Who is Lyudmila's first husband? For the anniversary of Lyudmila Gurchenko: the favorite men of the great artist

Guest of the new episode of Boris Korchevnikov’s program is producer Sergei Senin, sixth and last husband famous actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. Sergei spent 18 years of his life with her. She was dying in his arms. Since then, he has spoken very little about their relationship, almost never given interviews and never talked about what it was like to live in the shadow of a great actress.

Sergei Senin recalled that their first meeting took place in 1990. Then he and his friend opened an independent film company, and director Elena Nikolaeva invited him to make a film based on Nabokov. On main role They took Lyudmila Gurchenko. The result of their work was the painting "Sex Tale". Gurchenko and Senin often met on the set, but at that time there was no talk of any relationship - the actress was married, and he was married.

But fate brought them together again and again. Later, Sergei divorced his first wife Galina, and she and her daughter moved to Israel. One day she called him and offered to hold a “Sex Tale” tour there so that Lyudmila Gurchenko would perform. “I was happy because I had a reason to dial Lucy’s phone number,” recalls Senin. The actress was given a small fee, so Sergei was sure that she would refuse. But, to his surprise, Gurchenko agreed - at that time she was going through a difficult divorce from her husband, so she went to work...

As a result, it turned out that Sergei’s first wife pushed him to get closer to Lyudmila. Although Senin himself is sure that it all started much earlier, because it was thanks to Galina that he went to work in cinema in the first place: “If I had not married Gala, maybe today I would be teaching some kind of hydromechanics or something like that.”

After touring to Israel, Sergei and Lyudmila’s paths diverged for a while, but then something happened between them phone conversation and Gurchenko shared with him that she had an idea for a musical film. The actress invited Senin to meet if he was interested in taking part in this. Sergei recalled that at that moment he thought: “I will do everything. I will sell everything in the world to do this.”

Later, when they began to live together, they wrote a lot about Sergei Senin - they called him a gigolo, a swindler. After all, he younger actress for a quarter of a century. He himself comments on the age difference: “Believe me, I didn’t feel it at all. Gurchenko was beyond age, beyond time, absolutely modern man. It's very easy with her. I was the eldest in our family."

Problems with Gurchenko’s daughter, Maria, also became a difficult page in their relationship. She refused to communicate with her mother, and after her death she began to share the inheritance with Senin. But, as Sergei said, now they communicate well, and the situation has been resolved. It’s just that Maria is a very trusting person, and next to her were not very smart and well-mannered people (whose names Senin did not name), who brought everything to a quarrel. “What a blessing that Lucy didn’t see all this. This is madness!” - Sergey commented.

She was married five times and had many admirers. Her stormy, passionate and amorous nature, as Lyudmila Gurchenko admitted, required an outlet. And her numerous men were, in a way, temporary fireflies who flew towards the bright light to bask in its rays and show themselves.

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that they often very skillfully used the popular fame of Lyudmila Markovna, extracting considerable benefits for their personal person. However, Gurchenko was never a whipping girl. She had a strong and domineering character, sometimes capricious to the point of indecency. And we must admit that life together with the star was far from glamorous.

Vasily Ordynsky

Eighteen-year-old Lucy’s first lover was film director Vasily Ordynsky. Gurchenko met him in her second year at VGIK.

The romance that began between them lasted no more than a year. For Lyudmila, everything that happened remained behind the scenes, just a touch in the beginning biography of the actress. There is no doubt: there was a certain benefit in these relations.

Vasily Ordynsky even invited her to play the main role in one of his films. But the members of the artistic council, observing honor and conscience Soviet cinema, gave a complete refusal to the young artist. And yet, the status of the “passion” of a fairly famous director made itself felt. Otherwise, she would not have been invited to the main role in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Carnival Night,” which brought Lyudmila Gurchenko phenomenal success and national recognition.

Boris Andronikashvili

Parting with Ordynsky was easy and painless. Soon on her life path Boris Andronikashvili, a student of the screenwriting department of VGIK, a recognized idol of the girls of the course, met with irresistible appearance. Lyudmila, without knowing it herself, succumbed to the charms of a spectacular young man and married him. Boris became the first official husband Gurchenko and the father of the actress’s only daughter, Masha. After two years together family life they broke up: “ice and fire” in the relationship turned out to be completely incompatible.


Lyudmila Gurchenko later recalled this marriage in her book “Lyusya, stop!”

“With this young man, we approached each other as in the song: “You and I are two banks of the same river.” This can be seen from the bell tower today, but then...

