Professional standard of the head of an organization. Professional standard for a manager

Innovations Russian legislation in terms of the formation of professional standards, they make it possible to facilitate the selection procedure of candidates for specific positions. In particular, professional standards for managers are designed to form necessary list requirements for managers in the form of knowledge and skills that will allow them to competently manage the labor process.

Characteristics of professional standards

Based on Art. 195 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a professional standard is a specialized standard that includes a list of necessary professional characteristics on the basis of which an employee will be able to perform the labor functions assigned to him while occupying a specific position.

This segment of legislation began to be developed back in 2013. However, the standards were regularly adjusted and modified, which led to their final implementation only in 2016.

Since 2016 a number government agencies, as well as the positions indicated in the document, must be guided by the professional standard for a specific industry in their activities.

For commercial organizations professional standards are advisory in nature. They can be used to draw up job descriptions or business agreements with employees. At the same time, it is legal to draw up local standards based on the original text of the standard. To do this, it is necessary to involve a professional lawyer or the manager to do this independently. The main requirement is the consistency of the generated document with labor legislation and the provisions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

The scope of application of such documents is the labor activity of employees of the organization. The text of the standard describes the following requirements for an employee:

  • the need to have knowledge and skills appropriate to the position;
  • compliance with a specific qualification level.

Professional standards are developed based on the industry production activities. Thus, professional standards for directors and subordinates are the same. The main differences lie in the correspondence of the two categories of workers (managers and employees) to different qualification levels. For an ordinary employee, this level will be lower than that of a manager. Among other things, this provision also determines for managers more high requirements to experience, knowledge and education.

Features of the professional standard of a deputy director

It is important to note that there is no separate professional standard for a deputy director. This is due to the fact that such a position largely repeats the same functions and responsibilities as the head of the company. However, a number of standards make reference to substituents. So, since August 2016. the standards that are relevant for deputy managers are the following list:

  • Professional standard No. 558 “Procurement specialist”;
  • No. 559 “Human Resources Management Specialist”;
  • No. 149 “Information Technology Manager”;
  • No. 31 “Specialist in technical control of product quality”;
  • No. 802 “Quality management specialist in the aircraft industry” and No. 704 “Supply management specialist in the aircraft industry”;
  • No. 581 “Head of an organization operating in the field of sports.”

Professional standards for directors of enterprises regulate the activities of both managers and their deputies. For budgetary institutions they are mandatory to use.

All standards suitable for deputy directors are based on a single template, which implies that they have the same structure:

  1. Common data. A description of the direction of work activity is expected, as well as possible positions, based on the types of economic sectors regulated by the standard.
  2. Functions of workers. Implied common list functional responsibilities of the employee, while also indicating the level of qualifications for a specific position. Qualification levels 5-8 are often used.
  3. Detailed description of the employee's functional responsibilities. This section sets out the education and experience requirements. Thus, for a deputy director, a higher education (bachelor’s degree) is required, as well as experience, on average, 3-5 years. The required skills and knowledge are also indicated.
  4. Information about the institutions involved in the development of the document.

Features of the professional standard for HR director

Based on Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 691-n dated October 6, 2015. The professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist” was approved. This standard provides for the following positions:

  • HR specialists;
  • heads of human resources departments.

The main task of the HR director is to ensure an effective labor process to achieve goals in the interests of the enterprise.

The professional standard assumes the following requirements for the HR director:

  • at least 5 years of work experience as a manager in a similar field;
  • higher education and a certificate in courses of additional training programs.

The main tasks that an HR manager must perform are:

  1. Ensuring the functioning of the operational management system by subordinates.
  2. Maintaining necessary documentation and reporting on employee management.
  3. Security strategic management subordinates.

It is also typical for the head of the HR department to perform the following functions:

  • establish communication links between employees of the organization;
  • implement a personnel management strategy;
  • adhere to the rules of etiquette when communicating with colleagues;
  • represent the director of the company in various negotiations if necessary;
  • maintaining cost estimates for subordinates;
  • putting forward their proposals for optimizing the activities of employees.

Features of the professional standard of the general director

Professional standards are created for the industry of labor activity. However, such generalization is not relevant for a profession such as general director. It is impossible to derive universal rules and requirements for managing all economic directions generally. Therefore, there is no separate professional standard for the general director.

