What happened to the son of Baskov N. Basque and other dynastic-pederastic marriages of Svetlana Spiegel

Many of the fans Nikolai Baskov they don’t know that he was married and even managed to become a father. The singer married the daughter of his producer in 2001 Svetlana Shpigel, who in April 2006 gave birth to his son Bronislav. But less than a year after the birth of the baby, the couple divorced.

After the spouses separated, a lot of gossip appeared in the press that the ex-wife categorically forbade Baskov to see and communicate with the heir. But after this, the media reported that Svetlana did not object to the boy spending time with his father. According to her, she did not interfere with Bronislav’s meetings with Nikolai, and the artist himself did not show any desire to communicate with the child. However, the celebrity’s ex-wife unilaterally deprived her son of his father’s surname and gave him hers. Now his son's name is Baskov Bronislaw Spiegel.

Recently on the site Life Photos of a grown-up boy appeared. The singer's 10-year-old heir wears an oversized T-shirt and long shorts as he rides a Segway and plays with friends. As the portal reported, Bronislav lives with his mother in an elite gated community in the Moscow region. Journalists showed these pictures to Nikolai, who is now in Crimea on "Children's new wave", and asked him to guess who was imprinted on them. The artist leafed through the photo for a long time, and then the reporter told him that the boy in the pictures was his ten-year-old son, and asked when the artist saw him in last time.

This question took Baskov by surprise. According to eyewitnesses, Nikolai became noticeably sad and speechless. But after a few minutes he pulled himself together and replied: “It’s hard for me to talk about this, this is a very difficult situation for me and... Time will put everything in its place.” Official representative The celebrity also noted that the artist never discusses this topic with anyone.

The only son of Nikolai Baskov from his marriage to Svetlana Shpigel began to completely new life. A life in which six-year-old Bronislav will no longer be reminded of his famous father.

Even the legal surname is Basque. According to documents, the only heir to the golden voice of the Russian stage is now called... Bronislav Shpigel.

The long-awaited son was born to Nikolai and Svetlana in April 2006. Baskov turned 30 that year, Svetlana turned 25. Despite the fact that Kolya and Sveta shared a passionate love for five years, the couple was in no hurry to have children. They themselves were still children - Svetlana had just turned 19 in the year of their wedding, Kolya was a little over twenty.

Kolya remembered the day when he found out that he would have an heir to the smallest detail.

I flew with wings! And I even know exactly the day when we conceived a child - it was in America, in a very beautiful environment,” Baskov said.

The couple couldn’t be happier about the baby’s arrival, but it seemed that Sveta’s father, businessman Boris Shpigel, was happiest of all. The baby was named Bronislav, at the request of his grandfather. Inspired by the birth of his first child, the Basques did not even resist when Boris Isaakovich wanted to give his grandson a double surname. According to the documents, the child became Bronislav Nikolaevich Shpigel-Baskov.

However, in 2007, happy family life Nicholas and Svetlana cracked.

Kolya and I ended up different people“, we just stopped understanding each other,” Svetlana explained her and Nikolai’s decision to break up.

Last year Bronislav turned six years old. According to the stories of friends of the Spiegel family, little Bronik is a cheerful and cheerful child. The same joker and joker, like his father. The boy is already going to initial courses to enter a school with an economic focus, studies several languages ​​and studies in a dance studio.

But in the teachers’ class magazines the boy is not recorded under the name of his famous father. As Life Showbiz managed to find out, from now on Bronislav bears only a “single” surname - Shpigel. Svetlana herself wanted it that way.

In a conversation with Nikolai Baskov confirmed that he was aware that his son now has a different last name.

