Husbands and children of Gurchenko Lyudmila. Does Lyudmila Gurchenko have children?

Name: Lyudmila Gurchenko

Age: 75 years old

Activity: Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, pop singer and film director, People's Artist of the USSR

Family status: was married

Lyudmila Gurchenko: biography

Lyudmila Gurchenko is a famous Soviet and Russian actress and singer. Films with Gurchenko’s participation are known to millions and are firmly included in the lists of Soviet classics, and the actress herself has become a symbol of an entire era in Russian cinema.

Gurchenko Lyudmila Markovna was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov. Before the war, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s parents, father Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko ( real name- Gurchenkov) and mother - Elena Aleksandrovna Simonova, worked at the Kharkov Philharmonic. My father was a professional musician, he played the button accordion, and my mother sang. Parents often took their daughter with them to concerts, so Lyudmila had a behind-the-scenes childhood, she saw the stage from early years.

From the day of her birth until the start of the Great Patriotic War, Lyudmila lived with her parents in Kharkov, in a one-room semi-basement apartment on Mordvinovsky Lane. The happy childhood of Lyudmila Gurchenko was interrupted by the war. Father Mark Gavrilovich, whom the actress dearly loved and revered all her life, went to war. He was not of military age and also had a disability, but he decided to fight. The girl was left in occupied Kharkov alone with her mother.

On September 1, 1943, after the liberation of Kharkov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, with some delay, went to school, which was located in the courtyard of her house. And in the fall of 1944, she entered the Beethoven Music School - her parents decided to develop considerable musical abilities child.

The metropolitan page of the biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko began in 1953. It was this year that the girl went to Moscow and immediately entered VGIK, in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. She was the brightest and most versatile in her class, she danced, sang and acted equally well. In her senior year, the actress played Keto in the operetta “Keto and Kote” and Imogen in the stage composition “The Trap” based on Theodore Dreiser. In these two roles, Gurchenko sang, danced, and played the piano.

She graduated from VGIK in 1958. After graduating from university, she first played in the Film Actor’s Studio Theater, and since 1964, Gurchenko worked for two seasons at Sovremennik, playing in the director’s productions “Without a Cross”, “ Elder sister", "Cyrano de Bergerac", "The Naked King" and "Forever". Then Lyudmila Gurchenko spent several years working in the theater and the Moscow Theater of Satire.


Lyudmila Gurchenko made her film debut back in student years. Her first film was the film “The Road of Truth” by Jan Fried, released in 1956. “I didn’t come here to be silent!” - this was the actress’s first phrase in the movie. The film was noticed, as was the aspiring actress, whose rise to fame began with her first film.

Gurchenko became deafeningly popular after the release of the New Year’s comedy “Carnival Night.” Lyudmila Gurchenko instantly became a popular favorite and idol. The film broke all box office records and sold almost 50 million tickets. And the song “Five Minutes” performed main character Lenochka Krylova became the anthem of the New Year, and until now the whole country on this holiday is discussing with Lenochka whether this is a lot, 5 minutes, or not enough.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film "Girl with a Guitar"

“Carnival Night” was followed by the film “Girl with a Guitar,” which was written especially for Gurchenko and in which the artist again received main role, very similar to the previous one: also in a light, dance genre. This film was less successful, although by inertia it filled the country's cinema halls. But the success of these two films also had the other side of the coin: Gurchenko acquired the role of some lightness and carelessness.


The following events became a dark streak in the film acting biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Due to the difficult financial situation, Gurchenko was forced to work part-time in parallel with filming, give concerts at factories and organize creative evenings with the audience. These acting "hacks" caused censure in the press. Officially, this is what caused problems in his career. But there is a version that the artist’s refusals to take on new roles were directed “from above.”

In 1957, during the filming of “Girl with a Guitar,” the actress was called by the USSR Minister of Culture Nikolai Mikhailov and, according to rumors, offered to cooperate with the KGB during the VI international festival youth and students. Gurchenko refused. They say this is what caused the persecution and some oblivion. For 10 long years the actress was not cast in leading roles. However, the actress starred in at least one, and sometimes in three films per year. Lyudmila even played several main characters, but in passable films that did not have much success with audiences.

During this period, Lyudmila Markovna tried her hand at dramatic roles. In the film “Baltic Sky” Lyudmila Markovna demonstrated that she can play deep, tragic heroines experiencing strong feelings. In the same role, Gurchenko played in the films “Workers’ Village” and “Old Walls”.


