Auspicious Japanese characters according to Feng Shui. The meaning of the hieroglyph love

A hieroglyph is actually a symbol that represents the image of a word or an entire expression. The most interesting words are those associated with certain emotions: happiness, luck, luck, fate, love. A hieroglyph applied to the body can affect a person both for good and for bad, according to Feng Shui adherents.

Chinese symbol of love, with and without heart

New Tang Dynasty Television once broadcast news of more than 100 Taiwanese entrepreneurs living in Shanghai returning to Taiwan to hire young people to work in their companies. When asked why they had to recruit from Taiwan when there were so many talented people in Shanghai, a manager at a human resources company explained, “It's because of the wolfish nature of the youth in mainland China.” He also said that youth in Taiwan have greater creativity and greater loyalty to the company they work for.

Young people of the same race speak the same language, so why do they retain the qualities of loyalty and fidelity built into traditional Chinese culture on the one hand, and on the other hand - a heartless character? Perhaps we can find the key to the Chinese character 愛 (ai), which means love. The hieroglyph originally depicted a symbol that had no deep sentimental meaning associated with a person or event, rather it was an expression of gratitude from a hungry person.

When the concept of 愛 was created, the following version was first written - 㤅 (an expression of gratitude for receiving food). 旡 at the top looks like a hungry man with a big open mouth. The bottom part is the symbol 心, meaning heart, this is a literal representation of the physical heart. During the Qin Dynasty over 2,000 years ago, the image of a slow walking pace, 夊, was added at the bottom to show reluctance to part with something. This completed the final meaning - the Japanese character for "love". If one is truly in love or truly grateful, one must do it with heart.

However, in a simplified version of the Chinese character, the heart in the center has been removed:

Young people from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and even Japan write the symbol of love with a heart, while young people from mainland China write "love" without a heart. This makes one wonder whether the real motive behind simplifying the Chinese script was to undermine the traditional values ​​of the Chinese people.

Traditions of the East

People have always been surprised by other cultures and traditions. Everything alien, at a minimum, arouses interest, and sometimes fascinates and forces you to follow you. The spiritual treasures of other cultures, not related to the Slavic ones, enter our lives with a firm and confident step, introducing a certain amount of diversity, mystery, and novelty. Take, for example, Feng Shui, designed to arrange space according to the principles of harmony and fill it with love, happiness and prosperity.

Japanese and Chinese characters for “love” are written almost identically. What is this connected with? Hieroglyphs came to Japan from China. But they were not simply copied. The Japanese have managed to introduce many poetic and personal touches that gracefully complement the traditional ancient roots. Both the Chinese and Japanese characters for "love" are very strong and can attract this feeling to real life. Believe it or not? You decide.

Hieroglyph “love”: photo and transcript

When you look at the symbol, the following association may arise: a beautiful butterfly fluttering airily over a closed flower bud. The hieroglyph “love” is happiness and peace for existing relationships, and attracting a soul mate promises a symbol for single people. If we decipher the hieroglyph in parts, then it consists of four elements: claws, blanket, heart and friend. Love is something that very strongly and deeply, like claws, digs into the heart and covers. It's like friendship, but much more.

Hieroglyph “love”: tattoo with meaning

Dancing fancy Chinese and Japanese characters very quickly becoming one of the most famous tattoos. Nowadays, it’s quite common to see people with a tattoo that looks like a mysterious oriental alphabet. The reason for the huge popularity of such tattoos is that they are not just letters. People believe that if you hang images of Chinese and Japanese characters at home, symbolizing good luck, wealth, love, happiness, you can actually attract them into your life.

Direct application to your skin will help enhance the effect. At least that’s what those who get tattoos with Chinese characters believe. This is quite bold, it is not just wearing a T-shirt with a symbol of happiness, for example. Therefore, before you get this or that tattoo, carefully and thoughtfully study the information on the desired symbol, so that together with the hieroglyph “eternal love” you do not end up with “eternal problems”.

Such different hieroglyphs: ideography

Hieroglyphs are not only Japanese and Chinese, there are also Egyptian, Arabic and Korean. It's kind of an elegant combination of painting and writing. It’s beautiful, but writing even a small text can take quite a long time if you do it by hand. As you know, hieroglyphs are not letters, but entire morphemes, words and even phrases.

Ideography (“writing an idea”) is a principle of writing in which the unit of graphic designation is most often a whole word. It is from here that the development of writing originates. The most ancient are considered to be ancient Egyptian, Sumerian and Chinese. The first two are no longer used, but the Chinese honor the traditions of their ancestors and continue to use special characters as modern means letters.

Initially, hieroglyphs took the form of pictograms, simpler images of an everyday nature. However, not everything can be depicted with a picture. Difficulties arose when it was necessary to express abstract concepts in writing. For example, the symbol for "bao (guard)" is a combination of the characters for "man" and "child".

Mysterious and beautiful Asia

For the average European, hieroglyphs are an obscure combination of dashes and hooks. But every stroke has its own meaning, every uneven loop is a prototype of the surrounding world. They are considered to be symbols and effective talismans for acquiring happiness, love, prosperity, health or wealth in a miraculous way. Take, for example, a hieroglyph to attract love. According to Feng Shui, such a powerful talisman is best hung in the southwest. You can also write it on a piece of paper and always take it with you. They say you should wear it close to your heart. Some even get a tattoo in this area.

Introduction to Eastern wisdom: the magic of calligraphy

The ability to write hieroglyphs beautifully is a kind of art. This is not just mastering a brush, it is the ability to concentrate the mind not only on how to correctly complete a stroke, but also to grasp the mood and meaning of the hieroglyph itself, depicting its subtle facets components. For the uninitiated, these are just ornate scribbles, but as soon as you begin to peer and comprehend the true meaning and history of the symbol, the most incredible facets of understanding gradually open up.

Japanese character for "happiness"

If with love you have everything in in perfect order, but lack a little happiness, then the Japanese character for “happiness” will help you. Here are some options for his image:

幸 and 福, and you can often find their combination 幸福.

