not so difficult to do this.

The easiest method to write Roman numerals on a keyboard or laptop is to put Latin letters in the English layout. The method is suitable for any application. If you use Roman numerals a lot, memorize them quickly. For those who are just starting to learn them, it is recommended to use a converter or a regular draft.

Writing Roman numbers digitally is a difficult task only at first glance. Given that their distribution is rather limited today, you can always take a little time to figure out how to make the correct input.

It is often used for marking lists, for example. Within the framework of the material offered to your attention, various ways of solving this problem will be described. Based on their comparison, the one that is easiest to use in practice will be selected.

Standard solution

The simplest answer to the question of how to type Roman numerals on the keyboard is to use It by default included in every version of the Windows operating system, so there should be no problems with the input process. The only thing you need to know in this case is the set of numbers that are used in this number system. This includes:

  • "1" is the number "I" (alternative - the English letter "I").
  • "5" is the number "V" (in the same alphabet it is "B").
  • "10" is "X" (you can put the Russian "X" or the English "X").
  • "50" - denoted as "L" (it is present in the Latin layout of each keyboard).
  • "100" is "C" (in this case, everything is the same as "10").
  • "500" is referred to as "D".
  • "1000" - in Latin notation "M".

By combining these numbers, you can get any number. It is worth noting one important nuance. If a smaller number is in front of a larger number, then it is subtracted from it. For example, IV - will be 4 in Arabic. But if everything is the other way around, after the larger is the smaller, then everything is summed up. As an example, 6 - VI can be cited. Knowing these rules, it is not difficult to understand how to type Roman numerals on the keyboard. However, not always all this can be remembered. In such cases, it is best to make a cheat sheet and use it when typing such numbers.

ASCII codes

An alternative way to enter Roman numerals on or on a desktop computer is to use the so-called ASCII codes. That is, the same English letters can be typed with the ALT key combination and sequential dialing of a combination of Arabic numbers on the extended keyboard (do not forget that the Num Lock key must be on). Possible combinations of codes are shown in Table 1. The use of this method significantly complicates everything, so it is easier to apply in practice the one that was presented earlier.

Table 1.

ASCII - codes for a set of Roman numbers.

Arabic numeral

Roman numeral


It is easiest to type Latin numbers on the keyboard in Word or any other office application. There is a special function for this in this application group. The dialing order in this case is as follows:

  • Press the key combination Ctrl and F9.
  • Next, a special recalculation function will start and brackets () will appear. In them you need to type the following = desired_arabian_number \ * ROMAN.
  • Then press F9.
  • After that, our Arabic number is converted to Roman.

The given algorithm is really simpler than those previously described. But it has one significant drawback - it works only in office applications, and if you need to type some Roman number in Photoshop, then it is no longer possible to use it. As a last resort, you can type the desired number here. Then select with the manipulator, copy and then paste into another application.


Within the framework of this material, various ways were proposed on how to type Roman numerals on the keyboard. Comparing them, we can come to the conclusion that the easiest way is to use the English alphabet, which has all the necessary numbers. This solution works in all applications without exception. Its only drawback is the need to know the numbers of this number system. But this issue can be resolved. If you often have to use Roman numbers, then you will already remember them. Well, as a last resort, you can make a draft that will greatly simplify this task.
