How is an access point different from a router? What is a WiFi Internet Access Point and How is it Different from a Router?

Let me start with the fact that the router itself, which you want to make an access point, is an access point, only more functional. It runs a DHCP server that distributes IP, most likely there is a firewall, and roughly speaking it builds routes between connected devices, which is why it is a router. So, to turn a router into an access point, you just need to disable some functions in it and connect it via cable to another router, or to a modem.

In the hotel article, I already wrote. You can read it if interested. There I promised to show in detail, using the example of different routers, the settings that need to be made to use the router as a point Wi-Fi access.

Let's use an example to find out for what purposes this mode of operation may be suitable. Let's say you have a modem or router installed on the ground floor, or at one end of the house. Which may or may not distribute Wi-Fi, it doesn’t matter. So, at the other end of the house, or on another floor, we need to install an access point to distribute Wi-Fi. In this case, the connection between the router and the access point will be via a network cable.

If we install an access point at the other end, the main router will distribute IP addresses, and the devices will be on the same network, which is often very important. Also, the access point mode can be useful for distributing Wi-Fi from a modem that does not have this capability. In fact, there are many possible uses. Otherwise, access points simply would not be sold as separate devices. Because they wouldn't make sense.

Please note that most routers can operate in other modes, which may suit you better:

  • Repeater mode– suitable if your goal is simply to expand your existing Wi-Fi network with another router. On our website there are instructions for, as well as. After setup, there will be one Wi-Fi network, just enhanced. Internet via cable from the “repeater” will also be available.
  • WDS Wireless Bridge Mode- this is practically the same as the access point mode, but here the connection between routers is not via cable, but via Wi-Fi networks. I wrote in more detail about setting up such a connection in the article: . It is shown in detail using the example of popular routers: ASUS, TP-LINK, D-Link, Zyxel. There is also a detailed one.

Sorry that there is so much information and links already at the beginning of the article, but these issues needed to be sorted out.

As for the “access point” operating mode, also known as AP (Access Point), this mode is configured differently on routers from different manufacturers. For example, on routers from ASUS and Zyxel, just enable Access Point mode in the control panel, connect the devices with a network cable, and you're done. But on devices from TP-LINK, you need to manually change the router’s IP address and disable the DHCP server.

Connecting an access point to a router (modem):

We connect both devices with a network cable. On the main router (modem), we connect the cable to the LAN port (Home Network), and on the access point router, also to the LAN port.

From an access point, the Internet via a network cable also works. For many this is important.

Setting up an ASUS router in access point (AP) mode

On ASUS routers, as a rule, the AP operating mode is enabled in the control panel. After which, we simply connect it to the router or modem and everything is ready. On some models, for example on the old RT-N13U, modes are switched with a special switch on the device body. I will show you how to configure an access point using the Asus RT-N12 router as an example.

We connect to the router, and at the address, go to its settings. In the settings, go to the "Administration" tab. And at the top is the "Operating Mode" tab. We put the switch next to “Access point (AP) mode”. Read the description of the mode and click “Save”.

In the next window we need to set the IP settings. You don’t have to change anything, just click “Next”. But, in this case, to determine the IP address of the access point, you will need to use the special “Discovery” utility. Or you can, where “Obtain IP automatically”, put no, and change the last digit. For example, on Now, the settings will be available at this address. DNS, if necessary, can be specified as in the screenshot below. Or, leave it automatic.

In the next window, if necessary, change the Wi-Fi network settings of our ASUS access point and click “Apply”.

The router will reboot and go into AP mode. If you go to its settings, at the address that you may have specified yourself, or which can be determined using the “Discovery” utility (you can download it from the link), then you will see a stripped-down control panel. Where you can change the necessary settings, or, for example, return the device to the “Wireless Router” operating mode.

After setup, connect the Access Point to the router or modem via cable (there is a diagram above), and it will distribute Wi-Fi.

Access point from Zyxel Keenetic router

If I'm not mistaken, only the Keenetic Lite III model has a mechanical operating mode switch on the case. In all other cases, . I immediately advise you to set up a Wi-Fi network (set the network name and password, if necessary), so as not to have to deal with entering the AP settings later.

To activate access point mode on Zyxel, go to the "System" tab, and open the "Mode" tab at the top. Select "Access point - Wi-Fi zone extension with Ethernet connection" and click the "Apply" button.

Allow the router to reboot. After this, you can connect it to another router, and it will already work in “Access Point” mode.

To go into its settings, you can first go to the settings of the main router (modem), go to the list of clients, and look at the IP address of our Zyxel there. And then use it to go to the web interface. Or you can simply reset the settings, and the router will work in normal “Internet Center” mode.

