Nike official. Nike: history of the creation and development of the brand, company logo

The history of Nike began back in 1964, when University of Oregon student and part-time sprinter Phil Knight, together with his coach Bill Bowerman, came up with an ingenious scheme to sell high-quality and inexpensive shoes. That same year, Phil went to Japan, where he signed a contract with Onitsuka to supply sneakers to the United States. The first sales were carried out right on the street from Knight's micro-van, and the office served as a garage. At that time the company existed under the name Blue Ribbon Sports.

Phil and Bill were soon joined by a third person, athlete and talented sales manager, Jeff Johnson. Thanks to his special approach, he increased sales and also changed the company's name to Nike, naming the company after the winged goddess of victory.

In 1971, a milestone occurred in the history of Nike. significant event is the development of a logo that is still used today. The “flourish” or wing of the goddess Nike was invented by Portland University student Caroline Davidson, who received a fairly modest fee for her creation, only $30.

Legendary Innovation

In the history of the Nike brand there are two brilliant inventions, which brought particular success and popularity to the brand. The company's first meteoric rise began in 1975, when Bill Bowerman invented the famous ridged sole while watching his wife's waffle iron. It was this innovation that allowed the company to become a leader and make it the best-selling shoe in America.

In 1979, Nike had another revolutionary development - an air cushion built into the sole, which extended the life of the shoe. This innovation, invented by aircraft engineer Frank Rudy, led to the creation of the world famous legendary series Nike Air sneaker.

Our days

For today Nike brand is a symbol of sports, and its history to this day is rich in interesting facts. For example, in the near future the company is planning a joint project with by Apple. They will jointly release hi-tech technology - these are sneakers and an audio player connected to each other.

Reebok operates factories in Russia, and all Puma is produced in Asia.

Sportswear brands have moved their production to countries with low cost labor force©

Most American and European sportswear brands have moved their production to countries with cheap labor. Even some Ukrainian and Russian enterprises, registering a brand abroad, in China.

The history of this great German brand can begin with the birth of its founder, Adolf Dassler. After World War I, the Dasslers decided to organize their own business, namely a shoe-making workshop. By 1925, Adi, as an avid football player, made his first pair of shoes with spikes. A local blacksmith forged it for him, and thus the first boots were born. They turned out to be so comfortable that they began to be produced at the factory along with slippers.

In the late 40s, after the death of the head of the family, the brothers quarreled and divided the company. They divided the factories, each brother got one, and agreed not to use the old name and logo of Dassler shoes. Adi decided to call his brand Addas, and Rudi - Ruda, but soon their names changed to Adidas and Puma, respectively. The Dassler brand was successfully forgotten.


Columbia Sportswear Company - American company produces and sells clothing for active rest(outdoor).

The company was founded by second-wave German emigrants with Jewish roots - Paul and Marie Lamfr. The Columbia company was founded in 1937 in Portland and was engaged in the sale of hats. The name Colombia Hat Company appeared in honor of the river of the same name, which flowed near the place of residence of the Lamfrom family.

The hats that Colombia sold were of poor quality, so Paul decided to start his own production, namely, sewing shirts and other simple work clothes. Later, the founders' daughter sewed a fishing jacket with big amount pockets. This was the first jacket in the company's product range, and its sales brought some fame to the factory.

Nike Inc. is an American company, a world-famous manufacturer of sporting goods. Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, USA. The company was founded in 1964 by student Phil Knight. He was a middle distance runner for the University of Oregon. In those years, athletes had virtually no choice in sports shoes. Adidas was expensive, about $30, and regular American sneakers cost $5, but they hurt my feet.

To remedy the situation, Phil Knight came up with a brilliant scheme: order sneakers from Asian countries and sell them on the American market. At first, the company was called Blue Ribbon Sports and did not officially exist. The sneakers were sold literally from hand, or rather from Knight’s minivan. He simply stopped on the street and started trading. During the year of its existence, the company sold $8,000 worth of sneakers. Later, the Nike logo was invented.

Nike became widely known for its "waffle" sole, which made the shoe lighter and gave it a little more propulsion while running. It was this invention that brought Nike to the forefront.

The history of Puma begins simultaneously with the history of Adidas, since the founders of the brands are brothers. (see Adidas history). Rudolf founded his own company, Puma, in 1948. . In 1960, the world saw the company's new logo, an image of the beloved member of the cat family - the puma.

