Russian State University named after Sholokhov Admissions Committee. Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov (MSGU named after Sholokhov) was founded in 1951 as a pedagogical institute with correspondence courses. Today it is a leader among Russian universities in the field of humanitarian technologies and applied humanities. About 15,000 students are studying at the university. The structure of MSGU includes 15 faculties and 9 branches in different Russian cities. Information about the university, its structure, areas of activity, conditions for admission is publicly available on the official website of Moscow State University for the Humanities.

MGGU im. Sholokhov official website - Home page

Navigating the MSGU website is quite easy. At the top line in the sblt bookmarks there are links to the Faculties and Branches of the University.

Faculties and Branches

By selecting the faculty you are interested in from the drop-down list, you can go to its web resource, where you will learn about the news and history of the faculty, its departments, levels of education, the educational process, the life of students of the faculty, find the schedule for groups of all specialties and courses, clarify the points, related to admission, you will find a map with the marked location of the faculty building.

Faculty of Journalism

On home page of the site in the upper right corner there are three links: to the site map, to contacts and to the version of the site on English language. Below is a button to log in. The main menu bar is located under the university logo. In it, menu items represent sections of the site devoted to information about the university, scientific and educational activities, student life and youth policy. The news section contains MSGU news, announcements of events and programs, interviews, and a schedule of open days.

News - Announcements (filter - education)

The latest news is also displayed on the main page in the left column.

Find out about current year's admissions campaign available in the section for applicants. It is represented on the main page by a large banner with several sub-items.

To the applicant

In the section of the admissions committee of Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities, you will find out its work schedule, find phone numbers and addresses. Information about the admission procedure, programs and schedule of entrance tests, rating lists, orders for enrollment - all this is published on the pages of this section.

Selection committee

First-year students will also be able to find useful information here, for example, on the issues of concluding tuition agreements on a paid basis, settling into dormitories, etc.

Instructions for freshmen

On the main page you can see announcements for various directions, on the right in the form of small icons there are links to photographs and the channel.

Below is an excerpt from a recent interview with a leading figure in higher education.

Interview on the main page

In the "Student Life" section in the secondary menu there is a link to Center for Career and Life Navigation. On this resource, students and graduates will receive help in finding employment, and will also learn about trainings and other events.

Career and Life Navigation Center

The structure of the university, its history, leadership, current situation and development program are described in the section "Our University"

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M. A. Sholokhov
(MGGU im. M. A. Sholokhova)
Year of foundation

Nechaev Vladimir Dmitrievich

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Postgraduate studies

Russia, Moscow

Legal address

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M. A. Sholokhov- one of the leading universities in Russia in the field of humanitarian technologies and applied humanitarian knowledge.

The university provides all levels of the educational ladder: pre-university training, bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, doctoral studies.

Based on Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov opened a Volunteer Center for training volunteers for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Sochi 2014.

The name of the university is associated with the name of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, an outstanding Russian writer who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1965.


University emblem 1951-2006

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was created as the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute in 1951 (MGZPI).

In 1987, the university opened full-time departments for Muscovites in the faculties of Russian language and literature, physics and mathematics, preschool education, and primary classes. In the early 90s, MGZPI demonstrated high mobility and sensitivity to modern realities, thanks to which in 1992 MGZPI was renamed the Moscow State Open Pedagogical Institute (MGOPI).

On January 10, 1995, the word “institute” in the name is changed to the word “university” and the university receives a new name - Moscow State Open Pedagogical University(MGOPU).

By decree of the Moscow government on May 16, 2000, the university was named after the writer M. A. Sholokhov, the resulting name was MGOPU named after. M. A. Sholokhova.

On October 19, 2006, the university became a humanitarian university and received a new name - Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M. A. Sholokhov (MSGU named after M. A. Sholokhov).

The university is one of the largest scientific centers on the problems of pedagogical and humanitarian education. Currently, the University has eight dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses.