Place it in your home and you will be happy. There is even a separate hieroglyph for “double happiness.” It is written as shown in the picture below:

Love comes in different forms

The Japanese character for love, 愛 (pronounced ai), is a very popular choice. But it should not be confused with another image of love - 恋 (read koi), which specifically means a romantic feeling, the desire to possess the object of one’s adoration. In the first version, love is presented in a general sense, for the weather, nature, and so on, not only for a specific person.

Chinese philosophy

Yin Yang – Yīnyáng – 阴阳. IN Chinese philosophy Yin and Yang (dark - light, negative - positive, masculine and feminine) describe how seemingly opposing forces can actually be complementary, interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they can give rise to each other as they interact. Many material dualities (such as light and dark, fire and water, expansion and contraction) are seen as physical manifestations of duality.

Some of the Feng Shui tips are:

  • Don’t get carried away too much and clutter the entire space with images of happiness and good luck; use no more than three positive hieroglyphs with different meanings in the corresponding areas of the house.
  • If you want to give a gift to a loved one, then, together with the talisman, send your positive vibrations with a mental visualization of what you wish for him.
  • Connect the meaning of the hieroglyphic symbol with the image and energy of the recipient.

What connects invisible thread mother and child, boy and girl, parents and their children? Of course you know for sure. It is the feeling that expresses Chinese character love. From time to time everyone experiences the state of love. And it doesn’t matter at all who or what becomes its object. It could be a neighbor little kitty, a flower growing in a pot and even just a starry sky. I think that everyone will agree with me that the feeling of love is the most beautiful human feeling on earth.

As is already clear, there are many types of love. But today we’ll only talk about the selfless and pure one that is described in books and films and about the one that you certainly had. Well, are you interested in this word, or are you just curious to know what it means? Chinese character love? If the answer is yes, then congratulations! You are at the right place.

I believe that the feeling of love is the very first thing that arises in a person. Every baby that is born is full of love and it is she who gives him life. Only the feeling of love moves two people in love, who, in a fit of passion, forget about everything in the world and dream only of not losing this state. Love and nothing else controls us, making us cry and laugh.

Love is unpredictable. It can fall on us absolutely suddenly and deprive us of our minds. The feeling of love affects not only people, the animal world is also subject to it. To understand this, you can simply look at a pair of pigeons or a cat giving birth to kittens.

All this is just a small part of what love can do. And it is in this understanding that it is embedded in Chinese character love.

This symbol consists of four radicals. They are translated as “claw”, “roof (blanket)”, “heart” and “friend”. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, you might think it’s some kind of nonsense. In fact Chinese character love contains the deepest meaning and, for me, one of the most beautiful descriptions feelings of love. According to the hieroglyph, she clings with her claws directly to the heart and completely envelops herself, like a blanket, it is similar to friendship, but much stronger. This is “ai” - love in Chinese. I will give examples of how it is used Chinese character love:

  • Love; Darling; be in love

温暖的家 – love for the motherland

母爱 – mother’s love for child

最喜爱的儿子 - beloved son

  • like something; love something

爱画画 – to love painting

  • store, protect

热爱传统 – to preserve traditions

  • give in to something easily

它是受批评 – he is subject to criticism

The phrase “I love you” is pronounced “wo ai ni” and is written as 我爱你.

In the practice of Feng Shui Chinese character love takes pride of place. It helps strengthen marriage and love ties, prevents conflicts and mutual reproaches, and adjusts loving people for mutual long-term love and happiness. Having this symbol in your home, you will be able to acquire harmony in your soul, peace in life, some peace and a prosperous life with a loving person.

Scientists advise creating a symbol yourself, using the highest quality and, if possible, new materials. So that you can draw a hieroglyph of love, I will tell you how to do it correctly.

To begin with, let's take Blank sheet paper, for training you can use regular white paper, then choose according to your taste. We draw ten squares on it, which we will later divide into four parts each. It is in these small cells that we will try to bring out the “love” symbol. You need to start with the top left elements. Next, we gradually apply all the elements of the hieroglyph. Be careful not to miss a single dot or line, even a small one. That's all. Not as difficult as it seemed. The main thing here is to get better at it, so practice as often as possible. When drawing out each detail, think positively about what you associate this symbol with, so you can put a lot of energy into the sign, which will help the hieroglyph to act.

Lesson 51. Hieroglyphs of love, luck, happiness and wealth

Feng Shui... the philosophy of success and prosperity, the teaching of harmony and peace, the ancient Chinese science of attracting happiness and prosperity. How many sacred gifts are stored in it! The sages who created all the postulates of Feng Shui not only respected the laws of Genesis, but also took care of their safety. It is not surprising that so many different and effective ways to improve your life. One of them is writing hieroglyphs.

For a European person, a hieroglyph is an incomprehensible combination of dashes and squiggles. However, all these keys were created for a reason, but were a prototype of the surrounding world. Each sign is a specific symbol of water, man, mountains, trees, and so on. This is why hieroglyphs have such power and are rightfully recognized as one of the most effective talismans for attracting good luck, love or happiness into your life!

Want to test their effects for yourself? Let me offer you a choice of several excellent and time-tested hieroglyphs-talismans:

Chinese character LOVE




Hieroglyph Love
A classic symbol for attracting love.
The hieroglyph Love has a very powerful force and is able to attract not just a soul mate to you, but also joy, happiness and peace in the existing relationship.

It is better to hang all the hieroglyphs of love in the southwest.
In addition, you can write a hieroglyph and carry it with you (preferably closer to your heart)

Hieroglyph Eternal love
Talisman of eternal friendship, love and mutual understanding. Works great for maintaining the flame of passion in an already established relationship.

Hieroglyph 100 years of married happiness
Will bring a fresh breath into your family! Revives feelings and adds firewood to a strong family hearth.

Chinese character HAPPINESS




Hieroglyph Happiness
An amazing hieroglyph calling for the protection of Heaven and the Gods. However, it bestows happiness selectively - precisely in the area in which you would like to succeed. Which on the other hand is very convenient.

Think about where you need to attract happiness and place the written hieroglyph in the desired area. For example, to the southeast (if you want to draw more wealth from the abundant ocean of the Universe)

Hieroglyph Double Happiness
Powerful talisman who fulfills wishes. But it is best to use it to attract happiness with someone in tandem, because its influence extends more strongly to two or more people.

