Children's birthday party "pirate party or treasure hunt". Pirate birthday script

Scenario children's day birth of "Pirate Treasure Island"

Props: everything that is suitable for pirate costumes - vests, boots, bandanas, toy weapons, transferable tattoos; the presenter covers one eye with a black bandage, a parrot sits on his shoulder (sewn soft toy). You will also need a treasure chest.

On the table: A cake in the shape of a ship will look very impressive. If you bake it yourself, then sponge or honey cakes are cut out in a shape reminiscent of the deck of a ship, doused with melted chocolate; Edible sails are made from marzipan or orange slices and attached with wooden sticks).

For room decoration fish, shells, sea ​​stars, turtles, nets, blue and white air balloons, ropes, black pirate flag. The pirate Old Joe greets the guests. Each guest receives some attribute of a pirate costume and puts it on. Children can already come with toy guns and sabers.

Old Joe

Hello babies,
Hello boys!
Don't be bored! Don't yawn!
Better play with us.
I offer you a game
I'll gather you all together
And I'll dress like a pirate,
And I’ll start dancing right away.
Well, guys, come over
And get yourself a suit!
Dress up, don't be shy
Charge yourself with positivity!

Children in one of the rooms find a hidden chest (box) of an old one-eyed pirate. Who's celebrating their birthday today? Vladik! Let's help him find the treasure then! All agree? But we need to dress up as pirates so that the old pirate John Silver doesn’t guess anything. We were all very lucky; the chest we found contained just the right pirate clothes.

(Children dress up as pirates)

Old Joe:

Well now, friends, let's check which of you are pirates. I suggest you have a real sword fight. But since all the swords were confiscated from us by law enforcement officers, we will replace them with ordinary balloons. (Kids stand on a low bench and fight with balls until there is only one winner left on the bench).

Old Joe:

I see, I see, you are pirates,
All the boys are naughty!
Well let's try again
One test
If you pass it,
You'll definitely find it
The most important prize in the world -
The treasure will fulfill our whim.
Well, you pirates are what you need,
Would you like some chocolate?
Maybe it's time to start
Look for our treasured treasure!
I hand over the card to you,
I'll keep an eye on the clock
Who will find the treasure faster?
He'll leave rich!

To decide what to do next, we need to take a better look at the piece of old map found in the chest. There is a riddle about the closet on the map,
He stands in the corner against the wall.
Oh, he looks huge
But he is not punished at all.
Mom keeps things in it.
and we all head there. Once at the closet, we find the next riddle about the vacuum cleaner.

He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums,
He swallows both dust and rubbish.
Answer: Vacuum cleaner
Then, having discovered the vacuum cleaner, we find another card with a riddle.
Admire, look -
The North Pole is inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.
Forever this winter for us
Brought from the store.
Answer: Refrigerator

In the new task, the instruction is to move to the sofa,
It's big, comfortable, soft
You can sleep soundly on it.
And when no one sees
You can ride on it.
there is another riddle there. The most accurate of you will receive a hint.

We throw balls into the basket. All participants receive 3 balls.

While playing on old map an arrow appeared pointing to African jungle. Following the arrow, we find a tiger in the jungle who has a clue, but she will give it back only after a fun dance and game.

(Music sounds, all the children dance)

Initiation into pirates.

Old Joe asks humorous questions to each guest. Those who answered correctly are initiated by the Parrot into pirates - he puts on an eye patch, or a bandana on his head, or draws a “black eye” under his eye or a beard and mustache. After the last guest is initiated into pirates, everyone shouts the pirate cry - "Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!" Then everyone goes in search of the map.
Questions for guests:
1. Which month is the shortest? (May - it only has three letters)
2. Which river is the scariest? (Tigris River)
3. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
4. What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i")
5. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons)
6. What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He'll get wet)
7. Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)
8. What question cannot be answered “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)
9. What comb should you not comb your hair with? (Petushin)
The man was driving a large truck. The headlights were not on, there was no moon, and the lanterns along the road did not shine. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver did not run her over. How did he manage to see her? (It was day)
10. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)
11. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)
12. What can you see from eyes closed? (Dream)
13. What do we eat for? (At the table)
14. When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)
15. Why, when you want to sleep, do you go to bed? (By gender)
16. How long can you go into the forest? (Up to the middle - then you go out of the forest)
17. When is a person a tree? (When he wakes up from sleep - “pine”)
18. Why does the cow lie down? (Because he doesn't know how to sit down)
19. Can it rain for two days in a row? (No, because the night separates the days).

