Personal number. Your Personal Year


In what area should you direct your efforts to achieve maximum results in the current (or any other year)? How to avoid difficulties? What is this year most favorable for?

These and other questions will be answered by your personal Number of the Year.


To calculate, you need the day and month of your birthday, as well as the number of the year that needs to be calculated.

For example, Petrov Petrov, born on January 4, 1978, wants to know what 2011 will be like for him. To do this, we add the number and month of his birth 4+1=5, and then add to this the number of the year he is interested in (2+1+1=4): 5+4=9. So, the personal Number of the Year for Peter Petrov for 2011 = 9


Personal Number of the Year 1

Personal Number of the Year 2

Personal Number of the Year 3

Personal Number of the Year 4

Personal Number of the Year 5

Personal Number of the Year 6

Personal Number of the Year 7

Personal Year Number 8

Personal Number of the Year 9

Personal Number of the Year 1

General description. A year of self-focus. A year of beginnings, independence, activity, initiative, courage, self-discovery. This year you can understand yourself, your feelings, your life, desires, activities, and change course.

Opportunity And. This year you can and should:

  • Start new projects, affairs, business
  • Focus on yourself, on your plans, needs, self-improvement, image
  • Define your goals and start implementing them
  • Sowing seeds that will bear fruit in the future
  • Plan things for the next 10 years

Lessons from this year . The year will teach:

  • Independence
  • Setting and achieving your goals
  • Responsibility for yourself, your word and your life
  • Determination, manifestations of willpower
  • Wise use of time

Personal Number of the Year 2

General description. A year of relationships, sensitivity, emotions, cooperation, adaptation, stopping, attention to others, support, trust.

Opportunity And. This year you can and should:

  • Listen and hear others
  • Pay more attention to your emotions and feelings, as well as the emotions and feelings of loved ones
  • Establish and improve relationships
  • Work as a team, cooperate, trust, help
  • Engage in acquisition inner harmony and harmony with the world, a soft, unhurried rhythm of life
  • Start a family, have children

Lessons from this year . The year will teach:

  • Patience (first of all towards yourself), understanding, trust and participation
  • The need to move away from categorical judgments and stereotypes
  • Multifaceted perception of each situation
  • Respect for other people's opinions
  • Diplomacy and compromise
  • Effective interaction with your environment

Personal Number of the Year 3

general description . A year of creativity, inspiration, activity, an easy approach to life, self-expression, creative search, communication, joy

Opportunities . This year you can and should:

  • Approach every task creatively, unconventionally, with inspiration
  • Develop imagination
  • Chat with friends, have fun
  • Realize your creative talents
  • Generate ideas
  • Take an active part in public life
  • Inspire yourself and others to achieve results
  • Bring joy to yourself and those around you

Lessons from this year . The year will teach:

  • Being honest with yourself in expressing feelings and emotions
  • A light attitude towards life, with joy and pleasure
  • The golden mean between recklessness and seriousness
  • Concentrating strength and energy only on important matters
  • Responsibility for your decisions

Personal Number of the Year 4

general description . A year of health, discipline, work, order, realizing opportunities, creating a solid foundation for the future in all areas of life, productivity, responsibility

Opportunities . This year you can and should:

  • Engage in health and sports
  • Lay a solid foundation for your future (buy a house, start a family, start a business)
  • Work hard
  • Translate your ideas into material form
  • Start long-term material projects
  • Take responsibility for future results in your life

Lessons from this year . The year will teach:

  • Self-discipline
  • Long-term planning (because there is a danger of working like a horse all year and not creating anything for the future)
  • Reliability and responsibility
  • Making informed decisions
  • Patience in achieving results

Personal Number of the Year 5

general description . A year of change, adventure, travel, risk, freedom, experimentation, emotions, trade, romance, diversity and large quantity events

Opportunities . This year you can and should:

  • Take justifiable risks
  • Change, if necessary, place of residence, job, profession, habits
  • Travel
  • Learn and explore new things
  • Experiment
  • Be curious
  • Adapt to new conditions
  • Follow the desires of the soul

Lessons from this year . The year will teach:

  • Accept changes in your life
  • Freedom of thought and creativity
  • Benefit from everything new that comes into your life
  • Balance between the desire for freedom, independence and responsibility
  • Take wise risks
  • Go beyond your “comfort zone”
  • Flexibility and prudence

Personal Number of the Year 6

General description. A year of love, care, close relationships, family, quality of life, support, harmony in relationships, household chores.