It will help you conceive a child if you place it under your marital bed.
It will give success in business (and at work) if placed in the north.
Will attract like-minded people and friends (help) to you in the northwest.
You can even put it in your wallet so that it attracts more banknote friends to you.

Chinese character Luck

Chinese character Wealth

Of course, this is not the entire toolkit of hieroglyphs of well-being and prosperity. The Chinese language, you know, is rich and powerful, but you can look into the topic on our forum and find something else that is no less attractive.

I would like to note that hieroglyphs written with one’s own hand work best! Of course, the specifics of writing in them are also their own (top to bottom, left to right), but even if you don’t know all the science, don’t neglect this opportunity! Put your desire or intention into every line, and then your talisman will quickly bring your plans to life!

Feng Shui... the philosophy of success and prosperity, the teaching of harmony and peace, the ancient Chinese science of attracting happiness and prosperity. How many sacred gifts are stored in it! The sages who created all the postulates of Feng Shui not only respected the laws of Genesis, but also took care of their safety. It is not surprising that so many different and effective ways to improve our lives have come to us. One of them is writing hieroglyphs.

For a European person, a hieroglyph is an incomprehensible combination of dashes and squiggles. However, all these keys were created for a reason, but were a prototype of the surrounding world. Each sign is a specific symbol of water, man, mountains, trees, and so on. This is why hieroglyphs have such power and are rightfully recognized as one of the most effective talismans for attracting good luck, love or happiness into your life!

Want to test their effects for yourself? Let me offer you a choice of several excellent and time-tested hieroglyphs-talismans:

Chinese character LOVE




Hieroglyph Love
A classic symbol for attracting love.
The hieroglyph Love has a very powerful force and is able to attract not just a soul mate to you, but also joy, happiness and peace in an existing relationship.

It is better to hang all the hieroglyphs of love in the southwest.
In addition, you can write a hieroglyph and carry it with you (preferably closer to your heart)

Hieroglyph Eternal Love
Talisman of eternal friendship, love and mutual understanding. Works great for maintaining the flame of passion in an already established relationship.

Hieroglyph 100 years of married happiness
Will bring a fresh breath into your family! Revives feelings and adds firewood to a strong family hearth.

Chinese character HAPPINESS




Hieroglyph Happiness
An amazing hieroglyph calling for the protection of Heaven and the Gods. However, it bestows happiness selectively - precisely in the area in which you would like to succeed. Which on the other hand is very convenient.

Think about where you need to attract happiness and place the written hieroglyph in the desired area. For example, to the southeast (if you want to draw more wealth from the abundant ocean of the Universe)

Hieroglyph Double Happiness
A powerful talisman that makes wishes come true. But it is best to use it to attract happiness with someone in tandem, because its influence extends more strongly to two or more people.

It will help you conceive a child if you place it under your marital bed.
It will give success in business (and at work) if placed in the north.
Will attract like-minded people and friends (help) to you in the northwest.
You can even put it in your wallet so that it attracts more banknote friends to you.

Chinese character Luck

Chinese character Wealth

Of course, this is not the entire toolkit of hieroglyphs of well-being and prosperity. The Chinese language, you know, is rich and powerful, but you can look into the topic of Feng Shui Hieroglyphs on our forum and pick up something else that is no less attractive.

I would like to note that hieroglyphs written with one’s own hand work best! Of course, the specifics of writing in them are also their own (top to bottom, left to right), but even if you don’t know all the science, don’t neglect this opportunity! Put your desire or intention into every line, and then your talisman will quickly bring your plans to life!

Chinese characters are one of the most powerful and effective Feng Shui tools for attracting a specific type of luck. With the help of hieroglyphs, you can activate not only a specific Bagua sector, but also qualitatively improve the Qi energy of your home.

You can use hieroglyphs as amplifiers and stimulants for the success of your personal energy:
* for posting them on the wall,
* to place them in the right place in your room,
* for storage in a wallet,
* for placement on a table, diary, monitor, stationery, etc.

Where should you hang the hieroglyphs of love? Of course, in the zone of love and relationships - in the southwest, or in the bedroom, there the hieroglyphs of love will have the greatest effect.

“Bamboo” is an oriental symbol of health, longevity, happiness, resilience and spiritual strength.

“Auspicious” is one of the most popular calligraphies. Protects against evil spirits, for success in business and personal life.

“Blessing” - grants you a blessing to fulfill your plans.

“Big Harvest” - contributes to great success and excellent results in any field of activity.

“Politeness” helps others to be mutually polite and well-mannered people.

“Spring” - this hieroglyph brings love, joy, fresh strength and renewal into your life.

"Faith". Faith will move mountains. It helps you believe in yourself, love. Justice and a bright future

"Eternity". Let everything that brings us joy and happiness last forever.

“I love you” helps to maintain the sharpness and trepidation of feelings. A good way to declare your love.

“Wealth” - helps to gain spiritual and material wealth.

“Everything is fine” - contributes to the best flow of affairs at work and at home.

“Harmony” - helps to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

“Tao” (path) - creates the opportunity to follow the spiritual path to perfection, organizes and harmonizes the life situation.

“Kindness” - responsiveness, empathy, selflessness and the ability to forgive.

“Dragon” - personifies extraordinary strength and power.

“Friendship” - strengthens relationships between friends. It is favorable to give this gift of recognition to a friend or girlfriend.

“Abundance” - promotes the possession of numerous talents. The hieroglyph depicts a bowl with ears of wheat.

“Strong” – strength of will and spirit. This calligraphy promotes the development of physical strength, power and authority, perseverance, and invincibility.

“Moon” - this hieroglyph brings to our home the goddess of love, who lives on the Moon.

“Dreams” - “There is no dream that would not come true” - an eastern proverb.

“Wisdom” - contributes to the accumulation of knowledge, life experience and its correct application in life.

“Persona” - this hieroglyph helps to achieve respect and recognition in society, to be worthy of the title person.

“Full” - helps to ensure that there is a “Full cup” in the house.

"Prosperity". Provides growth and prosperity to everything you need.