TP-LINK router as a Wi-Fi access point

If you have a device from TP-LINK, you will need to manually change several parameters. Since there is no operating mode switch there. Now I’ll show you step by step what and how to do. I will show it using the example of a router.

1 First, go to the one that we want to configure in wireless access point mode. And change the IP address of the router. To do this, open the “Network” – “LAN” tab. We need to set an IP address the same as that of the main router (can be viewed on the device itself), just with a different number at the end. For example: if the IP address of the main modem (router) is, then in the TP-LINK settings you need to set and save the settings. The router will reboot.

Go to settings again, but at a new address. In my case, it is

2 Setting up a Wi-Fi network. If necessary, on the "Wireless" tab, set the Wi-Fi settings for our access point. Enter the network name and password.

3 Last step. Disable the DHCP server. To do this, go to the "DHCP" tab. Place the switch next to “Disable” and save the settings.

And reboot the router. You can do it through the control panel. "System Tools" tab - "Reboot", "Reboot" button.

We connect it to the main router (LAN - LAN), and we get a Wi-Fi access point.

Setting up Access Point on Netis routers

On my Netis router, I just changed the IP address, disabled DHCP, and everything worked. Go to settings at

Open the “Network” – “LAN” tab. Change the IP address. If the main router or modem has, then write So that only the last digit would differ. We also disable the DHCP server there. And save the settings.

If necessary, go to the settings again (already at the new address that was specified), and on the “Wireless Mode” tab set the Wi-Fi settings.

We connect our Netis access point to the main device with a network cable (LAN - LAN), and everything is ready.

USB modems came into our lives very unexpectedly. 5-10 years ago we could not even think that it could be with us anywhere. These small devices do not take up much space and are quite easy to use.

Where did this name come from, why USB modem?

USB is read as U.S.B. Universal Serial Bus, which translates as “universal serial bus”, is a serial data transfer interface for peripheral devices.

A computer, laptop or tablet usually has at least one USB connector (Fig. 1). As a rule, a keyboard, mouse, printer and other peripheral devices are now connected to a computer, laptop, and sometimes to a tablet via a USB connector.

A USB modem is connected via a USB connector on a computer, laptop or tablet, just like a keyboard or mouse is connected.

Internet via USB modem

USB modems (Fig. 2) have a little trick: in each region, the modem of some cellular operator supports communication better, and some operator - worse or worse.

If you buy a USB modem, it will most likely be at the store of some mobile operator. There you will immediately be given both the modem itself and a SIM card for it. Without it, you will not be able to access the Internet, because it only works through mobile communications.

One of the main advantages of modems sold by mobile operators is that they do not need to be configured. Just insert the device into your computer or laptop and wait a little while the necessary software is automatically installed. software, and that's it, you can surf the Internet.

But almost immediately the most a big problem- this is a connection. It would seem that there are a lot of towers around us, the coverage area is huge, but there isn’t. Sometimes with a modem you almost climb a pole to get more than one strip. And this is in the city, but imagine how difficult it is to find a good connection area somewhere in the forest. Craftsmen advise creating something like an antenna.

As for the cost of communication, it is approximately the same for all operators - 4 GB of traffic will cost you about 400 rubles per month. This is not much, but there is one interesting thing hidden here - if you plan to use a USB modem constantly, then you will definitely not have enough traffic. No matter how many packages you buy for 4 or 5, etc., gigabytes, they will still fly away in a matter of days, especially if you like to not only check your email, but also watch videos.

3 nuances with USB connectors

1 If there are not enough USB connectors.

Then you can purchase a USB splitter (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 USB splitter

2 USB ports are too close.

It happens that there are enough USB connectors, but they are located so close that it is no longer possible to use a USB modem.

In this case, you can purchase a USB extension cable (Fig. 4). This is a wire that is inserted at one end, for example, into a laptop, and at the other end you can attach a USB modem.

Rice. 4 USB extension cable

If necessary, I connect via a USB extension cable. It is almost impossible to connect the modem directly, that is, without a USB extension cable, to my laptop; more precisely, then you need to disconnect all other USB devices, which can be inconvenient.

3 Oh, those numbers: USB 1, 2 or 3

In 1995, USB 1.0 connectors were released, in 2000 - USB 2.0 connectors, in 2008 - USB 3.0.

USB 2.0 connectors are compatible with USB 3.0. The difference between them is speed: data is transferred through USB 3 much faster than through USB 2.

If you doubt your knowledge of the connectors on your computer, then the easiest way is to bring your laptop or tablet to a mobile operator’s showroom and immediately try to connect a new USB modem. They will definitely help you there.

What if you use your smartphone as a Wi-Fi router?

A modem is, of course, good, but connection problems force you to look for other ways to access the Internet when you are far from your computer. Pay attention to your smartphone. One of the many functions is the ability to use a smartphone as a modem and Wi-Fi router, more details in.

