What is the difference between amino acids and bcaa. What is a BCAA complex and what is it for?

Intensive and regular workouts require that the athlete strictly adhere to the training schedule and proper nutrition. Correct means balanced not only in terms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, but also others nutrients.

But in the modern pace of life, and even with products of dubious quality, it is not always possible to maintain the norm of nutrients sufficient for stable muscle growth. Sports nutrition comes to the rescue, which contains all the elements necessary for the body, as well as substances that guarantee the proper absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Among all the important components, the most significant for health, the training process and its final result are considered amino acids. Amino acids are amino and carbon compounds that form protein necessary for the construction of the skeletal system and muscle fibers. But what are BCAA, and what is the connection between them and amino acids?

What are amino acids?

It is known that in healthy body there must be 28 amino acids, 9 of which are essential - that is, they are not produced in the body independently, and can only be obtained from food. This once again explains the importance sports nutrition(in particular amino acids) for an athlete. Lack of amino acids in the body not only inhibits growth muscle mass, but also leads to gradual destruction bone tissue.

What is BCAA?

BCAA (from English - Branched chain amino acids - amino acids with branched chains) is a separate group that contains only three essential amino acids - isoleucine, leucine, valine. This group amino acids perform the following functions:

  • Protects muscles from “burning”;
  • Increases the amount of lean muscle mass;
  • Reduces fat accumulation and cholesterol in the body;
  • Increases strength and endurance.

All three amino acids that make up BCAAs are quickly absorbed, as they are broken down in the muscles, not the liver. Just three hours is enough to completely “digest” these amino acids.

How are BCAAs different from amino acids?

The main differences between BCAAs and amino acids are as follows:

  • This is a group that contains only three amino acids: isoleucine, leucine, valine. While amino acids in general are a large group organic compounds, which are replaceable, irreplaceable and conditionally replaceable.
  • BCAAs are absorbed faster because they are broken down in the muscles rather than in the liver.
  • BCAA is a group of vital amino acids, each of which is essential.
  • BCAAs are most deficient during and after training. It is a proven fact that after training the body needs isoleucine, leucine and valine most of all.

Note that to achieve the best athletic results, it is better to combine the intake of amino acids and BCAAs after training (according to the instructions indicated on the drug packaging).

The huge variety of sports supplements can drive even experienced athletes crazy, not to mention beginners. And the most popular question among them is what is better, bcaa or amino acids? It seems that both are talking about adding one category, but there is still some difference between them. In this article we will look specifically at this issue, talk about the features of both supplements, and choose the best option among them.

Both amino acids in the form of complex supplements and BCAA have their own advantages and disadvantages over their opponents.

BCAA are three main anabolic amino acids that play a huge role in bodybuilding. They make up more than 35% of all amino acids that make up muscle tissue. Leucine, isoleucine and valine provide the athlete with all the properties necessary for this sport:

  • They have a pronounced anti-catabolic effect. That is, they slow down and negate the process of muscle tissue breakdown;
  • Allows you to gain only lean muscle mass. Thus, taking BCAA long time, you can hope to feel the gain in muscles, without additional pounds of fat;
  • They can not only increase lean muscle mass, but also actively fight body fat. That is, you not only increase mass, but also simultaneously eliminate fat, which allows you to achieve ideal and aesthetic proportions;
  • Increases strength indicators. Not only are they a high-quality source of energy in themselves, but they are also capable of stimulating the body for increased productivity.

At the same time, these can be called the main functions of BCAA. That is, they perform for the most part only these functions, using various processes for these purposes.

Amino acid complexes in in this case can be called a more universal additive. In addition to the fact that they almost always contain BCAA, although in more modest quantities, they also include 10-20 additional amino acids. To one degree or another, each amino acid performs certain functions in the body, and they are absolutely necessary to maintain normal functioning of the body.

More details about beneficial properties You can find out about BCAA in the article: “BCA sports nutrition – what is it for?”

The advantages of taking amino acid complexes, in addition to those listed in BCAA, include:

  • Improves the condition of bones, joints and cartilage;
  • Take an active part in the functioning of the immune system;
  • Some of them improve the functioning of the central nervous system and brain, improve cognitive abilities and memory;
  • Help the body fight age-related changes;
  • Stimulates the production of beneficial hormones;
  • Accelerate recovery from illness;
  • They are antioxidants.

It's just short list beneficial properties of amino acids, since there are a huge number of them, and each of them has a number of useful qualities.

So what should you choose in this situation – amino acids or bcaa?

Before answering this question, it should be said that both amino acid complexes and BCAA are equally effective and useful for consumption by any person. Therefore, there is no point in arguing which is better - BCAA or amino acids. In any case, the most effective option there will be a combination of them.

In the case where you do not have enough budget for both supplements and you must choose one, it is better to give preference to BCAA, since these three amino acids are essential and most necessary for our muscles!