Despite his sophisticated appearance, from which you initially did not expect anything deep, he was a complex person with a set of extraordinary qualities - large and small. All his pockets were stuffed with rare books mixed with newspapers and magazines. I read everything in the world. He had a special sense of humor.

He believed that his personal criticism was the most accurate and original. He was distinguished by his musicality and masculine charm.”

“Everything about him was unattainable for me. And vice versa. He treated my profession with irony. He considered a musical comedy a spectacle far from art. Well, success with the public... When I delved into a field that was not “my” (I was interested in his complex screenwriting profession), I was always amazed at how much irony my “leap” from the frivolous, primitive life of an actor into his mysterious world... He somehow talentedly knew how to live nearby, being only on his own shore. With incredible willpower we had to learn to live alone together... website www.wday.ru

Unexpected Lucy: rare photos Lyudmila Gurchenko

On November 12, the beloved actress would have turned 80 years old.

Her husband Sergei Senin shared rare archival footage with Antenna and Woman's Day.

1993, still from the film “Love”.

— This is our second with Lyusya collaboration, - says Sergei Senin. “The musical film was her long-standing idea, and I found the opportunity to make it happen. The film was directed by Fyodor Sergeevich Bondarchuk. Lyusya always addressed Fedor by his first and patronymic names. The artists were Boris Krasnov and Valentin Yudashkin. Cameraman: Mikhail Mukasey. The television premiere took place in New Year's Eve. This is a benefit performance: songs and monologues.

Lyudmila Markovna dreamed of being a musical film actress. Her greatest pain and melancholy regarding her profession was that, unfortunately, in our country Lyusin’s musical talent was not in demand. She was calm about even her best dramatic roles, believing that any other good actress could have played them. Here's a musical! It was a dream...

Approximately 1939−1940.

— Lucy in kindergarten in Kharkov. “My first groom is Semochka,” she smiled, looking at the photo. Here he is pushing her on a sled.

Circa 1936. With dad Mark Gavrilovich.

— Her father was the most dear person to her. This photograph in his book “Lucy, Stop!” she signed it like this: “With early years I listened carefully to my father’s instructions.”

1953 High school graduation.

— Kharkov girls’ school No. 6. There is now a class there that is dedicated to Lyudmila Markovna. In 2013, a memorial plaque was unveiled at the school (now a gymnasium). Sitting in front of Lyusya (she is on the far right) is Mila Gitstein, her closest friend. They were born on the same day and in the same year.

Late 1950s. With my friend Mila.

— These are houses in Kharkov. Photo taken by Lucy's dad. Now Mila lives in Chicago, but they walked through life side by side and always kept in touch.

Chapter 23. Sergei Senin. 20 years with a star in terra incognita mode

After her divorce from Kuperweiss, Gurchenko met a young businessman Sergei Senin and married him.

It was Sergei who determined the nature of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s relationships with men. He said that the actress was never looking for a specific man - all her life she was looking only for her father. That’s why all her husbands were called by her exclusively “dads.” Including the young husband Kuperweis, and the next young Senin (their age difference was 25 years!). Despite this, Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gurchenko lived together for twenty years. And all these years, as if according to a pattern, he always called her “daughter.”

Well, actress Inna Vykhodtseva confirmed:

– Sometimes I, who lived my whole life with my Leva, wondered: why does Lucy get married so many times? But it was not easy for her to find her man. At the same time, each new man tried to drag her into the registry office. Lucy explained: “It’s not always possible to refuse. Although if it were my will, I would limit myself to civil marriages.” Civil marriages By the way, she also had a lot - it makes no sense to even list everything. What can we say - men loved Gurchenko! It’s interesting that she called all her lovers “dads.” Maybe because she missed her father, to whom she was very attached. Well, or it was just her Kharkov manner... But Lyusya also called the directors with whom she acted “dads.” And Mikhalkov, and Konchalovsky... And they said it to each other - Koza. They said: “Well, did the Goat come for makeup? Is the goat dressed? Now there’s a double with the Goat...” This is since she starred as the Goat in the film “Mama.”

When she felt very bad on the evening of March 30, 2011, she quietly asked her husband Sergei: “Dad, call an ambulance...” But she wouldn’t wait for the ambulance...

Shortly before this - February 14, 2011 - Gurchenko slipped near her house and broke her hip. The actress was hospitalized, the next day she underwent surgery, and in early March she was discharged home. But on March 30, the actress’s condition worsened.