Rhyme chant "Pirates"
The pirate reads a poem. Before the last line in each quatrain, he shows the children a piece of paper with a hint line and the children pronounce the line loudly in chorus.
1. Raise the anchors, let's set off to the seas! We are fearless guys...
Children: Because we are pirates!
2. There is a menacing wave in the sea, Hurricanes and storms, Well, we are sailing somewhere...
Children: Because we are pirates!
3. We love all the animals. Inhabitants of the seas: Octopus, dolphins, stingrays...
Children: Because we are pirates!
4. We sharpened our knives, Those who didn’t hide - tremble! Only we are not to blame
Children: Because we are pirates!
5. We’ll sail straight to the island, We’ll find treasures there! Let's live richly, friends...
Children: Because we are pirates!
Old Joe: Well, there is some grip, there is! But on a pirate schooner, agility is paramount. Let's see if you are worthy to be accepted into real pirates!
"Walking the Plank"
A long strip of paper half a meter wide is cut out. Pirates must walk along it blindfolded and not step beyond its boundaries. Whoever copes receives the first “black mark” (in our case, it means an incentive for winning and those who earn such marks will be able to exchange them for prizes). Old Joe praises the guys and suggests that they now test their strength.
walk through the swamp- use 2 pieces of paper to reach Silver without stepping on the floor.
"to tie knots"- on a thick rope you need to tie 5 knots as tightly as possible, and when the task is completed, untie them.
find a cache in the dark- the guest is placed in front of a chair with some object, moves away from it 8-10 steps, then the guest is blindfolded, asked to turn around and walk back to the chair and take the object.
"pack mine"- two guests stand next to each other, hand in hand. Their hands touching are tied, and with their free hands the two of them must wrap the package in paper and tie it with a ribbon.

go between the reefs- the guest must walk between the plastic bottles without hitting them (several people can do it at once).
Tie for speed the strongest or trickiest knot, for example, from a scarf, and then try to unravel it just as quickly.

One of the team looks through the telescope and says what he sees, and the others depict it with gestures.
Old Joe: When a pirate receives his long-awaited treasure, he not only takes it, but mentally thanks the heavens for this gift. Pirates are generally superstitious people and really believe in all sorts of legends. For example, making wishes using a bottle...
Desire in a bottle
All the guys write notes with their cherished desires, fold them and hide them in a large dark glass bottle. Old Joe caps the bottle, seals it with plasticine “waxing wax” and says to throw it into the ocean. But in general, it’s not good to pollute the ocean by throwing everything into it, so the pirate simply takes the bottle and hides it. The first to make a wish is, of course, the birthday boy.

Old Joe: And now robber pirates, show me your brutal pirate appetite! Children are invited to the festive table.

The script is designed for children in aged 6 to 9 years. Both boys and girls can take part in it - pirate stories are often popular with both sexes. At least one adult is required to act as facilitator.

If desired, animators can take part in the event.

Preparation for the scenario begins with making invitation cards. Their design may be different, but the pirate style must be observed. In appearance, it could be a piece of a map, a black mark, a cardboard shaped like a boat or a chest.

The invitation must be kept in accordance with the plot. For example, like this:

Hello my friend!

I have the honor to invite you to participate in the celebration of my birthday. My ship “Greedy Seagull” is waiting for you in the old bay (we add the real address where the name day is held). Come (indicate the date of celebration, time). I promise lots of treasures and fun!

Brave captain (name of the birthday boy).

The furnishings in the apartment should create the scenery for the scenario. You will need at least one room. It can be used to make a cabin or the deck of a ship.

Cabin- This is living quarters for sailors. When decorating it, you can use a hammock, clothes like sailors (vest, dark trousers, etc.), marine-themed toys (ships, fish, jellyfish, algae, etc.). A round frame with inside of it is suitable as a porthole (window) of the cabin. you can place a picture of water and sea ​​inhabitants. As an option, you can cover the window in the room with a large poster on which a porthole will be drawn.

ship deck determined by the presence of a characteristic detail - the steering wheel. You can make it yourself, from scrap materials. The same goes for sails. Additional elements - boats, anchor, lifebuoys.

To designate a ship as a pirate, just hang out Jolly Roger- black material with white inscriptions. It is not necessary to draw a skull - you can add the name of the captain (birthday boy), the name of the ship, or the phrase “Happy Birthday!”

Guests must be notified to arrive at pirate costumes, but if someone couldn’t, it is advisable to have at least some parts of the costume typical for sailors: an eye patch, a pirate hat or head scarf, ear clips, a vest.

For table decoration can be used blue colors: tablecloth, napkins, plates. Between the dishes you can place shells, figurines of ships, and fish.

As background music It would be a good idea to use a recording of the sound of waves and the calls of seabirds.

So, all the guests are gathered and the holiday can begin. The host makes a toast with congratulations to the birthday boy, uncorks a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne (or you can pour lemonade into an empty bottle in advance), pours it into glasses and hands it to the guests.