Cooperation with scientific institutions is carried out on a large scale Russian Academy education. MSGU is a co-founder International Academy sciences teacher education(MANPO). Cooperation in the training of scientific personnel is expanding with universities in the CIS, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Iraq, Finland, Poland, China and other countries.

MGGU im. M. A. Sholokhova is one of the leading educational institutions in Russia in the humanities. The educational space of the university has been significantly expanded, and the training of specialists in a variety of humanitarian specialties has been launched.

The university has more than 30 thousand students in 30 specialties. Doctoral students are trained in 7 specialties, and graduate students are trained in 41.

About 7 thousand students enter the university every year.

During the existence of the university, over 80 thousand specialists have been trained.

The university includes 54 departments, 15 faculties with full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education, postgraduate and doctoral studies, 18 branches.

The university has three interuniversity centers: (1) for the development of technologies for environmental and pedagogical education, (2) distance education, (3) the Sholokhov Center.

The university includes the Institute of Informatization of Education.

The university is equipped with first-class educational laboratories and libraries with Internet access.

At the university there are training courses, there is a sports and recreation center and a sports club, a student theater and a folk ensemble. .

The educational process is conducted by famous professors, doctors and candidates of science, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education, members of foreign academies, honored figures of science, culture, art and education of the Russian Federation. More than 80% of teachers conduct classes using proprietary programs.

Among the most famous teachers are Naum Yakovlevich Vilenkin, Irina Sergeevna Sventsitskaya, Andrei Aleksandrovich Verbitsky, Robert Semenovich Nemov, Galina Alekseevna Avanesova, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Rapatskaya.

At the Faculty of Culture and musical art(at the vocal department) Nikolai Viktorovich Baskov, Anastas Alekseevich Mikoyan work. The artistic director of the variety department is Valery Miladovich Syutkin.

MSGU students actively participate as volunteers at the Russian Youth Delphic Games.


  • Institute of Law, Politics and Social Education
  • Ecology and Natural Sciences
  • Defectological
  • Design and Visual Arts
  • Journalism
  • Foreign languages ​​and international communications
  • Historical
  • Culture and musical art
  • Pedagogical
  • Psychology and Human Resource Management
  • Exact sciences and innovative technologies
  • Philological


  • Since 2001, Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhov is included in the list of the best pedagogical and linguistic universities in Russia (according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia).
Year Place
2001 6 of 74
2002 8-10 out of 73
2003 7-11 of 77
2004 7-11 of 78
2005 9-12 out of 73
2007 7-9 out of 74
2008 11-16 of 74
  • In 2010, Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov took 88th place out of 380 on the list best universities Russia according to the average Unified State Exam scores with which applicants came, and was among the twenty-five best universities in Moscow according to this indicator.
  • In 2011, Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M.A. Sholokhov took 151st place out of 359 in the list of the best universities in Russia based on average Unified State Examination scores. Average score - 63,8.
  • In 2012, Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhov took 118th place out of 359 in the list of the best universities in Russia based on average Unified State Exam scores. Average score - 68.5.
  • On November 1, 2012, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation published the results of monitoring the activities of federal educational institutions of higher professional education. Based on the results of monitoring at Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov was included in the list of universities whose activities are recognized as effective. (Monitoring was carried out in relation to 502 state universities and 930 branches of universities according to the following indicators: educational activities; research activities; International activity; financial and economic activities; infrastructure).

Academic buildings of Moscow State University for the Humanities in Moscow

  • st. Tashkentskaya, 18, building 4
  • st. 3rd Vladimirskaya, 7
  • st. Mikhailova, 12A


The university has 18 branches, in which more than 15 thousand students study full-time and part-time.

Training of specialists is carried out in all specialties available at the university. Special attention The branches pay attention to quality training of students and the content of education. In most branches, departments have been created and operate, which makes it possible to improve student learning and conduct more thorough research work.