"Forgiveness". Forgave means I understand. This hieroglyph teaches generosity, the ability to forgive and not notice the mistakes of others.

“Smooth” - promotes a smooth flow of life without unexpected fractures and turns.

"Firefly". In Japan, it is believed that the bright glow of these insects penetrates to the very heart and awakens love from sleep. Thus, calligraphy helps you find your love.

“Light of knowledge” - helps in studying.

"Able" - promotes rapid mastery of various skills and teachings.

« Good business“—helps you find your own business.

"Purity". Cleanliness is the key to a healthy body and home. Helps improve health, clear away bad thoughts and feelings, and improve the energy of space.

“Eternal Love” - bestows the flame of eternal and unquenchable love.

“Mutual benefit” - this calligraphy promotes success in trade.

“Guru” - attracts higher patronage and people endowed with power and authority into your life. Increases social status.

“Mountain Water” - promotes financial success, ensures the safety of your property and protects vehicles.

“Business success” - contributes to better promotion of your business and career.

"Longevity" - bestows good health and long years life.

"Dragon's Breath" is life energy. This calligraphy improves the overall energy of the room and brings all kinds of prosperity, happiness and well-being.

“Spirituality” - brings spiritual perfection, strength, bliss, patience, mercy, modesty, control of the senses and mind.

“Natural” - helps you to be more simple and natural in life, to feel like a part of nature.

“Health” - brings excellent well-being and good health.

“Yin-Yang” is a symbol of life, perfection, harmony, peace and harmony.

"Truth" - helps to see true essence current events, recognize good and evil, lies and truth

“Fulfillment of desires” - helps to fulfill various aspirations and wishes.

"Collective", " Teamwork» — improves cooperation and mutual understanding in the team.

“Beauty” will help you achieve the beauty of your soul and body.

“Love” - helps to find long and strong love.

“Love one another”—love and be loved.

“Mother” - this hieroglyph teaches maternal love.

“Peaceful” - brings peace and tranquility to your heart and home.

“Hope” is the last bastion of success. Helps you to always be full of hope to achieve your goals.

“Education” is the foundation of the future. This hieroglyph promotes education.

“Renewal” helps to constantly change for the better, gives freshness and renewal to feelings, flexibility of thinking and versatility in the perception of the world.

"Peony" - Imperial flower. Peony is a symbol of ardent passion and undying love, wealth, glory and dignity.

“Victory” - gives you the strength to win on all fronts.

“Promotion” - this hieroglyph helps a person in his professional activities.

“Congratulations” helps all your deeds and achievements to be duly noted and recognized, stimulates you to achieve new heights in your work.

"Helping Friends" Whatever difficult situation You didn’t find yourself, this hieroglyph will help you get help and support from friends and acquaintances.

"Invitation to Wealth" is one of the most popular calligraphies in China. The hieroglyph invites wealth to your home or office.

“Offering” - this hieroglyph brings happiness and good luck.

“Promotion” helps you never stand still, but only move forward and progress in all aspects of your life.

"Paradise". Heaven is a place of complete peace, love and happiness. Brings a heavenly atmosphere into your life.

“Flourishing” is the most favorable connection of Heaven and Earth, time and space. Bestows prosperity, great abundance and harmony.

“Growth” - grants spiritual, physical, professional and career growth, promotes business development.

“Fish” is a symbol of great luck, prosperity and prosperity.

“Sakura” will help you find such a bright and beautiful love as sakura flowers.

“Freedom” helps to be more independent in life.

"Courage". Lack of courage leads to failure. This calligraphy helps you move towards your goal without hesitation or fear.

“Family” brings peace, harmony and mutual understanding to the family.

"Cooperate." Cooperation is necessary for your activities at home or at work to be successful.

“Perfect” - helps to be a comprehensively developed person.

“Calmness” - helps to achieve a calm, measured life: good health, financial well-being and good interpersonal relationships.

"Happiness". Happiness is a need of the soul. This hieroglyph helps you find your bird of happiness.

“Destiny” helps you to believe in yourself, to be the creator of your own happiness.

"Patience". Patience and perseverance are the ingredients strong character achieving success.

“Luck” - the hieroglyph brings good luck in any endeavor and success in business.

“Respect and Prosperity” - gives us respect and honor from relatives and colleagues, contributes to the growth of well-being.

"Feng Shui". One of the most popular hieroglyphs. Brings the kind of happiness and luck you desire.

“Feng Shui II” is a good “Feng Shui” for harmony in the home, so that happiness and good luck do not leave your home.

"Qi" is life energy. Improves the overall energy of the room, brings all types of prosperity and well-being.

“Clean Mind” - this calligraphy helps to keep the mind in order, relieves unnecessary worries, brings peace and enlightenment, stimulates the intellect