An alternative regulating this profession is a list of professional standards for managers in various industries. In particular:

  • professional standard for the head of an organization operating in the field of sports;
  • for the manager of a construction company;
  • for the manager of a hotel chain;
  • for the manager of an oil depot, etc.

All professional standards are created according to a single template. Basic information for general directors is contained in the third section of the document, which provides a detailed list of managerial functions. This section contains the following information:

  1. Names of positions that fall under the regulations of the standard. The titles you should look for here are “director” or “general manager.”
  2. Requirements required for such a position. In particular, information about the required education and experience is disclosed. There is a requirement for directors higher education and advanced training courses, as well as work experience of at least 5 years.
  3. Specific responsibilities of a manager. For example, maintaining documentation and drawing up the necessary reports, as well as drawing up programs for optimizing the production process.

To determine whether a manager’s position falls under the regulations of any professional standard, you need to find out the following information:

  1. Does the scope of production activity fall under the regulations of professional standards?
  2. Does the professional standard, relevant for the field of activity, contain information about the work of the head of the company?
  3. Does the manager have any benefits or restrictions from the state?

If the activity is regulated by the regulations of the professional standard, the manager should rely on the provisions of the standard in further work.

Since 2015, the professional standard “Specialist in organizational and documentation support for organization management” has been in force.

It describes generalized job functions and the corresponding job titles (see Table 1). For each position the following are defined:

  • necessary education and work experience,
  • composition of skills and abilities,
  • performed labor functions with detail down to actions.

Table 1

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Professional standard for specialists and managers in the field

The next professional standard for our field was “Organizational Document Management Specialist.” It provides special education for those employees who manage documentation (see Table 2): minimum - bachelor's degree or additional professional retraining in! See Table 3.

Who is who?

When professional standards were developed and implemented in the subject areas of “law,” “accounting,” and “personnel management,” both employers and educational institutions had no questions about what the corresponding employee should do.

Over the past 20 years, within the framework of resource management, employers have realized that personnel are an asset to the organization, capable of increasing business performance and the organization's profits. The activities of an active and professionally cohesive community of HR specialists also contributed to the fact that the heads of the HR department quite successfully turned into HR directors and deputy heads of organizations.

And modern administrative directors (business managers, heads of business management, etc.) should focus on performing supporting business functions, at least in the understanding of most organizational leaders. Only in large commercial structures do business managers actually perform managerial functions: they manage documents and information that are intangible asset companies.

And this one professional activity relatively recently received official name « document management”, which was consolidated by the dictionary “Document Management. Terms and definitions" (M.: VNIIDAD, 2013) and GOST R 7.0.8-2013:

Document fragment

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GOST R 7.0.8-2013 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions"

1. office work: Activities that ensure documentation, document flow, prompt storage and use of documents.

2. documentation support (management), preschool educational institution: Activities that purposefully provide document management functions.

3. document management: Activities that ensure the implementation of uniform policies and standards in relation to the organization's documentary fund.

Related to the main one, but not synonyms the term “document management” remains the terms “documentation support for management” And "office work".

The next step (identifying specific labor functions for the field of document management) made Professional standard, to which this article is dedicated. At least he was called upon to clarify this.

Case Management should be included in the structure of the organization as a unit responsible for documentation support of management, A business manager (document manager) becomes a leader, a manager who forms and is responsible for implementing the document management policy. It is no coincidence that R ISO standards new series 30300 the subject area (function) “document management” is assigned to the area of ​​responsibility of the organization’s management (top management). However, such an approach is not yet accepted by the heads of most organizations and, unfortunately, does not find understanding among HR directors.

The deprofessionalization of office management services that has taken place over the past decades and a general misunderstanding of the role of the document in the era of informatization may become factors hindering the implementation of the main ideas of the Professional Standard. To this we must also add the shortcomings made in the process of its development, as well as the imperfections of the corresponding educational programs.

The document manager (as a manager) must have the same basic management competencies as other managers:

  • forecasting (without it strategic management and policy formation are impossible);
  • planning (for consistent implementation of policies in their subject area);
  • operational management(making decisions);
  • control and regulation;
  • personnel/personnel management ( professional qualifications an employee can only be assessed by a specialist in the same industry, and not just an HR manager);
  • resource management (all available types and categories, the main ones of which are information and documents).