Most branches are located in buildings owned by the university. All branches have Internet access, Email, there are opportunities to receive educational information from Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to student self-government.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of M. A. Sholokhov, an Internet conference of the branches of Moscow State Humanitarian University was held “Feat owed to the Cossack’s daring, and wealth to his hard work.” The conference was organized by the Stavropol branch of Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhova.

  • Anapa
  • Balabanovsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Derbent branch of Moscow State University for the Humanities named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Egoryevsky
  • Ekaterinburg branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Zheleznovodsk branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Kalmyk
  • Likino-Dulevsky
  • Pokrovsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2001.
  • Rostov branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Stavropol
  • Sergiev Posad branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov founded in 1999
  • Sterlitamak branch of Moscow State University for the Humanities named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2000.
  • Stupino branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov founded in 2009
  • Tomsk branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Ufa branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Cheboksary branch of Moscow State University for the Humanities named after. M. A. Sholokhov founded in 1999
  • Shadrinsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2000.
  • Yakut branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov founded in 1999
  • Open University of Israel, (Tel Aviv, Israel)
  • Brest State University named after. Pushkina, (Brest, Belarus)
  • Transnistrian State University named after. Shevchenko, (Tiraspol, Transnistrian Moldavian Republic)
  • University named after Konaeva, (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
  • Oklahoma State University, (Oklahoma, USA)
  • University of Gdansk, (Gdansk, Poland)

Moscow State Open Pedagogical University named after. M.A. Sholokhov was created as the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 28, 1951, signed by I.V. Stalin, and the subsequent order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated May 3, 1951 and the order of the Minister of Education of the RSFSR dated May 18, 1951 on the basis of the Central Correspondence Department of the oldest pedagogical university in Russia - Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. IN AND. Lenin, whose historical predecessor was the Moscow Higher Women's Courses (MVZhK) opened in 1872 by Professor V.I. Guerrier.

The rich pedigree largely determined the fate of the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute. MGZPI opened new page higher pedagogical education, taking on the mission of the methodological center correspondence education countries. His first students were demobilized war veterans and young teachers whose studies were interrupted by the war.

The rapid development of the institute was facilitated by the high scientific competence of the teaching staff, who attended the school of the oldest university in Russia, a sense of duty and responsibility to the Motherland for the fate of the younger generation, who survived difficult years war and losses in the country's teaching corps.

The initiator of the creation of an independent correspondence pedagogical institute, its first director and then rector (1951-1961) was Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Agababov Khachatur Artemyevich. A man with a strong, strong-willed character, he persistently achieved his goal, which raised the prestige of the university. Agababov Kh.A. gave more than half a century. scientific and pedagogical activities.

The training of specialists was carried out in seven specialties at seven faculties. In 1957, the Faculty of Art and Graphics was opened, and in 1958, the Faculty of Primary School Teachers.

The second rector of MGZPI (1961-1966) was associate professor, candidate of historical sciences Deza Valeryan Sergeevich, front-line soldier, participant of the Great Patriotic War. Under his leadership, the number of faculties reached ten: the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy was opened. In 1962, an editorial and publishing department was formed, which was later transformed into the Alpha Publishing House, which was entrusted with the function of providing students with educational literature and programs. Human tall, kind, charming, devoid of ambition and careerism, an excellent speaker, restrained and sincere in his relationships with people, straightforward and uncompromising in matters of principle, V.S. Deza loved the students, and the students reciprocated his love. They appreciated the originality of his thinking, the ease and grace with which he lectured.

From 1966 to 1985 the rector of the institute was professor, doctor of historical sciences Nikolai Savvatyevich Vinogradov. During this period, the institute firmly established itself as a scientific and methodological center for higher correspondence pedagogical education Russian Federation. The institute received the highest - first - category, significantly strengthened its material base - a new academic building was built in Vykhino, where the interior of the first floor was decorated with magnificent mosaics by students; two buildings were received for the educational building on Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya Street.