The hieroglyph "Fu" is the most mysterious hieroglyph of all hieroglyphs.
In China and Japan, "Fu" means happiness or good fortune. From time immemorial there have been statements about the meaning of this word.
"Li Ji" (Records of Ritual) says: "Fu is responsible for success, fu also has hidden meaning for business to run smoothly and everything to happen in the right way."
An episode of Hong Fan from the book "Historical Records" (Shang Shu), gives an explanation about the five "Fu" in life. The first “Fu” is longevity, the second is prosperity, the third is peace, the fourth is dignity, the fifth is death without disease. The concept of the Five Fu is to define the different aspects of Fu. In order to achieve the final "Fu" a person must diligently follow the following five principles: longevity, prosperity, peace, dignity and death without disease, only this is the best way of life.
Han Fei Zi said, “Longevity and prosperity means “Fu.” His idea of ​​“Fu” was based on longevity and prosperity.
Wu Yang Xiu had a different view on "Fu". In his poem, he wrote, "Serve my country with all my heart to the end, return home and enjoy health and longevity." In his opinion, the basis of the five “Fu” is longevity and health.
During the Ming and Qin times, popular designs called "longevity is the highest of the five fu" were in great demand. The drawing consists of the character "Fu" surrounded by five bats. Bats were used in the designs because in Chinese the word bat sounds just like the word "ew". They believed that longevity was at the center of the five Fus.
IN feudal society the meaning of "Fu" varied greatly for people of different classes and social statuses. For peasants, "Fu" means to own their land, to have good weather, good harvest, have clothes for all family members. For ordinary citizens, "Fu" meant that they could survive and enjoy family life in times of cruel rulers, wars and disasters. For merchants and businessmen, the loud clicking of abacuses and looking out for incoming gold and wealth floating along three rivers, this is what “Fu” meant. For writers and scientists, "Fu" meant successful completion exam, career advancement and seeing your name embossed on a golden royal tablet after ten years of hard study. For people older health, longevity and grandchildren playing around, this is "Ugh".
With the development of society and civilization, "Fu" acquired new, richer meanings. As the main ingredient of culture, "Fu" presents ordinary people with great expectations from life. It reflects their dreams and desires on different levels.
Prayers to "Fu" or the desire to achieve "Fu" slowly penetrated into folk culture and became part of worship ceremonies. Ancient people had a realistic and dualistic view of "Fu". Lao Tzu said: " good luck lies with the bad, bad luck, next to the good." In other words, one element is connected to the other, disaster and good fortune can follow each other one after the other. In the writings of the famous master Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu explained the relationship of these two elements. "Disaster and fortune have no doors, you must find your own way to and from there." He believed that disasters and fortunes are difficult to predict, but people can make efforts to change themselves in order to achieve the ultimate "Fu".
In auspicious pictures there are two main symbols that represent "Fu". One uses images of gods that are worshiped in folk culture, such as the Heavenly Emperor, the Three Stars. Another borrows signs and designs with the same sounds as "Fu". Such as the bat "Bian Fu", the Buddha's hand "Fu Shou", or cumulus clouds.

Wushu (Chinese trad. 武術, exemplar 武术, pinyin wǔshù) is a Chinese word consisting of two characters “wu” and “shu”, and is traditionally translated as “military, martial art.”

Maybe this is the hieroglyph “Way of the Warrior” or “Bushido” (or just watch for educational purposes)
BUSHIDO is an unwritten set of rules for samurai behavior. These rules concerned not so much actions on the battlefield, but behavior in everyday life. According to BUSHIDO, a samurai should not think in battle. His actions must be predetermined by his conduct in times of peace. Preparation to fulfill one's duty, which most often consisted of fulfilling the will of the master, is the essence of BUSHIDO.
The word "bushido" consists of three characters. The first two of them form the word “bushi” - a person who owns a weapon, a warrior. The third hieroglyph - “before” - literally means the Path - the most important concept underlying Eastern philosophy. The path is the line of an ideal life. The one who follows the Path will be impeccable during life, and after death he will become a legend and a role model for many generations.
According to Eastern philosophy, each class has its own Path, its own morality and its own rules of behavior. BUSHIDO is the Way of the Warrior or the Code of the Samurai.
Literally translated from Chinese, the word “samurai” means vassal or servant. But during medieval wars, every servant was also a warrior. As Japan unified, the need to constantly carry weapons gradually transformed into a privilege, and over time, two swords - long and short - became distinctive feature samurai And the word “samurai” itself became synonymous with the word “bushi” and has since meant a servant-warrior.
BUSHIDO does not have one specific author. Essentially, this is a collection of teachings, advice and descriptions of behavior appropriate to Bushido. IN different times Bushido was published in the form of works by various authors, reaching its peak full condition in the book “Hagakure”, written by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, a former samurai of the Nabeshima clan, which became a reference book for every samurai.

If you wish to use hieroglyphs, follow simple rules:
* use only those hieroglyphs whose meaning you know
* select hieroglyphs for the talisman, in accordance with logic (that is, for the Wealth zone, for example, use the hieroglyph “Small Waterfall”, remembering that this is a water symbol)
* use protective hieroglyphs separately from activating talismans
* place hieroglyphs of self-knowledge and personality improvement in your best sector, use separately from activating talismans

Hieroglyph "Double Happiness" will bring the fulfillment of all your dreams and harmony in marriage to your home. Since this is double happiness, this hieroglyph helps not only the owner of this symbol, but also his other half. Success becomes the success of both, happiness becomes twice as great! If you give this hieroglyph, then you sincerely wish the person happiness, fulfillment of all desires and show an expression of deep friendship.

Hieroglyph "Wealth" helps to increase income and obtain all kinds of material benefits. This hieroglyph can be placed in the wealth zone, wallet, safe and other “money” places. The hieroglyph “Wealth” helps to acquire not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, and creates positive Qi in the home and office. This hieroglyph, in principle, like all others, is usually given to friends. After all, the more we wish for good, the more we ourselves receive it.

Hieroglyph "Money"- one of the most popular hieroglyphs in Feng Shui. Attracts prosperity and monetary wealth in the places where it is located. Unlike the hieroglyph “Wealth,” it attracts precisely monetary energy and everything related to money. Promotes the formation of multiple sources of income. Money will make you free to do whatever you want.

Hieroglyph "Prosperity" promotes growth and prosperity in all aspects of life. Therefore, it can be placed in any Bagua sector that you want to further activate. This generalized hieroglyph will bring good luck, health, love and material well-being. If you do not strive for wealth, then you will find spiritual peace and tranquility.

Hieroglyph "Happiness"- sign good wishes. This symbol awakens spiritual strength and internal energy. Happiness is different for everyone, for some - to find love and family, for others - to achieve career heights, for others - success in creative activity. So, this hieroglyph “Happiness” helps you obtain what exactly is happiness and well-being for you.

Hieroglyph "Abundance" will bring an abundance of everything you desire into your home, be it money, fame, success or love. This hieroglyph, like “Prosperity,” attracts the energy of abundance and growth in any area of ​​life. This hieroglyph can be used in conjunction with other hieroglyphs whose symbolism is important to you at the moment.

Hieroglyph "Wish Fulfillment" helps awaken the energy that is associated with your dreams and desires. This hieroglyph is very good to have at home; it will help with the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of all your plans, both personal and business. It is customary to give this calligraphy to friends with wishes of all the best and the fulfillment of all cherished desires.

Hieroglyph "Business success" good for both businessmen and people of creative professions. It attracts clients and business partners, ensures success in all endeavors, and contributes to the birth of new ideas and opportunities. This hieroglyph is usually placed in offices, on the desktop or at home in the office to attract energy, activity and creativity.