Businessman Sergei Senin, like pianist Cooperweiss, long years sincerely and devotedly served his beloved. “It was his choice, the choice of a strong, self-sufficient man - to serve the woman he had idolized since he was eighteen...” said the famous journalist Kira Proshutinskaya.

Little is known about Senin, and he does not like to be shown off; in general, their life with the star was terra incognita for most. It is known, for example, that he is a native of Odessa, graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute with honors, and entered graduate school. He married Galina, who worked as an economist at a film studio. During their years of living in the dormitory of the Odessa film studio, where Galina had her own room, their daughter Arina was born (now mother and daughter live in Israel).

The businessman’s acquaintance with the actress occurred after his relatives had left for Israel, in 1990 on the set of the film “Sex Tale” based on Nabokov, which he produced. The film was shot in Lithuania, in Vilnius. He flew there, and on the way to the studio bought flowers for actress Gurchenko, whom he did not recognize at the first moment of meeting, mistaking her for simply unspeakable beautiful woman... They lived together for six years before they registered their marriage.

Senin spoke about his acquaintance with the star after she had passed into eternity and after the years he had lived “by inertia,” without her. Kira Proshutinskaya persuaded him to the meeting. Here's what you can glean from her material:

“Sergei put out another cigarette, and I suddenly saw a beautiful ring on his hand.

– Where is it from, Seryozha? – she asked unexpectedly for herself, without any transition, tactlessly.

“Lucy gave it to me,” he said, looking at the ring. – Sapphire in white gold. She bought it in New York, in good store. She always wanted me to have something like that. In general, everything that is decent in me is Lyusina’s merit. Because when we met, I was a complete idiot. Meeting her is crazy luck, Kira! The fact that Lyusya and I not only crossed paths in life, but lived for a huge period of time - it couldn’t have been accidental, could it? Yes, I consciously lived her life, otherwise why live with her? Before her, I had a production company, I made films for which I am not ashamed and which gave quite tangible results. financial success. I - a real man. But with Lyusya I was ready to do everything without thinking whether it would bring any profit or not.”

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sergei Senin. “Please believe in yourself, love, don’t be afraid of anything, be free, take risks. You see, life is such a thing that you seem to be young, young, young, and then bam - and it’s over. You look around and think about how much you didn’t do because you were afraid, embarrassed, and cowardly. There is no need to be afraid of anything. Take risks. Even if you are wrong. That's life. And most importantly, of course, love each other. Always, every minute." (Lyudmila Gurchenko)

It was this man, who became her last stronghold in the life of the film star, who later sought to ensure that Gurchenko’s elite apartment did not go under the hammer, but became a museum worthy of the memory of the GREAT ACTRESS.

Of course, as E. Mishanenkova correctly noted, the story of survival began for L. Gurchenko in 1985; “Yes, there were still “Vivat, Midshipmen”, “My Sailor Girl”, “Old Nags” and much more ahead. But the “ceiling” had already been reached in the films “Station for Two” and “Love and Doves.” Lyudmila Gurchenko suddenly found herself in the position of the recently played Emilia from “The Recipe for Her Youth” - it seems that she has talent, but it is no longer possible to develop it, the world in which she has to live does not allow it.”

Over the years life together With last spouse Gurchenko received many more prizes and awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. And in 1995, she was awarded the Golden Ticket prize - according to audience polls, she was recognized as the best actress in the entire history of Soviet and Russian cinema. In February 2011, she also took part in the filming of the film “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko"…

...The last years of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s life, almost all publications in the media about the star’s personal life boiled down mainly to her difficult relationship with her daughter Maria (the actress sued her for her mother’s apartment; there were also lawsuits for other property and a car) and manipulations with her appearance (the actress made record number plastic surgery and various cosmetic procedures).

But the fight with Time is always useless, even if You are Living Legend

Despite a solid list of suitors, legal husbands, friends and lovers, Gurchenko never considered herself flighty.

– I have always had one love – big, sincere, sensual, devoted. Only the objects changed.

But even in this ironic recognition we find a catch: the interchangeable objects of her “big and devoted love“there were not people, not men, but the names of paintings and performances... where she, if she does not play the main role, then at least flashes - bright and recognizable to everyone...

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Lyudmila GURCHENKO left. One of our few truly popular stars. It seemed to many fans that she lived like in a movie. And her whole fate was like one big carnival night, which, alas, passed as if in five evenings. This is probably partly true. A great woman, an incomparable actress who personified love and passion, lived to be 75 bright years. We decided to remember the most interesting moments from the enchanting personal life of Lyudmila Markovna.