These basic competencies must be reflected in educational programs for professional training and retraining (the area of ​​responsibility of educational institutions and educational and methodological associations), as well as in job descriptions relevant managers when formulating specific job functions (this is already the area of ​​responsibility of employers).

What does the Professional Standard provide?

Currently, the Professional Standard is addressed primarily educational institutions - universities and institutes that undergo accreditation, solve the problem of developing new educational programs in connection with the Development Strategy information society in Russia, they are forming additional professional education programs for the training/retraining of experienced practitioners working in the field of document management without special education.

Based on Professional Standard centers for assessing professional competencies will develop sets of assessment materials to confirm the qualification level of employees (on the basis of personal initiative or at the direction of the employer and at his expense).

The professional standard is intended to unify and lead to a single and sufficiently high level vocational training modern specialists and managers in the field of working with documents and ultimately strengthen the prestige of the profession.

To the management of organizations (top management) should be understood:

  • their legally established responsibility for the documentary and archival funds of the organizations entrusted to them;
  • that a professional document manager is actually a trusted representative of the first manager and his “ right hand" And in the general sea of ​​information, only documents that need to be managed have legal force, fix management decisions and the history of their development, capture the history of the organization, its management, ownership of property, are not “pieces of paper”, but the most important intangible asset, because serve as proof!

Each office staff member may consider the Professional Standard as a tool to strengthen the prestige of the profession and increase self-esteem. When interacting with specialists from other industries, you need to gradually move from the role of “service personnel” to the role of a “qualified specialist” who communicates as equals.

For personnel services A professional standard is the basis for determining specific requirements for the qualifications of workers and determining their labor functions. On its basis, candidates can be searched for positions in the office management service, their training and advanced training, motivation and certification, development and career building, etc. (usually enshrined in the HR Policy). In addition, in the Professional Standard, generalized labor functions in the field of document management are identified in accordance with All-Russian classifiers technical and economic information, which is convenient for analytics and preparation of the necessary reporting.

And specific lists of work actions performed, necessary skills and knowledge allow and personnel service, and heads of structural divisions develop job descriptions/job regulations, use employees in accordance with their specialty and qualifications, i.e. manage existing labor resources more effectively.

The professional standard can be applied as the organization develops; it does not require mandatory and immediate renaming of positions, reworking of organizational charts and staffing! It shows the prospects for the development of those functions that are being formed in the field of working with documents.

Qualification levels

Job titles in the Professional Standard are named as “possible names of positions, professions,” i.e. making any mandatory changes to staffing table not provided. The indicators used in it skill levels are also regulated by order. If the previous Professional Standard considered the 3rd, 5th and 6th qualification levels for our field of activity (see Table 1), then the new standard continues to consider the 6th level and moves to the higher 7th and 8th levels qualifications. For each qualification level, the corresponding powers and responsibilities, skills and knowledge, functions, and the required level of education are determined (see Tables 2, 3 and 4), which must be taken into account in the process of appointment, certification and career building.

To correctly understand the basic requirements of the Professional Standard, it is necessary to correlate them with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Labor.

In a small organization, when the records management service is not created, a document specialist of the 6th qualification level can work in the status of an entire service and perform all the functions in the field of preschool education that this company needs.

Head of the office management service, which is being created V large organizations , may well raise the question of the subordination of his department to the first manager, because Issues of strategy and policy in the field of document management (which is determined by the 7th qualification level) are the responsibility of the first person of the organization.

And the business manager large corporation/ holding may well build his managerial career as a manager of the 8th qualification level, which is mandatory for other managers of the organization in accordance with professional standards in other areas of activity.

To achieve each qualification level in records management practical experience required work, but the ways to achieve the appropriate qualification level, established by order of the Ministry of Labor, also provide mastering specialized educational programs(see Table 3).

That is why it is believed that the Professional Standard is now primarily intended for educational institutions, which must form a new unified field of competencies. And the consequence of this will be a turning point in the public consciousness regarding specialists in our field - we do not manage “pieces of paper”, but a valuable intangible asset of the organization (documented information).