The dark streak in Gurchenko’s career is over. She again became one of the most sought-after actresses in the country and got the opportunity to act, receiving bright roles in films. These were the musical films “Sky Swallows”, “Straw Hat”, “Tobacco Captain” and “Mother”.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the fairy tale "Mother"

During the filming of the film “Mama,” Gurchenko severely injured her leg. She was threatened with disability: a closed fracture with displacement, 19 fragments. Dance and walk again high heels Lyudmila Markovna was able to do it only after many years of training.

Lyudmila Gurchenko wanted to play dramatic roles in strong films. Such paintings in the actress’s work included “Twenty Days Without War,” “Siberiada” and “Five Evenings.”

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film "Five Evenings"

In total, the great actress has 96 film roles. The most unforgettable and striking are “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov”, “Vacation at Your Own Expense”, “Flights in Dreams and in Reality”, “Station for Two”, “Recipe for Her Youth” and, of course, the legendary comedy “Love and Doves” .

This timeless film was released in 1984. The painting “Love and Doves” very subtly and realistically showed a fairly common love triangle: the struggle between wife and mistress for her husband's attention. Main character paintings by Vasily Kuzyakin, whom he played, lives with his wife and three children. His wife is portrayed as an ordinary Soviet woman, tired of children and everyday life. That is why the spectacular and exalted beauty, played by Gurchenko, who meets the man at the resort, takes Vasily away from the family. Vasily understands that a holiday romance And family life With new lover- these are different things. The Kuzyakin family is reunited.

Filming of the film "Love and Doves"

The film would not become a legend if it was only about one couple. “Love and Doves” shows the life of an entire social layer: here is the drink-loving Uncle Mitya, played by , and his wife, who is always looking for her husband, and the Kuzyakins’ daughter, who separated from her husband, and their young children.


The creative biography of Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko is not only the biography of a theater and film actress. This woman was extremely versatile in her talents. Gurchenko recorded 17 music albums, released three autobiographical books and tirelessly performed in duets with various performers, including others.

Lyudmila Markovna starred in 16 video clips for her songs, including the compositions “I Hate” and “Petersburg-Leningrad” performed in a duet with Boris Moiseev. The video for one of Gurchenko’s iconic songs called “Prayer” was directed by Gurchenko, known for his work in big cinema.

Lyudmila’s last work was a video where the actress sang the song “Do you want?”, which she performed in the original. Lyudmila Markovna brought even greater popularity to this song and, according to her, received pleasure from touching real talent.

Personal life

The actress's life was full not only of bright roles, but also of whirlwind romances. There were six husbands in Lyudmila Markovna's life. Five official marriages and one civil one. All Gurchenko men were bright and famous. But every time something prevented them from staying together with such an extraordinary and strong woman.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's first husband was film director Vasily Ordynsky. This marriage took place when Lyudmila was only 18 years old. The couple lived together for only a year. The artist also did not live long with her second husband Boris Andronikashvili, a screenwriter and historian, the son of the writer Boris Pilnyak, but this marriage gave her a daughter, Maria.

The artist’s third husband was actor Alexander Fadeev, Foster-son famous writer, and the fourth is a singer. Gurchenko broke up with him three years later. Two stars of this magnitude could not get along for long.

Soon after their separation, rumors appeared in the press about Gurchenko's affair with. Lyudmila herself admired the musician, but more as an outside observer than as a woman in love. Gurchenko did not comment on rumors about this relationship. But together with musician and accompanist Konstantin Kuperveys in civil marriage Lyudmila Markovna lived 18 years.

Relationship with daughter

The actress was doing well difficult relationship with daughter, . Until the age of three, the child was raised by his grandparents, thereby allowing Gurchenko to continue acting career. The girl took the reunion with her mother hard and even tried to run away back to her grandmother. Despite a series of stepfathers, a real family for mother and daughter did not work out in any way - Lyudmila Markovna was, first of all, an actress, Gurchenko spent a lot of time on set, and could go on tour for a long time. As a result, in childhood, Maria was quite often left to her own devices.

The actress herself, her entourage and fans hoped that Maria would eventually follow in the footsteps of her star mother, but even in her youth, Masha showed that she and Lyudmila were very different. The girl showed no inclination towards music or the stage, graduated from medical school, and, unlike her mother, who became an example of style and elegance, wore comfortable clothes and almost did not use cosmetics. Maria married ordinary person and gave birth to two children of the same age. Lyudmila Gurchenko had a strong conflict with her son-in-law, because of which Maria first even divorced her husband, but then got back together.