Opportunities . This year you can and should:

  • Take care of yourself and your loved ones
  • Strengthen family and family relationships
  • Pay more attention to your surroundings
  • Balance family and work in your life
  • This could be the year the relationship was created or ended
  • Take care of the house, renovation, real estate investment
  • In the field of activity, improve the quality of life of people, improve the quality of service

Lessons from this year . The year will teach:

  • Harmony and balance in close relationships, joint building of these relationships
  • Taking care of yourself
  • Strengthening relationships with relatives
  • Positions of the owner in your life (You create everything that happens to you)
  • Taking care of your home

Personal Year Number 7

general description . Year internal work, study, wisdom, cognition, gaining knowledge and experience, transferring this knowledge to others, reflection, analysis, spiritual search, solitude

Opportunities . This year you can and should:

  • Learn, learn, collect information, analyze
  • Engage in spiritual growth and bodily cleansing (cleansing, dieting, healthy eating)
  • Engage in self-improvement, work on internal personal qualities
  • This year could be a year of serious discoveries and gaining a lot of experience.
  • Share your experience and knowledge with others, teach

Lessons from this year . The year will teach:

  • How to learn from your own and others’ mistakes, from your own and others’ experiences
  • Reconsider your goals and the direction of your life in general.
  • A year of learning in every sense and passing on wisdom to others.
  • Be more attentive to events in life to avoid repeating lessons
  • People may often turn to you for advice this year.

Personal Year Number 8

general description . A year of recognition, respect, receiving awards, management, business, money, activity, leadership, material stability.

Opportunities . This year you can and should:

  • Start creating a financial base for the future or develop and strengthen this base
  • Develop simultaneously the spiritual and material spheres of your life, in balance
  • Take on the role of leader
  • Create or develop your own business, build a career
  • Implement management skills in an area close to you

Lessons from this year . The year will teach:

  • Development of qualities of a manager, leader
  • Strengthening your authority in your environment
  • Working for the benefit of others, and not just for personal gain
  • Competent financial management
  • Responsibility and hard work

Personal Number of the Year 9

general description . A year of completion, summing up, harvesting, forgiveness, liberation, support, understanding, reflection

Opportunities . This year you can and should:

  • Review affairs, projects, complete what did not bring results
  • Part with unpromising projects, affairs, relationships, connections
  • Get rid of excess weight, junk, unnecessary things
  • Do charity work
  • Support and inspire people around you
  • Benefit others
  • Plan the next 9-year cycle

Lessons from this year A. The year will teach:

  • Generosity
  • Forgiveness
  • Completing affairs, relationships, connections, projects without regret
  • Compassion
  • Serving people without expecting personal gain
  • Quieting your Ego

The most powerful influence on your life experience is the Personal Yearly Cycle. In numerology, each year of life is part of an evolving pattern that can be described as a 9-year cycle, or epicycle. These cycles begin at birth and continue one after another through the nine stages that make up the epicycle, and then begin again.

Each year of the epicycle has its own sound and differs from one another in the opportunities contained in it and the necessary lessons that a person should learn while going through this period. Personal years can be compared to the bricks of a building that is built throughout your life. During these 9-year cycles, you develop and grow. Each epicycle contains the beginning and end of a certain stage of development and has its own rhythm. Keep in mind that the annual cycle begins from the day of birth, and not from the calendar year!

So, the epicycle can be represented in the form of 9 steps:

1st year - new beginnings, planting a harvest, leadership.

Year 2 - relationship building, collaboration, slow growth.

3rd year - self-expression, creation and first results.

4th year - hard work, order, consolidation of the result.

Year 5 - gaining freedom and the possibility of change, unpredictability.

6th year - responsibility, streamlining of family and work affairs.

7th year - deepening into oneself and spiritual reconciliation, education, experience.

8th year - consequences of previous choices, reward or retribution, wisdom.

Year 9 - completion, liberation and transformation.

The influence of the Personal Annual Cycle is felt very strongly. The action of these cycles is determined by your internal resources. You move from one stage to another as from one school class to another, studying the lessons provided and completing the tasks of each cycle.

To get the value of your personal year, you need to add the required year to the date and month of your birth. For example, a person was born on January 19, and he is interested in 2015: 1+9+1+2+0+1+5=19, 1+9=10=1. This means that 2015 for him is passing under the vibration of One.

Number of personal annual cycle 1

Time for sowing seeds. Remember, they do not sprout overnight, but must first take root and germinate. Be prepared for global changes. Not only incentive and goals appear, but also opportunities for activity. This is the time for planning. Use all your talents, share with practitioners, get the necessary support, but rely only on yourself.Showcase your leadership abilities. Take the reins of your company, club, family. Take your first steps alone. Be decisive!

This is the beginning of a 9 year cycle. Everything you do now will affect your later life. This year is like the year you were born. The people who come into your life this year will help you succeed. But you don’t need intermediaries - take the initiative and act on your own. This is a year of opportunity. Dedicate yourself to your dream: change plans, change your personal life, start a new course of study. Even if you experience emotional turmoil at the beginning, you have to keep the wheel turning, and no one will do the work for you. Don't lose optimism!

Balance your interests with the interests of other people, do not bring them into a state of conflict, otherwise you can not only lose friends, but also gain enemies. Stick to your course clearly, don’t try to jump too far ahead ahead of time - and you will always achieve success.