Table 3

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Labor functions in the field of document management and their use in job descriptions

The description of labor functions in the Professional Standard is presented in the form of tables, which set out:

  • at first generalized name of labor functions(by the way, each of them has its own possible job titles and qualification levels- shown in Table 2),
  • then each generalized labor function is “cascaded”, i.e. is broken down into a set of components her specific job functions(see Table 4);
  • for each specific job function, its own labor actions and necessary for their implementation knowledge and skills(See document fragment below).

This structured information will greatly facilitate the development of job descriptions for specialists and managers in the field of document management! We will show how this can be used further in Example 1.

Table 4

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But you need to borrow wording from the Professional Standard with understanding:

  • specific job functions are to a very small extent harmonized with established qualification requirements (see the order of the Ministry of Labor on qualification levels);
  • in specific labor actions, outdated formulations are sometimes used that do not correspond to modern approaches and technologies of preschool educational institutions;
  • In addition, basic management competencies are not reflected at all in labor functions: from forecasting, planning to resource management and even risk management (all risks are subject to documentation - this is implied by the Risk Management Policy and this also corresponds to the Document Management Policy).

So, taking into account the necessary amendments and depending on the situation in a particular organization, the formulations of labor functions, enshrined in the Professional Standard, can now be used, if necessary, in the process of processing job descriptions of specialists and managers working in the field of document management:

Table 5

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Now we will show by example how, based on the wording of the Professional Standard, it is possible to improve the description of the labor function in job description. Moreover, we will try to add ideas that document management is special management function! Globally, Profstandard is aimed at precisely this (it offers such job titles as manager documentation and deputy head of the organization in this subject area), however, the formulations of labor functions contained in it could not fully realize this idea. Let's fill this gap.

Document fragment

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Description of labor function No. 3.1.1 in the Professional Standard “Specialist in Organization Document Management”, approved. by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated May 10, 2017 No. 416n

Example 1

Labor actions for the labor function “Development and implementation of local regulations on documentation support for management”

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In the wording of 6 specific labor actions (marked by number 2 in the Document Fragment above) for the labor function “Development and implementation of local regulations for documentation support of management” (number 1 there and in Table 4), we recommend adding a management aspect, experience best practices and modern terminology. Therefore, it is better to write labor actions in the job description like this (equivalent options are written through a slash, from which you can choose the one you like):

  • compliance control local regulations of the organization current legislation and other regulations Russian Federation in the field of documentation support / document management;
  • control of expiration dates
  • methodological guidance for application local regulations of the organization in the field of documentation support for management / document management;
  • development and coordination of projects local regulations of the organization in the field of documentation support for management / document management;
  • development of an identification and classification system local regulations of the organization in the field of documentation support for management / document management;
  • making decisions about broadcast methods / developing a broadcast / publishing system local regulations of the organization in the field of documentation support for management / document management.

Since documentation management should extend to documents of all documentation systems that are formed in the activities of the organization, a specialist can also perform the following modern and necessary functions (both independently and under the guidance of the head of the records management service):

  • development of rules and regulations for the creation, coordination and approval of local regulations of the organization;
  • development of electronic templates and electronic forms for creating local regulations (by type and variety);
  • formation of a database of local regulations of the organization.


During the development process, the Professional Standard was not widely discussed in the professional expert community, so its approval did not cause an explosion of interest from both personnel services and office management services.

This new standard was developed (like the previous Professional Standard) under the leadership of the National Association of Office Professionals and Administrative Workers. Among the developers of this standard there are 7 organizations, and only 2 of them belong to educational institutions: RSUH and College of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The development involved 2 commercial companies (LLC), performing the functions of certification centers, which in terms of antimonopoly legislation can be characterized as a manifestation of “interest.”

In conclusion, we once again emphasize that we should be grateful to the Professional Standard for the introduction of new (recommended) job titles and other important provisions.

The development of any standard for document management is a new and difficult task, especially in the context of an unsettled understanding of the subject area, which has not yet been fully formed.

Document management also includes management of archival documents, documents in electronic form, introduction of information technologies. Therefore, when formulating the corresponding labor functions, it is necessary to: specification of labor actions document management specialist and delimitation of areas of his responsibility with interacting departments. Unfortunately, this is still missing from the new standard.