The actress loved her grandchildren, named after her own parents, very much, but even they could not completely reconcile her with her daughter and her husband. The artist had high hopes for her grandson and granddaughter, seeing them as continuers of her acting endeavors.

In 1998, a tragedy occurred. Mark, the actress’s grandson, died suddenly. The young man died from a drug overdose. Maria knew about her son’s illness and fought his illness for a long time and unsuccessfully. According to rumors, Lyudmila Gurchenko did not come to the funeral, but in fact the actress was at the farewell and was very mournful, she just tried not to draw too much attention to her person.

Soon there was a deterioration in the relationship between mother and daughter. Lyudmila Markovna got married again. Sixth and last spouse The actress remained as producer Sergei Senin until her death. New husband Gurchenko could not get along with either his stepdaughter or his mother-in-law. As a result, it happened protracted conflict, which was aggravated by the division of the property of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s mother. The grandmother bequeathed her apartment to Maria, bypassing her star daughter. The actress did not accept this, and the matter went to court.

In the last years of the actress’s life, a rumor appeared in the press about Gurchenko’s affair with a photographer. Lyudmila really said that she was in love with Aslan, but, most likely, she meant strong friendly feelings and admiration for his work. Akhmadov emphasizes that love relationship there was no relationship between him and the actress. Lyudmila Markovna met a young man at a fashion show, Akhmadov offered her a thematic photo shoot dedicated to the myth of Oedipus, and later became her personal make-up artist.


2011 was a fatal year for the actress. In February, Gurchenko slipped near her house and broke her hip. The next day she had surgery. In early March, he was discharged, and things were getting better. But on March 30, the actress’s condition worsened. Lyudmila Gurchenko died at home, the cause of death was pulmonary embolism.

On April 2, a public farewell to everyone’s favorite actress took place at the Central House of Writers. Gurchenko was wearing a dress that she herself had recently sewn. Numerous fans came to say goodbye to Lyudmila Gurchenko. The capital itself said goodbye to the artist: in the Moscow metro that day, Gurchenko’s famous song “Our Youth Team” sounded every half hour.

Not only thousands of fans came to say goodbye to the actress, but also family friends, colleagues and relatives. Throughout the entire event, Lyudmila’s husband Sergei Senin was nearby. But, as journalists noted, many of the artist’s closest people were not among the mass of people saying goodbye. The actress’s daughter arrived only at 11 am with a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums - Maria did not take part in organizing the ceremony, but learned about her mother’s death from the newspapers. The daughter of Lyudmila Markovna did not join the VIP guests; she stood in the general queue, laid flowers at the coffin and left, without commenting on her action to the journalists who recognized her. The press did not see Gurchenko’s granddaughter and great-granddaughters at the ceremony.

The funeral took place on the same day. The legendary Lyudmila Markovna was buried at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. Despite the fact that it was a gesture of respect and recognition, the choice of cemetery violated the last will of the actress herself. Lyudmila Gurchenko wanted her grave to be at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, next to her parents and her only grandson.

Six months later, in September, newspapers obtained permission from the artist’s relatives and published cycles of materials about Gurchenko’s last days, which included suicide notes from personal diary artists.

In 2015, the biographical series “Lyudmila Gurchenko” was released, in which she decided to play the Russian cinema star. The director of the film, Sergei Aldonin, said that he simply fulfilled a promise that he accidentally made to Lyudmila Markovna. IN Last year of her life, he admitted to the actress that he would like to make a series about her, and Gurchenko approved this idea and practically blessed the director.

In addition, about famous actress more than two dozen were filmed documentaries, and many stars remember her Russian show business dedicated their own songs and performances of famous compositions that Gurchenko herself sang during her lifetime.

November 8, 2017, only daughter Lyudmila Markovna. The woman had been complaining of being unwell for the last few days and high temperature. On the way to the hospital, Maria became ill. The cause of death was heart failure.


  • "Carnival Night"
  • "Girl with a Guitar"
  • "Old Walls"
  • "Straw Hat"
  • "Twenty days without war"
  • "Siberiada"
  • "Heavenly Swallows"
  • “The beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov”
  • "Station for two"
  • "Love and pigeons"
  • "My sailor"
  • "Old Nags"

“I was born in a musical time,” said Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko. Maybe that's why the actress for a long time appeared precisely in bright images, filled with music, songs, and the sparkle of her eyes. But Gurchenko’s dramatic talent gave cinema large, serious roles. Just not right away. “She was ahead of her time,” said director Alexei German, “and she had to wait.”