Yes, my ex-wife called me and said that she wanted the child to have only her last name. The fact is that when we got married, her last name became Shpigel-Baskova. When we divorced, Sveta became Shpigel again, and the child became Basque-Spiegel. But now she wanted to remove my last name. I didn't mind. After this, it’s funny that they ask me questions about the fact that I don’t communicate with the child. It was Svetlana’s initiative to take my last name. Thank God, before they took away my middle name. I didn’t create any scandals about my last name. Let it be as their family wants. For my part, I fulfill all the terms of the contract that we drew up when Sveta and I divorced. There are points there that concern my child. For example, I don’t pay alimony - this is Svetlana’s decision. Apparently, so that I do not figure in any way in the child’s life. Or, for example, a clause that says that our meeting with him is possible only at a certain hour and at certain place which his mother will choose and only in the presence of nannies and security. Also, this is only possible at a time when the child is not busy with lessons, language classes and dancing... By the way, when Sveta and I were talking, I suggested that maybe the three of us could finally see each other: she, me and Bronislav? But I didn’t see any initiative on her part. Well, well, I still hope that someday this will happen and Bronislav and I will see each other and talk... Let's wait until he grows up.

"Natural blond" Russian stage For the last two years, he has been dating the singer and his own director Sophie Kalcheva, appearing in public in the company of not only the scorching brunette, but also her nine-year-old heir named Bogdan. Everyone knows that the singer himself also has a child from his marriage to Svetlana Shpigel. How old is Baskov's son? Nikolai cannot be seen in photographs today next to the boy. How does his fate turn out?


N. Baskov became a father at 29, after 5 years of marriage with the daughter of the pharmaceutical king, Boris Shpigel. A young woman gave birth at the age of 24 in Moscow in a separate ward of a family planning center, without resorting to surgical intervention. The date of birth of the baby is April 4, 2006. The son of Nikolai Baskov weighed 3500 g with a height of 52 cm, information about which immediately spread across the media. Everyone wanted to know the name of the newborn, but it was not discussed in advance out of superstition.

The family council determined that the boy would have no other heirs in the absence of his billionaire grandfather. So, the Basque-Spiegel entry appeared on the birth certificate. They also came up with a sonorous name - Bronislav. The dark, curly-haired baby turned out to be very similar to his mother’s relatives, and in the arms of his star father he seemed like an angel.

What preceded this?

Preceded the birth of the baby happy marriage two young people: an ambitious conqueror of the pop scene and a nineteen-year-old beauty from rich family. By that time, personal life and creative path which every music lover knows, broke up with his first producer - Rashid Dayrabaev, with whom he had been collaborating since he was 19 years old. After winning competitions for young performers, a student at the Academy of Music. Gnesinykh decided to go headlong into show business.

Starting with fees of $200, Baskov began to be invited to host various events, bringing substantial income. Soon the rising star became the son-in-law and business project of one of richest people countries. His career took off rapidly. His wife Svetlana accompanied her husband everywhere, becoming his director.

The marriage began to fall apart at the seams after the birth of their first child. The woman disappeared into the child, and Baskov continued touring and filming.

Scandalous divorce

A high-profile divorce proceeding followed, lasting almost a year and ending in 2008. The son of Nikolai Baskov actually does not remember his father. On rare photographs the singer is holding a very tiny child in his arms, and after separating from his wife, dating the boy became impossible. At first there were grievances, and then Svetlana went to Israel and created new family With Ukrainian oligarch from the team of V. Yanukovych Vyacheslav Sobolev.

Nikolai Baskov, who left with only one suitcase, had to start a lot from scratch. But his talent, ambition and understanding remained with him that in show business the artist’s engine is PR. Performing a duet with Montserrat Caballe, the artist deliberately created the impression that they were connected with the singer’s daughter by something more than friendship. For some time, in parallel, N. Baskov sang classical arias at the Bolshoi and provincial opera houses. This was done in order to achieve the title of People's Artist, which he would receive at the age of 33.

Separated from my son

The singer's novels followed one after another. Ordinary people no longer understand where the real relationship is and where it is PR and a game. And what about the son? It was impossible to get Nikolai Baskov to talk about the topic of relationships with the heir. This was the only thing that really touched him. The two-year relationship with Oksana Fedorova, the stormy romance with Anastasia Volochkova, and the alleged secret passion for Taisiya Povaliy ended in nothing. Rumors appeared, initiated by the offended Dayrabaev, that the “golden voice” of the country had a non-traditional sexual orientation.

