The most faithful and devoted signs of the zodiac. The most walking and most faithful signs of the zodiac

Loyalty is an important quality for any person. Not all Zodiac Signs are devoted in love and friendship, ready to go to the end with a loved one, supporting him no matter what.

Loyalty is important not only in love, but also in family ties, in friendship, in work. There are Zodiac Signs who are looking only for their own benefit, so you shouldn’t expect loyalty from them. It is impossible to condemn these people, because no one knows their true goals, vices and weaknesses.


Aries are quite loyal. They do not abandon their friends in trouble, and this is characteristic of almost all representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Aries just express their feelings with devotion. Even if they don't feel like helping you, they will still help you. They live at a fairly fast pace, but will always find time to support you in something important. It is very strange that these people sacrifice their time for the sake of loved ones and friends, but in fact there is nothing strange, because Aries just like the “movement”. They can even go to another city at night just to find adventure in a famous place.


Taurus are loyal, but not always, and often their motives become clear later, when they remember all their efforts. Their actions can tell about the character of Taurus, because these people can rarely control themselves. They are like an open book, so sometimes they themselves don’t know when they can be themselves and when they need to play along a little. They help you, but then you will have to work off this imaginary devotion by helping them in return. What’s really good is that they will also take into account your desire to help them and be always there for them in the future, happily fulfilling their “debt.”


Geminis really want to look loyal, but they are very bad at it. If they stay in their comfort zone, they are unlikely to step out of it to help you. The fact is that they are not petty, but they really love it when they feel good. They will forget everything you did for them, but you have a chance to make them remember if you try. You just need to put pressure on them and tell them what they owe you. Their positive side is that they won't be upset with you for it. They take debt recovery of any nature seriously.


Cancers are one of the most loyal people, but only for a certain circle of people. They will do anything for their family, demanding the same from you if you are part of this close circle. The energy of family relationships is decisive for them in everything. If you are not their best friend, then the chances of feeling support from them are zero, no more. That’s the way they are designed—you can’t change that in any way, ever. If you help them, it is not a fact that they will help you.

a lion

Many experts classify Leos as selfish Zodiac Signs. This is true, but remember yourself - don’t you love to do something just for your loved ones? Leos may be the kings of selfishness, but if you helped them at least once, then you will absolutely see their devotion. Leos have some kind of internal switch that puts them on alert if you give them even the slightest help. Of course, the fuse will not last long, but Leos will not leave in trouble someone who was with them in difficult times - have no doubt.


Virgos need to help others in order to protect themselves from envious people, because most of these people believe that with their help they can force a person to stop treating them badly. On the other hand, there are Virgos who only help those who help them. This is already done for reasons of caution, because Virgos hate wasting their time. Of course, they can show loyalty to someone who has done them no good, but this will greatly lower their mood and self-esteem.


AND positive emotions for Libra is mutual devotion. They really value people who do something nice for them, so they themselves try to respond kindly. Of course, in real world This happens quite rarely, but Libra knows how to wait, so they are always surrounded by love and good friends. Libras are rarely deceived or disappointed, but even in these rare cases they remain optimistic. Representatives of this Sign are very loyal.


Scorpios always try to resolve conflicts with their devotion. They want to see the world in harmony, so they will not lose the desire to help a friend or to a loved one. Scorpios have a hard time making negative decisions. Of course, few people enjoy throwing people out of their lives, but it is doubly difficult for Scorpios to do this. They just want people in their lives who can do something specific for them. They are always ready to meet you halfway.


Sagittarius is no more useful than things found and picked up on the street. You will never know what they are. Sagittarians can turn out to be both very loyal individuals and the absolute opposite, sucking all the juice out of you and doing nothing in return. In general, these people are kind, but absolutely insatiable, striving to get more benefits in the shortest possible time. Be careful with Sagittarians until you get to know them better.


For Capricorns, their absolutely absent desire to meet people halfway prevents them from becoming happier. Despite the fact that this Zodiac Sign belongs to the earth element, its representatives very poorly understand the importance of devotion. These people are petty and are always on their own wavelength. They cannot be changed - they do not wish harm to anyone. They just perceive the surrounding reality very strangely. When they are reproached for something, they do not understand it because they do not want to understand or are afraid to change themselves.


The secret of Aquarius' energy is their desire to constantly improve themselves. They know the value of loyalty, which is why many representatives of this Zodiac Sign can be the most loyal people from your environment. For the sake of their friends, they are ready to hit the road in the rain, in the snow, in a hurricane. They don’t care about the rules - they break them for the sake of friendship, because for them the meaning of life lies in communication, in common affairs with other people. What can I say, they can help you just out of politeness.


Pisces are not particularly eager to help anyone, but if they have no choice or reason to refuse, they will help you. In principle, these people can be called quite devoted. The only thing you need to do is ask them normally and politely. It’s like they are clearing karma by helping someone, so don’t look for other reasons in their creative actions. Of course, you can threaten them, but then you yourself will be a fool. Pisces, despite their outward harmlessness, can be quite strong personalities who do not forgive insults.

Girls and boys who are looking for a partner or are already in a relationship often ask what is the most faithful zodiac sign for men and women. It's time to talk about this exciting topic. Who is faithful according to the horoscope and who is prone to betrayal?

First, let's look at the zodiac signs in general, and then we'll talk separately about men and women.

Your man’s horoscope will allow you to find out everything about a man by his date of birth: character, preferences in love and ways to win him.

FORECAST FOR 2019 - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will also receive a personalized calendar of lucky and unlucky days for 2019.

Cancers are the most family people in the zodiac. They love the comfort of home. And in order to gain strength and energy for business, Cancer simply needs to relax on his favorite sofa and soak up the hot bath with foam.