Musical childhood

Kim, Noyabrina, Iskra, Vladlena, Stalin... and more whole list names were suggested to Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko when his daughter was born. But the girl was named Lucy - in the Russian version Lyudmila. My father chose the name after watching the movie New York Sharks.

Lucy was born in Kharkov, in musical family. As she claimed, her mother was of noble origin, her father was a farm laborer. Mark Gurchenko worked in the Philharmonic, played the button accordion at matinees at school, and spent holidays in factories. Elena Simonova-Gurchenko helped her husband, but never finished school due to the birth of her daughter. At house 17 on Mordvinovsky Lane there were always a lot of guests, the family was welcoming. Little Lucy has been performing since childhood. At first - in front of everyone who came into the house: she read poetry, sang and tap danced. I received my first fee in sweets. This was before the war.

Father went to the front with a button accordion. " And with him he took away the most beautiful songs, the brightest holiday - the First of May, the best time in life.", - the actress recalled in her autobiographical book. Lucy and her mother found themselves in a city occupied by the Germans. There was a German unit near the house, and the girl sang Russian “Katyusha” to get food.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in childhood

Lyudmila Gurchenko with her parents

“I knew that now I wouldn’t leave my mother hungry. I also went to work. Soon, when I appeared, the Germans perked up and called me Lucia.”

In 1943, after the liberation of Kharkov, Lyusya went to school, and a year later she entered the music school - a class “on the protection of children’s voices.” During the exam, as taught by the father, who always believed in his daughter’s acting future, he “blowed his head” without looking at anyone. Having matured early due to the hardships of the war, the girl studied music with special zeal.

“Everything interested me as much as it could be useful in my future profession. The selection took place purely intuitively: I want, I like, I love.”

From Kharkov - to Moscow. From music to cinema

After ten years, Gurchenko went to Moscow - with a large accordion, a desire to sing, dance and with a dream - to become a musical artist. Entered VGIK. In the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova, I felt like a black sheep.

The young actress played her first dramatic role in her third year - Amalia in Schiller's The Robbers. This experience helped me truly join the realistic school of famous teachers. But graduation performances were not without songs. She played Keto in the operetta “Keto and Kote” and Imogen in the stage composition “Trap” based on Dreiser.

Lyudmila Gurchenko’s first dramatic film was the film “The Road of Truth” based on the script by Sergei Gerasimov. But the first real success was brought by a musical film - the comedy “Carnival Night”. Ivan Pyryev suggested student Ivan Pyryev for the big role.

All facets of Lyudmila Gurchenko's talent came in handy: dramatic, vocal, dancing - and the extraordinary charm of the young actress.

The film broke box office records. Over 48 million tickets were sold out at the cinema box office. So, while still a student, Gurchenko became a star, and the film became an indispensable attribute of the New Year holidays.

“What happiness I experienced when, in a black dress, with a white muff, I sang “The Song of good mood"! After all, this is exactly what I dreamed about on those hungry and scary evenings in childhood, when Aunt Valya and I, in rapture, among boas and fans, purred melodies from the “Great Waltz”... “Carnival Night” is the result of my twenty years of life with my parents. And I was never like that again. Never. Because the very next day after the film was released, fame fell upon me..."

From fame to “film routine”

A second equally resounding success, in anticipation of which another musical film, “Girl with a Guitar,” was shot, did not happen. Lyudmila Gurchenko for years moved into the category of actresses of the light genre. For almost a decade, Lyudmila Markovna was constantly acting, including in leading roles, but these films increasingly went unnoticed in creative biography actresses or were remembered only by bright musical numbers, as in “Tobacco Captain”. There were also small roles - in the film “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, “The Crown” Russian Empire", "White Explosion".

« There is cruelty in the fact that at the very best period, when a person, a woman flourishes, when there is health, and... ten years without filming! Could anything be worse after this?”- Lyudmila Gurchenko spoke about this period in her work.

From musical role to dramatic images

The too bright musical and comedic talent still did not hide the dramatic talent from the eyes of the directors. Although not all proposals were accepted by Lyudmila Gurchenko. Having already agreed to the main role in the film “Mama,” I had to refuse Nikita Mikhalkov. The director saw Lyudmila Markovna in the image of the general’s wife in “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano.”