He really spends money on extravagant costumes, drives women crazy, but doesn’t take anyone to the registry office and certainly doesn’t have children. Maybe deep down the wound does not heal from the fact that I didn’t good father for your own son, and is it too painful to step on the same rake a second time? In 2012, it became known that Nikolai Baskov’s son, Bronislav, no longer bears the name of his star father. The ex-wife changed the child's documents. From now on, like his grandfather, he is Spiegel. This made the singer very upset.

Return to Russia

B. Spiegel and his new son-in-law developed a business in eastern Ukraine until the tragic events 2014. After the failure to implement the Novorossiya project, Vyacheslav Sobolev turned into an ally of P. Poroshenko, dreaming of a deputy seat. Demonstrating loyalty to the authorities, he abandoned his Russian wife. In March 2016, after the divorce, Svetlana Shpigel, Nikolai Baskov’s son and daughter Nina, together with Sobolev, returned to the family mansion near Moscow.

The paparazzi, knowing the whereabouts of the ten-year-old heir to the star, took several pictures of a plump, curly-haired boy riding an expensive Segway scooter. He seemed to them a cheerful, kind and nice young man. The photographs were posted on the Life page and instantly spread across the Internet.

Screaming headlines that the father will finally be able to see his son in 10 years appeared in the year of the singer’s 40th anniversary. Baskov Nikolai, biography, whose personal life is of real interest, celebrated his birthday on October 15, 2016 on a grand scale. The cost of the show exceeded 2 million euros. I would like to believe that next time the public will see his son in a place of honor.

Nikolay Baskov, popular Russian singer, never made a secret of his personal life. He easily provided the opportunity for numerous fans to observe the details of his novels.

The news was sensational that Nikolai Baskov proposed to Victoria Lopyreva. However, the wedding, scheduled for October 5, 2017, did not take place. The Bride and Groom announced that they had postponed the celebration indefinitely.

By the way, Nikolai Baskov proposed to almost all the women with whom he had relationships. Only once did Nikolai tie himself with the knot of Hymen. Let's try to figure out whether there are high chances that Miss Russia 2003 and the “Golden Voice of Russia” will become legal husband and wife.

Romance with the producer's daughter

The first time Nikolai Baskov married Svetlana Shpigel, the daughter of an influential and wealthy man, Boris Isaakovich Shpigel. At that time, Boris Shpigel was a member of the Federation Council, engaged in commercial activities, including producing.

In 2000, he turned his attention to creativity young singer Nikolai Baskov. The project began to bring in good profits. The affair with the producer’s daughter began to develop in parallel with the rise of Nikolai’s career. In 2001, Nikolai Baskov married Svetlana Shpigel.

Svetlana Shpigel entered the international English college, and after graduation she entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Law.

Before her marriage, Svetlana Shpigel was engaged in her own PR agency “Success”, whose clients include different time there were Philip Kirkorov, Taisiya Povaliy. Nikolai Baskov was also a client of this agency, and when Svetlana married him, she became more involved with her family.

In 2006, the couple had a son, Bronislav. In 2007, relations between the spouses deteriorated, and in 2008 the couple divorced. The divorce was painful and long. As a result, the son remained to live with his mother.

At birth, Baskov’s son received a double surname - Shpigel-Baskov. After the divorce, Svetlana changed her son’s surname, today he is simply Bronislav Shpigel.

Svetlana soon married Ukrainian businessman Vyacheslav Sobolev. She gave birth to a daughter from her new husband, and also divorced him.

After the well-known events in Ukraine, her husband decided to break all contacts with Russia, including with his wife and children. They said that Nikolai Baskov's son called Svetlana's new husband dad, and didn’t communicate with Nikolai at all. Svetlana lived in Israel for a long time, but recently information appeared in the media that she returned to Moscow.

Miss Universe

Soon after the divorce, Nikolai Baskov began an affair with Oksana Fedorova, a TV presenter, police officer and winner of the Miss Universe title. Their relationship lasted two years, and few people believed in their authenticity.