Before this, it should be mentioned that the bottle accidentally fell into pirate nets while fishing. When the “champagne” is drunk, the host will announce that there was a note at the bottom of the bottle.

The note, of course, needs to be prepared in advance. To do this, use crumpled paper with torn or burnt edges. The text of the message can be changed.


“I am an old lonely pirate, abandoned by fate to a desert island. Here, surrounded by monkeys and coconut trees, I have to live out my days, regretting the irretrievably lost treasures. Maybe someone who finds my message will be lucky? For twelve days and nights we chased the ship with the royal treasure on our schooner. They managed to get away from us for two days, but then we still overtook them on the island of Chocolate. They managed to hide the treasure somewhere on the island. Three warships did not give us time to find the treasure - the soldiers captured us and sent us to the mainland. I managed to jump into the sea and get out onto a desert island. Here is a map of Chocolate Island. Try your luck!”

The map can be shown on back side messages, or in the form of a separate note. It should be a diagram of the apartment with symbols. A room or large object receives a symbolic name, for example:

  • table – Desert
  • kitchen – Coconut Forest
  • bathroom – Azure Bay
  • hallway – Rocky Grotto
  • refrigerator – Ice Cave
  • balcony – Gorge
  • sofa – Swamp
  • stove in the kitchen – Valley of Geysers
  • indoor plants – Liana thickets

1) The journey begins from the place indicated by the number 1. This will be the Desert. The host invites the guests to have a light snack and go on a hike.

While the guests are having a snack, you can proclaim that the ship “Greedy Seagull” has set sail and will soon arrive at the island of Chocolate. You can accompany the journey with a video recording on a monitor or TV screen: the ship moves across the sea and, after some struggle with the waves, arrives at the coast of the island.

So, having landed on the shore, players must figure out where to go next. In our case, this is the Desert (table). Cards with riddles are scattered on the table. You need to solve them all to be able to move on. The last riddle contains the answer. There shouldn’t be too many riddles—ten to fifteen will be enough. It is desirable that they be on a marine theme. For example: “What happens if you throw a blue ball into the Red Sea?” Answer: the ball will get wet.

The last riddle: “He is always wet and leaking something. In front of him there is a pri-, sometimes from-, sometimes a pro-, and in our case, in front of him there is a pro-“. The answer is the bay. Guests move to the Azure Bay (bathroom).

2) Another note is attached to the bathroom door, which contains the task: come up with 25 words related to pirates and the sea, and so that they are not repeated. When the words are chosen, you can go into the bathroom and see a drawing of a coconut on the wall. Players must guess that the next destination is Coconut Forest (kitchen).

3) In the kitchen, a stretched rope awaits the children, on which “coconuts” are hung - boxes or round containers that can be opened. The task is to break coconuts until four letters are found. Some of the coconuts are empty inside, some contain candies (the one who opens such a “coconut” gets candy), and four of them contain the letters “r”, “r”, “o”, “t”. The letters can be made from cardboard or bought plastic. From these four letters, players must form the word "grotto". This will be a hint where to move next - Rocky Grotto (hallway).

4) There are a number of shoes placed in the hallway. Inside one of the shoes is a note cut into four pieces. After the children assemble a whole note from the pieces, like a puzzle, they will be able to read: “The exit from the grotto is guarded by 10 spiders, you need to eliminate them.”

There are a dozen spiders scattered around the hallway, different places. Some can be stuck to walls or hung from strings. When all the spiders are collected in the basket, the presenter will allow the players to look into the cache (closet) and see a drawing there with a hint: a liana. This is a hint at the Liana Thickets (a room in which indoor plants are placed).

5) Monkeys live in the Liana thickets and block the passage of travelers.

The players' task is to throw 10 coconuts into the monkeys' food basket. The basket is located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. Children throw balls until all 10 are inside. After this, you can carefully examine the balls and see several letters on them: "swamp" . The next destination is the Swamp (sofa).

6) There are obstacles on the sofa in the form of objects that can be knocked over (bottles, cans, toys, etc.)

The first player is blindfolded and given the opportunity to walk through the swamp without hitting a single piece. If the item falls, the player drowns in the swamp and it’s the next player’s turn to try his luck. When at least someone was able to successfully cross the swamp, the whole company gets the right to look under the sofa and find a bowl containing ice cubes (they need to be placed there before the start of this competition, but not at the very beginning of the scenario, so that the ice does not have time to melt ).

Ice tells children to move towards the glacier (refrigerator).

7) There are magnets attached to the refrigerator, under which there are pieces of paper with the letters: “k”, “l”, “a”, “d”.