In short, putting your smartphone into router mode is quite simple. There is a special menu item in the settings; just go to it and enable the function of distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi. There you can also configure your network name and password. Then turn on the Internet on your phone and now you have your own router. Put it in your pocket and enjoy surfing the Internet via your tablet or laptop.

Rice. 5 Smartphone

Surprisingly, the smartphone (Fig. 5) gives very good quality communications, even outside the city. All that remains is to select a tariff (or option) with the Internet on your SIM card.

You can purchase SIM cards from different mobile operators and, depending on the reception or location in a particular region, insert one or another SIM card into your smartphone. True, now some SIM cards are valid for a limited time, for example, 45 days. And then, in the absence of any activity on the part of the user, the mobile operator turns off the SIM card without warning and all unused money is lost.

Let's add another minus to the box of minuses. While your smartphone is working as a router, it consumes battery power, and quite quickly. In some cases, such an Internet may be incomplete; it may only be suitable for letters and searching for information. But with video there may be problems and limitations. Although, not a fact. Since a lot depends not on the smartphone itself, but on the chosen tariff or tariff options of the cellular operator.

Making a choice

When choosing between a modem and a smartphone, you need to proceed from what you have. If you already have a smartphone, then you need to use it. Why buy a modem if a smartphone can perform this function perfectly?!

Well, if you don’t have a smartphone yet, then the choice can be made either in favor of a modem or in favor of a smartphone. Here, too, a smartphone has certain competitive advantages over a modem. After all, a smartphone is also a “smart phone” with many other useful functions and applications, including

Access point - very useful thing, but do not confuse it with a router. There are some differences between them, although they perform very similar functions.

Access point - what is it

An access point (APN) is a device through which other devices gain access to the Internet. Let's say you have wired Internet, and you need to connect several devices to it - a computer, a telephone and a TV. APN will come to the rescue: by connecting an Internet cable to it, you will distribute the Internet to all devices via a W-Fi network.

Differences between APN and router

A standard router does the same job - it takes the Internet from one source and distributes it to many devices. But, firstly, this was not always the case: initially, routers divided the Internet from one cable into several wires, each of which could be connected to one device. This possibility remains in modern routers: on the rear panel there is one input for a WAN cable that supplies the Internet, and several inputs for wires that will lead the Internet to some device. But after some time, routers learned to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, so the difference between them and APN decreased, but still remained.

The router has an input for WAN and LAN cable

Secondly, the router can do more than APN. The access point only receives information and sends it out, the router is the same, but can also:

  • route (redistribute) traffic between several network levels. That's why it is sometimes called a router;
  • issue an individual number to each connected device (assign an IP), which helps manage the amount of traffic allocated to a particular device. For example, thanks to this you can limit maximum speed one device so that another gets higher priority;
  • guarantees greater security, as it has a built-in firewall;
  • may have more more settings, the availability of which depends on the router model.

There are also differences in the usage process, listed in table format.

Table: router differences from APN

By connecting the router first to the provider's cable and configuring it once, you do not have to separately configure each computer or laptop connected after it in your home/office networkThe device located on the network after the access point will need to make settings from the provider.
You can easily organize a home network: the router will act as a dhcp server, distribute IP addresses within the network, you only need to connect the devices to the configured router - it will do the rest itself.With settings home network you will have to tinker, including, possibly, obtaining additional IP addresses from the provider.
The router has firewall functionality and a built-in firewall, which means it provides improved network protection.The access point does not have any security functionality other than simple traffic encryption.
If you need high connection speed for some tasks, you can always connect your computer to the router using a network cable and get the maximum speed that your provider provides.Most access points do not have a wired data transfer interface to end devices, and the wireless connection speed is not suitable for all tasks.
For the operation of some highly specialized programs/interfaces, it may be necessary to configure port forwarding on the router, since the internal IP address of the devices is not accessible “from the outside”, from the router’s subnet.The access point transparently broadcasts traffic, and for some highly specialized tasks this is good. The IP address of the end device is accessible from the outside without additional settings.

What to choose - APN or router

Based on all the differences described above, we can conclude: it is better, because it is easier, to use a router. APN is convenient in offices and organizations; it is recommended to use a router in home and private premises, as it is easy to both configure and reconfigure in the future, it is safer, has more settings and provides the ability to distribute the Internet via cable, which ensures the fastest and most stable distribution Internet.

The last factor is very important: APN distributes the Internet only via Wi-Fi, and many desktop computers do not know how to receive a Wi-Fi signal. Of course, you can purchase additional equipment for your computer, but if your goal is comfort at home, use a router.