Many considered their romance to be a spectacular PR stunt, which greatly offended the beautiful Fedorova: - Why? Isn't it possible to love him? Doesn't he have enough merits? He wonderful person, strong and handsome man– Fedorova was perplexed.

Oksana believed that she had more feelings than Baskov, and this bothered them a little. On the other hand, she agreed, a woman is always missing something...

On March 3, 2011, at one of the concerts, Basque publicly announced that he and Oksana were no longer a couple. This turn of events came as a surprise to the beauty queen. She guessed that the relationship with Nikolai would soon end, but I didn’t think it would happen this way. It must be said that at one time Basque also publicly proposed to Fedorova, but the wedding never took place.

Guest marriage

Baskov, as he himself put it, had a “guest marriage” with singer Sophie Kalcheva. According to the singer, freedom and the opportunity to be alone were very important to him at that time. The life partner provided such an opportunity, and this suited both of them.

Interesting notes:

Nikolai and Sophie were first seen together at the New Wave 2014 festival, and since then the couple began to appear together often. Sophie Kalcheva, a graduate of the Moscow Variety and Circus School, was a backing vocalist for Lev Leshchenko, collaborated with Bilan, but did not achieve great popularity.

The affair with Baskov also did not give her any career bonuses, except for rare mentions in the gossip column. It is known that Sophie is raising a son from another man. Basque, in his own words, also proposed marriage to Sophie, but she refused.

And another beauty queen

This time Nikolai Baskov has surpassed himself. He proposed marriage to Victoria Lopyreva in the city of Grozny, at a reception in honor of the first match football club"Akhmat" in Grozny.

The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov himself “shared” the news by posting a video on his Instagram. Basque invited the head of the republic to be a witness at the wedding, which was to take place on October 5 in the city of Grozny. But it didn’t happen.

According to the bride and groom, due to both being so busy, they are unable to properly prepare for the celebration. In addition, Nikolai's father died on October 5.

The Internet public is divided into two camps - some wish the newlyweds happiness, while others do not believe in this wedding at all. It's time to place bets.

Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva have known each other for 10 years, and all this time the singer felt sympathy for the beauty. Lopyreva dreamed that Basque would officiate her wedding.

He is the “golden voice of Russia”, who performs operas and pop songs equally well. His creative work is popular. Both the public and critics argue about it. He is trying to create a new genre direction, combining classical and pop data. The singer is loved by women in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

The general public is little familiar with his operatic activities, although they performed a large number of wonderful operatic compositions. The most famous part was from the opera “Eugene Onegin”, written by P.I. Tchaikovsky. He performed the role of Lensky so well that they started talking about him as the best Lensky in the history of opera music.

It's all about Nikolai Baskov. Who doesn’t know “Hurdy Organ”, “Heart”, “For You Alone”, “Next to You” and many others. He can often be seen in musicals. For example, such as: “Morozko”, “Cinderella”, “Golden Key” and others. IN Lately he expresses himself beautifully and in an extraordinary way, he hosts “Saturday Evening” with Nonna Grishaeva.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Baskov

Last fall, Nikolai Baskov celebrated his 40th birthday in a big way. He has recently begun to look gorgeous, which is what many of his fans who are looking for data in in social networks: Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Baskov?

The information varies somewhat. Let's try to get to the bottom of this issue. Over the years, many bloggers have argued about Nikolai Baskov’s age. Some said that his age is 178 cm, but Oksana Fedorova is 177 cm tall according to official figures, and he looks shorter than her. Others claim that his height is 170-174 cm. This is a more plausible version. The manager and organizer of the singer’s concerts says that Nikolai Baskov’s height is 174 cm.

Nikolai is either losing weight or gaining weight. Recently he has radically changed his weight by sitting on special diet. Now his weight is 76 kg. It looks great, stylish and memorable.