For many years the company worked exclusively for athletes. By the early 90s, Puma found itself on the verge of bankruptcy. Consumers viewed the brand as imitative and expressionless. The new management set a new goal - to make the Puma brand the most creative and desirable. Central to the revival was the decision to develop shoes and apparel aimed at niche segments such as snowboarders, racing fans and yoga enthusiasts.

Reebok is an international sportswear and accessories company. The headquarters is located in the Boston suburb of Canton (Massachusetts). It is currently a subsidiary of Adidas.

Reason for founding British company Reebok became a completely logical desire for English athletes to run faster. So in 1890, Joseph William Foster made the first running shoe with spikes. Until 1895, Foster was engaged in handcrafting shoes for top-level athletes.

In 1958, two of Foster's grandchildren founded new company and they call it after the African gazelle - Reebok. By 1981, Reebok's sales revenue reached $1.5 million, but Reebok's greatest success was in next year. Reebok introduces the first sports shoe specifically for women - a fitness sneaker called the FreestyleTM.

The material uses information from open sources, manufacturing companies, sources

Nike's history is one of success. The famous sports company grew out of a student’s simple desire to own high-quality shoes. Such stories inspire people to heroic deeds and clearly illustrate that the most important thing in life is desire. Read, get inspired and take action.


Nike's history begins in 1960. It was at this time that Phil Knight realized that he did not have enough money for quality boots. Phil was a runner, so he trained a lot, more than one hour a day. All training took place in sneakers, and because of this they wore out quickly. Locally produced sports shoes were inexpensive, $5. But the sneakers had to be replaced every month, and a small amount multiplied by 12 months turned into a fortune for the poor student. Of course there was an alternative. Expensive Adidas sneakers. But where did young guy Could it take $30 to buy sneakers? All these circumstances put into Phil Knight's head the idea that it would be nice to create own business. The guy had little ambitions; he didn’t want to open a production facility. His goal was to help athletes in his area be able to buy quality shoes at a low price. Phil shared the thought with his coach Bill Bourman. Bill supported the intentions of the resourceful student and the men decided to found their own company.


The story of Nike's creation begins with Phil's trip to Japan. The young man signs a contract with Onitsuka. Interesting fact is that at the time of signing the contract, Phil and Bill were not registered as owners of any company. The guys settled all the legal problems by returning to their homeland. A student and his teacher rented a van and began selling sneakers from it. Their trade went briskly. Local athletes appreciated the quality of the shoes and reasonable price. Within a year, Phil and Bill managed to earn fabulous money for both of them - $8,000.

History of the name

The company, founded by Phil Knight and Bill Bourman, was named Blue Ribbon Sports. Agree, the name is not the simplest and not the most memorable. Nike's history is inextricably linked to the team's third man. It was Jeff Johnson. The man was an education manager. It was to him that Phil turned. Jeff decided that the name Blue Ribbon Sports was inappropriate for sports business. You need to come up with something short, but at the same time symbolic. In 1964, the company was renamed Nike. The history of the company corresponds to a great name. Few people today know that Nike is the English spelling of the world-famous goddess Nike. The winged statue was worshiped by warriors, as it was believed that it helped to win victories over the enemy.

History of the logo

Today the famous “swoosh” is inextricably linked with Nike. But it was not always so. Although we must admit, the simplicity and conciseness of the logo allowed it to survive minor changes. The history of the Nike company is associated with it today, so why is it the one that adorns all sports products? In fact, the sign is a swoosh. This is what the wings of the famous goddess of victory were called. The Swoosh was invented by student Carolyn Davidson. Phil and his team didn't have the money to hire a professional designer. So the logo, which cost the company $30, suited everyone quite well. Initially, the swoosh was not located separately from the inscription, but was its background. The title itself was written in italics. Studying history Nike logo, many may be surprised that the creators cared little about its redesign. The founders always believed that the face of the company was not their logo, but the quality of their products.

The appearance of the slogan

Like any other large company, Nike has its own slogan. How did he appear? There are two main versions of the origin of the famous "Just Do It". According to the first version, the source of inspiration was Gary Gilmore's phrase “Let's do it.” Why did Gary become so famous? The criminal killed and robbed two people, but the fact of his execution brought him worldwide fame. He became the first person to be “honored” become a victim of a death sentence handed down by a court. They say that Gary Gilmore was not afraid of death and even hurried his killers.