Filming in “Mama” brought success to the film and serious tests for the health of the actress. Oleg Popov fell in an episode at the skating rink, breaking Gurchenko’s right leg. After the most complex operation, when the doctors collected the bone from the fragments, she again went to the set and continued filming. But it took a long time to start dancing.

The actress’s triumphant return to big cinema was the role of Anna Georgievna in the film “Old Walls.” In the filmography of Lyudmila Gurchenko appeared “Twenty Days Without War” by Alexei German, “Sibiriad” by Andrei Konchalovsky, “Five Evenings” by Nikita Mikhalkov, “Station for Two” by Eldar Ryazanov, “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov” by Pyotr Todorovsky, “Prokhindiada, or Running on place" by Viktor Tregubovich, "Flights in dreams and in reality" by Rolan Bykov, "Love and Doves" by Vladimir Menshov.

These films showed a different Gurchenko, who can not only sing and dance inimitably, but also be sad and worry.

“Sibiriyada” became a prize-winner at the Cannes Film Festival in 1979. During the filming of this film, Lyudmila Markovna began writing her first book, “My Adult Childhood.”

Not only cinema

Lyudmila Gurchenko devoted more than half a century to cinema, but in the actress’s life there were also theaters: Sovremennik and the Film Actor’s Theater, the School of Modern Play, the Anton Chekhov Theater and the Moscow Theater of Satire. Lyudmila Markovna released records, wrote books, composed songs, got married six times, received titles, orders and even a UN award, acted as a director, and became a symbol of the Window to Europe film festival. But the last thing happened after the actress passed away. This is a tribute to memory.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko has died, Interfax reports, citing a source in medical circles. This information is confirmed by LifeNews, specifying that the great actress died at home at the age of 75 after a serious illness. The death was confirmed by the ambulance crew who arrived to the call. The actress’s husband, producer Sergei Senin, confirmed the sad news.

The preliminary cause of death of the artist is acute heart failure, doctors said. The call to "03" came at 18.48, the ambulance took 21 minutes - there are currently traffic jams in the center. When doctors reached the patient, she was already dead.

In early February, Lyudmila Gurchenko, while walking with her dogs, slipped near her house and fell unsuccessfully. As a result, she was hospitalized with a serious injury - doctors diagnosed the 75-year-old star with a closed pertrochanteric fracture of the right femur.

Let us note that at the end of February, an extremely unpleasant story arose around the same LifeNews agency: information about the actress’s death had already spread across the Internet following the microblog of this online publication on Twitter. The agency later reported that on February 27, the microblog account was hacked and remained under the control of unknown hackers. However, even presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich managed to quote the message.

It is not yet known exactly where and when the funeral will take place, but an informed source at the mayor’s office told Interfax that Gurchenko deserves to be buried in one of the two most famous capital cemeteries - Vagankovsky or Novodevichy.

“Lyudmila Markovna’s merits are so great that if her relatives turn to the city authorities with a request to bury her at the Novodevichy or Vagankovskoye cemetery, such a request will obviously be granted,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

At the same time, the source in close surroundings The actress said that she would most likely be buried next Monday at the Novodevichy cemetery. “We assume that a civil funeral service will take place on Monday at the House of Cinema on Vasilyevskaya Street,” he added.

According to the agency's interlocutor, despite the fact that Gurchenko's parents are buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, she will most likely be buried at Novodevichy.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev expressed condolences on the death People's Artist USSR, reported the Rossiya 1 TV channel in the Vesti program.

Biographical information (using materials from RIA Novosti)

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov (Ukraine). She starred in more than 80 films. She was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000) and III degree (2005) and the Honorary Badge of Public Recognition (1998).

In 1958 she graduated from VGIK (workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova), in 1964-1966. was an actress at the Sovremennik Theater in 1966-1969. – an actress at the State Concert, and then worked under contracts.

Lyudmila Gurchenko made her film debut in Jan Fried's film "The Road of Truth" (1956). The actress’s second film was the film “The Heart Beats Again” (1956) directed by Abram Room. In the same 1956, Eldar Ryazanov’s musical comedy “Carnival Night” was released, where Lyudmila Gurchenko played club worker Lenochka Krylova.

The spontaneous young girl who performed the song “Five Minutes” instantly won the hearts of the audience and became a youth idol. The naturalness and openness of the debutante actress, as well as her lyrical, comedic and pop talent, and good vocal abilities were noted.

