Quiz “Nature lovers”. Senior preschool age

Victor on the world around us for 2nd grade schoolchildren.

Nature Quiz “Nature Experts”

1. Is it true that ostriches, escaping from predators, can fly from one place to another?

2. Do penguins have kindergartens?

3. Is it true that the grasshopper listens with its feet and sings with its wings?

4. Is it true that insects have 8 legs?

5. Are mice and owls really best friends?

6. Can a crayfish be called a reservoir orderly?

7. Is it true that human and bear tracks are similar?

8. Is it true that mice only cause harm?

9. Is a whale a fish?

10. Is it true that sundew is a predator plant?

11. Can dandelions bloom in the fall?

12. Is the woodpecker deservedly called the forest doctor?

13. Can swans sing?

14. Do fish really communicate using their fins and tail?

15. Do birds live in burrows?

16. Is it true that moles sleep in winter?

17. A swarm of bees flies into the hive towards the rain?

18. Does the water-loving beetle exist in nature?

19. Is lemongrass a bird?

20. Is it true that bats build nests themselves?

21. Are there really many more night butterflies in nature than day butterflies?

22. Do wild pigs like to eat rose hips?

23. Is it true that larch is a coniferous plant?

24. Are raven and crow the same bird?

25. Can a magpie be treated with fly agaric?


No: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 24.

Yes: 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25.

An extracurricular event aimed at expanding and deepening knowledge and ideas about the changes occurring in nature with the arrival of spring,development of children's creative abilities, nurturing a love of nature, development of observation and activity.



Quiz “Nature Experts”

Target: expand and deepen knowledge and ideas about the changes occurring in nature with the arrival of spring.

Tasks : develop Creative skills children, cultivate a love of nature, develop observation and activity.

The event is attended by students from 1st to 4th grade. The quiz is held in the form of a team competition game. Teams are formed in advance. Participants choose a team captain, come up with a name and make signal cards.

1. Warm-up competition:

  1. There was a child - he didn’t know diapers,

He became an old man with a hundred diapers on him. (Cabbage)

2. Golden sieve

There are plenty of black houses.

How many houses

So many little white residents. (Sunflower)

3. The green house is a bit cramped,

Narrow, long, smooth.

They sit side by side in the house
Round guys.

In the autumn trouble came:

The smooth house is cracked.

We galloped in all directions

Round guys. (Peas)

4. It walks and walks along the sea, but when it reaches the shore, it disappears. (Wave).

5. Not a sea, not a river, but agitated. (Ear).

6. He was born on a bush, fell under a bush, and ended up on his teeth. (Nut)

7. When I was young, I shone brightly, but with old age I began to fade. (Moon)

8. Sits and turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Leaf)

9. Many arms, but one leg. (Tree)

10. In the village there is a clock like this: not dead, but alive, it goes without winding, it is of the avian kind. (Rooster)

11. I turn white as a fluffy ball in a clean field, and the breeze blows - a stalk remains. (Dandelion).

12. It grows upside down; it grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will burn her, she will cry and die. (Icicle).

  1. Competition "Question - Answer"

1. Which animals can be said to go out of their way? (Snakes)

2. What animal throws its tail when running away from an enemy? (Lizard)

3. Which insect has a hearing organ on its leg? (On the grasshopper's front legs)

4 . What animals are called dam builders? (Beavers).

5. Where is it easier for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill. His front legs are short. It’s easy to run uphill)

6. What is the smallest bird in our country? (Korolek) 7. Which one is the most big bird in the world? ( African ostrich more than 2 m)

8. What is the largest animal that lives in the ocean? (whale)

9. Which one is the best? long snake in the world? (Anaconda)

10. Which one is the best? big monkey? (Gorilla)

  1. Competition for spectators: game “Black Box” with spectators

Leading: In this black box there is a creature who considers himself the most beautiful in the world. It is pugnacious, very loud, loves to dig in the ground, loves to fight and, like all warriors, wears spurs. Hero of many folk tales, where he is portrayed as a braggart and a coward, (Rooster is a toy)

  1. Captains competition.


  1. Competition to assemble a mosaic:

All teams participate

  1. Riddle competition for spectators:

1. A violinist lives in a meadow - he wears a tailcoat and gallops. (Grasshopper)

2. Everyone calls him the “forest doctor” because he “heals” trees -
pulls out harmful insects and larvae from the trunk and from under the bark. (Woodpecker)

3 . It flutters over the flower, dances, and waves its patterned fan. (Butterfly)

4. Not a mouse, not a bird, it frolics in the forest, lives in the trees, and gnaws nuts. (Squirrel)

5. In winter there are apples on the branches, pick them quickly! And suddenly the apples flew up, because it was... (Bullfinches)

6. In the forest near the stump there is bustle and running around. The working people are busy all day. (Ants)

7. Silent during the day, screams at night, flies through the forest, scares passersby. (Eagle owl)

8. The red-haired housewife walked through the forest, sweeping away the trails with her tail. (Fox)

9. Grayish, toothy, prowling around the field, looking for calves, looking for guys. (Wolf)

We are inextricably linked with nature. It supports our existence with its juices and delivers air to our lungs. In material terms, it gives us life, movement, being. Nature is a storehouse of secrets. Among the secrets of nature is the sky... and even the atmosphere. Witness atmospheric phenomena anyone can become. Natural phenomena are observed, studied, described. And today we will dedicate a quiz to them. The quiz, as usual, is presented in the form of questions and answers. Quiz “Natural phenomena. Weather” will help refresh our knowledge of the “atmospheric kingdom”.

1. What are natural phenomena?
Sunrise and sunset +
Construction of a skyscraper
Departure and arrival of birds +

2. What applies to winter phenomena in inanimate nature?
Black ice +
Snowfall +
Blizzard +
Thaw +
Frost +

3. What are the names of natural phenomena associated with the change of seasons?
Seasonal +
Daily allowance

4. Mark the correct statement:
“In summer, the sun is high in the sky and the earth receives a lot of heat” +
“The lower the sun, the warmer it is”
“The weather does not depend on the height of the sun”

5. Which autumn phenomena in inanimate nature are indicated correctly?
Fogs +
Frost +
Rains +

6. What makes up the weather?
Air temperature +
Precipitation +
Wind +
Cloud cover +

7. What instrument is used to measure air temperature?
Thermometer +

8. What is the science of weather called?
Meteorology +

9. Where do scientists observe the weather?
At meteorological stations +
On the spiers of the mountains
At the lighthouses

10. What is a weather forecast?
Scientific weather prediction +
Data taken from the same previous period
Data based on human sensations

11. What are the names of scientists who determine the state of the weather?
The doctors
Forecasters +

12. What instruments help make weather forecasts?
Anemometers +
Barometers +
Cold meters

13. Do they help? folk signs to predict the weather?
Yes +

14. Swallows fly low...
Towards clear weather
To the drought
To the rain +

15. What space objects help predict the weather?
Weather satellites +

16. Confirm or refute the statement:
“Animals and birds are more sensitive to weather changes than humans” +
"Before approaching harsh winter animals and birds make large reserves of provisions" +
"Before warm winter the hare does not change its skin"

17. For what period can a weather forecast be made?
For tomorrow +
For a week +
For a few weeks +

Liliya Lavrenina
Ecological quiz for children of senior preschool age “Nature Experts”

Target: summarize knowledge children about the world around them, in the form of holding environmental quiz , based on the knowledge gained in different types activities.


Consolidate knowledge children about wild animals, pets and birds;

Expand knowledge about nature;

Cultivate a feeling of love for nature;

Develop creativity children, activity, intelligence and speech;

Evoke positive emotions;

Consolidate knowledge children about behavior in the forest;

Promote the development of attention and memory; creating an emotional mood.

Previous work:

Conversations about the forest and its inhabitants, about protection and careful attitude To nature; looking at illustrations natural history; didactic and educational games; reading fiction.

Equipment: musical soundtrack "In the animal world", captains' emblems, an envelope for cut pictures, cut pictures (birds, feeders and bird food, a spinning top with an arrow, cones, baskets for cones, medals for all participants.

Quiz progress

To the music "In the animal world" children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Today we will talk about nature. After all nature– this is the wealth of humanity! It must be protected like human life. Every animal or insect on earth is necessary and useful. Rich, beautiful and infinitely varied amazing world nature. Wherever you are were: in the forest, in the meadow, on the bank of the river - mysteries and mysteries surround us everywhere.

Educator: Guys, you have to hear, according to the description recognize and name trees that grow in the forest, they also grow on the site of our kindergarten. Listen carefully.

This tree is cheerful and elegant at any time of the year. In the spring it blooms with white fragrant flowers, in the summer it rustles with carved leaves, and in the fall its branches are sprinkled with bright clusters of berries. Love him in winter time visit different birds: bullfinches, waxwings. (Rowan) .

This tree is called the beauty of the Russian forest. How many songs have been composed about her, how many poems have been written. Slender, with white bark, with thin drooping branches and talkative foliage, it also has catkins with seeds. (Birch) .

Everyone who passes by this tree in the spring exclaims: “It smells so good!” It is strewn with fluffy clusters of white, fragrant flowers. Its strong aroma is not only pleasant, but also useful; it cleanses the air of germs. (Bird cherry) .

This tree is easy to know the trunk is almost black in color. At the beginning of summer it blooms with fragrant yellow flowers. Medicinal tea is brewed from them. Various insects readily visit flowers rich in sweet nectar. And bees make tasty juice from fragrant juice healing honey. (Linden) .

Today we will spend quiz: « Nature connoisseurs. Now let's move on to the first and second. The first numbers will take a step inside the circle and stay with me, and the second numbers will sit on the chairs for the audience. We split into two teams, team « experts» and team "spectators". Counting command " experts“chooses a captain and sits down at the table to play.

Rules of conduct during quizzes: listen to the task question to the end, do not prompt the respondent during his answer; the team deliberates and after my signal (the bell rings, the captain appoints a person in charge. If the team « experts» "Spectators" quizzes

The teacher spins the spinning top and on whose card the arrow stops, he "viewer" asks a question.

1 team

The science of right environmental management and protection of living organisms. (Ecology)

What is the name of vegetable world? (Flora)

The time of year when one begins to fall asleep nature? (Autumn).

Who is the nurse of the bird forest? (Woodpecker).Domestic relative of the hare? (Rabbit).

Do hares prepare food reserves? (No).

Where does the squirrel live? (Hollow) .

What mushrooms grow under birch trees? (Boletus).

Which vegetable contains greatest number carotene, the so-called "growth vitamin"? (Carrot)

Name three states of water (liquid, solid, vapor)

After everything "spectators" asked their questions, the teacher asks questions to the team « experts» and the team "spectators".

“True or not?”

(the teacher calls the phrase, and the children determine whether it is true or not)

1. Do bears like to eat tigers? (No)

2. Do birch trees have earrings in spring? (Yes)

3. Is the sun green? (No)

4. Is a dog a wild animal? (No)

5. Are flowers never watered? (No)

6. Are sharks and pike birds? (No)

7. Was the tree always big? (No)

8. Are flowers always black? (No)

9. In his warm puddle he croaked loudly.... Sparrow? (No)

10. Can elephants wave their trunk? (Yes)

Physical education minute


We are going into the woods, be careful my friend. (Walking) .

There is a stream ahead, cross it - here is the bridge. (Walking on toes) .

We'll jump a little along the winding path. (Jumping) .

When we hear thunder in the sky, we will hide under a bush. (Squats) .

We will walk slowly - the rain will overtake us along the way. (Easy running) .

We came with you, my friend, to a dense forest. (Walking) .

Educator: Here we come again kindergarten. Team "players" sits down on the chairs and becomes "spectators", and we have a second team "players" and she takes a seat at the table. I repeat the rules of conduct during quizzes: listen to the task question to the end, do not prompt the answerer during his answer. ; the team deliberates and after my signal (the bell rings, the captain appoints a person in charge. If the team « experts» answered incorrectly, the one who asked the question answers and the point is awarded to the team "Spectators". Each correct answer is scored with a bump. After quizzes we will count the number of cones and determine the winner.

The teacher spins the spinning top and on whose card the arrow on the spinning top stops, he "viewer" asks a question.

2nd team

1. Document containing brief information on distribution and protection measures rare species plants all over the world. (Red Book)

2. What is it called? animal world? (Fauna)

3. At what time of year does ice occur? (Winter) .

4. Who is the animal forest nurse? (Wolf) .

5. A wild relative of the pig. (Boar) .

6. Do squirrels prepare food reserves? (Yes).

7. Winter apartment of a bear? (Den)

8. What mushrooms grow under aspen trees? (Boletus) .

9. Vitamin dish prepared from chopped vegetables with added salt and vegetable oil. (Salad)

10. At what weather conditions the snow creaks underfoot (When it's very cold outside)

Task for both teams

Exercise "Guess my house"

1. Where does the bear live? (den)

2. Where is the hare’s house? (under a bush)

3. What is the name of the mouse’s home? (mink)

4. Where does the cow live? (cowshed)

5. What is the name of the wolf’s home? (den)

6. What is the name of the squirrel's house? (hollow)

7. Where does the rabbit live? (rabbitry)

8. What kind of house does the dog have? (kennel)

(questions are asked to each team in turn)


Cutting pictures

Educator: Dear experts and"spectators", Santa Claus found out about our quiz, and also sent you a task to collect cut-out pictures of birds, feeders and food for these birds. The letter was carried by a magpie, and she was very curious; she wanted to look at these pictures and accidentally mixed them all up.

Team "spectators" and team « experts» collects cut pictures of birds, feeders and birdseed and pastes them onto a sheet of Whatman paper.

Each team shows their Whatman paper.

Summing up

Captains competition (telling riddles one by one)

1) Under the pines, under the fir trees

there is a bag of needles (Hedgehog)

2) In winter he sleeps - in summer he stirs up the hives (bear)

3) Cunning cheat, red head,

fluffy tail - beauty! And her name is... (fox)

1) Jumps from twig to twig and frolics

dexterous, agile, not a bird! (squirrel)

2) A ball of fluff, a long ear,

jumps deftly, loves carrots (hare)

3) Who is cold in winter,

walking around angry, hungry? (wolf)

(riddles are read to each captain in turn)

Educator: guys, your parents also know the rules of behavior in nature and they will read them to you.

Rules of conduct in parents read to nature

1. If you came to the forest for a walk, fresh air breathe, run, jump and play, just don’t forget that you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly, the little animals will get scared and run away from the forest edge.

2. Don’t break oak branches.

3. Never forget to remove debris from the grass.

4. There is no need to pick flowers in vain.

5. Don’t shoot with a slingshot! You didn't come to kill.

6. Let the butterflies fly, who are they bothering?

7. There is no need to catch everyone here. Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

8. You are just a guest in the forest, here the owner is the oak and the elk. Take care of their peace, because they are not our enemies.

1 child: Take care of the earth! Take care!

Love your dear nature:

Lakes, forests and seas.

2 child: After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land!


Let's take care of our beautiful earth, our common Home. Take care and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a particle nature!

Let's save the planet -

There is nothing like it in the entire universe,

There is only one in the entire Universe,

It was given to us for life and friendship!

At the end of the lesson, all participants quiz medals are given out.

Quiz about nature for schoolchildren

1. What spring drink do children, birds, animals, and insects like to enjoy? (Birch sap.)

2. Which animals are colder: big or small? Why? (Small. The surface of the body is large compared to the volume of the body, and in external environment a lot of heat is given off.)

3. Which animal has the palms of its front paws turned apart and outward? (At the mole.)

4. What animals fly? ( The bats and flying squirrels.)

5. Why don’t they kill fur-bearing animals in the spring? (In spring fur animals they shed, this depreciates the value of the fur. In addition, animals give birth to cubs in the spring.)

6. What animal turns white except for the tip of its tail in winter? (Ermine.)

7. What is stepsoning? (Removing side shoots.)

8. What flowers in cucumbers are called barren flowers? (Male.)

9. Where do the shells go from birdhouses? broken eggs? (Birds carry them out in their beaks.)

10. Which bird is the smallest in our country? (Korolek.)

11. Which of our birds is the fastest? (Swift.)

12. When is the sparrow’s body temperature lower: in winter or summer? (Same.)

13. Which bird has only two toes? (In the African ostrich.)

14. What plant is called the “root of life”? (Ginseng.)

15. Which herb is the most bitter and very popular in medicine? (Sagebrush.)

16. What is the science of healing called? medicinal plants? (Phytotherapy.)

17. Name a herbal medicine for 99 diseases. (St. John's wort.)

18. What are the names of the volatile substances released by onions and garlic? (Vatoncides.)

19. Why are flowers that bloom at night white? (White flowers are more visible to pollinating insects.)

20. What is born in bread, but is not suitable for food? (Cornflower.)

21. The flowers of this plant open only when a bumblebee lands on it. (Snapdragon, or toadflax.)

22. Which plant’s flowers have different corolla colors? (Pansies.)

23. What do male mosquitoes eat? (They do not suck blood, but feast on the nectar of flowers.)

24. Who drills into the ground and leaves lumps of earth behind? (Earthworms.)

25. What animals, like birds, come out of the water unscathed? (Beavers, muskrats.)

26. Different animals have a certain combed coat. What kind of comb does a mole have? (The mole's fur does not have a specific direction; it is short and easily lies in any direction.)

27. Why do ants drag caterpillars into anthills? (Ants are predators; they feed on a variety of insects and small animals.)