The second version of the creation of the logo is considered to be the words of Dan Weiden, who, at a meeting with company representatives, admired the empire he had built and said “You Nike guys, you just do it.”

Today it is difficult to verify the accuracy of one or another theory, but we can definitely say that the slogan of sporting goods in itself already motivates people to perform sporting feats.

Disconnection with supplier

Sometimes you may be surprised how many envious people there are in the world. Nike also suffered a sad fate. Onitsuka company, which for a long time was Phil's suppliers, gave him an ultimatum. He had to sell the successfully developing company or Onitsuka would stop supplying its products to America. Phil refused to sell his brainchild. Now the company is faced with the question of what to do next? Of course, it would be possible to find another supplier of products, but it is not a fact that the same story would not repeat itself soon. Therefore, the Nike team makes a bold decision: to open its own production.


After all the transformations, the company's business went uphill. The Nike story continues not from a van, but from a real store. In 1971, the company earned its first million dollars. But the founders of Nike understood that in order to stay afloat and maintain their reputation, they needed to make their shoes special. Bill suggested instead flat sole boots produce shoes with a corrugated surface. Everyone liked this idea, and the company began to produce new models. It must be said that in 1973 the company already had its own shoe production plant, so there were no problems with the production of innovative shoes. The breakthrough in technology made Nike famous not only throughout the country, but also in nearby countries.

First advertisement

History of creation Nike is inextricably linked with the development of sports. The company found very effective method advertising their products. Nike marketer Jeff invited his colleagues to promote their products with the help of athletes.

For every major sporting event, the company released new collection shoes Moreover, the updates concerned not only the design. Each new batch represented a kind of breakthrough in technology. The company gave this new product to athletes, hoping that they would wear the shoes to competitions. In most cases, the company's expectations were met. The recognizable “daw” flashed on the athletes’ feet, and fans flocked to Nike stores. Every self-respecting fan considered it his duty to wear the same shoes that his idol wears. Even people far from sports often could not resist purchasing a bright pair of shoes that flashed on the feet of numerous residents of almost every American state.


Nike's history is inextricably linked with the numerous technical breakthroughs that took place in their factories. After all, only a manufacturer who constantly invents something new can take pride of place among the world's best brands. So in 1979 it was decided to update the shoes. New models began to have a shock-absorbing cushion. Surprisingly, all shoes used to be made without it. What is the advantage of such an innovation?

The foot is less strained due to the fact that it does not hit the asphalt, but a special cushion-backing built into the sole. This technology, called Nike air, was invented by Frank Rudy. This person was not a Nike employee. The inventor of the famous sole offered to buy his idea to many sports brands, but only Nike agreed to try the innovation.

Cooperation with athletes

Nike's success story wouldn't be as great if they didn't use athletes in their advertising. Famous people helped to promote the products very quickly. In 1984, Nike signed a contract with Michael Jordan. It was at this time that the company’s shoe range expanded, and the sports brand began producing sneakers for basketball players. How can you tell the world about such a step? Sign a contract with a star. Interest in the company was fueled by the fact that the major basketball league banned athletes from wearing brightly colored shoes. Despite the ban, Michael Jordan still showed up at games wearing brightly colored Nike sneakers. For daring disobedience, the athlete paid a fine of $1,000 after each game. One can imagine how much the company paid that he did not dare to violate the terms of the contract and agreed to pay fines.


The history of Nike would not be complete without talking about competition. The main competitor has always been, and remains, Adidas. Puma is also considered a rival. To stay afloat, each of these firms was always trying to get each other's clients. The simplest move is to acquire people using the company’s ideology. In this, Nike has always stood out, since a powerful slogan helps the company still motivate sports achivments not just athletes.

The crisis situation at Nike occurred when Adidas bought Reebok. Moreover, competitors were constantly spreading rumors that Phil Knight’s company was using cheap Asian power. Clients were especially frightened by the idea that the corporation was using the labor of children, whom it did not even pay for their work. Despite all these rumors, in 2007 Nike merged with Umbro and became a leader in the sports goods market. Umbro produced sports equipment best quality and until recently Nike had no competition. In merging companies, the directors did not intend to absorb potential rivals or continue their expansion from an already strong base. The goal was this - to help the client save time and purchase all the necessary goods in one store.


