Horoscope for March Capricorn work new. Love horoscope for March for every zodiac sign! See what awaits you

In March 2017, Capricorns will be full of strength and energy to fight any circumstances. In the sphere of personal relationships, the horoscope promises many interesting and bright events.

The influence of Saturn will confront you with a fait accompli, and fortunately all the changes it brings will be for the better. If you break up with your loved one, then this is really necessary. If you find new friends, then you deserve it.

In the sphere of work, life will have similar trends. This is the time when you can make progress on your own career ladder or expand your business. In general, throughout March, Capricorns will encounter a fortunate combination of circumstances. This is the time when you can grab luck by the tail.

Under the influence of Mars, you should never remain static or give in to emotions. Even if you are overwhelmed with events in your life, do not lose control of your emotions even for a minute, otherwise the results are unlikely to be pleasant.

Career horoscope for March 2017 for Capricorn

Dramatic changes can also be expected in the sphere of work and business. Therefore, you need to be ready to adapt to new conditions. The second half of the month will be less active in events than the first. It is best to leave planning and strategy development for the second half of March, and act in the first half.

If you work for yourself, the horoscope recommends paying more attention to the technical side of things. It is important to prevent the negligence of your employees, for example by unannounced inspection technical equipment. Be prepared that you may have a lot of disagreements with your staff in March. There is a possibility that a real riot may be staged against you. Your attempts to suppress revolutions by force will only worsen the situation.

If you are employed, you can count on the help and support of colleagues in particularly complex projects. However, do not shift your responsibility and responsibilities to anyone. Stay focused throughout the month.

Lucky days are 20, 21, if you don’t have a job, use these days to send out your resume and do interviews.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Capricorn

In March, Capricorns should not dwell on what has already been achieved. This month the horoscope promises new acquaintances and meetings with old friends.

If you're lonely March can be a crucial month in your life as there is a high chance of meeting someone special and achieving true happiness. Overall, March will bring you closer to friends of the opposite sex. Even if you for a long time were friends, a spark of passion may slip between you.

If you have a loved one, life will become more active and passionate. However, you should keep your jealous outbursts under control. In general, the first month of spring is great time to take your whole family and go to Fresh air. In March, you can expect that many conflicts will go away on their own.

You should be careful in your relationships with friends. The influence of the Moon and Mars may lead to a conflict of interest. If you value your friendly relations It's best to give in.

Lucky days - 2, 5, 8, 10, 17, 27, 29 if you are single, use these days for romantic meetings and acquaintances.

Health horoscope for March 2017 Capricorn

March 2017 for Capricorns can be a real test in terms of health. The horoscope predicts a huge amount of stress and low mood. You might want to consider taking some calming herbs.

The best days to play sports are 1, 4, 7, 11, 12, 14, 20, 22, 27.

In March 2017, Capricorns will fight against circumstances and systematically win, bringing waves of positivity to those around them. In fact, for Capricorns themselves this will be a rather surprising trend, but the position of Saturn, their main heavenly patron, defines this life stage in exactly this way. The sphere of personal relationships will blossom with fundamentally new colors. If you give up your old relationship, then it is really necessary. If you make new friends, then you deserve it. In any case, you need to move forward, looking back as little as possible on the path already taken. Your work area will be subject to approximately similar trends, which also promises you confident advancement up the career ladder or, at a minimum, an increase in your resource base (probably due to third-party projects). It is difficult to say how fundamental this month will be for your entire life. But definitely something else: we're talking about about a successful coincidence of circumstances, about luck, which you will manage to catch by the tail. It’s just worth noting the position of Mars, which will turn out to be perhaps the most dangerous aspect of March. Under no circumstances allow yourself to stop and do not give in to emotions. If you are “overwhelmed by a wave”, if you loosen control over your life even for a minute, the consequences are unlikely to please you.

In relation to the work area positive influence Saturn in March 2017 for Capricorn will manifest itself in the frantic dynamics of the first ten days of the month. Don’t worry, you will be ready for changing circumstances, although, of course, it won’t hurt to “pump up” your adaptability, so you will have time to “catch” more possibilities. The second decade will be a little less active; steady progress and planning will take the place of tireless development. The third decade will be the natural end of the cycle, allowing you to get what you want or, more accurately, what you deserve. Don’t overexert yourself, you already have enough strength to solve everything possible problems in a natural rhythm, without speeding up the flow of events. The stars advise self-employed Capricorns to pay attention to the purely technical side of the issue, that is, perhaps we are talking about preventing negligence on the part of employees, a sudden check of the technical equipment of a remote branch, or something similar. Those who do not have their own business can count on the support of colleagues in the implementation of particularly complex projects. Just don’t shift your responsibilities to others and don’t reduce your level of attentiveness, Mars will immediately take advantage of this. You must be relaxed, but concentrated, otherwise you can seriously “set back” in your development and then have to regain the lost platforms.

Regarding the “love front” in March 2017, the stars recommend Capricorn not to stop there even when, it would seem, you have “squeezed” everything available from the situation. New acquaintances await you, but old friends will also surprise you with something. Perhaps for some Capricorns this time will become decisive, because they will finally pay attention to someone from their inner circle and find true happiness. For families, this time will be no less dynamic. A great option is to get the whole family out into nature as often as possible. Of course, as they say, it’s not the month of May, but if you want, you can always find opportunities. Fresh air, the absence of the bustle of the city will benefit you, there is no doubt about it. Conflicts will “resolve” by themselves, you won’t even notice it. But be careful as the month ends. The influence of Mars combined with the position of the Moon can cause conflict situation associated with a direct conflict of interests. If you value your friendship, give in; this is still not a fundamental point.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for March 2017 for the zodiac sign Capricorn, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Capricorn. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Capricorn sign: Personal horoscopes for the Capricorn sign:

In March, you have to work, gritting your teeth and not raising your eyes. In addition, you will have to defend your interests, both at home and at work.