Biography of Nikolai Baskov

Nikolai Baskov was born in Balashikha, which is located in the Moscow region immediately after the Christian holiday, on October 15, 1976. It was snowing that day, which the singer’s grandmother thought auspicious sign and suggested to her daughter, Nikolai’s mother, that she name him in honor of Nikolai the Ugodnik. Nikolai's mother agreed.

At the age of 2, Nikolai and his parents moved to his father’s place of service in the city of Dresden. When Kolya turned 4 years old, his mother signed him up for rowing lessons. The boy showed great abilities, practicing for several years, even winning 4 prestigious awards in this sport. At the age of 5, he began to engage in high-speed swimming using a device called a monofin, and also achieves great results. True, Kolya later leaves sports activities, as his father is again transferred to serve in the Soviet Union.

Returning to his homeland, Nikolai went to the first grade of Balashikha school No. 3, but studied here for only 2 grades. Then the family moves to Novosibirsk, so studies continue in one of the Novosibirsk schools. His studies in the last grades took place in one of the Moscow schools, where the young man studied music and choreography in depth. At the same time, he studied to play the piano at the Children's Music School, receiving an excellent certificate upon graduation.

In 2000, Nikolai met with Montserrat Caballe, after which a performance took place at the St. Petersburg Ice Palace. At this performance, the young singer was named a student of the great performer. Basque travels to Barcelona, ​​where he becomes a participant in opera concerts of Montserrat herself and her daughter Marty.

After graduating from Gnesinka in 2001. becomes a graduate student at the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, studying with Professor P. Skusnichenko. In the same year, he established a relationship with Boris Shpigal’s daughter Svetlana.

The biography of Nikolai Baskov changes dramatically when Nikolai begins to perform his pop repertoire with great success. The audience fell in love with his "Hurdy Organ", which has since become business card singer But it affected his opera career. During the scandals, Nikolai quits his job. Bolshoi Theater and starts working in Nizhny Novgorod in the troupe of the local A.S. Pushkin Opera and Ballet Theater, and then moved to the troupe of the Yoshkar-Ola Theater.

At the same time, Nikolai tried on the role of a presenter, becoming one in the “Dom-1” project, which was carried out by the TNT channel. At the same time it starts political career, but unsuccessfully, since the “Life” party, from which the nomination comes, does not overcome the necessary threshold. Nikolai Baskov begins to tour Israeli and American soil.

In 2008, a grandiose concert performance took place, in which M. Caballe participated, after which Nikolai toured throughout the country, ending with a Moscow performance on the Moscow stage. At the same time, he performed a charity concert, at which he performed classical repertoire and coincided with the Teacher's Day holiday.

In 2009 Nikolai becomes People's Artist RF. Soon the singer, together with Taisiya Povaliy, will tour the territory of the European Union.

Now Nikolai Baskov has repeatedly traveled through the territory of both the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. And everywhere he was a great success. It is called “Human – Holiday”. He is truly capable of creating a festive mood for everyone around him. The singer constantly makes fun of his friends, of whom he has a lot. You can judge his capabilities by watching the Saturday Night program, which he began hosting in 2005.

Personal life of Nikolai Baskov

The personal life of Nikolai Baskov is the subject of constant gossip. At the beginning of his career, he dated the daughter of his producer, Svetlana Shpigel, who later became his wife. But the life together of the two young people did not last long. After Svetlana gave birth to her son Bronislav, scandals arose due to rumors that Nikolai had lovers on the side. The couple divorced, after which an agreement was reached, which was that ex-spouse can lead his creative activity, but he should not communicate with Svetlana and his son. The singer did just that, leaving the lives of his loved ones with only a small suitcase.

During one of his tours, he began dating Taisiya Povaliy. This was stated in one of the newspaper issues “ TVNZ“, but Nikolai and Taisiya did not confirm this information.

In 2009 Baskov began dating Miss World – Oksana Fedorova. It seemed that everything would lead to a happy ending - a wedding. But the girl met her current husband and broke up with Nikolai, about which general public I found out in March 2011. The young people managed to remain friends.