When the word “treasure” is collected from them, this means that you can open the refrigerator and take out the treasured pirate treasure - a luxurious chocolate cake. “So here it is, the treasure of Chocolate Island!” - exclaims the presenter. “You managed to prove your pirate skills and find treasures. Now we can congratulate our captain and start celebrating his birthday!”

After the cake is eaten, you can start playing. The set of games can be anything, but it is advisable to keep them in a nautical style - “favorite pirate games.”

1) Pearl catcher.

The players' task is to dive to the bottom of the sea and find pearls there. To do this, the child needs to be blindfolded, then lay out several small objects on the floor. The player moves by touch, and when one of the objects comes to his hand, he can “surface” or look for more. Each player gets 30-60 seconds to search, otherwise he will drown (the leader must have a stopwatch). Everything that the child managed to catch in the allotted time, he must identify blindfolded. The more items the player guesses, the more valuable the prize he will receive. The items can be small toys or other marine-themed attributes.

2) Rum glasses.

Everyone knows that pirates love rum. After all the rum is drunk, there are many empty glasses left. You can build a pyramid out of them, which will become an obstacle for the enemy...

To play you need 20 plastic cups. Guests are divided into two teams, and each receives a task: to build a pyramid of cups turned upside down: four, then three, two and one at the very top of the pyramid. Whoever built the pyramid faster and did not fall apart in the process won.

3) Speed ​​fishing.

Necessary equipment for the game: 2 buckets, a fishing rod and two dozen fish in the form of refrigerator magnets. You can make a fishing rod yourself: a wooden or plastic stick, a rope tied to it, and at the end of the rope a metal object to which a magnet is attracted.

The competition is a team one: the room is divided into two halves, with ten “fish” laid out on the floor in each. The players' task is to catch all the fish and put them in a bucket, while beating their opponents.

4) Black mark.

Pirates love to play cards. A deck with ordinary playing cards- 36 pieces.

The children sit in a circle and the leader nominates whoever takes the card first. The player takes one card from the deck and shows it to everyone.

  • if it is one of the aces, then the pirate has received a black mark and must be eliminated from the game (in this case, the ace returns to the deck and it is shuffled)
  • if a player draws a “six”, then he must draw another card
  • if the player takes out the “queen” card, then he must read a short poem
  • if the player draws the “king” card, he becomes the king of the pirates and keeps the card for himself, and later can use it to cancel the black mark or refuse to read the poem, draw the card again (after which the card is taken away and he ceases to be the king of the pirates). You can accumulate several kings
  • any other card removed from the deck means nothing and is set aside

The goal of the game is to wait until each player gets a black mark, except one. He becomes the winner and receives a prize.

This year we celebrated my son’s 8th birthday at the dacha in a wonderfully fun and funny way. I borrowed many ideas from friends and online, processed them, and this is what came out.

Decor children's pirate party

You will need:

Papers with images of bottles, flags, daggers, bags of money, etc.
- schooner “Sea Pearl” (we temporarily turned the gazebo into a ship, cut out the steering wheel from cardboard and attached it to the pipe, made the bow from a cardboard box, hung the gazebo with ropes)
- Jolly Roger
- Jolly Roger balloons
- checkboxes
- chest (I attach a diagram at the bottom of the article)
- steering wheel
- draperies-sails
- anchor (make from cardboard)
- map
On the map they drew an approximate diagram of the house and yard: Treasure Island itself (yard), round cove (pool), swinging cradle (swing), valley of wisdom (desk), coral cove (bathroom), banana grove (kitchen), entrance to cave (cellar), jungle (garden), sleepy hollow (sofa), mammoth glacier (refrigerator), volcano (stove), waterfall (outdoor shower), bridge (path from the gate to the house), plateau (balcony), onion grove ( vegetable garden with onions and lettuce), etc. Ideally, the map should be drawn on paper soaked in tea and dried with torn edges.

Part 1 of the pirate party. Silver's test

The guests are greeted by the host (it was me in a pirate costume), who offers to join the pirates and go for treasure. To do this you need to pass tests.

So, are you ready to become a pirate?

To become real pirates, you need to show that you are brave, dexterous, fighting, cunning and quick-witted and pass tests.

- A pirate must be fearless.
Jump up to the ceiling - the guest is blindfolded, and someone stands behind him with a board. Then we ask the guest to jump, he jumps, but does not reach the ceiling. We ask you to jump again, while raising the board above the guest’s head to such a height that the guest can reach it.