Now specialists from Rosarkhiv and the Russian State University for the Humanities, with the involvement of industry experts, are actively developing the following professional standard - for archivist. It can be assumed that as part of the harmonization of professional qualification requirements and labor functions, proposals will be formulated to make changes to the Professional Standard we analyzed.

Professional manager standard is one of several hundred professional standards developed to date in relation to various types work activities and recommended for use by employers. What a manager’s professional standard is and how it can be applied in practice will be discussed in this article.

What is the professional standard of a manager?

In accordance with labor legislation (Articles 195.1, 195.2 and 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), an employee’s qualifications are a complex of the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and professional awareness of the employee. A professional standard describes the main qualities of a set of data that constitute an employee’s qualifications and are necessary for him to conduct professional activities.

Professional standards for a manager are established by three regulations:

  1. Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation “On approval of the professional standard “Information Technology Manager”” dated October 13, 2014 No. 716n.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation “On approval of the professional standard “Product Manager in the field of information technology”” dated November 20, 2014 No. 915n.
  3. By Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation “On approval of the professional standard “Sales Manager of Information and Communication Systems”” dated October 5, 2015 No. 687n.

These documents have the same structure and consist of the following sections:

  • Basic data;
  • description of labor functions;
  • characteristics of general labor functions;
  • information about organizations that have developed professional standards.

Manager qualification levels

Of particular importance for the characteristics of the professional standard are the specialist qualification levels established by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2013 No. 148n. For each qualification level, indicators are established consisting of a list of powers, responsibilities, the nature of skills and knowledge, and the defining ways to achieve the level are described. The last provision is of fundamental importance, as it describes the education required to achieve a particular skill level and the required work experience.

Simply put, a manager’s professional standards presuppose the correlation of a certain level of qualifications with the education that a specialist has, and also determine specific requests for the practical experience of a candidate for a position.

In addition to requirements for work experience, professional standards can specify the established conditions for the required education of a specialist. For example, it is necessary to define only higher education or higher or secondary specialized education, supplemented by retraining courses, as necessary.

WITH general description We’ve sorted out the professional standards, now let’s talk about each of the above standards in more detail.

Professional standard for product manager in the field of information technology

This professional standard describes work activity in the form of entrepreneurship in the field of information technology. The stated purpose of this work is to organize the creation, launch of the market, promotion, sale, support and development of information technology products.

The professional standard establishes 4 main labor functions:

  1. Supporting the development of the created work. Possible job titles for employees:
    • junior manager;
    • Assistant manager.

    The required qualification level is 4, i.e., secondary vocational education is assumed. There are no work experience requirements.

  2. Product management. Possible job titles for specialists:
    • product manager;
    • Development Manager.

    The required qualification level is 5, i.e. it assumes that you have secondary professional education and at least 1 year of experience as a junior manager or assistant.

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  3. Management of product range and management team. Suggested job titles:
    • senior manager;
    • senior product development manager;
    • top manager;
    • Lead Development Manager;
    • product line manager.

    Level 6 professional qualification is required, i.e. higher education with a bachelor's degree and work experience as a product manager of 3 years are required.

  4. Manage the product suite and product management service. Possible job titles:
    • Product Portfolio Manager;
    • head of department;
    • Product Director.

    The required qualification level is 7. A higher education (master's degree or specialty) and at least 5 years of experience as a senior manager are required.

Professional standard for sales manager of information and communication systems

Order No. 687n defines this type of labor activity as the sale of infocommunication systems (ICS) and/or their parts. The main goal is the implementation and organization of these sales. This professional standard provides for the following main labor functions:

  1. Support functions for finding clients, preparing and selling information systems and components. Possible job titles for specialists:
    • assistant or assistant sales manager;
    • department coordinator;
    • Sales Representative.

    The required level of professional qualification is 5. Secondary is required professional education no work experience.

  2. Sale standard solutions on ICS and their components. Positions may be called:
    • Sales Manager;
    • IT salesperson;
    • department specialist;
    • Development Manager;
    • project manager;
    • tender manager.

    Required qualification level— 6, i.e., higher education (bachelor’s degree) or secondary vocational education and additional retraining programs are required. Practical experience must be represented by work in the field of sales of a high-tech product for at least six months.

  3. Sale of atypical and integrated solutions X. Possible job titles:
    • ICS sales manager;
    • client manager;
    • lead salesperson;
    • ICT project manager.

