Full pi. Game full pi - review

If you dream of fighting some otherworldly evil spirits, then you are welcome to play Full Pi online. This is a very entertaining entertainment for fans of thrillers. Plus, you'll have a good laugh. If you dream of fighting some otherworldly evil spirits, then you are welcome to online game Full Pi. This is a very entertaining entertainment for fans of thrillers. In addition, you will be able to laugh heartily at the adventures of your character and the awesome tasks for him. But let's start all over again, find out how this whole story began.

The beginning of the Apocalypse

Who hasn't heard of the Hadron Collider?! So the competent Swiss services decided to transport him to the Russian town of Skolkovo. (There, supposedly, ideal conditions for conducting experiments). But everyone knows what happens on Russian roads and, as usual, the trailer got into an accident.

Who else knows what kind of substance was in this fatal Collider, but it leaked out, which entailed the most tragic consequences: monsters, reptiles and mutants have spread through the nooks and crannies of the city and from time to time attack the residents of Skolkovo. This Full Pi Online! Now there is no way out and you need to arm yourself to the teeth so as not to fall into the teeth of bloodthirsty creatures.


A game Full Pi online offers big choice weapons: cold steel, firearms and other traumatic weapons. There is also protection: all kinds of helmets, body armor and other gear. Decorations will also help you defeat evil, because they will be a kind of amulets and protect you from nasty creatures. The game developers also thought of pets and features - they will be very useful in battle.

New town

It is better not to walk around the city where the disaster occurred - you don’t know when someone or something will jump out at you and how to defend yourself. All the creatures that have come under the strong influence of radiation hide from human eyes and attack from around the corner. Of course, there are also safe places where you can change clothes, recover and chat with a guide. Play Full Pi it will be quite fun because there is incredible funny tasks. Complete them, kill the scarecrows and get experience and cash rewards!


Creating a character is perhaps the most important task, because you are creating your second self! Pay attention to this, because in the future you will only be able to change the clothes and equipment of the hero you created.


The radiation leaking from the Collider did not have a negative effect on all living organisms. Some of them are very scared and can be tamed. To do this, you need to ask your guide what treat the animal prefers, feed it and it will become your faithful companion until the end of the game. He will fight with you against the evil that has taken over the city, and you will be able to improve your friend’s performance.
Full Pi online– this is not just a game, it is a humorous thriller where you will be the hero. You have to fight mutants and zombies in different locations. The entire arsenal is at your disposal. What are you waiting for? Register and go into the world of chaos and mayhem!

Full Pi – browser-based online game , in which black humor and adventure are closely intertwined. Simply put, this is an apocalyptic horror film made in comic book style with monsters, the walking dead and other delights. The main focus is PVE battles and the storyline. You have to go from the main culprit of everything that happens in the game to the savior of humanity.

Full Pi started out completely harmlessly, someone, until now his identity has not been established, was transporting the Hadron Collider in a truck, from Switzerland to Russia! As a result of an accident and subsequent release elementary particles, everyone around suddenly turned into monsters and super-heroes.

So, starting to play online game Full Pi , first of all, you have to choose one of the three proposed classes of heroes, this strongman, smart guy And stuntman. The differences between them are not significant. Capabilities ( features) have a similar effect. There are also characteristics such as Knowledge is power And Cunning, the damage inflicted on the enemy still depends more on the weapon in your hands. Also in the game Full Pi , as in the game, you have the opportunity to tame pet.

After completing a short introductory course, you will go to your first battle with bloodthirsty zombies. Battles in Full Pi turn-based, although, with enough adrenaline, in one turn you can manage to perform several actions: incite pet, get medical treatment, etc. By defeating an enemy, you receive quarks(the money is here) and energy. Energy V Full Pi is the most valuable, since you can’t do without it when attacking monsters. The more your level increases, the slower the gauge will fill energy, at the initial level the scale fills up instantly.

Game world Full Pi is divided into locations, which in turn are divided into combat and peaceful ones, differing from each other in color. New locations become available when you reach a certain level of development, or when you complete certain quests. Upon reaching level seven, you gain access to PvParena, that is, the opportunity to fight with real players.

If you can't wait to become a super hero and fight monsters, then grab whatever comes to hand, be it an axe, a knife or a fork, and welcome to Full Pi!

§ How to start playing the online game Full Pi?