Many people try to bring their figure to the desired ideal. To do this, they burden themselves physical activity, and also follow a certain diet, which includes special sports nutrition. Important components of sports nutrition for weight loss, as well as for muscle growth, are amino acids, including bcaa. When making a choice in favor of one supplement or another, you need to know how amino acids differ from bcaa.

What are amino acids and bcaa?

Before we can differentiate between sports supplements, it is necessary to define what these substances are.

Amino acids are a type of organic protein compound that includes amino as well as carboxyl groups. Protein compounds are formed from them, which are the basis for muscles. They are used by the body to create muscles, skeleton, intense brain function, for the overall development of a person, his fruitful functioning. If a person lacks amino acids, he may develop dementia, his memory may become absent-minded, and, in general, the healthy functioning of the body may be disrupted. Amino acids are the same protein, practically only already broken down, and therefore the absorption of such protein is much higher.

Amino acids are divided into replaceable and irreplaceable. The human body includes 20 amino acids, eight of which the body cannot synthesize; they can only be obtained from the outside. Of these eight, three amino acids have a branched molecular configuration, which are called bcaa.

Amino acids bcaa are called so from the abbreviated English branched chain amino acids - amino acids with a branched chain. They are an indispensable component for building a human muscle corset and maintain the normal state of proteins. These amino acids make up a third of all in the muscular system. BCAAs include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. The most important acid is leucine, since during physical activity the body accelerates the oxidation of bcaa to maintain energy balance in the body. During and after sports, the amount of bcaa in the muscle structure, especially leucine, decreases. Then processes are launched to stabilize bcaa in the body by obtaining them from the muscles, which leads to their destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to take BCAa during and after training.

The result of using bcaa amino acids for training and the body

This type of sports nutrition has several functions that are significant for the training process, such as:

  1. Obstacle to muscle breakdown;
  2. Construction material for muscular system;
  3. Reduction of lipid layer (fat);
  4. Increased endurance during training;
  5. Almost doubles the effect of other taken sports nutrition;

It also has a number of important functions for the body:

  1. Basis for protein synthesis in muscles;
  2. Basis for energy generation;
  3. Preparatory basis for the synthesis of amino acids such as alanine and glutamine;
  4. Stimulation of insulin and growth hormone production;
  5. Acceleration of ketosis (fat burning)
  6. Maintaining cortisol and testosterone at optimal levels.

According to the functions of bcaa, they are effective both for people who want to lose weight and for those who gain muscle mass.

The difference between amino acids and bcaa

Amino acids and bcaa have a number of differences:

1. Composition of additives.

Amino acids are complex supplements consisting of approximately 20 nonessential and essential amino acids. Part of the amino acid complex, bcaa, includes three components: valine, leucine, isoleucine. They are most needed during and after training.

2. Appointment time

It is recommended to take the amino acid complex in the morning, immediately after getting up, and also before bed. This is necessary so that the body always has the opportunity to fill protein gaps in the body, which will not allow muscles to break down. Bcaa is best taken immediately before, during and after training to receive broken down protein to restore muscle fibers after destruction by the training process.

3. Speed ​​of absorption

All amino acids have a very high absorption rate, especially bcaa. This is due to the fact that their metabolism occurs in the muscles, and not in the liver. Absolute absorption will occur in no more than four hours. Their intake into the body will begin immediately after administration.

The dosage of the amino acid complex is about 20 grams per day. If a person consumes protein, including from food (meat, eggs, dairy products, soy, etc.), then the dosage may be reduced. The dosage of bcaa is much less, about 5-10 grams per day. This is due to the fact that only three amino acids are concentrated in bcaa, which are present in complex amino acids, but in smaller doses. For people who have just started exercising, it is necessary to take an even smaller dosage, about 2-3 grams, so that the body gets used to the new supplement and it does not cause stomach upset. Once a week the dosage must be increased by 1 gram. The maximum dose for training athletes should not exceed 80 grams; it should not be kept at this level. high level constantly. For professional athletes, this is only possible during direct preparation for competitions, during the drying process. For people who are not professionally involved in sports, it is better to adhere to the optimal dosage for the body (5-10 grams per day)

5. Selectivity of exposure

Amino acid complexes affect not only muscle structure. For example, the state of immunity, the quality of the structure of hair and nails depend on them. BCAAs are responsible only for the condition of the body’s muscular corset and endurance during training; their impact on other systems is negligible.

6. Functionality

Amino acid complexes are recommended for use during mass gain, as they help restore muscle tissue damaged during training. Also, they should be taken when losing weight, because they will not give the muscles the opportunity to break down while fat is being burned. BCAAs help build muscle more effectively and also increase endurance and strength, which will allow you to lift heavier weights and achieve greater muscle hypertrophy (growth). Also, when taken during training, muscles grow at a faster rate due to the high concentration of the three amino acids that make up bcaa.

7. Consumption

Amino acid complexes are suitable for use not only by people involved in sports, but also by those who strive to strengthen the body. The use of bcaa is recommended for those who play sports and strive to build muscle mass, or maintain muscle mass while losing weight. Not suitable for preventing the condition of other systems. Bcaa is an excellent supplement for weight loss due to leptin, a hormone that regulates many processes in the body. In particular, fat consumption and its deposition. BCAAs help to move the fat burning process forward and increase the amount of leptin in the body. They mislead the body, forcing it to perceive while taking BCAA that food is entering the stomach from big amount calories. Allows you to suppress hunger and increase energy consumption due to fat burning. In ordinary amino acid complexes, the concentration of leptin is negligible, so these supplements do not have the same effect on the weight loss process as bcaa.

8. Ways to obtain

Many amino acids included in the complexes are produced by the body itself. The body cannot produce BCAAs, so they must be taken additionally either with a bulk amount of a certain protein food, or as a concentrated supplement. Since BCA intake is necessary both before and during training, it is almost impossible to do this with food. Firstly, it is physically inconvenient to eat during training and continue physical activity after eating. Secondly, bcaa is already broken down protein, and it begins to enter the body instantly, while ordinary protein foods must first be broken down in the body, and then absorbed and serve as food for the muscles.

9. Contraindications

The main contraindications for taking amino acids are problems with gastrointestinal tract. If a person has them, taking amino acids can make them worse. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required. Bcaa, like any other sports supplement, has a number of contraindications. They are not recommended for people who are scheduled to have surgery in two to three weeks. This is because they can affect blood sugar levels, which can negatively affect blood clotting. With regular use of bcaa, vitamin B from food is less absorbed. Therefore, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes while taking this sports supplement.

What is better to take: amino acids or bcaa?

Along with their differences, amino acids and bcaa have general function– maintaining the size of muscle mass during weight loss and synthesizing its growth in the presence of physical activity.

The choice of these sports supplements should be based on the purpose of use. If a person takes little protein food, it means he is not getting enough amino acids. To replenish proteins in the body, complex amino acid supplements are suitable. Also, if a person plays sports and does not take additional sports protein, then he needs to take complex amino acids to prevent the destruction of muscle tissue and affect its growth. Amino acids are a multifunctional supplement, and, along with functions related to the condition of the muscle corset, they perform the function of replenishing the missing components for the optimal condition of bone tissue, as well as maintaining the body’s immunity. They can be taken by people who do not exercise at all and do not think about the condition of their muscles, but want to have a strong immune system, Very good condition hair and nails.

BCAAs are not suitable for the prevention of diseases, since the included amino acids are aimed at other processes: maximum muscle recovery after training and the most effective fat burning due to leptin. Despite the fact that amino acid complexes also help maintain muscle tissue at a stable level, when losing weight they do not accelerate the fat burning process, unlike bcaa.

Bcaa are ideal for those people who engage in targeted sports. Due to the fact that they increase the body's endurance, they are effective in increasing athletic performance. Amino acids cannot contribute to this due to the low concentration of leucine, isoleucine and valine.

It is most effective to take both sports supplements if a person has the opportunity to purchase them. If you need to make a choice, then you need to accurately determine your own goal, familiarize yourself with information about the work of supplements and combine the chosen one with a nutritious diet.

Amino acids are vital for the human body. The fact is that they are directly involved in the synthesis of protein, from which, in turn, cells, tissues, and organs are built.

Scientists today talk about 28 amino acids. Moreover, our body synthesizes 20 of them without “ outside help" But another 8 enter our body exclusively with food.

Those who are especially in need goes in for sports intensely. The fact is that even during low-intensity training, the lion's share of amino acids is burned. And what is lost must be replenished.

a lack of amino acids leads to various pathologies in the body and can have irreversible consequences. Typically, professional athletes take amino acids 3-4 times a day. Often, especially for beginning athletes, the question arises:

What is better to take - amino acids or BCAA?

To answer it, you need to understand the difference between these two concepts.

usually includes a separate group of amino acids: isoleucine, leucine and valine.

These amino acids have a branched chain. They are the ones who take the most active part in building muscle tissue: 35% muscle- this is the result of the “work” of isoleucine, leucine and valine.

Isoleucine, leucine and valine vital for the human body!

All three amino acids are necessarily included in other amino acids (organic compounds). But they cannot be synthesized by the body and cannot be replaced by other amino acids. Meanwhile daily requirement in these amino acids is 6 g!

BCAA is metabolized not in the liver, but directly in the muscles.

Thus, the speed and efficiency of BCAA absorption in comparison with conventional amino acids increases significantly. Isoleucine, leucine and valine begin to enter the body within a few minutes.