It is believed that this is a film director Vasily Ordynsky. Lucy met the young director when she was in her second year. He invited her to play the main role in his film “A Man Is Born.” But someone before the artistic council reported to the commission that Ordynsky wanted to push his mistress into the picture, and as a result, the role floated to Olga Bgan. True, the director still could not do without Gurchenko - she voiced the heroine played by Bgan.

However, they say that Lyudmila was not very worried about being taken for a ride. After all, I soon received an offer Ryazanov to star in “Carnival Night.”

Immediately after breaking up with Ordynsky, Gurchenko began an affair with a 22-year-old student of the screenwriting department of VGIK Boris Andronikashvili, who became her first husband and father of her only daughter. The marriage lasted two years. Afterwards Boris went to Nonna Mordyukova, and Lyudmila was wondering whether to accept the persistent advances of her colleague at the Sovremennik Theater Igor Kvasha. The artist, despite the fact that he was married, had already announced to his friends that he would definitely marry his charming partner.

But she, having weighed all the pros and cons, married the writer’s adopted son Fadeeva - Alexander Jr..

This union did not last long: the spendthrift and reveler Fadeev quickly disappointed Lyusya. After the divorce, she became close to the actor Anatoly Vedenkin. Then fate brought her together with the artist Boris Diodorov, who became her third legal husband. Boris was known as a quiet and calm person. He was all about creativity and created his famous illustrations for fairy tales Andersen. They say that the actress put terrible pressure on him, and if not for the quick breakup, then, according to Diodorov, his life would have been completely destroyed. The artist left the domestic tyrant for a personal fortune teller Alla Pugacheva.

Meanwhile, Lyudmila Markovna found another life partner. He became Joseph Kobzon. The two creators lived so noisily and brightly that fans spread rumors that they were getting into fights. And they allegedly beat each other as equals. For example, Gurchenko, according to rumors, once hit her husband on the head with an iron, but his wig saved him.

After breaking up, Kobzon and Gurchenko recalled their relationship in different ways.

“You go down to the car that your husband gave you, and you see a street prostitute there... It’s just dirt,” Lyudmila shared. - There was nothing good in the marriage with Kobzon.

Joseph Davydovich, on the contrary, spoke about ex-wife with pleasure:

I loved having someone so beautiful famous actress, like Gurchenko. I brought her gifts, flowers... We were, especially at first, amazing lovers! And we started having sex wherever we found each other: in the field, in the steppe, in the corridor. We were very passionate about each other...

After her divorce from Kobzon, Lyudmila married a pianist Konstantin Kuperweis. The young man also became her secretary, director and accompanist, thereby ruining his career. Cooperweiss recalled more than once that over time his wife began to wear him down with nagging. Towards the end of the 18-year relationship, his nerves began to fail. When, during another quarrel, Kostya threw a telephone at the wall, Gurchenko asked in an iron voice:

What, rebelled? Slave revolt?

There was a moment when the relationship between Lyudmila and Konstantin was interrupted for some time, and then the actress became close to Vladimir Vysotsky.

After the official divorce, as usual, Lyudmila did not while away her time alone for long. She met a businessman and producer Sergei Senin. He was next to Gurchenko until her last breath.

Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

My only daughter I wave Gurchenko gave birth in 1959 from Boris Andronikashvili. Lyudmila hoped that her daughter would become hers best friend. However, already from school years they began to clash terribly. Masha grew up completely different from her mother. The child was sick of talking about movies, of parties and numerous mom's men. Gurchenko herself began to feel shy about the heiress. Masha got married without her mother’s blessing, only deepening the crack in their relationship. Gurchenko once admitted that she felt guilty for not paying attention to Masha. The actress tried to compensate for this shortcoming by communicating with her beloved grandson Mark, but to my granddaughter Lena For some reason I always treated her coolly.

In 1998, when Mark was 16 years old, he died from a drug overdose. Gurchenko blamed her daughter for this tragedy. The relationship deteriorated completely. Mid 2000 Maria Queen(this is the married name of Gurchenko’s daughter) filed a lawsuit against her mother. The bone of contention was a tiny apartment next to the zoo. Once Lyudmila Markovna bought it for her old mother, but she moved to Masha so that her granddaughter would look after her. They say that Gurchenko visited very rarely Elena Alexandrovna, that’s why she wrote the apartment to the Queen in her will. When, after the death of her grandmother, Maria decided to register housing for herself, Lyudmila Markovna was indignant: the apartment was bought with her money. As a result, the actress got the housing. Alas, the birth of two great-granddaughters of Lyudmila Markovna did not bring consent into the star family.