From 1985 to 1989, the rector of the MGZPI was professor, doctor philosophical sciences Nikitin Vladislav Alekseevich. In 1987, full-time departments were opened for Muscovites at the faculties of Russian language and literature, physics and mathematics, preschool education, and primary classes.

From 1989 to 2008, the rector of the University was Doctor of Philology, professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, laureate of the International Prize named after M.A. Sholokhov 1999 Kruglov Yuri Georgievich.

Many years of work experience allowed the MGZPI team to demonstrate high mobility and receptivity to innovations that reflect new social needs in the training of teaching staff. This entailed the renaming of MGZPI into the Moscow State Open Pedagogical Institute (MGOPI) in 1992, and on January 10, 1995, the university received university status and a new name - Moscow State Open Pedagogical University (MSOPU). By decree of the Moscow Government on May 16, 2000, MGOPU was named after the classic of Soviet and Russian literature M.A. Sholokhov.

In this series of renamings, the real need and search for the most accurate correspondence of the name of the university to its functions and the desire to effectively solve the whole range of problems put forward by the doctrine come to the fore. Russian education and, above all, the principle of accelerated development of personnel training and the increasing demands of society on the quality of teacher training.

The university is granted the right to conduct educational activities for training, advanced training and retraining of specialists at all levels of higher, postgraduate, additional and initial vocational education.

Currently, the university has 16 faculties that train teaching staff in 34 specialties and 41 areas of postgraduate education. The University maintains constant contact with the Moscow Committee of Education and the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. The effectiveness of this cooperation is facilitated by the educational and scientific complex, which includes teacher training colleges Moscow and Moscow region. The educational space of the university has been significantly expanded on the basis of 16 branches created in the territories of fourteen subjects of the Federation, as representatives of the capital’s education, which helps improve the quality of training and overcome the shortage of teaching staff. At the end of 2003, more than 35 thousand students were studying at the university, including about 18 thousand in its branches.

The establishment of the authority of MGOPU named after. M.A. Sholokhov is largely promoted by the ongoing personnel policy. The university has developed its own system for training candidates and doctors of science. For this purpose, postgraduate studies have been successfully operating in 41 specialties since 1962, and doctoral studies in 7 specialties have been operating since 1995. The university has 8 dissertation councils in 22 specialties, including 6 for defending doctoral dissertations. Complexity personnel policy The university is to a large extent determined by the wide range of profiles and structure of training in fundamental, natural, humanities, psychological and pedagogical sciences, art and culture.

Cooperation with scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Education is carried out on a large scale. MGOPU, together with MPGU, is the founder public association scientists - International Academy of Sciences of Teacher Education (IASPE). Cooperation in the training of scientific personnel is expanding with universities in the CIS, Germany, Israel, Iraq, India, Vietnam, and Jordan. More than 600 teachers work in 54 departments of the university: among them 187 professors, 308 associate professors, 355 have the academic title of Candidate of Sciences, 121 have the academic title of Doctor of Science, 5 academicians, 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education.

IN new generation scientific and pedagogical staff of the university more than a hundred teachers are graduates of MGZPI-MGOPU, including 40 people have academic degrees and the titles of doctors, professors, candidates of science and associate professors.

Highly qualified scientific and teaching staff of the university allow us to effectively solve research problems. University departments have obtained scientific results in various areas knowledge, and scientific and methodological developments have been carried out in a number of areas: theory and practice of teacher education, increasing the efficiency of training specialists without interruption from their main activities, distance education, environmental education, androgogy, technologies in the field of advanced training, scientific and methodological support for practical and social activities psychologist, diagnostics psychological development children and adolescents, medical and biological foundations of defectology, etc.

Scientific research is carried out by interuniversity centers. The Center for Distance Education (DCDE) works in the areas of preparing textbooks for the distance education system, conducting sociological research, and theoretical development current problems distance education, international cooperation. The Center for Environmental Education (TEKO-center) implements the project “Environmental Education in Europe”, takes part in the organization of international, all-Russian and regional conferences, symposiums, and seminars. Since 1995, the Sholokhov Center has been operating, studying creative heritage writer. The heads of these centers are university scientists Professor S.N. Glazachev, professor V.I. Ovsyannikov and Associate Professor T.V. Smirnova.