    In this case, the level of qualifications and, accordingly, education is assumed to be the same as for the previous job function, with the only difference being that at least 1 year of experience in the specialty is required.

  4. Sales to major customers of ICS (components) and management working group for conducting a transaction. Suggested job titles:
    • leading or senior manager;
    • Key account manager;
    • Department head.

    Level 7 qualification is required, i.e. higher education (master's degree/specialty) and additional advanced training courses. Work experience - from 1 year in specialty.

  5. Sales management, establishing sales policy in the field of information technology. This function can be performed by department heads or sales directors. At the same time, the requirements for specialists are the same as in the previous function, with an increase in the required work experience to a minimum of 2 years.
  6. Control commercial activities company, formation of ICS sales strategy. The function can be performed by:
    • Director of Sales;
    • Commercial Director;
    • Vice President

    This requires level 8 qualification, which is characterized by the same education as for level 7, with work experience of at least 3 years in the declared field.

Professional standard for information technology manager

Order No. 716n names the type of professional activity of the specified specialist as information technology in economics and public administration. The main goal of this type of implementation is stated to be the management of the provision, use and development of information technologies (IT).

The professional standard provides for 4 labor functions:

  1. IT resource management. Possible job titles:<
    • head of the computer center;
    • Head of Software Department;
    • Head of Infrastructure Coordination Department;
    • Head of the Database Administration Group.

    Level 6 qualification is required, i.e. higher education (master's degree/specialist degree) with a recommendation for advanced training in various management programs. In addition, more than a year of management experience in the IT field is required.

  2. IT service management. The function is performed by:
    • Head of User Support Department;
    • service center manager;
    • customer service director.

    These specialists require level 7 qualifications: higher education (master's degree/specialist degree) with a recommendation for advanced training in programs of a service approach to IT management. The required experience is at least 2 years of experience as an IT service manager or 3 years in the IT field interacting with customers and users.

  3. Information environment management. Suggested job titles:
    • IT Director;
    • Director of the IT Department;
    • Deputy General Director;
    • head of information service.

    These employees must meet qualification level 8, that is, have a higher education (master’s degree or specialty) with a recommendation to improve their qualifications in IT management, economics and management programs. The required experience requires more than 5 years of experience in the IT field at lower positions or work as an information environment management manager for at least 2 years.

  4. IT innovation management. The function is performed by:
    • Director of IT and Innovation;
    • Deputy General Director for Innovation;
    • Deputy General Director for Development.

    These specialists need highest level qualifications - 9, which involves higher education at the master's or specialist level with a recommendation for obtaining a second higher education in economics or strategic management and advanced training in strategic management programs and innovation activity. Practical experience must be at least 7 years of experience in the IT field at lower positions or more than 3 years in the position of innovation management manager.

Application of the manager's professional standard in practice

From a practical point of view, for the most part, professional standards received only a recommendatory purpose for employers, since labor legislation established the obligation to strictly follow the provisions of these documents only in limited cases. In such cases, according to Art. 195.3 TC, include:

  • situations where the relevant requirements for the qualifications required by the employee are established by labor or other legislation;
  • cases when work in a certain position is the basis for the provision of various benefits.

All professional standards for managers discussed in the article are advisory in nature and cannot serve as a basis for dismissing an employee who does not meet the conditions of the standards. If there is a discrepancy, the employer has the right only to provide the employee with training or retraining.

The job description of the executive director of an LLC, sample 2019, is a document that clearly defines the purpose of this position in the company. We will tell you in this article how to correctly draw up instructions for the executive director and what information is included in it.

Executive Director status

Civil Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 53 provides for the admissibility of several management persons who have the right to act on behalf of the LLC without a power of attorney.

In practice, this norm is implemented by including several director positions in the staffing table. The executive director often exercises operational management of the company.

If information about the executive director is in the charter of the LLC and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, he is authorized to represent the company in external relations, if necessary, confirming his powers with an order of appointment. In the absence of such information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, representation is carried out by the executive director only on the basis of a power of attorney, or this director does not perform actual/legal actions on behalf of the company at all.

Accordingly, the first step in developing a job description is to clarify the status of the executive director according to the LLC charter.