In 1978, the company was doing well. Nike's success story stems from the fact that manufacturers were not afraid to act boldly. The leaders carefully studied weak sides competitors and saw that, for example, Adidas specializes exclusively in shoes for athletes. Nike, in turn, launched a line of children's sneakers. This was an excellent decision that helped the company become a market leader, since they had no competition. The company soon offered high-quality and cheap shoes not only to children, but also to women. Once again the move was successful. Nike is famous for not being afraid to make bold decisions and look to the future with hope.

Nike today

After reading the history of Nike, you can’t help but admire the courage of two people who occupied an almost empty niche and created a global empire. Phil Knight did the impossible. From a simple shoe dealer he became general director the world's largest corporation. What is especially surprising about this man is that he did not pursue profit. His the main objective has always been to make this world a better place and help athletes purchase quality sneakers at an affordable price.

Today you can buy not only sports shoes at the Nike store. You can completely purchase all the equipment from clothes and bags to thermal underwear and hats. Today the company is no longer headed by Phil. He retired in 2004. Mark Parker is today the leader and moral inspirer of the world's largest brand.

Advertising today

Nike is not only the world's largest sportswear and footwear company. The company sponsors athletes, organizes sporting events and produces stunning commercials, each of which is an inspiring little masterpiece. The main characters of advertising are people who have gone through a difficult path to success and were able to take a place on the leadership pedestal. The company's goal is to inspire everyone to play sports, because it is people who have good health and a fighter's spirit who build the future of the whole world.

Nike is a world-famous American company. It is one of the largest modeling, manufacturing and distribution companies sportswear, shoes and accessories.

Nike history of creation

The Nike company appeared in a completely unusual way. Ideally, new firms enter the market in two possible ways. A new company either takes up free space in the market by offering something new, or offers a product of higher quality than its competitors. What makes Nike unique is that when creating the company, its founder used both options at once.

Phil Knight, an ordinary student at the University of Oregon, founded the Blue Ribbon Sports company in 1964. It is this company that later turns into an entire empire, which is now known under the name “Nike”.

What is the backstory of Nike? IN student years Phil Knight was seriously interested in sports. He was even a middle distance runner on the university team. Knight's coach during those years was Bill Bowerman. In those days there was no special choice of sportswear. Professional athletes could afford $30 sneakers from Adidas, but ordinary American citizens were forced to settle for cheap and low-quality goods of unknown origin.

It was then that Knight decided to seriously work on correcting the current situation. Soon he developed a not very complex, but quite interesting commercial scheme. According to popular legend, at a regular marketing seminar, Knight came up with the concept of his future company. Knight's idea was to order sports shoes from Asia and sell them in the United States at affordable price. It was then, in 1964, that Phil Knight and coach Bill Bowerman took the first step, creating small company, which was called "Blue Ribbon Sports".

Some time later, Knight enters into his first contract with the Japanese company Onitsuka Tiger, which undertakes to sew sports shoes for colleagues from the United States. Since Knight's company was not registered, in the first months sales were carried out on the street, where the 26-year-old businessman sold sneakers from a minivan.

Oddly enough, Knight’s business began to develop at a rapid pace. During the first year of the company's existence, the founders' profit amounted to 8 thousand dollars. After calculating the revenue, Knight realized that it was time to develop and hire workers. Soon a sales manager appeared in the company - Jeff Johnson, whose appearance brought several changes to the company at once. The name changed first.

In honor of greek goddess After Niki's victory, the company was named Nike.

The second change was in policy. Johnson was confident that the company's advancement directly depended on individual approach to every client. To do this, Johnson found out and wrote down the phone numbers of all buyers, most of whom were athletes, called them and asked about the quality of the purchased goods. He was also interested in product defects, upon discovery of which Johnson offered new models. Johnson kept a whole file cabinet where he recorded all customer reviews and suggestions. It was this strategy that became the key to the company's success.


The end of the 60s of the last century was marked by development in the history of Nike. It was then that the first branded store opened in Santa Monica, California. In 1968, the company released a new type of sneakers.

The new models were made using advanced lightweight materials and had good shock-absorbing properties.

In the early 70s, a company partner in Japan decided that the overseas company was making a lot of money. This was exactly the case, because compared to the first year, the company increased its annual income many times over, which in 1971 amounted to $1.3 million. After this, the Onitsuka Tiger company tried to buy out the share of its American partner and raised prices for the supplied goods. Knight foresaw this development of events and had previously managed to contact another Japanese company, Nisho Iwai. At the same time, the founders of the brand, together with the sales manager, decided to start their own production in the United States. Moreover, they had everything they needed for a successful start.