Following Carnival Night, the actress played in the musical comedy Girl with a Guitar (1958). Then Lyudmila Gurchenko starred in melodrama ("Walking", 1961), dramas ("Baltic Sky", 1961

"Workers' Village", 1966), military drama ("Roman and Francesca", 1960), farce ("The Marriage of Balzaminov", 1965), sports comedy ("Bicycle Tamers", 1963). In 1974, the production melodrama “Old Walls” was released, in which the actress played the director of a weaving factory. In 1976, the film was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR.

In the next decade, Lyudmila Gurchenko gradually became one of the leading actresses. She was invited to star mainly in musical comedies and operetta films. Musical films with Gurchenko’s participation were released one after another: “Tobacco Captain” (1972), “The Circus Lights the Lights” (1973), “Straw Hat” (1974), “Sky Swallows” (1975), “Mama” (1977).

The best in the actress’s creative biography were dramatic roles in the films “Twenty Days Without War” (1977, the role of Nika) and “Five Evenings” (1979, the role of Tamara Vasilievna).

Among the most famous works Gurchenko 1980s - the role of Rita in the melodrama “The Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov” (1982), the waitress Vera in the lyrical comedy by Eldar Ryazanov “Station for Two” (1983) and the homewrecker Raisa Zakharovna in the film “Love and Doves” (1984).

In 1983, Lyudmila Gurchenko was recognized as the best actress of the year in a poll by the Soviet Screen magazine.

In the 1990s, during the collapse of Soviet cinema, the actress acted less frequently. Among the films of those years are “Farewell Tour” (1992) by Vitaly Dudin, “White Clothes” (1992) by Leonid Belozorovich, “Midshipmen-3” (1992) by Svetlana Druzhinina, “I Love” (1993) by Fyodor Bondarchuk, “Listen, Fellini!” Mikhail Schweitzer.

2000s were marked by the release of such films with the participation of Lyudmila Gurchenko as "Old Nags" (2000), "Women's Happiness" (2001), "If Tomorrow We Go Hiking..." (2004), "Carnival Night - 2, or Fifty Years Later" (2006 ), the television musical "The Twelve Chairs" (2004), the television series "Take Tarantine" (2005).

In total, the actress’s filmography includes more than 80 films. Among theatrical works actresses plays "Without a Cross" (1963), "On the Wedding Day" (1964), "Elder Sister" (1964) "Cyrano de Bergerac" (1964), "Always on Sale" (1964), "The Naked King" (1965 ), "Forever Alive" (1966) at the Sovremennik Theater

"Red and Black" (1964), "Kiss Me, Kat!" (1965), "Fool" (1966) at the Film Actor Theater

“Are you wearing a tailcoat?” (1991) at the School of Contemporary Play

"Honoring" (1993), "Unattainable" (1997), "Emigrant Pose" (1997) at the Anton Chekhov Theater

"Bureau of Happiness" (1998), "Madeleine, calm down!" (2001), "The Accidental Happiness of Policeman Peshkin" (2004) in TO "DUET".

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was People's Artist of the USSR (1983). She was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000) and III degree (2005) and the Honorary Badge of Public Recognition (1998).

She was twice awarded the prize "For Best Actress" at the Manila Film Festival (1982, the film "The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov") and the All-Union Film Festival in Leningrad (1983, the film "Station for Two").

Lyudmila Gurchenko was awarded the title of best actress for her performance of the female role in the film “Running in Place” at the III International Festival of Comedy and Satirical Films in Gabrovo, Bulgaria (1985).

Lyudmila Gurchenko was married five times: her first husband was the son of the writer Boris Pilnyak - Boris Andronikashvili, whose marriage broke up three years after the birth of her daughter Masha. Her second husband was the adopted son of another famous writer, Alexander Fadeev, Alexander Fadeev Jr., with whom Gurchenko also soon divorced.

With your next chosen one, famous singer Joseph Kobzon, she lived for three years. The actress’s marriage to Konstantin Kuperweis, a pianist in a pop orchestra conducted by Alexander Gorbatykh, lasted 18 years. With his last husband, Sergei Senin, Gurchenko met during the filming of the film “Sex Fairy Tale” based on Vladimir Nabokov, where he was a producer. Then they met again on the set of the film “Love” and decided not to part again.

In honor of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s anniversary, the NTV channel filmed a special program called “Markovna. Reboot” - and again a provocative image and an abyss of energy.

The fact that Gurchenko was filled with ebullient creative power until the very end was noted by actor Valentin Gaft. He was shocked by the news of the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko.

“We must remember and learn from people like her, otherwise we will all drown in vulgarity. And most importantly, it is not clear how we will live without her. There is no replacement for her, and there is nothing similar,” concluded Valentin Gaft.