Hieroglyph "Love" attracts the energy of love, helps to gain long and mutual love, happiness in love, and in marriage creates harmony and mutual understanding. This hieroglyph not only strengthens the joint bonds of marriage, but also extinguishes mutual conflicts. You will find harmony and peace, tranquility and a decent life with your loved one. If you don’t have it yet, then put this hieroglyph in the sector of love and marriage, and you yourself will not notice how you will meet your half.

Hieroglyph "Eternal Love" will give you the flame of eternal and unquenchable love. This hieroglyph is used as a love talisman so that nothing can destroy this deep and tender feeling. Give the hieroglyph to your friends and parents with wishes of eternal love, they will only be grateful to you in return.

Hieroglyph "100 years of married happiness" speaks for itself. This hieroglyph promotes strong family union and happiness in marriage. It is used as a talisman for the family against the invasion of third parties, helps prevent spouses from cheating and gives them happiness and love. Year after year, their married life only gets better and better.

Hieroglyph "Health" helps to achieve excellent well-being and good health. In our wishes to loved ones, first of all, we wish health, since no amount of money can buy it. This hieroglyph not only helps to maintain health, but also contributes to the speedy recovery of patients. Give your loved ones and friends this hieroglyph with wishes of good health.

Hieroglyph "Longevity"- a symbol of health and long life. One of the most popular hieroglyphs, it is customary to give it to elderly people with the wish of long life. This symbol can be placed in the health sector or in the bedroom.

Auspicious Japanese Hieroglyphs according to Feng Shui, Japanese hieroglyphs, what the hieroglyph means, hieroglyph Double happiness, hieroglyph Money, hieroglyph wealth, hieroglyph prosperity, hieroglyph Abundance, hieroglyph business success, hieroglyph Eternal love, hieroglyph Health, hieroglyph Health, hieroglyph Longevity, what do Japanese characters mean

Favorable Chinese characters- one of the most powerful and effective Feng Shui tools for attracting a specific type of luck. With the help of favorable hieroglyphs, you can activate not only a specific Bagua sector, but also qualitatively improve the Qi energy of your home. The hieroglyph "Wealth" and "Money" can be put in your wallet and in the places where you keep money. Thus, you will attract the energy of money and significantly increase your income.

Count auspicious characters your talisman, well, it’s not for me to explain to you how to use the talisman. In general, the Chinese really love and sincerely believe in the power of these squiggles. And they, after all, really know a lot about this. Therefore, on red envelopes, which are very popular and not only in China, auspicious hieroglyphs are depicted. So it’s your choice to believe or not, but you can, at least for the sake of curiosity, test the power of hieroglyphs, it will only make you feel better, so why not?!

You can purchase ready-made panels with hieroglyphs in specialized stores, for example, in this one - ESOTERICA - online store of Feng Shui items, unusual gifts and souvenirs, you can try to draw them yourself (if you can) or simply print them from this page and use at your own discretion. We offer you the most common and effective hieroglyphs, which the Chinese themselves, and not only them, have been using for centuries.

Friendly website:


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1924, 1936, 1948, 1960,
1972, 1984, 1996, 2008


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961,
1973, 1985, 1997, 2009


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962,
1974, 1986, 1998, 2010


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966,
1978, 1990, 2002, 2014


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967,
1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968,
1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

1933, 1945, 1957, 1969,
1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

1934, 1946, 1958, 1970,
1982, 1994, 2006, 2018


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971,
1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

And then a little more)))))

Month names in Japanese

Now the Japanese months have very simple names - they are simply numbered from 1 to 12 ( ichigatsufirst month (January),nigatsusecond month (February) etc.). But earlier, in the Heian era (794-1185), they were called differently and were tied to the lunar calendar. Now these names are almost never used, but sometimes they can be found in calendars along with modern ones. Months yayoi(March), Satsuki(may and Sivasu(December) are still mentioned, in addition yayoi And Satsuki can be used as female names.
Month Modern name Old name Meaning
JanuaryIchigatsuMitsukiMonth of Harmony
FebruaryNigatsuKisaragiThe month to wear more clothes
MarchSangatsuYayoiA month of growth
AprilShigatsuUzukiMonth of action (unohana)
MayGogatsuSatsukiRice planting month
JuneRokugatsuMinazukiMonth without rain(1)
JulyShichigatsuFumizukiMonth of Literature
AugustHachigatsuHazukimonth of foliage
SeptemberKugatsuNagatsukiLong autumn month
OctoberJu:gatsuKannazukiA month without gods(2)
NovemberJu:ichigatsuShimotsukiFrosty month
DecemberJu:nigatsuSivasuMonth of the Running Priests(3)

(1) As you know, in Japan June is the rainy season, so its name “month without rain” may seem strange. The fact is that the old Japanese calendar lagged behind the European one by one month, that is, Minazuki lasted from July 7 to August 7, when there really is no rain.

(2) It was believed that per month Kannazuki(October) all the gods gathered at the Izumo Shrine, so this month was called “the month without gods.”

(3) December is a very busy month. Even the most respected priests were running around, preparing for the new year.

How to say it in Japanese

Explanations for reading: “U” after voiceless consonants may not be pronounced, or may be greatly reduced, therefore, for ease of reading, I removed the letter “U” in the Russian version of the recording. The colon indicates the longitude of the sound.
A group of words that mean "Hello" in Japanese:

Ohayo: gozaimasu (Ohayou gozaimasu) - “Good morning” in Japanese. Polite greeting.

Ohayo: (Ohayou) - An informal way to say “ Good morning" in Japanese

Ossu - Very informal male version. Often used by karatekas.

Konnichiwa – “Good afternoon” in Japanese.

Konbanwa – “Good evening” in Japanese.

Hisashiburi desu - “Long time no see.” The usual polite option.

Hisashiburi ne? (Hisashiburi ne?) - Female version.

Hisashiburi da naa... (Hisashiburi da naa) - Male version.

Yahho! (Yahhoo) - “Hello.” Informal option.

Ooi! (Ooi) – “Hello.” Quite an informal men's option. A common greeting for roll call at a distance.