- Pirates must be smart.
Of course, I didn’t use all of these riddles, just choose the ones you like the most.
Mysteries of old Flint in a barrel
What can't you eat for breakfast? (Dinner and supper)
What happens to a blue scarf if you put it in water for five minutes? (gets wet)
Two birch trees grow, each birch has four cones. How much in total? (Cones do not grow on birch trees).
The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (Maybe, since the dog sits on the ground on its tail).
Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i")
Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)
What comb should you not comb your hair with? (Petushin)
What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)
What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)
What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
What are we eating for? (At the table)
When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)
Why, when you want to sleep, do you go to bed? (By gender)
What is the name of the steering wheel on a ship? (steering wheel)
What is the name of the staircase on a ship? (ladder)
What is the name of the kitchen (galley) on a ship?
A giant swims across the ocean and releases a fountain of water. (Whale)
What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry)
A head with four legs lives between the stones. (Turtle)
She lives in the water, has no beak, but bites. (Fish)
If it lies at the bottom, the ship will not run into the distance. (Anchor)
Marine vessel (ship)
The main person on the ship after the captain (boatswain)
Sailor apprentice (cabin boy)
Tall wooden sail support (mast)
Side of the ship (side)
Room for sailors (cockpit)
Board for launching from a ship (ladder)
Sea robbers (pirates)
Man-eating fish (shark)
Ship's rudder (wheel)
Duty on the ship (watch)
Berthing area (port)
The front of the ship (bow)
Ship's cook (cook)
Accommodation for the captain or passengers (cabin)
A large body of salt water smaller than an ocean (sea)

- Pirates must be fighting.
Teams are given inflated balloons. The task is to burst the enemy's balloon and protect your own. Or you can simply play with water pistols in a pirate battle, dividing into teams (don’t forget to prepare spare dry things).

- Pirates must be accurate.
We make shells out of paper and distribute them to two teams. The task is to get into the bucket from a short distance. At first I wanted this competition, but in the end we just threw apples into buckets)

- Pirates must be able to fish.
The presenter times the time. Who will pull out a large amount, within the allotted time, he won.

- Pirates must be cunning. Pirates must be cunning and not fall for tricks. Need it quickly and correctly
answer the riddles:
- Fastest from fear
Rushing... (not a turtle, but a hare).
- Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... (not a wolf, but a bear)
- In your warm puddle
Croaked loudly... (not a sparrow, but a frog).
- I walked along a steep mountain
Overgrown with fur... (not a crocodile, but a ram).
- In the thicket I raised my head,
Howls from hunger... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).
- Like in a bus salon
Jumped into mom’s bag... (not an elephant, but a baby kangaroo).
- The sun’s ray went out over the forest
The king of beasts is sneaking... (not a rooster, but a lion).
- Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful one hits with his hoof (not a lion, but a horse).
- He takes the hay with his trunk
Thick-skinned... (elephant, not hippopotamus).
- The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head.
There is no bird more beautiful than... (not a crow, but a peacock).
- Who likes to run around the branches?
Of course, red... (not a fox, but a squirrel).
- A simple question for kids:
“Who is the cat afraid of?” ... (not mice, but dogs)

After all the tests, the children need to be fed, and only then continue the game. It is desirable that the table is also decorated in a pirate style. We immediately bought disposable tableware and napkins with pirate symbols and this question disappeared for us.

Part 2 of the pirate party. Initiation into pirates

Pirate's Oath

“By joining the ranks of pirates, I swear to honor the pirate code, help my comrades, divide the found treasures according to honor, otherwise let me be thrown to the sharks.” Those who agree say their name.

Now let's dress up like pirates!

Puts on an eye patch
- bandana on the head
- draws a black eye under the eye
- draws a beard or mustache.
- distributes sabers made of cardboard wrapped in foil.
- come up with a scary pirate name for everyone

Shout the pirate cry

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Who's who on the team

The captain chooses the cook
The cook must be the most careful to choose it - we play the game “Edible - not edible” with a ball.
The captain chooses the boatswain
Must be able to listen to the captain's orders.
Left hand drive! - everyone runs to the left side (the left edge of the sidewalk).
Right steering wheel! - everyone runs to the right side (the right edge of the sidewalk).
Nose! - everyone runs forward.
Stern! - everyone runs back.
Raise the sails! - everyone stops and raises their hands up.
Scrub the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.
Cannonball! - everyone squats.
The admiral is on board! - everyone freezes, stands at attention and salutes.
The captain chooses a cabin boy
Young must be fast and agile. We play ball in a bag. We put the ball in a bag, tie the handles with a rope, put the children around us and, sitting down and spinning the ball at the bottom, the children must jump over it; those who do not have time are eliminated.

Part 3 of the pirate party. Treasure Hunt

Let's refresh our strength and drink rum (lemonade with a "Rum" sticker) to the health of our birthday captain!
They eat sandwiches and drink rum (replacing the bottle with a bottle with a note).

While the children are having a snack, you can play the game “Pirate Secrets”. You need 2 envelopes or boxes with questions and answers, the children take turns pulling them (question and answer). It turns out very funny.