Full Pi is a browser-based online game, i.e. does not require downloading the client, and to start the game you just need to click a button "PLAY!", located below. After this, you will be automatically redirected to the official website of the game, where you can immediately start playing after going through a simple procedure registration in an online game Full Pi .

Video for the game Full Pi

screenshots of the game Full Pi

Full Pi is a browser-based online adventure game created in the style of an ironic comic book, a post-apocalyptic horror game with a wide variety of mutants, zombies and monsters drawn with humor.

The plot is as follows: a global catastrophe after the explosion of the Hadron Collider forced the survivors to fight for life in an atmosphere of the end of the world. By coincidence, the culprit of what happened is your character, who now travels through a changed world, unraveling a tangle of plot mysteries and destroying creepy mutated creatures. Having survived Full Pi, you have to save all of humanity.

The system requirements of the game are negligible since it is a browser game. It can be played from any computer with Internet access; it does not require prior installation. In order to play the game Full Pi, you need free registration Full Pi.

Registration in the game Full Pi goes like this: on the game website, click the “Play” button, then enter your login (your name in the game), select the gender and type of character.

Next, you need to register, otherwise you will not be able to log into the game using the same login. Click the "Registration" button, enter your e-mail and password. This completes the Full Pi registration. Now you can play the game Full Pi.

The game will give you a choice of three types of male and three female characters, which differ in their characteristics.

  • Strength is the advantage of Jock and Amazon
  • Trickster and Bestia use cunning in battle
  • Clever and Clever have knowledge that increases defense

The game Full Pi is built mainly on completing quests and fighting against computer monsters or other players. By completing tasks, you will receive weapons and useful things as a reward. Tasks are completed in strict order.

The battles in the game take place step by step, each move is limited in time. If you do not have time to make a move, an arbitrary blow will be made for you and the move will go to your opponent.

This online game Full P has two types of locations: combat and peaceful. You will go to combat locations to complete tasks, they are full of zombies and mutants, their destruction will increase your level and replenish your arsenal of weapons and supplies. You can also find valuable things there, which can later be sold or used to make weapons.

There are no battles in peaceful locations; you will come there to buy things you need in battles or sell what you don’t need, purchase instructions for making new things, and also receive new tasks.

The Full Pi online game is distinguished by a wide variety of weapons; they are included in the clothing set of each type of character. You can buy weapons, you can get them for killing a monster, or you can make them yourself according to the instructions. In terms of protection, certain armor protects against certain type damage:

  • physical
  • fiery
  • ballistic

Also, to defeat your opponent, you will have access to:

  1. "decorations" that enhance the character's abilities;
  2. consumables that complement weapons and armor (attackers, stimulants, lemons, bombs)
  3. Feature abilities (character superpowers that appeared after the disaster) will help you play Full Pi. They can both cause damage to the enemy and heal the owner

To help the character, you can choose one of three pet companions: Voronok - more suitable for defense characters, Vargan - for power characters, Kissa - for dexterous ones. At higher levels, you can play Full Pi by taming new companions if you have the necessary resources. All pets grow in their characteristics with each level, increasing the character’s capabilities and helping him in battles.

Not long ago, through the efforts of the Crazy Bit studio, a new browser game with an unambiguous name. This is an adventure horror film on the theme of the end of the world with monsters, the living dead and other evil things, made in a comic book style. The main focus of the game is on storyline and PVE battles. The main character must go from the culprit of global destruction to the savior of all humanity.

As was written earlier, you are an indirect culprit of a global catastrophe. So what happened? As planned by the developers main character transported the Hadron Collider in a truck from Switzerland to Russia!!! In the Russian off-road conditions, I got into an accident, there was a release of elementary particles, which turned some into aggressive monsters and others into super heroes. You can't imagine a more crazy premise for the plot. I wonder how it is possible to transport a unit whose main ring is 26,659 meters long in a cargo trailer? And why do the pictures illustrating the plot show a broken van with barrels leaking green liquid?

Screenshots from the browser game Full Pi

Type: Browser online game
Genre: RPG
Release date: 2011
Developer: Crazy Bit
Publisher: Crazy Bit
Official site: http://pi-online.ru/

Then it’s time to choose a hero class, there are three in total - something like a strongman, a trickster and a smart guy, the differences between them are minimal, the pets are the same, and the features (abilities) of each class have a similar effect. Basic characteristics such as Strength, Cunning and Knowledge have little effect on game process. The more strength, the greater the damage, at least that’s what is written in the description of the characteristics, but in reality it is clear that the amount of damage directly depends only on the weapon in the hero’s hands.