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was a prima of acting. She was imitated, admired, envied and not recognized.

However, in any case, one can hardly find a person indifferent to her work.


The future star was born on November 12. 1935 in Kharkov. The father whom Lyudmila idolized, Mark Gavrilovich, was from a family of poor hired peasants.

Relatives on my mother's side had noble roots. Grandfather - Alexander Simonov belonged to an ancient Slavic family, from which the Radonezh brothers came (the most famous monk Sergius of Radonezh).

Alexander Simonov headed the Moscow gymnasium; in 1917 he was arrested and sent into exile. Grandmother was a housewife.

She managed a noble estate in Smolensk, which was taken away after the revolution.

Lyudmila spent all her childhood years, until the war began, in Kharkov. The family lived in a small semi-basement apartment.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in her youth

The father was a creative and musical person who instilled in his daughter an interest and love for the stage.

He played the button accordion, so he often took part in various concerts, holidays and school performances.

Next to him behind the scenes was always Lyuda, in whom his father always saw the makings of a future artist.

When the war began, my father, despite his disability and age, volunteered for the front. Kharkov was captured by the Germans.

Lyudmila, in order to somehow survive, entertained the invaders with dances and songs from German operettas. She often covered Marika Rökk's repertoire.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in her youth

In 1943, Kharkov was liberated, and Lyudmila, albeit belatedly, went to 1st grade.

A few years later, simultaneously with general education, I began to attend the music school named after. Beethoven.

In 1953, having received a certificate, she decided to go to Moscow and enter VGIK. My father returned from the front in 1945 and strongly supported Lyudmila in her decision.

Thanks to his faith, Gurchenko becomes a student in Sergei Gerasimov’s workshop on the first try.

Study and cinema - career in Moscow

During the entrance exams, the commission was fascinated by her vocal abilities with a slight Ukrainian accent.

During her studies, she constantly participated in musical student productions, where she had the opportunity to reveal her talent.

For a long time, Lyudmila worked on her speech, removing her accent. And by the end of the 3rd year she spoke almost fluently.

Graduate work was represented by the operetta “Keto and Kote” and a role in some scenes of “The Trap” by T. Dreiser. In 1958 she became a professional actress.

While still a student, she starred in her first film, “The Road of Truth,” in 1956. Her parents were proud of her when they saw their daughter on the screen of the central cinema in Kharkov.

In the same year, Eldar Ryazanov invited Gurchenko to audition for his new musical film “Carnival Night,” the premiere of which was scheduled for the end of December.

This film brought great success to Lyudmila. She instantly became popular. Everyone was discussing not only the acting and vocal talents of the young actress, but also her surprisingly thin waist.

Moreover, according to Lyudmila herself, she came to the audition wearing several skirts to appear more voluminous.

In 1958, she appears in a film with the self-explanatory title “Girl with a Guitar.” Lyudmila's financial situation in those years left much to be desired.

She gives concerts at various production sites (factories, mines), and organizes creative meetings with audiences throughout the country.

IN Soviet time such tours by actors were considered “hack work”, which discredited the name of the Soviet artist.

In 1957, Lyudmila Gurchenko was invited for an educational conversation with the Minister of Culture, Nikolai Mikhailov.

He offered to turn a blind eye to her numerous part-time jobs if she agreed to cooperate with the KGB during the international festival in Moscow. Lyudmila refused, and after that she fell out of favor with many directors.

After a bright and rapid takeoff, a period of calm began when Lyudmila was no longer invited to auditions or offered a job.

This unfavorable period lasted about 10 years, and was very difficult for the energetic L. Gurchenko. In the prime of her strength, beauty and talent, no one needed her.

During this time, she was able to star in only 9 films, which were not very successful. These were “Workers’ Village”, “Walking”, “ Summer dreams" and others.

Lyudmila Gurchenko nevertheless gained fame as one of the brightest and leading actresses of Soviet cinema.

Most of all, she was successful in filming musical films and operettas. In 1974, the film “Straw Hat” was released.

Then, 2 years later, there were “Sky Swallows” and the musical fairy tale film “Mama.”

For her work in the film “Station for Two,” she was recognized as the best actress according to a survey conducted by the magazine “Soviet Screen” in 1984.

Theater works

Immediately after graduating from a theater university, Lyudmila joined the acting studio theater, where she worked for 6 years.

Then in 1964 she joined the troupe of the Sovremennik Theater. There she was constantly in the background.