Yo! (Yo!) – “Hello.” An exclusively informal men's option. However, women can also sometimes speak, but it will sound quite rude.

Gokigenyou - “Hello.” Quite a rare, very polite female greeting.

Moshi-moshi – “Hello” in Japanese.

Ogenki des ka? (o genki desuka?) - “how are you?” in Japanese.
A group of words meaning "Until" in Japanese:

Sayonara - “Farewell” or “Goodbye” in Japanese The usual option. It is said that if the chances of an ambulance new meeting small.

Saraba – “Bye.” Informal option.

Mata ashita – “See you tomorrow” in Japanese. The usual option.

Mata ne - Female version.

Mata naa - Male version.

Dzya, mata (Jaa, mata) - “See you again.” Informal option.

Jia (Jaa) - A completely informal option.

De wa - A slightly more formal option.

Oyasumi nasai - “Good night” in Japanese. The usual polite-formal option.

Oyasumi - Informal way to say " Good night" in Japanese
A group of words that mean "Yes" in Japanese:

Hai – “Yes/uh-huh/of course/understood/continue.” It's a universal standard expression to say "Yes" in Japanese, but it doesn't necessarily mean agreement. Therefore, if during your speech a Japanese responds to your questions with “hai”, and at the very end with main question will say “No”, don’t be surprised, he was just assenting to you, showing that he was listening to you attentively.

Haa - “Yes, sir.” A very formal expression.

Ee (Ee) - “Yes.” Not very formal.

Ryo:kai (Ryoukai) - “That’s right / I obey.” Military or paramilitary option.
Group of words meaning "No" in Japanese:

Iie - “No” in Japanese. Standard polite expression. It is also a polite form of declining a thank you or compliment.

Nai - “No.” An indication of the absence or non-existence of something.

Betsu ni - “Nothing.”
A group of words meaning "Of course" in Japanese:

Naruhodo - “Of course”, “Of course”. (it can also mean it’s clear, that’s how it is, etc.)

Mochiron - “Naturally!” or “Definitely!” Indicates confidence in the statement.

Yahari - "That's what I thought."

Yappari - Less formal uniform
Group word meaning "Maybe" in Japanese:

Maa... (Maa) - “Maybe...”

Saa... (Saa) - “Well...” In the sense - “Perhaps, but doubts still remain.”
A group of words with the meaning “Really?” in Japanese:

Honto: des ka? (Hontou desu ka?) - “Really?” Polite form.

Honto:? (Hontou?) - Less formal form.

So: what? (Sou ka?) - “Wow...” “Is that so?” (if you heard the word “bitch” from a Japanese person, then most likely it was this exact expression)

So: des ka? (Sou desu ka?) - Formal form of the same.

So: des nee... (Sou desu nee) - “This is how it is...” Formal version.

So: yes to... (Sou da naa) - Male informal option.

So: nah... (Sou nee) - Women's informal option.

Masaka! (Masaka) - “It can’t be!”

Onegai shimasu – “please/please” in Japanese. Quite a polite form. Used in requests like “please do this for me.”

Onegai - A less polite form of saying "please" in Japanese.

Kudasai - Polite form. Added to the verb in –te form. For example, “mite-kudasai” - “look, please.”

Kudasaimasen ka? (kudasaimasen ka) - More polite form. Can be translated as “couldn’t you do...?” For example, “mite-kudasaimasen ka?” - “Could you take a look?”
Group of words meaning "Thank you" in Japanese:

Doumo - Short form of saying "thank you" in Japanese. usually said in response to small “everyday” help, for example, in response to a given coat and an offer to enter.

Arigatou gozaimasu - A slightly formal, polite way of saying "thank you" in Japanese.

Arigatou: A common polite form of saying "thank you" in Japanese

Domo arigatou: (Doumo arigatou) - “Thank you very much” in Japanese. Polite form.

Doumo arigatou gozaimasu - “Thank you so much.” Very polite, formal way to say "thank you" in Japanese

Katajikenai - An obsolete, very polite form of saying "thank you" in Japanese

Osewa ni narimashita - “I am your debtor.” A very polite and formal way to say thank you in Japanese.

Osewa ni natta - Informal form with the same meaning.
Group of words meaning "Please" in Japanese:

Do: itashimashite (Dou itashimashite) - “No thanks/No thanks/Please” in Japanese. Polite, formal uniform.

Iie - “No/No thanks/Please” in Japanese. Informal form.
Group of words meaning "Sorry" in Japanese:

Gomen nasai - “Please excuse me,” “I beg your pardon,” “I’m really sorry.” Quite a polite form. Expresses regret for some reason, for example, if you have to disturb someone. Usually not an actual apology for a significant offense (unlike sumimasen).

Gomen - Informal form of saying "sorry" in Japanese

Sumimasen - “I beg your pardon” in Japanese. Polite form. Expresses an apology related to the commission of a significant offense.

Sumanai/Suman - Not a very polite form of saying "sorry" in Japanese, usually the masculine form.

Sumanu - Not very polite, old-fashioned form.

Shitsurei shimasu - “I beg your pardon” in Japanese. Very polite formal uniform. Used, for example, to enter the boss's office.

Shitsurei - a less formal form of "shitsurei shimas"

Moushiwake arimasen - “I have no forgiveness.” A very polite and formal form of apology in Japanese.

Moushiwake nai - Less formal option.
Other expressions

Dozo (Douzo) - “Please.” A short form, an invitation to enter, take a coat, and so on. The standard answer is “Do:mo.”

Chotto... (Chotto) - “No need to worry.” Polite form of refusal. For example, if you are busy or something else.
Group of words “Leaving and returning” in Japanese:

Itte kimasu - “I left, but I’ll be back.” Pronounced when leaving home.

Chotto itte kuru - Less formal form. Usually means something like “I’ll go out for a minute.”

Itte irashai - “Come back quickly” They answer a person in response to his “itte kimas”.

Tadaima - “I'm back, I'm home.” They say when they return home.

Okaeri nasai - "Welcome home." The usual response to "Tadaima".