After a short introductory course, we are sent to the first battle with a rotten zombie. The battles are turn-based, but you can perform several actions at once during a turn, for example, heal, set a pet on an enemy, etc., but this is only if you have enough adrenaline. For victory they give experience, energy and quarks (money). Energy is the most valuable resource; it is necessary to attack monsters. On entry levels The energy scale fills up instantly, but as your level increases, the speed of its filling decreases significantly, while the amount of experience required increases exponentially.

The game world is divided into locations, each of them contains certain monsters. Access to them is granted upon completion of a task or reaching a certain level. The tasks, by the way, are monotonous to the point of indecency - kill 100,500 monsters of a certain type or kill 100,500 monsters of a certain type and extract some resource from them. From the seventh level, access to the PvP arena opens, which is not particularly encouraging, since battles with real players are not much different from battles with Artificial Intelligence.

What I especially didn’t like was that the game shows its base essence from the very beginning, namely, it is a money grab. There is a catastrophic shortage of energy; you can quickly replenish it only for real money. Weapons and equipment for reals are much more better than that one, which is sold for Quarks. At a certain stage, there comes a time when it becomes impossible to play without investing money into the game.

At this stage of its development browser online game, just a pacifier in a bright wrapper. There is nothing to do there without money. Perhaps, over time, everything will change, and ordinary rogue users will be able to resist donators, but practice shows that this happens extremely rarely in Russian browsers.

Complete zombie apocalypse in your browser.

Full Pi is the story of a zombie apocalypse that arose under rather strange circumstances.

Waking up after a car accident, you discover that the world you are used to has changed beyond recognition. Mutants and zombies are scurrying around the destroyed city. Those who remain sane and healthy are fighting for resources, uniting in clans and alliances.

Some kill mutants and complete quests, while others fight in the arena with worthy opponents, earning and receiving various resources, as well as invaluable experience in battles with real opponents.

Other players have fun in battles on the train for resources, from which valuable items are crafted.

Any surviving player who has reached the second area can take part in these battles. For victories on the train you can get a railwayman's medal, which will let other players know how strong you are.

The various instances present in the game give you the opportunity to dress according to your level. And as a result of the victory of groups of dedicated players over formidable bosses, you can receive valuable tants or resources that can make you richer and stronger. Such tantas exist in each of the regions. Therefore, you will not be bored at any of the levels.


Full Pi is a shareware browser game with RPG elements. The game is a zombie horror, seasoned with an explosive mixture of comics and black humor.

According to the plot of the game, that same complete PI occurred, the cause of which was the well-known hadron collider.

First, we are shown a video in the form of a comic strip. The game begins with the fact that we see a beautiful day, colorful balls are flying everywhere, a beautiful nurse is crossing the road. Everything is great, but the next moment we crash into some kind of truck, and then it’s complete...

The name of the developer - the domestic company Crazy Bit - seems to hint at something not entirely normal. Full Pi is a browser game whose name kind of speaks for itself. Everything that happens in the game is Full Pi without any exaggeration. Everywhere, in every location of the game, the player encounters evil spirits (zombies, some kind of cockroach monsters, spiders, spider-people, slugs, worms, and so on), which crawled out from nowhere. How to deal with this, and what is going on with this world in general, we learn from the plot of the game itself.

Essentially, Full Pi is a completely mediocre RPG, the goal of which is to level up the character you choose immediately after registering in the game. You can choose either a male or female character.

The game has Various types consumables: first aid kits, modules, spray cans. The choice of armor and weapons is also varied. These include all kinds of craft kits and purchased weapons from the store.

The game has many possibilities for quickly passing through locations.

There is also crafting in the game (the ability to create your own things). You collect various components, then buy recipes and collect various valuable items based on them.

Also in Full Pi there are also vehicles that you can buy - for example, a motorcycle or a comic wheelchair with built-in motor. But given that the game is flat and turn-based, it’s naturally impossible to ride this like in some GTA.

You can sell items you don’t need to other players, and use the proceeds to buy what you need.

When you play a slot machine, you can either win or lose money.

The game has a slot machine that you can play for free once a day. If you want more, you will have to buy tokens. The slot machine is a classic “one-armed bandit”, in which it is quite possible to win various game items.