In the same year 71, the company received a new logo, which was soon to become popular throughout the world. The logo was created by Portland State University student Carolyn Davidson. Then the girl created the famous emblem in the form of a stroke, which symbolized the wing of the Greek goddess for almost nothing, receiving 30 dollars for her work. Years later, as the company gained momentum, Knight offered a generous reward. Carolyn received as a gift a number of company shares and an exclusive figurine of the Nike logo, which was studded with diamonds.

The company’s popularity grew after another innovation – sneakers with “waffle” soles. A similar sole was produced using a completely new technology. Such a sole made it possible to significantly reduce the weight of the shoe, while simultaneously increasing momentum during running. The idea to create a revolutionary technology belongs to Knight's coach. It is said that Bowerman came up with it completely by accident when he was looking at his wife’s waffle iron.

The company's debut occurred in 1972, when the United States Olympic training camp took place before the Summer Games.

The following years brought the company dizzying fame. In 1978, the company entered the international market for the first time. Next year, Nike will launch sportswear production. Knight and his wife worked on the creation of the first clothing models.

In those years, fitness was gaining popularity. This was the main impetus that influenced the sales of Nike shoes with lightweight soles, which strengthened the company’s position in the global market.

Since that time, the company considered Adidas its main competitor. Since then, companies have been competing for a leading position in the sports products market. In 1973, Nike managed to gain half the market share.

Nike Air sneakers

Each of us has heard the name of the legendary series of sports sneakers “Nike Air”. What is her story?

In 1979, former NASA aeronautical engineer Frank Paris develops a completely unusual method for making sneaker soles. He offers his technology to many sports shoe companies and even Nike, but he is rejected everywhere. But Paris's determination and persistence ultimately lead to Nike agreeing to use the engineer's method in production.

The innovation of the aircraft engineer was that he was the first to propose the use of a special shock absorption system, which was supposed to significantly extend the “life” of the shoes.

Peris was not mistaken in his calculations, since it turned out that new technology not only extended the life of the sneakers, but also made them several times more comfortable.

Michael Jordan is the star of the company

A well-known rule of successful advertising is that to promote a product well, you need to collaborate with stars. Nike decided not to experiment again and not take risks by starting to collaborate with sports stars and organizations.

The company has entered into a large number of contracts, but the contract concluded in 1985 is still considered the most famous and most scandalous in the history of Nike. During these years, the company's popularity began to gradually decline. It was then that Nike decided to sign a contract with NBA star Michael Jordan. And the reason for the current crisis situation was another experiment by the company with the production of casual shoes, which never found buyers.

Immediately after signing a contract with Nike, Jordan began actively advertising the company. He wore Nike sneakers not only during basketball games, but also in Everyday life. The company even released an exclusive series of sneakers called “Air Jordan” especially for him. The irony, however, was that these sneakers were the reason Jordan continually paid $1,000 in fines. The reason for the fines was the black and red coloring of the sneakers, which was officially banned in the NBA. Mike was not at all embarrassed by this, since advertising brought him quite a lot of income.

Nike today

Today the Nike brand is known throughout the world and is one of the main symbols of sports. The company has consolidated its position in markets around the world. It offers everything you need for almost all sports. The company has repeatedly acted and continues to act as a sponsor of various sporting events. Nike is successfully promoting its products in the field of football, where its competitor has traditionally been in the lead. A significant share of the company's success comes from the multi-million army of fans of the Nike brand.

It was Nike that first created a special social network dedicated to basketball. The company does everything to always be aware of new trends in the fashion world, never moving away from customers and fans. Thanks to social network every fan has unique opportunity personally participate in the creation of “the sneakers of your dreams.” All you need to do is come up with a model and order it from the manufacturer.

Nike successfully cooperates not only with sports companies, but also with technology manufacturing companies. The fruit of cooperation with Apple was the “Nike+iPod” set, which is a set of audio player and sneakers that are connected to each other. In this way, each athlete gets the opportunity to monitor various statistical data about the progress of the training directly on the player screen.

The concept of the brand is that every person with a body is an athlete. That is why the company strives to produce goods for different customers.

As with any story, there are dark sides too. Nike has been and continues to be criticized for numerous human rights and safety violations. Since the company's products are manufactured in the third world, it has been criticized more than once for very low prices. salaries($40 per month). Also the reason for criticism was the scandal with the use child labor in production. The brand's management, of course, is trying to maintain control over everything, but Nike's volumes simply do not allow this.

