Airborne Special Forces is an elite unit of the airborne troops. Airborne Special Forces - the elite of the Russian armed forces 45th Guards Special Purpose Regiment

45th separate guards regiment special purpose Airborne Forces
The 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment of the Airborne Troops (45th Guards OPSN Airborne Forces) was formed in February 1994 on the basis of the 218th ODSB and the 901st ODSB.
The 901st ODSB was formed on the basis of an order from the Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces on the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District by the end of the 70s.
Then this battalion was moved to Czechoslovakia, where it was included in the structure of the Central Military Command. On November 20, 1979, the Oremov Laz garrison in Slovenia became the new location of the 901st Separate Specialized Assault Brigade (some sources indicate the garrison in Rijeka as the location).

The battalion was equipped with approximately 30 combat landing vehicles BMD-1. In March 1989, the number of TsGV troops began to decline, and this process affected 901 ADSB. At the turn of March and April, the entire battalion was moved to Latvian Aluksne, where it was enrolled in the PribVO.

1979 - formed on the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District as the 901st separate air assault battalion
1979 - transferred to the Central Group of Forces in Czechoslovakia
1989 - transferred to the Baltic Military District (Aluksne)
May 1991 - transferred to the Transcaucasian Military District (Sukhumi)
August 1992 - transferred to the command of the Airborne Forces headquarters and renamed the 901st separate parachute battalion
1992 - transferred as a separate battalion to the 7th Guards Airborne Division
1993 - during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, he performed tasks for the protection and defense of military and government facilities on the territory of Abkhazia
October 1993 - transferred to the Moscow region
February 1994 - reorganized into the 901st separate special forces battalion
February 1994 - transferred to the newly formed 45th separate special forces regiment (Airborne)
In 1972, the 778th separate special-purpose radio company of 85 people was formed as part of the Airborne Forces. The main task of this unit was to drive the landing aircraft to the drop point, for which groups of this company had to land behind enemy lines ahead of time and deploy the drive equipment there. In 1975, the company was reorganized into the 778th OR REP, and in February 1980 - into the 899th separate special-purpose company with a strength of 117 people. In 1988, the 899th Special Forces Regiment was reorganized into the 899th Special Forces Company (with a staff of 105 people) as part of the 196th Airborne Forces. The company was later deployed to the 218th separate air assault battalion.

July 25, 1992 - formed in the Moscow Military District. The permanent deployment points were located in the Moscow region.
June-July 1992 - took part as peacekeeping forces in Transnistria
September-October 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in North Ossetia
December 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in Abkhazia
February 1994 - transferred to the newly formed 45th separate special-purpose airborne regiment
By July 1994, the regiment was fully formed and equipped. By order of the Commander of the Airborne Forces, in order of historical continuity, the day of formation of the 45th regiment is specified to be considered the day of formation of the 218th battalion - July 25, 1992.
On December 2, 1994, the regiment was transferred to Chechnya to participate in the liquidation of illegal armed groups. Units of the regiment took part in hostilities until February 12, 1995, when the regiment was transferred back to its permanent location in the Moscow region. From March 15 to June 13, 1995, a combined detachment of the regiment operated in Chechnya.

On July 30, 1995, an obelisk was unveiled on the territory of the regiment's deployment in Sokolniki in honor of the soldiers of the regiment who died during the fighting.
On May 9, 1995, for services to the Russian Federation, the regiment was awarded a Presidential Certificate Russian Federation, and servicemen of the regiment as part of the combined airborne battalion took part in the parade on Poklonnaya Hill dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.
From February to May 1997, the combined detachment of the regiment was in Gudauta as part of a peacekeeping mission in the zone of separation of Georgian and Abkhaz troops. armed forces.
On July 26, 1997, the regiment was awarded the Battle Banner and Certificate of the 5th Guards Airborne Rifle Mukachevo Order of Kutuzov III Class Regiment, disbanded on June 27, 1945.

On May 1, 1998, the regiment was renamed the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment Airborne Forces The 901st separate special-purpose battalion was disbanded in the spring of 1998; in 2001, a linear special-purpose battalion was created on its basis as part of the regiment (called “901st” according to old habit).