But APNs are sometimes used for another purpose: increasing the range of the router. Let's say you have a router that distributes the Internet to several rooms, but its signal does not reach the farthest one, and there is no way to rearrange it. In this case, the router synchronizes with the APN, which increases the signal strength. Many companies produce both routers and access points, so their compatibility is ensured.

What to look for when purchasing an APN

If you still decide to purchase an APN, then pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • maximum number of connected devices - shows how many devices the APN can simultaneously service. Of course, if APN is installed at home, where 2-4 devices will connect to it, then this parameter is not important, but for organizations in which the number of devices exceeds a hundred, this is important;
  • what is used to control it, is there any special software from the manufacturer;
  • maximum and minimum data transfer speed;
  • encryption method, WPA or WPA2 is recommended, a more outdated method is WEP;
  • frequency range - also affects connection speed, compatibility, range, and the ability of the signal to bypass physical barriers.

Select a device based on price/quality ratio. Ask your salesperson to tell you which APN is best for your needs.

APN setup

In most cases, the access point is configured automatically as soon as it gains access to the Internet. But in the future you can reconfigure it by following these steps:

  1. Some companies provide special program, which allows you to manage APN. But in most cases, a local website is provided, launched through a browser. You can find out which method is used in your case in the instructions. We will consider the second option - to enter the site, usually, but not always, the address or is used. To log in you will need a username and password, this is used by default. Login information can also be found in the instructions or on the manufacturer’s website.

    Enter your password and login to log in

  2. The interface of points from different manufacturers differs, but the general logic remains the same: find the “Network setup” or “Quick setup” section and go to it.

    Go to the “Quick setup” section

  3. In it you can select a network, a name for it, set a password for the connection, select an encryption method and signal strength. There are also more detailed settings(standard, frequency, VMM), which should not be touched unless you know what they affect.

    We change all the necessary settings of the access point

APN via device

Most modern devices are capable of performing APN functions - distributing mobile or wired Internet via Wi-Fi network to other devices. The speed and range are sometimes lower than in a separate base station, but the capabilities should be sufficient for temporary Internet distribution. Please note that when distributing mobile internet traffic is sometimes limited or paid for in a different, often more expensive, plan.


  1. Open your device settings.

    Open Android settings

  2. Go to the "More" section.

    Open the “More” section

  3. Open the “Access Point” subsection.

    Open the “Access Point” section

  4. Select the distribution method: Wi-Fi network, cable or Bluetooth. Activate one of them. Done, the second device connected using the selected method has gained access to the Internet.

    Activate one of the access point modes


If the Modem Mode tab is missing, follow these steps:

Table: network settings for popular operators


This method is suitable for users of laptops running Windows 7. In other versions of the system, it is also possible to create an APN, but the steps will be slightly different. Share internet with personal computer Without additional equipment it will not be possible, since PCs as standard do not know how to receive and transmit a Wi-Fi network.

  1. Click on the network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and go to the network control center.

The question is indeed very relevant and interesting. But to answer it more fully, you should first understand how these two devices differ? After all, at first glance, there are practically no differences - they allow you to connect computers, laptops and other devices to the Internet. But this may seem so only at first glance. If you study the topic, it becomes clear that the purpose of these devices is completely different.

What is an access point?

What are the functions of an access point? First of all, it is the reception and distribution of Internet traffic via cable or wireless connection. The access point can also receive data via a wireless connection in order to transmit it via cable.

In other words, its main function is to broadcast traffic. But at the same time, the access point does not perform any operations with traffic - more details. When several devices are connected, the traffic is divided equally between them. Moreover, the device usually has only one LAN port, which can significantly limit the functionality of the device.

What is a router?

A router or router has much more functionality. It is capable of both receiving and transmitting data, and redistributing it, acting according to the rules set by the user.

For example, he can:

  • act as a firewall to ensure network security;
  • assign an IP address to all devices connected to it;
  • distribute Internet traffic between networks and subnets;
  • limit the transmission speed of data packets.

The simplest model can do this; more expensive ones have much broader functionality.

With such possibilities, modern wi-fi router can also provide wireless Internet connection for PCs, laptops, tablets and other devices. In other words, it successfully combines the duties of a regular router and an access point.

What to choose?

Let's summarize - which device is better to buy to meet your needs. IN in this case it all depends on what requirements you place on the equipment.

If you just want to provide your apartment with wireless Internet in order to be able to use the World Wide Web from the kitchen, bedroom and living room, then it would be better to purchase a regular WiFi router. You just need to set it up once so that you can easily connect to the Internet from any device.

If you need to provide distribution wireless internet for a large room (hotel, cafe, office), then in this case an access point will be more effective. This will allow all clients of a spacious room or even the entire building to enjoy the benefits of the World Wide Web.