Do you like read?
Do you help mom do the cleaning?
Do you have a chamber pot under your bed?
Do you sing in the shower?
Do you eat semolina porridge in the morning?
Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
Do you binge on ice cream alone?
Do you write obscene words on walls?


Yes, I love this activity!
Never in my life!
I'm embarrassed to admit it, but yes!
I have been inclined towards this since birth!
What an indecent question!
Only when no one is watching!
Every day three times a day!
It happens according to the mood!

Old Flint's Letter

Silver reads old Flint's letter
“Greetings young pirates! In honor of the captain's birthday, I decided to reveal my secret and give the birthday boy and his friends a map of Treasure Island, where I hid a priceless treasure. Moor your ship in the round bay of Treasure Island and proceed 30 steps south. The secret is kept by SKELETON. "Captain Flint, the storm of the seas."
The captain says loudly: “Raise the sails! Full speed ahead!

Round Bay Treasure Island

Using a map and compass, we find the skeleton (Legov’s skeleton, you can draw it). Underneath is a cache with clues:
“The crossword clue will tell you what you need to look for”, solve the crossword puzzle:
· The sun setting behind the horizon (sunset) - (W)
· Kitchen on the ship (galley) - (A)
· Parking place (port) - (P)
· The most famous pirate whose treasure we are looking for (Flint) - (I)
· The front of the ship (bow) - (C)
· Ship's cook (cook) - (K)
· Accommodation for the captain or passengers (cabin) - (A)
We are looking for a note in the bay of Treasure Island “You are in the wrong bay! Look for another one near the Codunya field!”

Witch's Field

We tell a legend about an insidious witch who does not sleep at night and is just waiting to bewitch someone. Accordingly, you can cross the valley only during the day; when “night” is declared, we freeze and do not move.

Coral Bay

We sail to Coral Bay (we have only 2 bays on the map, those connected with water). In the bathroom, the children see a mark painted on the wall (an abandoned black mark factory).

Pirate Tag Factory

You need to find 6 pirate tags in the barn. There is one letter on each label. Having collected all the marks, you need to put the letters together into a word - and then it will become clear where to go next. The word p-e-sh-e-r-a is formed.

After the children find all the marks and run to the cave (they guess that the cave is a basement), a ghost appears and does not allow them to go to the cave. It says it will let children through for 10 red berries. The children run and pick cherries and bring them to the ghost. it lets them through to the cave.

Cave entrance

The note is hidden in a black box with a mark. The box is in a visible place. The children take out the note and realize that it has been cut into pieces. First you need to assemble it like a puzzle and read the contents.
Note 3 says: “It is impossible to enter the cave, as it is guarded the bats. First find 10 bats, put them in a bag, and then look into the cave.”
Children look for 10 bats in the hallway and put them in a bag lying right there. When all the hidden bats have been found, the presenter will offer to look into the cave (the cave can be a large closet), where in the most visible place there is a sheet of paper with a picture of a palm tree. Children look at the map and understand: the palm tree symbolizes the jungle.


In the garden, on the upper branches hangs a scroll note 4: “From the old volcano to the north there are 15 steps. Dig! .
Bury the word note 5 “Dream” in the box. It is concluded that the next point on the route is the swinging sleepy hollow.

Rocking cradle (swing)

On the sofa there is a bag of empty plastic bottles with pirate marks instead of labels) and a scarf.
Note 6: “Everyone falls asleep in Sleepy Hollow: both people and animals. Here you can fall asleep forever and never wake up again. Many tried to leave the ravine in a sleeping state, but they failed. Will you be able to pass through the ravine in a sleeping state and come out of it safe and sound?”
The leader places the pins as the border of a winding path. Children take turns trying to walk along this path blindfolded without knocking over a single pin. When at least someone manages to pass without hitting the pin, you can start looking for the mark. A bulb is drawn on the swing leg.

Onion Grove

On one of the bulbs there is a note 7 “25 steps to the north” - along the way we see a skeleton, we look where it is pointing. Need to hide paper snowflake with a pirate mark. After finding a snowflake, children will conclude that the next destination is a glacier.

Glacier mammoth

A glacier is a refrigerator.

Meeting with the Ghost

Here the Ghost appears. I ask the Ghost if the pirates can take the treasure. He says that Flint's curse hangs over the treasures, and only the bravest can get them.
To determine courage you need to: break 5 eggs on your forehead, one of which is raw (5 people).
To define gaiety, you need to come up with a dance of little foals and ducklings.
To determine resourcefulness, you need to put the letters together into a word (the letters hang on the refrigerator). Children form the word “Treasures”.
The ghost says that all Flint's conditions have been met, and you can go to the glacier. And here are the treasures! The treasure is in the chest (candies and chocolate coins).