BCAA is the right choice!

Thus, it is quite obvious that as a source of protein, when choosing between amino acids and BCAAs, it is better to give preference for BCAAs. Because BCAA:

  • includes exactly those essential amino acids that need to be replenished after physical activity in the first place
  • completely absorbed by the body within 3 hours
  • metabolized directly into muscle tissue
  • helps absorb up to 89% of other amino acids.

Bcaa amino acid complexes are becoming increasingly popular among professional and novice bodybuilders. Many people ask questions about what BCAA and amino acids are, what they are needed for, and whether there are contraindications for taking them.

What are amino acids?

Variants of amino acid complexes. There are many manufacturers producing them. When choosing, the main thing is the right approach

Amino acids are the so-called construction material for proteins. Human muscles are mainly composed of protein. The body needs it for growth, strengthening and recovery.

In total, a person needs 20 amino acids: 9 of them are non-essential, and 11 are essential. The body gets them from food, and if it is balanced, then it does not experience starvation. At balanced diet, but during intense physical activity a person needs recharge. Then it is possible to use a complex of essential amino acids, which includes:

  • tryptophan;
  • histidine;
  • lysine;
  • phenylalanine;
  • methionine;
  • threonine

These amino acids are highly effective during sports, but most professionals choose bca amino acids. Let's figure out what they are.

It is also important to know what the complex gives during a weight loss workout or muscle drying. Let's consider.

Proven effects of taking a complex of amino acids and BCAA

An important and pressing question that arises among novice athletes is what is the amino acid or bcaa complex needed for and what properties does it have? Let's figure it out. Among the main effects are:

  • protecting muscles from destruction;
  • increase in the effectiveness of sports nutrition by 40%;
  • burning fat deposits in the body. BCAA, a weight loss composition, provides a good effect, while amino acids provide a slightly lesser effect;
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • The vitamins included in the composition accelerate the absorption of amino acids.

Important! There is no particular difference in effectiveness for women and men. The main thing is to follow the correct dosage. Instructions for use from each specific manufacturer will help with this.

Which is better - amino acids or BCAA?

Many novice athletes wonder what is better - amino acids or bcaa? Budget is critical. This is due to the fact that pure BCAA is much more expensive than a complex of amino acids.

In addition, it should be noted that the high cost of BCAA amino acids is due to their accelerated entry into the muscles. Leucine and isoleucine, as well as valine, directly affect fibers.

Read also the article “” on our website.

Important! BCA for weight loss can also be used, but only in combination with intense physical activity and before starting a workout, and not at night, as otherwise it may have the opposite effect.

Forms of release of amino acid complexes

It should immediately be noted that they are equivalent in effectiveness. Amino acids and BCAA are available in the form:

  • powders;
  • tablets;
  • solutions;
  • capsules;
  • injections.

Important! Injections should be used in rare cases, as they have a lot of contraindications, and it is impossible to achieve a better effect with them.

The daily requirement for amino acids for a person weighing 70 kg is 12 grams, and due to the fact that they are available in standard food products, the need for them is fully met. But athletes with a similar weight during intense exercise need 100-120 grams, which is why they use food supplements.

Nowadays, amino acid complexes are becoming increasingly popular among bodybuilders. Among them there is mega size 1000 caps. He is quite famous among athletes. Let's look at its composition, effect on the body and methods of use.

Contraindications for taking amino acid complex and BCAA

When taken correctly and without any personal contraindications, these sports nutrition complexes are safe.

They should be taken with caution by people suffering from liver and kidney diseases. Individual intolerance to the protein or its individual components is also possible, so trainers advise consulting a doctor before consuming it, and if discomfort occurs, immediately stop taking amino acids or BCAA.

Choice of amino acids and BCAA

At the very beginning of training and taking sports nutrition, beginners are faced with the question of how to choose amino acids and bcaa correctly. These few tips will help.

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the manufacturer. There are now a huge number of them, but, unfortunately, not all of them offer high-quality goods. Before purchasing, you can read reviews on the Internet and consult with a trainer.

Important! You cannot buy food outside specialized sales points, as counterfeit food can negatively affect your health instead of achieving the desired result.

  • You should study the composition. If it is an amino acid complex or BCAA, it must include: valine, leucine, isoleucine. It is these components that ensure excellent muscle growth and fat burning. In addition, they also provide positive influence to your health.
  • Expiration date and storage rules. An expired supplement is hazardous to health.
  • The presence of vitamins B6 and B12 is not a bad indicator, as they ensure easier and faster absorption of amino acids.
  • The absence of components that are considered individually intolerable.

Amino acid and bcaa kits are needed by those athletes who dream of beautiful muscle definition, and also want to recover at an accelerated pace after exercise, become more resilient and strong. There is no harm from this supplement, but you should strictly follow the recommended dosages.