She was offered only minor roles or participation in crowd scenes. After 2 years she left there. However, later I really appreciated the experience gained.

She returned to theatrical activity again years later, in the late 90s. Lyudmila Gurchenko plays in performances of the Satire Theater.

There she realized her old dream and created the musical “The Bureau of Happiness” together with director A. Zhitinkin.

Recent works in the theater include “Unattainable” and “Madeleine, calm down!” delivered in 2001

In addition to theater and cinema, Lyudmila Gurchenko has released 2 music albums - “Songs of War” and “Favorite Songs”.

Personal life

Personal, like creative life The actress never stood still. Serious passions were boiling there. In total, Lyudmila Gurchenko was officially married 6 times.

She entered into her first marriage at the age of 18, in 1953. Her chosen one was the promising director Vasily Ordynsky.

However, a quiet divorce followed a couple of years later. Few people knew about this marriage, and Lyudmila did everything to prevent this fact from spoiling her biography.

The second marriage was concluded by Great love. She ran into handsome Boris Andronikashvili in the student cafeteria.

Their couple became the object of not only admiration, but also envy from their classmates. Lyudmila hoped so much that this marriage would be happy and, without thinking about her figure and career, she gave birth to a child.

With daughter Maria

Daughter Maria is the only child of Lyudmila Gurchenko, about whom she did not like to talk. After 3 years there was a divorce.

The next husband was actor Alexander Fadeev. They signed, practically without knowing each other, simply tired of loneliness, and after a short time the marriage broke up again.

The long and beautiful courtship of the handsome star Joseph Kobzon also led to the wedding. However, such 2 are strong and famous personalities couldn't get along together. Lyudmila was the first to file for divorce, and Joseph did not particularly object.

With husband Konstantin

Pianist Konstantin Kuperveys became the first who was able to give woman's happiness Lyudmila Gurchenko, disappointed in men. They lived together for 20 years, but his betrayal destroyed the family idyll.

The cause of death has become known famous actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. Her life was interrupted due to pulmonary embolism.

Among the versions initially put forward in the media, there was an assumption that Gurchenko’s death was caused by the delay of the ambulance team, which allegedly arrived late when called. It was reported that doctors tried to resuscitate the artist for half an hour, but were unable to do so.

However, Gurchenko’s friends denied this data. “Lyudmila Markovna died almost instantly. Therefore, the rumors and gossip that appeared on the Internet that the ambulance doctors did not have time to save her are idle speculation,” one of the actress’s friends told Komsomolskaya Pravda, emphasizing that the doctors did everything they could in their power."

Earlier it was reported that doctors allegedly could not get to Gurchenko’s house on time due to traffic jams. However, it soon became known that the ambulance driver violated the rules traffic and crossed the Garden Ring in the wrong place in order to quickly arrive at the actress’s house in Trekhprudny Lane.

The preliminary cause of the actress’s death was announced by the head of the capital’s health department, Leonid Pechatnikov. “Based on the nature of death, I, as a doctor with 30 years of experience, can assume that Lyudmila Markovna died from late thromboembolism of a large trunk of the pulmonary artery,” Pechatnikov said.

As the actress’s husband Sergei Senin told reporters in an interview, Lyudmila Gurchenko latest program, filmed in Kyiv. “Lyudmila Markovna was happy about how well everything turned out. Unfortunately, out of the 12 songs that were in this program, Lyudmila Markovna managed to listen to two. And she died suddenly, in one minute, on the third song,” Senin said, noting that there was no The artist had no premonition of death.

Let us remind you that People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on March 30 at the age of 76. Relatives, following the last will of the actress, refused to have a funeral service in the church. She was buried on April 2 at the Novodevichy cemetery, next to the graves of actors Tatyana Shmyga and Vyacheslav Tikhonov. IN last way great artist thousands of people saw off her - her relatives, friends, stage colleagues and numerous admirers of her talent.

A few months before her death - in November 2010 - Gurchenko celebrated her 75th birthday. On the eve of the anniversary, she finished filming the feature film "Motley Twilight", in which she played the main role, and sang herself to the music she wrote. Up to last days Lyudmila Markovna performed on stage.

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a sudden blockage of the branches or trunk of the pulmonary artery by blood clots (esbolas). As a result, the blood supply to the lung tissue is stopped. The development of pulmonary embolism often occurs rapidly, leading to the sudden death of the patient. According to medical statistics, pulmonary embolism kills 0.1% of the world's population every year.