Scandals and intrigues

According to the director Vladimir Menshov, who directed Gurchenko in the film “Love and Doves,” they were friends for a long time, but in last years We barely communicated - it’s very difficult to be friends with her. Sooner or later, the actress ruined her relationship with everyone.

In one of her books she wrote something nasty about me. Then they told me that Lyudmila was offended because I did not invite her to Shirley-Myrli.

All her phobias come from her enormous talent, says Menshov.

WITH Alla Pugacheva the breakdown occurred in '97. The prima donna invited the singing movie star to participate in the “Surprise for Alla Borisovna” program. Having performed the song “Take Me Off, Photographer” at a night rehearsal, Gurchenko allegedly said that she sang better than Pugacheva. In response, Pugacheva, at a concert in St. Petersburg, said that she would soon leave the stage, because she was not going to sing until old age, “like some Gurchenko,” and parodied the characteristic gestures of the great actress to the laughter of the audience. Lyudmila Markovna harbored a grudge and nine years later did not invite the diva to her 70th birthday. And at the same time Philip Kirkorov, Sergei Zverev And Boris Moiseev, forbidding anyone from Alla’s entourage to attend the celebrations. Previously, the film star’s favorite stylist fell out of favor because he did not support attacks against the Pugachev-Kirkorov couple, and Lyudmila Markovna suspected that Zverev had defected to the enemy camp.

By that time, Moiseev had sung several songs in a duet with Gurchenko and toured with their joint show for almost a year. But suddenly the union fell apart. Fans wondered what kind of cat ran between the stars, but they remained silent. Bye Andrei Malakhov did not completely quarrel between them.

Having invited Gurchenko to his program, on the eve of the anniversary he marinated the tired and exhausted Lyudmila Markovna for several hours, and after the recording, when the cameras were turned off, he began to ask, as if behind the scenes, about the conflict with Moiseev. As a result, the whole country heard from the lips of their favorite artist: “Moiseev, go to hell...!”

The indignant singer also responded with obscenities. However, recently, having learned that Lyudmila Markovna was in the hospital, Boris changed his mind and publicly asked Gurchenko for forgiveness.

Judging by the fact that Lyudmila Gurchenko fell in love more than once, love for her is the main source of inspiration.

Lyudmila Gurchenko died at the age of 76 / www.kinopoisk.ru

Yesterday, March 30, Lyudmila Gurchenko died at the age of 76. Now the names of the six men whom the actress let into her heart will forever go down in the history of show business as the beloved husbands of the icon of Soviet cinema.

First husband Lyudmila Gurchenko was Boris Andronikashvili - screenwriter, historian, son of the writer and cousin Georgian directors Georgiy and Eldar Shengelaya. They had a daughter, Maria, who gave Lyudmila Gurchenko a granddaughter, Elena. The actress herself recalled her first love with tenderness: “Boris was a beauty. When I saw him in the dining room, the tray fell out of my hands.” But their love passed.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's first husband was Boris Andronikashvili

Second husband Gurchenko became Alexander Fadeev, Foster-son writer Alexander Fadeev. But, apparently, it was difficult for the actress to get along with the actor. "Two bright temperaments are nuclear bomb"Lyudmila Gurchenko later recalled.

Alexander Fadeev became the second husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Third husband was Joseph Kobzon. The singer did not like to comment on his marriage with Lyudmila Gurchenko. In all interviews he spoke only about his last wife- Nele. Gurchenko also preferred not to talk about Kobzon, apparently so as not to compromise her popular ex-husband.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's third husband was Joseph Kobzon

Fourth husband became Konstantin Kuperweis. For 18 years, the musician was not only the actress’s accompanist, but also a faithful husband. In one of her interviews, Lyudmila Gurchenko admitted: “Konstantin showered me with compliments - that’s what won me over.” But still, their love also ended one day.

Fifth and last husband Lyudmila Gurchenko was produced by Sergei Senin

Fifth and last husband The actress was producer Sergei Senin, whom she met during the filming of the film Sex Fairy Tale based on the book by Vladimir Nabokov. It was this husband who loved Lyudmila Gurchenko before last days her life, she died in his arms