In any case, it cannot be denied that Nike is one of the most large companies for the production of sporting goods in the world. The company has factories in 55 countries around the world. The number of company employees is 30 thousand people. The brand's headquarters is located in Beaverton, Oregon, United States.

1 August 2015, 21:54

Most American and European sportswear brands have moved their production to countries with cheap labor. Even some Ukrainian and Russian enterprises, registering a brand abroad, sew clothes in China.

The history of this great German brand can begin with the birth of its founder, Adolf Dassler. After World War I, the Dasslers decided to organize their own business, namely a shoe-making workshop. By 1925, Adi, as an avid football player, made his first pair of shoes with spikes. A local blacksmith forged it for him, and thus the first boots were born. They turned out to be so comfortable that they began to be produced at the factory along with slippers.

In the late 40s, after the death of the head of the family, the brothers quarreled and divided the company. They divided the factories, each brother got one, and agreed not to use the old name and logo of Dassler shoes. Adi decided to call his brand Addas, and Rudi - Ruda, but soon their names changed to Adidas and Puma, respectively. The Dassler brand was successfully forgotten.


Columbia Sportswear Company - An American company produces and sells outdoor clothing.

The company was founded by second-wave German emigrants with Jewish roots - Paul and Marie Lamfr. The Columbia company was founded in 1937 in Portland and was engaged in the sale of hats. The name Colombia Hat Company appeared in honor of the river of the same name, which flowed near the place of residence of the Lamfrom family.

The hats that Colombia sold were of poor quality, so Paul decided to start his own production, namely, sewing shirts and other simple work clothes. Later, the founders' daughter made a fishing jacket with many pockets. This was the first jacket in the company's product range, and its sales brought some fame to the factory.

Nike Inc. is an American company, a world-famous manufacturer of sporting goods. Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, USA. The company was founded in 1964 by student Phil Knight. He was a middle distance runner for the University of Oregon. In those years, athletes had virtually no choice in sports shoes. Adidas was expensive, about $30, and regular American sneakers cost $5, but they hurt my feet.

To remedy the situation, Phil Knight came up with a brilliant scheme: order sneakers from Asian countries and sell them on the American market. At first, the company was called Blue Ribbon Sports and did not officially exist. The sneakers were sold literally from hand, or rather from Knight’s minivan. He simply stopped on the street and started trading. During the year of its existence, the company sold $8,000 worth of sneakers. Later, the Nike logo was invented.

Nike became widely known for its "waffle" sole, which made the shoe lighter and gave it a little more propulsion while running. It was this invention that brought Nike to the forefront.

The history of Puma begins simultaneously with the history of Adidas, since the founders of the brands are brothers. (see Adidas history). Rudolf founded his own company, Puma, in 1948. . In 1960, the world saw the company's new logo, an image of the beloved member of the cat family - the puma.

For many years the company worked exclusively for athletes. By the early 90s, Puma found itself on the verge of bankruptcy. Consumers viewed the brand as imitative and expressionless. The new management set a new goal - to make the Puma brand the most creative and desirable. Central to the revival was the decision to develop shoes and apparel aimed at niche segments such as snowboarders, racing fans and yoga enthusiasts.

Reebok is an international sportswear and accessories company. The headquarters is located in the Boston suburb of Canton (Massachusetts). It is currently a subsidiary of Adidas.

The reason for the founding of the British company Reebok was the logical desire of English athletes to run faster. So in 1890, Joseph William Foster made the first running shoe with spikes. Until 1895, Foster was engaged in handcrafting shoes for top-level athletes.

In 1958, two of Foster's grandchildren founded a new company and named it after the African gazelle - Reebok. By 1981, Reebok's sales reached $1.5 million, but Reebok's biggest success came the following year. Reebok introduces the first sports shoe specifically for women - a fitness sneaker called the FreestyleTM.


Demix- a brand of sportswear and footwear created by the Sportmaster chain of stores (sporting goods in Ukraine and Russia). The company was originally founded in Russia in 1992. Sportmaster came to Ukraine in 1996.

Appeared trademark Demix in 1994. As you know, making clothes is cheap in China and designing sportswear and shoes is inexpensive. So a cheap one appeared on the shelves of Sportmaster sports uniform and shoes. The price of Demix products is at least 50% lower than those of global brands like Adidas or Nike.