The ideal family for Cancer is big family with several children, where everyone gathers in the evenings for dinner, eats delicious home-cooked food and shares news.

Both men and women of this sign are prone to fidelity in marriage. Cheating for them is betrayal. Someone may be trying to attract Cancer into an affair. And Cancer may not refuse right away. But as soon as the conversation turns to intimacy, he will immediately remember his beloved family and children, and will run as fast as he can to his home. Then he will remember this unpleasant event for a long time.

The most faithful wives according to zodiac signs

It's time to talk separately about men and women. Let's consider the ranking of the most faithful wives by zodiac sign.

  • Taurus ladies take first place on this list. They are very seductive and charming. They love to flirt and have affairs. But after getting married, the Taurus girl calms down and spends a lot of energy on the household. She is a wonderful housewife, whose house is always cozy and the interior is tastefully decorated.
  • In second place in the ranking are Capricorns. These women are idealists. They strive to create a healthy atmosphere in the home. They are strict with children, but fair. They know how to support their husband and inspire him to achieve career achievements for the benefit of the family. In marriage they remain faithful.
  • In third place are Sagittarius. Having had enough fun before the wedding, the Sagittarius girl settles down and becomes a faithful, devoted wife. The Sagittarius has a lot of friends and communication; other men may try to seduce her, but she will not succumb to their persuasion, because she values ​​family ties.

The most faithful husbands according to zodiac signs

Great, we've dealt with the women. Well, now the rating of the most faithful zodiac signs among men.

  • Capricorn rightfully takes first place. This man is so attached to his family that he does not allow the thought of betrayal. He works hard to provide a comfortable life for his wife and children. And when he comes home in the evening, he needs family comfort and care, which help relieve stress.
  • Second place goes to Virgos. Men of this zodiac sign - good husbands and practical owners. Maybe a Virgo guy won't be as bright and enthusiastic as an Aries or Sagittarius, but he really appreciates and respects his chosen one. He can also easily nail a shelf in the garage or paint a wall.
  • Well, the honorable third place remains with the Lions. It was not in vain that they chose the best of the best as their wife. So should we look for someone else now? What stupidity! Leo is proud of the achievements of his family, but even more proud of the beauty and charm of his chosen one. He will be fascinated by his wife long years, if, of course, she behaves like a queen.

These are the most faithful signs of the zodiac. However, fidelity depends not only on the horoscope. Personal traits person and his level of development also have an impact big influence. Therefore, even reliable rating signs can sometimes turn out to be unreliable. And those who are called potential cheaters must remain faithful all their lives.

Every woman dreams of finding one man to whom she will be faithful until the end of her days and in whom she will be confident. Of course, the search for such a life partner sometimes takes up a significant part of our lives.

But Cosmopolitan magazine decided to make your search a little easier by telling you which Zodiac sign is considered the most attached to one woman, compiling a fidelity rating for you on a scale from 1 - monogamous to 3 - ladies' man.

Aries: hot head and passionate heart

If our “experimental” fell in love, at this stage you are definitely lucky - he is romantic and sentimental. Aries tends to trust his feelings and sensations, so he will promise everything you want. But let's not rush things. Aries is a conqueror, and after achieving a goal, our handsome guy can easily switch to a new object. And yet, in a relationship he is calm and confident, he will become a good protector, a loving and faithful husband, a wonderful father, and an equally wonderful lover. However, Aries cannot be called the most faithful sign, given his love for new sensations.

Taurus: does not chase Casanova’s laurels, and rarely loses his head

Taurus men are outwardly closed, but the feelings of representatives of this sign are very deep. And they are also very persistent: they will achieve their goal at any cost, therefore, if you saw desire in his eyes, remember that for Taurus desires and feelings are the same thing, which means that the boy is in love, and you are really lucky. In love, Taurus are very gentle, passionate, touching and not burdened with unnecessary questions. And if Taurus got married, it means his choice is completely conscious, he counts on reciprocity and fidelity. Therefore, Taurus can safely be considered the most faithful man!

Gemini: Impermanence is consistency

Gemini men are a complete mystery, a rebus. They are, in principle, very cold-blooded; at the beginning of a relationship, the desire to know and get to know you is clearly noticeable. But there comes a period when Gemini begins to “withdraw into himself.” At this time, he clearly analyzes everything, and if the Gemini man understands that the relationship is profitable and comfortable, it will continue, but if not, he is looking for a new goal. Therefore, as a rule, they are very fickle and prone to breaking up relationships. This does not mean that you should not get involved with Gemini men, no, you just need to know some of the features of their character.

Cancer: so beautiful, but so unfaithful

The Cancer man, at first glance, is one of the most reliable partners, a faithful lover and an ideal family man. In fact, Cancers only strive for their own comfort. The Cancer man finds an excuse for everything, while he himself is never to blame. Even if his girlfriend finds him in bed with another, he will come up with 100 reasons and excuses, and you will be the one to blame for the situation. Cancer men are very promiscuous in relationships. However, among Cancers there are also those who have been devoted to their girlfriend since their youth. Or after 35 years.

Lion is the king of the animals?

Leo men can often be picked out from a crowd by their appearance alone. They have a strong physique (or strive for such), are well dressed, well-combed, love nice branded clothes - they are materialists. They also give gifts willingly. Leo is one of the most faithful signs of the Zodiac. You can break up with Leo for the following reasons: if you put yourself above him, if you surpass Leo in career success, if you are trying to manage relationships. For the rest, you can be sure: Leo will be reliable and faithful to you!

Virgos: reliable and practical, but why is this not appreciated?

Virgo men are not very simple. They don’t like theatrical performances, so they won’t dance with you until the morning and read poetry under your windows. The Virgo man always analyzes and pays attention to details, he remembers what you were wearing, how you behaved, what you said. Sex for such a man is not just physical contact. They are quite squeamish and selective, afraid of becoming infected with something, so they have practically no casual connections. So, despite some “boringness” of the sign, Virgos are faithful men.

Libra ruled by Venus

Libras are honest, attentive, and can be reliable friends and partners. Libra men are not conquerors; they can break even in everyday matters when the situation develops in such a way that they cannot or do not have time to adapt to it. They like to please, seduce, play, and in return they expect praise, recognition, approval and admiration. Libra men love stability and balance, so they rarely become the reason for betrayal and breakups. If he cheats, he will be caught because he himself will not be comfortable.

Scorpio: the best lover?

It is generally accepted that Scorpios are the best in bed. A Scorpio man does not need accessibility: the less accessible and understandable, the better, the greater the interest, the stronger the excitement. Scorpio has two components - soul and flesh. Most often he uses the second one, but access to the soul must be earned. And these two components are constantly in conflict: the soul wants to be faithful, and the flesh... Well, you know where it is calling. Therefore, the Scorpio man is considered the most unfaithful of the zodiac signs. But Scorpios still get married, and if this happens, you are lucky: he protects his home and family like a fortress.

Sagittarius - he is also a Sagittarius in Africa

The name of the sign is very harmonious and in tune with its bearer. Sagittarius men are lifelong experimenters, and it doesn't matter what he discovers or receives - it's the process itself that matters. They want to try everything. However, they come in two types: the first redirect their sexual energy to creation, creativity and service to other people; and the latter become true Don Juans. Moreover, love for such representatives of the sign is a sport, a game, an adventure. Sagittarians get married when they understand that an ideal partner does not exist and they will have to be content with what they have.

Capricorn - this is real stability!

Capricorns fall in love very difficult, but if this happens, their love is very deep. Capricorns are not particularly good at expressing their feelings, they are not romantics, but this in no way prevents them from creating strong relationships. If Capricorn fell in love with a woman, you can be absolutely sure that he will not cheat and will refuse divorce. Capricorn does not need to be conquered by sophisticated outfits or wonderful makeup; he is rather a conservative, and will appreciate an ordinary classic suit much more than a clown outfit. Capricorn in marriage is practical, thrifty and hardworking. He demands the same attitude from his partner.

Aquarius: freedom is our everything!

Aquarians are not used to asking, so if you want a relationship with them, take the first step, and he will step forward. Aquarians are often monogamous, therefore they are faithful in marriage. They trust their partner, do not control them and often compromise. But, paradoxically, divorces are very common among Aquarius. And this happens because the partner believes that Aquarius does more for others than for the family. Aquarius may leave when he feels that he is “housebound.” At the same time, he has been preparing a retreat plan for a long time, but everything happens suddenly, according to the plan “he went for bread in slippers and did not return.”

Pisces: sensuality and soulfulness

Pisces men are soft and kind, they know how to dream and empathize. Love comes to them quietly and imperceptibly, over time it matures and develops. These are exactly those representatives of the Zodiac who can read poetry and sing serenades under the window. But, as we know, one coin always has two sides. The second is that instead of sublime feelings and emotions, Pisces often choose exclusively sexual pleasure. But in marriage, Pisces men are the most attached and devoted, they do everything for the family.

Now let's look at women from the point of view of the horoscope

Aries - a weak woman with a strong character

The Aries woman is guided by a strong will, but can become irrational) romantic, unpredictable at any moment. She starts affairs periodically, out of curiosity, for the sake of variety or from an excess of strength. In marriage, he takes lovers for the same reason. When she wants to attract attention to herself, she does it according to the principle of a lamp burning brightly and slightly over the edge in the dark. All the moths are simply flocking to her light. But others may not like this turn of events. This can play a cruel joke on her. They will say, “She’s pushing right through.”
She is sincere and straightforward, active and assertive. If she wants her own way, then she acts directly and decisively. She wants to be liked without affectation and various feminine tricks, but just like that. Behind beautiful eyes The Aries woman will be active and natural in her personal life. She will not hide her likes and dislikes and can be the first to declare her love. Weak men fly to her like moths to the light. The strong feel they will have to fight with her, but they can rely on her.
An Aries woman can be both a feminist and a man-hater, but she is never a prude and does not stoop to petty squabbles. If she decides to “live” a man's life", then she brings grief to herself and others, and then her husband is a weak-willed being at his beck and call, and there is no happiness. When "she can’t bear to get married,” it’s just as easy for her to go down the aisle as it is not to do this act. She has too much to do and desires. Marriage with Aries is not uncommon. Aries also get along with Leos and Sagittarius. One drawback in these relationships: they flare up quickly, quickly extinguish. But a marriage is so good if it is not the first.
When an Aries woman thinks about a family with Gemini, Aquarius and Libra, then mutual language easy to find. Spouses remain friends, associates, and partners for a long time. A marriage with Capricorn and Cancer works out if the man immediately agrees to take on some of the household chores, which, as a rule, happens. Marriages with Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio cannot be explained in two words. They are rare, but they happen. The Aries woman is a good mother, a faithful wife, as long as she loves, because every time she idealizes a man, family, marriage and all that stuff. And she gives birth to a child for each of her husbands. This woman knows how to stand up for herself, her husband, children and family. She is a mistress in the sense that she is the mistress of her home and the keeper of the hearth. Keeping a beautiful Aries woman by your side is difficult. Firstly, because of the spirit of competition, and secondly, you always need to comply with it. She must recognize the superiority of a man in some way in order to submit to him. If a man is not a fool, he will direct her energy in a peaceful direction and give her reasonable freedom. Otherwise, she will take it herself without asking.
The Aries woman should feel like an individual, the center of everything. She knows how to get her way, to overtake a hesitant male representative at a turn. An unfulfilled Aries woman is dangerous and unhappy at the same time. Trust and honesty towards her is a must. And you need to quarrel with her periodically, but on minor issues. This adds flavor to the marriage and prevents the blood from stagnating. The spirit of competition manifests itself in her not only in work and communication, but also in clothing. But by and large, for her it is always more important not how a person is dressed, but what he represents.

Taurus is the mistress of the copper mountain

The Taurus woman is largely conservative and very predictable in nature. This is the daughter of Venus, and Venus is the love and beauty of the world in its physical, living embodiment. And the beauty of the world cannot be felt in the anxiety and anger of days. Venus is virtue and sensuality, attractiveness and organicity, naturalness and charm. In addition, the Taurus woman has those qualities that often spoil a man, but adorn the weaker sex. However, the Taurus woman is not so weak. And if she is not enough for decisive and quick actions, then she can handle constant efforts. It is difficult to say which field suits her best. Probably her most important trait is to always remain a woman. Being a woman is a difficult and responsible job in itself. And Taurus women cope with this job. They captivate with femininity, beauty, inner peace, tenderness.
The Taurus woman is jealous and treats a man as her property. He does not forgive betrayal, because he idealizes life and tries to live according to the rules and laws of decency. He is extremely stubborn and wants to exist in accordance with his inner law. A sense of duty towards loved ones is her indispensable character trait. For the same reason, she is afraid of sharp turns in life and stands guard over stability. The Taurus woman is looking for a reliable, wealthy man and agrees to devote her life to him. She will not buy into promises alone; she will not perform feats in the name of a bright future. The Taurus woman herself knows how to be a worthy friend, a good housewife, a faithful wife and a demanding mother. This talent is given to her from birth. And she also knows how to save and accumulate, save and protect, console and inspire a man to take action. She is attracted to real men, courageous and reliable. She knows how to create comfort, run a household and please, as if she was born just for family life and love. It’s worth immediately warning her against marriage to Leo, Aries and Gemini, the divorce statistics are too disappointing. The classic case is marriage to an Aquarius man. There are plenty of examples. Taurus women get along well with men of their own sign.

Gemini - the unbearable lightness of being

In Gemini women woman's heart, but a man's mind. They understand male logic. Everything can be explained to them in words. But such duality carries with it a contradiction and, as a consequence, nervousness. Gemini women are easy-going about gender relations and marriage. Gemini women also easily come into contact with men. They are ready to try a lot of options before choosing the most acceptable one. They are agile in communication, smart, cheerful, cheerful, witty, and easily go on adventures. Therefore, in a family, Gemini women are not only wives, mistresses and housewives, but also friends and leaders of their men.
They show business qualities without difficulty and prefer to achieve their goals through their own efforts, without relying on providence and fortune. Gemini women easily imitate, imitate, show strong-willed character traits and are ready to fight for their happiness. They love with their ears, but value practicality and the ability to keep abreast of events. They are attracted to bright and unusual actions, the process of courtship itself. Gemini women love guests, trips, variety. You won't get bored with them, but they don't like to be bored either.
Gemini women are willing to admit that there is something in astrology, but they will choose men at their own discretion: democratically, practically and carefree. And no one will be denied attention. The main thing is that he is smart and fit... Formalization of relationships in this case is the key to success. Maybe by modern standards this is for the better. But light flirting is one thing, and another thing is when the relationship acquires depth. Here the Geminis are just no good. They find it difficult to establish deep emotional contact with their partner. It's not that they don't want it. They just don't understand what we're talking about. Gemini women should be aware of this disadvantage or advantage (it all depends on your perspective on the situation). And it wouldn’t hurt their gentlemen to have information on this matter, so as not to demand from their beloved what she cannot.
Gemini women get along well with their own sign. They quickly and cheerfully form married couples with Aries. Gemini's relationships with Capricorns develop naturally; they complement each other. Successful results often arise in such a couple. business relationship. I want to warn you about marriages with men of the water element. This is exactly the case when the logic of the mind and the illogicality of feelings will be in an unbalanced state, and this almost always means misunderstanding and resentment.

Cancer - the princess and the pea

The Cancer woman is a subtle, sensitive nature, although she hides it. She knows a lot about marriage and was born for family life. Can take on various social roles, but will never sacrifice them to personal and family well-being. In choosing a man, as in life in general, she is pragmatic and carefully chooses her husband, despite all her ephemerality and dreaminess. A Cancer woman is often a mystery to a man who is used to thinking with his head and using facts and not paying attention to the subtle nuances of relationships.
The Cancer woman is distinguished by significant changes in mood and, oddly enough, is very practical in the realities of life: in relation to marriage, family, everyday problems, property, housing issue. Classical astrology claims that Cancer women are subject to the influence of the feminine planet itself - the Moon. It is this luminary that endows them with the above-mentioned qualities. She is a supporter of peace and harmony, family traditions and values. Combines rigor and romance, intelligence and feeling. This is a good and caring mother, a faithful wife. Such a woman has a highly developed sense of duty. Her family and home often come first.
Cancer women actually know exactly what they want from life and from their chosen ones. This woman chooses a man who she can rely on and who would provide for her. Therefore, her marriages with strong representatives of the stronger sex are not uncommon, despite the fact that Gemini, Libra and Aquarius simply do not understand her emotional life, and Aries, Leo and Sagittarius cannot explain her actions.

Leo - Vanity Fair

The Leo woman understands well the difference between love, sex and marriage. She is ready to immediately establish relationships with a man partnerships and makes high demands on the male tribe. The Leo woman herself is not going to give up first place in social competitions with men without a fight, spoiling them a fair amount of blood and nerves. Having achieved what she wants, the Leo woman calms down, because, despite all her strong-willed qualities, a secure and predictable existence will come, which, as we know, cannot be built in continuous battles for personal well-being
Leo woman loves social life, entertainment, wealth, strives for a high position and leadership role. Loves to be the center of attention or on leadership position. She is quite pragmatic, realistic, energetic and vain.
The Leo woman has a developed will, she can stand up for herself, her family and her ideas about life. Her attitude towards children can be a standard if she intends to have children. Possessing great internal energy and ambitions, the Leo woman cannot fully realize herself in the family, so she will strive for active life outside the home - at work, in sports, anywhere. She often crushes her husband under her and takes control of everyone family matters into your own hands. As a rule, this is how unhappy families arise.
The Leo woman chooses either a strong man, endowed with power and wealth, or someone who is easy to push around. She does not show any special astrological preferences, since, as already noted, she never commits a marriage act spontaneously, at the call of her heart or because of a whim. In addition, it easily formalizes relationships based on the common benefit and convenience of coexistence. Feeling self-esteem, the nobility of the soul helps her emerge with dignity from various life situations. If such a woman is endowed with high internal ideals, she can serve as an adornment to any society.

Virgo - a quiet backwater

He has a calm, even character. She is equally characterized by a sense of duty to loved ones and compassion for the weak. This is an exemplary housewife, she is hardworking, thrifty, diligent, and always ready to help. Practicality and realism do not allow her to lose ground under her feet. However, the Virgo woman does not strive for a career or fame and is ready to sacrifice all these social changes for the sake of family and domestic happiness. She reluctantly has children, but will raise them with passion.
The Virgo woman is either very neat or a slob. Either she is striving for ideals, or she is immersed headlong in the routine of life. She is more of a moral example than its opposite. Usually she keeps the house in perfect order and lives according to legalized rules. The Virgo woman is emotionally restrained, often indecisive, love plans, but lets things take their course. This person has a delicate mental organization, and she can be offended by a careless word.
The Virgo woman trusts her mind as well as her heart. Therefore, she feels more than others her insecurity and the gap between what is desired and what is actual. To cope with this psychological problem, she tries to occupy herself with activities, worries, and responsibilities that are endless and permanent. The Virgo woman is modest, shy, but often forgets about it. She chooses a husband who meets her requirements and ideas. And therefore she is often disappointed in men.

Libra - the snow queen

The Libra woman combines ephemerality, softness, courtesy and toughness, strong-willed and fighting qualities. Usually she is a beautiful, subtle, attractive person. However, unemotionality and some arrogance are inherent in the Libra woman. She values ​​herself highly and is created for a secular, easy, optional life. Libra woman loves nice talking, comfort, it is not adapted to serious physical and mental stress. The future spouse should know this and protect his chosen one from sudden changes and adversity.
The Libra woman has a developed sense of beauty, but she may seem cold and distant. It makes her look like Snow Queen from a famous fairy tale. She has the art of pleasing, since she is also under the protection of the planet female beauty and beauty in general - Venus. Men always revolve around her. She can also be the standard of female beauty. However, while showing friendliness and conformism, she confuses love and good attitude towards herself. Adult life The Libra woman starts early. She chooses her husband for herself and marries several times.

Scorpio - witch by residence

Do not be deluded by the fact that you got a woman who is sensual, mysterious, modest, flexible, and affectionate. Every medal has two sides. And your gentle doll, by the way, knows how to stand up for herself. Her inner emotional life is rich and intense. She has a strong character, a gentle heart and a determined mind. He won’t let himself be offended. She is emotional and romantic in her personal life, but this does not prevent her from being practical in business and work.
Blonde-haired Scorpio women are strikingly reminiscent of Virgos, but they also have their own original qualities and habits.
A Scorpio woman can simultaneously manifest female character and show strong-willed qualities. She would like to spend her energy outside the home and preferably for peaceful purposes. Women of this type are endowed with special flair and intuition. Scorpio instinctively knows who her chosen one is. She chooses a man for herself. A fresh gentleman only vaguely suggests something about future prospects, but our villain sees in advance what and how she will have with him. She is especially not mistaken in her assessment of men. Scorpios are jealous to the point of madness.
A Scorpio woman can influence her man with feminine charms quite effectively. He doesn’t have to be nearby for this, her thoughts on the matter are enough. Cleopatra pushes the proud Anthony around like a boy and does not part with her poisonous snakes. The Queen of Sheba is not afraid to challenge Solomon himself. Margarita, in love, knows better than the Master himself what he needs, and is ready for him through fire and water. The queen of the night, Shahrazad, fools the stupid sensualist Shahriyar for a thousand and one nights. She gets away with everything. In our madam's improvised salon, fairy tales full of romance, adventure, secrets and eroticism sound. She is a witch, I'll tell you a secret.
The one who makes friends with the devil and flies on a broom on holidays. Conspiracies, curses, herbal treatments - all this is her part. She attracts men to her like a magnet or, conversely, repels them immediately. This is explained by the sensual fluids that emanate from her. She is like a vampire, but it is not her fault, since she is a vampire from birth. Deadly fatal beauty - that's what it's all about! He will poison and eat. Like a black widow spider eating her lover after a night of love.
Scorpios get along with Aries and Capricorns. Such a couple is not only a family, but also a small creative team. The Taurus man is clearly not the hero of her novel. But you should pay close attention to Cancers. Two Scorpios, like two spiders, do not live in the same family bank. But with Pisces - very much so. This soul mates. Virgo and Gemini are too logical and unemotional for her. The same can be said about Libra and Aquarius. IN different worlds live, nothing can be done. Difficult relationship with Scorpio and Sagittarius. In general, her marriage to men of fire signs always sparks creativity. The Scorpio woman is a lover and fighting friend, a virtuous wife and bacchante.
Living with a Scorpio woman under the same roof is like warming a snake on your chest. A warm viper is faithful, sensual, caring, ready to follow a loved one both in sorrow and in joy. And all this as long as there is love and loyalty. It’s stupid to blame poisonous snake in toxicity. After all, poison is not only poison, but also medicine. A man who understands this can become happy with his girlfriend.
The Scorpio woman wants to completely belong to the man and at the same time command him. Appeal to her virtues, and then your sweetheart will be a gift for you, not a punishment. Earn her love. And she will respond to your love with a flow of feelings of the highest standard.

Sagittarius is the Amazon in the home interior

Sagittarius women do not play with dolls as children, but prefer to run with boys, climb trees and fences, knock their knees out and remain their boyfriend until marriage, if, of course, it comes. Before others, they recognize the taste of a kiss, lipstick and the smell of tobacco. Not out of malice to drive my parents to their graves, but out of simple curiosity or for company.
The Sagittarius woman loves entertainment, feasting, hiking, dancing, outdoor sports, loves company, and does not like other women. In general, she does not hide the fact that she would like to be born a man. In any case, he will hold himself on an equal footing with men. She is an Amazon: she will jump on a horse and pull the bow string. It is precisely such persons who are described in detail by the classic of Russian literature: he will stop a galloping horse, he will enter a burning hut...
She supports the women's rights movement, but is in no hurry to join the ranks of feminists or organized lesbians. She knows: there are still women who love quiet family joys, for example peeling potatoes, and she is not going to protect everyone en masse from male tyranny in the battles for equality. For her, personal freedom and independence, achieved with her own hands, is more important than a hypothetical struggle for common female ideals.
The Sagittarius woman should from time to time jump with a parachute, go jogging, ride horses, ride alpine skiing. Preferred are fighting with rapiers, orienteering, and shooting at live targets. Then she will have good mood, excellent appetite and healthy complexion. Not every man is suitable to be a husband for the Sagittarius. She prefers to choose her gentleman herself, and tends to command her husband.
Bluestocking, the always busy, awkward commander, finds herself a kind-hearted husband and a man equal in spirit and convictions. But this spouse will then wash diapers, cook dinners and run around the shops and ask: “Where have you been?! Are you late at work again?!” If you are planning to get married, get married, and don’t get married... The Sagittarius woman is an addicted person, it costs her nothing to fall in love at first sight or make enemies for herself because of her naive simplicity and unfeminine habits.
She approaches marriage without trepidation or languor. The archer gets married early, gives birth quickly, soon learns the price of family life, and learns poorly from her mistakes. She enters the state of marriage easily and naturally. For example, meeting her husband on the beach, a party, while climbing to the top, and begins family life right away - where she stands. She is ready to treat sex like sports, bodybuilding, shaping and tourism.
The Sagittarius woman is not inclined to commit herself to obligations and impose responsibility on herself. Her parents are often divorced, and her own family life is full of surprises. She is not ready for the feat of a mother-heroine. She endures monotony, including family life, painfully. The feeling of freedom is as necessary for her as air.
A Sagittarius woman will stay with a man if she knows that she can leave him at any moment. She has a hard time with housework, and not because of laziness, dislike for her family or indifference to children, but purely astrologically. A Sagittarius housewife is a pitiful sight, unnatural and short-lived. Her children are often raised by their grandmothers. By the number of them (both children and grandmothers) one can determine the number of her marriages. Having quickly entered marriage, she leaves it just as quickly. When youthful enthusiasm subsides, and age demands that it be hidden, the Sagittarius woman always has something to remember.
A smart man will not allow his warrior to spend her days communicating with pots - she won’t tolerate it and will leave for someone else. The husband must give her freedom, free her from routine and, of course, archive idealistic ideas about what a homemaker should be like (kitchen, children, church). If she wants to get a dog, she needs to agree, thus choosing the best from many evils.
Life for a Sagittarius woman is not limited to the kitchen, children and church. There are so many interesting things in the world and such a variety of temptations - in cinema, sports, modeling business, on the stage. How not to try? And she doesn’t sit at home, she tries. Sagittarius women do not show astrological preferences. One thing is for sure: they choose their husbands themselves and do this periodically. she will begin to judge him by what he has done in life and by appearance: how he is dressed, his hair cut, what tie he chose. Completeness, restraint, modesty, and tradition are inherent in her like no one else.

Capricorn - Carnegie in a skirt

One of the symbols of Capricorn is the image of a bride. So the Capricorn girl, more than others, is full of expectations of a worthy man, plans for the future, forebodings and fears. She can stay too long with girls because...
A. It takes a long time to choose. It is difficult for her to please; her husband must correspond to her dreams, be an individual and have, if not merits and position in society, then the prospects for all this. And then she will selflessly help him achieve victory, live by his deeds and successes, perceiving them as her own, or she herself will set the desired goal for her husband.
B. She is not averse to achieving anything in life with her own hands, and then family and husband are only an obstacle on the way to the goal. She is a reliable, hardworking, honest, economic wife, but all this must be earned and supported every day, in accordance with her ideas. But while she is the wife, the man is washed, fed, washed and knows what to do and why.
The Capricorn woman can easily navigate everyday psychology even without studying Carnegie. If she wants to influence her husband and the game is worth it, she will smile at him, call him by name, listen to his problems, explain why her husband should be good with her... She is a demanding mother, keeps her children strict, cares about their education, education and prospects.
Maybe the child will not have enough love and affection, but the psychological mood in which he grows up will make his destiny meaningful and effective.
Her marriages with Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus are successful. A bad, but not boring marriage with Cancer. Not bad, but boring - with Capricorn. However, the Capricorn woman does not look for easy ways and prefers to marry difficult partners in order to properly suffer with a “real” man. So, marriage with Gemini is very common. Relationships with Leo, Aries and Libra are even more difficult. Sagittarius husbands are not recommended. Both the attraction and the psychological gap between people are too great.
But there are plenty of such marriages. The picture is similar with Aquarius husbands. Come to your senses! What do you want - family happiness or a family career with a promising cowboy? You will start molding it into something to suit your taste, and all he needs from you is comfort and dryness!.. Hardworking, purposeful and calculating Capricorn does not immediately achieve success. If desired, a Capricorn woman can succeed in any profession.
The career of a hero and a politician is also within her reach. She can equally use her own talents, connections and business skills for this. Capricorns are strict in everyday life. Common sense, a sense of taste gives this woman a special charm.

Aquarius - a mystery of nature

Aquarius is a mysterious sign, and the Aquarius woman is even more so. It is difficult to understand her; she does not understand herself. Her actions are unpredictable, her words are unexpected, her thoughts are unusual. Her men are also exotic. For example, the victim plastic surgery, Arab sheikh or homosexual. The Aquarius woman is ready to close her eyes to many things, but her chosen one must be a personality, and preferably a Personality with a capital P.
The Aquarius woman does not give in to difficulties and is not afraid men's work. She is easy-going and easy-going. However, she is always unpredictable and original. For example, Playboy model Nicole Wood has three cherished dreams, clearly characterizing the nature of a young girl. Be sure to make a career, be sure to have a home, family and children and... fly a fighter jet.
The Aquarius woman is an independent, self-reliant, sociable, and optimistic person. This always arouses interest among men. She has a developed mind and wit. He always comes to the rescue, sympathizes and tries to understand. She is characterized by friendliness and goodwill.
The Aquarius woman easily falls in love and suffers from male egoism. He confuses friendship with love, which leads to many disappointments. She can be in very strange relationships with men and enters into marriages of convenience, conviction and curiosity. He does not like prejudices and hypocrisy, does not recognize monotony in his personal life.
She is also an idealist. Marries many times. The institution of marriage is an anachronism. Sooner or later, any Aquarius woman will agree with this statement. The average Aquarius is married at least twice or does without this disgrace at all. The recent scandal, in the center of which Princess Caroline of Monaco found herself, only confirms the ephemeral nature of relationships with men. My husband was caught with his mistress again...
The satirist said that many people choose shoes in a store more carefully than they choose their life partner. The ease with which this girl gets married is amazing. The fact is that the Aquarius woman does not marry a person, but the image that she has created for herself. In addition, her freedom-loving character and non-trivial views on life are of little use in family life.
An Aquarius woman needs to look for a man who looks at the world through her eyes, choose a husband based on his interests and do the same thing with him. First of all, you need to choose Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. But even in this case, something chaotic and unsystematic turns out. But it doesn’t happen once in a while. A relatively successful marriage with Libra. Things are going great with Sagittarius. Everything is not easy with Leos. The stories with Virgos are deplorable.

Few people want to tolerate cheating in a relationship. Who are they, the most faithful zodiac signs?

5 most loyal zodiac signs

In the ranking of the best future wives and husbands, and maybe just partners life path present as typical representatives, suitable for general description signs, as well as controversial zodiac characters, whose nuances of character are not known to everyone.

a lion

If Leo's flirting for the sake of self-affirmation does not count, then it is undoubtedly true

Representatives of this sign truly know their worth. They rarely waste time on trifles; they look exclusively serious relationship. This applies mostly to men, but women are not far behind. Short-term affairs are definitely not Leo's choice. Therefore, if he is in a long-term relationship, then cheating is out of the question. Leos remain faithful to their partner, completely respecting him. This is especially true for legalized relationships. Official marriage becomes more than an empty phrase for Leo.

They can only be pushed into cheating by a lack of confidence that the relationship is really serious and that this is the person they want as their life partner. But even in this case, Leo would rather initiate a breakup first, and then look for a new partner, than start an affair on the side. During the search process, they often flirt with many people, so it may seem that this zodiac sign is prone to cheating, but in fact this is far from the case.


Capricorn men are the most faithful of the zodiac signs

One of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Its representatives can choose a life partner for a long time, while being alone, and without changing partners. But if Capricorn falls in love, then this happens once and for all. The most faithful are men born under this sign. Women are also faithful, but they are less pragmatic and more emotional, which can sometimes negatively affect the situation. If Capricorn has already entered into marriage, then nothing will force him to take the slippery path of betrayal. The representative of the sign will do his best to equip the family nest and earn money. He will definitely have no time for betrayal in this process.

It is unlikely that anything can push Capricorn to cheat. Representatives of this sign attach great importance to family values. Even under the influence of alcohol, Capricorns remain calm and reasonable. Therefore, random drunken affairs are also excluded. Capricorn is capable of cheating only if he is completely disappointed in his partner. Sometimes this happens as revenge, but this is more true for women. Capricorn men almost never cheat.


Virgos are truly devoted to their family and try to do everything possible for it, and even more!

Virgo is a zodiac sign that is characterized by a romantic approach to relationships. These are peculiar big children, in whose heads a fairy-tale idea of ​​love is brewing. Therefore, they are waiting for their ship with scarlet sails to create relationships based on real feelings. Naturally, when this happens, there can be no talk of any betrayal. This is especially true for women. Representatives of this sign are as romantic and sublime as possible; the very thought of breaking fidelity to a loved one is disgusting to them. As for men, the issue is controversial. If a Virgo man is not too confident in his partner, then he can calmly flirt with other women and even have affairs. But if the representative of the sign has already entered into marriage, then he will definitely remain faithful.

Virgos are usually driven to cheat by the realization that they have a less than worthy partner next to them.. Disappointed in their ideas about him, representatives of the sign can begin to search for a new life partner. It must be said that many Virgos are looking for love quite actively, for this they can use all available tools. Often representatives of the sign actively communicate with a bunch of people at the same time, without choosing anyone in particular. Should this be considered a kind of lack of fidelity? It is up to the person who chose Virgo for the relationship to decide.


Taurus will not cheat if he is confident in his choice

Taurus are very sensual and pleasant people. They like to be in a relationship and have an understanding partner nearby. This is especially true for women; young ladies born under this sign are, perhaps, the most faithful. Taurus people love the comfort of home and do a lot to ensure that life in the family nest is organized. Most often, they try to get married quickly in order to legitimize the relationship and bind their partner. Naturally, there can be no talk of betrayal. Taurus devote a lot of time to their family and partner, pay attention, and try to please with pleasant little things. They don’t even think about having affairs on the side if everything in the relationship suits them.

Taurus is usually driven to cheating by a lack of mutual understanding with their partner. Usually, representatives of the sign are not ready to break up immediately; they try to maintain the relationship for a long time, especially when it comes to official marriage. But if the partner does not meet halfway, then Taurus can cheat. Usually this happens spontaneously, without any clear plan of action. It just fits your hand the right person, and Taurus loses his head. However, then representatives of the sign usually very much regret what they have done. Cancer is the most family sign zodiac Since childhood, he dreams of a strong and friendly family, and therefore loyalty is at the top of his principles. Entering long relationship and especially in marriage, Cancers believe that partners cannot cheat on each other. Representatives of the sign are gentle and kind, do a lot for their chosen one, surround him with care and affection. They love high-quality sex and try to get the most of it from their life partner. Cancer women are more faithful than men.

The coldness of a partner can push Cancer to cheat. If a representative of the sign tries for the family, but does not see any return in return, then he may try to get attention on the side. Also, betrayals among Cancers often occur due to physical dissatisfaction, which concerns men more than women.

Of course, not only the zodiac sign allows you to judge the intentions of your partner, you need to take into account a whole range of data: the specific date of birth, the decade in which the sign was born, data eastern horoscope, natal chart... Sometimes it happens that, for example, the most unfaithful zodiac sign Sagittarius gets along with the most faithful Cancer! Find out more details about your partner so that you don’t regret “wasting money” later. best years life."

Among the zodiac signs there are more faithful ones than others. The location of the stars endows a person with certain character traits. The planets Mars and Venus are responsible for fidelity, their place in natal chart. The influence is also exerted. So which zodiac sign is the most faithful among men and among women?

Which zodiac sign is most faithful in love?

In men


She remains faithful; her family is the main support in her life., she respects her partner and creates comfort for him.


The frivolity and amorousness of this sign, however, does not prevent them from remaining faithful if they truly love and consider their partner strong. In marriage, Libras are rarely the first to leave; family is of great importance to them. But Libra takes betrayal seriously; it can cripple them and change their approach to life.

Devoted friend

The following zodiac signs give friendship highest value and are devoted friends and associates.

  • Cancer. Ready to be there and give advice. Easily forgives, even if forgiveness is not deserved. But in friendship, Cancer also seeks benefits. He has few real friends, but he appreciates their attitude.
  • Twins. Cheerful, carefree and sociable, he attracts attention. Despite his fickle character, he is always ready to help his true friends. You can go on fun adventures with Geminis; they are ready to experiment.
  • Virgo. They know how to forgive and start over. Their grudges do not last long, and true friendship matters more than petty differences. sociable and loyal to her friends.
  • Sagittarius. Rarely gets offended. Always forgives, even if he was offended. Sagittarius is active and interesting in communication, loves to travel, make acquaintances and values ​​true friendship.
  • Calf. One of the best signs for friendship. Sometimes he shows prudence, but he is faithful to his friends for many years and never forgets them. He is calm, stable and measured. He is unlikely to go to extreme sports, but you can trust him with a place on a hike.
  • Scales. Highest degree ability for friendship. Libra will always come to the rescue, ready to support and give the necessary advice. They emit love and kindness. If Libra has become a friend, they will never leave or betray you.

The most unfaithful

Several zodiac signs are more prone to infidelity. This is due to frivolity of character, boredom with monotony and the desire to get as much as possible more adventures in life.

Cancer is often considered the wrong sign. They are family-oriented, romantic, and outwardly faithful. But they have one feature - they must feel that their partner needs them. If Cancer is not satisfied with something in their personal life, they begin to go to the left. True, they do it in such a way that no one knows about it.

In second place is Aries. He is looking for an ideal, he needs new adventures. When he thinks that the ideal seems to have been found, over time he becomes bored with it, and Aries begins to look for something new.

Sagittarius comes first. This is the most fickle sign, which can have several marriages during its life. it just gets boring. Cheating is a natural part of his character.

Loyalty or unfaithfulness of signs is a fickle trait. Even representatives of the zodiac who are considered faithful can make mistakes, and vice versa, incorrect signs become good family men and love one partner.