Since 2000, the structure of the university has included the Institute for Informatization of Education - ININFO, which is engaged in solving problems of informatization general education and appropriate training of teaching staff. Director of the Institute - Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, President of the Academy of Informatization of Education, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ya.A. Vagramenko.

results scientific research reflected in numerous publications by university staff. In 2003 alone, 37 monographs and 35 collections were prepared and published scientific works, 119 textbooks and teaching aids, 548 articles and 16 curricula. The consequence of the scientific and methodological work of the university is publishing activity. In 1962, the editorial and publishing department was created at MGZPI, subsequently the Alpha publishing house, whose main task is to provide students, teachers and methodologists, workers public education educational and scientific-methodological, scientific-practical and reference literature. More than one hundred titles of educational and educational literature, collections of scientific works of teachers, graduate students and students, and monographs are being prepared for publication.

An integral part educational process at the university is the research work of students. Final conferences are held annually. The winners of the competitions receive scholarships. M.A. Sholokhov and are recommended for admission to graduate school. The library provides a wide range of information services.

At the university, educational work is carried out according to a plan approved by the rector’s office. Such events as “Moscow Day”, “Knowledge Day”, initiation into students, “Teacher’s Day”, “MGOPU Veterans’ Day”, amateur art competition, New Year’s ball, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Health Day” have become traditional. ”, ceremonial events dedicated to Victory Day, sporting events and others. The museums of M.A. serve to educate the patriot and intellectual of Russia. Sholokhov and Yu.V. Bondareva. The appeal to folk art is becoming increasingly important in the cultural life of the university. These include meetings with folklore groups and the creation of a folklore and ethnographic study.

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov is an autonomous state educational institution higher professional education of federal subordination. Has the status of a legal entity.

Founded as the Moscow Correspondence Pedagogical Institute by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 28, 1951 No. 6392-r. By Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 6, 1992 No. 183 it was renamed the Moscow State Open Pedagogical Institute. By order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated December 29, 1994 No. 1263 and by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 1995 No. 10, the university was renamed the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University.

MSGU is accredited in accordance with Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1974 of June 24, 2005.

By Decree of the Moscow Government No. 335 of May 16, 2000, Moscow State Humanitarian University was named after M.A. Sholokhov.

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov– a leading Russian university in the field of humanitarian technologies and applied humanitarian knowledge.

The university was founded as the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute (MGZPI) by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 28, 1951.

Over the years, our university has been actively developing, renaming itself, adding new areas of training and raising its status. MGZPI, MGOPI, MGOPU - this is also us in the recent past. Now we are Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov (M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State Humanitarian University) is one of the largest universities in the country, which has graduated hundreds of thousands of highly qualified specialists over its more than 60-year history.

The University branches are located in 9 cities of the Russian Federation. On this moment More than 20,000 students study at the university, including from other countries.

The history of the university began in difficult times post-war years, when the country experienced a particularly acute need for correspondence training of specialists. It was our university that laid down and developed technologies and traditions distance learning in the humanitarian field. Traditions that to this day allow students to effectively combine practical activities with education. We have transferred this practice-oriented approach to learning to the field of full-time education, since we know firsthand that practical activities are the most reliable support for assimilation professional knowledge and skills.

Postgraduate studies and dissertation councils at Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov are open to everyone who has chosen a scientific direction in the field of humanitarian knowledge and technology.

The educational system of Moscow State University for the Humanities is based on. M.A. Sholokhov - a competency-based approach, the essence of which is not what disciplines a student should take, but what he should learn, what knowledge to gain, what skills to develop in order to become a professional

MGGU im. M.A. Sholokhov provides all levels of the educational ladder. You can take pre-university training courses, enter the University, and having successfully mastered the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels, defend your master's and doctoral dissertations, becoming a guru in the field of applied humanitarian knowledge and technology.