Work, career. Capricorn March 2017

For most of the month, entrepreneurs and bosses will be busy with issues of real estate, land, or setting up their office in a new location. There may be conflicts that have been brewing for a long time and will now become more pronounced and acute form. It is possible that partners lay claim to property that you consider yours, and in this case it would be advisable to think about a compromise that is honorable and acceptable to both parties. Otherwise, the matter will drag on indefinite time, from which both business and money will suffer. Nobody has yet canceled payments to lawyers. The employee will have disagreements with his superiors. Here it should be remembered that arguing with those whose positions are stronger is hardly reasonable. Your trump card is arguments, necessarily supported by facts, otherwise you can slide into an empty conflict and suffer in vain. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries are developing well; a successful trip is possible at the beginning of the month.

Money. Capricorn March 2017

The financial situation is going well. Conflicts in the professional sphere will not affect money. At least for now. The approximate dates for receipt of the most significant amounts are March 9, 10, 13, 14, 23, 24.

Love, family. Capricorn March 2017

The main events of March can take place in the home and family. Friendly couples can be closely involved in improving their home life. It is possible to completely reconstruct housing, exchange it, as well as purchase a house, apartment, or cottage. These troublesome events will bring a lot of understandable fuss into the lives of families. Even very friendly spouses may have different views on how this complex process should take place. And divorcing couples will continue to fight, and the most turbulent battles may occur this month. And they are all related to property, division of housing. The influence of relatives can somewhat soften this process, but is unlikely to resolve it completely. Many families will have problems with parents and elderly family members. In one case, a serious quarrel is real, in the other, you will have to take care of your health and resolve other issues related to your mother or father. Lovers are not recommended to interfere with their parents in their affairs; their relationship will only suffer from this. The stars give advice: if you have time and money, go on a trip; it will strengthen relationships and allow you to escape from many problems. Best time for this purpose – the first ten days of the month.

This spring will bring Capricorn a lot of pleasant moments, but all of them can be safely missed if you don’t take timely measures to become happy. The love horoscope for March 2019 will tell Capricorns how to do this. In an accurate astrological forecast, representatives of this zodiac sign will find many recommendations and warnings.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for March 2019

Love horoscope predicts positive changes on the love front for Capricorns in March. Of course, the stars emphasize the independence of this zodiac sign. The love astrological forecast advises Capricorns to be on the alert - in March, amazing adventures are likely that threaten to change their usual life, making it happy and carefree.
Successful days for new acquaintances with the opposite sex in March will be the 9th, 14th and 28th. On these days, Capricorns can count on the full cooperation of the stars in matters of seducing the person they like. Also, representatives of the sign should pay attention to the feelings of their new fans. When a worthy person appears on the horizon, it is better to immediately begin to take a closer look at him, assessing him as a candidate for the status of a life partner.

During the month, Capricorns may have problems in the love sphere. This applies to a greater extent to those who have their own family. Capricorn husbands and wives may experience a relationship crisis in March, which has every chance of leading, if not to a breakup, then to a deterioration in the family situation.
Sexual horoscope predicts a bright streak for Capricorns in March. People of this sign will have a chance to experience all the delights love pleasures. But you shouldn’t forget about caution and plunge headlong into emotions. As the stars predict, this could lead to negative consequences as unwanted pregnancy and even infection with infectious diseases.

Love horoscope for Capricorn woman for March 2019

The first month of spring this year will bring Capricorn girls... good mood, which will be difficult to spoil even by very unpleasant events. The stars predict for Capricorn women that their plans are unlikely to come true in March. On the contrary, fate will do its best to prevent this. But the girls will have the opportunity to bring positive changes into their lives in new conditions.
Representatives of the Capricorn sign should be extremely careful in March 2019. Fate will test their feelings more than once. Therefore, at the beginning of spring, Capricorn girls will often have a desire to break up with their current partner. If continuation of the relationship is truly impossible for objective reasons, then the breakup is more successful in the first half of the month. Capricorn girls are not recommended to make drastic changes in their personal lives at the end of March.

In March married women Capricorn sign will be able to enjoy the harmony and attention of their spouses. It is unlikely that they will be able to spend much time together, but the means of technological progress will make it possible to fill this gap and brighten up the couple’s relationship.
Those Capricorn girls who are just planning to join the ranks of the married in March will experience a lot of new feelings in their relationships with their lovers. The stars advise them not to look for a suitable opportunity, but to confess their love to their chosen ones as often as possible and delight them with attention. Gratitude will not keep you waiting, and Capricorns will be able to feel like truly happy people in love relationships.

Love horoscope for Capricorn man for March 2019

In March, many Capricorn men will face difficulties in relationships with their loved ones. If the constant whims of their chosen ones were the subject of frequent quarrels last year, now the situation threatens to get out of control. The stars recommend that Capricorns put an end to this issue in March, even if the relationship cannot be saved.

Good period awaits those Capricorn men who have not yet been lucky enough to meet their soulmate. Love relationship They may not start, but a romantic acquaintance and several crazy dates are definitely waiting for them.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for other months of 2019