You are at a crossroads! Be open and organized. Avoid wasting time. You will need courage and a clear head to stay on the right path. In the year of the One, you definitely need to start something. If you miss it, then nothing significant will happen in your life in the future.

Personal annual cycle number 2

The seeds sown last year are in the soil and are ready to germinate. You can relax and expect some results from your efforts - now you are rewarded for your efforts. Partnership awaits you: other people can greatly influence your prospects now. Work together, get involved working together, be calm and receptive. You are now a team player.

Don't force things. Everything takes time, including development. What is right and what should be yours will come to you. Collect useful information, improve yourself, read more. Intellectual growth will make you stronger. Pay attention to details, look for hidden meaning. Protect your plans carefully. Confrontation with others is possible, requiring gentleness and delicacy. Remember that the use of force will turn against you, and compromises will benefit you.

Many will have to wonder where the drive and energy that overwhelmed them last year went. Now something else is required: a delicate sense of balance and the desire to get around obstacles without losing sight of the goal. Possible emotional instability. The year will be characterized by struggle, but growth will be slow and gradual. Be more selective in your communications: do not reveal all your intentions, protect your idea.

Your charm and magnetism helps you make new acquaintances now. Be wiser in choosing friends, beware of people with dubious reputations. There is an opportunity to establish close, even lifelong, relationships. You are sensitive and open - many find love or a soulmate this year. Be tolerant when interacting with older people.

Anything can be overcome if you set your mind to victory. They will always meet you halfway if you seek assistance. This year you put energy into your project. If you started something, then the Two will draw energy from the beginning; if you haven’t started anything, the energy will flow away from the person’s health!

Personal annual cycle number 3

What was sown two years ago is beginning to come to fruition - the birth is obvious. A year of creative ideas and first results from invested energy. Requires creativity, self-realization, use of information and acquisition of knowledge. This is progress and activity in all areas: in business, work, financial matters and social activities, in personal life. Old problems are solved by themselves, we get new opportunities.

The influence of the year is social and creative. Express yourself, be active. You communicate easily and easily defend your ideas. Three is associated with speech - weigh every word spoken, let the gift of speech make only a favorable impression.

It's time to realize your talents and clearly set your priorities. Share knowledge, develop in a creative direction, create. Surround yourself with positive people. This year you can give yourself more pleasure and celebrate more often.

Three is the number of sensuality. The atmosphere around you is filled with love. Personal charm will be more noticeable, the time has come for those who have decided to tie the knot - there is a real chance to find their other half. If you are married, refresh your feelings, bring more joy to each other, and partnerships will switch to quality new level. You have the opportunity to expand your circle of friends, enter new surroundings, and make new useful connections.

You are full of energy - try not to waste it. In the Year of Three, you have a rare opportunity to promote new creative ideas - this will require discipline and self-absorption. If your optimism is not supported real work, disappointments are possible. Take any experience as a blessing. You will get a chance for development if you take advantage of all profitable situations.

Personal annual cycle number 4

The seeds are sown and sprouting - now it’s time to start weeding. You're laying the foundation future life- It's time to work tirelessly. Reconsider your goals, get acquainted with new ideas. Take care of the details, gain a realistic perspective on things. This year there may be some downturn in business, and there may be disappointments. Be flexible and tolerant. If you want to achieve your goal, dedicate yourself completely to it, combining persistence with hard work.

Financially, this year's burden may seem heavy to you, but everything you do now will pay dividends in the future. This is a stable year working for maximum results. Now you categorically cannot change anything, otherwise a lot of energy will be lost, and you will not be able to subsequently move things forward. The task of the year of the Four is to strengthen stability. Focus on problems, including family relationships. It's time to improve your life and start organizing your home. You can also use this period to prepare for a new stage of work in next year. You can now count on the support of your friends. Now you are enriching yourself with experience and knowledge that you can apply in the near future.

As for personal relationships, in the year of the Four you should not expect romance or expect to plunge into a whirlpool of pleasures. On the contrary, analyze what does not suit you in your existing relationships and try to resolve them. Family and marriage will take on added importance and will require greater contributions from you than in past years. To strengthen your union, determine with your partner common goals and move towards them together.

Don't be too demanding of your surroundings - perceive people as they are. Be sure to take care of your health, because you are building the foundation of the future. Secure yourself to the achieved level and set new goals - feel the full measure of responsibility. The task of the year is both the consistent implementation of intentions and long-cherished plans, and the consolidation of intermediate results.

Personal annual cycle number 5

The harvest you have been tending for the previous four years is ripening. A lot has been done painstaking work. A year of new opportunities is coming, it brings a lot of personal freedom and a lot of anxiety - there is no feeling of solid ground under your feet. The maximum energy of freedom is activated, the person disperses in space. You need to be able to use this energy. Create change, break the routine, free yourself from old ideas, go beyond your “comfort zone” - change. Show what you are capable of and make the most of the opportunities this year offers. Listen to your intuition.