And as promised, the diagram of the pirate chest...

I wish everyone have a fun day birth!!!

5.00 /5 | Voted: 3

We offer different ages. It is better to spend the holiday in nature, as children can transform into pirates Caribbean Sea you will need a lot of free space.

The area where the event will take place should be festively decorated with pirate attributes: balloons, flags, images sea ​​monsters and everything that has to do with robbers and the sea. It will be great if you can make an improvised ship “Black Pearl” (from paper, balloons). Since children's birthday is in pirate style, the presenter will be the real Jack Sparrow. His role can be played by dad or another relative, ready to transform into the main villain of all the seas. There shouldn't be any difficulties with the costume: White shirt, vest, wide belt, many fingers on his fingers and an earring in his ear. A spectacular wig can be bought or made from woolen threads. The presenter will have to add the favorite phrases of sea robbers to the vocabulary: “Where is my bottle of rum?”, “A thousand devils,” etc.

Prizes should be prepared for the winners and participants of all competitions - pirate-themed souvenirs (keychains, tattoos, etc.)

According to the script pirate day birthday party for children, guests are greeted by the birthday boy and Jack Sparrow. You can set a dress code in advance or offer bandanas, blindfolds, feathered hats and other accessories on site.

Jack Sparrow:

Raise the sails! Everyone line up on deck! Our ship is embarking on a dangerous journey, and I must make sure that my crew is ready for any task.

Competition “What do you call the boat”

Participants must come up with options for a name for the ship in 5 minutes. Jack and the birthday boy choose the best one. The winner receives a souvenir prize.

Jack Sparrow:

Our (ship name) is ready to set sail. But you can’t do without special nautical words along the way.

The box contains pieces of paper with various ship terms. Each guest takes turns pulling out one piece of paper, reading out the word and explaining what it means. The presenter helps with tips. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

  • Galley - ship's kitchen;
  • Gangway - a ladder on a ship;
  • Kubrick room for sailors;
  • Steering wheel - the rudder of a ship;
  • Board - the side of the ship;
  • Porthole ship windows;
  • Stern - the back of the ship;
  • Bow - the front part of the ship;
  • Latrine - toilet;
  • Hook – metal hook;
  • Locker - a box for personal belongings.
Jack Sparrow:

Well, you are smart sea wolves. But how will you behave in battle?

Participants line up. At a distance of 3 meters from them there are paper ships. Task: hit the ship with a ball. The one who sinks the most ships wins. Everyone has three attempts.

Jack Sparrow:

Great, team! But, a pirate should not be hungry. Since there are no supermarkets in the oceans and seas, you will have to catch lunch yourself.

Competition "Fishing"

Use a fishing rod with a magnetic tip to catch as many magnetic fish as possible. Time for the task is 3 minutes.

After this, according to the scenario of a pirate birthday for children, it’s time to have a snack and gain strength for the next entertainment.

Jack Sparrow:

Team! It's time to look for treasures, you thousand devils!

Competition "Sunken Treasure"

Coins are thrown into the bottom of a large basin of water. Participants in the competition need to collect as many treasures as possible. But you can’t do this with your hands. Ladles are used as tools.

Jack Sparrow:

Real pirates of the Caribbean are very fast and attentive. And you are real pirates, so you can easily cope with the following tasks.

Competition "Don't fall overboard"

On the ground there is a board 15-20 cm wide. Pirates need to walk along it blindfolded without stepping outside the boundaries.

Competition "Sea Knots"

Guests are divided into two teams. Each participant is given a piece of thick rope. Everyone has the same task - tie three knots on the cord as tightly as possible. After this, the teams change and untie the enemy's knots. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Jack Sparrow:

It's time for the old pirate tradition. All pirates of the Caribbean, and not only, are very superstitious. We especially believe that all wishes written down on paper, put in a bottle and thrown into the sea will definitely come true.

All guests are invited to write their wishes to the birthday boy. Then all the messages are put into a bottle prepared in advance. The robber promises to throw her into the ocean and guarantees that everything written will come true.

At the end of the event, Captain Jack invites the birthday boy and his guests to break a piñata (a papier-mâché figure filled with sweets) made in the shape of a treasure chest.

All kids, without exception, love secrets, mysteries and treasures. That's why pirate themes are so popular among children. So why not make it the basis of an exciting birthday scenario? What the little ones like inspires their parents, which means the holiday will certainly be amazing and exciting.

Gathering guests

To gather your child's friends for a pirate-themed birthday party, prepare special invitations. They can be made on artificially aged sheets, using craft paper. Approximate number of guests – 8 people.

Decorating the place of celebration

You can organize a party in a pirate style both in an apartment and under open air. Decorations include: balloons, flags with pirate symbols, empty glass bottles with notes inside, stones, shells, small boats, pictures of seascapes.