From September 1999 to March 2006, the regiment's combined reconnaissance detachment took part in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

On February 2, 2001, the regiment was awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense “for courage, military valor and high combat skills.”

On August 8, 2001, on the territory of the regiment in Kubinka, in the presence of the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Georgy Shpak, a new memorial complex was opened in memory of the soldiers of the regiment who died while performing combat missions. Every year, on January 8, the regiment celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Fallen Soldiers.
In April-July 2005, it was decided to transfer to the 45th Regiment the Battle Banner, the title “Guards” and the Order of Alexander Nevsky, which belonged to the 119th Guards Parachute Regiment, which was disbanded in the same year. The ceremony of transferring the honors took place on August 2, 2005.

In 2007, the 218th separate special forces battalion was reorganized into a linear battalion, losing its numbering and status as a separate military unit. Since that time, the regiment has consisted of two line battalions.

The regiment was returned to the name 45th separate regiment special purpose airborne forces.

In August 2008, units of the regiment took part in the operation to force Georgia to peace. Regimental officer, Hero of Russia Anatoly Lebed was awarded the Order of St. George, IV degree.

About the arrival in Novoazovsk of special forces from the 45th ObrSpN Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces.

“The transfer to the village has been confirmed. Novoazovsk unit of the 45th separate brigade special purpose (Kubinka, Moscow region) of the Airborne Forces of the RF Armed Forces, in connection with which the sabotage and reconnaissance activities of the Russian occupation forces in the Mariupol direction are expected to intensify,” the intelligence report said.

In June 2016, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine named several names of Russian military personnel from the 45th Separate Brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, providing their photographs and personal information. At the same time, the intelligence officers, as always, limited themselves to only words without any photo or video evidence of the presence of military personnel in the occupied part of Donbass. We hope that such evidence will be removed from the classification of secrecy in the future, and these materials will be presented to the general public and will be reflected in cases international court.

Until this happens, the InformNapalm team presents its information about the presence of Russian saboteurs from the 45th Separate Brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.

The photo, uploaded on August 31, 2016 and subsequently deleted, was taken on the roof of the building of the Utes boarding house, 3 km from the village. Shirokino (47.109467, 37.8733277).

Let us note that this boarding house, as well as the nearby “Parus” and “Donchanka”, have long been not places of rest for civilians, but barracks premises and positions of Russian “vacationers” who constantly come on “Ukrainian business trips”.

In the photo below, Mikhail Rusinov measures the depth Sea of ​​Azov near the recreation center of the KCC plant named after. Ilyich "Alexandria" (n.p. Bezymennoe) (47.101058, 37.934254).

And in June 2016, he even met local representatives of the opposite sex in the village. Khreschatitskoye (formerly Krasnoarmeyskoye) Novoazovsky district. The dating site apparently finally helped (47.233526, 37.926393).

Thus, we can claim that representatives of the 45th OBRSpN are directly involved in military operations in Donbass. Let’s not forget that this same unit was directly involved in the occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. As we can see, since 2014 it has been conducting sabotage and reconnaissance operations in the occupied part of Donbass.

Material prepared

Now they talk a lot in newspapers, on TV, on the Internet about GRU Spetsnaz and Airborne Special Forces. Since these two communities of military professionals are very similar, we will try to figure out how they differ for an inexperienced person who is far from all this.

Let's start with historical excursion. Who came first? GRU special forces definitely in 1950. Since a lot of tactical preparations and other features were borrowed from the partisan actions of the Great Patriotic War, then it is still fair to designate its unofficial appearance as the second half of the thirties of the last century. The first sabotage groups of the Red Army successfully operated in the war in Spain. And if you look at an even earlier historical period, when the need to conduct sabotage operations forced many countries of the world (including Russian Empire) keep completely autonomous “infiltration” units in their armies, then the origins of the appearance of GRU special forces go back to the “mist of centuries.”

Airborne special forces appeared in 1930, along with the Airborne Forces. With the very first landing near Voronezh, when there was an obvious need to start our own reconnaissance. Paratroopers cannot simply land in the “paws of the enemy,” someone must shorten these “paws,” break off the “horns,” and file down the “hooves.”

Main goals. GRU special forces - conducting reconnaissance and sabotage (and some other, sometimes delicate) operations behind enemy lines at a distance of 1000 km. and further (as long as the radio communication range is sufficient) to solve the problems of the General Staff. Previously, communication was on short waves. Now on short and ultra-short satellite channels. The communication range is not limited by anything, but still in some parts of the planet there are " dead zones", there is no mobile, radio or satellite communication at all. That is, it is not for nothing that a stylized image of the globe is often found on GRU symbols.

Airborne Special Forces - essentially the “eyes and ears” of the Airborne Forces, are part of the Airborne Forces themselves. Reconnaissance and sabotage units operating behind enemy lines to prepare for the arrival and preparation of the landing (if there is such a need) of the main forces ("cavalry"). Capturing airfields, sites, small bridgeheads, solving related problems with the capture or destruction of communications, related infrastructure, and other things. They act strictly on orders from the headquarters of the Airborne Forces. The range is not as significant as that of the GRU, but it is also impressive. The main airborne aircraft IL-76 is capable of covering 4000 km. Those. round trip - about 2000 km. (we do not consider refueling, although the range in this case increases significantly). Therefore, airborne special forces operate behind enemy lines at a distance of up to 2000 km.

Let's continue the research. The issue with the uniform is interesting. At first glance everything is the same. Berts, camouflages, vests, blue berets. But this is only at first glance. Take, for example, the beret. This piece of clothing is of medieval origin. Pay attention to ancient paintings by artists. All beret owners wear them asymmetrically. Either right or left. It is unofficially customary for GRU special forces and airborne special forces to wear a beret curved to the right. If you suddenly see a special forces soldier in an airborne uniform and with a beret curved to the left, then he is just an ordinary paratrooper. The tradition began from the time of the first parades with the participation of the Airborne Forces, when it was necessary to open the face as much as possible to the podium, and this can only be done by bending the beret to the left side of the head. But there is no reason to reveal intelligence.

Let's move on to the signs. During the Great Patriotic War, the Airborne Forces made many landings and airborne operations. A lot of awarded heroes. Including the Airborne Forces units themselves were awarded the title of Guards (almost all). During that war, the GRU special forces were already at the stage of formation as an independent branch of the military, but were outside the legal framework (and in general everything was secret). Therefore, if you see a paratrooper, but without the “Guard” badge, then with almost 100% certainty it is GRU special forces. Only a few GRU units bear the rank of Guards. For example, the 3rd Separate Guards Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov III Art. Special Forces brigade GRU.

About food. Those. about food. GRU special forces, if it is in the format (i.e. under the guise) of a unit airborne troops, receives uniforms, clothing allowances, monetary allowances, and all due hardships and hardships, both in sickness and in health, and food, strictly in accordance with the norms of the Airborne Forces.
Airborne special forces - everything is clear here. These are the airborne troops themselves.

But with the GRU the issue is more tricky, and this detail always creates confusion. A friend wrote to me after the Pechora training of GRU special forces in the eighties. "Everyone, ** ***, arrived at the place, in the company. We are sitting for the first day, ****, we are pairing blue shoulder straps, we were given fuel oil, everything is black, **** today is mourning (((((((. Berets , the vests were also taken away. Am I now in the signal forces or something, *****?" So, we arrived in Germany, in the Western Group of Forces, and changed clothes. We immediately became signalmen. And changed our shoes (laced boots were replaced with regular ones boots). But Germany is small, and our sworn “friends” there are not fools either. They are watching. There is a strange signal company. All signalmen are like signalmen, and these are stirring up something all day long. Either a march is a throw of 20 kilometers, or a ZOMP in full swing, then digging trenches (similar to a comfortable place to lie down in a forest belt behind the highway), then hand-to-hand combat, then shooting all day long, then at night something happens. And how varied and suspicious it all is. They went to jumps secretly in tented bodies to a distant airfield. “And for you, dear, there is a field post office. Forward! The trumpet is calling! Soldiers! On the march!” In short, there is no time for communications here (in the usual sense of signalmen).

In this way, GRU special forces can masquerade (at times successfully) as absolutely any branch of the military (as the Motherland orders, and to what quiet/rotten distance it sends).
Unmasking signs will be numerous icons with sports categories, parachutist badges, the same vests (stubborn boys will still put them on under any pretext, but you can’t keep an eye on everyone, and it’s good that airborne vests are terribly popular in all branches of the military), tattoos according to uniform No. 2 (bare torso) again airborne theme with an abundance of skulls, parachutes, bats and all sorts of living creatures, slightly weathered muzzles (from frequent running around fresh air), always an increased appetite and the ability to eat exotically, or completely artlessly.

An interesting question about another stealth. This touch will give away a special forces soldier who is used to getting to the place of “work” not on comfortable transport with invigorating music, but on his own two feet with all parts of his body worn into calluses. The style of running along gullies with a huge load on your shoulders forces your arms to straighten at the elbows. A longer arm lever means less effort in transporting trunks. Therefore, when one day we first arrived at a unit with a huge concentration of personnel, on our first morning jog we were shocked by the huge number of soldiers (soldiers and officers) who ran with their hands down, like robots. They thought it was some kind of joke. But it turned out not. Over time, my personal feelings about this appeared. Although everything here is strictly individual. Even if you pick your nose with your finger and flap your wings, do what you have to do.

And the most important thing is not this. Clothes are clothes, but what is absolutely identical in both the GRU special forces and the Airborne Special Forces is the eyes. This look is completely relaxed, friendly, with a healthy dose of indifference. But he looks straight at you. Or through you. You never know what to expect from such a subject (only a megaton of trouble, if anything happens). Complete mobilization and readiness, complete unpredictability of actions, logic that instantly turns into “inadequate.” And in ordinary life they are quite positive and inconspicuous people. No narcissism. Only a tough and calm focus on the result, no matter how desperately hopeless it turns out to be. In short, for military intelligence this is a kind of philosophical salt of existence since time immemorial (a lifestyle, that is).

Let's talk about swimming. Airborne special forces must be able to overcome water obstacles. Will there be many obstacles along the way? All sorts of rivers, lakes, streams, swamps. The same goes for GRU special forces. But if we're talking about about the seas and oceans, then for the Airborne Forces the topic ends here, the diocese begins there Marine Corps. And if they have already begun to distinguish someone, then more precisely, a very specific area of ​​​​activity of the reconnaissance units of the Marine Corps. But the GRU special forces have their own units of brave combat swimmers. Let's reveal a small military secret. The presence of such units in the GRU does not mean that every special forces soldier in the GRU has undergone diving training. Combat swimmers GRU special forces is a really closed topic. There are few of them, but they are the best of the best. Fact.

What can we say about physical training? There are no differences here at all. Both the GRU special forces and the Airborne Special Forces still undergo some kind of selection. And the requirements are not just high, but the highest. Nevertheless, in our country there are two of every creature (and there are many who want it). Therefore, it is not surprising that all sorts of random people end up there. Either they read books, watch videos from the Internet with show-offs, or watch enough films. They often have an abundance of sports diplomas, awards, ranks and other things. Then, with such a boiled mess in their heads, they arrive at the place of duty. From the very first forced march (named after the Big Special Forces), enlightenment sets in. Complete and inevitable. Oh, ***, where did I end up? Yes, you got it... For such excesses there is always a reserve of personnel recruited in advance, just for the subsequent and inevitable screening.

Why go far for examples? Finally, for the first time in the Russian army, six-week survival courses for contract soldiers were introduced, which end with an examination 50-kilometer field trip, with shooting, overnight stays, saboteurs, crawling, digging and others unexpected joys. First (!). Twenty-five thousand contract soldiers in three military districts were finally able to experience for themselves what the average special forces reconnaissance soldier has always lived with. Moreover, for them it is for “a week before the second”, and in special forces for every day and for the entire period of service. Even before the start (!) of the field deployment, every tenth member of our armed forces personnel turned out to be a calich, a slipper. Or even refused to participate in the safari show for personal reasons. Some parts of the body suddenly press-press.

Therefore, why talk for so long? Survival courses in the conventional army, i.e. something so unusual and stressful is equated to the average way of life of unremarkable ordinary service in the GRU special forces, and in the airborne special forces. There doesn't seem to be anything new here. But special forces also have extreme pastimes. For example, horse racing has been traditionally held for many years. In ordinary language - competitions between reconnaissance and sabotage groups of different brigades, different military districts, and even different countries. The strongest fight the strongest. There is someone to follow by example. There are no longer any standards or limits of endurance. At the full limit of the human body's capabilities (and far beyond these limits). It is precisely in the GRU special forces that these events are very common.

Let us sum up our story. In this article, we did not pursue the goal of dumping stacks of documents from staff briefcases on the reader, nor were we hunting for some “fried” events and rumors. There must be at least some secrets left in the army. However, it is already clear that in form and content the GRU special forces and the airborne special forces are very, very similar. We were talking about the real Big Special Forces, which is ready to carry out the assigned tasks. And they do. (And any group of military special forces can be in “autonomous navigation” from several days to several months, occasionally making contact at a certain time.)

Recently, exercises took place in the USA (Fort Carson, Colorado). First. Representatives of the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces took part in them. They showed themselves and looked at their “friends”. Whether there were representatives of the GRU there, history, the military and the press are silent. Let's leave everything as it is. And it doesn't matter. One interesting point.
Despite all the differences in equipment, weapons and approaches to training, joint exercises with the Green Berets demonstrated an absolutely amazing similarity between representatives of special forces (the so-called forces special operations on the base parachute units) V different countries. But don’t go to a fortune teller; you even had to go overseas to get this long-unclassified information.

As is fashionable now, let’s give the floor to bloggers. Just a few quotes from the blog of a man who visited the 45th Airborne Special Forces Regiment during an open press tour. And this is a completely unbiased view. Here's what everyone found out:
“Before the press tour, I was afraid that I would have to communicate mainly with oak special forces soldiers who beat off the last of their brains by breaking bricks on their heads. This is where the collapse of the stereotype happened...”
“Immediately another parallel stamp dissipated - the special forces are not at all two-meter big men with bullish necks and pound fists. I think I won’t be lying too much if I say that our group of bloggers, on average, looked more powerful than the airborne special forces group...”
"...during the entire time I was in the unit, out of hundreds of military men there, I did not see a single big guy. That is, absolutely not a single one...".
"...I didn’t suspect that the obstacle course could be more than a kilometer long and complete walkthrough it can take an hour and a half..."
"...Although at times it really seems like they are cyborgs. I don’t understand how they carry such heaps of equipment for a long time. Not everything has been laid out here yet, there is no water, food and ammunition. The most basic cargo is missing!.. ".

In general, such drool does not need comments. They come, as they say, from the heart.

(From the editors of we’ll add about the obstacle course. In 1975-1999, at the height of " cold war"USSR - USA and later, in the Pechora training of the GRU special forces there was an obstacle course. The officially accepted name throughout the GRU Special Forces is the "scout trail". The length is about 15 kilometers, the terrain was successfully used, descents and ascents, there were impassable sections, forested areas, water barriers, some in Estonia (before the collapse of the Union), some in the Pskov region, a lot of engineering structures for classes. Two training battalions (9 companies, in others up to 4 platoons, this is about 700 people + a school for warrant officers of 50-70 people) could disappear there in small units (platoons and squads) for days at any time of the year and in any weather, day and night . Moreover, the units not only did not intersect, but may not have made visual contact at all. The cadets ran "to their heart's content" and now they are dreaming about it. Fact based on real events.)

Today in Russia there are only two, as we found out, exactly the same (with the exception of some cosmetic details) special forces. These are GRU special forces and airborne special forces. To carry out tasks without fear, without reproach, and anywhere on the planet (by order of the Motherland). No more, from those legally authorized by all kinds international conventions, there are no divisions. Forced marches - from 30 kilometers with calculation and more, push-ups - from 1000 times or more, jumping, shooting, tactical and special training, development of stress resistance, abnormal endurance (on the verge of pathology), narrow-profile training in many technical disciplines, running , running, and running again.
Complete unpredictability by opponents of the actions of reconnaissance groups (and each fighter individually, in accordance with the current situation). The skills to instantly assess a situation and also make decisions instantly. Well, act (guess how quickly)...

By the way, is the dear reader aware that the special forces of the Airborne Forces and the special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense took on the burden of military intelligence during the entire war in Afghanistan? There the now famous abbreviation “SpN” was born.

In conclusion, let's add. Any law enforcement agencies and departments, from the FSB to small private security companies, are ready to accept the “graduates” of the harsh school of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces and the Special Forces of the GRU with open arms. This does not mean at all that the Big Spetsnaz is ready to accept employees of any law enforcement agencies, even with an impeccable track record and the most high level preparation. Welcome to the club of real men! (If you are accepted...).

This material was prepared based on the RU Landing Forum, various open sources, opinions professional specialists, blog (credit to the blogger from military intelligence officers), reflections (based on own experience) the author of the article himself. If you have read this far, thank you for your interest.

Its full name is: 45th Separate Guards Order of Mikhail Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Reconnaissance Regiment of the Russian Airborne Forces. For those who are close to military topics, there is no need to explain anything here. Let us explain to the general reader:

  • The 45th Regiment is the youngest unit in our airborne forces.
  • The 45th Regiment was the only one in Russia to receive the rank of Guards in peacetime (after the end of the Great Patriotic War).
  • The regiment simultaneously trains special forces, paratroopers and intelligence officers - there is no other unit like it in the country.
  • The regiment is stationed in the city of Kubinka, Moscow region.
  • The regiment's motto: “The strongest wins.” The mascot is a wolf.

Today - and this is a reason for pride - he serves in the elite unit 101 Belgorod residents. And in 2005, only one of our fellow countrymen left for the regiment - Alexey Krasovsky. And even then he might not have gone: he had flat feet of the third degree, his parents were disabled people of the second group... But he wanted to serve, and at the same time he decided for himself: either in the 45th, or nowhere. Alexey got help sports achivments(CCM in football, winner of numerous karate competitions) and the fact that he was the best conscript in the city in terms of physical and educational indicators. The reputation of his uncle, who previously served in an elite regiment and now works in the Alpha special forces, also played a role.

Krasovsky did not let down either his relative or his small homeland - he was demobilized with the rank of senior sergeant and was awarded the Margelov medal. He does not lose contact with the regiment - he always comes to the unit on Airborne Forces Day, and in the fall and spring he meets the commander of the special forces company, senior lieutenant Sergei Ishtuganov, in Belgorod.

“He visits all military registration and enlistment offices, studies in detail the personal files of conscripts, selects the most worthy, and forms a team from them,” says Alexey. – For several days the guys pass the standards. Moreover, physical training, although the most important, is not a decisive indicator. You don’t just need strength, you also need brains; a reed woodpecker won’t get through there. Therefore, candidates are tested on basic knowledge of the Russian language, mathematics, physics, geography and other basic subjects.”

Many people want to break into the elite of the armed forces; the competition for the 45th Regiment is steeper than for admission to universities. Last summer, 300 Belgorod guys wanted to leave with Sergei Ishtuganov, but only 60 passed the selection. The commanders are happy with our conscripts - they send Thanksgiving letters governor and DOSAAF. Belgorod residents have even earned an interesting carte blanche: those who, after successful service, express a desire to become an officer can go to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Forces command school out of competition - on the recommendation of the regiment command.

Knowledgeable people attribute the achievements of Belgorod residents to high-quality pre-conscription training. Most military-patriotic clubs (MPC) are in the field of airborne assault, and guys go into the army with a solid base of knowledge and skills.

“Many cadets of our clubs have 5-6 parachute jumps under their belts,” explains deputy chairman regional branch DOSAAF Viktor Pogrebnyak. – And in the 45th regiment, as far as I know, according to the service program you have to make 12 jumps. There, of course, they jump not from the An-2, but from more serious aircraft, but when you have such experience, it is much easier to perform complex tasks.”

Last January, Viktor Alekseevich visited Kubinka to take the oath. Together with the leaders of two military-industrial complexes - “Rusichi” and “Fatherland” - he congratulated and gave farewell words to the recruits. He says that the conditions for living and serving in the regiment are excellent: comfortable beds, cabinets with individual keys, showers, tea rooms... In general, not a stereotypical army at all.

Do you want one? Get ready. We got it for you minimum requirements 45th Regiment. Don’t want to or have already passed the military age? Just try what it's like to get into forty-five.

Selling sweatshirt 45 ORP Spetsnaz Airborne Forces embroidery
The embroidery of the regiment emblem on the chest is made of very high quality, the embroidery on the back is the emblem of the regiment. Sweatshirt with zipper, two pockets in front. Located in Moscow Region.

Size: XL (52-54)
In stock: 2 pcs
Price: 1600 ₽ + delivery

Sell ​​sweatshirt Airborne Forces Russia Nobody but us embroidery
The embroidery of the chevron and the emblem of the troops on the chest is made of very high quality, the embroidery on the back of the Airborne Forces motto “Nobody but us.” Anorak-type sweatshirt, one common pocket at the front. Located in Moscow Region.

XL (52-54) - 2 pcs (both product options)
XXL (54-56) - 1 piece (second version of the product)
In stock: 3 pcs
Price: 1500 ₽ + delivery

Selling T-shirt 45 ORP Spetsnaz Airborne Forces black cotton embroidery
The embroidery of the regiment chevron on the chest is made of very high quality on the same fabric base as the product itself, and the embroidery on the back is SPECIAL FORCES of the Airborne Forces.
Fabric 100% natural cotton, Türkiye. Doesn't stick to the body, the skin breathes. Located in Moscow Region.

XL (52-54) - 4 pcs.
XXL (56) - 6 pcs
XXXL (58) - 2 pcs.
In stock: 12 pcs
Price: 800 ₽ + delivery

Selling T-shirt 45 ORP classic black cotton print
Black T-shirt - classic 45 ORP. Used by part of the special forces in all companies. It has been worn for many (more than 10) years, the design remains the same. High-quality image printing. Fabric 100% natural cotton, Uzbekistan. Located in Moscow Region.

52 - 2 pcs
56 - 2 pcs
In stock: 4 pcs
Price: 600 ₽ + delivery

The bottom row of photos are taken from the web just to show what the fabric looks like and how the polo will fit your body.

Selling polo 45 ORP Spetsnaz Airborne Forces black cotton embroidery
A small batch was made according to a special order for the 20th anniversary of the regiment.
The regiment embroidery on the chest is made of very high quality on the same fabric base as the product itself, the embroidery on the sleeves is the Airborne Forces flag and the Russian flag, and the Airborne Special Forces embroidery is on the back.
A classic English polo design, it has remained virtually unchanged over more than half a century of history. Classic men's wardrobe. Fabric - natural cotton, Türkiye. Doesn't stick to the body, the skin breathes. Classic - traditional stripes on the collar and elastic bands of the sleeves.
The bottom row of photos are taken from the web just to show what the fabric looks like and how the polo will fit your body. Located in Moscow Region.

S (46-48) - 2 pcs.
M (48-50) - 2 pcs.
L (50-52) - 3 pcs
XL (52-54) - 2 pcs.
XXXL (56-58) - 4 pcs
In stock: 14 pcs
Price: 1100 ₽ + delivery

Selling T-shirt 45 ORP Spetsnaz Airborne Forces with a wolf black cotton print
T-shirt black with gray wolf- totem 45 ORP absolutely new, home storage. High-quality image printing. Material: fabric 100% natural cotton, produced in Uzbekistan. Manufactured by Voentorg JSC, Moscow. Year of manufacture 2015. Model discontinued. Located in Moscow Region.

Sizes: 50, 54, 56
In stock: 1 piece of each size
Price: 600 ₽ + delivery

Selling T-shirt "Antiterror" black embroidery

Selling flags of the Airborne Forces and 45 ORP Special Forces Airborne Forces
The flags are completely new. Home storage. Located in Moscow Region.
Dimensions: 90x130 cm

Flag "901 ODShB Airborne Forces No one but us"
In stock: 1 piece
Price: 800 ₽ + delivery

Flag "Airborne Forces No One But Us"
In stock: 2 pcs
Price: 750 ₽ + delivery

Flag "The strongest win" black
In stock: 1 piece
Price: 800 ₽ + delivery

Flag "45 Guards OP Special Forces Airborne Forces Kubinka" with St. George's Ribbon
In stock: 2 pcs
Price: 900 ₽ + delivery

Selling Airborne Forces and Russia flag
The flag is completely new. Located in Moscow Region.

Dimensions: 15x23 cm
In stock: 1 + 1 pcs
Price: 100 ₽ + delivery

Selling patch and chevron 45 ORP Airborne Forces and " Polite people" lurex embroidery
The chevrons are new and already rolled onto the material, the stripes are new and not rolled. Manufactured in Moscow. Year of manufacture 2003-2007. Located in Moscow Region.
The chevrons are of a new type on new velcro. New Airborne Forces lapel patches embroidered in protective color on Velcro. Manufactured in Moscow. Year of manufacture 2015. Located in Moscow Region.

In stock: 33 pieces in total
old-style battalion and regimental chevron with wolf - 250 ₽ + delivery
Regimental chest patch with a wolf of the old style - 250 ₽ + delivery
regimental (brigade) chevron with a new type of carnation - 200 ₽ + delivery
Russia Airborne Forces chevron with flag - 100 ₽ + delivery
chevron Airborne Troops Russia - 100 ₽ + delivery
round ministerial chevron with eagle and sword in a rubber wreath, old style - 50 ₽ + delivery
round ministerial chevron with eagle and sword in a wreath, embroidered old style - 100 ₽ + delivery
ministerial chevron with an eagle and a khaki sword on Velcro of a new type - 100 ₽ + delivery
Airborne blood group chest patch, military intelligence, special forces - 100 ₽ + delivery
Airborne Forces lapel patches embroidered in protective color on Velcro of a new type - 100 ₽ per pair + delivery
chevron Polite people with a yellow and khaki cat on Velcro - 150 ₽ + delivery
chevron Polite people with a khaki cat round on Velcro - 100 ₽ + delivery
camouflage ensign's false shoulder straps "Flora" embroidered in khaki color - 100 ₽ + delivery
senior warrant officer's false shoulder straps camouflaged "Number" with khaki color - 100 ₽ + delivery

Selling ceramic mug 45 ORP 250 ml white
1. The strongest win! classic
2. The strongest win! vintage
3. The strongest win! 45 OP SpN
4. Born in the USSR.

The mug is brand new, never used, stored at home. It perfectly maintains the temperature of the drink, the handle is very comfortable and does not heat up. The mug is made of ceramic and coated with transparent matte lacquered paint. On the front of the mug is the official logo - the chevron of the 45th Airborne Special Forces Regiment. The mug is a product made of high-quality ceramic alloy with graphic application of the corresponding symbols. Material: 100% ceramic. Volume 250 ml. Year of manufacture 2013. Located in Moscow Region.

In stock: 1 piece each
Price: 400 ₽ + delivery

Selling a badge "Special forces 45 ORP" with a wolf and wings, brass

In stock: 1 piece
Price: 300 ₽ + delivery

Selling a badge "Instructor parachutist 100 jumps" with pendant 10/25 golden star brass Russia
The product is completely new, never used. Material: brass alloy metal, deep embossing. Manufactured by Mosshtamp Plant LLC, Moscow. Year of manufacture 2000-2002. Located in Moscow Region.

The sign is made of heavy metal using hot enamel. The badge is awarded by order of the commander for the training of personnel, as well as for excellent results in fire and tactical training. The qualification mark is made in the form of an open parachute, on the white dome of which the golden inscription “Parachutist Instructor” is stamped. In the middle of the lines there is an image of an airplane and the number “100”, and at the bottom there is a smaller parachute with a figurine of a golden-colored paratrooper. Upper part the sign is crowned with gold five pointed star. The lower part of the sign is decorated with a small pendant, with the number “10” stamped on one side and the number “25” on the other side.

Dimensions: 29x70 mm
In stock: 1 piece
Price: 300 ₽ + delivery

Selling breastplate "USSR Guards" remake brass Russia
The product is completely new, never used. Located in Moscow Region.

Dimensions: 35x50 mm
In stock: 2 pcs
Price: 150 ₽ + delivery

Selling breastplate "Russian Guard" brass Russia
The product is completely new, never used. Material: metal brass alloy. Located in Moscow Region.

Dimensions: 40x50 mm
In stock: 1 piece
Price: 100 ₽ + delivery