However, any business that is successful at the beginning of the year may later slow down - there is no stability. The financial situation will change: reliable investments may depreciate, and “dead” capital will suddenly begin to grow. Keep cool - little depends on you. All goes to good. The year is favorable for travel and movement: traveling on vacation, moving to a new place of residence, changing jobs, business trips.

Success accompanies areas related to communication and public speaking; this is a great year to learn a new language. Look for favorable opportunities, be responsible and don’t get carried away with trifles. Be active, but not restless. Communicate with as many as possible a large number people, enrich your life experience.

Radiating a special magnetism, many now meet new love, but the dominant vibration of change will not allow you to build sustainable relationships this year. Strong unions are not afraid of a flurry of emotions; on the contrary, they can renew relationships, give them new colors and refresh mature feelings.

The year will be unsuccessful if you use generally accepted approaches. Promising fundamental things continue to work, but everything old and outdated needs to be said goodbye. If this year you lay the foundation stone for future achievements, then in the 9th year you will not feel such catastrophic destruction - the renewed energies of the 5th year will turn on. Feel free to break with the past and easily adapt to the new.

Personal annual cycle number 6

Sprouted seeds now require careful care and your care. the main task years - responsibility. Consider the needs of family and friends first and make some sacrifices. Accept your responsibilities with readiness and desire. This year is the best for strengthening relationships, getting married and the best for moving to new house. Put more warmth into your relationship with your partner. This perfect year for the birth of a child in your family. The most successful projects will be suggested to you by your “inner circle”.

Take care of the comfort of your home and add shine to your workplace. Let the imprint of your “I” be everywhere - this will instill confidence in you and increase your capabilities. Try to improve your communication skills with others. This year, everyone in need will look to you for consolation, but everything you do now for others will benefit you too. An atmosphere of balance and harmony is more important to you now than ever. Make your passion a part of your life. Stay home more often in the evenings. Set new rules of behavior for yourself and stick to them. Maintain sanity, avoid jealousy, obsessive guardianship, excessive care - be harmonious in your actions.

This year will provide you with abundance in the sense of “enough.” Your personal growth will need to be matched by increased responsibility. But since the Six vibration implies patronage and a spirit of goodwill, you will not be left without reliable support, and your needs will be satisfied as if by themselves. Unpleasant aspects of the year may include betrayal or deception in any area of ​​your life. Your health status will depend on your lifestyle: inattention to any symptom can lead to chronic form diseases in the future. This is the year of partnership of any kind, manifestation of business qualities and orientation towards society. Your life is full of obligations, you feel like you are the master of your life - only this can bring you a feeling of true happiness.

Personal annual cycle number 7

The fruit is just beginning to appear on the stem, and we must be filled with faith that it will ripen. This is a spiritual year. Take time to reflect, study, and introspect. There will be a desire for solitude, soul-searching, and internal search. Seven helps to think through the reasons for previously made mistakes, which makes it possible to successfully overcome their consequences. Read, analyze, reflect - it sharpens your intuition and makes you a more insightful person. Travel, improve your quality of life. The year is conducive to creativity and invention. You can create something amazing and beneficial if you only set your mind to it. You can hope for unexpected income - all your basic needs will be met. Pay attention to your health - it will require increased care.

It happens that this year we lose loved one, which makes us suffer deeply. Often some important matter forces us to leave home. Avoid unnecessary risks, be careful about signing documents and use strict financial control tactics. The maximum program of the year is observation and analysis. Protect your interests from the outside world, spend enough time alone. Think through your life: what would you like to change in yourself?.. Now you are able to discover something that you usually did not notice. This year is for internal growth. Let everything happen by itself.

If possible, release yours now business life. Be extremely careful with documents. Do not connect your activities with money, otherwise the energy will flow incorrectly. This is a spiritual year, follow its influence - allow your soul to grow. Meditate, engage in introspection, travel - learn more about yourself. In order not to fall under the shadow influence of the Seven, take up education, become an innovator in something, achieve maximum results in your business - be in constant intellectual movement.

Personal annual cycle number 8

Karmic year. The garden you have been nurturing has matured and given fruit. It's time to harvest. If you have worked hard, expect a reward. By acting effectively and skillfully delegating responsibilities, you will improve your financial situation. A little more effort and you will achieve success. Be confident in yourself, follow your desires. Be an administrator and organizer. Don't overestimate the importance of your ideas, especially when it comes to investing, buying and selling property.

Things may be happening more slowly than you would like right now. Throughout the year, you need to soberly evaluate your activities and calmly move towards your goal. You should not show too much material interest - an indispensable condition of the year is the balance of the material aspects of life with the spiritual. Do not give in to emotions, be practical in your undertakings. Strengthen your authority and won positions, implement management skills, but be moderate. Don't try too hard so as not to undermine your health. Even in love, avoid a dominant role.

This year you will not be free from mental anxiety; you may feel quite noticeable opposition from ill-wishers, so always assess the situation soberly and be judicious. Many will have to settle a lot of little things, regulate relationships in the family or with business partners. Understanding and forgiveness - important aspect vibrations of the Eight, bringing wisdom, openness, responsibility and goodwill.

Don't give up now advantageous offers, if there are a lot of them, take on everything - you can handle it. This time is favorable for business trips. But you can no longer start new things. In the year of the Eight, it is important to live within the legal framework, otherwise quarrels, conflicts, and litigation are possible. To avoid difficulties in life, prioritization is important. In general, this year is for achievements, so if the role of a leader and his responsibilities are up to you, feel free to go!

Personal annual cycle number 9

The 9-year cycle is ending - a time of completion and implementation, a period of understanding and comprehension. This is a year of summing up. The garden that you have cultivated for the previous 8 years has borne fruit and completed a certain development cycle. Everything that is destined to end will end now. This can mean separations and losses, breakups and divorces, betrayals and losses. Tie up the broken ends of epoch-making events that you wish to continue in the future. But don't hold on to the old. This is a period of forgiveness, release and support.

Analyze again and throw away everything that is useless to you in the future, otherwise it will bother you for the next 9 years. Let go of what has ended - get rid of the ballast, making room for the new. We need to clean out the house, pay off old debts, get rid of unnecessary things, put an end to all unjustified personal and business relationships, get rid of illnesses or excess weight. Get healthy - you should enter next year in good shape.

You may be a source of stress at work and at home right now, and you need to deal with it. Difficulties arise that you yourself have created, and now you need to overcome them. Don't start anything new - your determination to break with the past will be severely tested more than once. The year will not go smoothly, but at the end of it you will feel liberated.

Don't look for new love connections, they will not last - this is the stage in which you feel connected with all humanity and your love should be shared with everyone. Be tolerant and generous. Find a way to help those in need, give in, donate. Enjoy nature, art, go on a trip, expand your horizons.

You will need discernment to decide where to focus your efforts or who is worthy of your attention. Don’t ask for mercy and don’t spare anyone yourself. If you intend to give up something, do not allow outside interference and persistently adhere to your own opinion. This year completes the epicycle. Feeling the approach of a promising new era, optimism will become a defining factor in your outlook by the end of the year. A new stage awaits you, and it depends only on you whether it will be happy and successful.

As you know, the success of any business and plans often largely depends on how well the time is chosen for their implementation. If you know what awaits you in the future, then you have the opportunity, if necessary, to change something, reconsider your plans, choose a different path to implement your plans. This is exactly what it is main goal numerology. It guides you along the right path, tells you what might happen if you act in one way or another.

There is a concept in numerology numbers of the individual (personal) year, which determines the direction of development of each individual person in a given year. Having found out your personal vibrations in the year of interest, you can independently select the most good time for important matters and undertakings. In addition to choosing a good time for certain things, with the help of a personal number of the year you can also prevent the occurrence of some failures and problems.

Calculated numerology code individual year in the following way: day and month of birth plus with the year of interest. Then all the numbers are summed up and, using the numerological addition (collapse) method, reduced to the base one, which is the numerical code of the individual (personal) year.

In order to find out the code and numerological the value of an individual (personal) year online, enter the day and month of birth in the form in the format ddmm and the year of interest in the format yyyy, get numeric code and read the meaning.

Enter your date of birth in ddmm format and the year of interest in yyyy format (in numbers, without spaces):

Numerological code of personal year:

Personal year code values:

The individual year code is 1. This year will not be very easy for you. The next nine years of your life depend on how you live this year. Now it is necessary to make plans for the future and avoid indecision. You will not only have incentive and goals, but also the necessary knowledge capital and opportunities for activity. This year requires determination and clear thinking, try to expand the scope of your activities, use your leadership skills. All the creative powers that you possess will become apparent to you, because the time has come to use them. Innovative ideas will constantly come to you, you just need to give them an outlet.
In your personal life, this may be a time for self-improvement. Throw away all the negativity and start over. Be independent, true to yourself, ambitious and don't be afraid of change. If other people are closely associated with you, make sure that your actions do not harm, but help them.
This year may bring you a move, new job or a new position. It will very likely provide new opportunities to benefit. But despite this, do not be lazy, because this year requires ambition and active action.

The individual year code is 2. This year, a lot depends on your tact and diplomacy. You'll need patience, so don't try to push things that aren't going as quickly as you'd like. Everything takes time, including development, even if it seems to be somewhat delayed. Some of your work will be rewarded this year, although it all depends on the time for which the project was designed. However, you should not sit and wait until things come to a successful conclusion - other offers will appear, perhaps completely unexpected, promising all kinds of benefits or advantages in the future. Perhaps this year you will take a higher position than before.
This year is favorable for making new friends, love, company. If you are not married, then now among those around you there will probably be a person with whom you can link your destiny. But you should listen to your inner voice - your new acquaintances may include people with dubious reputations.
If difficulties arise in life that cause you despondency and pessimism, then you need to gather your courage and solve them patiently and courageously. Anything can be overcome if you set your mind to victory.

The individual year code is 3. This year is for entertainment, communication and pleasure. It is very likely that new useful acquaintances will appear if you are looking for them. Try to stick to the goals you set for yourself several years ago. Now you will most likely be able to see some results. This year is the time for fruitful, inventive work in business or in other areas that interest you with the prospect of financial profit. However, do not forget that you must be careful and should not give in to moods and emotions - this can throw you off balance and upset your plans. Try to refrain from jealousy, resentment, objections and harsh words. Don't take on everything at once - this can lead to many important things remaining undone.
This year, various favorable opportunities await you: love, travel, pleasure and happiness, but all this depends on your enthusiasm and good spirits. You also need to pay attention to the correct distribution of forces: if you suddenly discover some new talent in yourself, vigorously develop it, and if, on the contrary, you have forgotten about some old hobby, then the opportune moment has come to return to it again .

The individual year code is 4. This year, do not try to carry out any major undertakings. Whatever you want to achieve in life, you must first come up with an idea, and only then start implementing it. Do not lose sight of either your personal affairs or your business - lay a solid foundation for them. Treat all matters with responsibility and honesty, keep them in order. Correcting the mistakes of the past will ensure your success in the future. Whatever you do now will pay dividends in due course. Do not expect that you will receive a significant monetary reward now, - fourth personal year cycle is not conducive to financial takeoff. In everything that concerns money, you need common sense, skillful calculation and good management. This year may bring big expenses, and only your practicality and frugality will help you overcome them.

The individual year code is 5. This year you will begin to reap the benefits of last year's efforts. Five signifies change and progress, so get ready for many exciting and surprising events. This year is likely to be full of new places, new ideas or new faces. You might want to move to new apartment, house or new country. Change will open the way to growth and greater opportunity. The time has come to give up everything old or unsuitable to make way for a new life. Something unexpected will undoubtedly happen this year that will change your life.
This year, love will certainly come into your life, because you will become very attractive to the opposite sex. But the relationship is unlikely to have a happy ending and may end in a quarrel and breakup.
This year - good time for business trips or leisure travel. The main thing is not to forget that now all your opportunities and interests are far from the home sphere and from routine affairs.

The individual year code is 6. Home, family and society become the central link of your interests and responsibilities. “Six” is the number of the home, and by responding to its vibration, you will try to improve the environment around you as much as possible. If you are going to think only about yourself and your personal affairs, then you will most likely be disappointed and regretful. Difficulties, misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts may arise in business and in personal life.
Spiritual insights and financial prospects will make this year successful for you. The vibration of the “six” implies patronage and a spirit of goodwill, so your needs will be satisfied as if by themselves. You will have a practical streak and will make very intelligent decisions.
This period is the most favorable for marriage, as well as for dating for the purpose of organizing a personal life.

The individual year code is 7. This year is a time of rest, taking care of your health and developing your intellect. You will not be satisfied with offers to do anything - you will certainly want to weigh all the possibilities first and think carefully about the offer before accepting it. You need to learn how to conduct free time away from noisy companies, alone with yourself: this will give you the opportunity to better understand yourself, your desires and needs. Reflection will help you decide how you would like to live and what is necessary for life to flow in this direction. You are likely to gain new knowledge that will bring you fame and fortune in the future. A feeling of self-satisfaction will be your best and well-deserved reward.
Correct self-esteem and self-improvement will help you in business. During this period, you should not engage in expansion own business or change your life, it’s better to leave everything as it is, wait for the results. Your active actions this year can only lead to misunderstanding of others. If you take it slow and steady, this time can bring you the recognition you deserve.
Traveling is useful for improving health, relaxation or gaining new knowledge. Rest, reflection, calm aspirations and healthy image lives are connected with the vibrations of this year. It is better not to carry out marital intentions.

The individual year code is 8. This year symbolizes fame, power and wealth; the numerical vibrations make it simply exceptional. Your business will be much more successful than in any other year, but you must constantly keep your finances and property under control so as not to miss the opportunity to increase what you have. This year you can set the most serious goals for yourself, however, greater responsibility for actions is provided. Your power is now unlimited, and you have the power to surpass your most conservative allies. But under no circumstances lose control of yourself and do not violate moral laws or rules of decency. If you turn to immoral means to achieve your goals, you risk becoming the most unhappy person in the world.
For unmarried woman- this is special significant year. Now you have every chance to meet your soulmate. Don't miss the opportunity to get married successfully.

The individual year code is 9. The key vibration of this year is completion. Such vibrations become crisis and critical for a person. You are completing a cycle that began nine years ago. This is the time to discard the old and unnecessary, both in business and in personal life. Sometimes this can also apply to people who are a constant source of irritation for you, causing discomfort and anxiety. Put an end to such relationships, do not force yourself - you are at the mercy of the vibrations of the “nine” with its cleansing nature.
It's time to take care of your health. You will not regret that you spent time on doctors - you should enter the next, your first personal year, healthy and full of strength, since you will be required to do a lot of active work.
In the year of “nine”, the line between good and bad becomes too thin, so you are in danger of wasting time and energy on something useless and unnecessary. You will need insight and some discernment to decide where to focus your efforts and who is worthy of your attention.

The individual year code is 11. This is a year of exceptional and serious choice - we can talk about the beginning of a new life stage in a completely new direction, with clean slate. The most incredible surprises are possible; at any moment, life can take a completely different scenario. The result here can be different - both a rise to sky-high peaks and a fall into the deepest abyss. A year with such a numerical vibration requires people to make the most difficult moral choice, but it also provides them with absolute freedom of action, and a person himself becomes the creator of his own destiny. Having accepted correct solution, he can reach the most incredible heights, and if he makes a mistake, he can fall into a deep abyss.
If after the first three months of the year with vibrations of 11 a person does not find himself in a situation of choice, if the situation does not become depressing, then this means that this year it is not the vibrations of the number 11 that have come into force, but the vibrations of two (1 + 1 = 2).

The individual year code is 22. This is the year of retribution, the year of reward or retribution. This year a person may encounter either constant luck, luck, success in everything - this means that higher power approve of his actions, decisions, actions, lifestyle. Or the person feels constant chronic bad luck; the pressure of endless failures and problems. This is a kind of retribution for all mistakes and unseemly actions. In this case, the main task is to try to understand when and what the mistake was made.
If after the first three months of the year with vibrations of 22 a person does not feel the pressure of fate, this indicates that this year it is not the vibrations of the number 22 that have come into force, but the vibrations of the number four (2 + 2 = 4).

If the previous year was a year of new beginnings, then this year you can relax and expect some results from the efforts made last year. At least some of your hard work will be rewarded, although it all depends on the time frame of the project. But be that as it may, this year you will definitely be rewarded for your efforts.

This does not mean that you should sit idly by until things come to a successful conclusion; you will have other proposals, perhaps completely unexpected ones, promising all kinds of benefits or advantages in the future. Perhaps this year you will have to take a higher position, which you have strived for before.

The second year of the nine-year personal cycle is primarily a year of cooperation, and therefore be prepared, if necessary, to cede the reins to someone else and act together, rather than leading each stage of the project independently. It was your turn last year. If you are at the head of a company, of course, you should not resign, but it is better to listen to the opinions of employees who may offer some new methods or solutions that are useful for you.

Perhaps the partnership you so desired last year will blossom in the coming year, and you should prove in practice that you are ready to interact. Such a partnership is likely to advance the careers of both, as long as you do not insist on the priority of your opinions. It's about about team play.

This year, your charm and magnetism are irresistible - your circle of friends will increase significantly. And if you are not married, then now among those around you, there may be a person with whom you will connect your destiny. Listen to your inner voice - your new acquaintances may include people of dubious reputation, and you do not need such connections, especially during the second year of your personal cycle, because you, obeying the spirit of cooperation, can, without knowing it, take part in cases of a reprehensible nature.

You should exercise tact when dealing with older people, which will not be easy for you. But by being irritated, you will achieve nothing, but will only increase the gap between you, and therefore be patient and resort to diplomacy as often as possible. YOU will gain respect and love, and in addition, you will find peace of mind.

If at home or in business sphere difficulties will arise that will plunge you into great despondency and seem exorbitant, gather your courage and solve them patiently and courageously. Anything can be overcome if you set your mind to victory. They will always meet you halfway if you seek assistance.

Each year has its own numerical value, which affects the course of events unfolding during this period of time. Personal number of the year will help you navigate how to avoid troubles, how to organize your affairs and how to make the most of what will happen during the twelve months of the year. Each year of your life has its own Personal number of the year that has an impact on your life. Thanks to knowledge Personal number of the year you tune into the energies surrounding you and your life.
To calculate your Personal Number First you need to calculate the Universal number of the year. For example, 2009 corresponds to the number 2+0+0+9=11=1+1=2 That is, the universal number for 2009 is 2
Then we add the number of your birth and the numerical value of the month to the universal number of the year. For example, your birthday is May 15th. May – 5th month.
15+5+2=22=2+2=4 This means your Personal number of the year is four.
In the same way, you can calculate the Personal number of the year for any year of life.