The chat in the game is divided into general, clan, personal and events. In regular chat, you see messages from any players and messages about player achievements. In the clan chat, internal correspondence takes place between members of the clan, which you must first join. Also in the chat there is a list of players in the area, gaming friends, an ignore list and clan brothers.

There is also a store in the game where you can buy any items for real money. Its peculiarity is that it is replenished as you move through the levels. The higher the level, the more goods you can purchase.

Walking Full Pi

When you enter the game, you see your character and his inventory. Here you can notice various characteristics, and in the future, as you level up, your things, skills, Consumables and the animal you choose. Before you is a map of the city, you can go to any area. Everything you might need is on one tab.

A whole story unfolds before you in the form of a dashingly twisted chain of quests. First you need to help a girl in trouble by destroying zombies. For the battle you receive a reward.

You then have the opportunity to choose your first companion - a pet. It will be a voronok (raven), a harp (wolf) or a kisa (cat).

Then you dive deeper into the plot. The game is a continuous series of comics. That is, you read comics and at the same time participate in interactive events, and also, if you wish, communicate and fight with other players.

Comics turn the gameplay into a fascinating story with pictures. This is not Carnage or Clan Wars. Everything is a little more beautiful, but at the same time less serious. There is no particular tactics or strategy in Full Pi. If desired, the passage of quests can be put on autopilot, and your hero himself will bend all the monsters, which makes the game even stranger. Would you like a game where you win all the time? Big question...

The game as a whole is made with humor. Every text - be it a description of a quest or a description of a product in a store - can make you laugh. The game is relaxing, but doesn't really draw you into its world.

Quests and NPCs

Inexhaustible hordes of zombies are hitting the city's economy. Therefore, many guides (aka NPC characters) are ready to give you money for fighting them. The tasks are quite varied. Some require you to simply kill some monsters. In others, you need to find the right item. And thirdly, learn how to use unique equipment.

Quests are divided into two types - plot and side. It is not necessary to complete side tasks, but you can get them for them various items and earn extra money. Story quests are more interesting and take the player deeper into the plot, lifting the veil of secrets with each new step, throwing up new adventures.

Many tasks have to be completed in dangerous places, where, in addition to monsters, you can be attacked by other players, most of whom are more dangerous than any zombie.


This is what combat looks like in Full Pi.

The combat system in the game is classic turn-based. You can use not only weapons, but also various skills that can both enhance your abilities and weaken your opponent, depriving him of his chances of winning.

The combat is quite funny, although very sparsely animated. You face the enemy with your fists - than longer arm character, the greater his advantage (health). The player can be healed during combat - this is one of the abilities that can be purchased and upgraded.

Those who are especially lazy can turn on auto-battle, which speeds up the passage even more. Auto combat is especially useful during tedious repeated playthroughs of the same location.

Energy is also spent on each enemy. But then she falls out of these enemies. For winning, the player receives prizes and the opportunity to move on.

There is also PvP. To compete with other players, you need to press the chat button, select any player and fight with him.

In clan wars, there is always a dispute over locations that provide valuable buffs or resources. Every day at 20 pm Moscow time, a number of clans converge in battle for these same locations.


Full Pi is a very original project in which the world of the zombie apocalypse is well developed. Here you can communicate with other players, complete tasks, receive and spend money, participate in various promotions, receiving unique items.

The main thing that distinguishes this game from others is its elementary simplicity. All monsters, especially at first, fight easily and with their eyes closed. At the same time, the game keeps showering you with new prizes. Gifts are given not only for victories, but also for no reason - because you are so cool. In general, this is just a paradise for the triumph of self-love.

The game gives you a feeling of omnipotence and your own awesomeness. you save beautiful girls, destroy any monsters, simultaneously changing into cool clothes, acquiring more and more sophisticated weapons and even vehicles. Your coolness is growing every minute, and it’s captivating. After all, how can you enjoy universal adoration and unlimited power?

In general, the game is very easy, you don’t even need cheats for it. This is not a project where you have to work hard to win. On the contrary, here you have to try in order to lose. In fact, it is very difficult to lose even to the boss in Full Pi. It’s like you have some kind of magic “break everyone up” button. You press on it and tear everyone apart. In general, students will probably like it. Well, serious players clearly have nothing to catch here.