Instructions from the Executive Director

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that if the performance of certain work is associated with the provision of benefits and compensation, then these positions must correspond to the names listed in qualification reference books and professional standards.

When drawing up the job description of the executive director, you should pay attention to the fact that the specified position is not provided for either qualification reference books, nor professional standards (Article 195.1-195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

There are no special requirements for the level of qualifications and knowledge of persons hired for this position in other regulatory legal acts. In addition, the position of executive director does not provide for the provision of benefits and compensation, which means that it is permissible to use this particular wording in its title.

Important! When drawing up a job description for an executive director, you should take into account the fact that this employee will be classified as a manager.

Art. 181 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a number of requirements when establishing labor relations with deputy managers and chief accountants. These standards are not provided for the position of executive director.

In order for the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regarding managers to apply to the executive director, we recommend indicating in the title of the position: “Executive director - deputy director.”

These actions will allow the following rules to be applied to the employee:

  • about urgent employment contract(Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • long probationary period (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • additional grounds for dismissal (Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Functions of the Executive Director

The functions of the executive director are not unified and depend on the role assigned to this official in society. Most often these functions include:

  • LLC management along with the general director;
  • coordination of structural divisions of the company;
  • fulfillment of the production plan, sales plan, etc.;
  • transactions;
  • work with personnel: selection of employees, their retraining, etc.

Important! The executive director reports to to CEO, carries out his orders and instructions.

The executive director may perform any other functions that the general director determines for him. For example, he can control the work of the accounting department and the chief accountant.

Job Responsibilities of the Executive Director

Typically, the executive director performs the following responsibilities:

  • draws up a work plan for structural units;
  • organizes the implementation of orders and instructions of the General Director;
  • carries out individual instructions from the manager;
  • establishes interaction between structural divisions of society;
  • monitors the implementation of work plans by such units;
  • monitors compliance with labor discipline, informs the manager about the need to bring employees to disciplinary liability;
  • controls company expenses;
  • represents the interests of the LLC in government authorities;
  • oversees the contractual work of the company;
  • Responsible for office work and office work, etc.

Rights of the executive director

To carry out functions and perform duties, the executive director is usually vested with the following rights:

  • make decisions independently within your competence;
  • distribute work among your subordinates and ask them for results;
  • give your proposals to the general director to improve the work of the company’s divisions;
  • petition the manager to bring employees to disciplinary liability or reward them;
  • dispose of in cash and the property of the company in compliance with the requirements of laws and the charter of the LLC.

Note! As an employee, the executive director has the right to vacation, timely payment wages and other social guarantees.

Responsibilities of the Executive Director

The executive director is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of his job responsibilities within the framework of labor legislation.

Note! The executive director is responsible for damage caused to society. Most often in the size of average monthly earnings(art. 241 Labor Code RF).

He can be brought to full financial liability:

  • if his position is on the list, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated December 31, 2002 No. 85, for example, when the LLC operates in the field of catering, trade or consumer services;
  • if the damage was caused intentionally, as well as as a result of committing a crime or administrative offense(Article 243 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Important! When the data of the executive director is included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and he can represent the interests of the company without a power of attorney, Art. 53.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Under it, damages caused to society can be recovered from the guilty person.

If the accounting department is subordinate to the executive director, he may be held liable, for example, for non-payment of taxes (Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Conclusion! Thus, the responsibility of the executive director depends on the activities that the LLC is engaged in, on the terms of reference of the director and on whether information about him is included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Sample instructions 2019

The document under discussion is approved by the head of the organization.

The job description of the executive director consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions including:
  • Job title;
  • chain of command;
  • procedure for appointment to a position;
  • assignment of powers to another person in the absence of the executive director;
  • the level of knowledge that a person appointed to this position must have;
  • a list of documents that guide the employee in his activities.
  • Functions performed by the executive director.
  • Job responsibilities including full list required to perform labor functions. It is recommended to draw up this section together with the head of the enterprise.
  • Rights that the executive director has.
  • Responsibility imposed on a person in the performance of his duties.
  • The job description of the executive director is drawn up taking into account the requirements of current labor legislation, listing the clear powers of the specified person. No additional requirements valid classification reference books and professional standards for the person appointed to this position have not been established, therefore it is permissible to draw up such a document taking into account the charter and current local regulations of the LLC.