Description of Personal Numbers of the Year

If your Personal Year Number is one, you know, the year will not be very easy. The next nine years of your life depend on how you live this year. This year you need to be courageous, make plans and avoid indecision. It is important to stop being afraid of change. Don't go with the flow and don't be afraid of the future, otherwise you may fail in the coming year. This year requires determination and clear thinking. Try to expand the scope of your activities, use your leadership skills and originality of thinking. Life is testing your character and courage now. You must demonstrate what you have and what you are capable of. You are standing at a crossroads and to choose Right way, wisdom is required. Be especially sensible and begin concrete work on previously drawn up plans.

This year, a lot depends on your tact and diplomacy. The key factor in the events of the year is time, and therefore delays are possible, since it is impossible to achieve everything at once. You must try to understand this and be content with gradual development; any attempt to force things forcefully and aggressively is fraught with even greater delay or disharmony and a breakdown in cooperation. Another factor that defines this year is collaboration. It is this, in all its manifestations, that can bring you success in business and endeavors. Even if you feel like you are being subjugated and squeezed, try to cooperate. This year, try to be more secretive, do not reveal your plans and dreams.

This year you should be very active and do everything necessary for your own development. In both business and friendship, inspiration and imagination can mean better finances and better collaborations. Great importance this year will have friends for you. They will help you. A deliberate effort should be made not to worry or get irritated over trifles. This is a year of joy and optimism for you. There is no need to be discouraged and worried; By being cheerful and happy, you will achieve much greater results. This year, various favorable opportunities await you, love, travel, popularity, pleasure and happiness, but all this depends on your enthusiasm and good spirits. You also need to pay attention to the correct distribution of forces: do not overestimate them. If you discover any new talent in yourself, vigorously develop it. And if, on the contrary, you have forgotten about some old hobby, then the opportune moment has come to return to it.

Don't try to make any major changes this year. You will have a lot of work and also stable friendly relations and complete harmony in the family. At times, there may be large expenses and difficulties with finances, but with practical insight you can cope with all the problems and even end up winning. If you allow yourself to be careless, do not pay enough attention to proper organization of affairs, or try to avoid responsibility or work, you will regret it later. At the end of the year you will feel significant satisfaction from what you have achieved.

The year provides you with a great opportunity to achieve success and move forward. Changes and renewals await you, especially in friendship and love. But sometimes you will be put under pressure by too frequent and rapid changes in circumstances and surroundings. Come to terms with it, take it for granted, enjoy meeting with various circumstances, show versatility in thinking and resourcefulness in action. If you carefully and open-mindedly monitor what is happening in the world, you will be able to update all your affairs, deal with previously existing circumstances and thereby achieve greater personal freedom and benefit for yourself. The motto for this year is change and “new.”

This year you may have desire make a final decision both in business and in family matters, and the end of the year promises to bring significant satisfaction in this regard. Decide on the future development of your affairs and try to improve your living conditions and family relationships. Interesting love affairs are possible. Think about self-education: the year is very suitable for this purpose. In addition, you can travel, and it will not bring financial problems. You have to decide family problems, but for the most part you will be able to cope with them perfectly. By showing love and patience to others throughout the year, you can even improve your financial situation.

This year is very important for you, because a lot depends on your proper state of mind. Try to avoid continuing relationships that initially pose problems, for example, a relationship with an unfree partner. In this case, it is better to be alone for some time, fill your life with impressions, excursions or travel. Your thoughts are very important, there is a lot to think about, so it is better to speak less and think clearly than to fight for your rights, argue or try to explain. Try not to interfere in other people's affairs and let others solve their problems on their own. This year you are in the school of life and must adhere to stricter discipline; if you lack something, it is only to awaken in you a better understanding of yourself and the subtlest relationships in life.

This year will be a year of work, successful transactions, career advancement and, accordingly, an improvement in financial situation. Be more attentive to details: despite the fact that you do not foresee any financial problems, you need to be careful in your expenses. There are very good opportunity advance in your career and improve your own position and reputation; but the circumstances do not promise to be easy, because you will need extraordinary prudence and the ability to effectively do business. Avoid sentimentality and emotions, be practical in your undertakings. Do not try too hard, because in this way you can overdo it and undermine your own health. Don't be too dominant, even in love. Throughout the year, you need to soberly evaluate your activities and resolutely and calmly try to improve your own situation. If you cooperate and help others, influential people will recognize your abilities.

One of the cycles of your life that began nine years ago is now ending, and next year you will have a new beginning. It's time to take stock. It’s better to wait until next year for new projects, as well as for new relationships. During the year, you must be ready to give up the old and unwanted in order to give way to the real and worthy. It is important to make a deliberate effort to break with what has no further value. Tolerance, compassion and the ability to forgive will make this one of the most wonderful years of your life; the reward will be the fulfillment of your plans, financial assistance, love, affection and warm gratitude from others. If something leaves your life, do not be upset, for it makes way for your future happiness and well-being.
