Complex names for girls in Russian. Names for girls are rare and beautiful - which one to choose

IN Lately There is an active borrowing of a variety of names with different origins. This is due to the desire of parents to distinguish their child from others by giving him a unique, beautiful and even exotic name. Despite the fact that each of them is beautiful in its own way, the choice of name must be approached very carefully and seriously, because names have different meanings, and from this, in its turn, to some extent depends on the formation of certain qualities of the child and his character.

There is a noticeable tendency to return names that were previously popular among our ancestors, the ancient Slavs. It is also increasingly possible to meet a girl whose Russian surname is combined with a name of French or German origin.

Rare and beautiful names for girls: the most popular

Many names become dissonant for people, and they tend to choose something more beautiful. However, sound and exoticism are by no means the main criteria by which it is selected. The fact is that many names have strong energy that can bring good luck and success to life. The list of such names is as follows:

Beautiful Russian names for girls

Many of the names came to Rus' back in ancient times and have different origins However, they have taken root so well and become so popular that they are generally considered Russian. The good thing about these names is that despite the emergence of more exotic and unusual names for girls, they remain common and relevant.

The most favorite and common names for girls

The list of names for girls is replenished with more and more unusual names. Some of them take root; some require large quantity time. As a rule, the most exotic names are quite rare, because not every one of them can be combined with a Russian patronymic and surname. Actually, this does not stop the girls’ parents, and every day you can increasingly hear on the street “Daniela”, “Jacqueline”, “Gerda” and similar names that are completely unusual for a Russian person.

Can a girl named Adele have an ordinary life? Or will the handsome prince be able to pass by the lady named Violetta? Or Ariadne, which means “ruling”? Of course, a girl with such a rare name will carry it with her head held high. If only it goes with the middle name.

Although problems often arise with this: parents try to name their beloved child as beautifully as possible, forgetting that in 25 years “Olegovna” or something like that will be added to her beautiful, sonorous, most unusual name. Grandmothers usually come to the rescue here, reminding us of common sense. True, it has become possible to register a child right in the maternity hospital, and this is usually done by the mother. Who will stop her, bursting with hormones?

Anna is the most important

Each country has a certain “list” of common and understandable names. Sometimes parents immediately think that the child (or themselves) will be mobile and consider options for moving, so they initially name the child so that foreign friends do not break their tongues when pronouncing, for example, the name Anastasia. Most Popular modern names in America - Angelina, Britney, Jessica, Gina, Kimberly, Marilyn, Pamela, Tiffany, Hayley, Charlotte. In the UK, for example, Amalie, Amalia, Anabel, Angellina, Bridget, Vanessa, Jennifer, Caroline, Lauren, Meidlin are held in high esteem. By the way, Western parents are very susceptible to various cultural influences. Let's say, the name Emma became very popular when a generation grew up that was a fan of the stories about Harry Potter: Hermione is too difficult name, so the girls were named after Emma Watson, who played the role of Hermione in the film adaptation. In Russia, there has recently been a wave of names in honor of characters from Game of Thrones; dozens of girls have already received the name Arya.

A girl's name is important not only for her parents, but also for the opposite sex. Not long ago, a sociological survey was conducted in our country, in which more than 50 thousand people took part. Based on its results, it became clear that the most handsome men names such as Anastasia, Ekaterina and Victoria are considered. By the way, “Anastasia” is already for a long time remains at the peak of popularity.

If you look into history, you will see that the name always pointed to social status girls. For example, the name Maria in the 18th century and the first half of the 19th was exclusively a noble name. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, people began to become interested in this name, to name their daughters with it, it spread throughout the country at the expense of the peasantry. Or, for example, the name Tatyana was for a long time for children from a low class, but it was Alexander Pushkin (deliberately, by the way) who used it in Eugene Onegin, calling Tatyana not a simpleton, but a girl of a delicate nature. After this, the noblewomen also became Tatyanas, and the name grew. There is only one name that has always been popular, it was used to call girls from any class, and according to UNESCO in 1984-1985, it was, in principle, the most popular in the world - this is the name Anna, which has many variations. Nyura will be called a peasant woman, and Anna will be the daughter of a king.

In Russia before the revolution, names were often given by the church. After the revolution, the church was officially removed from this action, and folk creativity spilled out from the limits of reason onto children.