You can come to us already having a higher education and improve your qualifications by choosing the necessary program from the catalog additional education or any direction of master's degree preparation. A unique master’s profile, “tailored” to the necessary competencies that are significant in modern world 21st century, will expand your opportunities for professional growth.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of M. A. Sholokhov, an Internet conference of the branches of Moscow State Humanitarian University was held “Feat owed to the Cossack’s daring, and wealth to his hard work.” The conference was organized by Stavropol branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhova.



    Balabanovsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.

    Derbentsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.


    Ekaterinburgsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.

    Zheleznovodsk branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.



    Pokrovsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2001.

    Rostovsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.


    Sergiev Posadsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov founded in 1999

    Sterlitamak branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2000.

    Stupinsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov founded in 2009

    Tomsk branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.

    Ufa branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.

    Cheboksary branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov founded in 1999

    Shadrinsky branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2000.

    Yakut branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M. A. Sholokhov founded in 1999


She studied at the Faculty of Journalism. Wonderful dean Tatyana Viktorovna! Teacher Svetlana Yurievna! Methodist Olga Nikolaevna. And many others. Quality education, a responsible approach to our studies, humanity, kindness. Everything was wonderful. Thank you.

I absolutely do not like this university. Unfortunately, I continue to study at the Faculty of Law correspondence department. Classes are regularly cancelled, but they demand payment, threatening expulsion if payment is delayed, while the dean’s office reports a false amount for the semester, after which the entire group develops a debt, which no one is aware of. They never inform about the date and time of classes; everyone finds out the information themselves as they want. If a certain day and time for lectures are suddenly appointed, this does not mean that they will take place, students argue all day long at the university, and the dean’s office reports that classes have been canceled for unknown reasons. The methodologist never knows anything. It is not possible to reach the dean's office at all. So there are a lot of complaints about the training procedure. And the fact that only a few teachers provide real knowledge, and not some kind of rubbish, is generally better to remain silent about. If I knew what was in this educational institution such nonsense would never go there. So I advise people not to go there.

GOOD UNIVERSITY! I study in the evening department at the Faculty of Philology, the form of education is budgetary. Came to study at the university in 2008. immediately after pedagogical college, entering the 3rd year. Practical knowledge I received my teaching profession while still in college. Here, every time I meet different teachers - interesting and not so, competent and so-so. I would especially like to thank T.M. Voitelev for the demanding, non-appealing and practical orientation of the teaching methodology course. She is one of the few teachers who makes comments to students with a low cultural level. And it is right! I like to study and I feel that besides working at school, I need something else for my soul. And this is our university! I agree with those who claim that you can study anywhere, if only you have the desire. Many students don’t have it; they think they just need to get a diploma higher education. THANK YOU TO ALL THE TEACHERS OF THE FACULTY OF PHILOLOGY AND MASHA (Dean's Office)!

Talk about “freebies and brains” is not entirely relevant. I haven’t started studying yet, but I can say that I already want to terminate the contract. There really is a feeling that they just decided to make money off of you. This comes through in everything, in the boorish and dismissive attitude of the dean and the employees in the dean’s office. You can hang around the door for at least an hour, and everyone can see you; in response to a timid excuse from someone you can ask this and that, there follows a “hard tone” and the standard answer “I don’t know anything,” etc. The program of lectures and subjects is still unknown to me, although I have tried several times to familiarize myself with the training plan. The teaching staff is very fond of talking about how we are all moving towards commercial education like in the West. Yes, everything is so, but besides the fact that in the West there is commercial education, it also has a completely different quality standard. I studied for the ACCA certificate (English standard for financial workers) in absentia, and I can say that their distance learning and ours were not comparable in quality. The textbooks, manuals and plans for high-quality distance learning there are so well developed, the teachers there are so responsible for their reputation that this is only worthy of respect!