Then there was a series of different romantic relationships, the most significant of which were meetings with Maria Maksakova and Anastasia Volochkova. If the former began to develop in secret from the general public, then the latter were presented as if for show. But after a joint vacation Maldives Nikolai and Anastasia broke up. But they stated that their relationship did not pretend to be serious at all, but was something like a farce.

Soon after this, the singer announced that he did not want to join different relationships with the opposite sex, but will do everything to make his life happy and his work successful.

But in mid-2014, Nikolai met the young singer Sofia Kalcheva, and since that time rumors have constantly arisen in the press that the most eligible bachelor of the Russian stage is getting married. But the singer and his chosen one say that they are fine without constantly living together. They call it a "guest marriage."

But who knows, maybe soon this guest union will be able to result in a strong wedding relationship.

Family of Nikolai Baskov

Nikolai Baskov considers his mother, Elena Nikolaevna, and father, Viktor Vladimirovich, to be his family.

Viktor Vladimirovich was a professional military man. After graduating from the Military Academy. Frunze serves on the territory of the GDR. He made an excellent career from platoon commander to the position of deputy division commander.

Elena Nikolaevna had great success in mathematics and chess, so she graduated from one of the universities in Moscow with a degree in mathematics. Much later, she came to the conclusion that mathematics was not her thing. In Germany, she appeared on television as an announcer.

The singer is proud of his grandparents, who went through the crucible of the hard years of war. One of the grandfathers was a private, and my mother’s father was a colonel. He predicted that the military dynasty on Nicholas would end.

Nikolai’s parents did everything to ensure that the creative path of the future star was successful. They sold their dacha, car, apartment. This was done so that Nikolai could improve in his creativity.

For a long time Nikolai Baskov's family was in the shadows. None of the listeners even guessed who the performer’s parents really were. Firstly, he changed his last name a little. As a child, his name was Nikolai Baskov (with emphasis on the 2nd syllable), so no one paid attention to Nikolai’s real parents, and neither he nor his relatives talked about it. Only recently the singer revealed the secret and showed his relatives. This decision was influenced by rumors that the performer was not their real son, but was adopted by them in early childhood. Nikolai donated DNA, which proved the opposite, saying that even if the rumors were confirmed, he would still consider them as such.

Nikolai Baskov also considers the families of his best friends, Maxim Galkin and Philip Kirkorov, to be his family. He often visits them and invites them to his place.

Children of Nikolai Baskov

Children of Nikolai Baskov, or rather, The only son Bronislav was born during the period life together with Svetlana Shpigel.

Nikolai also considers the children of his friends, Philip Kirkorov and Maxim Galkin, to be his children. He often visits them, brings them birthday gifts, saying that there is nothing better than communicating with young people. Nikolai dreams that in the future he will have more children. In addition, Nikolai Baskov constantly participates in the “Give Yourself Life” projects, helping sick children recover from their illness. He sometimes donates the fee for a concert to the benefit of sick children. The singer believes that only through joint efforts can we get rid of various troubles.

“The Golden Voice of Russia” visits several orphanages, one of which is in Chechnya, another in Moscow, and a third in Novosibirsk. Nikolai does not skimp, donating amounts to his students. Sometimes he comes to his charges with concerts, which they look forward to.

Son of Nikolai Baskov - Bronislav Shpigel

The son of Nikolai Baskov, Bronislav Shpigel, was born in 2006, receiving the double surname Baskov-Spigel. Soon his parents divorced. Nikolai stopped participating in raising his son and doesn’t even pay child support, but his ex-wife Svetlana Shpigel asked him to do so. New husband Svetlana adopted the boy, but Bronislav began to bear the name of his grandfather - Shpigel.

In 2015, the boy began to live on the estate of his grandfather Boris Shpigel near Moscow, where his mother Svetlana fled from her second husband from Ukraine.

Reporters caught the boy and saw that he looked absolutely nothing like Baskov, but rather resembled his grandfather, Boris. The boy has a curvaceous figure and plays hockey and swimming. He has black hair.