Okaeri is a less formal form of "welcome" in Japanese.
"Bon appetit" in Japanese:
There is no such phrase in Japanese, but instead of “bon appetit” in Japanese they say the following:

Itadakimasu - Pronounced before eating. Literally translated roughly as - “I accept [this food].”

Gochisousama deshita - “Thank you, it was very tasty.” Pronounced after finishing meals.

Gochisousama - Less formal form.
Exclamations in Japanese:

Kawaii! (Kawaii) - “How lovely!/How cute!”

Sugoi! (Sugoi) - “Cool!”

Kakkoyi! (Kakkoii!) - “Cool, beautiful, awesome!”

Suteki! (Suteki!) - “Cool, charming, wonderful!”

Forge! (Kowai) - “Scary!” Expression of fear.

Abunay! (Abunai) - “Danger!” or "Look out!"

Hide! (Hidoi!) - “Evil!”, “Evil, bad.”

Taskatee! (Tasukete) - “Help!”, “Help!”

Yamero!/Yamete! (Yamero/Yamete) - “Stop!”, “Stop it!”

Dame! (Dame) - “No, don't do that! It is forbidden!"

Hayaku! (Hayaku) - “Faster!”

Matte! (Matte) - “Wait!”

Yoshi! (Yoshi) - “So!”, “Come on!”, “Excellent / Good” Usually pronounced as “Yos!”.

Ikuzo! (Ikuzo) - “Let’s go!”, “Forward!”

Itai!/Itee! (Itai/Itee) - “Oh!”, “It hurts!”

Atsui! (Atsui) - “Hot!”, “Hot!”

Daijou:boo! (Daijoubu) - “It’s okay,” “Don’t worry.”

Kampai! (Kanpai) - “To the bottom!” Japanese toast.

Gambatte! (Ganbatte) - “Don’t give up!”, “Hold on!”, “Give your best!”, “Try your best!” The usual parting words at the beginning of difficult work.

Hanase! (Hanase) - “Let go!”

Hentai! (Hentai) - “Pervert!”

Urusai! (Urusai) - “Shut up!” , "noisy"

Uso! (Uso) - “Lies!”

Yokatta! (Yokatta!) - “Thank God!”, “What happiness!”

Yatta! (Yatta) - “It worked!”

Others Japanese words that people often search for in search engines. I have compiled a list of words especially for you that you could search for:

Morning in Japanese is asa (朝)

Day in Japanese - thread (nichi) or hi (hi) (日)

Night in Japanese is yoru (夜)

Flower in Japanese hana (花)

Luck in Japanese - un (un) (運)z88;

Happiness/luck in Japanese - shiawase (幸せ)

Good in Japanese – Ii (ii) (良い)

Mom in Japanese is haha ​​(haha) or politely oka:san (お母さん)

Dad in Japanese is titi (chichi), and politely (otousan) (お父さん)

big brother in Japanese is ani or politely nisan(兄さん)

little brother in Japanese oto:to (弟)

elder sister in Japanese ane (姉)

little sister in Japanese imo:to (妹)

dragon in Japanese is ryuyu (竜)

friend in Japanese is tomodachi(友達)

Congratulations in Japanese omedeto: (おめでとう)

cat in Japanese is neko (猫)

wolf in Japanese is ookami (狼)

death in Japanese is si (死)

fire in Japanese - hi (火)

water in Japanese is mizu (水)

wind in Japanese - kaze (風)

earth in Japanese is tsuchi (土)

Moon in Japanese is tsuki (月)

angel in Japanese - tenshi (天使)

student in Japanese - gakusei (学生)

Japanese teacher - sensei (先生)

Beauty in Japanese is utsukushisa (美しさ)

Life in Japanese - sei (生)

girl in Japanese - sho:jo (少女)

beautiful in Japanese - utsukushii (美しい)

beautiful girl in Japanese bisho:jo (美少女)

God in Japanese is kami (神)

sun in Japanese – hee (日)

world in Japanese is sekai (世界)

path in Japanese - do: or michi (道)

black in Japanese – ((658;い)

tiger in Japanese is tora (虎)

ass in Japanese - siri (尻)

I miss you in Japanese - taikutsu (退屈)

light in Japanese is hikari (光)

Fox in Japanese is kitsune (狐)

red in Japanese is akai (赤い)

ambulance in Japanese – kyu:kyu:sha (救急車)

anime in Japanese - anime (アニメ)

Sakura in Japanese is sakura (桜)

health in Japanese – kenko: (健康)

baka in Japanese - fool in Japanese (馬(575;)

shadow in Japanese is kage (影)

Why is it called nande in Japanese? (何で)

hare in Japanese - usagi (兎)

raven in Japanese is karasu (烏)

star in Japanese is hoshi (星)

bear in Japanese is kuma (熊)

warrior in Japanese is bushi (武士)

soul in Japanese - reikon (霊魂)

sky in Japanese is sora (空)

eye in Japanese – me (目)

rose in Japanese - bara (薔薇)

strength in Japanese is chikara (力)

white in Japanese is shiroi (白い)

snake in Japanese is hebi (蛇)

child in Japanese is kodomo (子ども)

dog in Japanese is inu (犬)

time in Japanese is toki (時)

girl in Japanese - onna no ko (女の子)

kiss in Japanese - kissu (キッス)

woman in Japanese is onna (女)

lion in Japanese is shishi (獅子)

master in Japanese - shujin (主人)

work in Japanese - shigoto (仕事)

summer in Japanese - natsu (夏)

spring in Japanese – haru (春)

Autumn in Japanese is aki (秋)

Winter in Japanese is fuyu (冬)

vampire in Japanese is kyu:ketsuki (吸血鬼)

tree in Japanese is ki (木)

princess in Japanese is hime (姫)

sword in Japanese is ken (剣)

killer in Japanese - satsugaisha (殺害者)

city ​​in Japanese is machi (町)

Lily in Japanese is yuri 百合)

kill in Japanese - korosu (殺す)

stone in Japanese is willow (岩)

Lotus in Japanese is hasu (蓮)

stranger in Japanese - gaijin (外人)

man in Japanese is otoko (男)

boy in Japanese - otoko no ko (男の子)

Happy New Year in Japanese - Shinnen akemashite omedeto gozaimas (新年あけましておめでとうございます)