Graduated from the Faculty of Culture and Musical Art. I'm surprised by the negative reviews on other sites. It seems that they were written by not quite adequate people. The only big drawback there is the lack of classes, there are not enough offices. And so... Dean Rapatskaya Lyudmila Aleksandrovna is a good leader, she delves into students’ problems very quickly and solves them as quickly as possible - she herself is a repeated witness of this. Kazak Zoya Ivanovna - gave lectures with us. You look at her, listen with your mouth open and understand that this is exactly what the Russian intelligentsia was and should be. Budnitskaya Tatyana Adievna - simply SUPERB!!! She is a doka in pop-jazz vocals. He can teach anyone to sing. I know that students simply adore her. A sea of ​​charm, energy, kindness over the edge. At the same time, she is strict and fair - freebies do not work for her. In the pop department, she is a real leader. I could go on for a long time. There, at the faculty, most of the teachers are people who are passionate about their profession and, I think, many agree with me. Thank them very much, one gratitude!

Hello. Since 2008, I studied for three years at the Faculty of Design in this sharaga. Teachers did not come to lectures without explanation. Tuition costs are constantly rising. The quality of education is very questionable; students are left to their own devices. The dean's office never knows anything; they answer all questions with a poker face. I decided that this was due to the characteristics of the faculty. I took my documents and entered linguistics at the same university with full confidence that now everything will be different. Now 1st year, evening department, linguistics. So: 1. They promised two foreign languages, now they said that there won’t be a second one. 2. Those who applied to become English teachers also ended up in our group (they changed their specialty without even asking. Apparently the group didn’t fill up). Teachers don't want to do their work and constantly miss lectures. Almost everyone at our faculty works and they have to ask for time off so they can sit in the hallway and go home. Someone simply drags to the other end of Moscow for this news. A certain Valiulina missed 4 classes, they didn’t even warn us about two. The dean's office never knows where the teacher is or why he is not there. In general, if you are thinking about whether to do it or not, don’t do it.

109004, Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 73

Our university has glorious history, which goes back to the distant 50s of the last century. Since 2010, the university has been involved in the implementation of a major project - targeted training of specialists from among the Cossacks. The total number of Cossacks studying at the university is more than two thousand people.

In 2012, Moscow State Textile University named after. Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin joined the Moscow University of Design and Technology as a structural unit. A new one has begun joint history two outstanding universities in the country. Today, the united university has a wealth of experience, knowledge in textile and light industry, scientific achievements, and most importantly, new ideas and projects that will definitely come to life. In October 2016, MGUDT was renamed into RSU named after. A.N. Kosygina (Technology. Design. Art)

Today, the popularity of professional retraining programs is growing and increasing year by year. The very structure of the educational process is changing, the number of practical classes in relation to theory is increasing. There is a need for educational programs allowing you to combine study with full-time work. Today's students demand knowledge that they can acquire faster than five or six years of study and immediately put into practice. All this is fully provided to you by the School. computer graphics and design at Moscow State University design and technology.

Moscow Higher School of Economics is a multidisciplinary educational organization that has been providing services in the field of Additional, Additional Vocational education. More than 70 thousand people have studied at the Moscow Higher School of Economics. We know how to successfully run a business - come and we will teach you.

The Institute is the legal successor of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, founded in 1843, transformed in 1917 into the Free Art Workshops, in 1920 - into the Higher Art and Technical Workshops, in 1926 - into the Moscow Higher State Art and Technical Institute of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR , which by Council Resolution People's Commissars On May 13, 1934, the USSR was transformed into the Moscow Institute of Fine Arts. By resolution of the Committee on Affairs High school under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on August 9, 1939, it was renamed the Moscow State Art Institute, which, on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on August 5, 1947, the Moscow State Art Institute was transferred to the jurisdiction of the USSR Academy of Arts, and since 1992 - to the authority Russian Academy of Arts.