The ex-wife of Nikolai Baskov - Svetlana Borisovna Shpigel

Nikolai and Svetlana met in the late 90s. We lived for several years civil marriage. In 2002 decided to get married, which they did soon. They were the most talked about couple of the beginning of the new century. For a long time, Svetlana was afraid to give birth to children, but in 2006 she finally decided, and soon Bronislav was born. After 1.5 years, the young woman decided to divorce star husband, main reason was that the husband was constantly absent from home and neglected his duties as a father. A few months later they divorced.

Ex-wife Nikolai Baskov - Svetlana Borisovna Shpigel got married for the second time in 2011. On wedding celebration, amazing in its scope, the entire musical elite was invited, except for the ex-husband. Svetlana’s new husband was a successful Ukrainian businessman Vyacheslav Sobolev, who adopted her son Bronislav. In 2012 a common daughter was born, named Nina. The couple in public was cheerful, cheerful and happy. Svetlana and Vyacheslav lived in their Kyiv residence, occasionally coming to Moscow on business or just to visit the woman’s parents. It seemed that their happiness knew no bounds. But everything changed after the coup in Ukraine. Vyacheslav began to show cruelty to Svetlana and the children, calling them Muscovites and supporting the right sector. Fearing for the children, the woman leaves her husband and leaves for Israel, and then to Moscow, where she lives at her father’s residence. Now Svetlana does not appear in public, leading a secluded life with her children.

Wedding of Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva. Photo and video

A huge number of photographs have appeared on the Internet, where Baskov and Lopyreva are captured together. Nevertheless, star couple Not all fans like it, as there are quite a few comments with a negative connotation under the photos. For example, most people believe that Victoria is not suitable for Nikolai for a number of reasons. Lopyreva wants to gain fame and glory at the expense of Baskov, ignoring love and relationships.

As Ramzan Kadyrov confirmed, it is he who will witness the wedding of Baskov and Lopyrova.

However, criticism towards the stars is unfounded, because there is no evidence of the TV presenter’s mercantile goals. Moreover, some fans noted her beauty and gorgeous hair. But all this fades into the background, since Baskov and Lopyreva want to have the wedding of the century, which will overshadow all current events in the country.

It is worth noting that the Russian fashion model insists on a marriage contract, this will avoid problems in the future. As for the concert evening, it will be led by Nikolai and Victoria. Grandiose the event will take place in Chechnya at the beginning of October, October 5th to be precise.

There is an opinion that Victoria Lopyreva is pregnant from Nikolai Baskov.

Photo of Nikolai Baskov before and after plastic surgery

In 2015, Nikolai Baskov lost significant weight. Even visually one could see that his weight had decreased by several extra pounds. The pop singer gave a press conference at which he was asked how he managed to lose so much weight. Nikolai said that he went on a diet, which helped him lose weight by 12 kg.

Representatives of funds mass media they didn't believe it. Soon it was possible to read in some newspaper and magazine publications what Nikolai Baskov recently did plastic surgery, correcting facial features, and also removing the fat component, which is why his weight became less. In addition, there you could see photos of Nikolai Baskov before and after plastic surgery. Nikolai even sued some publishing houses, suing them a large amount money for false information.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nikolai Baskov

Nikolai Baskov is a fairly public and popular performer. He has his own pages on social networks. On Nikolai Baskov’s Instagram and Wikipedia you can find out about all the news in the life of the popular performer. He is constantly adding to his collection of photographs. It can be seen along with other stars. There are especially many joint photographs with Maxim Galkin. He takes pictures in nature with animals. Nikolai often posts pictures of him and his beloved girlfriend Sophie Kalcheva. The last time he could be seen hugging Irina Allegrova and Philip Kirkorov. The picture was taken at one of the concerts in mid-April. On the page you can admire the singer’s vigorous personal activity, as well as leave your comments and reviews.

About 200 thousand people have subscribed to the Instagram page, commenting on the singer’s new photos, dreaming that the star will respond to them. Baskov, of course, looks at the messages, but cannot respond to everyone because of his busy schedule.