  • The old ones didn't come back church names . Zlata, Lada, Svetlana, Rogneda.
  • New ideological names have appeared. Idea, Barricade, Novella, Poem, Idyll, Turbine, Railcar, Industry, Energy, Electrification.
  • Unique (according to 1942). Artillery Academy, Great Worker (yes, that's a girl's name), Cherry Blossom in May, Glavsp, Raithia. The most unique ones are Oyushminalda, Lagshmivara, Dazdraperma.

The girls defended their rights in everything and always. This also applies to the name - in some countries girls were not given a name at all, but instead the name of the most famous family member - the man - was used. Or in ancient Rome, girls were named after their father. Gaius Julius Caesar's daughters were to be called Julia. If there are several girls, they are numbered. Julia Prima, Julia Secunda, Julia Tertia and so on. Sounds very offensive, doesn't it?

Either way, now you can call a girl the most unusual name. Here is a sample list of what beautiful names for girls were used by various Russian families this year:

  • Aurora,
  • Agnia,
  • Athena,
  • Adana,
  • Amalia,
  • Bella,
  • Dominica,
  • Yesenia,
  • Inessa,
  • Inga,
  • Martha,
  • Michaela,
  • Mira,
  • Romana,
  • Sogdiana,
  • Faina,
  • Evita.

At the same time, the most popular name in 2016 (however, this name has long and firmly held the first line) is Sophia (Sofia). Not everyone wants to come up with an unusual name for a girl - although perhaps this particular name was once unique. According to the name book, Sophia is a soft, gentle girl in childhood. When a girl begins to grow up, she becomes diligent and pedantic. Sophia is a purposeful girl, but she does not go ahead, but carefully achieves her goal without causing inconvenience to anyone.

The second most popular name is Maria. Masha (even the name itself sounds soft) is a kind, quiet, vulnerable girl. At the same time, in adulthood, the character begins to be strong and firm. Maria - good wife, family is very important to her. The third most popular line is held by the name Daria. Dasha is impulsive and economical (an explosive mixture). Girls with this name are sociable and artistic. Dashas are usually happy in a stable marriage.

Life stories

Looking at some of the names, you can’t help but think: what were the parents motivated by? Some mothers of girls with unusually beautiful names talked about how they chose names for their children.

Mom Lesya, daughter Vasilina:

I myself have a rare name, so I knew the advantages for myself: they always remember you the first time, they immediately distinguish you from the team (both children and adults). Therefore, when we realized that we would have a daughter, I immediately knew that I would choose a rare name. I liked many rare names, but it was necessary to find a combination to quite characteristic patronymic- Egorovna. I directly studied directories of rare names, writing down the options I liked on a piece of paper. But my husband and grandmothers rejected almost everything.

Then I took out a directory of rare Ukrainian names, since we have Ukrainian roots on both sides, it was logical.

There, almost immediately, my gaze fell on the name Vasilina, this is the Ukrainian version of Vasilisa. All my relatives liked this name right away. Especially after my pregnant brain was already determined to accept Ustinha.

There is, however, one nuance: the daughter is often confused and written down as Vasilisa. At home we call her by her full name, affectionately Vasilko. I categorically don’t like the abbreviation Vasya, but my daughter, on the contrary, doesn’t like it best friends name.

Mom Tatyana, daughter Mia:

I heard the name Mia during a trip to Germany. A friend once mentioned that Germans often call their daughters this way. I myself didn’t have a child yet, even in plans, but the name was remembered, although I didn’t tell anyone about it. When the ultrasound showed that we were having a girl, and my husband and I began to discuss the name of the unborn child, I rather timidly asked: “What do you think of the name Mia?” My husband really liked it, so all attempts to make a version more “adapted” to Russian pronunciation - Miya, or to name his daughter Polina or Emma - failed. Which I don’t regret, by the way, the name turned out to be suitable for a wayward, very active and lively girl. In the description of the name, everything is written like that, but I didn’t read it until my daughter was almost two years old - for some reason it was uninteresting.

Problems arose immediately: at the maternity hospital, when I was registering my daughter, they asked me for the written consent of the child’s father to use that name. In our city, our Mia became the first, so the registry office had doubts whether dad was against it. In the clinic and other official institutions, I immediately dictate the name by letters M-I-A. In response I usually hear one of two options: “What beautiful name" or "They'll name it." Another interesting remark was from some grandmother during a walk: “Oh, what a name. Probably dad is Chinese. I’m telling you exactly, Chinese.” And my husband, actually, Pavel, is quite Russian.

Mom Maria, daughter Evdokia:

My daughter chose her name herself. I knew this name (my great-grandmother was Evdokia), and was completely indifferent to it. And when the pregnant woman chose a name, I couldn’t get the name out of my head. I was reading a book with names, and it was there. Until I came across the name Evdokia, nothing was suitable. And my husband couldn’t find it either. When I suggested Dunya, he was so confused, and I saw that there was no protest. And inside I was confident that another name would not work.

An unusual name can be not only rare, beautiful, unusual, but also something that can be called “well forgotten old”. Yuli, Olya, Sveta, Ira, Gali - in the generation of the 80s and 90s these names were all over the place, but now they are practically non-existent. So if you don’t have the imagination for something artsy, then you can just look at your friends. Or take the simple path and do what many do: open a dictionary and poke at random.

An innocent baby is born. His parents give him a name that will accompany him to the gravestone. Scientists estimate that a person hears his name approximately 1.5 million times in his life!

The mystery of the name

The ancients attached great importance to a person's name. They believed that the character, inclinations, talents, health and future fate of the child directly depended on it. Therefore, sometimes children were given the strangest names imaginable: Oak, Eagle, Snake, Lubomir, Chaste, He Who Brings Good News, Bright One, Like a Lion and many others.

Modern astrologers represent a whole science of meaning and their influence on karma. They claim that a name can carry both a blessing and a curse.

The hidden influence of a person’s name on fate is also confirmed by scientists, explaining this by the fact that it consists of sounds of a certain height that irritate significant areas of the brain, thus influencing both the bearer of the name and those around him. In addition, the wavelength of sound vibrations corresponds to a certain color, which means that the name is not black and white, but has a certain color, which also affects the character of its owner.

Unusual male names in the USSR

The strangest male names appeared during the USSR. In those years, ideology played a huge role, so patriotic parents abandoned the old bourgeois names. They celebrated their sons with neologisms born of the October Revolution, successes Soviet heroes, scientific discoveries, honorary professions: Potassium, Wolfram, Comrade, Median, Locomotive, Decembrist, Atheist, Tankman and others.

But the parents showed real creativity when they came up with names derived from slogans, revolutionary calls, party leaders: Arvil (the army of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin), Vedlen (the great deeds of Lenin), Kukutsapol (corn is the king of the fields), Vist (the great historical power of labor), Villur (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin loved his Motherland), Papir (party pyramid), Vors (Voroshilov’s riflemen) or Delezh (Lenin’s deeds are alive) and many others. The people's imagination was inexhaustible!

Some of the strangest boy names even sound indecent. U modern people they evoke interesting associations: Vil (Vladimir Ilya Lenin), Zapor (for order), Pervsovstrat (the first Soviet stratospheric balloon), Thief (Great Pofivstal (fascist winner Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin).

Children in the USSR wore these strange names proudly. Over time, the pathos of the era subsided, but new generations still remained marked by history, which was already embodied in the unusual and sonorous patronymics of the children of those who were called, say, Osdvar (special Far Eastern army) and Roblen (born to be Lenin).

Unusual female names in the USSR

Awarded sonorous names in the style of the era and girls. They were proudly named: Omega, Drezina, Iskra, Tractorina, Stalin, Artak (artillery academy), Velira (great worker), Lagshmivara (Schmidt camp in the Arctic), Gertrude Dinera (child new era) or another variant of Doner (daughter of the new era), Krarmiya (Red Army), Lapanalda (Papanin camp on an ice floe), Raitiya (district printing house), Bestrazheva (Beria - guardian of the revolution) and others.

The female names of the 20s of the USSR sound somehow inconvenient for the modern ear - Dazdrasmyga (long live the bond of city and village) or, as an option, Dazdraperma (long live the first of May) or Nikserkha (Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev).

I wonder what all these names sounded like in their diminutive form?

There are many amazing male names in the world

There are lovers of creativity in all countries of the world. The desire to stand out from the crowd, to be considered an original, to express oneself pushes parents to give boys the strangest names:

Lennon - named his son Lazma Gellacher in honor of the famous John Lennon.

Gulliver is the name of G. Oldman's son.

Homer - in honor ancient Greek philosopher named the heir Richard Gere.

Dandelion is the name of Keith Richards' son.

Blue Angel is a strange name given by Dave Evans to his boy.

Jet is not a nickname, it is the legal name of John Travolta's son.

Ocean - decided that this name would make his son strong like the ocean. By the way, dad’s name is translated into Russian as “forest.”

Inspector Pilot - a descendant of Jason Lee bears this name in honor of the hero of a famous song.

Hurray - Alex James optimistically and joyfully named his newborn son.

Baby - David Duchovny gave such an affectionate name to his son. But the son has grown up and is reluctant to respond to him.

It's interesting that the strangest names in the world are given to their babies. star parents, while among the rest, traditional names are popular - Jack, Sam, Nick, Tom and William.

Female names of the world that cause surprise and even bewilderment

Little Trixie is the name of Bob Geldof's daughter.

Apple - Gwyneth Paltrow also named their beauty.

Hazelnut - implied something Julia Roberts by giving this original name to my daughter.

Honey Blossom - this is the name Bob Geldof gave his little princess.

Bell-Madonna - Jerry Halliwell named her daughter with this unusual double name.

The Goddess of Love names her heir Lil Mo.

Heavenly - Michael Hutchence named his daughter in the spirit of the American Indians.

Ireland is the heiress of Alec Baldwin.

Not all of the strangest female names in the world are listed. Original parents christen their children with the names of celestial bodies, cities, states and countries, book, movie and cartoon characters, names of flowers, trees and animals.

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These are truly the strangest names!

The longest name on the planet consists of almost 1,500 letters. It takes a full 10 minutes to read. Before this, the longest name belonged to an American woman and consisted of 598 letters.

A Hawaii schoolgirl's 102-letter name could not be written down in the class register.

The well-known Picasso lost. His full name consists of only 93 letters!

The American Jackson couple loves their children very much. This is probably why they gave them the names Tonsillitis, Laryngitis, Meningitis, Appendicitis and Peritonitis.

Another couple named their daughters Wu, Gu, Mu.

The ideological Jennifer Thornburgh took the name “End Dissection” at the age of 19.

The strangest names in Russia

Officially, from 2009 to 2012, the following were registered that Russians gave to their offspring:

For boys: Azar, Andres, Aristarchus, Garib, Gus, Mahmudahmadinejad, Prahlada (yes, that’s the boy’s name), Cassper the Beloved, Luke-and-Happiness, Arkhip-Ural, Hero, Aladdin, Ogneslav.

For girls: Russia, Zhuzha, twins Zita and Gita, Viagra, Privatization, Angel Maria, Princess, Queen, Juno, Joy, Fun, Almaza, Brilliantina.

Choosing the right name

Parents' vanity can result in serious problems in life for a child. A child can become an outcast among his peers, resulting in all sorts of complexes and nervous breakdowns. All this imposes great responsibility on parents who choose a name for their baby.

Psychologists advise:

Take into account the sound of the name along with the patronymic.

Do not give children obligatory names: Count, Strongman, Beauty, etc.

Don't name your children after your favorite heroes. The name Harry Potter or Monster High is unlikely to appeal to an older child.

It is not advisable to give children the names of historical figures. Names such as Napoleon or Pinochet may not be greeted very favorably by society.

Abroad, there is a linguistic name verification service. Experts check that the planned name for the child sounds decent in other languages ​​of the world.

Every expectant mother, expecting the birth of her long-awaited daughter, wants to choose the most beautiful name for her, which will not only decorate her, but also bring good luck. If you are in this situation, then this article is for you. Here you can find a list of the most unusual and beautiful names for girls.

When choosing a name for a child, each woman is guided by different principles.

Someone considers it necessary to name a child after his own close relative, someone wants to give their baby the name of an idol. Very popular and fashion trend In our time, it has become common to call children by church, ancient names, because they are rare. People who want to emphasize the high social status of the family in a child’s name prefer to name it after Western monarchs.

When choosing a name, some mothers are guided by the advice of astrologers, who select names for babies that are suitable by date of birth, or by season, as our ancestors did. If a child appeared in the family harsh winter, then he was given a soft and sunny name, and if in the spring, then a hard and tough name.

Beautiful names for girls and their meanings

The list of names in this article is not compiled according to any of the above principles.

The main criterion that was taken into account was the nationality of the newborn girl. After all, a name is business card any person. Introducing himself strangers, it should be immediately clear to them which country you come from.

Now let's move on to top list of the most beautiful names for girls in each in some countries of the world.

Beautiful Russian names for girls

Most modern Russian names for girls that are given to newborn girls are of Greek or Roman origin. Many of them will be in trend more than ever in 2017. Despite fashion, Russian mothers prefer to name their daughters, guided by primordially Russian principles in this matter:

  1. Traditions. This includes the names that were borne by representatives of the royal and imperial families of Russia. They sound beautiful, noble, go well with any middle name and are associated with Russian history. Based on this, girls are most often called:

  1. By time of year

  1. By month:

Of course, this list is just a hint for those who are looking for a name for their child. It is not at all necessary to strictly adhere to it.

Beautiful old names for girls

The beauty of ancient names is that they denote qualities of character - kindness, hard work, wisdom, generosity. If you want your daughter to have some such quality, then you can name her with the appropriate ancient name.

We have compiled a list of the most popular such names in our time and described the meaning of each of them. We invite you to name your princess:

Beautiful church names for girls

According to Orthodox tradition Names of newborns must be given according to the calendar - the list of saints in the church calendar. People have long believed that by naming a child after a saint, a strong bond develops between the baby and his guardian angel. The saint will become the patron saint of the baby and will accompany him through life, protecting him from adversity, misfortune and bad weather.

Every day church calendar We celebrate the name days of saints. Based on this, you can give your child a name. Just look in the calendar on which saint’s day your daughter was born, and give her the appropriate name.

There is a more simplified option - to name girls according to the church calendar, taking into account not the day of her birth, but only the month. The list of these names is as follows:

Beautiful Muslim names for girls

Women's Muslim names have Persian, Iranian and Turkic roots. They are very melodic and beautiful. Muslims sacredly honor their traditions and culture, therefore they believe that the name predetermines the fate of a person. Among the many wonderful Muslim names, we have identified the top 14 that are most often used:

Beautiful Tatar names for girls

The Tatars are a very distinctive people. Sometimes young parents even come up with names for their children themselves, making them up from different words, thereby emphasizing the uniqueness of your child.

However, there is a certain list of Tatar names that are the most popular:

  1. Aigul - “a flower that grows under the moonlight”
  2. Aisylu - “mystery of the Moon”
  3. Guzelia – “a very beautiful girl”
  4. Guzel - “a girl to be admired”
  5. Damira – “a girl with a strong character”
  6. Ilsiyar - “patriotic girl”
  7. Yulduz – “ bright Star in the sky"

Beautiful Kazakh names for girls

Kazakh female names are in many ways similar to Tatar and Muslim ones, because the origin of these peoples is historically connected. Most often, Kazakh mothers call their daughters:

Beautiful Arabic names for girls

To the very beautiful foreign names for girls are Arabic. Their beauty isn't in how they sound. For the Russian-speaking population, it is sometimes not possible to pronounce them. All their charm lies in their meaning. For example:

Beautiful Turkish names for girls

Continuing to list beautiful oriental names for girls, one cannot fail to mention the Turkish ones. Often female Turkish names associated with the date of birth of the girl or some important holiday of national importance. As an example, here is the list:

  1. Names of Quranic origin:

  1. Names denoting natural phenomena:
  • Eileen – “light of the moon”
  • Goksel - “rain from the sky”
  • Tan – “color of sunset”
  1. Names denoting flora and fauna:

  1. Names meaning water element:
  • Derya - “ocean”
  • Su – “water”
  • Damlya - “drop”

Beautiful Armenian names for girls

Armenians name their children according to the same traditions as all Muslim peoples. Among the most beautiful Armenian female names are the following:

Beautiful Bashkir names for girls

To the number beautiful islamic names for girls include the Bashkir ones, who, just like the Tatar ones, praise beauty and best qualities women. Among them:

Beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

When a girl is born in an Azerbaijani family, guests who come to the house where the newborn lives wish her to grow up in accordance with the meaning of her name. Therefore, Azerbaijanis are very attentive to the issue of choosing a name for their daughters. By the way, these names are similar in sound to Armenian and Kazakh ones. For example:

Beautiful Caucasian names for girls

The Caucasian peoples have a lot of different female names, which can mean the same thing, but sound differently. It's connected with linguistic features these peoples. Some of the most popular names for newborn girls in the Caucasus include:

  • Aliya – “exalted girl”
  • Alma – translated from the Turkic language this name means “apple”
  • Balzhan – “honey sweetness”
  • Malika - “royal person”
  • Sholpan - “bright morning star”

These same names are considered the most beautiful for Uzbek girls.

Beautiful Chechen names for girls

Chechen names represent simple words, consisting of a pair of syllables. Most often they matter precious metals, rare plants, animals, human character traits and temperament. For example:

Beautiful Georgian names for girls

Georgian names are words consisting of a noun and an adjective, that is, they mean some kind of object with main characteristic. As an example, here are the most beautiful female names that Georgians give their daughters:

  • Dariko – “a girl given by God”
  • Mamuka – “rising sun”
  • Manana - “she who was revealed by heaven”
  • Angela – “snow fluff, snowflake”
  • Kekela – “beautiful girl”

Beautiful Japanese names for girls

The Japanese can be called a people who sacredly cherish their traditions and history. But lately Japanese names ceased to reflect such a feature of the mentality of this Asian people. Modern families In Japan, they name their daughters after anime characters. We included the most beautiful of them:

  • Kumiko – “beautiful child”
  • Aika – “love song”
  • Izumi - "fantastic girl"
  • Katsumi – “victory of beauty”
  • Naomi - "beauty"
  • Harumi – “beauty of spring”

Beautiful English names for girls

In England, for several years in a row, the same female names have remained at the peak of popularity. And all because the fashion sets The Royal Family, which honors and observes the historical traditions of its homeland, therefore, names new family members after outstanding English warriors, monarchs and artists. In the list of the most beautiful female names:

  • Amelia – “hard worker”
  • Jessica - "foresighted"
  • Isabella - "beauty"
  • Scarlett - "bright"
  • Charlotte - "free"
  • Hannah - "merciful"
  • Emma - "divine"
  • Julia – “from the Julius family”
  • Katie – “bringing happiness to everyone”

Beautiful American names for girls

American female names are similar to English ones. In addition, Americans call their daughters by many names typical of the British. Among the most popular there are several:

  • Abby - "daddy's girl"
  • Sharyl - "aristocrat"
  • Holly – “close, kindred spirit”
  • Alice - "noble girl"
  • Angelina – “angelic”
  • Chris - "great"
  • Amanda - "nice"
  • Emily - "rival"

Beautiful French names for girls

French names for girls are the most romantic and sophisticated. They sound melodious. Among them there are those that can be considered native French, as well as those that were formed from other names, for example, German. We will tell you a few original French names for girls:

  • Vivienne - “living”
  • Virginie – “innocent”
  • Jannette – “merciful”
  • Giselle – “swift”
  • Josephine - “she who gives blessings”
  • Edith – “struggling”
  • Eloise – “possessing good health”

Beautiful Ukrainian names for girls

Ukrainian names have common roots with Russian names, since both Ukrainians and Russians are Slavic peoples having the same ancestor, history up to a certain point and the Orthodox faith. Original Ukrainian names include:

  • Yaryna – “calm”
  • Bogdana – “given by God”
  • Lyubava - “beloved”
  • Chacluna – “magical”
  • Mikhailina – “divine”
  • Solomiya – “light”
  • Odarka – “gift”
  • Marusya – “kind at heart”
  • Orina – “peaceful”

Beautiful Italian names for girls

All Italian names are of Latin origin. Many of them are similar to Russian names - those that we or our relatives are called by. However, Italians still prefer to name their daughters after their loved ones or great figures in their history. Nowadays you can often meet girls with the following Italian names:

  • Gabriella – “endowed with divine power”
  • Conchitta – “pure and immaculate”
  • Donna - "true lady"
  • Bella - "beautiful"
  • Paola – “modest”
  • Stafania – “royal”

Video “Name and Destiny”

In this video you will learn about how our name affects our destiny and luck.

The birth of a child is always a magical mystery and a series of pleasant chores; one of the most important moments is choosing a name. A person will have to walk with it all his life, so this issue must be treated with full responsibility. As a rule, the baby is named after relatives and friends, they focus on Christmas time or choose an original, popular name. There are a lot of them for girls, because the lists are replenished with foreign words every year.

How to choose the right one for your daughter from all the variety of female names? Hints, recommendations and lists of the most beautiful names can be found in this article.

When looking for an answer to the question of what to name a girl, you can follow the advice of psychologists, astrologers, numerologists or folk superstitions. What to choose from this arsenal is up to you.

What psychologists say

First of all, they pay attention to the case when children are named after grandmothers or great-grandmothers. It should be remembered that a ridiculous old name can cause discomfort in a child. If such a desire is invincible, try to find modern version the old anthroponym, for example, Aksinya can be replaced by Oksana (Ksyusha).

Also, do not rush to reward your child with a too original movie name; think about how it will sound without reference to the film. It is quite possible that others will look for similarities between the film hero and the person, and this erases individuality.

The sound composition of anthroponyms, according to experts, influences a person’s character. For example, a combination of voiced consonants with “r” will contribute to the formation of a tough character, while girls whose names are dominated by sonorants will be kinder and softer. By the way, today there are special programs, with which you can check the name.

If you decide to name your girl by her date and month of birth, pay attention to her zodiac sign and time of year. For example, astrologers say that for Leo you need to choose luxurious, majestic names (Regina, Nadezhda, Angelica), for Taurus the names Olga, Veronica, Oksana are suitable, and for Cancer - Lada, Yana.

Tips for different months:

  1. If the baby was born in winter, name her softly and femininely (Ulyana, Svetlana, Yulia), since this time “gives” a strong character.
  2. For gentle ladies born in spring, choose more strong names: Larisa, Eleanor, Veronica.
  3. Baby, born in summer, you can call them whatever you want, because they can develop any character traits.
  4. Autumn people are practical, they need to be called romantically, for example Zlata, Maria, Leah.

In numerology there is a special table from which you can calculate the meaning of anthroponyms and choose the most suitable option. The table and instructions for it are easy to find on the Internet.

Folk signs and superstitions

There are also many folk signs. Let's present the most popular:

  1. Children should not be named like a relative with a bad fate, otherwise the situation may repeat itself.
  2. You cannot give the name of a person who lives in the same house with the baby - one of the namesakes may die. People believed that everyone had a guardian angel and that he could not protect two people at once.
  3. In contrast to the previous superstition, there is a belief that if a woman gives birth to only girls, she must name the latter the same as her mother, and the next one will be a boy.
  4. You should not give your child the name of a recently deceased relative.

Modern beautiful Russian names

Modern parents choose for their children not only popular names, but also rare, lost in time, but no less beautiful.

Many Russian anthroponyms are borrowed from Greek and Roman languages, but today they are perceived as Russian.

Interestingly, Slavic is less popular than Roman and Greek.

We have collected the most charming female names with meanings and divided them into categories.


  • Agata (came with Greek language, popularly transformed into Agafya) - good, kind;
  • Anfisa translated from Greek means blooming;
  • Violetta (Roman) - violet;
  • Glafira (Greek) - elegant, polished;
  • Kaleria (Greek) - warming, calling;
  • Clara (from Roman) - clear, emitting light;
  • Lukerya (Greek) - sweet;
  • Maya (Greek) - comes from the name greek goddess, who, according to myth, was the mother of Hermes, another interpretation is that she was born in May;
  • Milana (slav.) - sweetheart;
  • Pelageya (Greek) - born of the sea, sea.


Slavic anthroponyms seem unusual, which are increasingly recalled by parents today:

  • Boleslava - more glorious;
  • Borislava is the one who fights for glory;
  • Blue - tender;
  • Vidana - noticeable, prominent;
  • Golden flower - the one that blooms golden;
  • Dobromila - bringing kindness, dear;
  • Zorina - sun at dawn;
  • Zhdana - a long-awaited girl, waiting;
  • Mlada (sometimes Malusha) - the youngest daughter;
  • Chernava - dark-skinned with black hair;
  • Kupava - bathing suit or water lily;
  • Svetozara is the one that illuminates with light.

From the Greek-Roman list you can also choose an original “gift” for a girl’s life:

  • Aglaida is the daughter of beauty, sparkling;
  • Aquilina - daughter of an eagle, eagle-like;
  • Apollinaria comes from the name of the sun goddess;
  • Astrid - burning with passion, passionate;
  • Faina - light, radiating radiance;
  • Emilia is a rival, jealous;
  • Vassa is the queen.

A number of unusual names have also been registered, which come from surrounding natural or everyday objects, geographical names, here are just a few of them: Russia, Joy, Cherry, Shark, Fox and others.

Beautiful foreign female names

IN foreign languages also a whole bunch of charming names. They are bright and original, but parents need to make a careful choice, since not all of them go well with our surnames and patronymics. An incorrectly chosen name will look very ridiculous. But it’s still worth getting acquainted with foreign lists, maybe they contain that very special “gift” for the baby.


Japanese names captivate with their unusual sound and unforgettable interpretation. They are easy to pronounce and remember, giving the owner charm and sublimity. Here is a list of the most striking anthroponyms:

  • Aika - love song;
  • Akemi - beauty;
  • Ameya - evening rain;
  • June - obedient;
  • Yoko - child of the ocean;
  • Kaouru - fragrance;
  • Kika - chrysanthemum flower;
  • Koheku - like amber;
  • Minori is a wonderful harbor;
  • Natsumi - the beauty of summer;
  • Chiheru - 1000 springs;
  • Fumiko is a child who preserves beauty.

Basically, Japanese anthroponyms consist of two hieroglyphs, the second most often means “child”, “child”.

Modern Japanese women prefer to discard the second word, since two-syllable constructions are going out of fashion, for example, “Fumiko” can be written as “Fumi” (preserving beauty).


American anthroponyms were formed under the influence of various cultures (English, German, French, Swedish, Irish, etc.), therefore they differ in pronunciation and prevalence by region. List of the most popular names:

  • Amelie - who loves to work;
  • Wood - the one who lives in the forest;
  • Gweneth - success, happiness;
  • Jennifer - smooth, white;
  • Claire - bright, clear;
  • Lara - seagull;
  • Leslie - grove of oaks;
  • Pamela - honey;
  • Rose is the flower of this plant;
  • Sue - lily flower;
  • Tifanny - Divine phenomenon;
  • Holi is holy;
  • Charlotte is brave, courageous.


The peculiarity of English anthroponyms is their three-component composition: first, second and last names. Instead of names, the surnames of loved ones, historical heroes or celebrities can be used.

In our regions it would sound like Pushkina Ivanovna Karenina. However, there are many beautiful English options from which you can choose for your daughter.

  • Aleta - truth;
  • Alexa is the one who protects people;
  • Annis - preserving chastity;
  • Annita (Anetta) - graceful, useful;
  • Brooklyn is a trickle;
  • Divina - similar to a goddess;
  • Janine - kind;
  • Kitty - chaste;
  • Lillay - lily flower;
  • Letty - happiness;
  • Roxan - time of dawn;
  • Scarlet - scarlet color;
  • Sam is the one who listens to God;
  • Flossie - flower;
  • Cherise - cherry;
  • Petunia is the name of the flower of the same name;
  • Ashley - Ash Grove.

Muslim beautiful female names

Muslim girls are traditionally given Arabic names, which today are being replaced by modern anthroponyms. For Muslims, the most important criteria when choosing a name are meaning and beautiful sound. It is believed that the first greatly influences the fate of the child. Here is a list of the most beautiful Muslim options for naming the baby, with a positive interpretation:

  • Ablaa - perfect;
  • Afaf - purity;
  • Aisha - living, the name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad;
  • Amina is the one that is reliable;
  • Anan - cloud;
  • Bashiira - bringer of good news;
  • Batul - immaculate virgin;
  • Janan - soul;
  • Zaina - beautiful;
  • Lina is a gentle girl;
  • Naima - noble;
  • Salva - bringing comfort;
  • Farida is rare.

To determine the most charming names, sociologists conduct surveys. According to them, the most melodic anthroponyms are French, Russian and Italian. Russian sociologists surveyed more than 70 thousand men and found that the most beautiful female names are Anastasia, Ekaterina and Victoria. Also in the top ten were Natalya, Ksenia, Valentina, Maria, Elena, Irina, Maria.

The lists of female names stretch on endlessly; the choice is influenced only by individual preferences. As they say, it comes down to taste and color... The main thing to remember is that choosing an unusual name that will amaze the ears of others is easy; another question is how comfortable its owner will be.