Thinking through the treats

For a pirate holiday, you can prepare meat chops, boiled potatoes, and cut fresh vegetables. For sweets, they would be quite appropriate chocolate candies and cookies, various fruits. You can attach small “sails” made of paper to toothpicks and decorate dishes with them. A cake in the shape of a pirate ship will be a great finale. theme day birth.

We prepare the necessary props

The game program requires some preliminary preparation. For competitions you will need:

  1. Pirate map. It can be made on a sheet of craft paper, or on regular paper aged with tea.
  2. Face painting, vests, blindfolds, pirate hats.
  3. Sword for catching rings (a toy sword is inserted into a cardboard box with the blade facing up).
  4. Ten rings with a diameter of approximately 15 cm.
  5. Ropes with cardboard anchors at one end and pencils at the other.
  6. Balloons yellow color, as well as eyes, mouths, fins, tails to create fish.
  7. Various cans and cubes from which “ships” and balls will be built.
  8. Bowl of water, apples.
  9. Treasure chest. This is a small box or casket containing chocolate coins.
  10. Gifts for participants: bags with souvenirs and sweets.

Birthday script in pirate style

The host of the celebration is one of the adults dressed as a pirate.

Leading: Yo-ho-ho! Greetings, kids! I'm an old pirate named Jack, and I came here for a reason today. A long time ago, a sailor named Sam entrusted me with the secret of where the treasure was hidden. He said that I could only find them with the help of brave kids who dream of becoming pirates. And now this day has come! Will you help me find the treasure?

The children answer in unison: “Yes!”

Leading: Do you know what I have? Treasure map! Yes Yes, real map, with her help we will find the chest. But first, I want to brighten things up for you a little.

The children use face painting to paint mustaches, beards, and pirate marks. In addition, children wear vests, hats and other pirate paraphernalia.

Leading: Well, it's time to hit the road! Let's look at the map... An exciting journey awaits us. In the meantime: “Raise the anchors!”

Children are given ropes with anchors and pencils. On command, the guys begin to race to wind the rope around the pencil.

Leading: So where are we going? The map shows “Quiet Bay”, which means we need to go there. Let's do it small stocks provisions, because soon we will arrive on a desert island. Now we will fish!

The children are given inflated yellow balloons, as well as various parts to create fish: tails, fins, eyes. The young pirates must each make a fish.

Leading: So we arrived at the shore desert island. We need to go ashore!

A circle is drawn on the floor, the space inside it is land, beyond the line is water. Children listen carefully to the leader and every now and then jump over the line, or return back. The presenter gives the commands “Water!” or “Land!”

Leading: Great, here we are on the shore. Where will the map lead us, let's see? Yo-ho-ho! Yes, this is the “Pirate Cave”. Here we will have to linger a little to show ourselves properly. We're clever! We are strong!

Children repeat after the leader: “Dexterous!”, “Strong!” etc.

Leading: Do you see this sword, which many years ago was stuck here by the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong? Only those who are accurate enough will be able to move on.

In this test you need to throw rings onto a protruding sword from a distance of about two to three meters. Each child is given several attempts.

Leading: I'm glad you made it through, but it wasn't easy, wasn't it? After this serious test need some refreshment. Look, the map leads us to the “Mysterious Jungle”. There we will find something edible. And, remember, a real pirate is able to get food even in the wild.

Apples float in a large basin of water. Children must, without using their hands, that is, with their teeth, get the fruit for themselves.

Leading: We had a hearty dinner. But the most delicious thing is still ahead of us, we are almost at the goal, and we are moving along the map to the “Beach of Surprises”. Oh no! What I see? Enemy ships!

“Ships” were built from various available materials. Children must break each and every one of them using balls.

Leading: Oh my young pirates, I can't believe it! It seems that now what I have been waiting for all my life will happen. There are treasures hidden here somewhere. But I can't guess what is written on the card.

The presenter reads the riddle:

“I am a huge machine!

Everyone is happy to trust me

Make your vest clean,

Pants, T-shirt and shirt.

The door needs to be opened slightly

To get the treasure."

Leading: I have no idea what this is about? I've been swimming in the seas for so many years, but I've never heard of such a thing. Children, do you understand what is encrypted in these incomprehensible verses?

Participants answer “Washing machine”

Leading: So what are we waiting for? Let's run to her!

Everybody's heading to washing machine, which contains a chest with coins.

Leading: Oh, no one is happier than me! The dream of my whole life has come true! And now I am ready to give you the gift you deserve.

The pirate gives everyone bags with souvenirs and invites the kids to the table. When everyone is seated, the birthday cake is brought in. The event ends with a feast and tea.

A pirate cake could look like this:
